did you buy anything
anything worth getting
i only got $38 don't know what i want to get saw a 7 days to die thread a bit ago might try it out since its still seem to be played to this day
Steam sale
Other urls found in this thread:
the only thing i bought was contraption maker because i had a sudden urge to play the incredible machine
What's available, any good sonic games?
I almost bought pankapu, but then learned it's an episodic game, and only the first one is out.
Otherwise no, nothing.
I got: Arcanum, The Age of Decadence, Icewind Dale, and Jagged Alliance.
Jagged Alliance 2, I mean.
Got Furi, Downwell, Jotun, The Bug Butcher, Jumpjet Rex, Link: The Unleashed Nexus, Odallus: The Dark Call, and Oniken. Only tried three of them though.
So I got a coupon and some moneys in the Steam Wallet, should I give that Versus game a try? I mean, diorama is right in the description, but being able to play out your own setup seems kind of fun.
Any sales I should be paying attention to? I have a bit of money
i bought DOOT for $25 and was pleasantly surprised even if the multiplayer is hilariously terrible
You have to check out the mods tho. Especially Urban Chaos is awesome and I really enjoyed it.
Crisis 1, Warhead, and 2 worth picking up for $12? Are they actually good fps games or just fun for testing your rig?
Both. Not so much the latter.
Stay away from 3 unless you like the story and its cheap
Lisa is 2.50 the complete version is like 5
Laugh at this niggerfaggot.
what the fuck happened to Holla Forums. There used to be a time when steam threads were shitposted into oblivion
Will do
My bank hates european shit, and I've got too much anxiety to talk to them about it.
you mean earlier this year? yeah, the good ol' days man
from like 2008 until maybe last year it really didn't get much criticism on here
Check out the share thread sometime
I bought this piece of shit because I can't multi the cracked version with friendos
the only acceptable reason to use steam
Considering getting Wolfenstein: The New Order for like 7bux - worth it?
I picked up Transformers: Devastation. It's pretty fun, but shorter than MGR / Bayonetta. There's a good amount of challenge missions though, so I'm satisfied.
Crysis 1 and Warhead are both great and can be modded pretty easily. Do yourself a favor and play around with the difficulty configs so that the various suit functions are more balanced, and don't play like a faggot like I did the first time by switching between cloak and armor, hiding and going for headshots. The game is meant to be played as a badass, so use strength and speed modes to good effect.
Crawl back to whatever 4cucks/redditor/tumblr shithole you spawned from and never return
If I had money and was able to play games, I'd probably buy Wolfenstein, and both Kotors
I brought Postal Redux and that's it
come on ledditors people been using steam for years asking people to suddenly stop when they have a shit load of games on it
How is god eater 2?
Is it fun?
GTA V, still have $10 left
No, I stopped PC gaming when I discovered how much better consoles were.
pic related is the only thing on my list
i don't know what else is worth buying during the sale
I got gifted the evil within and DmC: Fuck You because I wanted to play TEW and I wanted a shitty hack and slash since the other DMC is a pain in the ass on PC because 4 doesn't recognize a controller and requires an alternate download / mod or something to run one
Of course not. I have 91 cents. The rest of my money is tied up in plumbing issues, car issues, and babyproofing my place. There's some stuff I'd like to get, but I'm just going to wait for freeleech on GazelleGames to grab what I want.
Valkyria Chronicles, Cities Skylines, and EDF 4.1
Oh and I bought myself dragons dogma too because my friends kept bullying me to get it for like 6 months or something
Might buy Dragons Dogma, nice discount.
Didn't that die?
Nope. They went under for a while to change their hosts and such, they used the same one as What.cd. They've been back up for about a week now.
It's back up.
Oh good
Bought pic related for a dollar and gifted a friend Hotline Miami 2.
I bought Shadow Warrior 2 during the GoG black friday sale. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and it's easily a much better Doom than Doom 2016 is.
Didnt want this gay shit anyway but this is really jewwy
I remember sometime ago GTAV doing similar shit with them raising its price by including some multiplayer shit so that even with the discount it was still still 60 shekels
I hope youre not talking about Call of Duty The Jew Order
neither game is remotely like doom
It's propaganda and a bad PC 'port' where the frame rate is locked at 60fps and you'll still feel the megatexture cancer even with a SSD. Depending on your tolerance for these things, it might be worth it under $10.
I got Doorkickers, DreadOut, and Black Ops to play zombies with some friends
Not really. Everything's just going to be cheaper next month.
These "Sales" are no good at all. I would argue that these games are just as much as you would get them physical at normal price from a game store. I can go and get for example GTAV for $20 at my local game store, but steams black Friday/autumn sale, they go can't get cheaper than what I can get a physical version? The prices for digital games are bullshit and should be more competitive.
Just wait for the Total War Warhammer edition with all the DLC to go on sale. It'll probably be years until then, but Rome II and Attila are garbage.
It's also really easy and takes your guns away far too often, so there's not really an incentive to be careful with your ammo.
I got dragon's dogma but that was on humble bundle, if anyone has any 10/10 games they want to recommend I'll probably buy since i got a lot of money and don't know what to buy
Stop reading shitty Holla Forums bait threads and actually play the game you dolt. Rome 2 is decent now also, great if you play divide et impera.
bought serious sam 2 for .99 cents
I wouldn't call them 10/10s but I've had fun with these
2d shooter where all the characters are parodies of action movie characters. Lots of explosions and environmental destruction. I've put 40+ hours into it because it's a ton of fun.
Smash Bros knockoff, basically. More competitive and faster than Smash, and it's out of early access next month, I think. They're just adding in like one more stage and the single-player before full release, and they have plans for 6 more characters post-release. Dev's a cool guy.
Metroidvania with some pretty decent combat. The aesthetic is great, too. Great music, great art style.
It's an alright brawler. Not great but I've enjoyed it a lot. Has a meter that you build up by beating people down that increases your damage dealt and taken.
They're all shmups and they play differently. Apparently the stories all tie together but the theme of each one is different. Like there's Vulkaiser, which is an homage of 70s mecha anime. Then there's Gigantic Army, where your mecha's slow and clunky and more "realistic" (at least by mecha standards).
Pretty decent Metroidvania. Starts off slow but gets better.
Goofy western shooter that follows an old man who claims to have met or killed several famous real-life outlaws. Doesn't have many guns but it's tons of fun.
Overall not a very good sale this year.
already done refunds for many games during the spooky sale after trying them after a an hour or so.
kinda of wish i could convert steam wallet into cash
Yeah, they artificially inflated the price with "Shark Cards" which is just buying money for GTA online. Funny thing about that…
GTA Online used to have a "Bad Players" pool where if you were using hacks or just having fun then you were seperated from the "Good Players" who were people who grinded for hours on end and were extra careful not to scratch eachothers cars or shoot at eachother. If you were in the "Bad Player" pool, you'd be stuck in there until you shaped up and stopped having fun.
So people in the "Bad Player" pool were having a fucking blast. Hackers doing the craziest and most fun shit, people having full on demolition derbies. Everybody got everything because the hackers would just rain cash on everyone so there wasn't a single person who didn't have an awesome car to crash into. Essentially, these people represented the heart and spirit of the old GTA games with cheat codes and just having chaotic fun.
Then one day the people running GTA online (Some small group in Cockstar, I dunno) saw that these people were having way too much fun, and not buying Shark Cards like good goyims, and decided to issue bans for using hacks and got rid of the "Bad Player" pool altogether.
GTA Online is so fucking boring.
I can do that in single-player. Speaking of single-player, it annoys the shit out of me that if I order a "special" car online it doesn't respawn. I borrowed the 360 version from a guy, and because you didn't have to buy them in that, they would respawn. But they don't in the PC version. I just want to fuck around in my cool car for a while in first-person mode without worrying. Guess Saints Row 2 is still the best open world TPS. I used to collect free trials for Xbox Live Gold to play it online. Mostly doing stuff like helping guys get the fall damage resistance from basejumping, or doing missions in co-op and stuff. It was a ton of fun.
I can't agree with you enough. But with people just loading into the world and not bothering with the shit-tier missions it was pretty good.
Pegasus was absolute shit. You buy the vehicle for millions then you STILL have to pay to have it spawned in an obscure/nonsense spot (Who would park a giant dump truck in the middle of an air port?) where it might just get blown up? Holy fuck what a bad idea.
And god yes, I can't get over SR2's open world. Just so much fun to explore. I remember finding some clothing shop that I didn't even know existed and making a really silly costume. I hate that the series was taken over by memelords
Oh, Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds is pretty good too. I'd be getting the new DLC character if I could afford to.
kill yourself
I hate it too. All SR3 needed to be was a more polished SR2 with a conclusion to the story. But nope.
I just wanted to drive around Stilwater in a bright green hearse with flames on it, blaring gangster rap and shooting cops, but with graphics and cop AI that weren't horribly outdated.
I bought Doom 4 for like 20 bucks.
It's alright. I wish you could choose your own battle and ambient music though, the default soundtrack, while just fine, doesn't do it enough for me.
I'm finally free.
I'm waiting for the christmas sale so I can at least earn some shitty cards to sell later for a couple of cents
I always wait for shit to be 75% off or more like a good goy, but its more rare with each season of deals
I set my custom award nomination to "Most In Need Of A Remaster" and I gave it to saints row 2.
I'd kill for a remaster of it, no fucking around with the mechanics or anything. Just a fresh coat of paint, better models and animations and a proper PC port.
A bonus would be if they could port it over to a more modern engine which would allow more customization and modding but if that fucks with the gameplay i'd rather it didnt. Also a proper normal Caucasian male voice would be a godsend. I like the spic voice for the most part but when he starts saying his gobbledygook I get annoyed
I got all the skyrim dlc for $13.70, gonna try to play it threw this time first time I played it I got bored after 5 hours and just fucked around with some sex mods then uninstalled it
I've been waiting years for this game to go on a good sale but it always refuses to go at least under 20$
is this game really that good or is there some sort of jew fuckery going on?
I kind of want to play Deus Ex again. Had an original copy but sold it, should I get the GOTY edition?
Sadly the modern indestry can't resist the urge to "modernise" old games to make them more "popular" and "welecoming". Also it is a shame the PS3 servers were shutdown as I am stuck on DLC mission where you are defending waste trucks as they move to a ship. If someone was ably to port the PS3 exclusive DLC of Arkham Asylum to PC it shouldn't be to hard to do the same for SR2, because then I could finally get some help with it and not have to deal with an unstable frame rate. Also it is hard to easily convert PS3 games to pc, which is annoying as hell.
Of courshe. You should also pick up the GMDX mod (or wait for the new version next month)
Xenoverse 2 didn't go on sale and even if I was willing to pick it up despite that it's apparently still broke as fuck on PC. Other than that, no, I've been trying to avoid loading up my Steam library full of games that go on sale but I know I'll never play. Could use those four bucks on a taco or something.
The 360 version of SR2 is the superior one but the team that ported it did such a shit job
I bought Shadowrun and Serpent in the Staglands so far, might get Dragons Dogma later but so far those are quite enough RPGs.
Haven't found anything else that's worthwhile.
Rebel Galaxy
Total War Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai
Was gifted Doom by friendo.
thought about getting phantom breakers and crib of the negrodancer.
Bought DLC for endless legend
I really like the game and I really like the devs
I think they deserve it
This might be my first purchase since probably more than a year actually
I got NEO Scavenger and Underrail. I was gonna get Convoy but there still not Mad Max mod for it so forget it. That was all.
I also redownloaded STALKER because I'm in the mood for post-apocalypse right now.
I bought a Steam Link because I wanna play some of my games in my living room. Mainly emulated games. Though I've heard it sucks at wifi but at 20 burgers I'll take the risk.
Was checking out Dying Light, but thirty dollars is too much. Thinking about getting Dragon's Dogma and Prison Architect though.
What happened?
only bought crypt of the necrodancer, would buy edf if i had the money.
similar to cock.li, it got raided by (((notjews))) except what.cd are retarded enough to not backup their servers
I traded for Skyrim. Game is fun if you treat it as an action game. I'm surprised how much fun I'm having.
Unless you're going to use multiplayer, you might as well use JDownloader2 and download it on IGG. The game isn't too bad if you liked Dead Island at any point while playing it.
The entire Dawn of War games + all DLC and Space Marine too. For 40 bucks, had to.
Always wanted to play Last Stand.
Also got Shadow Warrior 2. It only had a -20% but I heard good things about it.
Don't know if it's good because the damn thing keeps crashing at launch. FUCK.
i liked the first and second part of the game, it wasn't fantastic but i still had some fun. Then it got really shit around the jungle section. was planning to play it with a friend, but 30$ i expect to at least get 100 hours of enjoyment
Shadow Warrior 2 is shit. Friend bought it for me so we could play through it coop, and it's worse than the first game in every way. The level variety is non-existent, everything is a gigantic damage sponge, and there have been an endless stream of no-fun-allowed nerfs because autists cried over and over on the forums that the game wasn't hard enough.
You sure you're playing it right?
I bought it to play with my brother after seeing him play. If anything we plan to raise the dificulty level because pretty much everything died in one or two hits on normal dificulty.
Bullet sponges aren't fun, but paper-armor enemies ain't either.
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight and Grey Goo.
Also got tabletop simulator to make our RP sessions more interesting.
That's a mouth where noone would stick a dick without fear of losing it.
Friend of mine is a long time Monster Hunter fan and says it's pretty great, I'll probably get it myself during the Christmas sale.
Momodora seems fun, but is it worth the dosh when I'd drop it after one playthrough ?
I bought doom 4 since it was only $20
dont worry about the mouth
Oh so I can choose between getting my dick crushed instead of ripped apart?
Neat game. Gonna pirate it and see how it goes.
Couldn't tell you, user. Haven't tried it yet.
if your dong survives the gigamilk it will be reforged into hard diamond. then the mouth is yours.
That's because you're playing on normal which is extremely gimped for exp and drops in exchange for reasonably easy to kill enemies. Crank the difficulty and you'll see how shit everything scales.
Well. then it's not the game that is shit.
It's standard fare for most games nowadays: increase dificulty = more HP on shit.
I don't remember a single shooter that did dificulty right with the exception of F.E.A.R.
Yeah, it's faggotry, but I can deal with that as long as it doesn't go overboard like Boredomlands.
Get the fuck outta here King Arthur, once I pull my dick outta those tits, I'm gonna be crowned Emperor.
Yeah, this is the kind of shit I'm talking about.
Is Shadowrun any good? I've heard quite a bit about it but not sure which ones where considered shit.
Of course it is. If your only options is average difficulty with artificially gimped drops and exp, or bullet sponge bullshit with immunities everywhere and non-shit drops/exp, it's pretty fucking shit.
Which is shit.
Metro Series, Operation Flashpoint: CWC, STALKER series, Far Cry series.
FEAR doesn't even do a good job at it, since it takes fucking 5 headshots with a rifle to kill someone on Extreme, but they instantly die when you fucking kick them.
here's what i got
Only the first one. I played the second one, and saw niggers in t-shirts taking 9 bullets from an handgun before going down. In fact, unless you had a mint-condition rifle, you'd need half a magazine in that nigger to drop him.
At least headshots killed in one hit.
But Farcry 1, and the other examples you posted are old shit. Good shit, mind you, but they were from a previous generation of shooters with a diferent mindset.
Shadow Warrior 2 is more of a "shoot & loot" variety. I can forgive bulletsponges a bit since it plays more like Diablo in first person than say, Unreal for instance.
I said the same thing about Borderlands though, and thank God I never bought that shit.
F.E.A.R. does a good job with dificulty because it's not just numeric. It increases enemy spawns and makes them far more agressive. They already try to flank and do some maneuvers on normal and sometimes fail because AI is funny like that but on Extreme they rush your position much more agressively.
Far Cry 2 with Dylan's Realism mod 100% fixes it, and Far Cry 3 is fantastic right off the bat with the damage model.
Oh fine. I was talking about vannilla.
Dylan's mod is a must, yeah.
Haven't tried FC3 yet so can't comment on it.
Is the whole game good? Worth the price or should I pirate?
senran kagura shinovi versus. hate me, faggots.
I bought doom, the only game worth buying during the sale.
It's definitely worth the price, but it's uPlay only (if you buy it on Steam, you need both Steam and uPlay running) so I would just pirate it on principal.
The driving is good, the stealth is good, the gunplay is good, the story is okay (a few of the characters are fantastic), the exploration is good, and increasing the difficulty just increases AI responsiveness and enemy damage. They never get bullet spongy outside of the EOD suit armored 'heavies' that are always bullet sponges, but can still be one-shot with a takedown, an explosive, or AP ammo.
If you wanted an experience which is like a blend of FC with FC2, but without kevlar niggers or trigens, and no respawning checkpoints, I'm sure you'll enjoy FC3.
Also checked
Yeah, no. I'll pirate it.
Thanks for the recomendation.
I know how you feel user.
My only purchase was Tempest
I already have all of the other DLC
Sometimes I just want to sit alone for hours at the computer and turn off everything else
is barony worth it? if it plays something like ultima underworld or system shock but rogue lite i could probably down some hours but it being what it is it is probably undercooked tbh.
The sonic games are not on sale
How so, when the PC port has the option of mods that amoungst other things go beyond what the default cheats and content give you. Also it is possible to easily push the visuals way beyond what is possible with a console, even with a cheapish hardware.Can run at a higher and more stable framerate if one is lucky. Yes the PS3 port is absolutely shit and the worst of the three main releases, but then most multi plats are at their worst on the PS3.
Grabbed the Tropico 5 DLCs because I like the game no bully pls
Get Ring Runner you cunts.
The only game I bought is Sonic Adventure DX
That reminds me I need to play Tropic 4 because of Castro's death and celebrate the fact that meme magic killed him
What are you talking about? Looks cozy enough to me.
There was a Steam sale?
What's a game similar to Red Orchestra, but not RO2, and still alive?
Actually yes, DOW may be worth it.
Soulstorm multiplayer is still very active.
DOW 2 multiplayer without Elite mod is utter trash. Elite is pretty much dead except weekends and evenings.
i got furri and regret it already. the kbm controls are dogshit and the dash/parry seem sticky, like the animation takes precedence over the game obeying your fucking commands. the dash is fucking terrible, a charged dash sounds good in principle but in practice the game doesn't register key release fast enough to dodge at the last second.
aside from control issues, the story (from what i've seen) is thinner than wet tissue paper, and there's a long walking simulator section between every boss fight that can't be skipped, even if you've beaten the game.
thank fuck i only wasted half an hour on the first boss so i can still refund this piece of horseshit.
tl;dr there's nothing worth getting
the dev is a lazy son of a bitch who couldn't even bother to add customizable controls. i have never been happier about pirating something in my life. any price above $3 is a ripoff, this piece of shit isn't worth $5, let alone $10.
I will admit Furi is not for everyone, but that game really needs a gamepad.
Oh nevermind you are just an idiot.
I bought SupCom and Forged Alliance for 3,74 €
I don't agree with the faggots that claim you gotta play the whole game to tell if it's shit.
But do you really think 20 minutes a good indication? Especially after you did the first boss that is pretty much the equivalent of a tutorial?
You know, a few years ago Steam Sales were something to actually look foward to. Now they're just mild distractions with shit deals that you gotta search for in an even worse store interface. Sic transic gloria Valve.
i bought nothing
Only 21 minutes left of the sale is mordheim or vermintide worth it?
Mordheim follows the tabletop rules and is just as punishing. If you're okay with that, it can be fun.
Vermintide is pretty dead unless you organize a game with friends / pugs. You'll never find a game solo. Otherwise it's pretty fun for a L4D clone.
If I could give every one of you aggressive bone cancer I would.
Don't bother with PUGs though because these people are either autistic tryhards or braindead and worse than bots.
I've never played tabletop, but still that doesn't seem bad. Is the story good?
I don't think there is a story. It's just random groups mucking about collecting warpstone forever.
Sounds like warhammer fantasy alright lol.
I'm not sure I'll think it out for 5 minutes
Pretty much
It's a skirmish game. You organize your troops and try to collect warpstone to appease your gang bosses. The story is in the gameplay.
Bought serious sam 2.its great shit
Forget that then, I'll get it when it's like 75% off or something
I ended up getting the last of the roman and age of charlemagne dlc because I like attila total war
Yeah, it's pretty solid. You get to fuck up some Nazis and Nazi robots.
Transformers is damn good but short. I wish they'd get a chance to do a sequel with more stuff and a less clunky weapon upgrade system.
Meme magic… and that fact that he's been dying for many, many years now
I don't care I'm having fun.
Already did
Thanks for the recommendation user, its pretty good.
Now I only have to get good
You fucked up
Rest is aight
Someone bought me truck simulator in space. I played it once.
These guys better hope Star Citizen never gets finished, because they're going to be finished themselves.
I got this for a super homosexual faggot piece of shit who needs to die """friend""" and """he""" rejected it fucking cumguzzling asshat dickhead. Now it's just sitting there in my inventory and I don't know what to do.
no I'm not gonna gift it to you assholes either
You could play it
It's pretty okay. Play it.
Either I give in to the curiosity and do this or I'll just wait until somebody's birthday and send it to them instead.
define good, I don't like visual novels that much and the only one I ever enjoyed was saya no uta
Well, it isn't a game really. But the storyline and shit are interesting, and somewhat funny enough to keep your attention. It isn't that good, but it is okay.
My only complaint is, it's a bit frilly.
I just want to mod it and have fun.
Friend gifted it to me. I don't know anything about it.
Just run trought it
Its pretty short
Its shit, don't even bother
Just a cash in trying to get more money for BattleTech.
I'll give it some thought I guess
Day of Defeat: Source
Dirt Showdown
Age of Empires II HD
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core R
Someone bought me 100% Orange Juice
I bought Deathwing but hated it and refunded it
I've certainly seen worse Steam sales, for sure.
Got Uplink and Postal Redux. Postal needs a level editor.
Look up smartsteamemu my man
Get ready to be anally annihilated.
The singleplayer was surprisingly good, sadly there aren't more monsters.
Really want to get Furi so I can bypass the crashing on the fourth level on my toaster but I don't have the dosh for it.
After your first playthrough you can play on Insane mode where basically every enemy in the game one shots you. The upside to this(besides the really good challenge) is that beating a boss without taking damage gives you a cool item. This applies for every difficulty but you really get to see it the most in Insane. Also if you happened to have missed the true final boss you can go for it in the second playthrough, as well as checking out the little things in the game that no one seems to know the uses for like the woman in the cell.
It's a fun game, go for it.
Also I should mention that it has literally the best morph ability of any metroidvania. I won't spoil the surprise for you.
I call bullshit.
I refunded KF2, bought (and then refunded within an hour) The Division, then settled on the new Deus Ex. S'alright I guess.
Kill yourself you shit taste pleb
You belong in the gas chambers
A good game hasn't come out in years and at this point if it's a multiplayer game it's dead and if it's a singleplayer game the company that made the game is dead or the people who used to work at it don't anymore, the developers quit the market or they're slaves to someone like ubisoft or EA.
Basically steam sales are irrelevant and you can get any game that might've been good without moral repercussions
What the actual fuck. Do people not hover over and see the reviews are mostly negative?
Always online DRM, from what I remember. On principle alone, I wouldn't buy it, but if you're okay with that, go for it I guess. I'd rather just emulate GEB.
Forza Horizon 3. It's locked to something far worse than Steam though.
Getting tired of the pixel shit hipster games
If you can't find atleast 3-4 decent games to play on that list, then maybe vidya ain't for you.
Ehh. At best I can say DaS 3, Owlboy and Stardew Valley, and two of those are indie pixelshit.
Also bought Grim Dawn in the Humblebundle.
I can't say I was much entertained so I don't know why I bothered..
Played Grim Dawn for a couple of hours, and I'm tired of it. Tired of LISA after 20 minutes and so on
Bullshit, plenty of good vidya there.
Not in the 2016 list.
Good to know
Non-shit taste is more a curse than a blessing. I do envy you, being able to happily gorge yourself upon whatever digital feces they shovel your way.
I bought a seinheisser 201 HD for 20 dollars.
I grew up playing top-tier games, and my taste was molded around that. You're far younger, and grew up playing garbage with a diamond or two sprinkled in. It's not good or bad, it's just your point of view from your tiny monkey sphere.
It's like the kids that are being raised today by radfem tumblrettes and told that white males are the cause of all evils in the world, gender is a social construct, white culture is bad but brown culture is good, etc. They have a completely different perspective on what is and isn't "normal".
All you needed was a sentance talking about how his next reply was going to call him "edgy" to have the perfect bait.
Feel free to list whatever "top-tier" games you grew up playing so I can laugh at you. I am sure that is correct though.
hey which cossacks is best cossacks? are they all worth playing?
I am gonna bully you.
I bought DooT and so far I think it's pretty okay, but I'm a pleb with FPS games and know I can't be trusted.
Go ahead. Bully as needed.
Also grabbed Lisa and know next to nothing about it. What am I in for?
edgyness close to the bone.
His next reply actually is pretty edgy, but he's just your typical bitter, misguided user. I don't harbor any ill will towards him.
It doesn't work that way, and we both know I'm right. You grew up too late to be able to appreciate the classics, and are thus stuck in the ever degenerating rut of "modern" gaming.
I pirated DiRT Rally
ok, what is wrong with lisa now?
Dev is SJW
Most characters are shit, RNG events (and also story events) that encourage save-scumming if you don't want to get completely fucked over, dingaling is an SJW nutjob, and the sequel/DLC is worthless.
Besides that, it's an average/below average western styled JRPG with above average music. Worth a pirate if that sounds good.
people always bitch about indie pixel graphics games, but now they have an excuse because of some sjw tweets or whatever
I bought Grim Dawn
it's good
not sure it's $15 good tho
are you sure he's not just a flip flopper fag who can't make up his mind like notch, i seem to remember him being anti whiny fags
Path of Exile is better in every way, but if you just want something different for a while it's okay. You'll probably be bored of it long before you get to and complete Ultimate difficulty, but you should get at least 20 hours of fun out of it.
Lisa is a good game, the dev is fucking human trash though.
Even 3
I never played PoE, latest arpg I played was Diablo 3 and compared to it this is much better.
So far I've been let down by the demolitionist, I expected it to be way more fun, but I doesn't really matter since I just rolled one to see how the game works before I can autistically create a perfectly tuned witch hunter.
Well I'm just level 10 so maybe the demo will get more interesting later.
Also the story is kinda shit isn't it?
Aye, right full of it.
Yeah Diablo 3 terrible. Most anything is going to compare favorably to that. Honestly none of the builds in GD are particularly fun after a couple hours. The most effective builds are all "buff up and hold M1".
The story was really the only thing that kept me interested in the game, since the level and enemy variety is abysmal, and the skills just aren't satisfying to use.
I don't often pay for sequences of numbers. I'm not really sure when I last bought a game, it might have been before the 3DS got modded. Lately I've just been playing my backlog of games that I already have, for the most part.
I don't often post thumbnails.
But why bother paying for a game that came out over 20 years ago, user?
No you, me
Any RTS worth picking up?
go to bundle stars. 15 buck bundle has loads of the older sonic games (and other genesis and megadrive games)
Good guys.
I got Kero Blaster, Pharaoh Rebirth, some $1 indie adventure fucktown called Tick Tock Isle, and the DLC for Not A Hero. On reflection, I seem like a huge fucking pixel faggot, but hey, those first two are fantastic. Pharaoh Rebirth's basically like Castlevania with an Egyptian theme, and Kero Blaster, well, that's the Cave Story dev.