DX:MD is a full on SJW game, user!
DX:MD is a full on SJW game, user!
you can only go full SocJus, there is no half or there is no point - if a game news site saw these pics you better believe the devs would be btfo
oh shit
#freethenipple amirite guyz?
should've known denovo would've stopped any truthful consensus
doesn't matter, it's shit anyway
bastard stole my dubs
well fuck you, call me sneak king
if it was made for sjws all of these instances of naked white women would be replaced with niggers and men and trannies
get fucking OWNED scrubs
You're supposed to be in a shitty neighborhood, so obviously the devs think this kind of stuff is shitty. You fucking white males just don't understand.
damn dood where'd you get your info? not the same people who called it sjw pandering surely? kys
i fucking hate this new meme
tbh fam it doesn't matter who it panders to, videogames nowadays are designed to appeal to broadest possible audience anyway so you will find all kinds of clashing themes in there
What matters is that it's another lazy game to which the story is an important selling point, where after playing through the story the status quo doesn't change and everything is unresolved so that it's easier to make a sequel - the vidya equivalent of Marvel cinematic universe
try harder, doesn't look suspicious at all
Not a beta permavirgin, don't care
I mean if the devs are bold enough to put tits in a game it's a good sign they aren't super cucks and might actually know something about making a good game?
In other news OP should be banned.
yeah, sure
where are the trannies?
the fatties?
the blacks?
you sure this is sex pos feminism my dude?
you just got fucked up
ITT: Holla Forums being unable to deal with being wrong yet again
This thread is the worst case of butthurt shilling I have seen in a while.
You know, if this website was above strawman arguments for anything it ever tries to "prove", then you might have a fucking point.
But no, this website is all about "HUURRR DUURRR EVERYTHING I DON'T LIKE IS SJW TRASH" just like 4chan.
Not everyone is a hypocritical faggot but don't pretend some of you don't do this shit.
oh shit you right that's incredibly damning and far outweighs everything else in the game, fuck sjw game alert guys for real this time
I do. But for me, they have to be really amazing tits.
The only strawmanning I saw was with regards to Tyranny and some retard posting shitty photoshopped screenshots. Usually when people on Holla Forums say something is SocJuice, they have reason to.
sjw game alert
sjw game alert
sjw game alert
sjw game alert
While we are at it , i heard some anons claim dont starve was sjw, but i dont seem to remember klei doing anything of that sort.
What did klei do?
I'm also going to risk a wild guess that while the prostitutes are all white, the city is an un-salvageable 80-85% mixed
there are barely any non-whites in the game other than a couple of main characters, believe me
it's like they knew trump would win
Interesting. It's version of denuvo has just been cracked, too.
fucking owned
BTW the game is actually good too, and your bullshit about unfinished story comes from the same retards who said it was sjw pandering
Why do all the whores have augmented arms or legs? Is that like an emerging fetish in-universe?
really makes you think
you got bamboozled, you should be thanking me dickhead
The biggest proof this piece of shit game is a leftist propaganda tool is that it received no criticism for all the boobs from the gaming media.
Sounds like you have an axe to grind against Holla Forums.
We've already been given mountains of free salt so just place your asshurt atop the pile.
what if they just couldn't admit they were wrong?
do you seriously think Saint Anita would be fine with the material in this thread?
except the game has already been cracked dumbass.
what's the surrounding story about the red light district?
are you there to shut it down?
Anita only gives a shit about outrage if she can stand to gain from it. In this case, how would she gain? Also, I'll bet my right ass cheek that she had something negative to say about this game.
Go get shekels somewhere else.
Nah, she wouldn't speak out against the game because it pushes the BLM narrative. It was written by a liberal white cunt and a salty nigger, which makes it untouchable.
Notice that Overlord 1 and 2 don't get much mention either, despite the "degradation" of women that takes place in them and all the shoahing you do, very likely because they were written by Rhianna Pratchett. Same with John Flynn's "game", despite it too featuring "objectified" women.
With the left it's who does what, not what is done. They apply different standards to their ilk.
What makes you think that their retarded BLM marketing shtick was well received even by the usual suspects?
Infighting is a very prominent trait of the SJW crowd.
Augumented people are poor in Mankind Divided and poor women turned to prostitution to make a buck.
No use asking me how that makes any sense, the lore got completely fucked in Mankind Divided just so they could make a Black Lives Matter reference.
I was going to get this game anyway just not at full price.
Didn't she write Tomb Raider? Didn't Anita bitch about how at first Lara was too sexualized, but in the reboot they made her more into a male like character by reducing her cup size and covering her up more?
Maybe not, but this very fact illustrates that she'll criticize only certain aspects of a game while ignoring others along with maintaining her double standard.
My basic point is that I think Anita could find something to complain about with regards to this game. That she didn't doesn't necessarily mean she's okay with it, either.
"“She is one of the most iconic representations of women in gaming, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing,” said Anita Sarkeesian, a media critic and executive editor of Feminist Frequency, a nonprofit organization that looks at how women are presented in pop culture. “She is a hypersexualized character that promotes a deep objectification of women.”"
"Ms. Sarkeesian said Lara Croft was simply a stereotype for the category of games typically associated with male players. Even the camera angle in the game focuses on her rear end, she said, putting it at the center of attention.
“With Lara Croft, you see her entire body running around in her hot pants,” she said. “That encourages players to look at her as a sex object.”"
Case in point. I bet my ass Anita will have something to say about this game, so long as someone gives her a prominent platform atop which she may broadcast her scripture.
Top kek. It doesn't get any more SJW than this.
No amount of cleavage is going to magically make these SJW "muh peaceful muslims" mental gymnastics go away.
In the reboot she's no less sexualized and far, far more of a whiny damsel in distress. Old Lara was the feminist ideal, a woman physically and intellectually equal to any man that takes shit from no one and isn't ashamed of her body. New Lara is a whiny cunt with daddy issues that spends the whole first game crying.
Like I said, different rules apply depending on whether the developers are part of the clique or not.
I certainly haven't heard her criticize the new TR games.
My point is that you can have all kinds of fucked up shit in games, but as long as you're another Marxist asskisser you get a free pass. Undertale allows you to genocide everyone but no one made a big issue out of it, specifically because Toby is one of their own.
We have IDs you know ?
This is FeministFrequency review of Rise of the Tomb Raider. I won't embed it, and I understand if you don't want to give them views, so let me paraphrase here
In short, they're crying about ludnonarrative dissonance with a feminist slant.
Okay, fair enough, Anita didn't narrate this video, and who knows if she wrote it or not, but this is her channel, the one she created, so therefore she at least endorses these sentiments.
Yeah, well, my initial point was that Anita disagrees with this notion. She's says that the new Lara is far more prone to violence but less sexualized on the whole.
I don't know if she was the feminist ideal or not, I'm just pointing out that the game was written by someone who is supposedly a part of the feminist movement, but Anita and her people still cried about the game.
this isn't going to save your sales
I was talking about the first reboot game.
John Macintosh runs the show though, unless I'm out of the loop and Anita staged a coup.
Fair enough, but old Lara didn't much care about all the people she killed, yet she ignored that aspect and solely focused on her being "sexualized". Might also be the fact that she, or whoever wrote this, didn't play the first game, because there new Lara does express disgust and regret at being forced to kill.
She's everything feminists say they want in a female protagonist, but we know they're always full of shit anyway and would complain either way.
You really have to have some major brain damage to think that tits make a shit game not shit.
It had a fuckload of flaws, and wasn't as good as DXHR (much less the original), but the very first mission has you fighting mudslimes in a ruined Dubai hotel, only to have some sort of crazy spec ops soldiers bust in.
The most SJW thing about it is how absurdly ham-handed the plot is.
McIntosh is out on his own, but still doing the feminist thing. Feminist Frequency has a few new people to replace him.
You still committed the old mistake of assuming Anita is the Feminist Frequency organisation. She is merely the face who reads the scripts she is given. She does not do the writing, the research, nor the gameplay, it is not her responsibility to handle the Twitter account, she is a dolled-up speaker who is made to seem like she is the be-all, end-all so that any criticism of the words that come out of her mouth are a direct attack against her and not the ideas themselves, nor the organisation she represents.
One of the main npc's is a faggot with a child.
This fact is never actually mentioned.
I only found out because I broke into his house and found three retarded photos of him with his bumchum and their bumbaby. The funniest thing was that they used the same faces in all three photos, and his man-pal looked legitimately retarded.
It's mega pozzed: face it.
Wasn't the reason why the game didn't do so well the fact that it doesn't really deliver the story to any point? DXHR set a proper prequel starting point and established a continuum for Jensen. Where does it go from there during Mankind Divided?
Also, the augmented apartheid shit was really forced. Bad scifi.
Hey, whatever man. I was just responding to the guy who responded to this which was your comment that sparked our whole conversation. I don't really give a shit about Tomb Raider, or Anita's opinion. I just wanted to point out that Anita will talk shit about any game, even games that were supposedly written by SJWs. I feel like I've given adequate evidence for that. Maybe Anita herself hasn't commented on either Tomb Raider or the new Deus Ex, but she's in association with people who have commented on it, and so that effectively throws out the idea that leftists won't talk shit about media made by other leftists.
No, I fully understand her position. However, assuming I attributed all of FeministFrequency's words and beliefs to Anita herself, how would that have changed my argument in any way? I don't think it would have. The initial claim was, "leftists don't talk shit about other leftists"
Anyway, here's the new FeministFrequency Deus Ex review. Go ahead and tell me they aren't bitching about the game.
You say that, and while there definitely is BLM pandering, the way it does so goes completely against reality. Like, way too much that it has to be trying to subvert a few.
MD meanders around it. Mechanically the game is solid, and the final level feels like the final level in gameplay terms. But there's too many loose plot threads, and you don't care enough about the aug terrorists to see them as the endgame. It's not that they're underdeveloped, it's that they're small-fry compared to the other themes brought up:
Do you like the sounds of all of that? Wanna know where they go? Well too bad! Enjoy your racist cops and augmented terrorists.
You are living in a bubble.
fuck off Kitt Sullivan
forgot about this shit, how is it even allowed
Pakman please, I'm still subscribed to you, but I'm also looking at the big picture.
0/10 see me after class
point was made, no further effort required
I suggest you also leave this shithole OP, im never coming to this dump again
maybe it was a dud thread with no content dude?
this thread is changing hearts and minds