Boy, I sure am glad that we were born in the current year. Look at how accepting and diverse we are now! In the March 4th Mardi Grass parade held in Australia, we had proud human pups and their handlers. Look at how happy everyone finally is. Too bad we got Drumpf, Bernie Saners 2020! Soon we'll be with the times! Oh, what a brave new world! ~~~
Australia Yes!
Other urls found in this thread:
Funny image caught right at the end before they switched to the next float
This country is finished. It's the fastest degenerating country in the world, quantitatively. RIP, Anglos.
I just got GRIDS from that video clip. Thanks OP.
BTW, what is "Mardi Grass?" Is it supposed to be even more degenerate than the real thing?
were those tranny abbos at it again?
Knowing Australian population this doesn't seem like that of a big event at all, just the weakest part of society
Why can I not post…
Why is this being treated like the next Furry? The furries are at least respectable. This is pure sexuality, and the people that claim it isn't are either in denial or are too stupid to realize it. "The Secret Life of Human Pup", something I've watched at least 3 times now out of morbid curiosity, is filled with kinkypups and casualpups. The casual ones legitimately believe there is nothing sexual about this.
Now here they are on tv as if they were furries, or trekies, or some kind of "lol, we're a fun in-group" on what I believe is a national television broadcaster. Any ausfags awake yet to discuss?
What's more is that Australia seems to be the second-largest "safe-zone" for these people, the first being the Pacific Northwest of the United States (Portland, Eugene, Seattle, San Fransisco, Vancover). Why Australia? What is in Australia?
Mardi Grass is a French tradition held mostly in Lousianna, USA. It's one final act of the seven deadly sins before Lent but of course people ignore lent and just spend a few days partying then go back to their lives. It used to be people wouldd drink and throw beads, and women would walk around with no shirt. Now they engage in public sex acts, it seems.
Mardis Gras in Australia has always been synonymous with poofters, based more or less on Brazilian carnivals, just a big hedonistic sex parade and always has been. Not sure when it started.
Because up until about 20 years ago we were so ethnically homogeneous that this sort of behaviour could be expressed without significant threats to anyone involved. Aussies in general don't like it, but as we aren't niggers we don't try to stop them by force. The reason it gets pushed so hard in us particularly is because we punch above our weight politically (and make it seem like we're more important than we are) and, in a way, that's correct. Australia is one of the only multicultural experiments that hasn't yet ended in complete failure, so leftists and Jews have a particular interest in keeping us limping along. We're basically Canada 10-15 years ago.
It failed a long time ago. Races segregate themselves in Australia like everywhere else.
Yes, that was my typo. I did not realize the date was Febuary 13th and was going by the tweet's timestamp. Also, be sure to play the Wikipedia game with the tweet. It's one of my faviorite passtimes right now. You find someone, then see their retweets. You go inti their retweets to fin more people and more people and more people. Then you learn more about your spiritual enemy very easily. It's how I discovered that these sexual fetishes are coming and going similarly to pop-fads. That's where we are now, sex fetishes are literal fads.
Funny how multiculturalism is considered a success when there isn't outright crime epidemics caused by the invaders. Let them pretend that the self-segregation, rampant and chronic abuse of white trust, severe atomization, racial group conflict, nonwhite abuse of the system, and wide-spread Anglo sentiment, all among other things, doesn't exist. Marxists never tell the truth. There only place in society is in a woodchipper.
Anglo replacement sentiment***
But rape hasn't gone up 1000%, bigot. And look at all the kebab stores that wouldn't pass health inspections… hmmmm, delicious.
You're forgetting Canada and New Zealand. Even the UK is further along in certain aspects.
Cities are breeding grounds for degeneracy. Always have been, always will be. The more developed and urbanised a country becomes, the more degenerated it becomes.
Australia has the highest nonwhite immigration rates in the entire world. We're importing way quicker than Canada is. Have you looked at the 2017 census data? We're going to be 60% nonwhite by 2050. By 2070, this will virtually be a Chinese nation. Think you can reverse this trainwreck in 30 years? Fat chance.
Isn't Mardi Gras a Brazil or Spanish thing?
We can't bring down house prices unless we force more construction by flooding the country with migrants :^). This is from HIA, who represent the building industry. Even our own European businessmen are happy to import millions of foreigners if it means making some coin.
I fugging h8 Blonald Drumpf so fugging much!
Reddit hackers do sumthing too this mean man!!
Did you see that we just created a new Visa to boost the economy? It's their one size fits everyone solution to everything.
The banks, developers, real estate agents and governments need to keep the warm bodies coming in so they can make profits and maintain power. Also we would go into a major recession if/when the bubble pops because our whole economy is built around constructing houses and bringing in foreigners.
Seriously. Real estate agents are on every corner. Our banks comprise a huge portion of the ASX. Finance/mortgage brokers everywhere. Tradies working on new developments and renovations. Many accountants are employed to run self managed super funds which are only popular because it lets people invest in property. Conveyancers/lawyers. Consulting firms which exist to run numbers and legals on developments. Selling utes to tradies (instant asset write-off). Selling coffee/food/retail/furniture to the aforementioned groups. Not to mention our education system is designed to rip off Chinks/Pajeets for as much as possible in return for receiving a sub-standard education and a shot at a visa (they're now a SKILLED MIGRANT and we need those…).
If the government wanted to we could have 1950s house prices. Encourage decentralisation (lots of cheap land in smaller towns) and decrease the demand on housing (cut migration).
Overall it is just a catholic thing more than anything else.
Fat tuesday the highlight of the celebration is always the day before ash wednesday which is the beginning of lent.
How can Australia prevent the hapa epidemic that is fast approaching? I'm a Greek guy living in Melbourne and I see way too many tall blonde blue eyed anglos with short ugly asians here. Not that I will be here to do anything about it, or that should be something I have to worry about, but it's a damn shame nevertheless. I guess this is what happens when you feed yourself redpills all day Don't see any girls at all getting with other races though, but that could just be me. I should mention that Greeks don't have this problem at all. The only ones that marry Asians are old men which got divorced by their wives and can't get a woman. Why is this happening to you, Australians? Why do you want hapa children?
The level of faggotry in (((their))) ABC - our state broadcaster - has been off the charts. The mediia has been pumping the degeneracy of Mardi Gras like they have never beofre - both celebrating them smashing the heteros last year with SSM and being butthurt that some people still voted 'no'.
That's not half of it - they've used Mardi Gras to sexualise the kids - the ABC kids channel has been pushing Mardi Gras big time, all these rainbow segments with little kids saying faggotry is fun ! Watch it and rage.
How come no Ozanons are calling this shit out ?
Vid is a reaction one as the real one is Kikebook and twitter and I don't have that on this machine.
Ugh. This stomach-turning poof parade is our national shame. I hate that we're responsible for this atrocity. I'm 99% convinced they rigged the fag marriage vote, too, because the majority of people I spoke to were voting no (or considering it). DOTR cannot come soon enough, anons.
And it is celebrated exclusively in protestant countries like the USA and Australian.
The increasingly nervous Anglo, tries to reassure him self.
Yeah, like in “cool Britannia”, many believed in, despite the evidence in front of their eyes.
But it is “Leb style”, vibrant and diverse.
Nah. That's a false equivalence Turnkike is infamous for spinning. We started on the multicultural path a full decade later than the US, for example. We're degenerating just as fast - perhaps even faster, relatively, because Aussie immigration figures are some of the highest in the world, per capita - but comparatively we appear better off because Australia is a decade behind in racial poz.
Probably helps that a large portion of that immigration is Chink and people tend to ignore or not care about Asians till the become a problem. US and UK get way more nigs in comparison. Also Australians have been cucked hard by political disengagement and the apathetic arguments of just ignoring shit instead of making noise.
ABC has fedbook and other comments sections on lockdown including realtime moderating from what I've heard.
Mate this country is fucked. The smart money got out long ago.
Yeah, the chink is insidious. They cause little disruption on an individual level until suddenly they're everywhere, and entire suburbs have been lost to the bastards.
Collapse our economy to stop Chinks coming + revalue manual labour. when people have to self-sustain instead of buying shit from China and relying on mega farms for food the value of men will increase greatly.
Spread housing collapse memes, spread the fact that housing prices fell 2.4% in Sydney last quarter.
Actually, if someone's good with photoshop that would make a good piece of propaganda.
Yeah, I don't know how we went from still having a reasonably conservative attitude not all that long ago to fucking this nowadays.
The trouble is if you don't have to come face to face with a suburb of diversity people don't even notice it.
Not at all.
If furfaggots were all basement dwellers, then yes. But they're not. Most of them nowadays are tumblrinas, and tumblrinas are no different to tranny LGBTQWERTYWTFBBQs because they are literally the same thing.
the gay mardi gras has been going on since the 80s
You didn't.
The media and education system controlled by loxists told you that you did.
Ausfailia is pretty much the lowest tier new world country.
The rejects of the UK, the lowest IQ most violent whites.
An intellectual void.
It's a country of chavs, locally called bogans.
You can only convince these people with 24/7 propaganda and force.
It therefore makes sense to push this very hard to root out violent resistors and imprison them.
I just made this because I hold morbid curiosity as to what they believe on the subject. I suggest you lurk this thread for research purposes. This is amazing.
The same ones that rape dogs, right? I can't wait for the break down in civil order so I can deal with their likes.
I ain't clicking that nigga.
Didn't what, go from conservative to not? No, it was fairly conservative for a while. People's attitudes toward fags, immigrants like Chinks etc, were pretty organic. The media influence kicked in a bit later.
Yes and no. That's definitely there especially in the working class where parents don't put much emphasis on education, but enough Aussies are reasonably intelligent. I've met my fair share of absolutely fucking stupid Americans too. I can totally see where people get your opinion from, but it's overstating things a bit.
Wrong board. Everyone moved back to /furry/ after the board changed owners. Honestly these guys have fuck all to do with furries, they're the standard fuckparty crowd in it for the BDSM angle. I still wouldn't trust them around my oets though.
You're honestly more of a faggot than all those lgbtwtfbbq fucks put together. Just kill yourself already if ypu can't pull your head out of you ass you high time preferance fuck.
Clearly you Aussies haven't had enough to drink, because you're not beating the fucking snot out of these faggots.
Just remember, eye protection and fist protection for when you bust out their faggot teeth…don't want your blood to come in contact with their bodily fluids, you'll contract fag buttfucking diseases.
Low approval ratings?
If you believe the pollsters (I don't know why you would) His approval rating is above Obama's at this point in the presidency.
What did they mean by this?
Bolsonaro is a former army captain and very very right wing, the only right wing politician in Brazil.
He is very very anti homosexuals, says he would beat his son to a pulp for being a faggot.
He got in touch with libertarians so his nationalist policy changed to pinochet economics.
Since our faggot old socialist president is nearly being put into a oven soon, he is the most popular candidate with 40% of the vote as of now, just using the power of memes.
He's the only proper candidate, the rest is dressed up socialists cucks.
Eat shit, Pom.
I'm actually low time preference because I can see that this will be an Asian majority country in 30 years and about 90% nonwhite in 60. You're the high time preference one, thinking about the next election, the next campaign, the next red pill. Learn to accept the facts for what they are. Just because I have accepted them and they are inconvenient for you, that doesn't require you to hurl epithets in an immature manner. It's time for you to grow up and smell the fucking coffee. We've already lost. It's time to start thinking about how your people will survive the entropy as targeted minorities in the future, you Mises loving faggot.
When does it end, Holla Forums? This shit is everywhere now. Such social sickness can't continue.
It ends when people stop it. The people in power aren’t Gods, they took power and therefore they can have it taken from them.
Then stop framing shit as if there is nothing to be done and that we may as well just give up and die. I'm not giving up a scrap of ground while you sound like you're looking to cut losses and run.
I meant aussies were always fierce defenders of their country, despised boat people, super strict on immigration and imports. Heterosexual shit talkers. The people will not have changed that much, if they have it's the jews.
I know a guy who had to leave his golf clubs at the airport because they had grass stains that didn't come from australia.
You go from this to letting in rabid rapists? And no longer taking the piss out of obvious targets such as furries and puppies? It's not organic.
I never said we can't do anything but the idea we won't end up as a nonwhite country is ridiculous. The west is over. Go read Spengler, go read Guenon. Learn about how civilizations actually work. They are a creation of man and thus are organic. They grow and die like every living thing. But there's way more to it than some will to power shit.
No, that behaviour is just a product of severe demoralization. They've been trying to demoralize us here just like anywhere else. The problem here is, Australian Anglo people are extremely deracinated and very cultureless. Sure, we have culture, but it's a working class culture, so it gets rejected by everyone who isn't blue collar. It's also very young and therefore not as significant to people as European culture. This made Australians very easy targets. We may have been more alpha in the past but we're falling faster than European countries who are rooted to their soil by thousands of years of very significant history and culture. We can see the same thing in other similar countries like Canada for example. Face it, these days, Thai food is almost as part of our cultures now as thongs or vegemite.
As a NOLA native that alone gets my fucking
It was Feb 13 this year you fuckfaces
have last year's
i can't bring myself to dig this shit up again
I never thought the abbos, despite being very stupid, would be enticed or tricked into kike fuckery.
The fag propaganda hits people at a limbic level because it's sexual in nature and therefore anyone can fall for it if they aren't on guard.
Is that a giant trash bag being used as a bedspread?
They need heavy duty plastic covers due to all the faeces, piss, cum, and alcohol involved in their sex.
Fag sex is basically that human centipede movie crossed with porn.
Get in the oven, now.
Yeah nah you can bash that out your ass.
It's called a "Vacbed". Essentially, it is an airproof sack used for a variety of purposes. A vaccume cleaner is attatched and air is sucked out to the point that the person is trapped inside. Sometimes their head is outside the bag, sometimes the hook themselves up to a breathing apparatus (and sometimes share one). Other times, they have holes for only their cock to stick outside the bed. The vac-bed can deflate to insane levels, so tight it feels like a second-skin (as I've seen some describe it). The concept was brougght to light to more people thanks to the mini-cult surrounding The Farshnuke and his comments that his found boyfriend enjoys one.
Translation: I'm a nigger and I'm a big football fan.
Don't burn too many brain cells with the Bundy, Davo.
Are you that dipshit who was spamming about the white meetup threads?
Nah, that might have been your cuckold father, though.
Einherjar Resistance.
The lengths these people go to get off. They're absolutely fucked in the head.
Some fun, even if it "feels good", isn't worth having.
Faggot is an identity in the same way Christian or Pagan is. A Christian's life revolves around his faith, a faggot's around gay sex, which isn't just male on male sex. It's an abject kind of sadomasochism. These people aren't normal people who just don't like normal sex. They live and breath degeneracy. They worship it.
These people never learned this lesson, and they want to take their "fun" to the absolute extreme. But, thanks to the pure nature of their "fun", there is no absolute "extreme" and it just continues on and on. Thanks to human being's natural inclanation to wish to have fufilment, they continue on this path and make their own philisophical pseudo-religins around it. Hedonism is in, and they're thankful there was a name for it. I can tell, they're now commonly using it.
They want to find the absolute other side and feel happy. They want to touch god himself and they, in their fucked up head, think that at the other side they will find the absolute. They do not conciouslly realize this.
Most are victims not of abuse (per se), but rather victims of the modern era, the distruction of the nuclear family, and an enviornment where the fringe is now welcomed with open arms. Why do you think these things are central to the Pacific Northwest, the Hippie Capital of North America?
This stuff did not come out of the blue either. It has been a slow progression ever since around the time of the Industral Revolution, in the Victorian era. it was only able to change from a Cathedral to a Bazzar model thanks to the Sexual Revolution of the 60's and the 70's. The Homosexual and BDSM movements were intertwined closely, but were seperate at first. Now they are in perfect marriage. It was not until the 1980's that the second Sexual Revolution occured, this time mixed with the growing Post-Freak and Geek Goth scene.
Learn the history of underground counter-culture and you'll learn how we got here much faster than learning about the mainstream.
Yes, everyone is deracinated but people are people so they still have a psychological need for identities. There are many to choose from. Some people choose diabetic. These people had something wrong with them, went down the homosexual path, and chose the faggot identity.
There's something worse about this, that you all may not be realizing. You know the old copypasta about normalfags finding something and ruining it? Well, look at this shit. Normalfags are finding it and in the modern era, this shit is not looked at as soleey sexual but as a community. So, we have hundreds and hundreds of casual dabblers in both this and general homosexuality. These dabblers are the ones that think that IT'S OK TO BE GAY yet are in growing hate with the LGBTQ-Pride movement. They're the lurking AnCaps that post here and say "You're not against hmosexuals, you're against faggots having pride parades." These are the weaker men that have found things.
I've read Spengler. Whether the "west" survives or not is of no import. What matters is preservation of the race. Our people will create a new civilisation following the collapse of the west; as the Roman civilisation grew out of the of the Hellenic; as the Western out of the Roman. But that can never occur if we throw up our arms like blackpilled faggots and accept the browning of our country as 'fate', without a struggle. Perhaps it's time you ditched the soy beverages and hopped down off the float, you limp-wristed poof.
I don't disagree with the first part but perhaps acquire for yourself a pair of glasses because no where did I say to give up. I'm ready to fight to the death, literally. And I've got the training to take on a squad of police by myself. I wouldn't call me a soyim, faggot.
Just you fucking wait, until you see children running away from home to be dog slaves living in a cage and being used like a fleshlight by someone that literally owns them.
They are already recruiting pre-teens on kik…
I mean I know people are fucking weird but how do people get so fucking weird. When I think of degeneracy I think of boozing and whoring, never once do I think of dressing up in a skin tight leather onesie with a dog mask on and pretend I'm a puppy. What the fuck is wrong with these people.
but isn't this their downfall?
inclusivity(tm) destroys itself because it can't separate itself from undesirables, as we've seen with rapists and pedophiles discovered among their ranks.
bruce jenner was a shock to people, raising questions about the line between mental illness and 'alt sexualities', ultimately casting doubt over the legitimacy of lgbtetc.
as time passes, the worse freaks come out of the woodwork and people will have enough.
people are only tolerating this shit because they don't understand how it'll affect their children, and how they always go after the children in the end.
Anyone else read that as HappyFurryGas at first glance?
complete lack of trust, touch, and discipline. Three things that our society has sexualized to the point of madness.
I love the look of absolute despair in the eyes of the real puppers.
Anyway the point I'm trying to make, it that this is a gateway into human trafficking and also into deviant sexuality. The vast majority get too old, and are thrown away like an empty wrapper, in favor of younger, cuter, more geared up puppies. The neoprene mask crowd is a mass produced thing, and seems to be even more devoid of personal identity than usual. Besides, I think these faggots need a proper man and father alpha figure to learn from, because this I see is really their natural instincts fucking with them and demanding to be led, cared for and guided.
This interview is of such a trafficking case, see if you can spot the many rough trade injuries he has….
Never post again. Trash.
Who is this m1sc3g3n1gg3r? Looks like a Sicillian dago breed
What a bunch of lovely "people"
Your comment almost made me shed a tear of rage and despair. Maybe I was lucky never to get into any of this shit from desperation…but healthy touch, trust, and discipline are exactly what has been eradicated from life in the modern era of progress. The white man has not yet allowed himself to hate. But he will. Lord knows I do..
Spoiler this shit nigger.
The puppers know something is wrong with them.
wait until you see the horse guy riding an actual horse, like with a saddle, not mr hands style.
I'm not religious but these guys and their culture strike me as deeply satanic. You gotta wonder if possession is actually a thing sometimes.
Reminds me of the hypnotic state some primitive hunter gatherer cultures during hunting rituals, re-enacting the hunt with dancers acting the parts of hunter and prey, complete with that Head=space of an animal, like running a virtual machine or emulator on a vastly more powerful computer. Like you look like a horse and are acting like a horse so on some felt level, you are a horse.
Look into Mirror Neurons for a better explanation of how this all works mentally.
Hey, I met Proxy in person before. Used to hang out with him and Noble when they lived in Barrie about 6-8 years ago, before they split up. He let me try on that hood/gasmask in the 4th pic
I've always wanted to do so, and fuck him as well but that all stopped when he got pretty desperate to be MKULTRA'd and literally brainwashed into a slave dog when he wasn't working as a critical care paramedic. Like breaking as sacrificial slave before you kill him qliphoth style MKULTRA'd. He HATED himself, and his personality. That and his relationship with Noble was ended based on differences in maturity both physical, mental and emotional, with proxy being the more mature and ambitious of the two. And he also was getting into the darker, more gruesome kinks, bit by bit as well like more dangerous Asphyxiation and more ambitious combinations that could turn fatal (Asphyx via gasmask with forced inhalation of pot and ethyl chloride fumes, combined with bondage and edging, that kind of quick fatality)
I haven't had much contact since, but he's really throwing himself into that bleak pit hoping its a comfortable landing full of oiled flesh.
I think I've also been inside that cage in the 4th picture as well. Not for very long though. Depends on when that picture was taken. I feel like if I went down a different path in life, I would have kept hanging out with them, and enjoyed it and did the convention thing. But I didn't, and I'm glad I ended up where I am now.
I suppose you're that dark research user? We've talked before.
Do you know anything about someone named Feathery or FallenFeathers? He shut off his FA account and introduced me to Noble in the first place. I dodged a fucking bullet with him, wew.
Yep! Guilty as charged! I do more bitcoin investigations now, but still am interested in talking about the darker instincts and how they relate to fetishes. Like the desire to be utterly consumed by nothingness, enthralled by the call of the void. Proxy has no idea he has that, and desperately wants to be eaten by the darkness while getting fucked, and on fucked up hallucinogens and solvents. pretty dark.
Did you ever know a fellow by the name of Hawkwolf? Writes realistic furry fiction that is unintentionally redpilled on faggots, and is proof that the brain is an antenna, for how else can such a kike married fag leftypol write such things that evoke natural law?
So my experience with furries went more or less like this.
Also you should check your opsec. In theory, with the first picture, you might be able to look at his list of followers to see whose icons those are, and see which friend(s) they have in common to see which Twatter account is yours. Hell, you even have your icon in the top right. Sloppy. Unless you don't care
The entire "fetish" is literally brainwashing.
So it's no wonder why they target kids. They'll train them into sex slaves.
Only if you were something to begin with. Clearly people with everything have this fetish.
Checked, I actually got exiled from that clusterfuck by the furry mafia due to me being a complete fuckup with no social skills or tact. These fucks are the Elites that decide everything from who can be friends with who, who can fuck who, who can go to who's parties, and who's blacklisted from all the above. I got blacklisted, and anyone that invited me to a furmeet or party got an ultimatum, throw me out, trespass me, or have their party moved to the local furhouse with an inappropriate name like say "The Tailbase" (food booze and all even if the host paid for it) and they're on the blacklist. I've seen that happen at least once.
Yes it's real
It's another marxist construct.
Also that is also conditioned. You can be trained to self destruct.
I mean that's why kikes own the media.
It's called psychological conditioning.
It's not natural instinct. It's conditioned degeneracy.
A natural instinct is more inclined toward self preservation, not destruction.
You mean three things targeted by foreign subversion to make the citizens destroy themselves.
It's like gays completely ignore "neural plasticity" and don't realise that they're exploiting it in children.
Sure, everything can be explained by your basic-bitch understanding of psychology. It's all just conditioning.
Except some of the world's brightest are Australian.
The problem here is apathy. Drinking is a huge issue here, as well as pot, etc.
Poms tend to be the biggest PC cucks here.
It sure can, because you're nothing but a programmable computer user.
Lurk moar.
Oh, but they do know, the really do, if they stopped corrupting children the entire meatgrinder would literally fuck itself to death as it runs out of meat to grind up. The entire thing is about keeping a stable harem of cocks and asses and lips fucking as long as possible, and replacing the wearing out parts with fresh ones as young as possible, toddlers if possible.
Starve the beast, and it devours itself bite by bite until it dies of it's wounds.
They have an entire class of worn out ugly older fags that recruit young questioning teenagers on craigslist and kik via offering some sex. And the pup play thing is just a variation on that theme, and after the kid runs away or is tossed out… They offer to take the kid in, for a sexual price…. Like living in a cage naked, eating out of a bowl on the floor, and taking cock of sucking dick on immediate order. Sometimes they act as servant during parties and suck cocks under the table when the naked guests eat their dinner. I've heard of that happening atleast once….
Talkback radio has only complained about it for 4 decades user.
The ABC is utterly subverted and a waste of tax payers money.
Politicians want their rhetoric by the way, because they want globalist policies. Why? To artificially float our markets.
Oh, they know. These people are much more in touch with their dark side than others. Converting children to their sick culture is how they keep a fresh supply of young skin coming into the game. Part of the reason they want mass acceptance of fag culture itself is so they can have an even more intense and widespread experience of it. If it were up to them, orgies would be commonplace on public transportation. Don't be naive, user.
I can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or not. Humans aren't even analogous to computers. Neuroscience rejected that idea ages ago. KYS!
If it were up to them user, they'd have fully naked sex ed in grade 4 complete with live individual instruction, and your child's first orgasm would be at their teacher's hands.
Well, if we're being honest wouldn't the entirety of life as we know it be nothing but one gigantic, gay, satanic orgy?
Oh they wouldn't know darkness if it hit them in the face user.
What they see as "darkness" is scraping the surface.
Because it's been nothing but play for them. Agony of an unbearable nature is not play. These people wouldn't understand true agony. True darkness.
Everything in the universe is somewhat related to logic. People don't seem to get that it truly is a machine. It's determined. It's mechanical. We simply delude ourselves into thinking it's our will.
Hence why I said they don't know true agony. Agony that cannot be turned into pleasure.
Luckily, the SJW bullshit in VIDEOGAMES completely soured me to gender and sexual subcultures, furries are shit, gays are shit, and I've realized every facet of news, media, and entertainment are a fucking sham and an extension of the jew. They overplayed their hand.
The entirety of life is nothing but a mirror to reflect ourselves user.
I'm starting to think you are simply blind. Explains your post really.
Feelings are not there to enjoy as fruit. They are there for purposes.
To "enjoy" them as fruit is to ignore the reason why they exist in the first place - to perceive things.
"Enjoying" them as fruit is evidence that the person doing so is unable to perceive things well. They are blind.
you think your philosophy is gospel. you're a materialist. you know how is that shit is to refute? i've seen that shit written thousands of times, with back up arguments and counterattacks perpetually falling short. you aren't as smart as you think you are. just fuck off.
Oh, wow, so you're a materialist. how original. how many times have you jerked off to dawkins?
*tip tip tip tip*
Ahh, so I take it you're not from Holla Forums then? Because strawmen are frowned upon here.
So you're the basic bitch then?
And that is the illusion. Look up determinism.
A simulation has a narrative in retrospect, you just don't see that.
Yep, and they'd go the way of the Romans. Like you'd have the president of the USA talking with the PM of Canada and they have their child slaves oral servicing them openly on nationwide TV and everyone thinks its normal. I think it'd be like the City-Shaft from the Incal, a mass colorful cesspit of depravity, a carnival of psychedelic drugs and replicant whores made to order, and a hundred thousand suicides a day, and mass media bloodsports and endless cruelty done soley for people betting on it..
Heres a torrent for the original colors, don't get the modern coloring, its super kiked.
You know, I think I've seen a similar thread with your posts in them before.
Almost like it's a forum slide or something.
I'm in the Homos giving each other GI parasites one, and yes I'm trying to murder the concept of faggotry. Slide what? Only thing thats sliding is these freaks into your child's bedroom via the laptop.
Now I just think you're demoralisation.
We know about this user, stop rubbing dirty faggots in rubber suits in our faces.
Nope, I'm warning you to really monitor your child's search history and homeschool them, or else some commie schoolboard will force this on them and send the cops to steal your children if you refuse. They always decide in favor of cummies and also in potiential cummies, like those children giving them dopamine hits to the brain from the crotch.
Best dox local CPS and the schoolboard before they steal your precious family, and turn them into me.
Lurk forums like /cuteboys/ and tumblr and ERP IRC channels. You'll realize that this was the norm as long ago as 2012.
I'd rather stay bluepilled on the matter, but dubs tell me to expose my mind to the worst of the world.
Stopped reading right there.
Abbos have been molesting each other ever sine they started walking towards Australia from Africa.
Australians are just gullible. They see America embracing turbo-degeneracy and think; It's not hurting the USA's culture one bit! We can do it too!
As long as Australians never encounter a 'confusing' opposing viewpoint they will do what they are told.
ITT: Death
Oh fuck this isn't about the austrian knife attack? Lol Holla Forums is slow as fuck.
I replied to the wrong person. I meant to reply to
That must be USA.
I don't know and don't care as it was the only thing on jewtube on it I could find. Meanwhile …
The normies are starting to rage about the ABC promoting kids into the Mardi Gras - one guy noticed that it was against the law in NSW - it comes under grooming. Look at the whole series of videos at their ABC - the 'What's it like? To be transexual' and What's it like? To be queer' - one have them had a 12 year old talking about his sexuality (or lack of) - another an 8 year old tranny saying 'I identify as female and I'm not sexual yet'. This is solid shit to enrage the normie population to stand up to the rainbows and the ABC, and there are fuck all anons on the social medias calling it out. It doesn't get much more obvious that they want to normalise pedos and the gay marriage thing was the first step.
And anons … imagine my rage when I realised that one of the featured kids I know in real life - the parent is one of my main clients. I'm reeeeeing like never before.
Where do all these faggots even come from? There's no way they were all deranged faggots 20 years ago. Why are so many all of a sudden springing up? It can't just be "acceptance." Or is it just the usual ultra-focused media lens, depicting a false view of the world by only showing the tiny, tiny little bit they desire?
This has to be fucking bait.
Anyone else coping with Australia's pozzing by seeking isolation by venturing further into the outback?
There were always furfags on Holla Forums, but thing of it is the furfags that are capible of posting on Holla Forums are the sane ones. It's like the difference between a casual trekkie and Sheldon Cooper. That is, we don't start shouting about how cool it is to be a furry and acknowledge our own weirdness. That's the sign of maturity, we don't talk about our hobbies unless asked. You get this, right?
Pick one and only one.
They aren't Orthodox Christians - they have no Tradition and no honour.
I honestly think the efforts to normalise pedophilia will fail because its a complete 180 on what they've been pushing for years. Things are a lot more conservative and "think of the children", compared to 20+ years ago when I was young. We've been fed the pedo-paranoia for a long time now so that people react very strongly at the possibility of anything sexual when it comes to kids. I remember this outdoor gym equipment for kids was advertised last year and it had kids doing normal gym routines on it and norms flipped their lids. Screaming it was "pole dancing for little kids!" etc.
If they try now to push pedo shit as being normal, people's minds will snap in two. It's a stretch way too far and goes against what they've been saying for so long. People simply won't stand for it and it will backfire horribly.