Gooks selling disabled people as slave laborers

Gooks selling disabled people as slave laborers

Where da reparations at? Nevermind… only people with a soul feel guilt and this is a largely christian country mind you…

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Nice link you provided there.
Reminder that only Whites were evolved/dumb enough to abolish slavery.

Only third worlders think this makes sense.

They basically just need to be fit enough to work the salt farms. It's stuff even mentally retarded people can do.

Japs abolished it long before we did.


What do Holla Forumsacks think about slavery? I kind of like it, so long as the people enslaved are criminals or foreigners. The idea of having a dozen generations of slaves seems incredibly fucked up, so the possibility of earning freedom should be there.

I have heavy qualms about slavery of ordinary folk and foreigners from abroad. I have no qualms with using criminals as forced labor as additional hands on public projects. Slavery as a whole is just wrong.

People incarcerated should be forced to work manual labor jobs, instead of gestating in nigger gang hives and learning how to be a more efficient criminal. What good does paying for niggers to fight and work out do society? It doesn't. It would be far cheaper to give these degenerates the firing squad as it stands, at the very least they could be making license plates or something.

Because they could only enslave themselves, being as isolated as they were.

Americans of all people should know how much even a little slavery can fuck up a country.

I may be too misanthropic to share in your ability to see an inherent flaw in slavery. Could you give more insight?

How this bad?

Slavery demeans the owner, not just the slave. As much as we bitch about blacks or whoever being 'subhuman', they're also post-animal, and using what has the spark of sapience, however poorly expressed, as chattel livestock is also a condemnation of any future potential to become neighbors worth having. Remember, whites evolved too. We may have gotten to where we are first, but that doesn't mean we're the only ones that will ever. The Asians came up right behind/alongside us, and even the Arabs were having a good run of it before Religion of Cuck™ turned them into an inbred hellhole.

If you want to force blacks to work, inflict eugenics on them, not chains.

And then there's what said, in that bringing the population into your borders in the first place is a fuckup from step 1 no matter the brutality or purity of your intentions. It's just a bad fucking idea.

It's nice you like it, because you are slave and your children will be

I'm kinda disgusted by then, but then again, they are koreans.

Koreans are fucking vicious.

End yourself.

For a second there I thought you were talking about my country (flipland) but apperantly the religious beliefs of Worst Koreans are mostly undocumented or have "no formal religion" according to Jewkipedia. Just sayin' :^).

pic related

It's morally wrong. If you need further explanation on this point, check your DNA.

It threatens your biology. Slaves are usually foreigners. Over time they will merge with the natives. This happens with such regularity in history you might as well call it a natural law.

It's ineffective. Unhappy workers do shoddy work.

It's bad for the economy. Why innovate when you have slaves? How CAN you innovate when your slaves need something to do? This kept Rome as an agricultural society, despite having the tech to become industrialized.

Please understand the words you use.
At this point you just prove yourself to be no better than a jew.

US didn't fully abolish slavery.

Worst Korea had their own cultural revolution in 70's and 80's that destroyed native Korean religion - Sindo

Slavery dilutes the work ethic of a people and degenerates them.

No they weren't. Before Religion of Cuck™ the arabs were nomadic tribes that were only pests.

There goes that good goy programming. "Evolution" is bad math, mein nigger. Complexities don't happen naturally, they are created. DNA is a complex code, and complex codes don't write themselves. Codes are written by intellect. Codes can, however, become corrupted. Animal breeders will tell you the same thing over and over; if you want an animal to have a trait, you have to find the animals with the traits you want, and then breed them together for many generations. And if a defective trait pops up, you cull it. If you let the defects reproduce, eventually you'll get a defect breed.

If you want civilized niggers, and all you're doing is letting the same defective bootlips with zero civilization traits breed over and over again, you're going to have a bad time.

Slavery is pretty bad. In the modern United States, it doesn't make economic sense. We can barely employ our legitimate citizens.

Short term profits, long term problems.

Took too much redpills at once didnt you reddit

it's not evolution that is bad maths, it's this bogus science article
false, lots of them have been documented, you can find examples in a couple of seconds of jewgle or kikepedia
the guy knows nothing about biology, 200 functions is huge for a bacteria, and much simpler ones mutate all the time, how does he thing we get antibiotic-resistant strains?
and a biological organism has extremely high levels of functional redundancy in the ways it can satisfy its needs to survive and reproduce, that's why in most cases a mutation that isn't immediately lethal can linger in the genetic code until a time where conditions change and it suddenly becomes vital to the local remaining population, and all those who happen to be the survivors must have it and its associated group of mutations, and that make them become a new race, or several new races if the new problem can be solved in different ways depending on the interoperability of the mutations the survivors happen to have

false, the best codes are produced by genetic algorithms, or by deep-learning neural networks
they literally write themselves
what they told you is cretinous superstition repeated by clueless peasants
you need 3 generations (including the one you select from) to obtain a stable breed, if you check the genetic code of the descendants to detect which among them is carrying the required gene
the "need lots of generation" is only if you have no means to statistically weed out the non-carriers from the single-gene-recessive, and you have to do severe inbreeding to be reasonably sure the gene is fully selected in your final population

Don't care. Shit OP.

Slavery is an utterly retarded concept nowadays, because there is no demand for mass manual labor. Almost everything an unskilled, possibly treacherous, slave can do has already been (semi) automated.
So what would you have an army of slaves do?

From a national socialist perspective, slave labor would only give a slight increase in profit (if any) to whoever used those slaves, while at the same time filling up already scarce low skill job opportunities with people who are not only useless but actually a burden to the nation.
Remember that theres always going to be a substantial amount of people who are just not that smart and you need to occupy them with meaningful work lest they start causing trouble.

Id wager rome would have lasted longer if they kicked out all the slaves and put the plebs to work for double rations instead of just feeding them both.
Of course until just recently there were many jobs that nobody really wanted to do but still demanded a large workforce for society to progress, perfect for slave labor, but those dont exist anymore.

With a healthy mindset, all work that needs doing nowadays can be done in a meaningful way that the worker can be proud of and thats really the key to abolishing slavery its still rampant in our jewish society

Is that like buying fruit with spots? Do you get them half off or something?
Otherwise, why bother and not purchase a fully functional slave?

And this is why whites are getting fucked right now. If his own family doesn't give enough of a shit to care for him for most of his life, why should strangers do it for free?

100% for it.
Some people, regardless of race (though there's entire races of such people), are incapable of caring for themselves. They happen to be too stupid, or lack the forethought necessary to do so. They are drunkards, gamblers, junkies, incredibly in debt, etc.
If those people are not cared for by their family, they cannot live sensible lives. They must either be killed, which is simply wasteful as you need to dedicate man-hours of useful people solely to the disposal of the useless, or be made useful.
Slavery does the latter. It gives them structure, rules to abide by, punishment if they do not, it makes them productive members of society.
Naturally, slaves as described above should not be allowed to breed and sterilized.

While it seems like an intellectual force behind the mutations that push creatures to evolve I would argue that Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity is at play. Multiple meaningful occurrences happening in short order might be explained by this metaphysical phenomena.

There is so little demand for manual labor that can be entrusted to a slave, its not worth feeding and housing a degenerate to do it.
Put someone to work who genuinely cant do any better and pay him a decent wage.

You got it completely backwards, killing someone takes near zero effort while subjugating slaves is a huge effort, just look at modern prisons.
Especially american prisons are the best example of this, for the amount of money it takes to house a single prisoner, you could pay half a dozen mexicans to work in shifts around the clock and they would even put in a little effort.
And even with all that money, prisons are still full of degeneracy and not only do they fail miserably at making anyone into a
but they actually breed even more crime.

Fuck off psycho.

Rome would probably have industrialized, and not grown reliant on provincial small landowners and barbarian settlers for protection. By the mid empire Italy itself was basically a huge carpet of slave plantations with most of the free people living as literal proletarians in the housing blocks of the big cities, subsisting on handouts. The imperium was maintained by what were essentially warlords, hailing from the militant border regions and elected by their troops on promises of loot - which increasingly came from plundering people within the empire itself during bloody and pointless civil wars. Slavery robbed Rome of its soul, the middle class free Italian farmer.

What you are describing is essentially what prison was for most of history. You send the ne'erdowells to work under military style discipline. Chattel slavery with private ownership of slaves, procured by raiding or debt, is a destructive system.

Aristotle said pretty much this.

Raiding for niggers in Africa is counterproductive. Use your own prisoners for the dangerous shit and give the tedious low IQ jobs for your own dumbfucks.

Thats a bold statement in a pro/con slavery thread, either you wound up here by mistake or you are pro-slavery and just suck at arguments.


I have read and studied both the confederate and the union sides extensively and gone to the source material and heard a lot of different takes on the civil war. I have also looked into slavery as practiced by the natives and by various other nations around the world including the ancient romans and the greeks and I know a lot about the slave trade that is continuing right now to this day.

Regarding the confederacy. The slavery they practiced was the welfare system of that age. The union also had slaves but not so many, most of the people living in the North were free. The north did not have certain advantages the south had due to climate which allowed for easier agriculture and the south grew really wealthy. The poorer north got more and more hostile with the south and eventually imposed huge taxes on the south that the south couldn't pay. There were calls in the papers of that time to completely genocide every southerner and at least it all boiled over with that tax they imposed on them. That started the civil war and the massive bloodshed. When the war was over Lincoln started sending the blacks to Liberia because he knew that if the blacks were kept around they would continue to multiply (as they had been in that time already) and create more and more problems and it would be better for them to have their own country. So that was the founding of Liberia… which today is a completely shithole and I would recommend you to watch this documentary about Liberia.

What then happened is Lincoln was assassinated before all the blacks could be sent back. So we have this big race problem now in America since blacks and whites can not live together peacefully. In the French colony of Haiti the blacks killed every single Frenchman. Haiti is a shithole today. Where are the people however saying Haitians need to pay back for genociding the French on their island? Also how cucked is it for white people to try and help them after their ancestors killed all the whites. Now that said just as we whites living today aren't responsible for the actions of our ancestors, they aren't responsible for the actions of their ancestors either. However; while whites have continued to advance and produce more prosperous and free nations that everyone wants to live in blacks haven't changed at all. They are and always will be stuck in the same savagery. There is no helping them.

Slavery was also practiced by the Native Americans. They were always having wars all the time and sometimes they would capture members of enemy tribes. We'd call these "POWs" today. Anyways if they didn't just kill them then they enslaved them and forced them to work for many years. Some were worked to death but many simply worked however many years until they could buy their freedom.

In the medieval times we did a similar thing with criminals. Criminals rather than getting to sit in some jail being lazy all day had to work for however many years as slaves and then they'd be free. If you think about this, this is actually quite brilliant, it punishes them but also makes them productive instead of a burden.

In the ancient times Sparta, Rome, Egypt, and many other nations had many slaves. The pyramids were built with highly skilled slave labourers. Slaves in athens had to take care of households (be maids basically) or do really shitty jobs nobody else would. Sometimes slaves were conscripted into the military and forced to fight. Slaves back then could earn their freedom if they really wanted to and many did.

How much do they sell the teen girls with a limp? It can't be as much as regular street meat.

In Subsahara Africa there has always been a slave trade. At times they sold to the arabs, to Europeans, and to others. When keeping slaves amongst themselves though they would keep them in this state of permanent servitude. They would force them to work and then kill them and often eat them when they were no longer useful for them (get too old, become injured, etc.). This continues to this day. Papua New Guinea (they are a different race than blacks) is also much the same.

The Aztecs also had many slaves and they would regularly sacrifice them. They were captured through war with other tribes around them. Huge numbers of slaves were sacrificed and by the time the Spanish came those smaller tribes that were constantly having their people taken from them, enslaved, and sacrificed were pissed. They joined forces with the Spanish and destroyed the Aztec Empire thus ending that particularly brutal form of slavery.

Right now in North Korea there is slavery. The communist state there inflicts punishments that multiple generations have to carry out. So not only do you get enslaved for your entire life, but your children and your children's children also are enslaved, and many starve to death or die of diseases in the concentration camps they have there. This incredibly brutal and injust and it's a bunch of communist Asians doing this.

Soviet Russia had a gulags system that was also a form of slavery. People would work in horrible conditions for decades all because they were suspected of opposing or undermining the soviet regime. Maybe you have read "One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich"?

In Israel and United Arab Emirates and a couple other North African countries right now there is legal slavery. They mostly target white women and tourists. What they do is they get someone to come to Dubai or wherever, then they burn their passport, then they start to drug them and put them through slave training. If they are too resistant and can't be made into slaves they kill them. They also subject them to torture and a lot of practices that are the same as with MK Ultra and certain other programs carried out by the CIA on mind control. They try to completely breakdown the person to a baby like state and reprogram them. Their aim is to make a slave who has no ability to resist the commands of their master and will do anything no matter how messed up.

So as you can see hopefully, Europeans have practiced slavery in the most benevolent way. It is not forever (you can earn your freedom), they weren't usually put to death because they were too old or became sick or injured, it was a massive improvement in the conditions of life for the blacks who even if they were free back in Africa would have been suffering much more whereas they got to actually enjoy a lot of peace and happiness working for their masters in America. All the blacks in America (who are mostly Bantu descendants btw) are only alive today because whites saved them. Had they remained in Africa they would have worked half-starved all the time under black masters until they were killed and cannibalized. Had then been sent off to Arabs they would have been castrated and eventually killed as well, though I don't think arabs made a regular practice of cannibalizing blacks. Every black should be saying "thank the lord my ancestors were brought here to this great country and thank the whites who had their hand in saving us".

You asking for a friend?

Now all this said I do oppose slavery. I don't think Africa should be receiving foreign aid. I don't think blacks should be allowed to use the welfare system. I don't think they should be here at all. I am with the Union and with Abraham Lincoln in particular in thinking they all need to go to Liberia.

…but then what about slavery just in general and not along racial lines? Well I think if we're going to have a penal system we might as well make people work and build roads and dig ditches or clean up parks and whatever. Better than them sitting in a jail cell all day. Also it's pretty obvious that in America there is going to be another big war and we're probably going to end up capturing liberals and what should we do with them? We could kill them but we could also force them to labour for us. Of course that comes with the risks of them committing sabotage like happened when jews, communists, gypsies, and others were doing forced labour for National Socialist Germany. They would sabotage the things they built. So far that reason it might just be better to simply kill them.

Now there is also an ecomonic argument against slavery. The number of hours people worked in the south vs the number of hours people worked in the north in America was a huge difference. Freemen work way more hours, slaves don't work so much nor do they produce so much. In Rome there were also so many slaves who did so many jobs and it created a problem regarding technology. When people are free there is a greater incentive to create and adopt labor saving devices. So there was a conflict in the ancient world between people who just wanted to keep the system of slavery going and people who wanted to make enhancements to agriculture, infrastructure, etc. What ultimately happened is the nations of that time that had the most slaves eventually collapsed for a variety of reasons and afterwards the technology advanced forward. Today for many reasons freemen are much preferred to slaves, as when you have slaves you have to house them, take care of them, etc. but you can make people who are free take care of themselves more and work much harder.

So in conclusion: whites have nothing to feel guilty about. They were not ever so brutal as the various other races and cultures of the world have been and continue to be. It is also because of whites that slavery has mostly ended and that the quality of life has improved in so many ways for everyone. We weren't evil, we did not do anything wrong. We did the right thing for the time.

Next up I am going to address the Ku Klux Klan but first I want to submit this post to you about what slavery now that I'm done writing all this.

The Ku Klux Klan today is a FBI honeypot. There are almost no members in the Klan that are just normal people they are all undercover agents. When a normal person joins they end up getting arrested. It's a trap and it's nothing like the old klan.

The Ku Klux Klan at its height had a few hundred thousand members. About 1% of those members were blacks, meaning a few thousand Ku Klux Klan members, had you taken the hood off of them… you'd find a black man underneath.

There was nothing about them that was anymore racist than the police are today. Do police target blacks more? Yes. Do police target blacks disproportionately to the crime they commit? No. Blacks always have and continue to commit more crime. I have some books you can read about crime and race that will give you the stats about this. Blacks are about 10% of the US population but commit half of all the crimes and are especially prone to the very violent crimes of assault, murder, and rape.

The Ku Klux Klan had lynched whites. They had burned crosses on the front yards of whites. All of their vigilante violence had been targeted against whites as well as blacks. Yes, they lynched blacks and burned them alive too.

What you don't seem to know or appreciate is that they were doing this to suspected criminals. Criminals happen often to be black.

Many Negros supported the klan and some were members. There are still some pictures of this but they constantly try to censor and scrub them from the internet.

I would highly recommend to avoid the klan as it is today but the truth about the klan is it was just a Protestant vigilante group that historical revisionists have decided to portray as somehow uniquely racist. They have and will continue to do this about everything in the past. They have started taking down confederate statues but it will continue until they have erased our past completely. To them the founding fathers and indeed every white man of historical significance was racist and needs to be erased. There ultimate goal is to erase our history and people like we never existed. Part of that is by giving a biased and incomplete view of the past to make it seem like we were monsters when we were not.

I read that they're cheaper by the dozen. You can buy a whole crate of them for 1/10th the cost if they don't walk right. Yeah, it's for my friend. He's just trying to help the economy.


Prisons require a relatively large state backing, enforcement of slavery would be largely incidental.

Slavery doesn't mean niggers. Only the burgers did this (and the arabs, but we know how they turned out)

Dude you're fucking retarded. Slavery was the welfare of that age. It guaranteed employment and safety and the happiness of blacks. Ethically slavery is more moral, at least as concerns the well-being of blacks, than freeing them. Look in your heart and you shall know this to be true.

Slavery only slows down automation. Why have technological advancements that make life easier when you can put a chain on a schmuck and force him to do all the menial work for almost nothing?
Also, there's the problem with importing slaves, something that will modify your country's genetic pool. But this can be fixed if you do it like the muslims did, by castrating the slaves. But you would still need to keep importing slaves in this case.

Bad idea overall. Maybe prisoners.

In Europe slavery was always this temporary thing where you'd get sold into slavery to pay off your debts or because of some crime or being captured in war. Then you'd earn your freedom after however many years.

Slavery similar to confederate times only works with niggers and not even todays basketball americans.
Slavery in the south only worked so well and easy, because they imported niggers literally straight from the jungle, sold off to slavers because not even a tribe in africa wanted them.

Those things were so much below what you think a human being is, its hard to even imagine, and thats the only reason the master could sit back in his mansion and watch them work, with only occasional beatings.
I dont think that would work with anyone else.

Then again its utterly pointless.
Slavery in the form you are all talking about is completely obsolete, jews have invented something way better.
How can slavery compete with minimum wage? Its fucking impossible.
You pay some wageslave the bare minimum he needs to survive, room possibly shared, the worst food that just barely keeps him alive until his productive years are over, entertainmenment that a fraction of a cent for the manhour, healthcare based on cheap painkillers and after all that, not only dont you have to beat them to work, they come to you and grovel for the opportunity to work.

I like this type of argument. It runs off of pragmatism rather than an emotional resilience to slavery that was programmed into people since birth, even though virtually every Holla Forumsack would support slavery if they were in ancient Rome.

It's true that there isn't much of a place for a large swath of unskilled labor in modern society. The German's basically conscripted 18 year olds into their program which would go help farmers, something which would completely nullify the need for Mexicans. But that said, an increase in unskilled labor would lower the price of it, and therefore open up new opportunities for employment. An example might be middle-class families being able to afford a chauffeur or a maid.

Speaking of which, most people can probably imagine the first thing that would be done with female slaves. It's certainly not something fun to bring up, because women are a major fracture point in Holla Forums, but I'm curious to see how the discussion would go. Wouldn't female slaves be useful as a way of providing sex as a commodity without degrading our free-women? It would help /r9k/ types a lot. It would also be useful to provide to soldiers. At the same time it might instill an attitude which thinks of all women as commodities which has a very jewish feel to it, despite not having any immediately visibly practical downsides.

This is a really good point. The only way to get around the decreased incentive for automation would be for the government to incentivize R&D. But on the other hand. If an automated economy is superior then there should be a natural profit incentive to use automation instead of slavery; in fact, as time goes on, the profit incentive would only snowball to greater and greater levels, because the production possibility of a purely manual labor economy would be dependent on the population of slaves; whereas an automated economy would be dependent on technological advancement. So I think that even though slavery prevented Greece and Rome from having an industrial revolution, the fact that we already live in a post-industrial society means we don't have to worry about the problem in the same way they did.

This is all just LARPing and chatting for fun though. There's no chance in hell that the West sees a resurgence in non-jewish human trafficking style slavery.

Chinese christianity is like mormonism. Only relatable in name because their prophet was named christ.