ITT: Times when you are reminded this industry is cancer

ITT: Times when you are reminded this industry is cancer

Everything is horrible forever user, never forget this fact.

Other urls found in this thread:

You dumb motherfucker.

It's okay i'm not taking anything that includes the word 'studies'. Those sidemullet drones are off on another campus.

Preorder exclusive characters.

I win.

What a timeline this is.

I keep laughan

murrca pls.

That did not happen, and you are a liar, stop lying.

Oh sweet honey child, this is the way they live now, how they think. They don't even call their brand vectors streamers anymore. All pretences have dropped.

People who aren't even consumers doing dumb things are not, in fact, part of "the industry".

No one uses that word except marketing executives and Wint.

I'm calling bullshit on your entire story.


No fucking way they said influencer, it's like confessing to be a tool that let streamers tell them what to like/buy

Thats the thing isn't it?
These screamer streamers are paid to "indenture misappropriated feelings of friendship to better massage the brand positive narrative" and they arent actually making their audience buy the games anymore.

With things like Minecraft dying off and other tween fads like Five Nights at Freddies following suit at an even quicker pace i wonder if bob marketing is noticing the burn off phase for 'influencer' marketing is actually lesser than traditional adverts in the long run?
Because in a marketing culture of "im losing views, time to jump fads at the drop of a hat" lone wolf free agents outside networks like Polaris it seems like the streamers are actually killing normalfag sales in games, not boosting them.

I want you to sit down. The kids call streamers influencers now. They call videos 'content'. They now say 'i want to be an influencer when i need to get a job/grow up'.
The curtains been pulled back and they did not recoil at the vile, manipulative nature of the truth. They embraced it, empathised with it and want to become it.

Why would you think something other than a continued decline would happen?

What's so bad about that? One cancer is eating another.

Stopped reading there

Every E3.

I refuse to believe anyone says this.

Serves you right.

I am disgusted

That only means you are still sane.

On the other part, if this scum doesn't directly play games, they don't buy them too. So devs won't make games for them special kids anymore.

this tbh, if you still have friends you deserve one-day free shipping to a gas chamber

The bad part is games companies not realising this. Its one of the 3 core cancers of videogames along with "this could probably get away with some microtransactions" and "our audience is too small so lets make this other genre more CoD based to try and catch both audiences because alienating our audience and not gaining a new one is impossible".

Thats it, i'm telling your new daddy, no tendies for a week.

And they'll start making good games right after they stop marketing them to leftists as well!

Things are coming to a head though. The market has gotten as big as it is going to get, there's no more suckers to fleece and even the normalfags are starting to catch on. 2016 saw Hollywood bleed money out the ass, and we saw Call of Duty fail.


jokes on you I get tendies from the government unlike a wagecuck like you

I have a bro with top tier taste in what makes sexy 2D that isn't a cucked normalfag, gets me shit all the time and gave me a place to live with everything financial planned out.

Should have talked to those kids in kindergarten.


Another fact is kids today are growing up on ipads and tablets. They buy apps, not videogames. As normalfags learn their "IM SUCH A NERD XD" shit isn't getting them a fucboi or gf and the numbers drop only existing customers are buying games.

Except the dumbasses are pushing their own market away.

And look at what it turned companies like Capcom into.

Or Konami.



user you want bad times i got them for you.


The bad one that directly leads into the sequel.

delet dis

stop making me scared to want to go to college

I already have like 5 grand set aside to help ease the costs next fall

user you arent going into sociology or liberal arts are you?

I love pissing off cats.



Could you at least try to make it sound like an actual person said this?

Is your friend a negroid or a retard? Or both?

You dont speak with normalfags much do you user?

Jesus Christ


I now understand why Nazis burned books.

This game made me accept that video games are and always will be cancer.


But being a nerd helped a lot of Holla Forums to get the traps of their dreams


its a lets play starter kit. These modernchildren think lets playing IS the point of the game.

Fun fact: children nowadays have developed a habit at schools of 'lets playing' their work and talking to an imaginary audience. My nephew 'lets plays' alone in a room to himself.

This is what children pretend to be, what they want to be when they grow up.

no being a gullible sugar daddy to a clever neet with no worrys about growing hrt bitch tits did you mean.

Take a pillow. You know what must be done.


Every triple A mainstream game is a stark reminder of what videogames has become.


When hes a bit older i will show him a ps1 and jrpgs, it wont fix him but at least it can save him.

Guess it's time to end it.

A co-worker of mine tried to sell me on the idea that, because Fallout 4 has "so much stuff in it," it would need a supercomputer to run it without bugs.

I mean he's a cool dude, but he has literally no idea how computers work. I have no idea what the fuck they're teaching him at his college Computer Science course.



To make things worse a lot of faggots watch Minecraft porn nowadays.


My degree is half business, half art if I go

That's money well spent on education.

If anything, you can learn what they teach you in a Computer Science course by yourself, through the internet and putting it into practice.

Wrong picture.

But then how would I scam you out of shekels to buy my shitty textbooks goy? Don't you know on campus education is better than self-education? Just look at this study done by the college that employed me goy, why don't you trust me?



Every Libtarded Arts class I've ever taken has been pretty fucking normal and all of my instructors have said day one that if anyone is expecting a "safe space" they should drop the class. It's always been anthropology that I hear bad things about, but I've never taken it.

I live in Canada though, so maybe it's different in America.

I think some of my nerve cells died when I saw your pic.

Because I'm poor, Mr. Ackermann.

It is, and it's scary as all hell.

what kind of absolutely disgusting newspeak is this?

Meanwhile in Canada…

Then just take out a loan from my friend's bank silly goy! And don't worry, you don't even need a credit check! This won't cause a bubble, I swear it on my dear grandmotha's life who was in the holocaust.

That retarded cuck won't get re-elected.




I still marvel how he got elected in the first place. He's, what, a substitute drama teacher and ski instructor?

Then again, another Canadian user told me that your voting system made it possible that only 25% of the population voted the cuckold into office.

b-but weeeeed


how difficult it would be to get couple of DNA samples from him, and Castro's relatives?

The idiots in the east voted him in, basically everyone west of Ontario voted Conservative. But yeah, because of our stupid system it just didn't matter.

It sounds like it's on track for decriminalization or something next year. I don't give a fuck though since I don't smoke that shit.

Likely not that easy.

I swear, I didn't think much of the theory until I saw the first row of pictures side by side. It's uncanny how similar him and Castro are.

Oh, and I guess they voted NDP as well. It's easy to forget about them.

on the other hand, .. you could just ask him, I mean he's cuck level probably makes him think it's cool to be wife's son

He doesn't seem all that bright in the head. I remember watching one of his speeches, the one where he talks about drama class, and he sounded like such a fucking faggot. It's very likely that mommy told him not to tell the mean public who daddy really is.

Isn't a fuckton of Canada the-middle-of-nowhere?

t. niggers

I want to get a degree in fiber and textiles

kill me

Word's Worth

Yeah, that's why there's so many large electoral ridings the further north you get. They're huge, but only a small amount of people live there.

You wanna turn into this guy?

Fucking shit, my nephew is the same. His parents banned him from going on youtube after they caught him watching something called "Five Nights at Fuckboy's", but it might be too late for him.

When the last Destiny "expansion" came out. I have a full crew of people to raid with and I enjoyed the game up until Taken King. It became very clear that they didn't actually have any intention of improving the game and they where just rehashing it's own content to milk cash from fps players who have never played a grind game before so they are hooked on the item hoarding/gear grind gameplay. There is no other reason to keep playing this game. Destiny is literally just shooting aliens and playing the same levels/raids over and over and people still play it. I hate the shitty multiplayer plagued with super-ability-joke gameplay. The shitty multiplayer is the part that breaks my heart.

I would still play it if they had balanced, fun multiplayer like Halo 3. Just give me shotty snipes and SWAT please. Destiny is run by retards and it's such a shame. Really smooth gunplay and it's a very polished game. It just fucking sucks and is so incredibly shallow. I genuinely feel bad because my friends still play and are always looking to fill a raid spot, but I really can't play it anymore because of how anti-consumer the creators have turned out to be. "This game will expand and become a whole world" yeah no that didn't happen at all. And these shitty "expansions" are like 40 bucks holy shit just fuck my shit up why did they fuck up Destiny so bad. I was all in and bought a PS4 bundle and loved it for the first few months, but Destiny actually got worse and worse over time. Complete opposite of what everyone expected after launch. The game "expanded" but it was just copy pasting the same shit without adding anything of substance.

TL;DR "crap" is the new acceptable standard

it's just a rpgmaker fangame, not as bad as the name implies

every time I see a rainbow six siege, undertale, overwatch or tf2 thread.

We always cut off our noses to spite out faces.


That was your mistake.

You know something is terrible and beyond any salvation when it's compared or associated to twitch.

I thought twitch gameplay meant quick reaction times and reflexes, like with twitch shooters. Fuck, that's where the fucking streaming service got its name.

Yeah, the Harper government was cucked as fuck. There was really no good way to vote.

I can't even be certain if they mean one or the other.

If they're calling it "twitch" gameplay because they think holding buttons to automatically attack or automatically dodge, then they're wrong.

If they're calling it twitch because it's associated with Twitch because it "looks good" on stream or some shit, then well, fuck.

Go fuck yourself Mork you fucking asshole. Didn't you move here to speak freely? I don't care about that thread at all but you're a hypocritical dick.
Check my dubs

This game so far has been one of the greatest experiences I have had in my life of gaming. To me and many others it is a brilliant masterpiece that will provide us with endless hours of entertainment.

I would just ask that you please not take all of the hatred to heart. Don't let the loud, angry voices of a very small minority discourage you from continuing your work on this and possibly other games in the future. I want this to be a beginning, not an ending. I want to see this beautiful universe you have so generously created for us become something even greater and more awesome. I want to see this amazing gaming experience reach the fullest height of its potential.

So in closing, I ust want to thank you again and wish you the best in all your future endeavors.

they made tube heroes halloween costumes too


I actually lol'd







literally triggered by retarded memeposting

Do kids really think this garbage looks cool? In elementary school, if we saw any dipshit wearing something as gay as this Tube Heroes faggotry we'd pelt them with rocks and egg their house.

what the fuck is a tube hero

Actually Trumpy is the "trophy for participation generation" at its apex.

Maybe now you'll actually grow to resent the jew, avatarfag.



First it was television/radio football.
Then it was cooking shows.
Then it was review/critic shows.
Then it was this shit.

What the hell is this even supposed to meme.

>Nobody has time to actually play games, but there is plenty to go around for setting up a party to watch someone else do that very thing for "hours"

I am morally appalled, but you have to admit this is fucking ingenious. It's like fucking pewdiepie going on that live let's play tour and selling tickets for over $100 a pop. Let's players who rode that bubble early on enough are buying mansions. With money they got playing video games on the internet.

Isn't it all just surreal? This must be what people who were alive when they started paying professional athletes millions were thinking, but at least those require athletic ability

We should have known this was inevitable. All those people sitting around watching sports on the couch could themselves go out and kick a ball around, but they'd rather get fat and lazy watching overpaid niggers do it for them


We've diverged too far from the berenstein universe (the "real" one)
The universe where hitler won.
The universe where we're still in the 1960's. (as a community)
The universe where shit like this doesn't exist.
Now, we gotta make it happen.

No u

I dunno, user.
I'm feeling pretty fucking mad right about now.


From the YouTube Wikia (which I didn't even know existed until about 30 seconds ago):


This is it. I'm going to meme them all to death.

Fuck it.

I guess being mentally handicapped wins again. I'm doing my own thing and don't generally keep up with the rest of society.

YT is a good place to watch gameplay vids before buying or a playthrough sans commentary of Xenosaga by some autistic German with 50k views.

But my god what have we unleashed?


This is the level of importance some people put on random streamers they see online.

what's it like studying at a traditional african-american college, user?

post yfw journalists and professors are now "value-added marketing influencers"

Do VAMI pay the VAT on their ASSFAGGOTS and CRAPCUNTS purchases, my doubleplus unbelly comrades?

This is the kind of culture that spreads and thrives.

Imageboard culture (wherein everyone is trying to piss the maximum amount on everyone else or get the board rules gerrymandered so that their enemies are banned) is not capable of interesting or involving as many people as a fun thing you do with friends that isn't even particularly skill- or effort-intensive.

In other words, evolution has damned us.

You mean where everyone's on acid?


Coincidence? I think not.

This shit would fuel the fires at Auschwitz. If they were real

That is not the point of them. Though it may be the point of why people come here.
It isn't why I come here, and I hope isn't the reason why most people come here.

If you were in elementary school right now you would be totally into the shit, you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise unless you had no access to technology, at which case you'd be the one getting bullied. My nephew along with his classmates obsess over the popular youtubers.

Some kids it might be the only role model they have, as depressing as that is.

I don't come to imageboards for this. Never have and never will. I know there are people who think like this, and getting away from them factored into my decision to leave 4chan in the first place.


Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out how I can completely separate myself from the rest of society. I want to go build a NEET town where we just play vidya all day and don't give a fuck about the rest of the world. My backlog is big enough to keep me going for years, at this point.

Only thing I can't figure out is how to get enough money to sustain such a place and lifestyle without having to become youtuber, e-whore cancer. Begging for patreon and paypal donations might work, provided I come up with a good gimmick, but that would shackle me to a life of constant social media addiction and self-promotion, and that's a fate horrifying enough to make me want to fellate a gun right now.


No you don't. No one does.

The retarded crusades against "shitposting" (literal goon term), "off-topic", and later "generals", plus the aging userbase, have killed the fuck out of Holla Forums culture. It's not about fun anymore. Grats on getting your sister back out of Hell, though.

Oh, also, the endless tribal warfare. Everyone's a narcissist, everyone thinks that they are the board. Hence Holla Forums versus fags, commies versus Holla Forums, normalfags versus anime, and so on.

Jesus Christ, user. I can understand watching it while your vidya's installing or something, but this was a step too far a few characters in.

Feels good seeing cancer come from a mile away.

don't do it

Soon we'll just hear about people playing videogames

Books will be written about the marvelous videogames that the plebeians will never even see

the world is falling apart at the seems, and it's a fucking blast


No need to get upset at basic facts.



You're sending mixed signals here, OP.

To play devil's advocate at least a person that dumb isn't buying FFXV.
That would be rendered support for a poor quality product and be teaching Squenix that they didn't do anything wrong.

Good. The vidya industry will burn ever faster with every participation award.

You are on the right path user, you will get there eventually.
ego death

Can we make vidya great again in 2017? Or are we on a sinking ship of a hobby?

maybe when you specifically make threads to remind me? you ever think of that smarty pants?

At least they're not buying the games.

If only steamers by games, the industry would utterly crash… wait.

Do we actually need to encourage this degeneracy?

user, I have news for you…

While I could believe the rest, I'm going to need proof for that bullshit.

If anything, it's making the cancer spread faster.


Oh yeah no man's an island.

Us NEET hermits still need food. And I have no love for normalfag society but they DO have food.

I am 9beebf but I was posting under a different IP, for reasons unrelated to this thread

Holla Forums culture wasn't being an ebin trole. If you do it for teh lulz you should go to Holla Forums, or if you're lel so ironic then start posting /r9k/ ree tendies pee pee poo poo memes like it's 2014 again. Holla Forums culture was just some good memes that fell out of fashion and got replaced with worse ones. If it was Holla Forums culture to dubspam a thread about video games, or post the same 1-sentence OP every day, then I'm glad it's gone. Generals shouldn't be off the board, but every other topic shouldn't be a general, or else you get forum drama because everyone recognizes each other (especially in multiplayer games, see /vg/).
That's where you're wrong. I've been in a lot of fun threads
I will admit there are some things absent that were fun in the past:
But overall, I don't think you should confuse Holla Forums culture with "only pretending"
And how does Nyako rescue herself from hell? It was me who rescued her!

if you make it, please let us know. i will travel to murica or wherever to reach such an eden

Doesnt Holla Forums have a stream site as well for people to stream vidya?


"Where has God gone?" he cried. "I shall tell you. We have killed him - you and I. We are his murderers.

Holy balls, I was just going to put in "every time I open Uplay" but I got smashed by the OP.

I don't know user, certainly the amount of people that are streaming would be way less than the number of people who apparently used to buy and play video games. By nature these things have a logarithmic theme where the first is best by a huge margin, and that one streamer (or crew) only needs one copy of a game. I wouldn't know how many influencers it would take to keep this ship afloat, but if it's more than the "saturation point" where there's too many streamers for the audience, then there could be a collapse inbound.

Keep your dongers up.

youre fucking with us


Give me your cat.

This entire Video. Right now it's happening the FFXV European launch party with some DJ faggot faking being all hyped. this Industry is beyond salvation, the only hope is that the entire thing burn down and be reborn again like the Nintendo Era, which is quite funny since Nintendo is now one of the biggest cancers.

I disagree with your idea of fun threads, but i do agree with the point you're trying to make.

It does have superior taste though.

attached pic. If that shit is possible and gamers are okay with it the entire industry is cancer. No idea why people would defend shit like that.

About that streaming shit, in game stores they actually show gameplay shit and twitch now instead of having consoles around for people to play.

This is why everyone else thinks people come here, because they can't see anonymity as anything but something for evul inturnet bullies to hide behind.

It's a good feel because you can pretend to be surprised by shit like more easily

Code for pedo grooming.

feels bad man

Part of me is disgusted but another part of me remembers that when I was a kid, kikes were still fleecing parents out of money on idiotic useless shut like pic related, and that shit sold fucking EVERYWHERE.

What's wrong with playing gogo's? Me and my buddies still regularly do this and it's always a lot of fun.

Wait those weren't gummy treats?

I never digged this as a jimmy, i was more into vidya back then.

I remember having a couple of those when they were hot on the playground. You'd throw them towards a wall against another player and the one who gets closer to it wins both.



Did he actually call them that? That is fucking creepy as fuck.

My fucking sides


Who talks like this?

A jew once taught me the secret to ammass massive wealth at the expenses of silly goyim like you.


I expected to hear a dolphin. Was gravely disappointed.


I don't believe it, but I'm disgusted at the fact I can conceive of it.


the weird combo of marketing polish and the shitty fucking name "popularmmo" really drives home the kafkaesque nature of this entire topic, streamers truly need to be gulagedexcept brote the man bobo is allowed to live I permit it

jesus christ thats disturbing, also carries some nasty implications

thats a replica sten gun, fuck the british but that right there is patrician taste hyde, you weirdo

or hes just an old school dr. who fan


A reminder that toronto and vancouver combined were worth enough for mahority on their own. It never really matters how the atlantic votes because seats are decided by population density. And as said there was no good choice, and our election system needs an overhaul and allowing for a "none of the above" vote. Hell, easy way to convice leftists is to say "do you want a canadian trump?"

I'm more wondering how Sam is always asking for shekels but got his hands on an funswitch MG, unless he's renting it

Kevin O'Leary has been thinking of running and I hope he does.

remember beanie babys

What the fuck are you smoking?

O'Leary said he's gonna run his campaign late since he doesn't have to make his name known. He said announcing early will only hurt him so he'll announce at the last second for conservative leader. Only shit thing is we have no say on who the conservatives elect as their leader. How do you think Trudeau became Liberal leader in the first place with no political, economic, or military experience whatsoever?

I can't remember the last time something pissed me off so much I had to pause the video over a dozen times.

Well the American branch of Nintendo their games range from ok but uninspiring to great. I just wish their american branch wouldn't butcher the fucking games and have their marketing arm shit all over everything and promote it to people who have no interest in it.

That's the first time I've ever seen that term used to describe streamers or well.. anything really.

Also I'd be re-evaluating my friendship with those faggots if that's how they talk.

i've seen faker stories on Holla Forums, but not recently

ya they don't need to live anymore

Every time I come to this shithole and read what you retards type


because Trudeau's dad was a politician.
well, his biological dad was Fidel Castro, but his mom's husband was a Canadian politician, anyway.

Do the streamers these crappy costumes are based on even have a say in this merchandise of themselves existing?

Do kids even have role models these days?
Did anyone here even have a role model fictional or real growing up?

Seriously, last night I got reminded why this industry is so shit. Because an actually enjoyable game with neat features like HELLDIVERS seems to be now dead.
Got it on special, because I hadn't ever heard of the game before or shrugged it off thinking it was a shitty MOBA. Turns out it's actually Alien Swarm but there's fuckall players online.

it's because the game gets really fucking boring after about four hours unless you've got three autists who know exactly what to do teamed up with you and you do insanely difficult superhard planets. don't get me wrong, it was fun for a little bit but soon enough you'll understand why nobody is playing it


Remember when you were a kid and you thought that getting paid to play video games would be the coolest fucking thing ever? Well these kids think that too, but instead of their parents, teachers and other miscellaneous authority figures telling them that they're being stupid and they need to go outside more and think about actual jobs, said figures are saying "yeah, go for it" - and more importantly, even if their parents ARE doing their jobs the entire fucking internet is telling these kids otherwise and as such these kids are going to waste their entire youths inside in the pursuit of this but instead of doing it honestly as damaged goods, as social rejects and autists, they're doing it as normalfags and they're going to be irreversibly damaged for it. We're going to have an entire generation that's going to miss all of their rites of passages and social initiations and they're going to end up fat, foreveralone manginas if they're men or bouncing from cock to cock to fill the hole inside (heh) if they're women because these children will never learn what it means to be an adult or have meaningful relationships.

And if you think that's bad, wait until VR becomes a standard thing on the next generation of consoles. The poor little bastards in diapers right now won't even have a chance because their childhood is going to be sitting alone in a room wearing a blindfold and a pair of headphones.

Can you name some?
Think I missed a few

Nobody says these words

That script was awful and unconvincing. It looks like you managed to bait a good amount of (you)s but really what are they worth if they're from gullible retards?

what are you gonna do about it, sucka

Can confirm. My nephew and his little friend do this exactly.

Pewds in particular isn't even 30, and pic related is what the inside of his house looks like. He sold himself out and felt guilty enough to quit, but the point still stands. These people are freakishly rich.
Which is why I think it's Jewish as hell when so many faggots defend them when they get pissy at devs asking for a portion of the money for them getting rich off playing their games


When I was a kid I would talk to myself all the time and I know a lot of others did as well, maybe not as frequently.
This let's play shit is taking it to a new level though, because kids would normally grow out of it.

Last I heard he made like 4 millions a year at his peak



Funny. I actually know where all these cucks hole up in Vancouver. Guess all their talent left along with Japanese dev supervision after Dead Rising 2.

I've passed by their office a couple of times, nice looking place on the outside.


sunshine coast here, vancouver a shit

You know what to do

Albertan pride world wide

Send a strongly worded thesis to their offices outlining why their game will flop?


Why make a game based in san francisco if you cant make the gangs accurate to the reigon?

Video of SF mexican gang for reference

also has been brought up on ubisoft forums

I still do it, in fact, I have to make an effort not to do it.


no idea what a nu-male is…


Yeah that's a nice joke you told there OP! Nobody would ever say or do such a thing. Right?

Also, just wanted an excuse, regardless of how flimsy, to repost this classic.

How exactly did you think Twitch became a thing in the first place?

I came from half-chan though…




I refuse to believe people literally use the word "influencer".

There are some unbelievably hollow and crippled people out there.

I go university and there is nothing wrong with it. It's the best in the country though so that makes sense.

kidding about what? I dont really pay attention to all the stuff that goes on in the chan sites. while I have been around for a decade, I just lost interest once the whole meme culture started to spread and become mainstream… back in the early days, most memes were limited to their respective sites, 4chan had theirs, Newgrounds had theirs, and so on…

I miss the strawberry clock crew days the most…



Twitch originally was popular with speedrunners and with people who did challenge runs of games. Basically, it used to only be popular because people wanted to watch people who were engaging in really challenging gameplay.

I wish this way of thinking spreads so that nobody buys games at all thus bringing the crash we been expecting for ages. Then we can rebuild from whats left

Lets players and personality streamers were a fucking mistake, and so are the generation of children being raised on technology with internet access since their shit-brained mothers are too "busy" to take care of them properly

Justintv aka twitch before twitch was nice because you'd see pro's doing cool shit along with the occasional crazy motherfucker playing a game while listening to some Alex Jones cast crazy. At the time you streamed to show off how good you where or to show something to a friend.

This technology is a good thing but the people who are using it and exploiting it now? Nothing good will come of it. The entire "content creator" idea is bad for people who don't realize that the majority who try fail. For every success dozens of failures and no ones really saying that anymore. It's all being blindly supported as if it's a viable option. It's the same thing as people who pin all hope on the idea of becoming a famous athlete or star. At least with those you have hopefully mentors and coaches who will tell you the truth of the situation and remind you that you would most likely fail and to have other choices. Perhaps I'm just out of touch but if I was one of these successful streaming/youtube folks I'd tell my viewers that they need to realize they've gotten unfathomably lucky and to not put your hopes and dreams on a career that may not even exist in five years.

I watched a bit of FFXV being streamed on youtube for 20 minutes last night.

To be honest that was enough for me. I forgot how weird Japanese people are and how they cant make a believable story or characters that fit in convincingly with the scenery and setting at all.

On the part I was watching they get some Japanese looking character model, give her dolly parton tits and hair and a murrican accent and its so absurd and unrealistic that its comical.

So for me, watching a stream for a few minutes is as much of an investment as I want to make.

FFXV is how you can tell that Nomura can't do shit for a normal-ish modern setting.

Which is weird because Versus XIII actually did it extremely well.

Slowbeef looks upon the madness and sighs as he burps his infant son.

"Not like this." he mutters. "Not like this."

For whatever his faults, this problem lies solely with Tabata, seeing as how he redesigned at least 90% of the story at the last minute from what Nomura had been working on for years

I meant art-wise but yeah.
The FF team still needs some serious reforming.

Don't be, influencers have been a thing since the concept of marketing emerged. Everyone has influencers, for instance Holla Forums can be considered one. You also can't help having influencers as that's part of human nature.
Things like this is why economics are considered a social science, if the concept of influencers disgusts you already, I got some bad news for you. You haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg of common marketing tricks yet and there's many more potential shocking discoveries for you to be made. Educate yourself if you wanna know, shit's too expansive to get into it here.

When anons on this very board use eceleb reaction images unironically.

Nomura is a faggot but he is blameless in this. Tabata, someone who only produced shit, is the one to blame. SE has no talent left as the great ones jumped ship after the merger and now have to put hacks like Tabata in charge on Mainline titles.


whenever I go to Holla Forums

You're a sick man, user.

Fucking how?
This looks far better than fucking XV.

I wont believe that shit until I see video


I can't wait for VR to get more popular so I can just plug in and then die from starvation when I never come out

Anytime I come on Holla Forums.

LOL, study something actually used in the real world like gender studies.

Please tell me this isn't a thing.

lul, yeah degrees are real useful when 90% of high school grads go on to get one :^)

kind of true, when's the last time you used the pythagorean theorem or were actually required to write proper english?
modern schools should stop lying to themselves since they sure as fuck aren't a place where you acquire lots of knowledge like they were meant to be and they aren't proper "learn all you need for a wageslave craft" either




joining the army, wanting to a medic and gain the skills to do soor whatever else. Want to use it to go through schooling as well and meet new folks

I was gonna do the same thing, but if the US is still working with Israel, then my death will just be in vain.
Fuck the elites and the Jewish menace.

I'll just get back to trade school

Tell everyone you want to kill yourself before deployment.

I honestly want a medic role just in case we do, can at least help my fellow countrymen and only fight for my life. Thought about trade school for trucking or electrician but eh

i think it would be good for me anyways

If that gets me off the hook in a strangely specific future occurance, then I will do it.

Good luck man, I hope all goes well.
I'll pray for you

appreciate it man hopefully i can get that role, if not then a leadership role, working with weapons, or explosives. maybe something else if it looks interesting enough
done blogposting now

I wonder how the fierce the competition for becoming a demoman is in muslim armies

Ya'know, I did something like this, while watching my grandmother's house while they were on vacation back in the day.

It was the week that MGS4 got leaked, and only one streamer had it, I watched the game from start to finish, but you know what? I still bought the game (bought a ps3, just for it) and played it from start to finish as well, and jesus, the ending didn't lose any of it's punch for me when I was playing it.

im a csgo player
payed sprays & gloves that cost more than knives
like -$1 gloves would have been okay

Shit, if I got a dollar from valve every time I got gloves that wouldn't be so bad.

Anytime I look at a game made past 2007. Yes, I know there are plenty of good games past 2007, but they still remind me of all the other garbage, especially popular garbage, past 2007, and how far the industry has fallen overall.

Who else isn't ever going to shitty college?

Not really. Once you know enough of their tricks they become so predictable you can know what they'll do before they actually do it.