Fucking control freaks at Google have decided the AR15 is the devil and must be erased.
Google Censoring AR15 Sales
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Just checked myself. God fuck google.
Take note of how rapidly the jewish corporate structure has begun to move after the election of zionist Trump. It is not a coincidence.
well whatever habbend it is back to normal now
my bad… didn't click the shopping tab disregard my above post
It's good to fire up the enemies resources and see what they're doing.
More like, the scrambling of the child-fucking satanists and their cunt puppet Shillary losing so much ground she eats pavement on a regular basis.
And for shits and giggles, type in AK47.
Private company. They can do whatever they want.
Yep, it's AR specific. Just checked, and double checked with different spelling.
works on startpage
bump fire stock is also kill
Email ar manufacturers and let them give Trump a phone call.
Archive all the different ways you can and ways you see that censorship and send them examples.
That isn't the shopping tab.
Yea they are defiantly censoring "ar15".
Search for "ar 16" and you get hits. ar 15 causes SHUT IT DOWN no results found.
welcome to clown world. come on in the water is fine
Hmmm preban ar180s are an option. Kek.
Get it while you still can.
Alphabet replaced Google as the publicly traded company that will house Google's search and web advertising businesses, maps, YouTube and its “moonshot” ventures like driverless cars.Oct 2, 2015
We're in luck. Our enemies are retarded.
Drawing attention to this comment right here. Everybody do this.
You have no clue what that phrase means.
It means their stock take take giant shits given the appropriate pressure.
Guess it's a good thing no one will treat traffic differently based on what they don't like.