Single Moms and Mass shooters?

Can we do a dig thread and figure out some statistics? This really makes me think.

Cruz was raised by a single mom and his father died young.
Lanza was a single mom.

Who else? Can we make a list and infographic?

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if we're going to get all mathy about it, we might want to add gun-free zones into the mix.

I'd add SSRIs to that list, but that info is classified top-secret national-security risk.

The result of feminism.

Molyneux did an excellent presentation recently where he brought up the statistic in the OP photo. Furthermore, we really didnt have any mass shootings until the 80s. Boy, I wonder what happened before then? Perhaps the advent of easy divorce in the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s leading to fatherless children?

What the fuck, this is not the rabbit hole I wanted to have.

1. Nicholas Cruz; Feb 14, 2018; 14 killed. Broward, Florida.
Single mom.

2. Parker, Gabe, 15 (suspect)
Jan. 23 2018 Draffenville, Kentucky
2 killed 14 wounded

3. Harper-Mercer, Christopher Sean, 26
Oct. 1 2015 Roseburg, Oregon
9 killed 8 injured

4. Lanza, Adam Peter, 20[n 1]
Dec. 14 2012 Newtown, Connecticut
27 killed, 2 injured

5. Goh, One L., 43
April 2 2012 Oakland, California
7 killed, 13 injured


I don't want this rabbit hole. Make it stop.

How do we figure out some statistics and meme it?

Like clockwork. Shabbat ends in yidville, the slides ramp up.

What sort of kikery is this? How dare I politely propose an idea for other people to contribute towards!

She got 200k a year from the divorce, with that kind of incentive who wouldn't be a single mom. I'm not mgtow but the courts are really incentivising divorce. Family values is non existent in our government

This correlation is only recent. The OG school shooters, Harris and Klebold, both had their mother and father who I think are even still married. Specifically because of that I'm throwing in the MK ULTRA theory that targets vulnerable kids who don't have dominate parental figures.

Yep. Exactly. HMMM

That's why I want us to dig

dig yourself, nigger.

You could include immigration status


This is news to you? Single mothers are probably the biggest obstacle to a stable nation. The rate of crime, poz, and leftism goes way up when you take fathers away from their families. That's why (((they))) hate fathers, hate men, hate stable hetero couples, and love empowering women. Think about it. Family is everything.

Well yeah, family is the first cornerstone of civilization.

Womyn and (((society))) are too far gone.
Single MGTOW fathers raising red pilled kids is the only solution.

The fact that a poor family structure results in criminal activity has been well known for decades. It's not particularly shocking that murderers don't have a proper father figure.

The thing that the kikes always forget, is that once the stable country is gone, there is nothing left to rule.

The kikes have this stupid plan of a greater isreal and all the kikes in the world will live in it. They assume God will let this happen, despite the fact that they have forsaken him.

What will happen will be a large culling of kikes in america. almost half of the worlds kikes live in the US. The moment American society decides that kikes are a burden, is the moment half of the worlds jews get culled over night.

Can i get a source on info please?

Not disagreeing, think this is an important point.

Good list, an infographic would still be nice. It will be funny to get normalfags to commit to the statement "I'd do anything to stop these shootings", and see them backpedal at the speed of light when you suggest they do something about single motherhood.

Alright you faggots, help me out here and I'll make a nice infographic/chart comparing which statistics correlate the highest. Then we can get to the root of the problem, mkultra and false flags can then be better identified from there.

I need a list on all statistics available for mass shooters (amount raised by single mothers, race, mental health, etc.) I will do the rest and put it together. I'd do it all myself, but I'm on a 5 hour drive back home.

Paddocks brother said they never really knew their father. Raised by mother

Cho's parents were married.

Lanza's parents were divorced. Raised by mother

Kelley's parents were married.

Hennard's parents were divorced but only when he was 27, he'd have to be a top tier retarded to have not been mentally developed at that age.

Huberty's parents were divorced. Raised by father.

Whitman's parents were married.

Sherrill's parents were married.

Wong's parents were married.

Unruh's parents divorced. Raised by mother.

Banks- unknown.

Aaron Alexis, divorced. Unknown who raised him.

Holmes, married parents.

McLendon, divorced, Raised by aunt and uncle.

Pough, divorced. Raised by mother.

Barton, married.

Weise. Never married, raised by both till his father killed himself then his mother got in a car accident. Raised by grandfather and aunts/uncles.

Harper-Mercer, divorced. Raised by mother.

Cruz's parents divorced. Raised by mother.

Klebold and Harris both had married parents.

Roof's birth parents divorced, got back together then divorced again. He father also remarried then divorced again. Raised by father.

So 6 raised by their mothers. 9 were divorced in general and raised by either their fathers or a two parent couple. Rest were from a married family. So from the 15 attacks I've listed it's not really definitive.

people will simply blame fathers. nothing will be solved.

psychotropic drugs

How about another (((coincidence)))

Fuck God they have got millions of Christians supporting them in every single thing they do. If digits Jews are the real master race and we just don't understand their plan.

hes a fucking happa, not a jew.

His dad was a jew

That's because Asians commit more fraud and organized white collar crime rather than out and out violent crime like niggers do.

Wait… The Cruz mutt was a hook nose kike?

Wow, that is just wow. Did he go over all 27?

The only plan God has for those snakes is genocide

I have am a cautionary tale about pathological mothers. And before you discount my post because of the thumbnail attached, hear me out and listen to JP in the context of being an expert clinical psychologist whose job it is to sort this sort of thing out. The situation is more complex than 'single' or 'married'.

The fundamental feminine pathology is the Oedipal Mother. The mother that cripples and castrates her children because they are her only identity or self-worth, ensuring that they will never leave and therefore she will never have to develop herself past the identity of 'mom'. The core mentality of this kind of personality is a combination of extreme narcissism and insecurity. This single hangup is the root of many neurotic feminine behaviors, including Crazy Cat Lady. In my family's case, this behavior is systemic, and I can see it mirrored generation to generation, each broken person raising the next.

In my case, I'm the oldest of three brothers, and we've all been raised to be dysfunctional fuckups that cannot operate healthily in the world. Memetically, we were broken down and taught that any initiative is to be punished: you are always evil (not just wrong, evil) for doing anything without permission. At the same time, you are evil for being lazy and not doing anything. There is no validation anywhere outside of explicit permission and obedience, therefore always be attentive and seeking orders to obey. When given chores, we were given no incentive but threat of punishment. Not even an explanation why they were useful or important. Just 'do as I say, or else'.

Socially, we were isolated and pitted against eachother. We did eachother no favors, to be honest, but in that environment, sibling rivalry became a matter of bloodshed. We took different approaches; I went principled and objective, which got me in trouble more often than not, but I could respect myself at the end of the day. The middle brother went subversive, ingratiating himself by being a suckup and then wielding our mother against me in turn. It was the most effective, if you could stomach it. The youngest one just imploded. All of us are social recluses, but he by far ended up off the worst; I and the middle came out of our shells at least well enough to fake it via socializing over anonymous imageboards. We weren't allowed to go anywhere as kids, and our early stunted social interaction turned into later stunted social interaction, so we typically hung out with small groups of one to three other social rejects. We bounced between a new school and homeschooling every year, so we developed little to no longterm relationships. I should mention that my uncles are the same way, to varying degrees; shut in and hyperdependant on their mother's approval, who is now in her 80s.

Physically, we were destroyed. We all have serious health issues, and access to medical care was treated as a privilege or a treat, when she could be bothered to pay attention to our problems at all. Health issues were blamed directly on us, saying bad things would stop happening if we just obeyed her more. Complaints of chronic bone pain were discarded without a thought as 'growing pains'. Petit mal seizures were discarded literally without a glance and explained away as "you're just feeling your heartbeat". Mental issues were 'not real', until they came for the favored suckup middle son, whom my mother replaced my father with in their strained marriage, at which point the entire universe had to stop to take care of him, at the expense of everyone else. All early symptoms that later would blossom into crippling disabilities.

I and the middle son were people with prospects. We made all the honor rolls, we had solicitations from colleges and programs, we had mild fame we didn't realize at the time existed because we were the perfect little trophy children that could be lined up behind a picket fence for her to say "I won". And then we all, simultaneously, imploded. Decades of abuse and neglect finally took its toll, and now we can barely be people. Our health, our minds, everything is burning and we're just trying to put the fires out. The youngest is now doing the best among us because he can at least work cashier at Wal-Mart. As I write this, I am nearly 30 and still stuck in this dysfunctional cage, one that has gone so bad it's imploding upward, with our mother (and therefore us) moving back in with her mother and siblings, because nobody can support themselves. Within the past year I have had medical assistance denied to me for disagreeing with her.

I can absolutely promise you, from personal experience, that this is the kind of person that inspires "nice quiet boys who never hurt anyone" to murder-suicide their entire families. There are days I would end the world. I don't know what to do about it systemically, but there it is. Saying the problem is "single" mothers is trying to treat the symptom. Single mothers end up single for reasons that exist prior to being single.

Bumping because fucking hell do people need to understand this.

This is the result of toxic femininity, which promoted the idea that women can "do it all", and "women need men like fish need bicycles". The result of this line of thinking is society coming to believe that children don't need fathers.

The feminists have rejected nature, thus their children have become animals.

I knew Wiese. There was no home life to speak of. Both parents were dysfunctional, alcoholic. He was essentially homeless, bouncing between relatives houses, zero stability.

Dad suicided after a standoff with police, one of whom was his own father. (This was the man Jeff killed to get weapons and a squad car - his own grandfather.)

Mom crashed while driving drunk and is now a vegetable in a nursing home.

Jeff was on a giant handful of psychiatric drugs as well.


This is a powerful statement.

I wonder how many were circumcised..

mom was jewish.

If you know that his dad was a jew then you should also know some other things about him. He hated feminism. He was totally against race-mixing. He was the supreme gentleman. He didn't do what he did to help out his dad push some political agenda. Maybe its not a conspiracy and its just the genes that are twisted.

Talking about Elliot Rodgers, is he the one mass shooter who was raised by his biological father mentioned in the OP?

So why the The Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack retract the story about him being a Jew?

Trump says take the guns. No Due Process

Trump says take the guns. No Due Process

Thanks for your insight. Truly a shame how you've gotten it.

Ben Shapiro has talked about this tangentially…. not that you should really trust that fucker, but he did talk about single motherhood being the biggest cause of poverty.

Fucking bump

haven't seen an infographic posted yet, any anons working on it or should I get to it?

Do it, to it.