Why aren't you playing MapleRoyals right now?
This private server has ~1000 players daily (take or add depending on peak hours).
Why aren't you playing MapleRoyals right now?
This private server has ~1000 players daily (take or add depending on peak hours).
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what happened to Mapledestiny
Holla Forums guild when?
BB was a mistake
because the game is still a horrid grindy mess.
i tried it just so I could become a thief and use stealth to explore the world again, but just getting out of the tutorial zone was taking hours
Pay to win was a mistake.
Environmental integrity is important. the executives essentially made the most powerful gear in the game useless every year and the grind fags who would spend 12hours a day grinding to get the top gear all left. No one is going to grind all day just to grind again to get to the same level since everyone has your level of gear
Also the reason Yu-Gi-Oh sucks today.
Whats the BB update that everyone keeps talking about with MS? I never played many MMOs besides Runescape and a bit of MS, was it a case of poorly thought out updates ruining a game and more "members only" content?
So just to be clear, this is pre BB. No hero classes, cash shop bullshit, or whatever else BB wrought?
while I like that one hero class that was basically just a magical girl, I'm ok with this
v62, pre-BB.
The latest class introduced at this time was Pirates.
Are there any guides?
How do you manage to have the tolerance for that?
I'm a patient person. I dislike having to collect uncommon/rare drops much more than jump quests.
Before Big Bang the game's world was absolutely massive and your character's mobility options quite limited, there was a legitimate sense of the world being enormous and an incentive to explore with all sorts of nooks and crannies about the place.
Big Bang stripped the world down into a hub with about three small screens' worth of overworld between each major town instead of five or six massive screens' worth, introduced power-creep and the Hero classes, and was where Nexon started getting really Jewish.
Quite a few, Hidden-Street and other pre-BB knowledge bases also still apply.
I'm fine with jump quests aslong as it can be done with skill and timing.
Parts that are completely about luck are bullshit, however.
there was one in mapledestiny
There was one in Royals too.
We all dropped due to XTREME grindyness even at 4x + sjw admins
was it the "where are your papers?" incident
The exp is 1x inside tutorial but 4x outside
Because when you play mapleroyals, you're not playing the same game the admins are playing. If I had to describe them, I'd say "nazi faggots who powertrip on a huge scale", which is a bit cliche, but no less true. You'll get banned for smegaing anything. You'll get banned for "racism and sexism". You'll get banned because the admins damn well feel like it, and nothing will stop that - but the admins are perfectly okay with their friends saying the exact same things that got you banned.
Their site has horrible security and when I stopped playing and recently redownloaded to see how much shit changed literally none, there wasn't a single content patch in the 9 months I was gone and there hasn't BEEN any new content in over two years, some skiddie got access to my account. Yes, my account that I never shared the password on, and no other site uses, but when I brought it up, the first thing the dickwad admin said was "ur fault lolol". They know they're making a server to cater to chinks, brs, krs, and every other retard under the sun, and it shows - they have complete contempt for their playerbase and only put up with it because they want to play their legits "honestly" which means other people have to do the dirty work and farm items for them.
When I say "nothing gets done", they promised a complete code rewrite from scratch over two years ago. Since then, any players who bring up a bug in the forums, or something that should be added to the game, is met with "just wait for new source lol". Two years and literally nothing to show for it. It's a carrot on a string. All the "seasonal events" are copypasted code from years and years ago that they probably cribbed from some other server anyways.
The client it uses is a buggy piece of shit anyways, and you actually can't even do endgame bosses unless you follow their advice and run a virtual machine with a pirated copy of windows XP. Yes, it is that fucking bad because instead of figuring out why the game is such a piece of shit that it crashes on certain video cards for newer systems, they tell the playerbase to jump through all these fucking hoops because they are that lazy.
If you want to play it to scratch that old itch, sure. Play it, get to level 70 or whatever and drop it because it's >maplestory. If you were planning on actually sticking with the server, do so knowing that everything can be pulled out from under you, and it's all your fault when it happens. Don't make friends, don't talk to anyone, don't speak in public, don't do anything because you'll likely get banned. Just play as a mute kr fagboy or join some small Holla Forums clique guild like the last time Holla Forums played on mapleroyals, that inevitably stops playing after two weeks.
t. some no life faggot who spent way too much time on this game because I needed something to do for a few months
Tell me more.
It's shit. The only half-decent server was destiny, and I think it's pretty much fucking dead (Or BRs finished their invasion.)