On 1st of March, 2 Greek soldiers were on patrol duty near the border, Maritsa - Evros river when they were suddenly captured by Turkish troops for allegedly trespassing the border. The two men were put in court and charged for espionage. The two governments negotiated and it is expected that the men will safely return back to the country.

However, this event raises certain questions.
The captured Greek lieutenant confessed that they simply followed trails on the snow, thinking they were made by illegal immigrants, when they were suddenly captured by a Turkish "patrol".
Here's the thing. Patrol duty is routine for these men. They know the terrain very well and they follow the same trail every time. It is hard to believe that they were lost and somehow found themselves in Turkish territory. They followed trails that were found inside Greek territory and at the end of these trails they came across Turkish troops. Things don't add up here. These men were not lost. They were captured by trespassing Turkish soldiers. Captured in an area that these men patrolled on a daily basis.
It is very easy for both governments to simply sell people the story that they were just lost. It would be impossible to excuse the capture of their own forces in their own country. It could lead to war.

The communist Greek government and incompetent Military (also communist) officials are bending over Turkey and always do as told. They let the roaches trespass into the Aegean, they let them fly over Greek islands and they don't react when their very own men get captured by Turks around the borders. The situation is absolutely absurd and no one reacts. If there was a serious and Nationalist Government in charge, they would capture 10 times the amount of Turkish troops as retaliation. Turkey would be accused for acts of war and Greek forces would be deployed near the borders on combat alert.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's your problem, greek anonbro. It's time for those who know where things are leading to explain to those too blind to see. Start riling up as many people as you can about this. And when it happens again you can point to it and bring even more people to your side.

Every day I pray for elections man. Without Golden Dawn we are eternally fucked. The roaches are clearly preparing for war, and currently Greece has no chance of winning. The military is a disorganized chaos and the officials are absolutely atrocious with no experience. Many systems are outdated and with the exception of the Special Forces who are top-notch, the rest of the military has terrible training.


This is quite bad, but it also shows that both sides do not want outright war.

I don't quite understand, though. Greece would have the diplomatic upper hand if this sparked a war between them and Turkey, and even the U.S. might intervene, especially since it's Trump in the white house.

All Greece needs to do is bend the knee to Trump a little and they will win the war. Greece is used to bending the knee.

Go and stay go, faggot

Israel bought Greece when they failed to pay denbts. Jewish influence in Turkey is massive, they are basically doing Israels bidding in Syria plus they get to fuck the kurds at the same time, which they like.
No way Turkey attacks Greece while the EU exists, they may use this narrative to try to keep the EU together though.

No, user. It's time for all nations who wish to retain their cultural identities to stand up and start beating back the hordes.

Can't believe this hasn't been checked yet. Mostly true comment, too.

How do they figure out who is on top?

good luck greek anons

kill all illegal!

Apollo give us back Troy!
For its residents now are no Hyperboreans. You smote great Achilles for much less when he got blood on your altar.


who's ready for Constantinople?

This should lead to war. The time is coming to retake Constantinople! I dedicate my services to armoring the brave Holla Forumsacks who lead the charge!

Greece has much more than a cultural identity to maintain.

I appreciate your enthusiasm but retaking Constantinople is secondary to ensuring our nation's independence and self-determination. If you could help Greece regain its independence from the international jewish cabal, it would go a long way, but it would go an even longer way if we all worked to get rid of them on our own accord and on the basis of a natural alliance, EVERYWHERE.

To hell with the cucks in Athens if they refuse to stand. The men of Macedonia and the great diaspora around the world will march in and take the thrown of Byzantium for themselves, then cow you under their rule if need be, and they will not be alone. There will be a great new Varangian Guard, made of legions who soon will harden themselves in the nigger-wars of South Africa, of Oranje and Transvaal, before they march to retake the great city of Byzantium, and it's walls will be rebuilt, four times as high and twice as thick, using the bones of the mudslimes for their mortar.

Sure thing. I'll be there when it happens. But I will never stand behind a mason nigger or a jew.

Quote from a jew (a couple of his symphonies are pretty good though)

All my sources are from Greek sites, so I'll just arhive those and anyone can go read them and translate them by himself. I'll post here a quick translation of the events.

Unfortunately, despite the efforts of (((some))) to hide the facts, information posted on 'ΠΕΝΤΑΠΟΣΤΑΓΜΑ' about the Turkish invasion and abduction of the two Greek men has been confirmed.
Even in NATO, inside the offices of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), prevails a sense of rage.

Famous internationalist Athanasios Drougos, based on information he collected, made the following statement:
Government claims that there was so much snow that the two soldiers got lost and couldn't even see the bridge that marked the end of the border between the two countries. But based on the photos bellow, we can see that their claim is absurd!
No one believes that two experienced military personel were unable to know their position based on the distance between them and the bridge which was right in front of them.

forgot to archive



NATO will never do anything about it. The Turks get to do whatever they want because of their geography and they know it.

That's the fucking point, dipshit. NATO won't step in for either side in this coming war. They will abandon the turkroaches to the wolves, and Bulgaria will be ready to march along as well.

That's an optimistic view of it. I think they are more likely to do what they did in the Cyprus situation and basically recognize whatever Turkey is able to take and hold.

Well anons, the more we learn about this event the more serious it gets. If a war does break out, I'm going in. I was paratrooper during my military service and if things get serious we'll be deployed on the front.
Wish us luck lads.

Best of luck lad, if things do break out I'll be sure to send you guys some much needed supplies.

Times were different then. Turkey turns into more of a liability every day, for all sides, and less of an asset. Both the USA and Russia have better options than Turkey for placing airbases in the region, and both have reason to be pissed off, many reasons in fact, to be furious at turkey. Erdogan can't even visit other countries without causing physical violence to break out, with his own guards instigating it. He's hated by all sides of the political spectrum, and he challenges the hands that feed him constantly. Unless he is executed soon, the nation of Turkey will fall out of NATO's favor for good. Further, the Orthodox church has been pushing against him, and honestly? I'm going to genuinely push for this myself. So, yeah I'm as confident that Constantinople will be liberated in our time, as I was when I placed all the money I could spare down, to bet on Trump winning the election, days after he announced he was running as the republican candidate.

You should pray for war, user. Things will need to get a lot worse before voting could have a hope in hell of making a difference. Normalfags pat themselves on the back for being so not-raycis while the eternal shitskin rapes and murders their daughter.

Are our memes summoning a new crusade? Are we reclaiming Constantinople?


They are user. We must meme harder.

Seems standard. Soldiers (allegedly) trespassed by accident, got captured, got questioned and will be handed over. Nothing special here. It would seem stupid and aimless for turkish patrols to trespass on greek territory and capture greek soldiers for no reason. Unless they themselves were up to something and used the captured soldiers as a diversion to draw attention from, whatever they were doing there. Even then, capturing soldiers and raising a fuss is the worst thing you could do.

I doubt this will escalate any further. Had the turks imprisoned the captured soldiers, then we might have seen conflict. But as it stands the situation is resolved.

If it does come to war, do the greeks stand a chance? the aegean islands will be wide open to attack, and a land invasion across the Thrace region would be bottlenecked.

So unless the Bulgarians or others throw their lot in with the Greeks, I don't see it going well.

This is not standard. Something like this hasn't happened since 1974 and the turkish invasion in Cyprus.

Considering turks are absolute shit, maybe.

Then again maybe greeks are shit too.

Both are in NATO.
And Turkey is out of favor with the rest of the members.
Additionally, presidential dictatorships like his aren't exactly stable and the military probably still isn't exactly under control.

they also have forces fighting the Kurds, so if the Greeks do escalate this, the Turks will have at least some of their forces out of position

If a war happened, EU countries would defo intervene.
Greece (unlike the Crimea) is considered an integral part of European identity.
An attack on Greece would be seen as an attack on Europe. Also, the EU peoples hate turks because of the turkish immigrants.

I wouldn't count on it. With the immigrant crisis, and what what happened in Catalonia, the EU has an uncanny ability to sit on it's hands and do nothing.

Only in countries that deliberately chose not to defend themselves.

Not comparable to a foreign military invading Europe / an EU-country.

At this rate the EU government would probably intervene in in favor of the Turks using some bullshit excuse to do so.

I can see Bulgaria, Romania and maybe one or two other helping the Greeks, but the EU will find every excuse to drag their heels over it.

Oh come on now.
The feel of safety, THE most basic human need, of the people in the EU would be severely damaged, if Europe didn't intervene.
That's not in the interest even of the most traiterous governments because it would sweep them out of office.

Oh gee I dunno, does the country with the highest military spending in the entire European Union stand a chance against literal subhumans?
The only thing that could go wrong against a war with Turkey is the communist scum in the government. Military-wise Greece would win against a Turkish invasion any day of the week, but with these incompetent communist retards in office, they could somehow turn the tide in favor of the roaches.

That is why we need Golden Dawn to finally rule this nation. So what we may feel safe again.

All the EU needs to do is stay out of the fucking way!

What the fuck is the point of patrolling the border if youre either not sure where it is or youre not prepared to defend it?
They might aswell have stayed at home

How does Greece even have a military? They don't even have an economy.

This, they should had killed the roaches. That said, they were clearly ambushed, but still, a soldier handing over his weapons to the enemy on his own fucking territory is utterly disgraceful.

inb4 404

Yea, I could see that happening. Chances are the Turks were spying on the Greeks and then decided to capture the soldiers when they were spotted and lie about it afterwards. The Greek soldiers should have shot them even if they were outnumbered but that would probably have meant death.

Death is a soldier's duty, if it means the defense of their people.

Im saying I dont think it would be quite an effective defense of anything. Sometimes its better to just not shoot at the people behind heavy cover who have their rifles trained on your back, you know? There are times when dropping your weapon is the only option.

This, you should never surrender as a soldier, especially to shitskins. It's better to die than to risk living the rest of your life in a roach prison

Shameful but depending on the situation, they dont necessarily need to be punished by default. Of course if you are a coward and fail to perform your duty as expected, thats unacceptable. Were really speculating a lot here on what actually happened. Lets just say the roaches arent lying for once, and the Greeks somehow accidentally ended up in their territory. Causing a border dispute by firing on the Turks in their own land is the perfect excuse to give the Turks to invade and take Greek territory.
Turkey HAS demonstrated a desire to take islands belonging to Greece. This could have been a Turkish trap. I propose this alternative:
Turkey was on Greek territory and desired to provoke a war where they could take the Islands from Greece. If the Greek soldiers HAD fired on the Turks, and say they didnt even die.. Turkey could then claim they were fired upon in their own territory and invade before Greece has a chance to dispute it. That would be the worst case scenario, and that easily could have happened.

A war against the turks would be top notch. All white men should shoot all non-whites on sight

On the contrary, the roaches military state is in absolute shit ever since Erdoghan imprisoned all the kemalist officers.

The problem comes when the turks get their F-35s.

Durkey is Europe's main supplier of rapefugees. It's no coincidence that the Greeks were tracking fencehumpers.

The Aegean Islands have half of Greece's armed forces.

That can go both ways.

What Cyprus taught us is that if the roach thinks he can grab clay he will. The reason they haven't tried something funny yet is because they know that even kurdish women can push their Cobras' and Leopards' shit in.

Well, the Kurds are giving them a good time so I can believe that.


Might be their Cobra Cat totem.

Vastly superior to Allahu Ackbar.

I should note it's not just the Jews, but also the Muslims. The blackcubes in major cities around the world are proof.

With all the naivete of a britcuck declaring "brexit, that'll do it!"

They even compromised Christianity by linking Christ with the kike (((god))) YHWH

When you live next to turks guns are more important than food.

Best way to predict what NATO will do is watch what happens to the nukes at Inclurk (sp?).

If hostilities ARE probable and they probably are then the nukes will be moved to make sure they don't get culturally appropriated by the roaches.

So let's play the hypothetics game. Let's say tomorrow, shit gets escalated and the Turks declare war, what would the immediate Greek and European responses be, realistically.

Just informing everyone that you can reach a larger audience that isn't your choir. Text posted on Steemit cannot be censored if you direct link.The (((financial powers))) control the mainstream media, and only decentralized social media on the blockchain will challenge their plans for global tyranny.

Yes… why were Jews the only non-Christians allowed to remain Jews, while all others faced forced conversions?


No way that's going to happen, considering everyone knows Greece and that it's not a 3rd world shit hole. Normalfags would smell that there's something wrong.
Just filter these two

t. obvious non-Greek

Am I prohibited to express a non-christian spiritual opinion? You don't have the monopole on truth smelly nigger.

Truth is definitive by nature. They will learn of it when they seek it. and find Esoteric Hitlerism.

Those gyros were lucky, in the older days they would be heading straight to Istanbul so they could be sold as slave rowers for some beylik who would then use those slaves to capture european girls in the mediterranean coast.

Back then we knew better than to surrender to turkroaches. Today it's a 50/50 situation.

Good luck turkroaches

It's kinda linked, they spend a lot more on their defense than even fucking Germany… and they kind of have to since they live near the roaches that get all their kit for free from uncle Helmut and uncle Sam in hope the nice muslims roach people will fight with Russia and totally not invade Christian Greek lands.
So far all they've done with that weaponry is finishing to genocide all the Christians in their part of occupied Greek clay and invade Cyprus but hey maybe they've changed!