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ArcadeFunshit edition.

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Sullust in Rogue Squadron is fucking impossible.

Cabling the AT-ATs made me break a joystick back in the day

Can I move SimplePlanes discussion in here? SP thread seems to be dying.

Does a fix for the PC version exist? Camera keeps refusing to follow the fighter in third person / gets stuck and the input lag is a complete joke

Rogue Squadron had so many firsts for me, pirating, flying, cheats etc. What a game. I was fucking devastated when I realised the sequels would require me to buy an expensive console. Still haven't played Rogue Leader or Rebel Strike since you can't emulate them. Battle for Naboo was ok but not nearly as good because the fighters and tech didn't look as cool.

My nigga.


Also, reminder

I never finished Rogue Squadron as a kid. My dad and my brother did but I couldn't beat the boss in the penultimate level, even with the OP as shit Naboo starfighter

It's a fucking horrible feeling.

Guess again!

at least the movies got better. You win some, you lose some

Riiight. It was up for release right after the Evok Hunter 2016, right? Everything good about LucasArts died years ago.


I still love this game, but here's hoping the franchise stays dead. Because after what happened to MWO and other "reboots" I'm sure it would be absolutely terrible for everyone involved.

I miss BattleField 2142 and 1942.


>I'd rather watch Jar-Jar Binks' hilarious antics than see a film with a PoC in a lead role

>if you don't like Force Awakens you must love Phantom Menace


"At least the movies got better" means exactly that: for all it's faults, Force Awakens was significantly less shit than the prequels

Finn was the only good thing about Force Awakens, besides BB-8.

I still think it's a stupid piece of trash and you should stick the blu-ray you have up yours for liking such shit and supporting Disney.



It's actually worse than the prequels because it just takes the classic first movie and rehashes it completely just to show "we can do it too but better!"

JJ Abrams needs to fuck off and only stick to his own shit, instead of ruining things other people made like a jewish Michael Bay.

Huh. I was gonna tell you to fuck off but I can't argue with those quads. BRB lacerating my rectum with shards of Blu-Ray

They're equally bad.

at least the prequels gave us something of worth like Republic Commando

Can't argue with those dub dubs. FA confirmed to be less shit.

Link a better upload, faggot.


Prequels gave us cool games like Podracer and Republic Commando. These days EA has the reigns on pumping out shitty new Stars Wars games.
I'll take Lucas's autism any day if it means we're not stuck with the Disney/EA shitshow.

What gave us Podracer and Republic Commando were good devs making a good product. Something good being a byproduct of the prequels does not impact the quality of the prequels themselves at all.

Does anybody remember this game? I loved it as a kid, don't have any idea how it has aged.

The prequels did worldbuilding well, and despite being bad/mediocre movies, made Star Wars better.

I remember it. It wasn't stellar but for a bargain bin game it was pretty fun. RIP in peace Dreamcast

I know the second part of your post is bait, but they did not do worldbuilding well at all.

Now that I think about it, only TPM did worldbuilding well, and it's because it left so much open - I still want TPM era games and lore to chew on.

This is the worldbuilding equivalent of IKEA. Everyone knows what they want but fuck it they're going through a dozen different languages to try to build it, and even then they'll end up with half the parts missing and an ex-girlfriend.

