They are using this shit to blindly label corporations as supporting the nra. Surely, this wont backfire at all.
Just how stupid are commies?
Other urls found in this thread:
First lookies again
And even more that make even less sense.
What the fuck? This can't be real
Props for not cucking to pressure, but you still have to lurk for two years.
have they ever made sense?
They can't stop me.
This has to be bait
The pinkos know, liquidate it.
Funny, since my local post office has a guy with an anarchy symbol tattooed prominently on his arm.
Commies are niggers
That's a Canadian chain and I don't think they even exist anymore. I think they closed all their stores like 5 or 6 years ago. There's no way this isn't bait. Hopefully some of them will go with it and anger their handlers.
Hah, "Anarchy" has no definition anymore.
Good goy
no u
You should know that underlining every word only makes you look like a sperg.
False. Most shootings are not politically motivated and are therefore not terrorism.
Lefties are so bad at making memes, you really just have to stand in awe sometimes.
You are some dense fucking niggers.
I'm sure that boycott will last until it becomes slightly inconvenient.
Needs to be photoshopped with CNN and all of those other piece of shit organisation.
Maybe this is why I'm a reactionary conservative white supremacist who allies with national socialists anime fans.
It had to include hotwheels, didn't it?
Terrorism requires ciolence or threst to achieve political goals
Most mass shooters are put for personal motives
Mass shooting =/= terrorism
I mean they're not totally wrong. Many of those are jewish terrorist organizations that just peddle slow acting poison.
What's the name of the conglomerate
Whitey-tighties now equals terrorism
i love this thread
Add pornhub and the DNC
Can we use this to induce a boycott of Israel?
This is great, if we can compel the conservatives to avoid virtue signalling cuckcorps it will split the economy.
Never give a dime to a libtard, remember you can look all your local businesses up and see if they or their owners have donated to libtarded causes. Don't give them a shekel.
So who underlined over 60% of the words in the text?
Does anyone into underlining?
Well, guess I'm going to drive my Volkswagen Hotwheels to the Chili's for dinner, then go shopping at Walmart for some Colgate, Hanes undies, and some new Castrol for muh VW Hotwheels, go home and play my Nintendo 64 while waiting on my Swiss Air flight to the Phillipines to claim a few bounties with my lifetime nra membership range bag and ar-15.
Why is the "G" erased in the Goodyear logo?
And maybe don't namefag here, or we'll sic CNN on you; make you apologize again.
Let them continue sharing it. They're killing their credibility with this level of retardation.
Learn from this thread. Never let your memes be dreams, kiddos.
since 90% of those business are kike owned ones, what's the problem
the only problem here is how fucking stupid you are. it was made by Holla Forums and they took the bait
Nintendo, a pack of chinkikes, supporting guns in any way? I don't have any Russian rooster images or LA Noire screencaps.
Nintendo doesn't support gun ownership, nor is it against it. Nintendo has remained almost religiously neutral in such matters, they just want to take money from kids, teens, and soyim. They've been around and have seen political shifts, and survived by simply focusing on games. I don't really play video games any more but you leave Nintendo alone.
bump for stupid commies getting btfo
They hate the proletariate.
Speaks for itself at this point m8.
It was never about the workers, it's about dominating the uniparty. Same reason why cuckservatives and demoncrats are allies in many areas.
Did Marx ever do an honest day's work?
No one is this dumb
That's adorable.
Also DirecTV is owned by AT&T, which supports the Democratic Party in all of its kikery.
Kikes especially kikes like him will never do such a thing. They expect every goyim in the world to be their slaves for eternity.