What is the definitive skyships vidya Holla Forums? Also are there any recent games coming out that feature skyships? Guns of Icarus Online seem promising then fell off the face of the Earth.
Skyships Vidya
Nuffin. It could be suck an easy concept right?
theres a new minecraft mods that lets you build airships out of blocks. one of the most fun things in the game, but theres still nothing to do really with them.
can be hilarious/useful as a sort of crane to move buildings around.
a few minecraft mods. i dont think any of them are even on the latest versions
Well there's Cloud Pirates but I think that's in Beta and also kind of like Fractured Space.
Fucking fuck fuckers, fucker's fucked.
I always wonder just how exactly can those ships stay afloat, what explanation is given for that.
Of course it's fiction but even fiction must present a mechanism that allows ships to fly like that.
Really loved Last Exile, best dieselpunk airship anime. They gave ships a core that could float using hhigly advanced technology that didn't belonged to them, so the moment they tried to rebel, the core would teleport or move out and the entire ship would fall.
Small fighter ships instead had some kind of fluid that wasn't spent but it's reaction allowed the ships to fly however it was too weak for large battleships.
I also wonder why isn't there a similar game as Assassin's Creed Blackflag where you get to walk atop your ship and see it sail around. Guns of Icarus seems to be exactly that but ships are extremely tiny there and it's only PvP.
I still dream about a game where you travel around the world in skyships with your own crew, engage in combat with others and dock in cities high in the sky or low on the ground. And the game features jetpacks for humans and a few winged races as well that can move freely in the air but they get tired so long distance traveling isn't feasible for them.
Nah, not really. The Star Wars films never made an explanation of how it's science works. Their science is less explained than their space magic was.
Skies of Arcadia is shit.
Here's the reply you wanted.
Skyships are the stupidest fucking thing humanity has ever done. Japan should be nuked several more times just on principle. HURR let's put a vessel designed for buoyancy in the sky.
Everyone involved should be fucking shot. Goddamn I hate fucking skyships.
And here's your reply, user.
Niggers will rape your family to death.
I assume the hull's are meant to be filled with a lighter than air gas, hence why they tend to be shaped more like dirigibles than ships.
Check out Worlds Adrift. Not out yet, but it's an open-world survival game with airships. You might be able to get into the playtests. I have, and it was pretty interesting.
Not for long actually. The expansion is adding PVE content, and it's pretty good.
Sure they did, user. it's the Force :^)
But honestly, I'm sure some SWfag could link us a wiki or something with the blueprints for a Tie Fighter engine full of details on how it works.
Then have sex with something else?
Nah, hulls are often empty or feature corridors for the crew inside.
The few times I've seen an attemp at an explanation, there's usually a core of some kind inside the ship that keeps it afloat either on it's own or powering some attachments external to the ship.
If not that, they usually go with oversized propelers which while a bit dumb, it still can look good like this:
But can you dock your ship and walk on earth? Because you can't really make a game about the freedom to move around and yet constrain the player to his deck.
I wish their ships were bigger like Pulsa Lost Colony.
That looks horrible, how do you land that piece of turd? Yeah the wheel could extend down but it would have to come down a whole fucking lot and theres still no wheel at the back to stabilize it.
Its thrash.
You know, you're not fooling anyone. Why do you bother to change IP if you act the exact same way? That's like dressing a coat but leave your dick hang outside.
The wing probably retracts upwards, it's not the wheel that goes down and the wing is probably covering the other wheel.
That actually makes sense, considering she's trying to gain altitude the wings would be propped down.
It's a winged bike with a propeller behind it for the speed it's wings need for backoff, it looks quite badass, actually.
Imagine piloting one of those and jumping midflight to the deck of some skyship or doing drivebys with it.
You need to leave.
So you've gone from "Fiction must explain itself" to "Fiction can explain itself later in an expanded universe's later-made documents that obviously didn't contribute to a successful product that didn't explain itself"?
Okay, sure, I don't mind that goalpost shift at all I certainly didn't notice it or anything.
Don't be such a fucking autist your whole life, user, it's not healthy.
The planes it's based off had that function.
Bit disapointed with Worlds Adrift after finding out it's multiplayer too.
Can't a nigga just play alone or host a server for friends instead of having to deal with the colective autism of very other fag?
Still, I'm sure that as long as they don't include AK47 or similar guns with iron sights, the usual crowd won't play the game.
Well, to be honest, you really shouldn't expect them to explain the details on how an engine works in the movies. They barely have time to tell their story, autistic ramblings about how they work, no matter how interesting they are, simply won't cut it in there.
Kinda like explaining how magic works in Lord of the Rings.
Regardless, I was just saying that it's cool when an explanation is given, especially if it ties into the story or the gameplay.
Yeah, just as I though. I decided to sate my curiosity and found this:
I doubt there was time in the movies and maybe even in most of the games to explain any of that, which is why it's mostly unknown but it's cool that they though up several different ways to propel their ships under different circunstancs. Specifically the Repulsorlift, it could easily explain most Skyships and the Ion Drive is basically a combustion engine using the exhaust for propulsion. Both together could move massive battleships while the smaller ones could use the repulsorlift alone and be kept inside the bigger ships by tensor fields.
Of course it has it that shit in it.
No, you said:
There's a difference between "it's cool when" and "it must have an explanation for" user.
If you are wondering how Skyships stay afloat, they are kept afloat by the heated air from hotheads
Do any of you play this? I got it as a gift from a friend and he dropped it. I know it received a few major updates recently.
Well, if you're gonna be that anal about words, I'm not talking with you anymore.
I doubt anyone is gonna try it considering how it's pretty much unfinished and light in content.
Everything I know about it comes from watching Egoraptor playing it. He was recognized and everyone else ganged up on him and his friends, even the teammates, it was pretty fun.
No, you're right user, I should've known what you meant to say instead of assuming you said what you meant to say to being with. How wrong of me.
We all dream of a skyship game but what do you really want in it? Something a bit open world but with a story would be nice, I wanna lead a crew too.
What I want is some dreadfull story about the reason why most people live in sky islands or montain tops, like a layer of thick fog where the spirits of the dead roam blankets the rest of the world separating the ground from the sky.
What I want is for the player to start as a simple character, perhaps a mercenary or perhaps a soldier for a faction with the possibility to join or lead a battleship with several men under his command or as his comerades if he is under the command of someone else. And even the possibility to just pilot a smaller ship on your own or with a small but trustworthy crew.
Battles would rage on the sky between all the factions in the world, competing for resources and land since fuel and food are hard to come by.
The player could take part in any of these battles and help whatever faction he wants, gaining reputation with them.
However, he's ultimate goal should be about finding the real story behind the ghost fog and what civilization really was like before they were exiled up top. Expeditions to the ground, meeting old contacts that might have survived the exile and uncovering artifacts, the game would end when the player manages to clear the fog or harness it for battle.
piracy, building your own ship. badass loli captains
ar tonelico. well, airships are a big part of the world, but not a huge part of the game play.
For the ship combat I'd like it to be like Empire at War, but to have less ships (you'd probably field no more than a total of 40 ships by end game, only a few of them would be battleships or carriers, the rest are support ships) in a battle but those fewer ships be more in depth to them, things like equipment and crew leaders. For ground combat it would be a mix between Company of Heroes and Assault Squad, you'd fight on top of the earthy peaks that rise above the thick fog that obscures the volcanic surface below. All Dieselpunk, of course.
Holy shit when? Last I played was a year ago, and I quit immediately since it was apparent they hadn't added anything in over 2 years.
I'm surprised nobody mentions this game, its not the most fleshed out game but the ship building is pretty fun. I just wish it had a fleshed out empire management system and tech tree.
My ultimate fetish, too bad they dont tend to recieve a lot of love.
Not new and more like spaceships, but it's pretty fun
Do you have a minute to talk about From the Depths?
I have a minute to tell you to leave, but not a second more for anything else.
I don't understand this. All the guns are on the top, so whichever ship has the lower altitude has the advantage of not being shot at. Battleship turrets aren't held on by anything besides their own immense weight so you can't roll too far to shoot downwards. The end result is a competition to be closer to the ground, which is naturally won by tanks and artillery. The design obsoletes itself.
The sky is an ocean so everyone's on the same altitude level, you coonskin nigger.
That doesn't make any sense and land-based forces still have the advantage of being unshootable. If all of the ships are at the same altitude that makes the advantage for land-based forces even greater because a ship that does not have a belt would be a coffin for its crew fighting against a ship that does and a bent by necessity leaves a soft belly floating above every gun that cares to point itself upwards.
Doesn't need too.
If there's no reason for the ships to be in the sky, then why put them there?
Skyships are dumb. Just go spacecraft.
I bought it last year and played some with my friends, but it's been a while. I had a lot of fun playing it, and looking at the Alliance DLC they've got in the works, it looks like it may be worth getting back into.
I'm okay with this, call me when someone makes a game worth playing with airships and floating islands.
Here's my number, 1-213-373-4253
It's cool.
Less cool than ships in water. No damage control teams plugging holes with mattresses and timber, no counterflooding to try to keep the ship upright, no handpumps drawing water from over the side to try to fight fires, no geysers of water and dye from straddling salvos, no sharks circling lifeboats.
From The Depths looks pretty competent so far, but
is something that never deserves support.
That's your opinion.
And no one cares about your opinion.
My opinion is objectively correct. Moving ships from water to air makes the whole thing lose a large number of dramatic elements and adds nothing because everything else apparently works the exact same way.
Nah, it ain't. No one would care if it was, either.
Cool shit's cool, your autism can't change that.
No it isn't retard.
I'm sorry about your bad taste.
No one cares what you think.
Are you a fucking accountant?
Why, you have much worse taste.
If only there was some sort of way for aerial vehicles to attack lower or ground based vehicles without them having to tilt down to shoot.
Do you want flying boats or do you want sky ships? Technorganic monstrosities brought to life by ancient little understand technology that fused bone marrow with elaborate energy or do you want sail ships in the clouds?
You must understand that a lot of these drawings are essentially just that, drawings. They miss out on praticallity because that's not an issue for drawings alone.
If you instead look at vydia skyships or anime skyships (where they move and shoot) or a few more autistic works, you'll see guns installed on the sides and even below specifically for that kind of thing.
You are also missing out on the reality of air combat and balistics.
For starters, bullets have a falloff. As long as you maintain some range, you can aim higher than your oponent and still hit it as the projectile begins falling.
Secondly, most of these worlds have something near "ground" level that makes for a very dangerous aproach. The lower you go, the more you risk your ship.
Also, do remenber that aiming up severely reduces the range of your weapons. Trying to maneuver so you stay beneath your foe takes time, during which he'll use the superior range you haven't cleared yet to shoot you while maneuvering to counter you.
The funny thing about long range combat is that it's actually the higher ship that wins it simply because it gets even more range.
This also goes for tanks and other ground artillery that see their projectiles fighting gravity to reach skyships. Only actual artillery could manage to hit them but it's usually too innacurate for that.
And if you engage in melee range, especially if you aproach from beneath, expect to be boarded.
Lastly, do keep in mind that air has severely less resistance than water. A ship moving by air can achieve greater speeds in less time and maintain them with less energy.
And of course, simple logitics: simple ships exist on the water, where no one lives and no large amount of resources are present to defend while skyships can go over land, where we actually live and have resources being explored.
That iron you built your ship with? Mined in a mine on land, built by people on land in factories also on land.
That actually reminds me of Interstellaria. It looks like a fun game, especially to play with friends.
It's also in development so maybe the Dev will add those things?
all i see are a bunch of jew noses
Magic in lord of the rings is never "explained" though because to Tolkien magic is crystallized metaphor.
I strongly approve of these posts.
Panzer Dragoon Orta reminds me, kinda, of this old webcomic I read called Alpha Shade. It was a dieselpunk world but people were also flying around on giant bird-raptors. I never actually played the full game, sadly, wasn't available locally. But I did get the demo and played the shit out of that.
you should play all the panzer dragoon games, especially saga. Saga's music especially is something to behold considering they created a new language and wrote an entire song in it.
You can actually do it in vanilla:
]=piston (pointing right)}=spiston (pointing right)S=Sticky blockR=Redstone Block_=Empty Space_R___R ]S_{]S(Payload (must be tfw there's not enough autists willing to play a minecraft server with flying machines as the only form of travel between vast islands in a sea of pure void
There is a good possibility of him adding more empire management to the game, hes already added monsters that can attack your cities/reduce income. I imagine he will give the option to build resource production facilities in your cities like some of the mods already do. the mods are great but horrifically unbalanced making it easy to destroy the ai with virtually unlimited money after a certain point.
It already has multiplayer but i don't know if multiplayer conquest will ever be i thing given that time stops during battles.
Any game that lets me form a crew of Butt Pirates and plunder the skies for booty?
This discussion reminded me of a fantastic mod that exists but that I haven't used in ages: Redstone in Motion/Remain in Motion.
bump for shit in the sky
I've seen a bit of videos about Worlds Adrift and it seems to be a genuinely fun game, once it's finished.
There doesn't seem to be a gun autism that usually overtakes these kind of games and Devs have confirmed no automatic weapons there. Only slow firing, long reloading things like nuggets and pistols.
Even the melee will most likely end up being something really fun, since the Devs themselves said they are gonna take inspiration from the Jedi Knight games (one of them said they loved that game)
It also seems to be quite focused on fun shit, grappling hooks, glider packs, physics based everything and the whole point is to explore and unlock new things or find out the story behind the world, not farming stuff.
And one of the devs included guitars and ocarinas the players can use, playing each note individually for no other reason than "why not? it's fun"
It's gonna be released for Early Acess in January I think, and normally this is a really bad idea but I think I'd buy it then just to sail the seas on a Skyship playing some songs and traveling around the world.
That thing does look fun, still I have to ask. Can a game like this actually be succesfull?
Since this seems to be a genre which not a lot of people might get into.
I dunno, it doesn't look like it needs many players to be successfull and I believe a lot of people would like comfy adventures in the sky, traveling and swinging around, playing guitar. It would be a lot like Stalker, but with decent physics.
When it comes out, we should make a thread here and see if it picks the interest of enough people to start an Alliance.
It's shit. It's hard to describe to someone who hasnt played, but basically you're a gunner and you're stuck on a machine gun shooting a ship that never goes down because the engineers are stuck running around hitting everything with a hammer. It might sound fun and inmersive or cool to do on an airship, but it's not believe me. Plus the game is dead
holy shit, you're right