Florida Lawmakers Reject "Assault Weapons" Ban

Look Crisis Actors In The Eyes And Tell Them To Go Fuck Themselves, Porn Is Bigger Public Health Risk

archive.is/JS3uo (The Hill, thread source)
archive.is/FPsga (CNN)

Didn't see a thread on this.

Other urls found in this thread:


nice vaguely defined, (((easily expanded in meaning if necessary))), category of weapons you got there



I was expressing my excitement and enjoyment of the jewish crisis actors getting told to fuck off by Florida, not OP.

Ah, my mistake then.


Because you can kill people only with (semi auto) assault rifles and large capacity magazines (and bump stocks).

It should be a crime to hurt the feelings of teen girls. Double prison sentence if they're virgins who have never done cocaine.

Not like the mini-14 was made to skirt around the features, but kikes and faggots don't care to learn about anything.

Agree features definition is stupid, doesn't tackles the problem and pave waves for creations of loopholes by guns manufatures.

Here is how real definition of assault weapon should sound like.
"Any weapon passing assault gun test is assault gun. Test: 5 e-type targets are located at 15 yards range, test shooter shoots them with tested gun during the course of 1 minute. If 3 or more hits of each target are achieved then test is passed and gun is assault gun." No civilian needs gun able to kill 15 children in 1 minute.

It has nothing to do with "needs," it's about the Second Amendment, which is there to ensure the people are armed and able to overthrow a tyrannical government. You're obviously not American, so kindly fuck off when telling us which firearms we are allowed to possess.

Checked; all laws should be based on juvenile female emotions for maxium effect.

Why does everyone assume that the victims of mass shootings are innocent? Teenagers are always assholes. If this event was real and not a fraud, and given that the area is heavily jewish/democrat, the odds are good the little shits deserved it.


Do you think boners kill people or something?


I've been here since GG. I just can't take you shoving this retarded autism into everything. Kikes didn't invent masturbation, go fuck yourself. They don't make Japanese porn either. You cry about how much you hate cuckservatives, and then you repeat one of their retarded talking points in OP.

I think OP was using the porn reference as a dismissive statement in regards to how dangerous fire arms actually are compared to how libtards kevetch about them.

Isn't this old news? They rejected it a few days back as far as I know. Did they have a new vote?

I wish there was a video of riot police beating the fuck out of these lying kikes. Those are my thoughts.

Anyone who is anti-gun should be shot.


I look forward to seeing these faggets getting BTFO in the future. God probably allowed them to live just so we could laugh at them.
Who's the dumb bitch who shaved her head?

how about same test but after the first three shots an armed citizen mag dumps you center of mass?

no one should have a monopoly on force. that's what these gun free zones create. that's what restricting guns( or effective guns) to only the government would create.

you can see the same thing in geopolitics. the world is stable when there's a balance of power, unstable when countries perceive weakness (partitions of Poland)

There's that word again.

So by your definition, every firearm besides a muzzleloader is an 'assault' weapon.
Get fucked and stay fucked libtard.


Semi auto AR 15 or semi auto SOCOM 16 are not assault rifles.

they perceived it
they ganged up and tried to exploit it
and we survived them
now Germany is going down by its own design and Poland is rising again

And you get to be surrounded by no less than 3 Nuclear Muslim nations in the near future, Britain, France, and Russia.

Some of you guys are alright, don't come to Florida for spring break.

Can we all admit Hispanics are the Jews favorite pet? Blacks are not going after the second amendment like Hispanics are.

Doesn't Brevik still hold the high score? he used that mini-14 which has always been exempted from rifle bans

Holy fuck please these northerners and jews can stay the fuck home.


Thank God the AR-15 is not an assault rifle, huh?

The M-14 was also explicitly designed to kill commies, which makes this situation funnier.

And guess what the top results are on Jewgle. . .

Wow, you could say he's a real Boss Hogg.


I hate Florida.

it would be nice to enjoy FL beaches on spring break without dealing with a flood of degenerate retards screaming, fucking and puking everywhere.

Doesn't everyone?

It would be all the rabble rousers going somewhere else for spring break.

Even when he's being coached on twitter the kid flubs his lines, embarrassing.

Not Cubans.

politions isnt a word any spellchecker i know would correct to
how do you misspell politicians to politions
Is it code?

and jews

He used a semi-auto Ruger Mini-14 chambered in 5.56x45mm.

Florida cities try to figure out how to get the spring breakers to go elsewhere: curfews, etc. Little did they know all they needed was beach shooting contests.

Good, less public underage drinking and less prostitution

I'm pretty sure you could get arrested for open alcohol containers, every beach has this sign in SoFL

22 years old with a handgun.
We don’t have an assault rifle problem, we have a ….

Oy vey no spring break for you goys! No shekels to turn your white women into thots , mixed racers
and alcoholics!

thats still confusing to me


A .40-caliber assault handgun?


A fully automatic high capacity .40-caliber assault handgun?

Lmao I fucking hate this kid. Immediately goes on a fucking power trip. Of course he's being coached on what to say.

I wonder if the kikes are raping him between his posts.


i love hearing commiecucks and euro dick suckers telling me the 2nd amendment is stupid or how firearms work. they clearly dont understand why or how it works. to this day, white men with firearms hold back the federal government from steamrolling them, the media of course chooses to pretend this doesnt happen. the only reason we dont live in a TOTAL police-nanny state like UKucks is because we have more guns than people, and the federal government knows Americans will chimpout if pushed too hard too fast.

They will use the (typical) slow-boil method and slowly whittle away at our gun rights.


Heard someone argue yesterday about how "oh our forefathers didn't have assault rifles back then", and they keep bringing up how "it wont affect the hunters if we just ban those assault rifles!"
but they completely miss the point that 2nd amendment is all about being able to fight against a tyrannical government, and back in the day a musket was all they fucking needed, but guess what the times changed and now we need extra firepower if we are to prevent tyranny because the government has bigger and better guns now.


'let' is the wrong word, they would've 'seen no issue and thought I'd have every right to' is more accurate
sage for double post

Lads chill your autism
Check the 2nd archive link in the OP

Privateering would certainly fall under a well regulated militia. I'm personally pissed I don't get a howitzer and a tank if I so choose to pay for it. Why did that change and I honestly think the Gov't contractors should consider the profits they are missing out on.


meant for

I'm sure there are even people willing to buy a letter of marque and remove kebab near the horn of Africa

What sight is that?

It's just not the same without the pauldrons.

Oh, you have no idea.

Doesn't stop lawmakers from creation of gun control laws and Supreme Court ruling them out as constitutional.


^ an example of a Russian. Note the lack of any text, and the failure to understand memes. A recent development by Russia is to mock the idea of 4D chess. Why? Russians are jealous of America's 4D chess prowess. Literally 0 Russians have ever won a 4D chess world championship. 0.

I'm not a Russian. I am a Texan, and I am tired of Mexicans invading while my rights are continually eroded. Go fuck yourself. I am not going to lay down and die.

I hate niggers like you so much. If anyone disagrees with you, you call them a Russian bot. You are just like the left. People can have different opinions and thats ok.

All of my "this." Let them protest, let them stay home and, I dont know, actually do things around their local city and spend their money there rather than pooling it all into fucking florida for a change. Let them do something wholesome like go exercise or have a picnic with friends or go to a local mall to buy things and have fun, put that money back into the local economy rather than funnel it all into the FL jews pockets so the teens can get trashed, high, and whore themselves around like total degenerates.

I've been trying to point this out for awhile now, but one of the reasons our economy is setup like it is, goes beyond just cutting costs or centralizing control of goods and services and such. Its also about destroying local communities by denying enough services/stores/etc so that people funnel themselves into large cities or large tourist spots in this case, so they have no idea who the people around them are, and have no chance to build any sense of community. All the places to shop, the parks, the various places of entertainment, are all centralized in these major hubs, so everyone goes there. It works out for the jews wrecking the economy because they funnel all possible business in a large area into one central spot, so even if everyone is generally poor so theres less blood to suck from each person, they make up for that with sheer quantity of small amounts of blood sucking.

But, it also prevents local areas from growing or engaging with each other because "theres nothing to do" in any given smaller town. No real shopping area, no entertainment areas with a few different things to do, etc. At best you're lucky to have a cellphone store, a walmart, and a grocery store. Girls arent going to find a cute clothes shop "in town" to shop from or buy cute things from, men arent going to find any local fitness/exercise stores to buy things from, parents arent going to find places to buy school items for their children, and so on. You'll have like, a bar, a fastfood place, and a grocery store, maybe a shitty dollar general with isles so narrow barely two people can pass on them and with a selection so limited its not worth bothering and with employees who wont even do their jobs. So if you want to do anything "fun" or go buy clothes, or books, or textiles, or craft items, or w/e else, you're forced into large department stores in large cities where every other human is someone you'll never see again so you don't even bother interacting with them.

"protesting" FL by not going there on spring break, could actually be a great thing for local areas. People who avoid it and stay local, visit zoos or local parks or maybe just spend their week looking at local stores to see whats around (something they never do) to spend their disposable cash, would have a huge net positive effect for local businesses.

The 21 year old check doesn't even work, even here in Australia where I once saw some fuckhead 17yr old at a party showing off his revolver a few years ago. Gun control will not stop youths acquiring guns at all. It's pointless legislation.

We have more guns in Australia now than we did before 1996. Only now most are unregistered and owned by crims. There are likely much much more unknown to the police too and that are not included in that statistic.
Hell, that almost makes me not give a shit about gun control legislation, because I know it's pointless.


brb, buying tickets to Florida.

Even Florida hates Florida actually.






Old news. A lot has happened since then schlomo.

Holy shit yes. Send these entitled leftist faggots to experience vibrant diversity first hand. We should promote this. OR we could turn it around on him and make it seem racist that he doesn't want to support majority Hispanic tourist towns like Miami. So many possibilities.

If you're anti-gun you're pro-slavery. Die, faggot.

Poland was partitioned because it was literally israel at that point and the Polish people had lost all agency.

Hedonism is the greatest weapon jews have implemented against us. It pacifies, and depresses. It turns populations into nihilistic zombies who will never do anything worth a damn, or defend virtue, because they never learned what it was. Trivializing porn is a very suspicious act.

How absolutely reddit.

^ That's a Russian. :^) I can tell, because of Russia, and also Russia.

A polarizing no-compromise is either due to mental instability or shilling. There are many different kinds of shills, and they are quite real. Let us instead say: you're an idiot, and may Christ slit your throat.

You don't live in America do you? What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you not understand? Fuck off kike.

Had it coming, tbh

:^) Hello, Russian. If you're so serious about it, why aren't you raging over California's gun laws?


That's not a meme. It's meaningless Russian tardness. Note the extra space here, readers:

It's a meme from Russian /po/litics board on 2ch.
People, and also media would often say how Putin is a master strategist using the expressions presented in the picture which are all basically equivalents of 4d chess.

Musical slight of hand centipede 4D chess.


Centipede does many steps at once = multi-step combination

Многоходовочка isn't translated as centipede though.

But it is drawn as one. Note legs on the Knight.

No law is enforced when enough tourism shekels are involved.

Puerto Rico, while already a spic hellhole, is also still in disarray due to the hurricanes. It would be an excellent time to kidnap valuable white women for the international sex trade. People go missing during spring break all the time in Florida. Would be even easier to disappear them in Puerto Rico.

Hogg is definitely a deep state operative.


haha florida looks like a wee wee

Lefties don't care about rights and laws, facts, statistics, and definitely not about the Constitution. They only care about feelings. Specifically, their feelings. And their feelings jump about wildly like a menopausal woman.

Crisis actor convention confirmed.

So kikery false flag goes down. Kvetching at hysterical levels to boycott and remove (((themselves))) from the region?
What's not to love?

A fully automatic high capacity clip .40-caliber assault ghost handgun?

Big happenings in texas on march 4, am I reading this right? what a nice birthday present.


On one hand, it pisses me off to see this kind of virtue signalling and overt calls for destroying inalienable constitutional rights. On the other hand, I was planning on going to FL for spring break and it would be great if it wasn't so packed.

Are Russians retarded?

'91, though. Hardly prophecy. More a theory.


If you have the time and the means, there's gonna be a rally in Tallahassee on Sunday against the bill. A bunch of people are planning on going. It's gonna go on from around 11 AM to 6 PM. Be there if you can make it, but don't be autistic about it.

In front of the Historic Capitol, to be exact.

Yes for the everloving fuck please go to Puerto Rico and get enriched.


So is Florida a good place to live or what? They don't seem to be putting up with any of this gun regulation that's being pushed on them.

This is mosot correct. I am a bong and I have to use a VPN just to read this site, never mind post, because of the Stazi Thought Police we have in this country that will arrest you for potential wrong think.

The only reason you still have the 1st Amendment and freedom of speech is directy because of the 2nd Amendment.

Signed: a jealous crooked toothed Bong


Bitch on the left looks like she's laughing.

You only get arrested for it if you're black.

Source: local