I have a missile that can kill all of you

Is he saying what it sounds like he's saying?


Worked for Stalin.


Not sure what that has to do with this.

I am angry. Angry about kikes. Sorry to use your thread for this. You deserve better.


Nah, it's ok. I've sort of been keeping up with it a bit on /polmeta/. I'm a bit upset about it too but I kind of feel like it was bound to happen.
They're just team players rather than having opinions on certain issues.

lol, I don't really get why Putin sees Lenin as that great. Has he ever explained that properly?
I just know it from memes and stuff.

Sage shit shill threads


Ah, the old Vlad method of reducing poverty.

anyways it's not reddit space. bans just get extra paragraphs.

you're so cute

He's going to nuke Africa?

They used a CGI video from 2007 to show off their "new" "missile". This is some Nork tier bullshittery.

That's interesting to know.

Well it's not like they would show an accurate image. State secrets and all. Plus it keeps you potential enemies confused as to whether or not you're bluffing or not.

didnt vlad mostly impale muslims?

Already a thread nigger.

Good and I hope you are banned again.
Fuck off you brainlet.

My fucking sides lad.

There's a quote from Putin that best sums it up.

The mans views on the soviet union are understandably complex.
Liked the dream, hated the reality.

There's some apocryphal legend that Vlad invited all the poor people in town to a banquet and then once they were all inside he locked the door and burnt the building down. The story is almost certainly bullshit.

He burnt the building down, but it was full of bandits and thieves and scumbags and harlots. That and he was so feared, that he left a bejeweled golden cup on the fountain in the center of his capital for travellers to drink with and nobody ever stole it.

I agree, they should have launched an actual ICBM with live warheads and nuked Florida just so we could have some cool video

you can't deny its effectiveness
cleans up the gene pool a bit, too

He's doing Trump a favor. Now that Russian narrative is truly dead