Should a game fixed to 2d movement use 3d models?
This hurts my austism.
2d graphics for 2d games!
2d vs 3d games
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Or you could, you know, just not play something you don't like
sprite work is expensive and time consuming, at this point its reserved as a labor of love rather than something for mass commercial use, especially in fighting games. the fighting game market as it is can't afford the time it takes to make new sprites or edit existing ones. it also means they can't add (sell) new costumes to the fixed sprites
and if you're using capcom as an example who cares, their talent is long gone
It really depends. GGXrd made it so their 3D models looked 2D when there wasn't a cinematic playing. It really depends on the game.
I for one would think it might be interesting if there was a fighting game made of tweening vectors, though ones that are well done instead of flash movie junk.
Xrd still looks like a cel shaded 3D game. What kind of shitty tv you need to play on to not see that?
Yeah, it still looks like a 3D game.
The point is they tried and it works well enough with perspective and such.
Most of the original sprite creators and animators have aged out of the industry or they're just straight-up dead. They mostly haven't been replaced, and true 720p-1080p sprites require an enormous time/money investment.
KOFXIII's sprites required them to do some arcane fucking sorcery of rotoscoping then creating 3d models with lightsources and then tracing the 3d models with spritework. It cost anywhere from a shitload to a metric fuckload for each character.
Even making a 3d model look like a sprite ala GGXrd takes them 4-6 months per character.
I'm bringing back sprites.
For the glory of 2D games and for dick,unity.
That's a lie. Sprite work was always expensive, but, with 3D we have fewer people working in the field as it used to be.
But, it's that thing about demand. If there is more demand, you can bet it's going to bring people back into the craft. It's already happening in Japan, and hell, even in the West.
By the way, nowadays it can be used as great seller for a game. It's one of the main reasons people praise Vanillaware.
SF3 sprites are pretty amazing. I don't doubt it took a very long time to make them though.
One with Akuma most of all, holy shit.
Each character has around 1500 hand drawn frames.
This is crazy.
2D is dead user or taken over by hipsters indies
I just love all the red aura shit that drifts off him when he swings his arm back. I admire the hell out of the sprite work in that game.
Spoke about this on pax:
You want 3d grafx for game, go ahead.
If the game is 2D, make sure the skeleton is 2D.
e.g. Guilty Gear Xrd
This pretty much. Mostly time consumption. The money and demand is there, but who wants to wait 5 years for version 3 of your game?
Make me an engine you can make it cheaper than rendering 3d to 2d, and then we talk.
If your game is good, you could warrant KI and Lol's approach to characters if you explain to the customers/fans how long it takes to add more characters and update the game. This is sort of a devil's advocate though.
Sprites means that traditional animation still lives!
i dont see why. 3d games work with 2d sprites too.
you are silly
What 3d games uses 2d sprites as art assets?
Smash 4 doesn't do this and it results in interesting shenanigans, such as Cloud's legs dodging very narrow moves like Link's arrows with his up-air and "forced 2D" stages like Duck Hunt changing the sweetspot for charizard's tail moves.
What about this?
Mario 64 had 2D trees and coins.
Lots modern games use sprites to render particles and overlays.
Motherfucking Doom.
2D is the only way to go with porn games.
It is much more common than you think, foliage and shit far outside of the playing area is made out of 2D images, as are particle effects. It is easier to make a forest out of twenty 3D trees and then fifty 2D trees behind them than to make 70 fully modelled and textured trees, it also ensures that the game is better optimised.
Which was pointless and dumb.
If you are going to use 3d models, might as well make the animations super smooth to take advantage of it.
What's the source of that image? When I reverse image search it I get "Transexualism"
I don't think they would have kept much of their original audience if they made a transition to full 3D instead of what they chose to do.
I know I was groaning when I first heard Xrd was going to be in 3d and then pleasantly surprised when I actually saw the game.
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Try and find the pixel artists that do the level of work that you'd expect from a 720p to 1080p sprite.
Here's what they needed to do for KOFXII:
the whole point of GG Xrd is to make a game with 3d graphics that look like cartoon, or anime game.
even in Blazblue they use 3d models during development before rendering them as sprites. and since you still need a 3d model to make a sprite, why not make a rendering engine instead that does the 2d-ification for you?
Looks better than KOF14 ….3d bleh
Still sounds like bullshit. You can literally copy/paste large parts of sprites when making a new frame. No way should it be that time consuming unless there is something else getting in the way or you are retardedly ineffecient. It doesn't matter what resolution the sprites are at really, in fact higher resolution would make it easier in some respects.
2D being more expensive and time consuming sounds like a scam to me like practical effects in movies being suddenly more expensive when shoestring budget movies can pull them off.
Keyframe animation is an important part of fighting game balance.
No shit, but the difference is:
KOF12: 20 characters, 2 console exclusive characters = 22 characters
KOF13, a revision of 12: 33 characters, 2 console exclusive characters and 2 dlc = characters = 37 characters
KOF14 out of the gate has 50 characters.
It practically is 2D, the only way to get 3D models of that precision is to quad draw them on top of a 2D animation. Not to mention all the shading to make it look hand drawn.
It's far from being an automated process that simply tweens vertices.
Would you rather GG have gone down the KOF/SF 3d route? The graphics look good, and they managed to stick to at least looking like 2d graphics.
I don't think beggars can be choosers in this situation.
Yes because they already axed 2/3rds off the cast in xrd thanks to their decision to make top 3d animu
With respect to things like Z-order (draw ordering for windows or objects inside windows) or the Z-buffering it makes sense.
You're a git and have probably never attempted art yourself.
So you want the exact same cast of xrd but it looks like sfv?
That's usable for tweening to some extent, but you won't get to skip the main part of the work even if you use that technique as far as you can like in pic related, where it works because the character design allows for it. A lot of knife attacks can be animated with a samurai film esque recovery where the character stands rigid but the fabric settles, a similarily rigid startup and a complete lack of actual cutting motion that is only suggested by the slash FX not included in this sheet. If only minor movement like that happens you can reuse good parts of the sprite and just redraw the folds, but if the body moves you have to redraw the entire pose. The sheet tries to skip that as far as possible too, by reusing upper body, lower body or face as often as possible, and it still has a fuckton of unique frames, and this is an abridged version because the original spritesheet is something like 2000x20000 and much too large for Holla Forums.
3D fighters has the advantage of costumes that are paid dlc
You forget
Lewd mods are easier with 3D
Who says the sprites need to be that high definition?
yfw Tekken7 does a better job than SFV on Akuma's character design…..
modern graphical standards to compete with other games that will just use 3d models
Why does he look like Sasha Banks?