Autistic screeching is no longer enough. Shooting yourself in front of whitehouse is the next step.
Autistic screeching is no longer enough. Shooting yourself in front of whitehouse is the next step.
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so some idiot didn't holster properly. ok
What the fuck is a Natural Death Squad?
They are being very close-mouthed about the details.
Anyone remember when Obama had one of his pet spics take a shot at the WH?
Left Wing Suicide Squads?
They are now treating it as an attempted suicide. Dude must be a nigger if he can't even hit himself and they aren't releasing details. Unfortunately they are taking his gun from his warm wet hands.
Trump can't shoot me if I shoot myself first! That will show him!
Please tell me he died.
it's only a drop in the ocean…
Let me guess guns are to blame for suicides? Not libtard insanity.
Am I getting the context here right?
Who the fuck holsters their gun on their head?
Fucking spoilsports.
The meme are real.
user pls
I'm not even sure what to think at this point. But if they're offing themselves, who am I to argue against it?
this must be a corollary of the "if you kill your enemy, he wins" rule.
It happened on 11/11/11? Surely not a coincidence.
Have memes gone too far?
Fucking finally
They are finally taking Holla Forums's advice.
Did an assault gun get loose and shot him in the frenzy?
anyone with dirt on hrc
We're getting to the point that even our non-actions do something.
Too comical
Can we really convince them to twist that killing them is winning into their winning every time they off themselves?
Maybe we can meme the ultimate leftest protest.
Thread theme brought to you by the number 4
Yes. He's ded
This is how the left ends Trump. Surely when enough of them die he will have to remove himself.
The only part wrong with that prediction is the middle class part. Everyone who wants guns taken away is either a dirt poor welfare queen or a connected welfare queen.
What are you trying to say, user?
Interesting. The left has no reason to withhold his name. They're stupid enough to try to use a suicide to try to "imbeach drumpf"
Does that little shit use sans comic?
If so, then I could'nt disregard whatever the fuck it is harder
The whole thing has to collapse. This country is completely full of shitbag niggers, spics, and faggoty bitch leftists.
All the crazy shit in the news seems to be increasing the chaos.
There has to be a massive war eventually, anyway. We all know this.
Are the white men of America going to see through the chaos and use the opportunity to secede and form a new nation while we still can?
To clarify, this incident is yet another data point. Vegas. The en essay shooting. The FL shooting. It's one thing after another.
Whether war comes soon or not, it has to come. Hard to conclude otherwise based on demographics and how fucked up dot gov appears to be now. We are just seeing the chaos that may mark a new era.
Will white men form a new nation?
You aren't getting a single inch of our land kike.
From north to south pole
pretty ironic coming from him :^(
Seems wee Charlotte is a Tard of Reee (TOR).
Sounds like damn good marketing to me.
Pick one
Well, it was just one guy. As long as George Soros doesn't bus in large crowds of people to commit suicide outside the White House, it probably won't make that big of an impact. Now, if a big crowd of leftists all committed suicide like that, it'd cause major waves. Especially if the crowd included famous leftists that normalfags would've heard of; movie stars and such.
Hopefully the kikes won't think of an idea like that. :^)
You realize this is nothing new right? After the 2008 crash there were people self immolating in front of the White House. Now that shit was crazy. Almost all of it was shoved under the rug until one of the people who self immolated went missing weeks earlier and had a search campaign for him. If it wasn't that he happened to end up self immolating the news would have done what they had been doing which was ignoring that it was happening.
You can't just drop redpills like that with no elaboration or source m8 let's hear it.
IDGAF about a source so much since i don't smell the shill on you, but it never hurts.
Yeah, a kid totally wrote that.
A lot of the poor would rather have guns because it levels the playing field. Poor whites don't want their rights taken away. Niggers don't either. Again they know it is an equalizer. The only assholes that want them removed are those who gain by putting others at a disadvantage. Like the elite and their prize goyim.
Please be true. Take yourselves out for the good of the country.
Checked for Left-Wing Suicide Squad.
Do you know what book that's from?
He shot his phone multiple times and then ended himself with a single shot.
Apparently a book was recovered from the scene with incoherent writings in it.
Exactly. I can't tell you how many times I've shot myself in the ear because reholstering my hat gun went wrong.
This is obviously a nothing burger
Gimme any and all literature relating to Orion.
t. gonna train super soldiers to have an uncontrollable desire to shoot up multikulti centers, jewish temples, and fag parades
Is this even related to Orion or is it disinfo shit someone put out to fuck with people trying to investigate?
If that happened it'd be all over. Theres no winning after we suffer such an enormous blow such as that. I really hope this very specific weakness does not get exploited. It would ruin everything. We'll have to go be normies, watch NFL and drink crates of High Fructose Corn Syrup.
This guy has it all wrong. Suicide is a temporary solution to permanent problems.
I am lurking for more info. What is that book? Come on man I want to learn about Project Orion. Is it related to Project Mockingbird?
Btw, I've been subjected to MK-Delta programming before. Nobody knows about or cares about that but it's been an ongoing thing I've been subject to for quite awhile. It started in 1960.
..of uncontrollable laughter.
Orange ball 14
I got rid of the springs long ago. I think it is ok to proceed along a new course and I have been entirely incompetent anyways. I suspect you are just testing me with noise but I don't see any particular use for what you've said there. It's a shame the old videos are down but I guess that is the price of a new life.
Just FYI other than suppressing me and making my life miserable you can't brainwash me into doing what I already want to do anyways. Should have thought that through.
Woops shouldn't reply to you as you are a nobody.
Or perhaps they are wondering why a man would shoot himself when the white house was without president?
i feel like a three year old
I feel 5 years younger than my actual age.
confirmation received
Meme it
Not gonna happen, stormderps.
niggerball 5
This activates a Manchurian candidate nigger Kenyan
It’s already begun cumguzzler
That would be glorious.
did they ever get the name of this guy?
It's not Comic Sans, but no kid would use multiple fonts like this, stupidly verbose phrasing like this, and sure as SHIT would not use a goddamn semicolon.
If by 'kid' you mean her mother then yes, a kid probably did write that
Nice try user.
This activates my almonds…
Possibly an MK victim going on the fritz a la _insert_celebrity_meltdown_here_ and attempting to free himself of their control in the only way he could be certain?
Doing it at the white house in a crowd so that he would draw attention to his situation instead of just being an obscure suicide in some local paper?
Noble if true. I'll be looking into it.
Scarecrough isn't looking too hot lately. Will he be next?
didn't seem to post last time