
So, related worth a fitgirl repack?

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kek, they managed to piss off everyone from playing this piece of shit from both sides.

whoopdee fucking doo

Nope, it's just a story driven activity center. It has absolutely nothing in common with Deus EX.

I'm just mad about it being a shitty game.

Kinda impressive to be honest

How's it stack up against HR?

Yeah, as long as you don't have a data cap on your internet or something. It's an alright game, but somewhat underwhelming.

Completed this game today. It's worse than Human Revolution.

mankind divided has one hub
game ends at what feels like the end of chapter 1

Less options, simpler levels, worse AI, more retarded lore, story, and characters, even worse storytelling.

Fucks sake. The hub sucks ass too. Imagine Detroit being partitioned into several different areas with a minutes-long loading time between each one.

I suppose it's good I had a semi reliable fallback then, cheers.

Woah woah woah woah, how did you prove who the serial killer was in only part one of the quest?

I had a great time with it, OP, but it is definitely a flawed game. If you like Human Revolution you'll enjoy it no problem, but you gotta take the good with the bad.

The bad:

See if you can make it past the first three hours.

It isn't hard to figure out that she's the killer yourself. The issue is that you can't prove who the serial killer is ingame or turn her in until the 2nd half because it won't allow you to, even if you break into her room and find the bear rug and the vent to the roof and all that shit during the first act.

I think it's that you can't prove the motive, that she's been given a split personality with a serial killer because Tai Yong fucked up an augmentation experiment. Guess I got lucky that I didn't figure it out myself, though. A pity; I really liked playing detective and all the characters in that sidequest.

kill yourself, fitgirl is shit.

Detroit and China were shit hubs though.

I doubt that he's either fit or a girl. Decent enough repacks though.

fitgirl repack is never worth it

It was bad, just like HR


only the best drm

123Gb installed


repacks have it down to 20GB

something always goes wrong with repacks. also, the install times on repacks are retardedly long. Like 3x the normal install.

Where is fitgirl now that KAT is dead?

😂😂😂 he downloads repacks in the current year


The game's sense of politics is just weird.

This game woulda been much better if it gave less of a shit about modern day politics.

although when you say that, you make it sound like it doesnt give a shit about modern politics.
its not like these are brand new themes for cyberpunk.

this is now a DX2000 thread

I started a new file 2 days ago with Kentie's Deus Exe launcher, I'm at hell's kitchen now. Did any of you stick with the prod like your brother said to? I used melee and the 30.06 rifle primarily.


Stick with it until you level up your melee, then just use the baton.

What does the baton have over the knife? I ditched the baton & crowbar in favor of the knife

enjoy waiting 30 hours for your shit to decompress to shitty nasheed trap instrumentals, you cuck. just download something like codex or CPY you faggot. christ.

The problem is that the politics presented in the game aren't handled well.

But I like the trap nasheed instrumentals.

Denuvo/10: Worthless. Not even pirating it.

It's non lethal. Unless you're into stabbing NSF in the back of the head while they're temporarily parylized from the prod.

I don't even prod, I got the strength aug so I flip that on, stealth walk up to them, and slice them like an edgelord


its not I got bored pretty quickily got to golem city got extremely bored uninstalled.

is that like one of your nintendos? oh golly should i double click this icon?

I have the attention span of a spoon and need epic wub wub dubstep and drama to keep interest in a game.

off by 3


For Christ's sake, Denton!

how'd my face get marked up with bio electronics?

check these

lol no

you dropped these



Lol, not even worth a pirate.



I thought you guys were havin a laff

This is why JDownloader2 is a godsend. Given these links all still work, all you have to do is right click and press a on your keyboard, the whole process would take a maximum of 30 seconds.
Still not worth downloading/playing though.

In the same vein I do enjoy that it lets you fuck up (((female soldiers))) and doesn't go all censorship over you smashing their faces into a wall.

I don't understand. Everyone in the reviews are saying the whole MD game is shorter than the main storyline of HR but they managed to make the size 3x bigger than HR.
What in the fuck did they put in there.

Uncompressed audio.

Wait, so the Denuvo crack doesn't even affect the .exe?

The xp system is still complete shit like HR.

The game would be much better if they didn't incentivize me to grind. Hacking needs to award no xp and neither does combat, it should come from completing in game objectives, no matter how, and more praxis kits around the game.

I'd call it better than Human Revolution because the level of map design is off the charts, but the politics are a non fucking starter. Shit is relentless, the basement of an anti-aug candidate implies he beats girls with baseball bats in a sexual setting. If you refuse to help illegal immigrants the quest giver throws out a "I'm sorry you feel that way".

Top-tier taste

No shit, it has to uncompress a load of data. For some it is still faster than downloading 76GB of shit.

Are there games inspired by his books?

Jesus christ.

It might be time for you to tone down the edge and upgrade.


Not that useful without having a paid account first to bypass captchas automatically. I also heard it contains malware.


Why do you think there's always a bartender with an augmented arm in Deus Ex games?


Downloaded the 77gb torrent and it works fine.
Fitgirl repack prob takes 2h to install, anti-virus says its a trojan and in the end fails to launch.



played it for 2 hours…
how could you fuck deus ex so bad???
it makes human revolution look great.

Is it really that bad? How does the gameplay differ from HR?


Yes, it is that bad. The gameplay is essentially the same with features removed and more gimmicks added in. Eidos definitely lucked out with human revolution, because it's clear they don't know what they're doing.

and loads of other technical issues

These sort of things are kinda lame.

HR was okay

Well, I'd be more or less pleased with just more DE:HR, but what is telling me it is worse, which makes me not want to even bother pirating.

writing is horrible, SJW pozzed bullshit.
conversations are done horribly, subtitles dont appear half of the time, while conversating npc's take 4 second pauses between lines and talk R E A L S L O W.

gameplay is better than HR. If you just want the mechanical, hub-tinkering, level-playing side of Deus Ex then you will be fine. The plot and the supporting cast really do suffer, though; while the characters in the side quests are grand, there's no one comparable to Haas, Pritchard, Malik or Sarif. And Sarif is actually IN this game, so that's saying something.

I only ever really cared for malik and pritchard, so I guess it doesn't matter much, and it's not like anyone was really enthralled by HR's story in the first place. I might take the plunge then.

Since this is a Deus Ex thread. I must say that since I'm playing the original Deus Ex, the original game is kicking my ass. This is actually my first Deus Ex game. Should I pirate Human Revolution to better adjust to the original or what are other games that can help me be better when I return to Deus Ex 1?

I don't think HR will prepare you at all, it's pretty different, and much easier. Just remember, stick with the prod.

I just hope that you heavily leveled swimming

Do you think revisiting Thief or Morrowind will serve as good practice since the shooting mechanics is bad most of the time?