Reddit just banned /r/deepfakes and /r/celebfakes

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They banned photo fakes as well. /r/celebs was just photos

Oh no, how will "worst" Emma ever recover?

Damn you all.

Why don't they make a >>>/deepfakes/ board here now?

Where is JC Denton to merge with the Helios AI so I can see some fat asshole armpit fuck Bea Arthur?


Does this mean photoshopbattles is next?

>>>Holla Forums11218534

Do they have porn over there? Leddit is using the "non consensual porn" excuse to shut this down and appease celebs.

I don't know but I'm sure any usage of celeb likeness + slippery slope + reddit = reeeeeeee

Has she stopped performing oral sex on old merchant penises for new roles?

I don't understand how this has anything to do with consent. These are fakes, it doesn't affect them at all. If somebody drew a picture of a celebrity they have the right to share it and jerk off to it. What's next? Deviant art? Photoshop? Where's the line?

I think it's because they were being advertised as "___ person" instead of "not blank person" and the stuff has gotten very convincing.

Also people were starting to ask for money and commissions when using someones likeness without their permission and certain photos is against copyright or illegal completely or something.



Yeah dude who cares about consent with this shit lmao it's not like it has potentially live ruining possibilities
I can't wait till a couple more years and this technology is perfected, then the US magically "finds" a secret video of Assad saying he personal drops barrels of sarin gas on nursing homes so we can invade them

It's not like we were treated to years of questionable Bin Laden videos to help keep the War On Terror going. It's not like a doctored photo of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle was used to support the lone gunman theory. It's not like governments haven't been outright lying to their people forever.

This tech isn't just for porn, why is it only being used for that?
I wanna see Mark Wahlberg's face convincingly edited onto that video of a Vietnamese man getting shot.

Are you implying the US needs video for that shit?
The US will invade whoever Israel wants them to and they'll come up with an excuse after the fact. The only reason they're not pushing into Syria more is because Russia is there and they don't want to have another international incident that could kick off the Cold War again.

Stop being an assburger, we'll just have to determine if it's real or not instead of jumping to conclusions. We already have programs to manipulate someone's voice to make it seem like they're saying some shady shit. The tech could be fun and useful, we shouldn't have to ban it because of potential repercussions and brainlet masses who take everything at face value.

There's several repository check /deepfakes/

If we ban it then the only people who will use it will be secret organizations and people will be more likely to assume that any video they see is real, but if it's widely used then people will rightfully not take video sources at face value.

What gets me is that it could be used for ANYTHING and this is the best reddit can come up with

Celeb fakes are bullshit anyway, I can't jack it to a decapitated head pasted on a totally different body, and most porn stars are prettier than the ass-ugly celebs of today anyway. Maisie would starve to death if she tried to make it as a porn star.

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.



/r/sluttystrangers (Omegle content) also got banned wtf

how cute, too bad they can't stop it.

the rapening has barely even begun.


pornhub banned it too
