Rachposter/Imkampfy is the Board Owner of /zenpol/


you're a sick twisted fuck, imkampfy.

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Well that'll be that.



tfw there will never be a Holla Forums safe from kikes and nonwhites.

Why can't someone just make their own Holla Forums and just be careful about who they add as m o d s? i don't understand how this can keep happening.

Is this thread just Kampfy bragging about his exploits in creating a ruse/joke board?

Staying awake 16+ hours to jew a few anons is nothing to brag about. it's pretty lulzy though.

there's no escaping this hell

wait. the owner of Holla Forums was the one getting his dick sucked by the tranny?

imkike deleted his account, check the logs


What happened to the user who put a bounty on Kikefy's head?

It would explain why the initial thread has stayed up so long.

The first clue was the rule of "pro-Trump posts are allowed".
Why would any self respecting Red-Pilled user continue cheering on the most embarrassing jew psyop on the goy since the holohoax?


Yes. The tranny is /leftykike/'s BO.


why isn't the roach permabanned from 8ch?

Rach exists solely to do two things. Attention whore and derail threads. Just how stupid is /zenpol/'s BO?

Then again, just how stupid are you OP?

Because 8ch Holla Forums is controlled opposition.

There is that magic command that makes his posts disappear, use it you fucking faggot.

Prove it.

I wish I could retroactively sage, but simply stating I forgot should suffice

Coach roach strikes again

actively taking part in the two party theater that is US politics and shilling for one of the AIPAC approved candidates

No shit, imkikefy has been shilling on Holla Forums for months about how bad Holla Forums is btw.


You know the infinite stickied posts promoting every single neocon kike operating in world politics for the last few years and the entire Trumpstein thing that's still going on to this day…

Why the fuck do you niggers keep making new boards? First there was /polk/ then /evropa/ or whatever and now kampfy-controlled /zenpol/ which has a gay buddhist board name. Why all of this?

No one with half a braincell is falling for your PSYop, Shariahblue. If it isn't scouring wizardchan, or fapping to lovely dovely trap hentai, I'm here all night. That's my life, and you won't take it away from me, shill.

I think it's got something to do with the fact every single legit user has been banned from here for querying why Holla Forums is 100% behind every neocon kike operating in world politics.

BTW most of those other boards has the same smug anime loli girl JPG posting faggots running them…

Not that nigger, I mean why you keep hopping from board to board. What was wrong with /polk/? When I checked it out some months ago it looked decent

/evropean/ is still kike free. Come visit.