HOI IV "not white washing history"

Can some one explain to me why taking "a bunch of prominent nazis" and displaying them as dark silhouettes instead of a colored portrait is more politically correct in Deutschland??? Yes I know its against the law but not even pictures? Is this going to be the US soon?
Yes I also know this is old news but still.

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I'll never understand why germans are so obsessed with outlawing any and all nazi imagery in everything.
One of the basic principles of human psychology is that if you outlaw something, people, especially the youth, will find ANY WAY to get into it.
Just look at Holla Forums itself, look at how counter culture has always worked during the years, and how it keeps working now.
By banning something, you're just making it more fascinating to your youth.

I can kind of get it if you just ban random swastika depictions, even if it's daft. But when you ban Nazi imagery in a movie/game FEATURING NAZIS it makes no sense whatsoever. "Damn these guys love to gas jews, but at least they aren't wearing swastikas."

I think it's just forbidden in videogames since they're considered to be "toys for children" and those can't have anything considered to be nazi imagery.

a picture of an important historical figure is nazi imagery? Why isn't Stalin's image removed for the rape of Berlin?


You know, it was not the Germans who decided these anti-nazification laws, right?

Does anyone else want to tell him, or should I?

But if they weren't pushed by germans themselves then it's EXTRA dumb.
If you want to prevent neo nazis from popping up yet again the last thing you want to do is make their imagery in media esoteric, forbidden and fascinating for the german youth.
That will have the completely opposite effect.


Or you could just keep occupying the country, control the media and government and just make it clear that anyone uppity gets Nuremberged.

It's paracucks. What do you expect from a company that is literally run by rulefag underage bans?

Because Fascism was a danger to the New World Order, and to even let it appear in a small case is a danger for the (((Banking system))). So thats why germans are forced to swallows all the time that anything resembling it is a sin.

is this supposed to be satire?

Yes, but also take it as what happens when you take facts out of context to support certain posture or call it "if Holla Forums hated germany"

People who support censorship are not intelligent enough to figure that out.


Ethnic Germans are extremely offensive to Germans and therefore should be censored. Don't worry OP these laws will probably go away when the gracious and progressive government of Germany successfully replaces all its Germans with refugees.

You're out of your depth m8. Censoring is bullshit whether it be anti Stalin, anti Ceausescu or anti Hitler.

Also >>>Holla Forums

After Germany fell, kikes took over. Anyone that even hints that maybe Hitler wasn't literally Satan is jailed. It's bullshit, but it's how it is. If it makes you feel better, there's one grandma who's fighting the kikes right now. She was there during the reich and says the kike version is different from what she saw. Traitors, who were not born then, want her imprisoned for daring to question the jewish version.

That's a really old bait webm. I remember seeing it in 2011

Holy shit, just just use snippping tool, not paint. Are you fucking retarded?

do I look like an internetologist?


You look a faggot tbh


Any thread whose subject is only related to video games on a tertiary level isn't worth having.

I'm sure if the game had tits flopping everywhere and the devs caved to pressure to make it more modest, it wouldn't be tertiary any more would it?

I don't get why the Germans are so stuck up on the "bad" parts of their history, pretending that a certain 6 bazillion people DID die for a second: So what? America and Russia did similar things in their history, and yet aside from a few butthurt lefties we look past that and still understand and revere the people who helped contribute to our nation

Yah these generals were nazis, so? They were Germans first and foremost, you can't even recognize that? Are WWII vets fucking berated in Germany simply for fighting for their country?

Nazism is bad, but Communism is good!


kill yourself OP

They have been brought up since kids to hate the evil nazis. Asking that is like asking why Best Koreans love the Great Leader.
Weirdly enough, while East Berlin had no cash they suffered much less brainwashing than West Berlin.

One way vidya could get around it is if vidya was considered art. For that a company would have to get into a hellish court battle, and vidya journos would do anything in their power to hurt the company sales. So it'd cost a lot of cash, kill all future sales and isn't even guaranteed to work.

At least germany's allies haven't forgot their commitment to the fuhrer

These look like merchants.

Wow what a fucking shocker. PRO TIP: Germany has always loved and always will love censorship, they will always drift towards systems of government that keep them safe from everything by putting them in a padded room and deciding for them what they are and are not allowed to see. This is an integral part of the German character, its who they are.


Fuck off.

It's the Jews, whenever something is retarded like this, it's the Jews - t. Holla Forums

Ironically one of the few things even Holla Forums agrees with