Dragon cult when?
Dragon cult when?
Dibs on the cool gold Dragon Priest mask.
Well I've been in one for a long time.
when monkeys fly out of my butt.
Who can say where the road goes?
where the day flows?
Only time
I'mma have a nap.
This is way too early in the morning for me.
It's ok, not great, just ok... I dunno, it takes a certain kind of song to get my dick all diamonds and my brain electric.
yeah but i didnt forget him...
I haven't been to a baseball game in too long. I don't really have a "team", but it's fun to be in a stadium for a game.
I don't think it's Niggy's superior dragon cult, though.
I want Miraak's mask, anyway.
this isnt you bard
Fun Clannad question
who do you think was better?
Sinead O'Connor or Enya?
boo stop trying so hard to fit in.
I love a wide variety of music both good and bad, as long as there is an aspect of talent behind it or if it's JUST CATCHY enough for me to overlook a lack so thereof
Enya. At least she had the looks and is humble.
oh no puppies is bullying me
Fucking glad someone agrees
Sinead went Britney level crazy
I'm not the BABYSITTER
Ok, I'm staying awake for this.
If that's bullying, then my foreskin is thicker than your skin.
you can sit on my baby
Nah, I just like the Lovecraft motif to it. Mora's one of those daedra I'd never make a deal with. Sanguine, Sheogorath, Azura, they seem alright to talk to if they're in a good mood and you have something to appease them with.
Lmao @nothing comparing 2 u
R8 my 4skin m80
why arent any britposters capable of understanding jokes?
is something wrong in their genes?
Scanner don't do it. Kanra pressed the eject button.
You're a right fool
Nigga I know it's a joke, but I KNOW things are going to be blown out of proportion in 3 posts.
iss this even possiblee?
Boo's song of serenade.
there's aligators on my lake
need help guys
A :dingo:
ATE your baby?
help with what?
What is possible?
Being cut or 4skin rating?
Come to Iowa : ]
do you really not booboolaboosh
are you just saying this so people think youre cool and careless
because we were really good friends niggy
i never argue with these thread retards
theyre really easy to ignore and get really mad when you do
you know clockwork is still angry at me for it? i dont even remember anything about him besides that he was darwin's power hungry bitch
lmao WAT?
Probably. You never know what's going to get you a good response. But if you can entertain him there could be some disproportionately enormous reward in it for you, cause he's just that fucking crazy.
I don't follow it, but the city team has a great little stadium, and it's a good time for sure. I root for whoever has the prettier outfit usually.
lol remember when i was alice and u called me miss
I don't even know how you get into arguments, I think the only time I was mad was when Rin tugged my chain and called me a casual.
What did you do?
Yup, just as how Satan made me and intended.
Like a big ol' fleshy turtleneck.
I root for my home team, cause I'm not an asshole, but I don't follow them outside of the few games I've been to.
idk i was like 13-14 when you were posting
Don't do what?
I got a gazillion things planned and it's going to end in me crying in a corner.
Yeah if You even manage to get that far
It's just so likeley he'd immediately give you a painful or humorous death or damn you to an eternity of maddening trials before even getting that far
Sanguine would be cool as fuck to hang with
i get into arguments because making fun of people is really fun to me
they get really upset over it because Holla Forums sucks at taking banter
puppies is a really funny story you dont want to know
dont encourage it
The only ones I'd ever get mixed up with are Azura and Sanguine because they're not outright malevolent. Sheo if I was just visiting the Isles.
Sama you have the beetus?
Well, it is easy, I'm guilty of taking things a little too seriously here at times... because I can't really read sarcasm on text.
Doesn't translate well to me.
would me hugging you help you? :3
that's called autism my boy
type 2... insulin dependent. yep
song for you
Damn man
I kknow a good few folks who have that
runs in me family a bit of it as well so I am likeley to end up with it too :(
how you handle it?
What's your home team? I think we're the Mallards. Pretty vicious, I know.
I like that we all agree on Sanguine.
Unless you piss in his punch the worst he's likely to do to you seems to be making your pants disappear. He really seems to like just chilling with mortals.
That should be "Nocturnal".
Did... did that thing just meow?
T1 is easier.
niggy bro
check out my axe these days
You get any cordobras since you got rid of yours?
Fucking knew it.
No wonder why I bought shit indie games recently.
Hugs don't sober people. Or undo the dumb.
i knew tsuchi was fat, but you, dad?
i manage my vices and eat right... excercise
did all that before diagnosis so no big. it effd me up when i found out because ive never been heavy. the genes played a big factor with me
I just wouldn't seek him out.
Sanguine has nothing in his influence that would interest fantasy adventurer version of me.
i suppose those top two greentexts are the motivation for it, yeah
I didn't say anything about having it.
I just said T1 is the easier one to deal with, since there's margin of error.
Anyone over the age of 55 in my family has type 2.
cat in background obv.
ive heard that... but thanks to my parents my a1c was up at 8... so i need insulin the rest of my life. if i dont take it i could die... and as much as some of you would like that. i prefer to not
that's scary as hell
what was it all like when you first found out?
I'd fucks with vaermina
I'm totally down for eternal slumber
*there's no margin of error
yeah dude same
Just get a pump.
just felt like real shit one day... real tired
dizzy. went to the er. they took some blood, came back in an hour with the news, my blood glucose was over 800. it freaked me out in a big way
no, i carry a needle and inject myself
What's it like nowadays man?
boo have u bathed. u smell.
bart dat guitar is baddass lemme hear you spank it
Vial and syringe or just a pen?
pen... i set the dose
commonplace added to routine of daily life, no thing
Peoria Chiefs
Mascot's a dalmatian in a firefighter suit.
Nocturnal is okay, but I doubt I'd ever steal as much as the dragonborn so I don't know if I'd really enter her sphere, and I don't like the idea behind the Nightingales either.
I probably wouldn't seek him out either. The only daedra I would really invite into my life would probably be Azura.
I found it weird that Lucien Lachance returned from the Void. I just assumed Sithis destroyed souls and returned their constituent parts to his primordial ooze darkness.
She's like one of the worst, though. I doubt she really rewards any of her followers in the afterlife. She probably just swallows their souls or traps them in eternal nightmares.
Not today, King Boo.
I'm a good auts boy.
You won't see me breaking into Gamestop to abuse staff, no sirree.
i will literally never insult u niggy
not the same, bitch
Also, yeah, take a bolus.
Thanks for sucking on my bait tho
I still don't think it's known what Sithis does/is.
Since most of the lore is all in-universe and at best, he's one of the founding deities of Nirn.
At worst, he really doesn't exist.
i take those too... im old man
That I can not say
There weren't too many backstory i read about that one
That thief god crow bitch is pretty cool.
Decent deal. Don't even get buttfucked by demons.
They did a good job with the logo, but I think the mascot could have been way more precious. I feel the opposite way about my team kinda.
do i still have you as a friend on steam?
"a single dose of a drug or other medicinal preparation given all at once."
so... a pill then
Maybe, but I'd have to actually sign in to Steam to find out.
Do you need to talk?
In dosing, it specially means an amount added to lower levels about 250.
tasted like sweat and shame
what does that mean
When I was a young boy, I was hanging dogs from tress and other edgy shit.
But now that I've joined the Dark Brotherhood, I get paid to do said edgy shit. I literally serve a hole of non-existence by killing people. Nihilists, get on my level.
What you mean?
What does it mean to be a good autistic non-bully boi?
...irrelevant... the single dose for treatment with me is dangerous. im on a sliding scale based on my current reading as to what my dosage will be.
...a uniform single dose each day doesnt treat my symptoms... i needed a fast acting rather than a slow release
The common idea seems to be he's one of two original forces in the cosmos. Some think he was the only original being and that all things sprung from him. He's supposed to be change, on a more fundamental level than Mehrunes Dagon represents. He almost certainly exists considering Lachance and the Night Mother seem to be... well, corroborating his existence at least. I like to imagine in some way the in-universe lore comes from the mouths of the gods, but it gets all twisted by time and differing perspectives. The elves seem to think Sithis made Lorkhan because Sithis hated all the aedra and daedra, so he wanted them to create Nirn to weaken them so he could... I dunno, reabsorb things back into nonexistence? Ultimately, the elves think of Nirn as the house of Sithis.
That's what the whole purpose of a bolus is.
It's 1 unit of humalog/novolog at 150/200/250 plus 1 per every 25/50 over that based on whatever your endocrinologist deems is best based on your a1c and remanding natural abilities.
What the heck is with the hips on this guy
Yeah actually.
Depending on the race's mythos, he's either directly responsible for creating all Daedra or just who set in motion Lorkhan/Shor/Shezarr to make Nirn and humanity.
In practice, he's a dead god.
Any naptime, stay comfy Holla Forums
Chubby chaser confirmed.
ill ask him at my next appt... for now its 5 units for every 50 mg/dl increase. i could then inject up to 4 times a day depending on my reading. so that 550 you saw earlier = 20 units immediately injected after i stopped recording
But serving him comes with a cool-ass horse.
Seriously though, nowadays you can just summon a damn horse at any time even in the base game, kind of ruins Shadowmere. But his summoning was still the coolest shit.
just meming bro
I like em thin
It's a suit.
I meant why would they design the mascot to be so buttelicious?
Are you on a basal? Lantus or Levemir.
Yeah, prior to Aedra/Daedra in the mythic era, the various elves all believe there was a light and dark, with Sithis being the dark, with other races saying Sithis is who birthed the Daedra for the sake of making change in Nirn.
Goddamn furries run minor league baseball.
test is that you daddy
You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me that you wouldn't do unspeakable things to The Phillie Phanatic.
Ah, you're just a t2 on a corrective factor of a bolus.
Everyone I've known is just a t1 or a t2 or a basal corrective factor.
OH, run. Not ruin. Disregard my other post.
Redguard religion is probably the most confusing twist on the cosmology.
Been here in and out for hours, yes.
I will not.
put your name on
i needed a game recommendation :/
are you empathetic?
When is the last time you were brought to tears by something moving?
When is the last time you were struck with a fleeting moment of inspiration from something beautiful?
When is the last time your blood was brought to a boil by something enraging?
he put me on a fast acting after we were getting spikes regardless of what food i ate... we finally realized that exercise was doing it. at the time i was using weights and did an intensive upper body workout. now im doing just cardio, biking, walking, running and swimming. we are still seeing spikes but its not as severe and mostly caused by food... tonights spike for example was caused by fruit i decided to have with dinner.
You don't listen to my recommendations, though.
Check Out No Man's Sky
releasing here ina a month or two
It's a sequentially generated survival/exploration game set in the midst of outer space in a boundless universe!
not if theyre shit i don't
A month ago?
I don't really have an artistic side to inspire.
Play Bannerlord
Try as you may, you cannot use your bile to wipe away the truth. It's also pretty gross to try, so please stop.
I'll try mind bleach instead.
hi test. I like it better when you post as Pride from Full Metal Alchemist.
...Do you mean Wrath?
I hear good things about stomach bleach.
Seeing that Sunny D makes me want some orange juice.
I've gotten less and less fond of orange juice with age. If it's really pulpy it's still okay though. I wish I had a big metal pitcher of ice water.
With or without pulp is fine, but I prefer it without. Water would be nice, but the ice from my refrigerator has recently had just the slightest smell of sulfur. Not so bad you can taste it in the water, but just enough that you'll smell it a little bit when you're trying to drink. It pisses me off to no end.
Anyone here have any music Knowledge?
I need a little help on guitar
Man, I could have crushed ice in every drink from now until the day I die, and I don't think that it would bother me. The day our ice machine dies is a sad day indeed. Maybe you should take your ice machine to a gastroenterologist.
I know OF music.
I love OF
Wolf gang!
Wrath sorry, it's 9am in my country.
I was thinking more "replace the filter".
But I'm sure your plan is great too.
Why are you greentexting?
You know why
YOU ARE AN american
Oh, I didn't know that it had a swearing problem too. Do what you feel is right.
My spoon also just feel into the empty peanut butter container and I can't get it back now. Nothing anybody has ever had to deal with is as bad as this is for me right now.
Going to bed.
Night. Don't let the bed hit you on the ass on the way down.
Virginia had a referendum and we succeeded from the country. No more D.C policing us and Maryland using up Virginia taxes as part of D.C's income. We have a GDP of 600 Billion dollars and a fairly decent center right government. And our first provision is to not to be in the same timezone as anyone else. So it's 9:43am.
homosexual supremacists
you dont look a percent german
That's my cousin's name.
*kisses boo upper lip* sup?
that's fucking gay dude.
Ew stop kissing Boo in front of me.
How sleep deprived am i?
Don't trust that psychopathic fuck
It's hard to tell with your time zone so far off of mine.
I don't, really. But thanks for the heads up.
Squad goals
цель команды
night kaybe
night kaybe
How should I troll the followers of my Trump propaganda blog after the election is over?
Bye bye Bard
Bye Bye Vagus
Just keep the name and everything the same, but turn it into a Gordon Ramsay blog and pretend like nothing is different.
So many of them are such massive plebs. You know what I mean. I feel like I'm on Facebook.
Lmao, seems like a good option.
pls love on me some, Erio
-huggu- ♥
I should turn it into a weird porn blog. It could scar those plebs for life.
Thank youuuuuuuuuu~
What if we just
okay hear me out
what if we put a mine field completely around our base and just remember where each one is so we can navigate through it without a problem
Putting mines on other peoples doorsteps is funny as hell when they finally leave/return but I'm not always there to see that(then again I'm never at my base..)
They would NEVER be able to get the memory of Japanese girls pooping on each other out of their heads.
Yeah thanks for that Erio
Think about it. They're not like channers. Our minds are just so saturated with filth that stuff like that just doesn't make a dent anymore and nothing really stands out in the subconscious reservoir of filth, for the most part.
Just, the day after the election, come out guns blazing. Schedule a weird porn picture to be posted once every five minutes, flooding peoples' dashes until all of my followers are gone and the damage is done. Well, most of them. A few might stay for the weird porn.
i so can't wait for blood-chan to wake up rn
It's really too good of an opportunity to pass up. Feel free to contribute other ideas.
Sci, you're human garbage.
Erio. Has Sci ever submitted to you before?
yeah he turned me officially gay and stuff
Don't bring back that memory. It was just to make him gay.
glad that was just a weird, desperate phase
Erio has officially gone lower than I have
Subjective. I'm above and beyond high and low.
Disgusting. I bet he loved every moment, I'll spare you by not bringing it up when you're around.
what happened to that sentimentally you love so much, dear?
no longer
e d g y
fml /blogmode
I'm beyond high as well
"I'm not gay anymore"
How many can you fit in you?
Yes, very cutting edge and avante-garde.
That feeling
Speaking of avant Garde I stayed upa ll night transposing a song that doesnt have any guitar on it to guitar
Wanna read it when I finish ? :)
arent you going to ax?
i have no idea it isn't tested
Vape Lyfe
Why in the world would I go to AX?
But you're confirmed homosex now. Surely you can fit one in each hole. Don't you want to find out?
Flee from the invasive light of the sun.
What do you even mean read it? You're just adding guitar to a song? I can't read music notes so well that I hear them in my head.
It's too late. Maybe I'll use the rare opportunity to go out for breakfast. Maybe.
there are plenty of reasons you might go. grim talked about you being there but i guess he was fantasizing.
nah that information isn't really relevant to anything i care about
brb, search.php
Breakfast food is good~
Isn't relevant? Don't you want to fulfill your most bizarre fantasies about getting spitroasted by two hung black thugs from the hood?
I bet that post made him hard.
stop projecting
Mein Negar
oh yeah good point
That was 2 nights ago and he was talking about ironic groping so you either misread or I missed something that's not coming up on searchy.
Your name isn't Sage?
It was @Sci
Birth certificate won't say so but i go by it
is patience not sci?
blood-chan told me i'm 'sai' now
There has to be a science to what kind of images make the strongest impressions on the mind. I guess anything that triggers a strong emotion, including ones like shock and disgust, is the best bet.
Why? :3
1. Me
2. Potato
3. Your mum
4. My face
me and my old friends came up with stage name nicknames in jr high and I kept it with me
has your husbando moved in with you yet
( áµ” Ê– áµ” )
I've been toying with the science of that for a little bit. Mostly on myself to see what sickens me.
I can look at gore all day long but fish gills freak me the fuck out.
hihi erin
too busy being salty on discord
not yet, has yours?
heya welmsssss
yes ma'am
cute. i can marry you gents if you want.
spent like an hour on the phone with a friend last night loling about how the church i'm ordained by is so inclusive i could marry a dude to an onion and stuff 😂
I also am an ordained minister. though i may need you. im not sure if i can marry myself away
Not like that. I actually like to go fishing and do all the work myself, it's a thing with certain fish. I can find a picture if you want..
me, please
i think it would be an awkward ceremony at the very least
you want me to marry you to a dude?
Well i always thought ceremonies are kinda shit anyway
y-yeah? ./.
R-really? .///////.
nah, im gonna marry you
I just applied a post background. :3
Makes sense.
Just fish gills? I'd think maybe there are more things than that if it's such a random thing. :3
A Pentagram icon would be nice.
it's spring break
marry a man
is it the gengars?
whoa, are you really attached to a piece of fruit or something..?
two men bound by the law
Not all fish gills either, I'm pretty sure it's specific to a certain type of fish. Grosses me out.
Nothing else comes to mind that really gets to me. Maybe if you asked me some I could tell you?
what about this youtube.com
Skipped into it and watched them pull a few of those suckers out. Nothing.
I was prepared to laugh.
It's the skulls. And now I just applied the dank weed icon.
Idk, I guess if the standard gross things bothered you, they'd have already come to mind. Who are you?
gives me a bit of goosebumps
oh thats even better. i never really looked at the shop
knocks over stuff
People get that from that holes in skin thing too, the dozens of them all bunched up small.
we got the game on lock; toy chest
you're to big for you clothes; boys vest
you know we out of control; no brakes
your birthday party sucked; no cakes
Spook image
It's like dressing goth on the internet.
That doesn't answer the question. :3
You probably don't remember, but I trolled you really hard with an image like the one he posted one time when you were high on spice. I kept sending it to you through MSN's silly picture sharing thing that makes the picture automatically show up really big in the recipient's chat window. When you asked about it, I just acted like I didn't know what you were talking about.
I am so very happy
Finally I've been able to contribute back to the website thatt helped me more than anybody I've met irl
My first tabset I've ever sounded out and sat down to transcribe
Thank you slash and ultimate guitar
This is for you
Any folks here interested
The Song is
yeah except it gets practically nobody's attention because who uses that script?
It could.
A fair amount of people actually seem to use it though I can only name a few
VIP posters like Luka. She has an icon in the script that says she's VIP. Would it lie?
it's like luka and erio, and erin probably uses it i'd imagine
I'd be using it but it fuckin broke for me
well i can't think of a single reason it would.
I think Grim uses it too. Ikt for sure does.
"I bet I can count to potato faster than you!"
Fucking 4chan lol
I love you
You're a known fishead
who is that
The ones that come to mind besides me are Grim, Scoot, Erin, Luka, and Smiles. That's just going by who I remember having things on their posts.
I thought you went to bed?
I love you too, anonymous
they could have stuff on their tripcode but not use the script tho
dude wtf
you spilled my chocolate milk
Hay Sai~
im immediately confused
i had one of the most amazing experiences of my life a couple hours ago.
palindrome get!
I guess.
When are your parents gone?
Too busy thinking of Japanese girls having diarrhea all over each other and in each others' mouths?
eat me nigger
i didnt want to log in. now i regret it
My ear hurt...
You tell them "I thought you were leaving the country if he got elected, what happened?"
Why are you calling me that T~T
Did you clean up after?
Naisu getto!
Lol never
Get pooped on.
You still think tumblr is of a uniform political opinion, don't you? Most of my followers are obviously Trump supporters.
Too busy thinking about someone.
Damn. I guess you'll just have to be extra quiet next time
Eat my toes
i will poop on you bitch
i can see their sin or something
lmao pervert
i went outside for a cigarette and it was that special 5:30 blue i love and there was fog rolling off the lake and everything. and then i saw no more than 30 ft away from me a family of deer in the yard. watching them stroll around gave me a new appreciation for deer. i thought they were just pests but in that moment they seemed lovely. it was so beautiful ;_ ;
okay ./////////////.
This shit again?
confirmed deer fucker
Oh? I'm not sure what you mean exactly, where did you look?
I guess there's a reason you are smoking then.
thats hot
Going for a jog, bbl _<
Kill yourself, freak
My life is too good lol I don't want to wake up!
You write too much
ID history thingy
My dick
Yes but who did you check other than mine
have a pleasant run
I'll have the poop fetish Japanese girls of Bebop's dreams squirt hot diarrhea all over you.
Tumblr is just a blog site. We've been over this.
Yeah, I think I'll go with the spamming weird/gross porn that will scar them for the rest of their lives because most of them are supreme normies.
Are you serious? I see them all the time. I've even hit one with my car.
Deer are wonderful. Not many animals out there that are actually 'bad'
Fallen Angel
He's quoting Sci
not yours. this bitch
hahaha oh my. Yes I could see how that would leave that thinking on you.
Do you still just afk in E:D or do you actually play? I'm thinking of playing it again seriously and going hard on the current CG
fun story, one night i got a lift home one night from John Sinclair, the keyboard player from Black Sabbath, and we hit a deer.
it was badly injured, but still alive, so john beat it to death with a mic stand.
one night one night
Some artists draw Tracer to look a little bit like Ed. It's weird because boners
Best Overwatch. Think I'll do a folder of her
most of the time deer are bad
in fact pretty much all the time
yeah, true story. i got a lift home from him a bunch of times actually.
one night he was nice enough to give me a whole pouch of tobacco too, Old Holbourn iirc.
while i appreciate the more missions available given the update i still just afk mostly. can't imagine i'll get back into it with the co-op update either
i am fishead
It was enough to make me search it and want more.
Be a doll and send it them to me, kay?
It's actually you who is the bad one. Deer are pretty great.
You don't like the outdoors much, do you
Lol where the fuck did you cross paths with him?
what was that like?
I have never met a musician irl before :(
That's the point.
Oh, I wasn't reading Sci's posts.
Are you Moogs?
There aren't deer there?
There's prbably more deer here than anywhere else in the us
he lives real close to my dad. he's a hypnotherapist these days, but he holds music workshops and i went to a few.
I accidentally got caught up in some huge thing that happened recently in the game with the alien barnacles stuff. I guess a station "had gone missing" because people brought those bad alloy metals on board so FDev decided to make it apart of the story in the game and made it move out somewhere.
It'd been like this for a good month(maybe longer). Some guy randomly came across it 22k ly away from the main bubble/hub
That's the point? You asked who.
oh, and he's really cool, real funny dude. sadly, him and ozzy don't get along any more, i forget why.
damn I am mad jealous
that must have been an experience
the outdoors are acceptable some of the time.
Do you have deer that live in your towns and frequently sleep in peoples lawns? I'm not talking about just some farmers land or anything either, like actual residential areas that just have them laying around.
I see deer almost every day when I go out. Every time I go in the canyon they're in there eating or resting.
I guess because it's a wasteland paradise with not a lot of roads and cars.
I thought you were replying to something else; forgot who you were, lol. Who is that?
aye papi
did it fuck you up at all?
Why haven't you been around? :3
I see deer everyweek if not more often
They come into town sometimes but usually we dont find them on the town square
I've seen a few in my backyard and walking on the nature trail right outside town its pretty rare not to see one if you actually walk a mile or two down the trail
They are fucking everywhere
Yeah nah
i moved states. less alone time now.
Iowa memes
Moved in with your fiance?
SlipKnot is my favorite Iowa meme.
This album is about how dark and terrible Iowa is:
Lmao, did you install the post background, or is my script being weird?
I've had the scrip installed since it was the popular thing
Its just broken for me for months
why what is on my post? :3
i dont like to associate ith slipknot
but they are my favorite iowa meme tbh
My favorite pennnsylvania meme is how crazy the moutnains are
You drive much?
Those mountain roads are fucking terrifying
It must be since there's no tripcode in your post.
thats a good hypithestis
I thought so. Uhm.. The one we've talked about the last dozen times. no names
Nah, it was certainly something to see though. The guy freaked out and posted it as soon as he saw it too, said he flew 13hours out to the location and spent another 12 flying back.
I wonder how much a station is worth lmfao
I love deer. We had this one living in town for like 13years and it was HUGE
>somebody accidentally hit it with their car and just shot/killed it with their pistol
People piss me off. also he got jail time/fined/gun rights taken away
Oh? How come, love.
That's weird. I swear I had like 36k shekels but it says I have 24k
Also when did Grim get such a lead? lol
They are pretty, and an enjoyable species
but tick ridden and dangerous on roadsides
Still I feel for them and it's sad that we humans are so mad invasicve
he is very patient. i get peeved when it takes me 10 minutes to fly out to a station
Just that one post for some reason.
When are you getting married? ^^
There should be a comma after "since"; I realized the meaning is different without it.
She's a dirty cunt.
ur really gonna get into this again? lol
I dont think thats it
oh my god that background is so FUCKING EDGY
I just have the NoBully script
It should show a
#NoBully in the corner of my post
I'm just saying it must be a glitch kind of thing. :3
iunno whenever i can remember to buy a ring pop
It's just like any other day
Because I've kept posting
They add up buddy
its' a pretty borked script
I like corn.
good morning grim
Come to Iowa
I got a big thick cob for you
Oh, you replied to the same post twice for some reason. Disregard
That's the background I have. I'm goth on the internet. :3
And it does on the side of your post.
Seems like stalling. :3
You should link Bart the scripts.
At least a bit, apparently. It usually seems to work fine.
Definitely a change for me to see daily when I moved here. It used to be dolphins and whales
Some people actually LOVE exploration. I remember when the game was brand spanking new, this guy did like a 40hour livestream of him just going out, system to system at random.
The core(Sag A*, our main blackhole) is 25k ly away so it's even longer of a 'drive' to it, though the guy only had a 25jump max whereas many others have 40+ jump ranges
Get into what again?
I do to. This is one of the off times I'm posting without name right now, purely for convenience.
Wait, that actually works as a reply to that post as well.
erio senpai notice me
that's SO
oh my God
I might tear into her publicly some time soon.
that animus money thing
Too tired to run... no sleep last night v.v
Why are you so lewd?
You too
Don't worry, I know what Tumblur is
I want to see Trump's dick to see if it's really "all that"
Hey M00gs, I haven't seen your gay ass in a while~
I want to live there with you...
It's goth in that cute kind of way. :3
Bard can find the scripts themselves
Bebo you're just slimy
Mine is Borked
hey i thought of a possible agreement we could make. may i propose it to you?
Anything can be a pest when it invades our space
Like you when you meltdown
You act like it has uniform opinions, though. :3
He said the one he has is broken. If you just tell me the name of the site what you linked me was on I'll just search it in my history.
Hurry up guise and don't let Erio win!
Scroll down
You should let me hear it first.
What about it though? I'm not sure what you mean.
because my dick likes you
bebop = slimy confirmed
fair point
nuh uh!
I just don't like having 10 minutes of waiting while my ship crawls to a station
must have been agony
Make a thread for me, tenshi
Hi moogs
Missed you
I usually play the game when I have a lot of small things to do. Like laundry day or something while also cleaning house.
comparing animus points with other people buying weird downgrades to your posts etc. i find the whole thing super lame really
its an ideal game for posting.
At what? I always win.
Lol, maybe his browser is just being weird. I'd think that's where he got it from.
Tearing into someone to a different person privately is a waste of energy. I need to use my Eclipse Cannon wisely.
Are you sure? ^^
How's the new place been?
He has to disable csp.
What was the file called again, exactly? :3
there is nothing wrong with apprehension. not that i have any.
spacious compared to what i was used to. i have nothing to put on the walls.
Chrome has an extension for it.
Firefox uses about:config
The enhancement script is on the top of erin.wtf/bank
I did that before? When? I have never bought anything for it or used Erins script.
Oh right that too. I don't post as much anymore it seems..
Do you mean to publicly shame them and have them be here and talk throughout it? I thought you might just be posting shitty things they've done over and over again.
When you do it you should let me know beforehand so I can see it all live.
I hear the lot of you are lazy and messy
No bueno
new from your boo