Can you feel it? Can you smell the blood in the water?

Can you feel it? Can you smell the blood in the water?

This lame-ass excuse for a company is on death's doorstep (metaphorically of course)

People are leaving WoW in droves, Blizzard murdered it's golden goose

Hackers are rampant, quality assurance is down the toilet. Chinese spammers now flood even NA servers. Gold sellers are back in droves. Top guild are threatening to quit unless they get paid more. Nost is returning

Blizzard is trying so, so, *so* desperately to 'inter-connect' it's family of garbage games via free skins and offers (ie. If you play HoTS you'll get an Overwatch skin…etc etc.)

All of Blizzards games are either F2P or free to trial except for Overwatch…and now they're doing 'free weekend' to build up population

People don't like Blizzard anymore except for it's most die-hard fans

Blizzcon has been a back-to-back dissapointment for years now

Starcraft 2? Dead

Diablo 3? Dead

HoTS? Dead

WoW? On life support

So…that leaves Hearthstone and the now-struggling Overwatch (soon as the hype train evaporated people got fed up real quick)

I'm so happy, I'm so happy I get to toast marshmellows over Blizzard's burning corpse

Can you feel it, Mr. Brack?

Other urls found in this thread:




Butthurt Blizzdrone

Take your


wow hasn't been the golden goose ever since hearthstone came out

No. I can't smell the blood in the water because they cut naval combat after Warcraft 2.

they'll just be replaced by something even worse.

HoTS and Overwatch are bound to carry Blizzard for a few more years, SC2 is still being played by e-sports fags and gooks if that matters



People have been shitting on blizzard for decades and they are still running.
They will keep making garbage games for a long while. Companies that big don't just disappear.

I don't like this. If WoW dies it's effectively a containment field broken. That playerbase is going to spill into other games and demand they change to be more like the garbage that WoW was.

Overwatch and Hearthstone are financial juggernauts you uninformed retard.

honest question, what MMO's aren't WoWclones now or bad enough on their own that any changes towards making it a WoW clone wouldn't make a difference?

And wow still have 7 million of retards paying every month
that tokens are bought with money by other players so someone is paying anyways

Seeing as how practically every MMORPG out there is a WoW-clone already…


Every MMO but WoW and FF is dead, and FF playerbase is just a bunch of retards doing ERP anyways

Ok I don't really have any kind of nostalgia or hate for blizzard, I never played wow, I don´t like rts or card games, I played their assfaggots with some friends for a couple of hours and tried waifuwatch on the beta and free weekend, but if you really believe that they're in financial trouble you are retarded, just Heartstone is enough to keep them going that thing is fucking massive with casuals, not to mention overwatch, for fucks sake we have generals in this very board about that game, they may be shitposted to death but people keep making them.
I honestly don't get the hate boner that people have for blizzard in this board they fucking suck has a game making company yeah, but they are still making money and they are not going anywhere

Blizzard has so much money that it's going to be a slow, slow death. Option 1 is that they keep making shittier and shittier games with more P2W and microtransaction elements and people get tired of it eventually and Option 2 is that spend years and years developing a new game on the scale of WoW and it bombs so fucking hard the company dies because of it.

But with how much money HS, Overwatch and WoW are bringing it, Blizzard won't be dying for a long time.

Yep. The videogames industry is too big to fail now.

EA, Blizzard, Nintendo, Sony. They'll always be around.

Why did they do it?

WoW could have printed money for years to come no matter how many botched games they pulled out of their ass if they just kept WoW going. Why did they try to milk it so hard? Why didn't they stop when it obviously was doing more harm than good?

Good. Nothing would make me more happy today than WoW's death.

Only thing it has going for it was major twitch streamers shilling it, it has the same problems of retail with gold farmers, and worse still isthe devs and GMs would rather ban people for "wrong think" than do something about it.

They also "fixed" things like DMN tribute being soloable by hunters because a whopping 10 people bitched on the forums about it.

Another fix is they gave goblin bruisers knock back auras because players fixing issues on their own is too hard for them to figure out, better baby them.

Best "fix" is their fix to AV backdoor, since it's vanilla there is no timer or resources system so horde if they want to actually win needed back door. on nost they added a fuckton of mines to backdoor that respawn even after mine layers are killed. Alliance still gets red carpet treatment while horde forced to push over massive choke point that is bridge

We have Splatoon generals too, retard. Care to explain how woomy is keeping Nintendo afloat because some people on a ghost town image board talk about it?

AFAIK Nost raids were severely undertuned, Warrior rage generation was through the roof which trivialized tanking and Paladin spells scaled with AP which made them deal way more dmg than they should have been doing.

You should stay inside Overmeme containment thread and never get out.

bosses didn't have their defenses, dragonkin were fucked. was possible to pull UBRS bosses into LBRS, and instead of fixing pathing nost went "we'll ban you despite having no way to actually tell"

Then there was top alliance guilds caught botting, and GMs only banned level 1 accoutns used to bot instead of main accounts because said guilds gave them money.

Then there was the chinese win trader scandal.

Nost is not a good server, just lots of people like CoD

Maybe you would like to refute his points and do so while saging so you wont bump a terrible thread you mongrel.

Last time I touched a blizzard game was in WOTLK and the actual state of jewish blizzard using MOBAs and cloning MTG and TF is disgusting but that doesn't change the fact that they wipe their assholes with more money than you make in a year

theres a little bit of naval combat in WC3:TFT


If the average gamer was a Holla Forums-tier cynic then public opinion of Blizzard might damage their standing as a company, but the average gamer doesn't care about company brands and just buys whatever is popular. Overwatch and Hearthstone are still huge cash cows and Blizzard will be living comfortably off that gravy train for years just like they used to with WoW.

They're dead as far as talent goes. But financially? No, people still buy their shit.

Doesn't matter, they've already hit the point of too-big-to-fail

They can get away with constantly fucking up everything and making bad games until the end of time, and get loads of money for it. They're literally jewish.

Plus there are way smaller companies around that fucked up beyond belief and still manage to keep afloat, like ANet with GW2.

I stopped caring about Blizzard when their excellent SP games went away.

1. No more non-RPG games… I really liked Blackthorne, and Lost Vikings for example, they never made anymore games like that.

2. I really like RPG and RTS, but SP, I loathe the "zerg-rush" based online RTS that is more of an action-clickfest than actual thinking, but from what I've heard Starcraft2 is not that good for that, no Warcraft 3 sequel, and Diablo 3 is an MMO even on "single-player", since you need internet to play it (and my internet sucks).

So, as blizzard go more and more multiplayer, why should I care? I liked Blackthorne, Warcraft 1, and so on… instead Blizzard themselves said Warcraft 1 is NOT FUN and won't be remade because of that.

Look user I hate them as much as the next guy but they aren't going anywhere any time soon

This, they're jews, they'll find a way a way to get your money one way or another, they're not hurting for money at all

Holy shit, I thought they were replaced by the NuNintendo fans.

This is not a problem Blizzard has, it is a symptom of the industry as a whole.

PC gamer faggots hate to admit it, but mobile is the future of gaming. Not PC. Not home console. Mobile is the only place where game developers are seeing real profit growth, and long term audiences.

PC hardware sales are stagnant. PC gamers are so used to F2P or super deep discounts that they now more rarely buy. There are so many relatively great F2P games that have already broken down and given everything but cosmetics away for free that eat up so much of the available gamer audience.

Blizzard, in the face of all of this, are still doing super great. They are making the best of the industry situation.

Did I just time travel to 2011?

You actually think prebuilts and first week sales mean something on the platform?
Are you by any chance a consolecuck?

I knew this would happen since the WoW generals.
It was only a matter of time.

Overwatch and Hearthstone are still going strong besides them having a shitton of IPs, a legion of retards that will lick up their ass and suck out their shit and Activision to sustain them.
They aren't going anywhere OP, not soon enough.

That was the closest thing to a legitimate stillbirth game that Blizz had released in the past several years. Probably the second or third-deadest franchise right now. Only SC2 and D3 even possibly compare.

Steam is peaking at 12m users a day. Meanwhile many mobile games today peak at 150m daily active users each and every day. PC growth is too slow. Hardware sales have been going down in last few years.

There are only a handful of companies on PC making money comparable to what Blizzard makes with its thousands of employees. Meanwhile mobile game studios with a handful of people working no games make 100x a day what Blizzard makes.

Blizzard is making MUCH more with Hearthstone on mobile than on desktop for example.

Blizzard will stop milking the cows

But Blizzard already milked the cows and also sent them to the butcher

They got filthy rich.

Fuck Blizzard, but I think WoW will always be a thing, even if they lose subs it will be free to play and go full freemium.

last I checked, OFFICE PC hardware sales were stagnant (due to Tablets and Smartphones) while Gaming and Enthusiast PC hardware sales are increasing, in fact they are increasing for a long time now, still a small part of the market, but one of the most profitable ones and seemly "Crisis-immune", as it keeps increasing even when the economy is in the gutter.

one source for you:


Blizzard is the Apple of game companies.

You're wrong, the -real- future of gaming isn't mobile per se. It's playing everywhere. Like, you play a game on your computer and then go out and continue playing the game exactly where you stopped. The ultimate goal is to eliminate the friction and limitations of consoles and smart phones. Look at Vulkan, look at WebAssembly, look at the recent Ubuntu integration of Windows 10. Games won't be locked by hardware anymore, but entirely by their distribution platform and DRM.

This is why the Nintendo Switch will most likely succeed.

Yes and no.

It's INCREDIBLY hard to make it on mobile. Secondly there will always be a niche market of real videogames.

The triple A shit will disappear though.

That statement is more true than trips suggest.

God I hope whatever black magic they used to get people to think overwatch was anything but trash wears off soon.

Nintendo already has that Title though. :^)

I can't stand the sight of Overwatch but even I can admit it's going to keep Blizzard afloat until the faggot fad ends. Kill yourself, this is a useless thread.

Where is the unedited version?

On that note, do you not realize what it takes to "crash" a multi billion dollar company?

i think they are doing OK user

why dont we focus in bioware next turd insteed

blizzard have nobody but themselves to blame for letting most of the biggest talent go to other companies or to make their own companies

and for milking their franchises to death

Most of Steam's users who actually play games only play Dota 2. CSGO is second as a premium game, TF2 is third is another F2P games. Games likes Dota 2 and CSGO represent the kinds of games which people exclusively play. People who play these games rarely play others when you look at aggregate data, which makes these numbers meaningless to other developers.

Mobile games make most of their money off ads and whales. Whales spend a ton of money, they are rich people who have money to spend, and spend as a hobby. The other money is made off ads, and the most popular games make ads completely optional as incentives to watch in order to get stuff in game. It makes bank. Hearthstone is an example of a whale model.

No one is moving the industry by force. It is organic. PC is stagnant while mobile is booming LIKE IT OR NOT THIS IS REALITY. Developers will continue to embrace mobile and neglect PC because what's the point if PC makes you a few $ a month while mobile makes you millions a day!

Mobile is not incredibly hard, but people go about it really stupid. They follow old model of making a game, and throwing it out there. Too many people make games for mobile without checking to see if they actually have an audience. Mobile developers have to be smart, then they can make money. It's not free money for idiots.

The problem with Switch is that it's still a closed platform which is a huge competitive disadvantage for taking advantage of surprise hits that Nintendo WILL lose out on. iOS/Android has more free market power, which is a real competitive advantage. Even though people hate it, Steam embracing free market open door approach will make more people more money including them. It will let more trash in, but it also increases opportunity.

Nah, they got a base established because of their indoctronation tactics. But it's a game with a retail price that's already starting to show signs that the financial team wants to start charging for 'extra' things.

Remember this is a company that had hearthstone. An online card game that could get re-balanced through patches so they can avoid power creep. Now it has a bunch of paid expansions that add ever more overpowered cards so that the barrier to entry is way to expensive for a supposedly free game.

That's the most bullshit part of all of this. There are obviously good, smart, hard working employees at blizzard that have great ideas of what to do. Those people obviously have 0 input into the direction of the company and thus Blizzard consistently pulls a Hillary and manages to fail a sure thing with their legendarily strong IP's through dedicated ineptitude.

There's nothing Blizzard can't fuck up.






You forget that the HS team refuses to nerf blatantly overpowered cards so people spend money to craft them to follow the meta for months. Ragnaros, Sylvannas, Ysera, Dr. Boom are all prime examples of absolutely bullshit and OP cards that the HS team refused to touch because it made them money.

Hearthstone can be played 100% F2P. The expansions are not paid. You can buy a wing of the expansions every 7 days if you do daily quests.

Hearthstone is not paid to win either. The meta drives wins. Right now it's shaman. Next expansion it will be another class. You only need to invest time into crafting the cards you need to play meta decks to win, but that doesn't mean you'll have fun.

The top performing mobile game companies allow creative people to control games so long as the games make money. As soon as money falls, money people get introduced to figure out how to fix the cash flow problem.

It's called paragraphs you autist.

Time to kill yourself

Cool bait thread bro, times for dubs.

Any other revelations to share?


Most companies absolutely HATE being at the mercy of Apple and Google. There are barely any surprise hits. If Big Company A develops a game it needs to be a success and they have special agreement and contracts with Apple or Google so they get featured until they're satisfied.

How can mobile marketplaces and Steam be possibly free? They're run by your competitors. So you build your own. The only things that matter are retention and discoverability and you need to control both.

Lets not forget that Pre builts are going to the shitter while parts are booming.

So out of curosity why did Overwatch make it big? Marketing? Because I don't get how it can get big otherwise when games like Strike Vector and Lethal League and Angels Fall First died.

D3 sold 30 million copies. Not exactly a financial flop…

A successful hype campaign. Also anything made by blizzard often attracts a lot of attention.

You're the same faggot who said Nintendo is going to die since they started making playing cards.

Well this is bullshit and that's all I have to say.

Cool source to debunk me there bro.

I'm not saying your claim is bullshit, I'm saying it's just bullshit how marketing truimphs over all.

upboting an epic thread OP, our echochamber is the best xD

Ah, sorry user, I misunderstood you.

If it's truly a containment thread, why does it have one faggot constantly jumping IDs and evading bans for MONTHS, just to tell people to go back to reddit or cuckchan?



t. HoTS player.

Because you deserve him.

autists seem to think "containment thread" means "Thread where I go and make an 20+ post autistic fit about people liking something I don't like" Same shit happened with the seemingly endless Undertale, its like these people don't understand the autism and buthurt is what those threads want

*Undertale threads

your falseflag didn't work in the containmment thread and it wont work here.

I'm not a fan, but what's with the overly dramatic nonsense? I would love to see Blizz die, but you're a massive fag, OP.

Fuck you, asshole.

I'm honestly surprised (and glad) that this generated discussion

Somedays I get worried that everyone has drank the Activision coolaid and I like to make sure theres some people who are still stayin Woke in this age of vile shillery

I'll chime in when I have something worthwhile to add to the discussion

Ya'know, unlike you being a huge faggot and all~


By what metric is D3 "dead"? I don't think it's doing great, especially compared to copies sold, but it's not nearly as dead as SC2.

Go back to >>>/reddit/ already

Feel free to join him

Right, take Object X. You loved Objext X for well over a decade and kept pouring time, money and effort and then suddenly after the 12th year Object X says

"Buy our casual games or fuck off"

And becomes Object Y. Object Y is a shitty little cancerous turd

So basically long term fans of old blizzard games are essentially going through an embattled divorce

They had a good profitable run over years, and did better than a lot of my favorite game developers, financially and popularity wise. It wasn't going to last forever.

I don't think they're going to die, they might go on as big as they are for a bit longer, downscale on a low point, tredge on, grow, like phases of a long term.

I don't expect them to crash and just vanish.

I expect them to go FULL CELL PHONE MOBILE ala Konami very very soon

Thinks Blizz is dying

I think you need to go back to 9fag pronto. Although I know you're a Blizzard intern or an Overwatch drone coming to defend your big corporate muscledaddy

what's with the spacing?
are you baiting, or is this the famed reddit-spacing done unironically?

Calling it r­eddit spacing is fucking dumb
Not all newfags are from Reddit
He's definately from Reddit considering how defensive he is about i.

I could still look past that because of the pop though

SocialJusticeWatch and Hearthstone will keep Blizzard alive unless they really shoot themselves in the foot like they almost did with the Yogg-Saron card (It almost ruined tourneys).

Those don't make sense. Gold farmers died because there's no one to sell gold to. At this point it's stupid easy to make gold in Wow. Top guilds aren't dying because of money (No top expects to get paid by Blizzard). Top guilds are dying because content is shit, and raid races have been horrible messes since Cata/MoP. WoD made a lot of guilds quit due to poorly-designed bosses (Butcher, Archimonde, and Furnace).

Last year's con was bad, but this year was a joke.

All things will come to an end. Blizzard is no exception, but it still has some years left.

OP is a fag trying to fit into le epin Holla Forums culture.

Well it's not really about what people PLAY. Steam is filled with casuals who don't play games, sure, but they do love to BUY them.


I only play weebshit, I literally couldn't care less what happens to Blizzard. Dropped out of the mainstream industry years ago.

But I do know Blizzard makes millions every day. As a business they're doing everything right.

Holla Forums forgets that nobody cares if a game is good. It's not the 90s anymore. We Hollywood now.

Are you saying Blizzard is PAYING their best players to keep playing the game? Since when? Thats really pathetic


No company pays a person to test a beta product let alone an alpha

a dead shit game

I've heard about this but never thought it to be true.

Top guilds are charging real money for runs through current raids

We P2W now boys!

I'd also like to add that top streamers get paid by Blizzard

this was confirmed with Towliee's breakdown or however you spell his fucking name

Current world-first raid teams are complaining that the effort to get world first, to get the hype going for the masses etc. Is not worth Bllizzard's paltry paycheque to them

so they are now trying to supplement income by charging real money for raid gear

It's against the TOS but lolBlizzard

Isn`t Legion doing OK? and what about those rumors about a new mature FPS they will announce soon?

From what I gathered it seems that they lied about droprates for legendaries after you got 4 and every top guild that played 20h/day is pissed at them.

Despite op being wrong here, legion had the same fate all wow expansions have.

I blame the broken competitive mode and matchmaking in general.

this is actually funny because both posters are shills

OP is the overwatch faggot that keeps making threads crying about overwatch and shitting up the thread
and the Leddit space guy is just a faggot

??? its not good to lie user the only thing people are fed up was the sombra arg crap which was terribly done
the only two games going strong for blizzard is hearthstone and Overwatch
good number of you faggots did buy overwatch cause that was the only reason i got overwatch was to play with you faggots and i ended up enjoying overwatch and most of ya faggots stop playing like a week after competitive came out while i ended up pretty high up as a support no less

This is like watching Sonyggers claiming that Nintendo is dead right before every new console release.

How can one company be so incompetent


Post your grand master account and WCS trophies or shut the fuck up you retarded faggot

I miss when retards on Holla Forums knew when to shut the fuck up when they were shit at video games

For telling the truth? What a pathetic loser you are. Nothing you can say will change the fact that Overwatch and Hearthstone are incredibly successful.

The game is shit.
Me too.

So never?


That was always due to lack of content after an expansion launch, but they haven't had that problem with Legion since they've just been slowly adding and implementing stuff every other week or so.

Nice reddit spacing

Here's the problem with your post, OP:
Blizzard is already dead.
We celebrated their death years ago.
Any activity you see out of them is just the thrashing of a reanimated Acti-Blizz Frankenstein.

Hello casual gamer, might I suggest latest AAA FPS

You got that right…

I'm just gonna try and enjoy Vanilla until the next shit storm hits. I just don't understand why Actiblizz seemed so quick to throw away WoW. I mean fuck they made a gorillion Cawadooty's.

Okay, I'll try and sum up the gist of it

So far, no one has gotten over 4 legendary weapons; so speculation is that the current dev team borrowed Diablo style 'Loot Tables' (ugh groan) basically you have a very good chance to either get nothing at all…or 4 legendaries that are shit and totally worthless

…lol Garrisons 2.0 - 'nuff said

RP servers? fucked by zoning. Trying to get rare mobs? fucked by zoning. Proffession mats? fucked by zoning. CRZ is Blizzards stubborn refusal to merge servers. Theres only one or two full servers left in the entire game.

Okay so…jesus fucking christ. where to begin…THE REWARDS; you no longer get honor points. Now you get a crate with a chance to get fuck-knows-what; from Food consumables to petty pocket change and everything in between

The Underbelly - Blizzy's attempt to force world PvP by locking essential quests into a tightly packed free-for-all-zone…Jesus christ of fucking Nazareth.

Balance? Lol it's FUCKED Jim! Holinka's aids dick is right in that ass like a hemorrhoid

Community is at it's ABSOLUTELY LOWEST SINCE EVER- I know it's not saying much because WoW has always had a shit zone ala Barrens chat. But now it's Barren's chat in every zone

When there are actually people in the zones to begin with. Early game is a wasteland. You also can't trade or Ginvite people that get CRZ'd to you from other realms. So it's like playing with NPC humans…

People are widely speculating WoW is about to hit consoles.

Theres just…so much fucking wrong with this shit it's hard to list it all down.

why would wow hit consoles if consoles are dying?
unless they get paid to put wow on consoles

These and all other assorted comments like them. I hate blizzard and their shitty fanbois too that will proudly head for their copypaste games. Hearthstone literally copied their shit from some mobile gook card game right down to the animations and mechanics that did it first like WoW with EQ. Then there's the other shit that's nothing new or revolutionary but because it's blizzard the retards eat it up. But the fact of the matter is that they are possibly one of the only few MMO companies doing ridiculously well. WoW is still possibly the most played MMORPG in the world despite how shit it is but it might lose to superior clones like FFXIV. You also need to remember MMORPGs are a dying genre all around. Almost EVERY single MMO is losing subs and players supposedly because of shit like mobage if market research is to be believed. It doesn't help that target audiences are growing up too. Sure there's the kids these days who need instant gratification but adults don't have time to grind to level 60 anymore which is why MOBAs are so popular if not the most popular since LoL is still on top. It's sad but blizzard isn't going away for a long time but I sure wish they would.

Hate to admit it but these guys are right about mobile being the future (unfortunately). A lot of mobile games are already starting to look as good if not better than most console or PC games like FF Mobius and even more so with UE4. The biggest gaming platform on this planet is already android. It was over ages ago and every company in the PC industry keeps lamenting poor PC sales that even Windows 10 did not fix. The only thing left that PC has going for it is power and that doesn't mean anything when the most popular games are 8 bit tier shit and its elitist nature when it returns to be a very niche gaming platform like it is over in Japan and the Japanese are always the trendsetters and future of gaming for example how their consoles lost out to mobile games ages before it did everywhere else in the world. Remember, not everyone needs a computer but everyone needs a phone. It's over. It was already over ages ago.

So you're the healslut i've been hearing about.

Because the are no legendary weapons; Artifacts are the only weapon you get during the expansion.

sr 79 season 1
3250s season 2
also that self regen buff next patch time to bully

There was a soft cap of 4 legendaries, but they apparently removed that last week.
The only thing they share with garrisons is the mission table, which isn't nearly as big of a thing as it was in WoD.
Also changed recently, high ranked RBGs and arenas are actually the best way to get 880+ gear, even better than mythic+. PvP rewards are pretty good right now.
I have no idea how you think WoW in its current state would be playable on a controller, unless there's some controller with 20+ buttons that I'm not aware of.

CRZ I agree on, they need to be purged.

They're also pissed about how 99% of the legendaries out there are garbage unless you played as a faggot mage. It's like Jay Wilson's D3 legendaries where a lot of them were trash.

and are right about SocialJusticeWatch. It's still popular, but it's twitch popularity died down when people got fed up of the shitty competition, and more sjw-enforced shit like Ana and Sombra.

SC2 tried to go full esport, and failed because Void is awful. Terran are pretty bad, and most esport matches are Protss v. Zerg or Zerg v. Zerg. Shit gets boring.

The problem Blizzard refuses to accept with artifacts is once they ruin the flavor of the month build, you're more or less stuck with a shitty weapon (unless they let you change it without costing you everything you have).

Blizzard ruined the raid race with Emerald Nightmare's shitty design. It's the first mythic to go down in less than 4 hours due to exploits and cheating top guilds had to use to beat poorly-designed bosses. Blizzard made half-ass hotfixes to add more of a challenge,

Blizzard pissed off a lot of people for blowing off the class fixes they promised to do before releasing Karazhan (cuz god forbid the team couldn't show off the sjw shit in Karazhan with Fembuster Gnomes). The class pruning just flat out killed so many specs.

How does that even help Wow? Not making Pvp-exclusive gear actually makes it worse.

its still on the top row

But at 19-20k compared to the 50-100k it used to have. It barely hit 60k during Blizzcon. SocialJusticeWatch isn't as big as it was on release because the hype died down, people saw the sjw bullshit with Sombra, and the competition is really hit and miss.

I don't feel bad for anyone who wasted money on loot boxes.

Might as well post some mobile UE4 shit.

PConsoles are finished, friends.

Might as well join that Granblue Fantasy thread on Holla Forums right now too.


What the hell are you talking about?


BGs and Arena only sold PvP gear with stats like resilience. Adding raid-tier items to Pvp is flat out stupid.

Can't say I agree.

Well, whatever. You guys can find them yourselves. They look great and that's the first step to it all ending. Only thing left now is streaming to a larger screen which technically already exists. Ironically you can play every single mobile game on PC with an emu like bluestacks so I guess that's one way PC can remain the master race but it does not and will not change the fact the game itself is a mobile game.

neo-neo/v/ was a mistake

this thread need some of mick foley

But it is an issue because it makes people skip a shitty dungeon to get endgame loot, proving Blizzard can't design decent dungeon content. You shouldn't get endgame-tier loot by doing easy shit like PvP or an easy 5-man and shitty Facebook games thousands of times.

I know it sounds far-fetched, but it really is a bad idea.

You only get 880 gear if you're 2400+ rated, that's not easy, neither is 10+ or higher mythics.

These types of posts have been going on for how long?

Blizzard isn't going anywhere; in fact, their profits have grown.

Deluding yourself into thinking that Blizzard is somehow dying is pathetic.
Creatively? They've been dead for years.
Financially? They're raking in cash like no fucking other.

Not defending Blizzard but the delusion of some people is just fucking sad.

HoTS doesn't make a dime out of a few fanboys, and even they have nothing to spend on once they get everything.; SocialJusticeWatch still makes money, but it will eventually stop. Wow is losing money because Legion is horrible, and Diablo 3 and SC2 are more or less dead games. Hearthstone also prints money, but the Yogg Saron card almost stopped the money from flowing.

Even if every game suddenly died, it'll still stand on it's own two feet unless Bobby Kotick really kills the company. Only Bobby Kotick and Blizzard can kill Blizzard.

So, here's a bit more insight if you guys are curious.
When the server announced that it was shutting down, a lot of people came out of the woodworks to admit what they were doing for the server. Most top guilds had one GM or server affiliated Admin to keep tabs on guilds to see how they tackle content (and possible for bug reports).

These players however, had special increased loot chances on their characters, and on Nost your loot table is "seeded" by what character enters the dungeon first.
So if you were wondering why certain alliance guilds had just gone through their 4th thunderfury while your horde guild was up shit creek, now you know why.

It's really bullshit, because the majority of GMs and admins were decent folks who kept quiet regarding their special status, but the actual server devs played mostly alliance so they stacked themselves up very well.

Stay optimistic, that's all I can say.

Every investor report has Blizzard raking in cash and have net gains on every IP that they're actively supporting right now.
There is literally no indication whatsoever that Blizzard is doing anything less than spectacular from a financial standpoint.

You WoWfags are delusional. WoW was never good.

Hard to convince people when WoW was the first if not the only MMO they played

How is the lewd RP? Is there adequate numbers of Onee-chans?

How can someone be this loyal to such a shitty game made by a shitty company?

They turned to shit once Hearthstone/Heroes/Overwatch came out. Legion was fun and I got my money's worth from it, but otherwise Blizz pretty much sucks now. That's a damn shame.

If they released WoW legacy servers that I had to pay a sub fee to play on, I would pay for that probably for the next 20 years. If they never do that, I don't feel like they are any better than any other shitty game company anymore. Releasing legacy servers would show signs of them not being completely retarded.

Their micro-transactions are not invasive. The main issue is they have tons of casual fans now and listen to their retarded demands on the forums and fuck up their games.

I don't really play them a lot, but D3 and SC2 are really good games. D3 had a rocky start, but those two games don't suffer from the "make everything easier for me" forum posts all their other games run on. Good on Blizz for removing the RMAH. That was probably the last good decision Blizz ever made and ever will make.

d3 never improved in any way

I don't even like the game personally, but you are mentally handicapped.
2/10 made me reply.

Weren't they forced to do that? Lawsuit or something.

i dont like the game either and your a fucking brain dead moron. all they did was add shit sprinkles to the shit cake instead of improving anything. oh wow blizzard you removed auction house, games fixed.

as much as I'd like for Blizz to die Overwatch isn't struggling at all, Heartstone is still raking cash from (((microtransactions))) and WoW (even on life support) generates more revenue than any other mmo on the market.

so what? It already got em enough shekels
see Diablo
this is the only significant loss Blizzard ever had, and they already compensated with Overwatch.

We all hate Jewzzard but let's not delude ourselves

You spend too much time alone, user.

They feel threatened by other people having objectively superior fun

So instead of joining in that superior fun; they'd rather just tear down that option to have a better experience


Also; everyone who's saying "Blizz making cash hand over fist in every investor report blah blah blah"

The what the fuck happened to Nintendo and the Wii? too big to fail? they said that about the Titanic you fucking retards

You think Blizzard can /sustain/ this model they currently have? I don't. I think this is a spike in cash for them using cheap tricks like loot crates from OW and the entirety of Jewstone. I predict that it'll wear off in another year or two; maybe sooner.

yeah but flies flock to their shit so as long as they keep shitting turds out they should be good

After reading a bit more about it I have to ask, is there anything in Legion that isn't an RNG shitshow?
It seems that every piece of gear you can get has the chance to either be totally useless, or incredibly OP depending simply on your luck on what item lvl and stats you roll, sprinkled with rng drops from legendaries that also can either outperform every other item or be a waste of bag space.
What the flying fuck where they thinking when they designed that shit?

Ok, that's easy:
They don't have a single one of the 5 most played games in the fucking world.
Blizzard is dead.

Kill yourselves

modern wow takes like four buttons, what the fuck are you on about

Are you retarded? By that measure any game is too hard because chances are that you're not going to be in the top 0.01%.

No, user. Games in general are finished because you can make more money with pharmaceuticals.
That's how reality works, right?

Everything there is pre rendered


forgot the flag

Overwatch's loot drop system is one of the most abusive and manipulative I've ever seen and would be just as bad in any F2P game, yet people are excusing it because "it's just cosmetic". Microtransactions in retail games are bad no matter how "cosmetic" they are.

How can a group of retards working on this site for over 3 years still have it be so fucked up? The CSS is so bad.

How can
e be this
loyal to
such a
made by
a shitty

Someone once said there's two universal infinites, space and human stupidity and he wasn't entirely sold on the first one.

Maybe you shouldn't browse 8chanin 800x600 resolution.

My favourite are embeds that turn posts into one fucking character wide for the embed height.

I'm using 1920x1080, maybe you shouldn't assume things.

I'm glad someone knows my pain.

Art thou obfuscating loonix from us?

Overwatch and Hearthstone are bringing in the dough, they're still very popular. I'm also sure that Starcraft is still worshiped by Koreans, Koreans will spend shitloads on shit like that because they're genetically inferior.

They blew a shitload of money on marketing, and they made sure to make the female characters as appealing as possible to waifufags and underageb&, making sure shitty porn would be made and shilled on normalfag sites like Pornhub, meaning more sales.

Your game is a mediocre FPS that you praise mostly because the girls make your dick hard. Not to mention, you blame everything on some shitposting boogeyman.

But muh devil skin for my healslut!

The real question should be this: Who the fuck is going to be actually affected by such a policy if they ever implement it? Hell I bet most people playing on private servers don't have or even use their blizz accounts anymore.

OP are you retarded? Overwatch did amazing and is still doing amazing, and the new WOW expansion is agreed to be probably the second best expansion in the entire game's lifespan.

I still don't know what kind of retard is on charge of class design, even the turbocasuals are angry.

You know, I would probably be playing the game if I still had my old brewmaster and viable fistweaving, or if priests didn't got fucked on every single aspect (holy is still trash, disc's main gimmick is trash because they scale like shit and don't even have AoE DPS, shadow only does good dps with a ultra-niche talent that kills you, and the latest PTR destroys their DPS outside that talent, QoL shit like spectral guise or angelic feathers got gutted or outright removed, class hall is trash, class storyline literally cucks you, class followers are the biggest waste of potential on the game, Zabra Hexx is a fucking shadowpriest for some reason)

I need 10 alone for my single target rotation as a fire mage, which isn't exactly the most complicated DPS rotation, that doesn't include utility and AoE spells, with those I'd need at least 21. And again, fire mage isn't exactly complex, so there's no way WoW would ever work on a controller.

Im looking forward to the day when blizzard finaly falls, but i have no illusions about it beeing anytime soon.
The are huge, fat and heavy, they can keep rolling for a long time, even if theres nothing pushing them forwards and even when they are slowly rotting from the inside. one day they will fall and that will be a good day.

also, they sold like 10 million copies of overshit and their marketing was good enough to convince people they acutaly want to play a basdardized arena shooter with a bit of assfaggot mixed in, so that alone is going to keep them floating for a while.

Same guy?

Diablo 2 was better. I was that asshole that lagged fags with bad computers out by having 50 skeletons. My Necro is still the only character I've beaten Baal on hell with because I got lazy and never bothered to raise any other character that far, mostly

Used to play WoW in Vanilla and BC, but I'm glad I stopped. Never really got into Starcraft, I only played Warcraft 3 for DotA, HotS is shit compared to LoL/DotA2, and I wouldn't touch Overwatch with a 39½ foot pole.

Activision can burn in hell for destroying something I used to love and putting its corpse on marionette strings to parade around as if nothing ever happened.

The last time I logged into wow was years ago, and it was during a free trial period, the only reason I logged on was to park characters in my favorite spots as a final farewell.
The server was dead, as usual. No one had seemingly logged on in quite a while. My guild was dead. The vent was dead.

Oh and I got screencaps of my keybinds, I think. That was the only other thing I mattered. Good thing I had those screencaps for nost, I hate rebinding. Fucks up my muscle memory.

Wyatt Chen took everything Patch 1.04 and the Initial Reaper of Souls did to make Diablo 3 better, and made it complete shite:

He really thinks people went to his panel to suck his dick over ruining D3 at Blizzcon, and gets upset when he got called out on his shitty decisions.

SC2's esport scene is a joke.

They brought Wyatt Chen onto the team; the same Wyatt Chen who ruined Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. This is the same guy who thought bringing back crafting items no one liked to farm for the shitty Not-Horadric-Cube was a great idea.

You first, redneck faggot.,

Death Knights, Warlocks, and Warriors got really fucked over. All DK specs are useless. Not only did Locks lose so many things they needed for their specs, but they also ruined the legendary stuff Lock players gained in MoP. Warriors can't do shit out of Prot tanking.

It will still take time to see Blizzard fall, but that requires SocialJusticeWatch and Hearthstone to drop. One of them almost flopped due to one card being complete bullshit for almost a year. Sadly, fanboys will shit like the sleazy Necromancer dlc or the next HoTS/SocialJusticeWatch skin/hero.

I played on one of the worst five servers during Cata & MoP (Nesingawary, one of the servers that couldn't do any current game content let alone old content). I bet it's a ghost town over there.

Every time I think about trying WoW, I think about how horrible WoD was, and how Legion is just flat out shit.

I quit wow for some years now, still play sometimes, rare but it's mostly pirated, private servers.

I am glad that blizz is dying, it's clear, they are trying to revive it by making movies, to revive interest.

I play on Kronos only and it's rare, mostly now play The witcher and other games.
blizzard is greedy and embodies the corrupt corporatism that everyone hates.

btw just in case you want to watch the warcraft movie here is the ling
so you don't have to buy it.

I hate the blizz fanboy cucks like asmongold, (assmongloid)

they are the worse kind of cucks, just let this franchise die already

Even when he says Blizzard is wrong about something, he is a manchild over it. His Twitter makes me want to slap him ("Hai gais im gunna masDEBATE after i get tacobele wif my mom lulz" Fuck you, you fucking manchild faggot).

yes, he is a disgusting cuck, I want to jizz on his slut of a mom.

this thread is the living proof that 8ch is somehow worse at videogames than cuckchan's Holla Forums

you guys have no idea what you're all talking about. stop circlejerking for a moment and go look at the actual numbers.

Jesus Christ, you guys are embarassing.

Fuck off

The best thing about Legion is people aren't being blind fanboys about it anymore. Shit posts from fanboys are getting down voted, and fanboys are getting called out for blindly supporting Blizzard.

You mean the numbers they stopped publishing out of embarassment?

Blizzard isn't going anywhere. To say otherwise is just wishful thinking. A lot of people are talking about how Starcraft is dead because Starcraft 2 isn't very good or because they're balancing it into the ground or because the big name koreans are going back to Brood War. Well, you know, Blizzard still sells Brood War. If Koreans are going back to it, Blizzard is still making money. It's not like they're moving on to fucking Command and Conquer.

WoW might be bleeding customers but it's a painfully slow bleed. Devs aren't going to bed hungry. That new car will be paid on time.

Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm are making money hand over fist and will continue to do so for years just because of the low barrier to entry and the "microtransaction" system that slowly bleeds customers.

Ya'll niggas retarded.

Ok, I see Heroes was a shit investment. But they're still laughing all the way to the bank thanks to Hearthstone and Overwatch.

Hearthstone and SocialJusticeWatch are making money. HoTS isn't making jack shit beyond fanboys, and I doubt people out of fanboys will buy the Necro dlc.

And how they didn't even bring up HoTS during a report? And how they did nothing with Diablo 3 out of shit seasons and Necro dlc?

No one said they weren't paying their employees.
They have a large war chest that allows quite a bit of padding for fuckups.
The question is, how long will that war chest last? And will the war chest be used to turn them into the mobile company they so desperately want to be?

Kotick seems to be the only one who wants to make it a mobile company. Despite what the sjw employees think and add to their game, they'd be stupid to bite the hand that reinforces their socjus bullshit and gives them paychecks (As long as they don't piss him off, Bobby doesn't give a fuck what his sjw employees do with the games).

Go back to cuckchan then.

So I heard that they removed the always online part of diablo three.
does that mean there it can be pirated now or is that still impossible?

Nope, you still need to be online for Diablo 3.

…I believe it, but man is that lame.

You need to calm down.
You also deserve to play D3 launch edition for the rest of your life so you can learn to rethink what you have written in this thread. Classic case of being blinded by rage. I've seen it a lot on the internet. Don't beat yourself up about it.

But user's mostly right with saying D3 didn't improve. Diablo 3 actually got worse with the reasons I stated in . Wyatt Chen ruined the game.

I don't think there is any 'ruining' of D3
The basic mechanics of the game are so bad that there are only different interpretations of that shit system.

I think all skills in the game being based on weapon damage for every possible uild on every class and removal of skill ranks alone makes it unredeamable, let alone rolling all character power onto items or pretty much everything involved in the rune skills.

The game is hot garbage at a fundamental level.


Where did everything go wrong?

I remember SEGA megadrive…..
shit was so awesome back in the days.

Nostalgia kicks in

A shame.
I kinda wanted to try it but I'll be dammed before I give them any more money.

yea someone realizes these superficial changes blizzard has done with d3 does not make it a better game. just look at this:

what type of crap is this?

protip: never give shekels to blizz.

It went wrong somewhere between 2004-2006. All those faggy little kids on Halo grew up but still kept playing games online. We then slipped further down the slope as games got easier.

blizz is like an spoiled gf who seem to treat you like shit more whenever you do something nice for her.

Wow dude, simply epic.

The never-ending-always-crushing wheel of time is coming around again

We're just doing the same bullshit we've always done as humans

I just…I just want to preserve some god damn goodness


I wanna believe…vidya will become good and wholesome again.

The Big Bang Theory/First episode date
Image result for the release date of BBT
September 24, 2007

You have the precise date everything started going to hell.

Reaper of Souls was supposed to encourage different builds on its release; then Wyatt Chen felt he had to dictate how people should play Diablo 3 by ruining builds and armor sets. Witch Doctor, Wizard, and LolCrusader are beyond hope at this point.

No one bothered to use Brawl in the Pc version. Pvp was some half-assed attempt at recreating D2's Pvp only to be forgotten by both Jay and Wyatt.

-Sjw-libtards and people who have no right to be in the industry ruined video games (publishers, guys like Bobby Kotick).
-Old developers like Doug Tennaple become douche bags, and companies like Capcom went to the dogs.
-People also realized how shitty of a company Nintendo is when they take off the rose-tinted glasses.
-Downloadable content and Freemium games made publishers and developers think how can they fuck over their fans and customers.

Ironically, gaming and nerd cultures being popular also ruined video games.

This was a different case years ago when we used to think Blizzard gave a fuck about the games.

People always used to say "But user, aren't you happy? Games getting a larger audience can only be a good thing! It will grow the industry and more games will be made!".

But it grew wrong. Like a tree under an overpass.


Switched to weebshit because of this. Falcom and KTGust are stll safe. And Tales series is still the same it always was. And while everyone is talking about FF15 I'm waiting for SG;0 to arrive.


I began reading VNs a few years ago to escape this, and lo and behold the kikes at Sekai Project ruined that too. Anime should not be on steam.

In 2007, when we had:

The Big Bang Theory
Call of Duty 4
Portal (le cake is a le lie)

Oh man fuck Portal. It was novel, and it certainly was fun, but the cries of "It's a new era of gaming! GOTYAY!" were fucking cancer. It was short, the concept got really easy as you played the first few levels, and the story was just memes. Portal 2 was arguably worse as it had all the same problems, but claimed itself a fully-fledged game.

The problem with that logic was it didn't allow games to grow. We got one shitty Fps after another while niche games died off. Certain game communities didn't help things (e.g. The fighting game community).

The Corporate Suits exploited gaming communities and dumb-asses who called themselves gamers like Tim B^Uckley of CAD infamy. No suit let alone Steam gave a shit if Zoey Quinn was a horrible person in and out of the business, as long as she didn't touch their money. Then you had liberal schmucks who took the "games are art" way too seriously, and con artists like Anita who saw an opportunity to milk pathetic nerds and women that hate video games.

I probably opened up a whole can of worms.

Big Bang Theory really ruined nerds more than video games when it tries to make geek shit popular. Being around a real geek is pain and suffering whether or not you're a geek.

If anything, it makes you realize how shitty of a company Nintendo always was. Nintendo was always censoring shit since the 90s, but now some of the kids who grew up with Nintendo are waking up to this, taking off the rose-tinted glasses.

as shitty as nintendo is i've heard people saying its dying for >10 years. i can't take anyone seriously when they're like "n-no this time they really are dying". worst case it looks like nintendo will move completely to mobile

2007 was truly the worst current year.

I always fought that. As long as I've played vidya I've told people games aren't art. Because as soon as you start calling games art, then shitty games get a pass, and the subjectivists take it over.

what happen to Doug Tennaple? why is he a douchebag now?

Armikrogg was a mess. Not even Mike Nelson could save it. Tbh, Doug was always kind of a douche bag even with the Neverhood (He talked shit about video games in the 90s despite SkullMonkeys and Neverhood were medicore at best I love the Neverhood, and Boombots was complete shite).

I never thought Nintendo was dying, but I caught onto their bullshit and gimmicks years ago. After being disappointed with the Wii, I will never buy anything from them again.

Looks like the fanboys are getting back though? that second reply fucking hurts.

I think it alo had to do with the capabilities you had back then.
When OoT came out I had no internet, and was too young to care about it anyway.
Only a lot later on I learned about the censorship in it by chance in a magazine.
If they try to pull shit like this now, you know it on the next day.

Fucking South Park.

Nice job reviving the HOTS community Blizzard, i'm sure they appreciate all these valuable new players coming in.


Just remember user, investors don't care about how much money a company makes. They care about how much money a company could make.

With so many failed products and the cash cows drying up it won't matter if they still make money, they'll be gutted or closed for a quick buck.

For the best though. EA could make a better version of each of their games and they could do it yearly.

Technically , the second reply isn't wrong. Vanilla was good for it's day, but it had some major issues. Let's be honest here: No one really bothered with group quests because most of them sucked, 40 man raids were a mess, and a lot of specs were trash even back then (Moonkin which took 4-5 expansion to stop sucking, BM/SV Hunter). That said, the last 3 expansions are complete trash. I like Vanilla, but really hate TBC tbh.

I still don't see how the fanboys are winning. They're getting shit on 90% of the time.

True, but some were obvious though (Final Fight on the SNES). It's just we let them get out of hand, and it might be a little too late to fix it.

You guys could stop giving them money while trying to educate the sheep, but unfortunately you'll let nostalgia kick in, making you give Nintendo money. It's hard not to give companies like Blizzard, Capcom, and Nintendo money, but it's possible user (I've boycotted Capcom products for nearly 5 years, 7 for Nintendo, and 2.5 for Blizzard).

HoTS is nowhere near casualized depsite removing some major Moba mechanics.

There's no point in playing a bot game let alone a match because the rewards suck. 10-40 measly fucking gold per win/loss that helps you with getting nothing. I'm not surprised to know Blizzard fucked this promo up.

SocialJusticeWatch sales will eventually stop especially if they pull a bad move like the Yogg Saron card in Hearthstone. It's like Diablo 3: Yes, D3 made a lot of cash, but the shitty game is slowly dying. SocialJusticeWatch barely hits 20-30k views on Twitch, and couldn't get 60k during Blizzcon.

Okay didn't mean SocialJusticeWatch is dying. It's just losing it's luster right now. It could bounce back up (which is what the sjw developers are trying to do).

Threads like this saying that Kikeland and Jewparadise are agonizing, but in reality is the opposite. fuck my life

wait when did feels guy get cancer?


then why isn't he called cancer guy?