Operation Redstick

What is this shit?

This is the next 'It's Okay To Be White'.

Why should you believe me?

Because this is cost-effective, simple, and very low-risk. Just wear gloves so you don't leave fingerprints on anything. Nothing in this thread is illegal, but that's no reason for bad OPSEC.

How do you, user, help?

Assuming you're interested, you buy the cheapest USB drives you can get your grubby little paws on, and you fill it with redpills. Then, you drop them off anywhere normies gather. The idea is for normies to find them, plug them into their computers, and read the redpills. This will trigger some, and it will redpill others. Either way, we win.

Can you, the user participant, be tracked if you do this?

No. Unless you do something retarded like put your address in the USB drive itself, nobody can find you. Buy the USB drives with cash.


Again, nothing in this operation is even remotely illegal unless you're in occupied Europe or Canada, but that's no excuse for poor opsec.

Now for the resources themselves.

HTML templates:


This is another user's(Not mine) redpill folder. You can also put these things on your USB drive if you'd like: mega.nz/#!YwgCgRQL!pwzvh5qGIUtcoZAhQ1IIG5fX_wLZwG2hTTIZOd35cwo


1. Carry something. Depending on your state and country laws, you may or may not be allowed firearms. If you are allowed/have a permit, carry a firearm. If not, carry what you are allowed to carry. If you live in an extremely fucked nation like
Britain where self-defense is essentially illegal for whites, well… I'm never going to tell you to break the law, but do what you think makes you safest.

2. Additional info

When citing sources try to include:

- a screenshot
- a live link to the website
- an archived link to archive.fo
- a local zip-archive from archive.fo

3. You want to drop these in white, heavily trafficked areas. Libraries, public parks, movie theaters, schools especially. Remember your target audience. At the same time, you don't want to be seen doing this if at all possible. If it's a cold day, take advantage of it. Wrap a scarf around your face. If it's a hot day, wear sunglasses and a hat, or anything else you can think of.

4. If you get into a confrontation with someone, swallow your pride and walk the fuck away. You are not a Navy Seal. You are not a Green Beret. Violence is your absolute last resort. It's not worth going to jail over. Just take your USBs, go away, and drop them somewhere else. If you want to debate someone, fine, but use your better judgement.

5. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, and have fun.

6. Heil Hitler.

Other urls found in this thread:

danwin1210.me/uploads/03-2018/redstick 0.15.zip
danwin1210.i2p/uploads/03-2018/redstick 0.15.zip
filesto37i2x5dea.onion/uploads/03-2018/redstick 0.15.zip

A big thanks to the fine people at >>>/redstick/ for coming up with this. More redpills can be found there. I claim no credit for anything in this thread.


How you will feel when you are in the concentration camp facing the death squad, Moishe?

Keep it there


Low energy m8.

Why do you think its posting? The fear amongst Jews is almost palpable right now.
Mods should show the post history onvermin this obvious. There's no excuse not to.

Remember to report and monitor.

Yes, that lump in your throat you're feeling right now is all the fuel needed to know you're scared shitless that the plan has gone off the rails. Sure you post your little porn picture in an attempt at triggering someone here. It wont work, it never has, it never will. The foundations of your project are crumbling, shaking, disentergrating into the shitpile your superiors created. Meanwhile Israel is dealing with a deavy influx of arabic and african men who routinely tame your litigious and aggressive women. May your alimony bills be large, and your lawyers pockets have holes in them.

Did this prove to be remotely successful in the last several threads? This tactic has been around since fucking floppy disks being left in coffee shops.


The only people who will pick up USBs and look into them are niggers and retards/Chan users with comp knowledge.
Faggots larping with as little exposure as possible
Go outside, run for office, go to council meetings

Man, (((you))) guys really don't want this to take off. Thanks for the indicator that I'm doing something right.

That's a stupid name. USBpill would be better not that it matters I'm just being a picky faggot

This sounds good, but we need a repository for this. Something like a zip file filled with verified redpills so to save anons busy work to compile this stuff. Cheapest USBs I've come across have all been at least 4 gigs or more, that's more than enough space.

I think the normalfags will like this. Like an urban treasure trove.


Bump. Leave them on campus grounds and outside high schools. We must redpill Generation Zyklon.

Thanks, found this

This should have been in the OP.

I tried to include some stuff like that in the OP, but of course I didn't get everything. Glad you like the idea, though!

We really need much more info on here. I wouldn't be convinced with just two facts for each section.

This is well made and all, but it's incredibly shallow. This needs more content.

Gimme a sec, I'll post more material.


Updated expulsion graph.


And some webms to throw onto your USBs.

It's about 4 years out of date so who knows how many links still work, but the Redpills of Zion is always a good source.




This fucking mong only cares about attention whoring.



I already got my sticks from the last thread it's pretty simple.
Also a lot of kvetching happening here which is always the sign of a good plan.

Have a bump, let's see how far we can go with this.

Here's the extra content you wanted, I'm done for the night. Mods, please sticky if you think this is a good idea.

Actually, have some more.



Ok make sure to cite good sources.

Some faggot posted a graph about rascism being correlated with iq so I found the original study and the r^2 variance proved there was no correlation.

So his info proved the opposite point he was trying to make

Good work bud

Here you go:

Why not just fill them with gore, fucked up webms like the Degeneracy Clockwork Orange one, Moonman songs and brazilian executions with lots of worldstar hiphop vids as well. A normie has the attention span of a commercial and has been conditioned to hate learning for himself and also secretly wishes to gaze upon the abyss. Show him that abyss.

This is so accurate.

Nows not the time for goreposting. That comes later.


you can mail a USB drive also, but make sure you wrap the envelope in foil because US mail can collect the data wirelessly, also there are Chinese drives spying on us so be careful to test to make sure your SD drive doesn't have a tiny processor in it

it costs money though, see if we can't get the DOJ to hand over the two cargo containers of USB chips they seized off the coast of NYC and Miami in 2014, use 1GB they're cheaper, lowest I found was .50c

a sd card would be better

where does one get cheap

Consider that the vast majority of the worlds population are niggers, spics, arabs, and non-honorary Asians, it makes sense that a high IQ race dominates billionaire status despite being such a small segment of the population.

The dollar store, user. We're in 2018, USB drives are pretty cheap nowadays.


Hope that helps.

That doesn't matter though. Just because of sheer numbers there are more smart niggers and chingchongs than smart kikes.
your picture checks out.

I'll try to translate some redpills into my main language. Must be careful since we don't have freedom of thoughts here.

Bonjour monsieur Snail!

Not a bad idea; I heard people also talking about writing out fascist propaganda or website addresses on dollar bills (maybe a link shortener to a repository of red pills would be good) and putting them back in circulation.

>(((EU))) is a blond goy

Well, Europe is still white for the nonce, even if it's under invasion.

Its still implying that Germans are behind it, not (((Germans))).

Yes, because Germans are the only blonde people across all of Europe.

The normie cant read a graph and stats make his eyes glaze over. Now a hundred vids of shitskins abusing dogs and kicking cats and attacking women and children will do more for our cause than for any infographic. A picture speaks a thousand words and a video speaks millions. How many of us were redpilled by stats alone?

Good point.
Also, "honorary asian" isn't literal, It's just a way to differentiate the sub 80 IQ monkeys from the semi-civilized ants. Anime is very effective for normalizing Nazi imagery.

I have those too. I'll post after I bathe.

The first image is just a wordier version of the original. Trim it down. Unfortunately I can't find the original right now.

Ever seen a blonde kike?
hard mode: that isn't mixed to below 50% nor has its hair died

Remember to upload cartel videos. Make it clear that it's of a piece with Aztec sacrifice, and that it's nothing out of the ordinary for Mexicans. If it wasn't for drugs giving them the excuse for gory homicide, they'd still be ripping out human hearts for the Butterfly Spirit or whatever.

Yes, of course we've seen blonde kikes. I broke off an early-stage relationship with a blonde when I found out her mother was a Jewess. Stop being dumb.

I guess hard mode is too hard for you then.

Kikes mix with other races to blend in. It's kind of their thing.

You're not very good at this.

the basic bitch normalfag belief is that "The damn Germans are ruining Europe again". The fact is that poster is a half-truth because the people behind it are not ethnic Europeans, and are not blond.

It helps that Hitler's Nazi party understood very well how to be aesthetic as fuck. HUGO BOSS. HUGO MOTHERFUCKING BOSS.








Digits and rage


If somebody steals from me I should be allowed to defend my property as I would defend my body. A store owner should be allowed to do the same with his products.

The greatest lie of the modern era is as follows: "All Men Are Created Equal"
More accurately it should be "No Two Men Are Created Equal But Through The Law Are Men Rendered Equal In Their Responsibility To Uphold Civilization."

This is a powerful one.

Fucking niggers, however that's why you don't relax around blacks. Be prepared to defend yourself or at least carry a knife.



fuck, user. I was just relaxing and having a lazy evening. Now I'm mad. I need to work out


After you work out, take a nice long walk and leave some flash drives around town.

Maybe, although I don't know how fruitful that will be.
I live in an area highly populated by nogs. There might be some closet 1488ers, but given their attire, accessories, and vehicle stickers, I think the whites are essentially basic bitch Republicucks.

Needs a stronger orator

Freshmeme meat. I'm learning to draw.

Eastern europe is trash and should be removed from the EU.


hey, you don't like europe, we don't like eastern europe. So why fight? Get your dirty ass out of europe and everyone is happy.


Bathroom stalls and a sharpie work excellent too btw

It doesn't matter. You only make one point at a time with a meme. If anyone doesn't like it, then let them make a better meme.


A qr stamp would be dope

Killing niggers from MG nests in parking garages

This right here works better mixed in with the facts and better to start with the entertainment to get them hooked. Why do you think kikes put so much fake positive imagery for the shitskins, fags. So in some way they are associated with those positive things like sports and fun. So by putting niggers and shitskins doing typical subhuman behavior it can redpill easier when their unconscious brain has the shitskins linked to their violent and shitty ways from the shock imagery an videos of innocent Whites just attacked in which there is plenty of these especially on worldstarhiphop. I mean for fuck sakes the autistic White kid some niggers kidnapped, then tortured should of caused a riot against the cave monkeys but, (((they))) suppressed the fuck out of the story.

The passage in the second image is completely made up. Not in the book.

>I see a group of men teens who are probably no good; I should go to another side of the road but they're black and that would make me a neo-nazi white supremacist racist privileged white male for racially profiling them. I haven't done anything to them anyway so it's not like they'll harm me or someth…

I would have made him eat that dull fucking knife

learn to box and carry as much weight as possible (preferably muscle mass), after that, be of the right ilk/ideology/subset/substrata of milint overlay that watches everything (((eye))) etc. make sure youve got bats and knives and shit at home

smoke weed, reform for it, its performance enhancing, gen needs it

The file has successfully been uploaded. You can download it via:
Clearnet: danwin1210.me/uploads/03-2018/redpills.rar
I2P: danwin1210.i2p/uploads/03-2018/redpills.rar
Tor: filesto37i2x5dea.onion/uploads/03-2018/redpills.rar

The file has successfully been uploaded. You can download it via:
Clearnet: danwin1210.me/uploads/03-2018/redstick 0.15.zip
I2P: danwin1210.i2p/uploads/03-2018/redstick 0.15.zip
Tor: filesto37i2x5dea.onion/uploads/03-2018/redstick 0.15.zip


Needs webm's of african "parliaments" arguing politics

To get back on track, are you honestly claiming that this portrays a kikess? She even wears a traditional Bavarian gown.
If that is the case, then every woman in the Bund deutscher Mädel was a kikess.



Dammit, why can't I download these with sound? This one is damn good.

You don'tz know how imageboards work, do you?

Right-clicking and doing a 'save as' doesn't work?

Pure coincidence. :^)

How can I translate this to other languages that aren't English? Also shlomo intensifies where can I get cheaper USB drives?

Proper redpills have sources included. Otherwise it just looks like idiots meming nonsense.

Include these as well.






OP you're a fucking faggot. 35 posts and nothing to offer in your own thread but shitposting.

Make sure you add clickable links for that, normies hate having to type anything in

Link to a high-def version, should be good for a few days.


Wow, that is great. Thanks for sharing; I guess Britain was close to saving itself in the 1930s.

Got to love that little south American dude, lol. We don't often enough remember that those people were farmers with complex civilizations and are not to be categorized on the same level as blax


Still can hopefully.

Mosley was so incredibly right at the time. Too bad he didn't name the Jew.

You know exactly what he meant by finance.

ya'll, I lurk but would like to add my thoughts here,

1) a pre-established cache of red pills is the best way to go

2) simple redpills that are quick to read and emotionally engaging positioned in a way that they will be seen first by the finder of the USB. Of course try to use ones that are also intellectually accessible but are still capable of providing that "hmm" moment. A moment they'll be excited to share with others so as to appear smart/in the know.

3) organize contents of drive to push them deeper into redpills that are less photos and quick bits of text but rather charts, paragraphs and archives.

4) public facilities are full of niggers and every other kind of retarded trash, such places are a waste. Instead aim for universities, office parks, restaurant bathrooms, on the floors of elevators, et cetera. ANYWHERE the drive would be such a novelty to a receptive/useful audience. (university=gossip faggots, office park=well to-do drones, restaurant bathroom=odd finding in private place with no pressure to find owner, elevator floor=too weird to not check out)

5) Create an online archive of the contents stored on the USB then print a small label that can be taped onto the side of the USB containing the Link to that archive. This will inspire more intrigue and hopefully push them to take a photo of it with their phones. Another little push to satisfy their curiosity/way of accessing the content.

6) worst case scenario, they get pissy and call the news to advertise for us.

of course don't trespass or break any laws or anything.

How come there is nothing in there of a spiritual nature? It's the missing component of every proper redpill. Without adequate spiritual (re)education, you're basically creating lazy blackpills.


Wasn't there a website that had all this shit spelled out? I think it's easier to have QR codes that link to that.

This could work, I hope so it would make everything in this project very efficient.
I've been thinking of joining my work (Redstick story-mode) with the Redstick stats-version.
A mix would make a high-quality device, but for that we need cooperation.
I've been busy the past weeks but I'll post more during the weekend.

Haven't read the thread yet, but cya soon anons

I distribute mine directly to highschoool aged white kids by tossing them out my car window a bit in front of them as i drive by to reduce chance of hostile interception and maximize the chance of successsful reception by the target audience.

Theres very little risk with with how quick a drive by can be preformed.

The problem I have with the current public version on subvert.pw:
People do not listen to just stated facts, they need stories/entertainment and the tools needed to look through kikery in the media.
(the jew influences through emotion, not reason)
Stats need to be mixed with videos, moving things and bright colors to attract their attention.

Were you redpilled with just stats?
I wasn't, the stats confirmed what I saw when looking at "the other side of things" and what the MSM try to sell us.
For example, I got into the holohoax by approaching it with the mindset to "look ath the other side of the story", to see why these evil nazees think the way they do.

Normalfags need a kickstart, need seeds to be planted so that they will question mainstream narratives and learn why they should not trust the MSM and all other shit the kikes spread their rotting kosher ideas to.
And then, little by little, the truth will start seeping through.

Don't get me wrong, we should use stats, but only to support the other evidence.
As my version of the RS is far from finished, I'll see if I can improve the one mentioned above with a more "entertaining" side (while remaining serious).
I'll post it on >>/redstick/ for those interested.

Fucking fantastic, will do that user

Slavs are European, and are more based than any other European group.
We'll stand together in this fight, regardless of D&C shilling.

Do what you want, but don't call them redsticks, call them blacksticks or niggersticks and make sure that normalfags get the message (reward them with somthing imaginary when they watched all of it to make sure they).
Perhaps include some other blackpills that show the reality of what antifa and other commies really want (antifa is perceived as good by normalfags bc they are against fascism, not knowing Communism has even less democracy to give them their imaginary freedom).


Attached: Kali Yuga.png (1275x743, 2.4M)


Slow moving board sir no need to Bump.
Although I appropriate your fervor.

Attached: 0de58b981ef9eea10eb755ae098e9303.jpg (564x564, 68.14K)

You can include passages from Negroes in Negroland next to the nigger nigging videos, and passages from Ways that are dark (thekbh.org/waysdark.htm) next to vids of Chinese brutality and lying, and leaving people to die in the street.

Attached: negroesinnegroland_Witchdoctors.jpg (785x1347 209.96 KB, 191.01K)




There needs to be a set message, having anons dropping USB sticks (that most people wont pick up or plug in) with pictures of jews and niggers doing stupid shit is going to hurt us if anything.

IOTBW was genius because it had a short, concise message that was irrefutably true. We need a short message/infographic that focuses on one specific topic, if they're willing to open it and view we just need to crack their eggshell with a solid fucking red pill. They will go out and find the rest on their own path.

If we incentivize it, like put bitcoin logos on the flash drives, this would have a much better success rate.

Attached: prof2.png (600x825, 738.46K)

This is a good idea.

You can't run for office if you're not a MASONICNIGGER.

Irl activists also accomplish nothing. Accelerationism is a shit.

Attached: 2016 election credits.mp4 (640x360, 801.81K)

Because the gods hate us.

Trump loves Jews.

You hope too much.

Attached: kikepost7.png (754x588, 209.41K)

Well? He does. He loves Jews son much he left Obama's dual Israeli-US citizen in control of US Nuclear Command.

Attached: kikepost8.png (754x588, 209.37K)

You took credit for IOTBW without even understanding it, admitted to being a faggoty LARPer on an ego trip, then tried 4 different failed operations. At this point even the Alt-right pool parties are laughing at you

Attached: 1b29b19d4f210f81a798f132fbc2f50b4ff7bac2c41afb24202c8c906deb7ad7.gif (414x532, 438.34K)


There's a cap going around about how John Oliver etc works. 20 seconds of talk about a topic, then a gag. When you laugh, you fail to critically examine what you've just heard, but it gets stored away subconsciously.
We just need that, only for the actual truth.
Also a teen edgelord who finds a video full of holocaust jokes will be showing it to all the other edgelords within five seconds. As soon as one of them cracks one of those jokes in class, the horrified reaction of the teacher will make that video the hottest commodity in the entire school. Especially if you focus it on jews only, don't alienate the nigger audience while they're useful

Best possible redpill, worst possible presentation

Anybody have that picture without the flags but still drawn?


vid related (best idea in the thread btw)

Attached: Hellstorm.webm (800x450, 5.83M)

If anyone has the original (non-soundtrack-mutilated) With Open Gates, it's still a damn effective piece of work.

It's a damn shame that Gex cucked hard. I think he was part of the e-celeb crew in general. Haven't you noticed that (((funding))) for "alt-right" has been withdrawn in general when it proved to be uncontrollable?

What about "jew owns you?" as a followup?


I have it, who wants it?

I don't care what Hitler dubs say. This is a bad idea. KeK forgive me.

bumping for the mere sake of excellent OP picture

Attached: 1481869026.7986711862 SLAVA.jpg (480x466 63.14 KB, 50.19K)

I think your idea is well meant but not well thought out
1. everyone will just wipe the free usb drive they find

For online, you need trolling with adwords, I am serious. With this you can mindfuck people.

for IRL
2. what you want is actually IOKTBW.
that is perfect.

it is not fucking complicated. A4, cheap, untraceable,Posters,public places, stickers, banner drops (highways or high traffic volume locations)

Groups that do this really well and you should learn from:

Generation Identitaire, Rise Above Movement, Identity Evropa

For stickers mass produced and cheap, look at ultra shops.
They don't trace your data/don't give a fuck what message you want
as they are RW themselves

Attached: 28378411_1088097524665483_5004299813040240204_n.jpg (917x800 80.59 KB, 562.86K)

muggings are so common wherever that is that the dude tries to fucking harpoon her purse and she doesn't even get up or look perturbed in the slightest.
You're not supposed to get used to living in the zoo

I want it do you have a link?

Here is the link to it.


The OP picture without the flags but not the original which is a picture and not animated

Here you go (too large for mixtape.moe):


Home Made Gun Channel:














Attached: c96ff07203f0de8a6e9784f34102906a3693d7273c5c0b12f75a010fc342848e.jpg (883x524 149.35 KB, 124.45K)












MAKE MAGAZINE - ALL VOLUMES No. 1-33.zip - archive.org/details/MakeMagazineAllVolumesNo.133

SURVIVAL.zip - archive.org/details/Survival_201601

SURVIVAL FILES BE PREPARED.zip - archive.org/details/SurvivalFilesLibraryBePrepared

SURIVIVAL DOWNLOADS.zip - archive.org/details/SurvivalDownloads

Niqqa U dum

Someone mentioned in original redstick thread about use of pirate boxes. piratebox.cc/ This seems like a much more efficient way of reaching out to a large group of people. A usb stick is 1 usb stick per person. Where as a pirate box (pirate wifi) can be turned on in a lecture hall, library, etc, and thus can reach everyone.

I don't want to be accused of being a shill, but… are you sure this is even a cost-effective strategy? I don't think normies are going to go through the whole usb drive. they might look at one thing, at most. probably they'll just immediately wipe it

Sometimes the messenger IS the message though. If you come across like an obnoxious/annoying cvnt while redpilling, you can do more harm than good.

Also, a good old pamphlet/infobook in the letterbox is always a good method too.

Look into pirate box. you can customize it to do anything. example. Connect to piratebox wifi, then open browser, first thing that appears is a infographic, or a video, or a file, or all of the above. You can customize it to do anything. Especially if you make a connection like 'Free wifi', people are too stupid to resist. connect, open browser, redpilled.

Look into pirate box. you can customize it to do anything. example. Connect to piratebox wifi, then open browser, first thing that appears is a infographic, or a video, or a file, or all of the above. You can customize it to do anything. Especially if you make a connection like 'Free wifi', people are too stupid to resist. connect, open browser, redpilled.

17 times. That image is worthless.

Oh yeah, wasn't doubting your method or anything. Just pointing out that a pamphlet in mail, is a good (non-threatening/non-intrusive) way to reach people like boomers, retirees, etc who don't like 'redpills' being shoved in their face… if you know what i mean.

Is it even worth redpilling the boomers?

I only recently discovered how to make a piratebox. Pic related. Right now im just configuring settings before i start to permanently start hiding them around cities. Ive been going to local coffee houses and parking in the lounges for a couple hours. I make a "Free Wifi' connection using box. Depending how long i am there i'll plug it under the table. Im still determining what is most fun to do with the box. Example, one time i made it that if anyone opens browser, then you are greated with a trump meme. I think i would be fun to have moon man song play in full volume, when someone opens browser, but enabling auto play in the browser is tricky. Othertimes i leave the default pirate box settings (from open source website). In default settings i'll create a chat room and upload a bunch of info graphics and picture of hitler in the file share section. Whats interesting is how much racism people openly type when they know there is an anonymous chat.

Attached: MyPirateBox.jpg (4032x3024, 3.25M)

Well depends on your particular aim/location i guess. Let's say your community is mostly white and you want to stop them bringing in somalis or something. Well it's the boomers/old people that determine the politics so you got to get to them.

But yeah, with the younger gens, the tech-based methods are superior.

Choose your redpills wisely

Attached: color of crime (black crime stats chicago)

The vast majority of redpills found there are utter garbage, see

That is why im taking my time with it. I can technically put as much as will fit on the USB stick which connects to the router. Im more fascinate about the chat room aspect of it. Example, i used to work for a big corporation. Our spam chat box, was full of hillary crap/leftist crap. I wish i knew how to make a piratebox then. I would have hidden one inside my computer tower, and given all the employees who couldnt relate with the normies, a hidden wifi chat room. It could have been a perfect place for us to vent, yet still be confident in our privacy. It in a way it could have been my own chan for the workspace. I think that is the ultimate redpill of all: freedom of speech. An access to a chat room based only off geolocation, kind of like YaK app but more private. Chat with people on an case by case basis. But then it does go back to
But then, do you wanna try to red pill them, or just have fun and meme them with a stupid pepe?

Did that fat old fuck have an awakening after he sold Germany up the river to the kikes? He could've allied them like Hitler wanted.


This tbh

Attached: otT2YFe_d.jpg (640x469, 26.04K)

Do you underestimate the power of memes?

Attached: sniper training for muslims in sweden (header) (islam)

Windows keeps a list of every USB device it comes into contact with. You can read more about this at:

Suffice it to say that the default behavior is the same on Mac and Linux too, so don't assume this doesn't apply to you just because you don't use Windows.

Now I'm not trying to blackpill anyone, and in general, I'm in favor of this endeavor. BUT I don't want anons being v& for distributing "hatespeech" or some such shit because the cops can prove the USB came from your device based on timestamps and these kinds of logs.

Attached: 1.png (800x491, 1.84M)

This idea pleases me.

Attached: simpsons edgelord.png (500x375, 258.38K)

Nope. Meme magic nigga! But if im gonna be hiding pirate boxes all over los angeles, i want to be sure if i want to be redpilling people, or if i just want to fuck with the normies, by triggering them somehow. Eric Garcetti is a shit mayor of LA. would be fun to hide a wifi pirate box by his office, so that is preloaded with anti eric garcetti information. that can be a meme of itself.


user… we're fighting against evil, not for it…
Don't you understand that they think the exact same way?
They hate you and fear you so much that they're willing to censor, lie and manipulate. But they think it's ok because it's against muh ebil nazis…
Truth, logic and good are values far higher than ourselves, don't think that you can simply use them to fulfill your desires and then throw them away when you stop needing them.
The whole reason why our movement is worth supporting at all is because it never ceases to stand for the truth and against sophistry, no matter what.
Get this poisonous idea of "manipulating" normies out of your mind.
The truth isn't some tool that you can use and discard at will, it's something that you serve.
To knowingly lie is a betrayal of the truth. To manipulate facts (e.g. cherry-picking, omissions, etc.) is a betrayal of the truth.
Our goal isn't to convince people of a certain belief, our goal is to convince them of the truth.

Side note:
A lefty might call a redneck "backward" when they can't convince them to not be a racist.
Don't be like that. Logic is universal - if you can't convince someone of something the only valid conclusion is that your argument isn't good enough to convince them. It's true, people do shut down knowledge that goes against their pre-established beliefs, but there's always ways around the amygdala hijack, comedy being one of them. P.S. I don't agree that it makes you "fail to critically examine". John Oliver's videos convince people because 1 - he is a figure of authority (why would the TV man lie to me?); 2 - his videos typically appear to be well-sourced (he always quotes a lot of official documents, etc)
Being a "comedian" just means that normies are more forgiving if he (((misses))) a bunch of stuff because his primary job is to entertain

Attached: thomas huxley quote - it is not who is right but what is right.jpg (700x700, 77.21K)

i'm sure we can find a way around this problem.

I get what he's trying to say about lending practices, and certainly we'd be better off if commercial usury and compound interest were banned. But the author's comparing payday lenders (yes very Jewish, but I would hope not something a lot of white people have experience with in borrowing, those places are mainly for niggers lacking even the most basic financial planning skills) versus a hypothetical natsoc loan where yes, the simple interest is more transparently assessed than compound interest, but as it's the simple interest rate equivalent to a compound interest rate of 95% APR it's worse than any standard, present-day, schlomo certified line of credit from an actual bank (not payday lenders).


Holy shit that video is the best thing I've seen all month

This reminds me of that time Gamergate donated money to a walrus.

the first webm is more than it appears

Attached: niggerfaggots.png (721x1077, 835.22K)

by the way, if you find a stick on the ground, randomly plugging it in is a fuckawful idea. Like a really really fuckawful idea.

As for red pills, I've been finding pointing out that we've been giving isreal 3.1 billion a year since the 60's is a pretty good one. Just casually slip it into political or economic conversations, like someone griping about spending a couple millions on something, bam 3.1 billion factoid. little shit like that goes further than random usb sticks and posters.

protip. You can actually upload .zip files here. You can just embed them in an image.

WTF is the deal with the second webm? Why does she just bail from the car like that? Does anyone know the story?:
