Other urls found in this thread:
Sure they will be.
The US needs a Cheddar Man to offset all this Solutrean business goy.
Global warming is confirmed!
Yep. It'll "be" a nigger.
We should've purged all tribes that did not capitulate, while we had the chance. There were less than a dozen decent tribes in all of north america, while the rest may has well been niggers. Only the handful that sided with the USA in new england, and the Hopi and manu were decent people. The Hopi even sided with the USA against the other tribes, because they were the only agricultural people in the region, while all their neighbors were thieving shitskins.
Nomadic fucking tribes do not stay in one place for 7000 years.
Trump says take the guns. No Due Process
Trump says take the guns. No Due Process
Trump says take the guns. No Due Process
Nice find. Here is a 8'4 skeleton found in california. It was being shown around the area until a man from the Sithsonian bought it for 500 bucks and its never been seen since. Along with countless others.
boy those 49er prospectors were pretty gullible, good thing nobody today would fall for that.
Ban guns for the mentally ill, leftists cheer, next year being a democrat makes you certified mentally ill, 1488D chess..
Im joking this is a travesty, im not even american.
Trump spitballs stupid shit all the time and then walks it back, either because he never believed it or because Stephen Miller told him he was being a retard. That's what's going to happen here.
The Man on the Left was the from Smithsonian and inspected the body and it was confirmed real. These tall people were found under mounds throughout the USA.
Whether or not you're right, you should be loudly opposing anything he says that you disagree with. Don't try to lessen the outrage because you think he's playing chess. If he is playing chess, then you can be sure that he has factored the outrage in. We're supposed to be pissed.
A bots making conversation about Trump ITT?
Yeah means the op is onto something. Had any one watched the mound builders with Jim Viera. I'd recommend it, these people 7-9 foot, red head, double rows of teeth.
A Global civilization of these people existed, question is why is it being so well and completely covered up
Can't have the goyim learning there existed anyone in America (The New World) before tree niggers.
It will be released, but will be of "normal" size and completely ordinary, nothing to see here move along style. Public get board and forget about it. Any scientific person says otherwise they will be humiliated out of the field.
Be pissed god damn it.
Go read the newspaper clippings from 1800s and 1900s, double rows of teeth super common.
The Hopi tribes actually back this up, as do others who lived further north who had told legends of "Red haired giants who came to slaughter squatter man-eating giants with curly black beards." Most were said to have left as suddenly as they had arrived. Btw, guess which tribes got the smallpox blankets right after those stories came out.
Pic related. Hopi swastika and a scribble of a prophesy of the return of the "white brothers". When the Hopi first met Europeans, they were dismayed by the cross as a sign that we had lost our way, because it no longer had the circle around it.
Bodies were normal size until he got his pump out and inflated one until it burst and fragmented, then the rest turned into ghosts and floated away.
Do the Mormons have it right then?
It's really interesting how the Mormons are the only somewhat big institution which supports the theory that non-siberian nomads came it. The problem is that the people who came here would be Jews. On one hand I could see the demiurge leading his Jews across the fucking sea, for the sake of killing those bad goyim in the andes who were worshiping bearded white men. On the other hand, from the perspective of a cyclical view of time, it raises a lot of questions. Normally a cataclysm ushers in a new age, so the theoretical "Jewish invasion" likely would have taken place after a natural disaster (the deluge?) which ended their golden age.
Also it means that there would be three parties at play in the New World: Solutreans, (white men) Native Americans, and Jews. It definitely wouldn't be surprising if the Jews used the natives to white the whites, but vestiges of the cults of Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha (white gods) lasted all the way until the time of the Spaniards. I guess this may suggest that whites were never plentiful in number. The book of Mormon says that the lamenites killed all of the decadent nephites, so this might suggest that the natives remained loyal to their benefactors. But if this is the case then why did it take so long for another invasion force of murdering, burning, and raping Jesuits to arrive and finish what was started thousands of years earlier?
I've heard of the legends surrounding ancient whites and there's some evidence corroborating that but never with any specificity as to their reactions to European settlers.
We get this response every thread. And you always get the same answer: You can't dismiss us by saying "we wuz natives n shiet" if we're actually providing evidence. It just means that you're either too stupid to keep up with current year Holla Forums, or you're trying to shut down discussion.
Sumfin ain't rite
we wuz
The Celtic cross had a circle around it, and it is theorized it was used as a navigational tool. It's a double meaning if you lose the circle you lose the way.
I remember when I took a (((cultural anthropology))) class my profressor talked about anthropologists not wanting to dig because it would upset the feelz of the injuns made me think they were hiding something and than further research into the history of the white race revealed to me that the america's are by natural right the white mans to live on as is parts of asia and northern and southern africa
It was an Engineer.
I don't have a source for the hopi but this wiki article on this about the aztecs was intriguing
They came, we followed, we slaughtered them.
why are the shills trying to suppress this thread so hard?
because the very thought of us wanting to search the origins of our race scares them because in reality it deconstructs the idea that the jews are chosen by god but in reality they're chosen by satan and that civilization is the gift of god given to the white race. As if the proof in the bible that the jews are labeled as satan's children wasn't enough already or the evil within the talmud or freemasonry. That is why the jews hate the white race so much because they've been scorned by god by going against his will by falling into idolatry and satan worship and god made the white race the chosen one instead. Just notice that jews always overly exhibit the 7 deadly sins and pure hatred towards everyone but especially towards the white race whereas western civilization has always been moralistic and wanting to progress forward in technology and civilization instead of being backwards by preaching the jews lies of democracy,equality, freedom, and other bullshit they spew.
Shadilay fuckers
*Chugs tbh
about the "double teeth" thing
I've been staring at this rabbit's hole long enough to have my own theory, a mishmash of many others mentioned elsewhere.
Every 3600 years the celestial body that traverses through our orbital path damages Earth to varying degrees. Sometimes we are knocked back to the stone age and begin again in isolated pockets around the world. If the planet doesn't take too much damage, existing civilisations soldier on and continue developing until they do get the inevitable calamity.
There is apparently another celestial body on a 20,000 year orbit that could be the culprit too, ergo there may be any number of civilisation killers mooching around out there.
We currently face danger from all the following possibilities…large methane release, comet strike, pole reversal (jews triggered), the ring of fire getting more active, exponential sea level rise..not to mention any plans the scum elite have in store to thin the herd.
Closer to home and back on thread, the natives in my country are directly responsible for interfering in archeological findings.
Your 3rd image is very appropriate.
I also think the rise of non white civilisations could be explained…hang on, time is a real bastard to fathom…many of these civilisations may have started off white and digressed over hundreds or thousands of years…by my calamity knockback theory. If white dominated zones suffered dreadful damage in a comet strike but ethnic regions were left relatively unscathed, the ethnics would have a large head start on traumatised white survivors.
You're absolutely right user just look at India for example and how the indo aryans ruled there for thousands of years until they couldn't hold back the Dravidian and Arabic tribes that came and fucked shit up. I highly doubt the people we call today that are "Indians" are really the same people who establish the civilization thousands of years ago and got turned into what can be really called the first Brazil. Just the same with places like in China or Egypt or other parts of the world. I also have a theory that the Mongols/Huns are actually descendants of supreme gentlemen indo aryan tribes had offspring with east asians and became beta up risers it would explain their extreme cruelty in warfare
brackish is salty you aspie
Everything you say is spot on except this, user. Yes, Jews go against His will, but that's not why they are scorned. Jews are scorned by God because they are bastard corruptions of His creation.
Long before Adam was created, the Satanfags were fucking up Earth where they were cast for being rebelfags. When one of their ilk got wind of Eve, he got muh dick on, even though God told Adam to keep Eve in check. The tree of Life is the family tree of Adam, infused with the spirit of God, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the rebelfag's family tree. "Don't eat from that tree", but Adam cucked and Cain was shit out. The Jew is descended through Edomites, Esau, and Cain. Literal miscegenated Satanlets. That's why Cain's line is not listed in the Book of Life, whereas Adam's line is. Early Christians wrote about it this topic. See the Two Seedline series at christogenea dot org for Scriptural reference.
wew lad
im seeing the steppe horsed warriors in a new light
thank you
It's the front page article on Odinia right now. It will start autoplaying a podcast when visited currently:
This information damages kike narratives severely. It actually totally demolishes them because it shows Europeans as victims of massive repeated genocides. It is totally devastating to the lies they have built. That's why they're destroying evidence. It's no different than them demolishing the FL school or demolishing evidence of wars they start, so they can make up shit later.
We're on to these fucking kikes.
I don't know about the Mongols, but the real identity of the Huns is a little hazy. Ever wonder why the Germans were called Huns in WW1? Apparently at the turn of the 20th century and presumably before, Germans considers the Huns to be German and not nomadic shitskin steppe people. Pic is what the Germans claim "attilla the hun" (they called him king Etzel) looked at the time.
"When you meet the enemy, he will be defeated! No quarter will be given! No prisoners will be taken! Those who fall into your hands are forfeit to you! Just as a thousand years ago, the Huns under their King Etzel made a name for themselves that make them appear awe-inspiring in tradition and myth, so shall you establish the name of Germans in China for a 1000 years, so that a Chinese will never again dare to look askance at a German."
Kaiser Wilhelm. July 1900.
Why did they think this? I don't know, I doubt they just randomly decided that Genghis and pals were German, so maybe they were on to something . Really, we don't know shit about history . We just sort of guess, and there's a good amount of history which is probably horribly wrong. You can check out "new chronology" by Fomeko to see how our view of history prior to the 1600s is possibly completely fabricated. If the Huns were German, it changes the nature of the fall of Rome quite a bit. They would no longer be a pack of marauding barbarians, but a people attempting to liberate a by then corrupted rome.
Multiple white civilizations have been wiped out by "something" - if not non whites attacking their smaller numbers -and then the ruins populated by savages, and the white practices misunderstood and bastardised into things like human sacrifice. The lake titicaca civilization is a good example.
That does lead to something interesting. Aren't the Hungarians basically the Huns lead by Attila who later settled what is today Hungary? I know Hungarians, Estonians, and Finns are of finno-ugric origin but it is a fact that they miscegenated with the indo-aryan peoples in Europe when they came from Siberia. Also find it quite odd that Austrians have some slav DNA which is quite interesting maybe could germanics and slavs are more related than we thought?
USA should have never become an independent nation. Fucking frogs had to hep you cultureless faggots. Otherwise the british army would have wiped the farmer rebels easily and the survivors would have shut the fuck up or would have been hanged.
Now European counttries have to pay the price for that mistake by France…americunts give me nausea. Your collective retardation is unberable.
I will gladly fight alongside Russia and China against you cultureless faggots soon.
Shoo shoo smelly frog
Even if the American revolution never happened that doesn't mean what's happening now in the west having massive nonwhite immigration wouldn't have had happened. Plus Napoleon is known as the great emancipator of the Jews and was trying to create a Jewish state in Palestine for his Rothschild backers plus a lot of the people who took part in the french revolution were a mix of communist,Freemasons, and especially Jews hell Robespierre is basically the french version of Rosenfeld. The Rothschilds were betting on both sides in the Napoleonic wars just in case Napoleon failed and when the war was over they practically owned England ever since.
Germans being Huns was a slanderous myth pushed by Rudyard Kipling. The Germans came from the east, displacing the Gauls as they settled in modern Germany. The Huns also came from the east at a later date and so he drew that comparison to dehumanise Germans.
Germans do that to everyone. Doesn't mean anything. The Romans called them "Turks".
He most likely did, doesn't mean durr light eyes he's German! The Turkic tribes more closely resembled White people then before they themselves mixed with whom they conquered, and before the Mongolians who turned them into the spics of the old world. Some living fossil Turkic tribe in China still posses those features. What's also interesting is, when one of the Khans laid siege onto Europe he tried to ally himself with Hungary and promised to split Europe in half if he'd join him, most likely acknowledging the fact that before the Slavs welcomed them into Europe to defend against the Roman Empire they were once ancient neighbours in Central Asia, bordering on the Urals. Hungary refused the offer, and never lost a battle against the mongol horde.
Why would they. Rome was rapidly expanding and conquering all that it came across and was aware of. I think when they annexed the Balkans, the Slavic tribes called on the Turkic tribes for reinforcements, and offered their tribes to settle at the southernmost part of the border that was once a midway point, seeking to conquer the land back. The Hungarians were successful, they sacked and pillaged Rome itself, so the Romans retreated, where then the Hrovats (Croats) and the Sorbians (Serbians) were sent to secure the coast once again, ableit with far less territories this time, but the plan wasn't finished. The Slavs then called the Bulgars, another Turkic tribe, to conquer back what was once Tharce, a "Slavonic" speaking country, as Gall Anonim, who was fluent in many Slavic languages, recalls (why would he feel the need to hide his name? Or use "Gall" instead of the Catholic imposed "Frank"?). The legend says that the once free inhabitants, "7 tribes of Slavs", established [V]ulgaria (meaning "multicultural", or "united") when the Bulgar's successfully pushed the Roman Empire back. The Bulgar's would even go on to write down and invent Church Slavonics, even compiling a library of the history of the Slavs before the Bynzantines burned it down. This begun an era of so called Turkic and Slavic cooperation, it almost never had anything to do with Germany, especially considering the fact that the Hungarian reign as a super power ended when the Germans, under Roman Catholic Pressure, defeated the Huns at the battle of Lechfield (Lech being the old word for "Pole") who were fighting against Germanization of the Slavic inhabitants there (for which Otto the 1st King of the Romans received the title "king of the Slavs" from the church) and the subsequent culling that it'd bring
The Gauls were French, moron. Teutons already existed by then.
Yes.. The how sign hand up all fingers together is how native Indians showed greetings. Showing they were not of the Giant tribes.
How tall would a "teenager Giant be?"
What is the average fighting age through time?
Much more information on these people in Monarchist Vaults.
Potus not privy to this past but has learned it independently.
Normal Indian tribes either peaceful or violent towards others.
Battling tribes for supremacy due to seeing GIANTS as threats.
Giants of the Americas 2 days to go
North and South
Hair color genetics leads to population start outs
THINK origination
Where is Red?
Where is Blond/White?
Light Spectrum Dictated
AF not cradle.
U ++1
WAYS not Days
WAYS >>>
N & S Travel
Coins 2 sides
W & E Types
TWIT by Potus
Potu/s now A
Or The As
Shifting near completion.
History Lessons?
Timelines are 99% false
U ++1
When you create wars don't you always bet on both sides?
Profits are not just raked in money. Money is the lowest concern in war.
Biggest is the plyability of the minds
Allowing insertion of pre arranged narratives and Ideas.
Most Moving songs tell a Story
Best plays movies and shows are how a Story is told.
A script is written everyone is told a Story to move opinion and behavior a certain direction.
War makes stories crucial stories which are just propaganda leaning on all for the ends.
The stallions always come back to the stables if they do not they are put down or out. And never have impacts on the thinking of the stable house.
The stable gets must be opened and the stables burned all lands in the stables realm blighted. Then stallions can see beyond their limited view.
Pick your anology doesn't matter
1s in power write the past present and the future. Leaving 0s 0.
The "huns" were the scythians, a distinctly white indo Aryan group related to both Germans and slavs
This is the OP.
You're completely right user, but I'll add some more information here for posterity.
Aside from the fact that sanskrit, greek, latin, and persian are all from the same language family (which means they were the same people at some point), I have a lot of actual genetic evidence to support this.
To start, if a population has r% dominant genes, over time r can only grow (unless very strict measures to prevent inter-breeding are put in place, which usually fail).
So if Sweden today (even before the invaders) has an endemic rate of 95% blue eyes and 5% brown, assuming even birthrates across the population (which is reasonable) and with the knowledge that Sweden has never been conquered by a shitskin empire ever, that 5% brown eyes must be increasing over time, which means at some point it was close to 0%.
Now take India; to the untrained eye, it is clear they are not white. However, they had the same aryan culture and language of the greeks, romans, persians, and nordics, even before those other cultures rose to prominence.
Advanced archaeological sites predate the western ones by thousands of years. In Greece, heroic figures are described (and portrayed in visual art) with obvious white features, e.g. "Red-haired Menelaeus" in the Odyssey and "white armed Penelope" (also in the Odyssey.
But let's see how the Indians describe their mythological heroes. The Ramayana is the oldest epic poem in India (there are far older religious texts but I'm less well versed). Written in Sanskrit, it narrates a war between Rama and Ravana, the demon king from the south (interesting).
Throughout the text, there is an interesting epithet ascribed to many characters.
"And women in their duty skilled,
With lotus-eyes, thy call attend," Canto CXXIII
"And let my Ráma, lotus-eyed,
As Regent o'er the state preside." Canto IV
"The youthful hero, lotus-eyed" Canto XXIV
"The glory of Ikshváku's race.
With moon-bright face and lotus eyes" Canto XXXV
"My darling [Visvamitra's son, not Rama] with the lotus eyes?" Canto XXII
"Then he [Vishnu, a god] decreed, the lotus-eyed, In four his being to divide" Canto XV
All these quotes are from
Two motifs are lotus-eyes and moon-faced. What color is the moon? Obviously white. But what about lotuses? They come in white, yellow, pink, magenta, purple, and blue. Of course the only color that can actually be applied to eyes is blue; there are too many examples of too many unimportant characters to justify an explanation of some crazy other color.
This means in the above that all those characters are described by their blue eyes. Blue eyes means white people; there really is no other explanation.
(Irrelevant but cool: the egyptians and the greeks used the flowers of the blue lotus mixed with wine as a mild psychoactive, thus making it revered in those cultures. I'm sure the Indians did the same (since they're the same fucking people (at least as the greeks)) but I have no proof).
Furthermore, this last video has pictures of light eyed indian people (most of them from the northwest). This is the location of the original Indus Valley civilization, arguably the first _indo-european_ civilazation. If the mythology says they were white, and there are clear signs that modern inhabitants have white dna, there is only one conclusion, that the ancient indian civilzations were white, not white-ish– just as white as the Germans are today and the Romans were 2000 years ago. Christ, everything we value in western civilization was being practiced thousands of years prior in India. You think the modern dravidian inhabitants could have built it?
The last thing I will say is a bit of confusion at the quoted user's attached image. It seems the alien thing is an allegory for British occupied india. That's fine, but I don't think ancient india collapsed in that way.
Why do you think the caste system exists? Is it a coincidence that Brahmins (high class) have the highest intelligence and are typically the lightest skinned? They can also grow strong facial hair, typically not a feature of east-asian genetics (I've attached some photos for reference). Since the caste system prohibits inter-marrying, it could be argued that it was only implemented in order to preserve the whiteness of the ruling classes, which only realized (after it was too late) that mixing with the dark skinned dravidians from the south would lead to their downfall.
Eventually, the k-reproducing aryan brahmins lost to the r-reproducing niggers, everything went to hell, and india is how we know it today.
The Huns never left after Attila died young, they just assimilated into the local area. They were an Asiatic Steppe people, so yes they had Aryan blood in them but they weren't so much brothers of Norsemen as cousins.
Some of them may have joined up with the various passerbies of that areas, the Goths, Vandals, Alans, etc.
The Aryan is not just exlcusively Nordic you turd. Our ancestors, the ones that mattered, originated in Central Asian Steppes and Mountains. Then, many of them conquered Europe. But the travel lanes remained open.The old race inhabited the land from Britain to Afghanistan. The original peoples of Mesopotamia weren't like us, but a few of the earlier dynasties of Egypt were. It wasn't until the rise of Persia, the Hittites, and Greece, it wasn't until the Bronze Age that Aryan peoples took their steps into civilization. And civilization exploded from there.
From Afghanistan to Britain, the Bronze Age civilizations reigned. Even the less civilized areas which couldn't host a large population because the crops weren't available yet, and the area was nearly impossible to defend, the Germany/Poland/Russia and the Steppes, felt the pull of the Bronze Age and interacted with it, the Scythians were a notorious Steppe people that had two cities for trading on the Black Sea, and even the mountain passes had barbarians trading with states.
Understand this, and understand the great damage that has already been done.
Implying this is somehow related to Seminoles becuase they are there a couple hundred years ago. What a load of shit, paternity test that, probably European.
Cheddar mans skin was "darker" not "dark". It was a marxist cunt propaganda intentional misrepresentation. Hes slightly darker than modern Brits, which makes sense given evolution to colder climates.
user, bullshit.
No you dumb fuck. They're HYPERBOREAN, as in, northmen. We came from the fucking north, and due to cataclysm and ice ages, we were split temporarily. Have you even read the Sagas? The Vanir were already in the west, and the Aesir were the ones living in the east. Aesir literally means Men from Asia. They met back up to kick the asses of the shitskins and proto-kikes as the world burned around them, so that we could have a world to live in.
Scandinavia was under about 2 miles of Ice during that time, fuck face.
Look at Asia, look at the pictures of Asia during the Ice Age, and tell what would have constituted as "North". Oh right, a solid line from France to the current Xinjiang. And then things warmed up, their populations expanded, and they went South. Into Greece, Persia, Central Asia, Central China.
This makes sense if these people lived during the last ice age. Body size of mammals increases with colder climate: Bergmann's rule. Just look at white tale deer in the southern USA vs northern Canada.
Maybe, but they would have been pushing the limitations of the human frame, and never would have lived past 50. Not to mention caloric requirements inevitably meant war with other humans. And they weren't powerful enough to fight ten to one odds with the technology back then, especially not in the longterm.
In fact, its nearly impossible for them to get their calories from early farming. So they couldn't be farmers, and enslaving locals small people wouldn' thave worked, not enough spare calories to supply the workers and the giants.
Wars were pretty rare in Europe back then. They probably were bigger, even the Greeks recall how their ancestors were bigger, taller, and more muscled.
A few inches of difference is one thing, losing that was the usual price of population expansion. That skeleton was a few FEET taller. That's a much, much different story.
The Hyperboreans where called (ice)giants.
In addition to what you have posted, I ran across something that I never knew about before and that is what is called the "32 signs of a great man" which refers to the Buddha (the original one) and his bloodline.
Check #29 on pic related. It says that all 'great men' of Buddhas time were expected to have blue eyes. This lends more credence to what you have said.
It also mentions blue-black body hair though. I'm not sure of the significance of that. As far as I am aware, black hair with blue eyes is a very rare trait. Does this show that they weren't "white white", but instead some type of admixture? No clue.
Also note how "his skin is colored like gold"
Buddhism did emerge pretty late though; the ancient vedic societies had collapsed thousands of years prior, which points to significant admixture at that time.
The list also includes "black curly hair", which is more of an arab trait and is visible in many indians today.
Generally speaking though, within majority non-white cultures white traits (as much as they could be) were preserved/idolized in the upper classes.
This is why the King of Jordan and the pres of Syria have blue eyes, and why the patriarch of the palestinian orthodox church does (or did– I forget if it's the last one) despite their populations seeming far from white.
As far as if Buddha and his contemporaries were "white white", it doesn't matter insofar as their ancestors would have been before (based on the dominant genetic argument I made previously). The height of those civilizations occurred earlier than 5000 bc, and recent underwater explorations open up the possibility that they were even earlier. Check out Graham Hancock for more info on these.
The Solutrean theory is neat and there are interesting arguments for it, but there's much more evidence that mongoloids reached the Americas from eastern Siberia to Canada.
Gonna dump some related stuff that I have.
What about the possibility that distinct populations reached America by means of different routes? Solutrean arrowheads are in America 16000 years ago; the prevailing narrative is that the mongoloids came 10000 years ago. There's no reason that both couldn't have occurred
Also, look up March of the Titans. Essential reading imo
I'll check his works out.
I find it ironic that on one hand there is such reverence for the creations of blue-eyed people of the past and on the other hand such hatred for the blue-eyed people of the present.
It makes me wonder where things went so wrong, and if there is a missing link somewhere.
The University that has a White Racisim Class. I am sure those bones are Africans Goy!
I recommend the Skeletons in the Closet documentary/series.
I have a couple of opinions on this.
First off, shitskins were less shitty historically simply because their populations were smaller and less developed through isolation from whites. Ironically, interbreeding with whites has made them worse. E.g. niggers in America can sort of speak and are often tall/have strong physical characteristics while their ancestors in Africa are small, malnourished, and completely retarded since that is what it means to be pure nigger. Only in America where we practiced animal husbandry on them during slavery do they start developing stronger physical features.
Furthermore, the true form of the Arabs (probably from the peninsula) are also dumb, small, and incapable of anything. Only through interaction with white culture did they become advanced enough to attack and invade southern europe.
Historically, we used to be nice to the shitskins, even to our detriment. E.g. when the normans took back sicily from the arabs, they didn't kick them all out out, kill them, or even force them to convert en masse. And after the reconquista, it was "convert, leave, or die", with the result that all the jewish and muslim "converts" gained the privilege of interbreeding with whites.
Eventually, after improving their societies and cultures and gene pool, they now have the strength to confront us. Since they are niggers, they won't be nice to us, and this is why it's a problem (read: pathological altruism of whites)
And of course the modern hatred for white people is due to fanning by the (((kikes))) only, who are at the front of virtually every independence/decolonization/anti-oppression movement in modern times.
To be fair though the colonial and subsequent global capitalist system has not been kind to these people and they may resent that; I don't blame them. But the "we" who are responsible for that are either kikes or kike-inspired whites. Global industrial captial/consumerism is not a white philosophy; it is anti thetical to national socialism and value for all that is good and holy. It has been created by kikes to take advantage of the technical capacities of white people to enrich them to the detriment of the earth and everyone else.
Also, despite what niggers say, those traits still are idolized. Look at the hair dye section of any pharmacy in the ghetto and pretty much every option is for blonde hair dye.
Also look at all the niggers/spics with blue contact lenses going around on the internet. It's classic ressentiment in the Nietzschean sense
This is very true I remember one time my mom, sister, and I went to a mall and a group of Asian women were obsessed with my little sisters pale skin and red hair. I was kinda confused as too why until my mom told me Asian people revere and admire white skin because its a symbol of royalty and dark skin was a sign you're a servant or slave or laborer. This makes me think now that in parts of east Asia Whites ruled over the east Asians until they got yellow fever and produced supreme gentlemen and turn into the mongols that would later commit their day of retribution by conquering most of Eurasia and stealing and raping the women. Isn't it at all interesting that Genghis Khan's seed is in the DNA of many of people mainland Asia and that women would commit suicide so the mongols wouldn't have them? There's so much we don't know about these eras and it makes me want to know even more because (((they))) are trying to stop us from finding out about our heritage.
It's because I didn't have the caste system image otherwise I would've posted instead just thought of posting something related to india apologies for the confusion
That was very interesting, thanks for the share.
That take on things makes sense and explains a lot. I'd also like to figure out if whites have changed over time as well too. Perhaps to become less warrior-like than they may have been in the past. I know Hitler talked about de-domesticating his people or something along those lines.
The altruism is definitely a big problem. But without it society can't function. Have to find a way to calibrate it more properly.
if you believe anything (((natgeo))) tells you I have a bridge on Mars to sell you cheap.
Look into the linguistics of their royal families. Kinda suspicious when you find ones like MANchu, Mang/Meng, ect. Implying descent from Man/Mannaz, and the occurrence of those names in the germanic peoples such as the tribe of Man which became Meng and eventually Menges.
When you add in the reality that the Jews infesting science are notorious for altering data [see also (((global warming)))] you also understand that the intelligence data is probably flipped, especially given how inbred Jews are at this point.
Platonics knew you to be retarded as did Christians
Altruism is the best trait about us. Unfortunately it is not applied in the right way. "Be kind to your fellow man" means exactly that; if niggers are not human, then the rule doesn't apply.
However I don't think that needs to invite cruelty either. Normies teetering on the edge often come up with the rebuttal that "if you're right, so what? they already live in this country/have citizenship/etc."
However, just because we recognize that dogs/cats/monkeys aren't people, are we killing them/being cruel en masse? Niggers are simply wild animals and should be treated as such– left on a nature preserve maybe, and taken care of the same way other animals in zoos would be. Animal cruelty is not a trait to be found among whites; however, the jew cannot convince people to breed with dogs because it doesn't work.
However, all these mixed races such as american niggers/ashkenazi/spics shouldn't exist as they are a natural perversion like ligers or chihuauas (sp?)
tl;dr: white people are nice even to animals, so if other races are not viewed as animals, they'll be especially nice to them
This meme has to die b/c it's often understood to mean the field workers were more tan, and without that, "they're all the same, man". While this may be true, the real distinction lies in the fact that the field workers weren't white. Any white minority in such a civilization would naturally be in the upper class due to mental, spiritual, and physical superiority
Very true in many cases; my school is about 30% (((students))), even more (((faculty))). These people are not smart. There are certainly exceptions, but their intelligence always has something weird about it. They will unquestioningly parrot theories of economics and biology that make no sense, they don't understand basic things that you tell them (even though they have a lot of learning), and they don't have any spirit to company their supposed intelligence.
Besides, this whole intelligent kikes thing only applies to ashkenazi, who are either original judeans mixed with eastern europeans and later western europeans as they increased their wealth, OR they are bastardized khazars (aka turks) who themselves are a mongrelized version of whites.
AKA, jews in israel are just sandniggers, and jews that have white dna are "smart"
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." - Matt. 23:27-28
aka even then, they look all smart and educated and use fancy words and pretend to be better than everyone else, but they don't actually know anything good.
"'How does this man [Jesus] have such learning, when he has never been taught?'" - John 7:15
They can't seem to understand someone who has an understanding that he didn't acquire from the approved (((books))). This goes back to intuitive intelligence which is something Gueonon/Evola talk about and I have only been able to observe in white people. Kikes and kiked (((whites))) need a study or an approved source before they think anything; whereas non-constitutional scholars who know nothing about tyranny or law, just "know" that private gun ownership is right and necessary. Or these "anti science" people who don't want GMOs or other poisonous food; they KNOW they are right and that something is wrong with the current food system, but they don't have any data or anything else to back it up.
From a footnote in Revolt Against the Modern World: "In Aryan India during the feast of gavam-ayana…a black sudra [low caste] wrestled against a white Aryan for the possession of a solar symbol" p.27
Good point on the limits of the human frame. Robert Pershing Wadlow knows.
It's even worse than that. The Seminole didn't even exist in the 18th century. The whole tribe was made up of shattered refugees from other tribes, escaped nigger slaves from Georgia, and the odd white rogue who went native (which is what proto-SJWs did before the Jews helpfully integrated them into the highest levels of culture and government).
The proposition that the Seminoles have any connection to the population of Florida in 5000 BC is as silly as the idea that the European Union is descended from the Roman Empire.
Of course the US government still has a fucking treaty obligation to rebury any human remains discovered that date back to before 1500, on the grounds that they even theoretically be non-timber nigger. It's so bad, even if an obviously white person's skull came out of the ground from an old Norse settlement in New England, legally it would still be treated like a revered dead Algonquin and buried before it could be properly examined.
Of all the treaties we won't break with the fucking feathers, this would be it.
fun fact:
robert wadlow penis was measured post mortem and found to be 26"
which, that and the height, explains the thot adoration in your picture. manlets are once again eternally btfo
the truth can always be found
Body mass increases (fat is an insulator), height decreases (the more area of contact you have the worse), both to reduce heat loss. Of course that has to take into account fitness, a dwarf is more energy-efficient but can't hunt or escape effectively, so I think it should depend a lot on what else is in the area.
Almost twice the size of a man I think is too much, I doubt he could safely run and jump without fucking his legs (which have much more weight to sustain but their strength doesn't grow in proportion). There's a good short work on the size of animals, the tradeoffs and how what works for one size doesn't for another, it's called On Being the Right Size
Did you know that Judea or Isis Ra El DNA tests you to know if you're Jewish when you want to take advantage of their matrilineal ethnic citizenship?
Yeah Jews are the world's greatest hypocrites.
The giants you showed are just few of many that have been covered up. The (((Smithsonian))) in particular needs to have a real dig into it at some point because it is responsible for hiding thousands of giant bodies. They're always white, too. Hooktube video is to show even modern Nordic blood seems to have quite the chemistry for giants.
Look up the Miami Circle. Atlantean architecture 12,000 years old unearthed and quickly attributed to savages, then memory holed.
This history of this Planet is far older than is commonly believed.
It's been (((covered up))). There was a video on youtube someone linked a while back about women and men having different quality of organs, mens' organs were softer than women.
this is because the kikes know that there were whites living here. They know that this civilization was genocided to fuck and back. And they know the evidence is bried in the ground
my organ gets pretty hard
That makes sense.
Bigger is not always better user. It's best to be just the right size, from a lady pleasing standpoint.
no you just need to get her excited so she lubes up bigger is always superior.
It's just Dexter
Its both, but the timing is what says.
pro tip:
many ancient cultures and religions remember the great flood. the whole world was previously a giant globalist society. the whole world sunk under the ocean. ask yourself why atlantis can't be found. because the whole world is atlantis
Don't use that first picture, its a typical masonry dovetail joint, it doesn't prove any relation, especially when they are different shapes.
But the Second picture is good. WHAT IS IN THE BAG!?!?
Napoléon enacted three sets of laws dealing with the Jews over time, in the early 1800s
The third set was so restrictive it got the kikes kvetching autistically, or so is the story I heard
I also heard he was a good freemasonic goy to start with
I'll vaguely guess (being very ignorant) that he was like Stalin, Hitler and others: put in place by the kikes to enact their empire agenda, then rebelling once he felt in charge, and acting nationalistic and anti kike suddenly, which led to his downfall
Anyway always remember the popular support (and divine-like inspiring light) of Napoléon who came back on foot all over France from the south, starting by himself and ending up at the door of Paris with a large army
They loved him because he really represented them, he was a populist emperor a bit like Trump
Which explains, I guess, why some people here in France are still in love with him. You hear from time to time some celeb saying yeah i was always fascinated by Napoléon and dreamt to be him
Some user chimed in once telling his dad was working as a tech in a submarine archeological dig run by jews. The kikes were destroying meticulously everything they were unearthing. I have the pic somewhere on my down pc.
Only times girls hurt from my biggun is when they're not aroused properly
On the other hand some guys really have a too big one, and it's a pain for them - and the girls
When you fornicate with whores, I can see how you'd think that. A nice, 18-year-old Mormon virgin, however, of the kind you'd go to jail for talking to, degenerate doesn't appreciate a hard dicking until after the first kid is born.
Stop lusting for (literally) loose women.
Guaranteed so they also claim ownership of muh america.
Do you have any idea how much of history has been intentionally destroyed by Jews? There's a reason they dominate the museums, and oversee archaeological dig sites along with their Judeo-Satanic Masonic comrades.
The Thrid Reich was just on the cusp of diving into the truth, and uncovering the reality we actually live in.
good stuff, be sure to read the comments though
take a look user.
florida user here. Grew up down the street from this site. Heard about it a few months back from my family when it was first discovered. They were trying to keep it quiet to prevent looters. According to that Professor, there are only 3 sites like this in the world where burial sites were preserved so well under so much salt water. She told a group of the homeowners that all of the textooks say that this type of preservation should be impossible. Now that the (((seminoles))) are involved they might not even be able to excavate. Now that the site is exposed they estimate that in the next 5-10 years the whole site will be destroyed by the elements. If you want to test out your /x/ tier theories the exact location of the site is 250 yards from the Manasota Beach club on Manasota Key in Englewood FL but I wouldnt recommend it since some people have been spotted trying to loot it and they are considering posting some police to protect it. Also this isnt the first time that they found remains on that island. About 10 years ago they were building a house and found some 2000 year old skeletons.
This thread is about reality, not kike fantasy.
where are you getting this 12k number from, carbon dating says 2k years in the (((wikipedia)))
What is your point?
and here is a picture of her when she was a young girl (center)