Multicultural Area Sign



This will both redpill normies to what Sharia actually entails and will cause media to say it's 'not true Religion of Cuck™' which will piss off the Muslims

Kike free first post

Is that a real sign, OP? At this point I wouldn’t even be surprised.

no prohibition of displaying the USA flag?

No, that's the point you can't tell if it's real or fake.

Muslims are currently hiding their power level as signs like this would turn the public against them, but once they reach critical mass this will happen.

Would stop it from being useful in EU

user, you're onto something big here. Signs telling Americans that the US flag is offensive to minorities and is non-inclusive to migrants would be a very effective. Especially around memorial day and July 4th.

I like this idea.

Have a bump for effective psyop

Lel. It's literally globalist imperialism. Maybe they can just plant a kike rainbow flag everywhere while they're at it.

I like this idea. Post in places where lefty hedonists go to sin. Get media attention for bigotry. Quote from M'slime: "Actually, we would kind of like it if you obeyed those signs. . ."

I see a lot of potential here.

So, uh, when does white culture come into play?

The Australian one is real.
The sign on the left is a mock up for your use.

Remove kebab

Bump for potential

No booze or dogs is pretty much everywhere I live. Pork and tits, now…

Accelerationism doesn't work, idiot. POSITIVE memeing.

No. This will cause media to say "evil right-wingers are posting fake signs to cause Isl'amophobia."
False flags are for kikes, we don't need them.

Change it back to "reminded", it's on the original and it's more menacing.

seconded. "Reminded" implies they should know better.

This is an amazing sign, posting it

Sage for the faggot who doesn't use tools at his disposal.

I like this. A taste of Sharia. Muslims will back it up. Boomers will go, WTF, no drinking?


We don't even have to act in bad faith, just make sure to spread the original far and wide.

bump for exposure.

Great idea OP user>>11336165

I'm in gas chamber central ,ChiCongo" & i think I'll do a neighborhood campaign to see what kvetching i can stir up.

wouldn't multicultural mean that nothing is prohibited to allow for all cultures to be there?

Already done did that.

Do it.

You must be new here.
You don't seem to be aware of how the jew is able to twist and pervert words and meanings.

Hmm, this seems like a good angle to get the left to oppose it

OPs version is better to trigger the normies. Most people aren't walking around gambling, shooting heroin while watching porn.

No bikinis is more much applicable.

the joke version

I am wondering, the Shia sect is far more permissive than the Sunni sect in Religion of Cuck™.
The Sunnis are the ones killing us with bombs and knives.
And Israel hates the Shias and their central State Iran.
Would not be you are a fucking kike?
My two cents and just food for thought.


Write a flyer in broken English and pass the no drinking sign around a area with alot of bars and restaurants.

was from hwndu

Understood user.


Oh hell yes. I hate to say I live is commiefornia, but I'll post when I get a few of these up

Those Roaches


Bump. Thought this would have more legs.

Right Photo

Genocide time.

These things are really a good idea.

(((They))) are afraid this will work.


the "no porn or prostitution" sign could show a more age-appropriate rendition of the favourite loli of the prophet…

What the hell kind of backwards bizarro land do you live in?

This is just clever enough to blow up in our face. Don't mark your enemy's territory for him.
Maybe. A few of them. But the normalfag is by definition a follower. Present him with an apparent consensus and he will adapt himself to it, and soon enough he will defend it. Small minorities of determined men have converted overwhelming majorities before with fearlessness, stridency, and strength of purpose. Better to normalize our views in public than our would-be replacements' views.

This is irresponsible memeing.


This. Knowing what kind of people we are up against they'll take credit for it and run wild with it as if it's a good thing. Whether or not the normalfag will react to this or not is a crapshoot; there are far more effective memetics that can be deployed without such a massive risk of blowback.

I think that would be a good addition. Right now, lots of SJWs would just think this is normal.