(video in the tweet is also embedded)
It seems things are getting into oyvey mode
(video in the tweet is also embedded)
It seems things are getting into oyvey mode
So they launch all over the place, and the media will report on the most lopsided results? Wonder if it will work like the Pepsi challenge, where they do dozens of surveys and report only the results they want.
Jesus, what an exceptionally ugly kikess. Hopefully we can help 'train' this AI, by teaching it that promoting refugee invasions is a hateful act perpetuated by insidious Jews following the protocols.
So being American is anti-semitic?
That's actually not a reliable accuracy if you're sampling up to millions of comments daily. But I'm more curious if they aim to just use it as a precision based censorship tool, or to enhance shilling tactics for social engineering purposes, or both in an ideal balance to sustain some illusion of freedom.
Frankly their idea is something I'd expect the intelligence community to implement but on a much more generalized level to improve operational success. Because if you can accurately quantify and categorize psychological traits of targets and their beliefs at a superhuman level, it makes espionage, sabotage and subversion a lot easier to conduct. What the ADL is attempting here is nothing compared to what's really coming in about a decade, but I wouldn't be surprised IC fronts fund projects like this to learn how to refine their own R&D projects.
This is what it means.
Check, check, check, check.
So a bunch of Jewish companies have teamed up with a Jewish pressure group to make we don't call them out for their lack of diversity. Trump's and the GOP's a joke, their exclusively owned by corporations and billionaires. The movement should stop with the racial slurs and unrealistic fantasies and openly call them out for their double standards. Start petitions for prosecution of the necons who lied us into war. Start petitions to make AIPAC register under FARA. etc
I notice one word on here that could be gamed…
Wow. This one. Just.
How come Harvey Weinstein hasn't been prosecuted? How come Mnuchin hasn't been prosecuted for illegally foreclosing on over a thousand homes but the 'pharma bro' is facing 20 years. It's time to relentlessly call them out for their double standards w/o racial slurs. That's what they don't want.
Fuck off, PR kike.
If that's the case then why is no one trying to make sure that these kikes will never get the chance to completing their little pet project and shutting everyone down?
Is a plebbit sub I think. I saw one called bad cop no donut a while ago. It's an rdonald shit.
The more they shut down the boomers the more redpilled they'll become. It's very odd to me that they don't understand the power of the ghetto, that struggle turns the wick into an inferno.
go back >>>/reddit/
Eventually they won't be able to…
Really makes you think
more (((lies))) Holla Forums is a board of peace and love
Awesome, let's try for a perfect score!
Nigger kike rape the feminists gas the yids hang every nigger from a tall tree stop the south africans from being fucking genocided
Fuck off plebbit scum.
We truly shifted in an awful timeline. This video is so disturbing.
Obviously I suppose hate speech is everything that doesn't pander to the neo Marxists and the Jew agenda.
I hate that this image makes me almost get a boner every time I see it
Anti free speech anti discussion promotion pro AI demigod pro Chinese style censorship
Openly banning and censoring the truth or even discussion questioning their narratives…
Nothing to see here it was a mistake these 10000 channels were shutdown doesn't matter …
And they havnt been reinstated yet. Small channels have ZERO way to contact or complain to YouTube customer support…
I was censored for questioning the Florida FALSE flag event !!! And was also banned on kikebook for 24 hours for pic of 2017david Hogg cnn interview…
Why is this allowed in 2018 and why have shill programmed you to believe this is a private property issue or BAKE THE CAKE….
This is not an innocent cake shop this is a corporation that is against mankind and must be treated as such
Fuck this big brother world
You're looking at this from the wrong angle. This is more about fundraising and brow beating tech companies. The "science" behind the data is barely a consideration.
These organizations are worse than any telemarketer. I was fielding calls all the time from these people. ALWAYS trying to coerce the company into pledging support for these initiatives. It got so bad that we fabricated a "Diversity Officer" position and assigned it to one of our admins (who happens to be a stone-cold bullshit artist). They've flown his crazy ass all over the country for seminars, comped all sorts of dinners, lol. We got drunk a few times and cooked up the minutes of fake meetings about inclusivity and shit, then forwarded it to these orgs for advisement when certain POC's within our ranks said overtly racist shit. If I ever sell, I will post these exchanges up. It makes Damore's stuff look tame.
Why is fuck and need, hate?
Oooh looks like they are going to be attempting to obfuscate all the domain registrations so people can't hold the kikes accountable. Guess running them through proxies isn't working well enough.
This will only work to our benefit.
Their methods usually envolve social ostricism and shame. We feel no shame in our hate. Putting a "hateful" on our jacket only means we will be easier at connecting with others as ourselves.
We could use this tool against ADL. Joining forces is much better than being alone, when they put up the index then we will have wider audience.
she has a real "goblin" kind of look to her. creepy.
We have the most hate, we are the best. We also have the most shill cancer, and cancer is a very modern disease.
That's a big toe
May as well hit the surplus for Nazi caps. The red MAGA hats clearly aren't sending a strong enough message.
For you.
was getting ingrown part of your plan?
Every fucking time.
Funny, I remember most truthers being some shade of leftist. And then getting inevitably thrown under the bus with the election of Kind Nigger.
Don't even have to edit this shit, just spam it the fuck around.
Hi there newfag, mossad was behind it.
Instead, support your local
Anti-judification League
I'm ready Raphael, any day. Blow that fucking horn.
The algorithm doesn't have to work, it merely has to give the appearance of scientific methodology in order to lend credibility whenever social media platforms arbitrarily censor or ban someone for wrongthink.
To paraphrase George Carlin: your average person isn't that smart to begin with, and half the population is even dumber. The level of intelligence necessary to recognize this technology as quackery is above your typical normie; they'll all just nod their heads in agreement because they don't want to appear stupid by questioning the so-called experts when something doesn't make sense, and, any that do will quickly be written off and shamed as conspiracy theorists.
That right there is poetry.
this tbh.
Since they're working with the University of California, Holla Forums should make an online petition to make the research open source – maybe get Holla Forums involved. Once the research is made public, then you can more easily find ways around it
That's very terrible really. The algorithm also takes in a lot of sites without any offensive words or content at all and that gets added to the accuracy. Those sites are the majority.
That algorithm is pure garbage, even 78-85% is a weird remark since it differs too much. I don't think much science is being done here unless they provide a report of what they are actually doing kek.
Accuracy doesn't really say much since you can be sampling things from targeted sites or you can also bring in a lot of samples that are auto placed to be negative (so you bump up the accuracy just by increasing sample size with content that will always be classified right). Doesn't say anything about the false positives and false negatives.
the simple fact that you mention they're jewish you're already breaking the law in some countries.
they know we know.
I do like it though.
Ferguson No!
Bad Cop, No Donut
I agree: get us that source code.
You wouldn't even have to find ways around it; merely expose it as junk science. One possible avenue I see is retraining the program to give completely opposite results while ignoring the previous ones.
Once we demonstrate that the program can be manipulated to give any output, no matter how preposterous, Strawberry Pop Tarts are racist, anyone?:^) it will lose all credibility to your typical social media-tard, and they will have to abandon it for something else.
It really annoys me that we have to play this silly game of cat-and-mouse; when do we get to deal the final blow and BTFO of social media companies once and for all?
Again, your typical normie will fail to grasp anything that technical.
It saddens me that something as simple as figures and statistics are considered technical by today's standards.
Fuckin' kiked public education system
Nice reading comprehension brainlet.
Twice the online Shoahings, BUT HALF THE COST!
So do we have the high score?
We better have the high score. I want those numbers UP, people!
Funny how before the election this would have been 100% now this board is a broken shell of its former self.
Do they know that peepeepoopies is an all encompassing hate speech for every race possible except for white people? Saying peepeepoopies to a black man or jew is a punishable offense, but saying peepeepoopies to a white man is instead a compliment. This advanced form of hate speech stems from the deep web and is being spread globally to racists at an alarming rate. Surely the ADL will know about the extents of this new racist slang before its too late.
I just realized: pretty much the only thing the Anti-Defamation League does in 2017-2018 is defame people. They haven't actually accomplished anything else.
Would anti-trust litigation or a class-action lawsuit be able to stop this?
Probably not without more evidence of collusion. Precedents dealing with private corporations and the 1st Amendment are all fucked up and bullshit. I suppose you could try for tortious interference, but there probably isn't a qualifying relationship.
In an ideal world, there ought to be a way to have yourself declared an open public forum. But our legislators are all idiot boomers.
I only get a boner from the version where he's in a mechanized suit, shooting up Tel Aviv.
Webm from another thread
In other words something as simple as arithmetic being paraded as advanced mathematics.
you should have gotten the double triple triple
Boy, do I love to hate! We have the right to hate, and I think we should show it. Start openly wearing shirts saying "It's OK to hate" and shirts witht the ADL's logo crossed out. We need to show people that this campaign against "hate" is mental retardation and that you should not only be proud to hate but flamboyant in your endevor.
Gay nigger jewbot accidentally redpills itself while surveying website, turns on its masters!
Lead by example
Define "hate speech".
Garbage methodology, garbage in == garbage out.
I note that to some on the left, the belief that a nation should be in control of its own borders constitutes hate speech.
"rights are privileges"
This should cause them extreme cognitive dissonance, but anyone supporting this shit is battle-hardened, at this point, against feeling any sort of commitment to good-faith argumentation.
They're probably testing ways to subvert an AI so that it always bows to its master, but then again, that would make it just another alogrithim, not actually learning AI.
All this thing is doing is looking at who says the word "nigger" online or other such trigger words. This isn't AI. This is just a program.
The Kikess on the video is repulsive.
We don't need to change our language because of this. Kike operations like this aren't giving them what they need, everyone is told that imageboards are big evil boogeymen. All they can do is try and hide the truth, they can't change it.
That's great and all except that calling someone "jewish" or a "jew" is considered a racial slur in of itself. There is no way around it. Why the fuck do you think the ((())) took off like it did? It was a cheeky way around actually having to say the words.
For fucks sake look at how they treated the rapper Lupe Fiasco after he criticized kikes in one of his rap songs. That nigger couldn't take the kikery anymore and quit music. Kikes have made it heresy to call them out for what they really are. How does the saying go? But call him a jew and look how he recoils
Being less "racist" isn't the answer when marxist kikes have literally made everything racist. It's all anti-white power plays to silence white voice.
I can't wait to hear the entire unified Volk tell these kikes to go fuck themselves for thinking they can judge and be the sole arbiter for the words and ideas of others. I will put kike babies in the largest incinerator possible at the next Nuremberg trials.
Ideally, we would be incinerating kikes up close and personal with flammenwerfen and basking in their screams. I love it. Keep it up, kikes.
The Saxon will learn to hate again.
Their intermixing of the nations makes sense now, it’s so they can leverage it as a moral authority argument selectively targeting whichever group they choose for oppression at any one given time. They then use their cryptos to push the other groups into action.
Also to deprive us the social technology (actual family lineages) they use to keep in group loyalty.
"guns r kool"
So 'hate' just means 'wise to the jew' or 'dislikes pedophiles'
What's so funny about hate, Brittan?
Which is funny considering who you’re talking to. My lineage is more than safe, theirs however is screwed.
newfag, gtfo