Trump Weighing 'Red Flag' Orders to Take Guns Away Quickly From Those Deemed "At Risk"

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Mass murders in ghetto schools, where security guards are armed: ZERO.

Almost all the mass murder in the nation occur in government mandated murder zones, which they fraudulently market as Gun Free Zones. This is as clear a case of criminal negligence as there ever was. If Trump were an effective leader, he would have the AG indict the highest ranking civil servants responsible for those policies.

Then again, if he were serious about anything, he would have slapped RICO indictments on all those in high office who openly brag of aiding and abetting their armies of lawless foreign squatters.

Over and over again, on all matters that matter, he's demonstrating why kakistocracies end with rifles, not votes.

Contrary to the siren song of the utterly worthless Con movement, politics is NOT a pendulum. Degeneracy is NOT a reversible process. Nobody can put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

This is unironically a chess move. sage goes in all fields.


Learn how to filter, nigger.



This means nothing.


Jesus Christ how can this man have become so (((BASED))) so quickly.

Sounds fun.

Christ Jesus how can this board have become this (((reddit))) so quickly.

What's with the horribly low res animal pics?

Reminder, whether or not this is some grand scheme by Trump, you must oppose any blatant bullshit that he says or does. Anyone who tells you to not make a fuss because it's just chess is a fucking kike. Always oppose this stuff loudly.

I hope not everyone has left and that some are just watching in disgust

Good, all the mentally ill wackos (mostly jews and mexicans) will lose their guns.

I've never wanted martial law more. based trump.

You sound like an anti-american democrat. Stop being such a bad goy.

lol even King Nigger never did something like this
what's the excuse this time, trumpcucks?


My position has evolved into I really don't give a fuck until someone knocks on my door or my neighbors door looking for guns.





Fucking checked.

High-risk individual, but only if you're a jew.

Whats not with them?

Few, by comparison, I wager.

the man who your digits would honor disagrees
degeneracy is fully reversible
the only question is how far are you prepared to go to get it done

Its like he doesn't want a 2nd term or something.
Maybe it hasn't been going over well at home.

Damn those webms made me feel. I hope my wife and I never get to a point where if I reach for her hand she literally slaps it away.
Melania just wanted to marry a rich man and get all his money when he died.

you anti-semite! you're on a list now, give up yah guns and yah ffilthy shiksha wife

I wonder what monkeys taste like?

Ok Moshi, I'll give you the guns. One bullet at a time. Stand still so I can make sure you can confiscate my bullets properly.

You guys remember that list of things that make someone an extremist? During the Obama years, they released a list and some of the things were as ridiculous as "not trusting government". Most of Trump's base likely qualify as a danger if we go by that list, which is the list (((they))) will use if this goes through.

oy vey shooting g-d's chosen is anti-semetic it's anudda shoah! whadd're yah a FED? talkin' about shooting people on dah intahnet?

somebahddy report this bad goy, he's had too much to think

Well Trump is a disgrace so far. She married him because he was high status, but first he gets half the country to hate him (and his family) by running for, and winning the presidency on a platform that appeals to the other half of the country. Now he's cucking to the half that hates him, making his support base hate him. Everyone hates Trump now, and she's along for the ride.

Eh, hard to say, really.
Melania came from a from a former Communist country, so its possible she's merely a gold-digging whore annoyed that she has to be associated with this shit… Or she could be a half-way decent woman who has come to find her husband distasteful due to his actions in politics.
If your family was subjected to Communist rule, and then you escape it through your beauty and wind up marrying a powerful older man, giving him a son whose taller than most Americans at age 12, and he runs for President, on this platform of right-wing populism… But then he doesn't really follow through with it, and you get a ton of hassle from all sides as a result, with niggers shouting about raping you on twiter and White people calling you racist and attacking your Christmas decorations and shit, well, I wager you'd be a bit pissed about it on several fronts.

Melania came in through a Jewed as fuck industry, Trump grew up in Jew York City. They are thoroughly Jewed.

Yes mien fhurer

This could've been handled with existing laws. It was a failure of BSO and FBI, NOT a legislative one.
>archive related, buzzfeed is busting the (((BSO))).

Counter saged, Trump is cucking on guns and he needs to be held responsible.

Being this naive and dumb. The guns will be confiscated from whites.

Wrong bucko. Remember trannies are considered mentally sane.

uma deliciosa

Even though that was sarcasm, we are going to have to take your guns away user.


Holy shit, checked and heil'd, great response!

Yeah, probably, but I'd prefer to think maybe that pretty lady, the First Lady, isn't a complete whore who slobs nigger knobs or is so coated in kike spooge that she glows under blacklights, ya know? I mean, it is possible.

Checked for mirror digits. It's true, trannies are surprisingly not considered as mentally fucked as they should be. (Even tho it's listed as a mental disease in the (((DSM))).) The ones getting their guns taken will be whites…and maybe a few minorites and such to put on a show.

Checkin those dubs.
Just think, fairly soon, being a trannie won't disqualify you for joining the military but you won't be able to get a gun if


That just means a larger base to gaurentee a few fighters in the mix. And once word gets out of individuals sticking up for their rights, others will follow suit. (At least, one can hope…)

Wow, fuck me. Talk about an easy way to take down a lot of people. I never thought that not wanting to follow kiked rules would be listed as a mental disorder. The audacity of these faggots.

Oy vey lets not fuhget to take guns away from dose vawy scary white males terrorists

Everyone who bought a MAGA hat is a domestic terrorist. TIME FOR CONFISCATIONS!

so… nothing?

isn't that already the status quo?

have any gun laws changed anywhere? or is this stuff all being considered/pending?
i've been busy for the past few weeks and am trying to catch up. spoonfeed me plz

pandering is not acceptable because it shifts the overton window towards gun control. who cares if it's pandering. it's cucking.

Trump wants to raise the age that you can buy a gun to 21, completely stripping the second amendment from 18, 19, and 20 year old tax paying citizens. Basically Obama's wet dream.

who is pandering to who? and how?
did you reply to the wrong post?

4D chess.

that didnt answer any of my questions user…

Nothing has changed, but Trump is actively meeting with governors in an attempt to push it in their states.

Some state-level tardation in libshit areas was strengthened. Trump issued a memo to have some unelected bureaucrats modifiy existing law as (((they))) see fit.

So not ballsdeep, but the (((anti-gunner))) tip is edging into our collective asses, with Trump acting as the 'fluffer'.

what state governors has he met with? and he met with them to convince them to adopt a higher age restriction?

im glad nothing has changed, and i hope nothing changes before he realizes he's abandoning his base and knocks this shit off.

where and what was strengthened? i live in one of the worst no-fun states and havnt heard anything in my state.


My God he's gone full kike on this, he needs to be seriously humiliated by the base but they are worse than chesscucks

>POTUS is calling for (((reasonable gun control)))
>No wall repairing existing areas doesn't count since it is something even Hilary would have done
It's like we never left 2015.

This song and dance will probably go on until a few months prior to election.

You people are already acting like the greatest cuckening of our time never happened: The dems caving on their DACA shutdown.

Shadilay my brother, you forgot still neo-cons running FP.

Deluded cunt, that has nothing to do with fucking immigration, he'll cuck on amnesty when the GOP loses seats in midterms


It does, though. Every shill and his granny was screaming that Trump would cuck before the shutdown, then that he would cuck soon after. In the end, Trump held firm, and the Dems cucked on DACA. Now, the dems have seemingly abandoned amnesty, and are trying to ride this false flag school shooting into midterm success. Anyone who thinks that Trump won't do the same for this gun control measure as he did for DACA is obviously ignoring his pattern of behavior.

Needless to say, if it turns out that he does cuck on gun control, then I'll be wrong, but as it is we already have examples of Trump pretending to cave, only to force the establishment to play themselves.

If my husband was sucking jewish cock on the regular, I wouldn't want anything to do with him either.

He already fucking cucked by moving past the sale as you faggots like to say, by making the idea of amnesty something he finds dens should be working for, guess what retard republicans want it too, that is cancerous move. DACA should not even be spoken of again it should be clear no means no and amnesty days are over.

Trump is being a cuck for even talking about this shit instead of his own agenda. Hopefully either the Florida rulings make him realize he can just do nothing, or this is another of his many "yeah I'll think about it" which signals he won't actually do anything. Ultimately this has to go through congress like everything so it probably won't amount to anything.

And fuck anyone who thinks he isn't scum for even playing with anti 2a shit, that was bad enough, now he's campaigning with restraining order cucks. Indefensible


Uh huh, still upset half doesn't want your dumb ass anymore?

the wall has been broken since they built it user. because they never finished building it.

still waiting for an answer…
should i just take this as nothing has actually happened? and we should all just be keeping our eyes open on this stuff like always? everyone is panicking like something has happened.
if something has happened, let me know

Time Magazine

I was thinking of Crispy banning bumpstocks in Jersey, but that occurred in Jan.
Washington State has a bunch of crap that will likely pass within the next week or so.

states at this moment can do whatever they want. i cant even have a pistol grip on a semiauto rifle. i live in ny and heard nj had some shitty gun laws… but jersey and ct is full of unconstitutional gun laws.

whatre they doing in washington? theyre the rape capitol of the country and they want to ban guns?

daca never mattered that much. not if the illegals aren't actually deported (all of them). there are 40+ million illegals already here pooping out anchor babies. and trump has not done much to bring about the mass deportations, just token crap. now trump is talking about "reasonably" Orwellian gun control in which "mental illness" is the focus and opposing the government is considered a mental illness. god dammit.

we already have TOO MANY laws in place, but it will never be enough for leftist faggots and cucks. Ever. furthermore, the demonic kikes already control most of the government. we are living in an occupied country. why the fuck do the normies not see this?

bump stocks literally mean nothing. what matters is the (((mental health))) checks combined with swat teams stealing guns from people (Whites) without a trial or any legal proceedings except some kangaroo court order because (((mental health))). add this to the fact that they are trying to redefine opposing the "status-quo" as mental illness (>>11311850). what a fucking nightmare.

making america a marxist shithole as quickly as possible, again.

I was really starting to believe in trump, for a while there. unfortunately, it's looking like he is just another god damn reagan. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, TRUMP.

Because the SC won't hear cases, like the gun grab law after Sandy Hook, which is why Trump is betraying us.

(((they're))) not the ones getting raped.

i dont see the connection, did i miss something?
isnt potus only really able to implement nationwide stuff? like the old assault weapon ban?
at that time NY had its own AW ban, then later strengthened it with the safe act. so even when the federal AW ban went away, NY still made it illegal. these unconstitutional state laws are nothing new. so how is this time any different? does the president decide what the SC is allowed to talk about?
im not defending trump, but as a NYer im pretty bitter about the rest of the country abandoning us and just saying "lol thats what you get for living in ny!" maybe if enough state regulations get passed, people will start to challenge them since they cant just go "wont happen in my state (tm)"

washington is full of liberals begging for the government to take their guns. its also where alot of women bitch about rape culture and get legitimately raped like crazy. i feel bad for the people in rural areas, but they did nothing to stop it.

Restraining orders have always gotten your guns pulled if the cop is doing his job. Lautenberg Act damn near demanded it even without a conviction.
PROTECTIVE/RESTRAINING ORDERS get your guns pulled "temporarily" unless you can get out of it all without any charge. If you take even a MISDEMEANOR you will lose your gun rights.

He's feeding a system that works against 2A now, he was voted in to stop exactly this.

oh wow, surely it must be part of the 34d brazillian tango warfare.

"Currently" pending probably just means as soon as they can find a way to close any and all loopholes they left open to white men.
It is a really fucked up situation that the jew introduced into our legal system. It was designed SOLELY to remove firearms in an expedient manner with little to no recourse in obtaining your rights again once your (((debt))) to (((society))) is paid.
There are laws that allow for a felon to regain gun rights in few cases. Misdemeanrs have no such avenue of recourse when it comes to regaining your gun rights at a federal level because the states don't set aside misdemeanor convictions except in (((rare))) cases thus the feds don't grant your rights back.
Sneaky fuckers need to be boiled in the melted guns they have confiscated.

yea, which is why
seems like a non-statement. like telling a liberal that youre going to look into banning assault rifles from normal sale.
a distant relative of mine had 911 called on him by his wife because she thought he was suicidal, police came and talked to him. had him hospitalized. they took all of his guns, and gave them back when the doctors deemed him no longer at risk.

nice shill statment that had nothing to do with anything i said, but attempted to give a summary in greentext that reflects nothing of what i said, but does enough to deter someoen from reading my post.
good job, i can see why they pay (((you))).

fucking hell , the level of bot/retard shills ITT

We have to fight this on all fronts. We can not stand for this destruction of the 2nd.

>40+ million esoteric immigrants
We all know that's the truth, yet the (((media))) keeps pushing the 9 million figure

Defeatist shill!
Look at this aryan victory: we got rid of all the illegal spics that used to lurk/post on Holla Forums. If that wasn't worth it, then you're probably a kike.

We did?

they are fucking going on mass banning sprees on their jewtube platform. Trying to remove all the heralds that we have spawned. God, this gun grabbing effort is of huge proportions. They managed to get to trump, managed to get to the NRA…managed to remove our superior in numbers "propaganda" machine. They really are going all out this time.

He's been on board since the beginning.

and still nothing has happened yet, right?

Based zog empurah

Not to mention, who the fuck cares about a stupid imageboard when constitutional rights are under attack?

was he part of pic related all along?

The gun grabbing legislation and the insanity laws only have to happen once, of course we are worried when the angry leftist hoard tries to get closer to the guns…and the internet.


eat shit

srsly, I hate also repeating myself but

look at florida, already making moves to increase the minimum age of gun ownership. Trump is meeting with the governors of florida, california, indiana and some others to discuss more of the same

Women are the key to American disarmament.
Wifes and girlfriends will use social pressure and tattle-taling to push this through. In the same way as the female vote was essential to the establishment of mass-immigration and feminism, so females will serve as the primary agents of disarmament.
It already happens in divorce cases.
Picture related, double lesson, what women actually think of guns and why you should never interact with a single mother.

i agree. but these threats are always there. in NYC you actually need background checks, finger prints, and a license to own a 22lr rifle or a 20ga shotgun.
this problem has been a reality for many people since they were born, only getting worse over time, myself included. why panic now? are you just finding out states have the ability to violate 2a whenever they want?

but thats not specific enough to be positive or negative.
commiefornia already banned fucking sticks and baseball bats. florida hasnt changed anything yet, but its full of old boomers and becomeing more of a blue state every day since 2010. indiana i dont know anything about.

it is within his power to do a federal wide ban. its happened before. are there any talks of this?

wat, a shill calling an user a shill lol.

Women will push for this.
Women will use this to disarm men.
Women are naturally anti-weapon, the moment a law is created which allows them to disarm men, they will use it.
Recognize women for being emotionally-driven and not in possession of a logical faculty, do not hate women for this, hate the kikes who create laws which allow women's emotions equal status with cold logic.

WIFEBEATERS was the rallying cry that stopped the right from putting their foot down ages ago.

She's right, though. You shouldn't be leaving your gun laying around for a nigger to get ahold of it. It should be on your person at all times as much as humanly possible, not upstairs on your dresser while you're milling about downstairs in front of the fridge in your PJ's chugging OJ straight from the carton. Good luck getting to it when Jamal breaks through the bedroom window.

Look, I realize the jews are the main drivers but women are very much to blame because they want this power and will do anything they can to obtain it as well. It doesn't have to disarm, they have always abused any power given to them and family courts are just an example. Who raised them?
By your logic we should forgive niggers because it was the jews that brought them here and taught them to walk upright and use tools against us.
No one is "innocent" in this bullshit except the ones bitching about the bullshit because they likely aren't and weren't in a position to change or stop this shit before it happened.

im shilling? what am i shilling for exactly?

It's like you don't spend any time over at >>>/k/

Logic and reason. Heaven forbid you point out actual law and precedent that has been established. If you aren't running around flapping your arms screaming the sky is falling you are a kike shill. Didn't you get the memo?

That's correct, it's inappropriate storage but she makes it clear that she's against him having a gun or the ability to defend himself against violent felons who may have a grudge because of his job (correctional officer), concerns she implies are paranoid or crazy.

If you try to "put your foot down" now, there's a law to cover your behavior as "domestic abuse".

Yes but if your dog eats a steak you left on the floor, whose fault is it? Women are incredibly simple and predictable, we know what will happen if a law like this is enacted, women will exploit it en masse to get rid of guns, because they don't think rationally. Just like a dog doesn't think rationally about eating a steak you left on the floor.
Women can't act any other way than to obey their emotions. You're still making the mistake of believing that women can be rational. They can't, which is why for thousands of years we made sure that the steak was not left on the floor by denying them the vote.
The causative factor is women's suffrage all the laws which enable their behavior to proceed without consequences. You can't change female biology but you can change the laws.

phuc long said to use sirachi.

what memo? THE memo???

And just to clarify, I'm talking about the need for kikes to be expunged from every sphere of influence and a rolling back of universal suffrage/DV laws/no fault divorce/welfare for single mothers.
Watch the bastard child epidemic vanish overnight and women's ability to "remember" to take their pills suddenly reach near perfection of no govt monies or child support is available to raise the child.

All of them. It happened like an hour ago.

No shit sherlock, that is what I'm fucking talking about. If they put their foot down back then before this shit happened, arguing wouldn't be DV now.
As for the dog, both. I trained my fucking animals. They don't take shit off the ground without getting the ok from me. Period.
Eat a dick, yid.

And waste real hot sauce on nigger? BBQ is enough for them. kek

sirachis kinda gross tbh. has a fishy aftertaste. tobasco is where it's at.

i skipped through it and he only seems to be talking about school safety and shaming the sheriffs office and the guy who ran away. can you give me a video time or something?

Yeah tbh I didn't watch the whole thing either. He's sticking with what he outlined earlier, banning bump stocks, age 21, and increased background checks. Starting at like 15:30 he talks about how we have to be doing something, by 16:30 he mentions that he wants to ban bump stocks.

Which is horseshit. The nevada shooter has either arms dealer or spook written all over him and the florida thing the cops were called like 40 times, the FBI was notified, everyone knew. And they let it happen. And we're immediately inundated with propaganda ready to go from CNN and he's going along with it.

Yeah I'm sure they won't eat food on the ground when they're hungry and you're not around.

The egos of whatever freaks care more about their fantasy of the man and the reality is Liberal tier. This place has 2000 posters ffs, who gives a fuck about deluded cunts like that over trying to get the President to stop acting like some kike female senator

16:00 "bumpstocks im writing that out, i dont care about congress" wtf does that even mean? he's writing out bumpstocks? nigger, they'd have to change the definition of a machine gun and rewrite the original firearm act which never passed to begin with. is my bumpstock that i own now going to be illegal to own? or is it grandfathered in? are they going to ban shoelaces that do the same fucking thing? or bump firing it with your finger? or is this another version of him "closing up the internet" because he's from manhattan and doesnt know anything about guns or bumpstocks.

after which he goes right back to the school safety shit.

does anyone here have the ability to make a webm of that sentence? why hasnt one of these many shills done that yet? shills make yourself useful and get a webm of him saying that. i hope he regrets those words.

You are shilling against Trump

He's fucking doing a full 180 and being anti-gun you faggot, he deserves to be shit on for things like this.

agreed, this subject is a no go for literally anyone, not even with "chess" is it ok to say shit like hes saying. So much for "I wont infringe on your second amendment".
Politician need start being offed soon I think.

Exactly faggot, so stop calling the only remaining non-kiked posters shills.

Time for civil war?


Would you chessfags finally fucking hang yourselves already?

he was still a much better option than hillary or any of the other running republicans.

but nothing has happened yet, and someone needs to yell at trump and the NRA. i replied to one of his campaign centers that keeps emailing me at my government job about this BS. they want my donation? i asked them to clarify his stance on 2a.

im hoping he's just ignorant as fuck and retracts his stance once he gets into the technicals. whats he gonna do? ban my fucking index finger? because saying this stuff needs to be banned is just going to "prove" that all semi autos need to be banned since any can be converted to full auto.
well, atleast if this shit happens, that will start a civil war much sooner

It must be fun being this fucking stupid.


They were the key to prohibition.
They were the key to repeal of prohibition.
They were the key to civil rights and immigration reform.
And, they are the key to repeal of civil rights and immigration reform.

This time, though, they also need to be the key to repeal of universal suffrage so our future generations don't have to go through this shit again.

This cuck is worse than Obama.

crop that down from ~22 and end it at ~31 seconds.
that piece right there is the most blatant thing i've ever seen.

What the fuck do any of us gain from giving him benefit of the doubt, you thing he fucking cares about your home or family? When he fucks up if the non kiked right doesn't fuck his shit up we deserve a turbokike in chief.

Just for you.

just fuck my second amendment up


Is that hag serious?
First, talking about matrimonial affairs with random strangers.
Second, questioning her husbands judgment about the dangers of convicts.
To me it looks like he married some damaged goods, a refuse, leftover. Her backstabbing habit could have been the reason for her being a single mother. Maybe he should do a paternal test on “his child”, just to be sure.

What a fucking waste of time his entire presidency's been. No one single deep state spook has been purged yet. Not one single indictment has fallen. You've got spooks like Mudd on CNN saying he'll get killed and here he is letting the anti-gun lobby blow a load in his mouth. We'll have 3 more years to prepare for the apocalypse when he loses in 2020 and the nutcases on the left begin their final assault on what remains of America, best case.

thank you user. now we just need that clip, followed by obama saying "i got the pen i do what i want"
that should communicate how he's appearing to his base.

im not giving him any benefit. but he deserves to be yelled at for this. im from NY… manhattan people have 0 gun culture. they dont even know the BASICS of how a gun works. most of them dont even know what logging is, or that food comes from farms. not even kidding.

Do I send my guns to Trump directly?

Seriously, why haven't you guys split off into your own state, already?
You have almost nothing in common, politically, with NYC.


The only way we are getting rid of universal suffrage is war.

new amsterdam is a fringe thing, but its been talked about for years. most of upstate would love to split. i grew up in the bronx and moved upstate as soon as i could.
but unfortunately the 1960s through the 1990s NYC has intentionally flooded northern neighborhoods with (((diversity))) and have demographically changed albany (the capitol) and buffalo, as well as other smaller cities that tie the rest of the state down like 2 anchor points.

they created massive ghettos that not only turned the area blue, but also increase the tax burden and created massive ghettos that require a massive police force.

This is not a good idea because some jerk who doesn't like you can say that you threatened suicide, but you never did, and then you have to prove that you never said it placing the burden on you, not the liar. Same goes for mental health professionals. If they determine that you are a 'Right-Winger,' then they can deem you mentally unfit, even for a made up and unrelated reason. This is not a good idea.

Mods Banning Anyone Criticizing Gun Grabber Trump & His Shill Mods Again!

I was living about an hour outside of Buffalo when that clip aired.
Traveling though towns like that, it's self evident that (((blockbusting))), although having been made illegal, is still alive and flourishing.
I am also of the opinion that the (((opioid crisis))) is a deliberate part of that.

Also, I wish you all the luck in creating New Amsterdam.
I cannot wait to hear the collective kvetch of 6 million voices arise from NYC when the news breaks of the vote passing.

It's already abused-as-fuck in states where the mere accusation of domestic violence red flags for firearm confiscation.
I had a buddy who had to hide his guns because his vindictive ex leveled false allegations against him.
It took him forever to get cleared to own again.
Seriously, though, defamation and false report laws need to be tightened up.


check 'em

"mentally ill" people should still be allowed to have guns. put them in a fenced in wildlife reserve or just kill them. figure something out; but to take their guns away is not right. if you would infringe upon anybody's right to bear arms you are anti second amendment. nowhere in the second amendment did it say "unless you're mentally ill". this argument is the same as that shit about "when the second amendment was written they were talking about muskets"

if trumps words are any indicator (they never have been in the past but lets just pretend) then he is fundamentally against the second amendment

The maga hat database being used to confiscate guns seems as likely right now as the daca database being used for deportations.

Trump doesn’t need guns. He can do more than an entire senitic sheriff’s office can while unarmed.

so disappointing, voting never was going to fix this anyways, hopefully bought us some time

It just comes back to fucking lawfags/rulefags who always insist that we need the government to step in whenever something bad happens "So it never happens to anyone else again!"

This is what happens when people are trained to give up personal responsibility (which is the flip side of having FREEDOM). It's also a result of a huge majority of politicians being lawyers who seek to solve every problem by making it illegal.

We need to divorce ourselves from modern society and form our own communities. Stop paying taxes, start getting welfare, buy some land and learn the old ways of self-sufficiency backed by firearms knowledge. Let the urbanites and politicians sink under their own ineptitude and red tape.


I love the smell of fighting back.

Clover, whose eyes are failing in her old age, asks user to read the writing on the barn wall where the Bill of Rights was initially inscribed.

the laws don't apply to those who make them, goymo-kun

except in this case you take the shall not be infringed and throw it into the garbage because of feels.


"Deemed" by who?
Some Jew "psychologist" that is, himself, a mental basket-case?

No…no way this will EVER be used for political punishment, right?
They already call Trump supporters "Nazis" and the public would be all for disarming "Nazis," wouldn't they?

This is crap, won't pass Constitutional muster, and is a revolution trigger if it's allowed.
Prepare yourselves, and remember…any cop that works for the enemy, IS the enemy, and has made his decision. When the kick down your door, open fire without hesitation.
Never go to Hell alone, take a dog with you.

In the first webm she was observing the foreign customs of limiting displays of affection in public, as you'll notice the other member of state does not hold his wife's hand either.

In the second she looks very stressed, she smiled for him, once he's no longer looking her resting bitch face asserts itself. Some people are incapable of hiding their inner emotions. I remember around that time there was a rumor that Trump wasn't going to live in the White House. It may have been Melania that wanted to stay in the penthouse, where she could protect and shield Barron.

what is something you could have him say so his base won't be mad once they finally shoot him?

the CIA are the nazis, the nazis were funded by Fritz Thyssen and Allen Dulles

give me a fucking break already

You are shilling in favor of the sunk cost fallacy. Giving favor to the slow dismantling of the gun rights, when they for most part already were heavily attacked. Not knowing that each and every time something like this happens, we have to prevent even the smallest of bit of happening. Actually, we should do the opposite and try to undo the gun control laws. It IS the end of the world, and no fucking faggot ass president that did some nice things for us has a free pass to shit on guns. Nobody is worth that much.

Holy shit, I have ODD and this entire site take my guns and medicate me with the electric chair.

Thats not even a defeat of trump or amnesty, the SCOTUS is just saying they want the 9thncircuit to hear it first.
The same shit that happens every single time, liberal 9th circuit heara, saya no, the executive appeals the secision, and then the SCOTUS weighs in.
jfc its not that hard, it would be a bigger deal and an actual defeat IF the 9th says "no end to daca" and then the SCOTUS upholds that decision by not hearing the executives case.

Blow your brains out, liberal. No one is falling for you.

Trump needs to step it up and a little unemployment relief in building parts of the southern border up is not enough, in any way.
DACA going through, nothing done about anchor babies, all that shit will fuck up a planned increased border wall, which will all stop anyway as it is far more than a 12 year project.


The truth that must be known.