I don't feel well today, user. Stay home and let's watch something together


*snuggles behind u


OK, honey. But I'm not helping you unclog your poo valve again.

bitch, get the fuck off twitter we were supposed to watch this movie
oh you're talking to your patrons, i-i guess that's more important

Letā€™s play COD zombies instead then have procreative sex till the sun comes up. Then Dennyā€™s!

First I go to the gym. See you in 2 hours!

Mods should ban you

Really? Mods should? As in hypothetically perhaps? And donā€™t?

kill all women tbh


Can you imagine being so pathetic that you'd make a post like OP's? Aren't you glad you're better than that?

What happens when she has diarrhea? Does it come splattering out of her poo hole? Or does does it come out normally, because he poo is already like diarrhea ?

If you post her, at least post her tits.

Fun fact: Anal sex actually helps with constipation. Like taking a laxative, it all comes out after, so you might have to rush after you finish, unless you want to leave a trail.

ah yeah based poo girl


why even think about such things?

What happens when you feed Maisie after midnight?

Sheā€™s making of fun of black people in every tweet here except the ā€œincriminatingā€ one where sheā€™s saying interracial dating is bad because of black CULTURE not skin color. Is she wrong?

What goes in the bag is closer to vomit than poo. Poo is made by bacteria in the lower intestine which she doesnā€™t have.

I'd rather fuck sue lightning's boipussy than go anywhere near this smelly, incontinent trashheap of a waifu.

Here, have the superior gif version.

Tell me something I don't already know.

Sheā€™s not smelly for reasons described above. In fact since she doesnā€™t pass gas it could easily be said sheā€™s the least smelly waifu
That refers to urinating, user. Also noticed the soyboy thread just got anchored but this one didnā€™t so thank you

Wish Iā€™d saved that vid, was a soliloquy about government grants and their relationship to modern progressivism. Was worth preserving even without the eye candy.

I don't think Sue Lightning even likes dudes. All the videos she did where she's actually with a dude she looks depressed as hell.

Why is this off-topic thread still up?

Do you by any chance follow her instagram?
I deeply regret not doing so, but at least I already downloaded almost everything from it.

So all the videos with "her" in them.

Naw, donā€™t even have a twatter account. Why would she make it private? Itā€™s like sheā€™s slowly quitting the internets.

How can you be a tranny and not like dudes?

Not Margaret's anal. Her rectum is like an ancient tomb, filled with spider webs and skeletons.


ikr it's tragic.
I wonder if it's because she wants to distance herself from being perceived as a "tradthot" or if it has something to do with the pedos who tried to hack her accounts. Those are my best guesses.

She has plenty of haters, saw she was getting a bunch of shit about something to do with joy villa too, not sure what that was about.

The fantasy:

The reality:

Gee user yeah, thatā€¦sureā€¦sounds horrible.