Set up as a more professional and less commercial awards ceremony than Spike TV's shit

Why the fuck are there no good video game award ceremonies?

We don't exactly have the institutions that film, music, and literature have. We're rising to importance just as anti-intellectuals are taking power and call themselves champions of social justice.

Is it any wonder that videogames, despite being a multi-million, nay, billion dollar industry, are a fucking joke?

The Baftas have a games awards ceremony, why people keep clamoring for more "professional" stuff anyway is beyond me. If you want a popular game awards show then the VGX turns up, you reap what you sow.

whatever happened to Holla Forumsgas

Redditors hijacked the Holla Forumsgas.

I believe is because there are no credible established video game institutions. Nobody has defined what a video game is. Nobody has placed limits on it's definition. like finally saying that VNs are not vidya Nobody really know what Action Adventure is. Nobody knows what constitutes an rpg, you may say skyrim is an rpg or the original fallout, who's wrong and who's right? Nobody knows because there hasn't been an official definition of rpg.

The way to solve this is if the ESRB would get down to becoming that institution, since it already has an established, widely know air of credibility.

People also forget the Oscars and Grammys have also been massive commercials from the start with tons of product placement (There's a shit ton from Samsung the last few years). Companies have also started putting trailers on ad breaks for films months out.

The problem with Geoff is that he's too honest. He knows about the Dorito Pope shit. He knows it's a glorified ad. And he's honest with it instead of pretending it doesn't happen like the Academy does. But it still turns people off despite his attempts to make a legitimate award with a board of directors from all the major industry figures. And that honesty is the downfall of it all.


it's fake

It doesn't matter if it's fake, the VGAs are still shit.


They could be if they had credibility.

Problem is that the only people who care about vidya any more are us assholes and whenever we try to make a project, especially one with high visibility, everything falls apart because some attention whore inevitably gets into power and takes control.

Good. Better to be honest about your influences and shunned for them than to be dishonest about them and raised to an unwarranted standard.

We should make our own vidya award ceremonies

As opposed to what, the movie and TV industries who hand out awards based on which production pushed the most socjus themes, or which production team had the most brown people?

And that's why there never will be a proper awards for vidya. Dorito Pope has good intentions and is honest about it, but it's an incredibly commercial media. You never will get that same "Cred" that's in the Oscars.

Nah. In Hollyjew it's about who put out the most "For your consideration" ads, the private dinners and meetings with Academy voters. Last year snowflakes were bitching about black people being "Ignored" when reality is that Hollywood doesn't care what color the actor is as long as their "Consideration" campaign trumps up the goods.

The Oscars have been crooked as fuck for a while now. Not that Snowflakes would bother to read up on how a lot of critics who were invited by the academy to vote usually spurned it.

Awards ceremonies, by their nature, are pretentious circlejerks created by obnoxious twats, often for the purpose of elevating certain people they like, or promoting a kind of message that aligns with their agenda.

You ever see those game boxes that have like "WINNER OF 600 E3 AWARDS!" Well.. what's the value in an award when anyone can make them up and give them out? Does it matter if a game has been acknowledged at all by some of these publications and organizations? No. Not really.

In fact, most of the award shows and contests are just made up on the spot or started for the express purpose of demanding entry fees and other little costs, so they can give out a "this faggoty college club thinks this indie game is cool" award.

Thinking about it more, we're putting the cart before the horse. If you want a good awards show that represents actual serious gamers then you need to first get sites like that that do more generic reviews and such on games. You need to have a base of people who have actual credentials before you start putting together an awards show.

The ESRB is a ratings board. Their purpose is to inform consumers of any questionable content in a game. They don't decide genre or quality any more than the MPAA does for movies.

But he did. Reggie Fils Ame (Nintendo), Gabe Newell (Valve), Phil Spencer (Microsoft), Shawn Layden (Sony), Jen-Hsun Huang (Nvidia) and Lisa Su (AMD) are on the advisory board of the Game Awards along with a bunch of publisher representatives.

You can't get a better credentials than that.

I chose them as an example because other video game institutions have absolutely no credibility and no authority over the industry like the ESRB. When you ask about who's going to set the rules and definitions, you can't count on Bethesda, because they are incompetent as fuck. You can't count on Valve, because they're too business oriented. You can't count on EA, because they don't know shit about video games anymore. The ESRB is the less bias and with the most authority.

Who else is there? IGDA? pffft

Other problem is that the ESRB, just like the ESA, has been co-opted by moral authoritarian busybodies. People who think their job is to influence how people think and what is allowable in society.

The ESRB has wielding the AO rating like a club in the past, and the ESA produces professional quality kool-aid to promote the assbackwards notion that games need to appeal to women and only women.

ESRB ratings also aren't generally enforced, except AO ratings.

If that's true, then what else is there? There's no other institution that can precisely define terms within vidya.

There's Holla Forums. We just have to reclaim the board from that fat kike and purge the degenerates and it'll be perfect

Aside from Holla Forums, this is the entirety of the people who browse Holla Forums, you can't possibly purge everyone.

I'd be fine with just Holla Forums remaining. They're the only good posters anyways

Because you'd need a board of credible critics to bestow the awards and the industry doesn't have those.


It's not a coincidence they never post about vidya.

How can you consider a bunch of the top businessmen in the industry as good people to advise or run an awards show? It's definitely going to end up being entirely commercialized. Maybe its more competitive as to who wins but in the end who wins is still based on what games these companies want to market, not based on what games are actually fucking good.

The appropriate kind of person to have on for an awards show are truly unbiased reporters/reviewers/etc but unfortunately those don't exist anymore for any industry, or perhaps never did.

Nah, the entire site is degenerates.

And how exactly would you know when someone who is just talking about vidya is Holla Forums or not? The Holla Forums mentality is a defining feature of this site's userbase even outside of Holla Forums and nothing is going to change that.

Ask the Oscars. Their advisory board comprises of the head of every major studio in the world. And guess what. They do the same ever since the Academy was established.

Welcome to the commercial world.

The Pizza Hut Director of Marketing does not have good credentials for judging video games. Iwata would have been perfect because he worked his way up as a developer first, and a damn good one at that.
That's what we need; someone who knows vidya as more than just the next hollywood cash in. Once upon a time Gabe might've also fit the bill, but these days he's just as bad as the rest.
Fucking kek. Nvidia tries their best to actively fuck up new games. No thanks.

We can't have a credible awards show to judge good vidya because there's few credible personalities who could do it. Businessman executives? No. Hack journalists? Fuck no. It has be cool, un-cucked devs who know and love what good vidya is. There seems to be less and less of them in the spotlight these days.

Holla ForumsGAs

And they're fucking awful, as already discussed in the thread. I don't care if an awards show has widespread credibility, I care if they're actually good and give awards to games because they're good games, not because of money or circlejerking or trying to push propaganda.

until they leave half/v/ it will continue to be filled with a shitty voterbase and 10 minute skits with actual autists playing with stuffed toys

I like those skits

Well the ones who make it known they browse Holla Forums are the most obnoxious idiots on this side of the internet. If they don't make it clear they browse Holla Forums then I have no problem with them, and that's how it is for everything. If someone is gay, or a furry, or a girl and they don't shove it in your face then they tend to be the kind of people that make good threads and discussion.

Actual video game criticism is so scarce that composing a board of credible personalities is impossible. I can only think of only two I'd trust and even then it's not even a sure thing.

This. We're anons for a reason. Trying to give yourself an identity tied to certain other boards is retarded and just derails threads.

Most of them are fine but come on, 10 minutes for some mediocre joke told with plushies?

>the biggest pleddit-appeasing, virtue signalling, attention whoring, and meme-spewing piece of shit to ever be born out of cuckchan that isn't named moot

They are dead since [spoiler]I can't remember


because having ~3 games sweep the entire awards is more desirable amirite (ex. Portal 2, Gone Home, Witcher 3, Undertale sweeping fucking everything for each year)

In Last Year's VGAs, Undertale won nothing. In this year's GDC awards, it won only fan favorite. I think you're thinking of Her Story, if we're talking games (I use the term liberally) that swept everything.

Most of the critics in the board that voted "12 Years a Slave" didn't watched "12 Years a Slave" yet vidya awards manages to be more cancerous than that.

I see posters of things like for FO4 before it was released.

This. Also, the industry should crash to kill off all of the shills and fangoyim.

wrong awards there m8, was talking about the Holla Forumsga's, which were more of what which game had its name appear the most on 4/v/'s catalog