I found this on 4cuck /his/. So, is the Diary of Anne Frank legitimate or what? Is there any proof that she wrote it? Is the user on the image macro correct that only "some ballpoint markings were found"? What's the reality of the situation regarding Anne Frank?
I found this on 4cuck /his/. So, is the Diary of Anne Frank legitimate or what? Is there any proof that she wrote it...
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i know why you're here.
It's actually illegal to question the identity of the diary in the Netherlands. How crazy is that? That is certainly a good reason to be skeptical of it.
Not sure about the pen, that could be a red herring.
My understanding is that the diary was only found to be written in the same handwriting, not that it was confirmed to actually be Anne Frank's. See pic. The top is a sample of handwriting from the diary, the bottom is Anne Frank's handwriting from the back of a photograph (note the signatures). They are dated only four months a part and are vastly different.
You have to go back
Yes, she probably wrote it. The Ann Frank obsession is autism used to discredit revisionists. Here's a .webm of the late Michael Collins Piper, who compiled one of the most widely circulated pieces of revisionist literature, essentially saying the exact same thing.
couple of months back i researched the "official" website, where it unequivocally states that the diary is a reproduction, not the original, written by her father after the war. it is pretty much the official narrative. that is why they don't push it any more
Anne Frank is just like Heller Keller. Both may have existed, but both lied. Like how most women do.
Well, after all your research, did it occur to you to go to the source and notice it was done by a jew so therefore it's a lie..?
You make these images on cuckchan too m8, its an obvious template.
That said:
Fuck off, kike.
Interesting, thanks for this information.
Great webm, the dude has some good points that explains the concern that other anons have.
Seems like it's a reproduction with some amendments so that the father could hide some stuff any other father wouldn't want, and to add stuff to make it more holocaust narrative friendly; that would explain the ballpoint pen and different handwriting.
Ive actually never seen that image before, its probably a nu-Holla Forums creation. I have seen this story though which objectively shows the father admitting that he authored the book. Its fake, she didnt write it.
If Hitlers father said that Adolf never wrote Mein Kampf, you can be damn sure the left would take that at face value. Anne Frank didnt write it, her father said he wrote it, the father wrote it and passed a fake off as if it was his daughters. A work of fiction.
Made it up for profit, at that. They are willing to admit hes a complete fraud this many years on because.. its about money, not the message.
I don't see that likely at all. There's already a lot of skepticism surrounding whether Hitler was the primary author of "Mein Kampf", and whenever it's brought up here people say "Ok, but don't you think that's something Hitler would say?". In fact many false quotes have been attributed to Hitler over the decades, and after their exposure people on the left have responded exactly the same as people here do to skepticism of "Mein Kampf". The only difference in the reactions is that we think Hitler's words are great, and they think they're horrible.
I don't think we should be worried about whether Anne Frank really wrote the diary, so much as whether she's lying about the events. Of course she's lying. Fucking kike
Does anyone here actually know what she (and her dad) claims in this diary of hers?
Why did they even mention it in the report then.
The bka part is also shady.
It's a very weak defense, it does not hold up. Typical jewish lies.
Lol at the sources. Not a single writer from outside the tribe.
kek just noticed this
This. Attacking the diary is counter-productive for revisionists. It could be 100% genuine, and it still doesn't contradict the revisionist position. It's just the story of a family hiding out to avoid being sent to the camps.
The story of the Schindlerjuden is much the same. Spielberg embellished it of course, but the basic story is of a businessman who kept a bunch of Jews from going to the camps to work in his factory instead - with the Nazi's permission. This makes much more sense if they were work camps, and there was no plan to kill all the Jews - then it was simply a matter of allocation of resources, rather than Schindler magically persuading genocidal maniacs to let some of their intended victims live.
2nd pic sums it up nicely.