It's official White Anglos in their own homeland are now second class citizens with inferior rights to foreign mud invaders. They're daughters are subject to mass systematic rape, they are jailed for the slightest criticism of Religion of Cuck and their government is utterly run by pedophiles and kikes.
I wish my ancestral homeland had been nuked to glass rather than face this societal level death by rape and humiliation.
It's interesting, isn't it, that the two nations in Europe in possession of nuclear weapons are the two countries hit the hardest. France and Britain. So remember, you can't just dismiss it and let the anglo and the frog boil in their own respective soups - if they fall, you have no nuclear weapons protecting you, yuropoor.
- sage for somewhat off-topic.
Blake Adams
Robert Gutierrez
Fuck, I feel horrible for Britain these days. You couldn't pay me any amount of money for any job to want to live there with things the way they are now. I can only imagine what it's like to actually be a white native in the UK with these insane people in charge of the country.
Landon Davis
The majority of Rothschild residences are in England and France.
Jaxson Parker
Thanks, Orwell
Eli Wright
This is how you make a thread!
Not with archive but a meme and archive so it can be spread!
Ethan Cox
Typical of the fucking Limeys to be one dick sucked ahead of us Colonials