1960's counter-culture was a CIA PSYOPS to destroy the ruling white identity and morality by giving white youths new liberal moral framework to work with. This was succesfully done with drugs, sex, and rock'n'roll. One of the offshoots of counter cultural PSYOPS was the black/latino identitarianism and their moral framework of whites being evil. This of course led to white guilt and atomization.
Serial Killer phenomenon was offshoot from the 1960's counter culture. Many former hippies were living a NOMAD lifestyles, doing drugs, and hating "white communities". They started terrorizing white suburbs and white areas. At the same time, as vietnam war was going on, many of the veterans were coming home finding themselves alone without future. Some found themselves drifting alone or with random partners. And while wondering around USA these veterans already desensitized to violence and murder with very individual and hedonistic moral world view they started to rob and steal for living and later raping and killing their victims so to not leave any witnesses.
While some went rogue other veterans started to join motorcycle gangs that were living NOMAD-lifestyle. This also included doing and selling drugs. Of course many of the veterans had connection to their ex-service buddies that were part of CIA or they knew someone that knew CIA. So motorcycle gangs started getting drugs from CIA. As illegality and immorality grew so did the violence and soon they were selling and trafficking children and snuff porn.
Another part of the serial killer phenomenon was jewish cults that in their initiation rituals involved murder. Some cults involved pedophilia, and many of these cults were partly by CIA and had connection to also the counter culture hippies and motorcycle gangs.
Especially in california. While CIA was selling drugs many mexican and latino gangs started to organize. Some fought against CIA for the dominance of their markets. Many of these mexican drug cartels were partly involved in the serial killer phenomenun.
Lastly put not least Israelise under CIA have had also their hands in the serial killer phenomenon schooling and teaching young men who were voluntary or those who were not through MKULTR from all races to night prowl white communities. This serial killer phenomenon was organized by jews in CIA to destroy communal trust. This was further amplified by media, which romanticized serial killers.
About 20-25% of serial killers were genuine alone wolfs without connection and influence of said groups. Rest of them are directly or indirectly involved with earlier stated groups and their deliberate demoralization project against whites. Some knowingly some doing what they do without understanding the big picture.
Jordan Jenkins
Most of known serial killers had military records or links to cults and satanism. I suggest you read a book by David McGowan called "Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder".
The serial killer phenomenon has changed. It's not as white spread as it was in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. It's morphed into spree shootings. Shooters usually being young unstable men with mental health revords and medication. What it tells me is that the movers behind serial killer phenomenon have abandoned it and changed it to spree killings. This because the porpouse is different. The serial killer phenomenun was suppose to desyroy the white social trust from their community. Spree killing on the other hand is about gun conviscation.
Aiden Gray
Lot's of missing kids, I'd assume would be part of the op, yes? Vietnamese kids?
Serial killers that we're into politics… Gacy, Rader (btk)
Christian Parker
“From our comfortable seat in life. . . we never could have imagined that thousands of well- off adults, integrated and even cultured, find pleasure in seeing children tortured and killed. ”
— From a front-page editorial in Italy’s Corriere della Sera (reprinted in The Irish Times, September 29, 2000) Chapter 1
From Brussels…
“The case of abduction and murder against Belgium’s infamous paedophile Marc Dutroux remains unresolved. He has not been brought to book for these heinous crimes. There appears to be a steel veil drawn over the facts at the highest level and no one is prepared to expose those involved in this blatant cover-up. . . The official answer is that a series of hysterical conspiracy theories forced investigators to search for paedophile networks, which didn’t exist. But for observers of this debacle, that’s exactly what didn’t happen. Far from being investigated, leads pointing to a network seem to have been blocked or buried. ”
— Olenka Frenkiel for the BBC, May 2, 2002
X o the vast majority of Americans, the name Marc Dutroux does not mean much. Drop that name in Belgium though and you are likely to elicit some very vis- ceral reactions. Dutroux — convicted along with his wife in 1989 for the rape and violent abuse of five young girls, the youngest of whom was just eleven — now stands accused of being a key player in an international child prostitution and pornography ring whose practices included kidnapping, rape, sadistic torture, and murder.
Dutroux was sentenced in 1989 to thirteen years for his crimes, but was freed after having served just three. This was in spite of the fact that, as prison governor Yvan Stuaert would later tell a parliamentary commission: “A medical report described him as a perverse psychopath, an explosive mix. He was an evident dan- ger to society.” The man who turned Dutroux loose on society, Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, was rewarded with a prestigious appointment to serve as a judge at the European Court of Justice at The Hague.
Shortly after Dutroux’s release, young girls began to disappear in the vicinity of some of his homes. Though technically unemployed and drawing welfare from the state, he nevertheless owned at least six houses and lived quite lavishly. His rather lucrative income appears to have been derived from trading in child sex-slaves, child prostitution, and child pornography. Many of his houses ppeared to stand vacant, though at least some of them were in fact used as torture and imprisonment centers where kidnapped girls were taken and held in underground dungeons. Some of Dutroux’s homes were used in this way for several years following his early release, with a growing body of evidence to indicate that fact to the police. Authorities nevertheless failed to act on the information, or acted on it in ways that implied either complete incompetence (according to most press reports), or police complicity in the operation (according to any sort of logic).
Christian Myers
Side not on Richard Ramirez. He once lived in San Luis Obispo, CA. This small beach town (home of Cal Poly University) located on the central coast is home to two other serial killer events, both involving random women and rape.
Dylan Flores
I watch too much true crime, read it. The popularity of horror was at a peak. Many kids were left with vids. Stephen king shit, characters like Michael Myers, Leatherface, ChopTop characters that became the culture. It's grown more and more gorier as years go by. Was horror part of the psyops? That activated my charcoal.
Tyler Taylor
I'll let you decide…
Tyler Gonzalez
I think I'm picking up what you're laying down. Very interesting vids I'll check out more of, thank you.
Little by little it actually does cause much mistrust among us. Keeping us at bay, in our homes. Suspect of neighbors, police, etc. Destructing us slowly by mind, so we stay weak.
Blake Hill
That's my area of autism, I can see where real life meets that. Stephen king is high and mighty on his social media, but his movies were among the most disturbing. Machines running over kids, mass killing, with Carrie (remade twice) to remind the generation killing solves bullies. Children of the corn, programmed drone kids.
I can't into any television anymore because I connect it with a 'could very well happen ' scenario. I'm going with my gut and saying yeah. Horror is in the tool box.
Jayden Reed
Fun Fact: Author of that story also wrote the most accurate dystopian fiction of all time.
Bentley Sullivan
My father served in Nam, they also broke many of soldiers. He seemed aware and if he caught me reading king, or others he thought inappropriate, he replaced with Tom Clancy. He didn't do hard drugs, no hard booze. He wanted to get fucked up to forget, and stay somewhat clear to be on guard. And he was. Can only imagine what's done nowadays.
Xavier King
Nice job, OP. Bump.
Brayden Davis
Idk why but this post isn't average filler slide, my senses are telling me there's a piece scattered. I think I see it, more. Obviously guard is up around here, I want to believe this is all friendly. Not 'friendly'
The overall plan if my spidey senses are even half correct, is insidious, because it's generations of fuckery here.
Joshua Torres
Aaron Brooks
What about Greasers? I'm not a 'murican so I just found out that this was a thing. Oh right, that was in the 50s. But those cats seem pretty cool. I'd like to bring that back.
War for peace.peace through war. Loud and clear.quiet.murky!
Camden Long
It was the huge Rebelling Youth psyops..
Yes the whole counter cultural shift took place in the 60's, but they were prepping it a decade earlier.
They copied it from the germans. National Socialist made a huge cultural revolution in germany within the youth and veteran men. Basically Hitler had propaganda specially made and aimed at youth and veterans. Rest of the society came along after the cultural shift. They called it "conservative revolution".
Now Jews were not dumb. As soon as germans were defeated they went full swing to great popular culture aimed at youth and young adults. Made up power and sexual fantasies around rebelling against norms of whiteness and conservatism. Amplifying the degree of degeneracy slowly over the decades.
At some point in the 50's folk rock musicians all over the world were mysteriously coming to one single place in California called Laurel Canyon. From there the hippie scene grew.
Mysteriously all the hippie folk rock artist were sons or relatives of famous and powerful USA military generals and leaders.
Artist like Frank Zappa, the Doors, Love, the Beach Boys, the Byrds, Gram Parsons, Mammas and pappas and many more had ties to military.
In the time of a majour war against Vietnam these people who in the name of peace and love were promoting drug use, open sexuality and other degeneracy were not drafted. Why? Was it because many of them were sons and assosiates of powerful men?
Drugs were illegal, yet cops didnt come to the canyon to arrest any of these. Many of hollywoods rising stars had their start from that one canyon. There even was a secret military base there where they had film equitment and other media tools for media. Many of hollywoods famous directors went thete.
That canyon was also in many cases the starting place of the modern serial killer phenomenon. Numerous naked bodies of young white women were found there. It also had huge drug trafficking center. Its a rumour that two of the Manson familys members were running drugs. The manson murders were to kill people who were refusing to pay out their debts. The famous jewish pedophile film producers Roman Polanski's wife was alledgedly doing drug trafficking and the manson family targeted her for it. What i gather manson wasnt himself involved in the murders or drug trade, but was framed by his "family members".
Hunter Taylor
Pre-weirmar rebuplic gays were mostly jewish cultic phenomenun. Jews tried to make homosexuality, incest and pedophilia normal in Berlin. They studied it and scientifically found a way to pervert others. Hitler kicked them out of course, but after WW2 many of the jewish psychologist with the help of CIA tried to normalize it. Psychologists were promoting it as something natural while the 60's counter culture tried to spread sexual perversions. Many of these counter culture activist were pedophiles and they wanted to normalize it. So they started long march through institutions to achieve it. Porn industry and LBGT-community is largely part of this conspiracy. Under it is large homosexual lobby.
The largest and most influencial groups was Nambla or north american man boy love association, which worked in secrecy to corrupt as many celebrities, politicians, or anyone influencial. They would network and promote their guys to top especially in culture creation like music, movies, books and magazines.
Many of the pornographic magazines like playboy used to post playful child porn in their pages.
Arthur C clark was famous science fiction writer and new world order shill. He was ousted as pedophile in the raids done to NAMBLA, where multiple pedophiles ousted him as one. He was open homosexual.
Good example how USA's goverment and military was involved in all this was when the military funded a known homosexual band Village People and their song "in the navy". Who authorized the filming of their music video? Some gay fuck. Village people also had huge involvement in the gay pride movement. In their song "go west" they are messaging to all gays to come and join san francisco and other californian gay scene.
Ethan Smith
Soviet, not CIA They may have been Communist Infiltration Agency members but the plan at the time was still under the direction of the bolsheviks, and the CIA was not autonomous.
Gabriel Richardson
remember the milk cartons in the 1980s? totally makes sense now.
Easton Young
From the book "Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder"
The January BBC report came on the heels of an interview that the impris- oned Dutroux granted a Flemish journalist and a Belgian senator. Therein, Dutroux was quoted as admitting, “a network with all kinds of criminal activities really does exist. But the authorities don’t want to look into it.” He also acknowl- edged the existence of “a well-grounded [paedophile] ring. I maintained regular contact with people in this ring. However, the law does not want to investigate this lead.”
Another lead that was never seriously investigated involved allegations of satanic cult involvement in the abductions. In 1996, police had found a note at Bernard Weinstein’s home that led them to investigate the Abraxas organization and its high priestess, Dominique Kindermans. Some segments of the Belgian press speculated that the organization was a satanic cult that assisted in obtaining young girls for ritual sacrifices.
If the Marc Dutroux case were some kind of aberration, it would still be a dis- turbing story for the level of unspeakable corruption and depravity of the Belgian political and law enforcement establishment of which it speaks. Far more disturb- ing is the fact that it does not appear to be an isolated case at all.
As 1 999 drew to a close, the nation of Latvia was rocked by a child prostitu- tion/child pornography scandal that reached to the very top of the political power
Programmed to Kill
structure. The case first broke in August, when police uncovered a massive opera- tion involving as many as 2,000 severely abused children. When media reports began linking top Latvian officials to the case, a special parliamentary commis- sion was assembled to investigate the emerging allegations. In February 2000, the chairman of the commission delivered a report to Parliament linking the coun- try’s Prime Minister and Justice Minister, the director of the State Revenue Service, and a number of army and law enforcement officers to the case. A cam- paign was immediately begun to discredit the committee chairman, including allegations that he is tied to the former KGB — a classic case of redbaiting that enabled the allegations to be dismissed as ‘Communist propaganda.
Hudson Perez
On November 27, 2002, The Guardian reported that many among Portugal’s elite were linked to a pedophile ring as well: “A scandal over a paedophile ring run from a state orphanage gripped Portugal yesterday as it threatened to engulf diplomats, media personalities and senior politicians. Photographs of unnamed senior government officials with young boys from Lisbon’s Casa Pia orphanage were among the evidence reportedly available to police after they arrested a for- mer orphanage employee called Carlos Silvino.” One revelation in the case was “that systematic sexual abuse of children at the home had allegedly been going on for more than 20 years and had been known to police and other authorities for most of that time.” Teresa Costa Macedo, a former secretary of state for families, has said that she sent a dossier to police twenty years ago containing “damning proof” of the abuse, including photographs and eyewitness statements. The information was not acted upon, and, for her trouble, Macedo became the victim of a campaign of threats and intimidation.
In June 2003, the Independent reported that police “at first denied her reports existed,” but then later produced them. Macedo has testified before parliament that the former president, Antonio Ramalho Eanes, the former foreign secretary, Jaime Garcia, and elements within the police all knew of the ongoing abuse. An official report claims that, “among the children still living at Casa Pia, at least 128 had been subjected to sexual abuse. Many are deaf and dumb.” Countless other victims have passed through the facility over the last thirty years. Among those detained or questioned in the case were Carlos Cruz, known in Portugal as “Mr. Television”; Manuel Abrantes, a former director of Casa Pia; Joao Ferreira Diniz, a doctor at Casa Pia; Jorge Ritto, a former ambassador to UNESCO; Flugo Marcal, Carlos Silvino’s former attorney; Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, Portugal’s Socialist Party leader; television talk show host Herman Jose; and Paulo Pedroso, a former Labour minister.
A follow-up report in the Independent noted that Casa Pia, founded by a police superintendent, first “came under scrutiny 20 years ago when a young inmate died. . .Officials found the home’s doors open all night and youngsters in
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a cruising area for male prostitutes. Four children aged between eight and 12, missing for a fortnight, were found in a luxury flat in nearby Cascais owned by a diplomat.” That diplomat was Jorge Ritto. It is now alleged that Silvino, an employee and former resident of Casa Pia, acted for years to procure young boys for rich and powerful pedophiles, including Ritto. Adolescent witnesses have claimed on Portuguese television that they were offered enticements and “then raped… and recruited for sex parties with powerful ‘friends.’ Others, now adult, have told of chilling experiences long suppressed.” A Portuguese organization calling itself Innocence in Danger has been working for years to publicize the prob- lem of child abuse and child abductions in the country, but have been unable to penetrate what they describe as a “media blackout.”
Levi Smith
As of February 2003, a campaign was underway in Scotland to unseal records that have been sealed for 1 00 years under special order. The records concern the activities of Thomas Hamilton, a notorious child molester/murderer who was credited with killing sixteen schoolchildren and a teacher, and then himself, in 1996. One police report sealed under the order “concerns Thomas Hamilton’s activities at a summer camp in Loch Lomond in 1991, five years before the shootings,” and allegedly links Hamilton to “figures in the Scottish establish- ment, including two senior politicians and a lawyer,” according to the Guardian.
A report in Scotland’s Sunday Herald, from March 2003, revealed that 106 documents had been sealed. These included “a letter connected to Hamilton, which was sent by George Robertson, currently head of NATO, to Michael Forsyth, who was then Secretary of State for Scotland,” as well as “correspon- dence relating to Thomas Hamilton’s alleged involvement in Freemasonry.” A deputy justice minister, Michael Matheson, was quoted in the article questioning the official justification for sealing the documents: “The explanation to date about the 1 00-year rule was that it was put in place to protect the interests of chil- dren named in the Central Police Report. How can that explanation stand when children aren’t named?”
On September 29, 2000, The Irish Times reported that yet another pedophile network had surfaced: “Eight people were arrested in Italy and three in Russia, and police said 1,700 people were being investigated in Italy.” The images traded by this ring were “divided into several categories. . .The most gruesome, police said, was coded ‘Necros Pedo,’ in which children were raped and tortured to death.”
And so it is that we first confront that most disturbing of topics — snuff films, which most people assume do not actually exist. As recently as February 1999, the New York Post assured readers that: “Snuff films are the stuff of urban leg- end… how did this legend get started? No one knows.” The unfortunate truth though is that snuff films do actually exist, and they likely have existed for as long as film has existed, though they were not always known by that name. According
Programmed to Kill
to the Post: “The term ‘snuff’ was actually coined during the Charles Manson case, when press reports repeated a rumor that the Manson ‘family’ had filmed home movies of the brutal slayings.” Other reports hold that the term was coined in 1976 by a writer for the New York Times who was in need of a phrase to describe reports of murders following sexual activity being captured on film.
Caleb Perez
In the late 1970s, as Carl Raschke noted in Painted Black, the “Texas House Select Committee on Child Pornography disclosed. . .that investigators probing leads to organized crime in Houston, Dallas, and other major cities found that ‘slave’ auctions for sixteen- and seventeen-year-old boys were routinely held in Mexico. Some of the boys were featured in brutal snuff or ‘slasher’ movies.” Raschke also quotes from a study by U.S. mental health professionals that claims that a child from Mexico “can be packaged, delivered, and sold deep within [the United States] in a short time,” and that many are purchased solely “for the pur- pose of killing.”
In Enslaved, Gordon Thomas reported that: “At the start of the year [1991] Britain’s Scotland Yard was continuing to investigate reports that up to twenty children in London had been murdered last year in [snuff films] and the video tapes sold on the Continent.” Journalist Nick Davies, writing for the Guardian in November 2000, revisited that investigation, which was centered on a group of British pedophiles living in Amsterdam. The investigation revealed that the men were running gay brothels that were essentially ‘fronts’ for trafficking underage boys, many purchased from the streets of economically ravaged Eastern Europe, and others collected from the streets of London. Prominent among the group of pedophiles were a man named Alan Williams, known as the “Welsh Witch,” and another named Warwick Spinks, who according to Davies, “pioneered the traf- ficking of boys as young as 10.”
The men used the boys in the production of child pornography and, according to several witnesses, in the production of snuff films. Davies wrote: “not just once but repeatedly, evidence had come to the attention of police in England and the Netherlands, that, for pleasure and profit, some of the exiled paedophiles in Amsterdam had murdered boys in front of the camera.” Indeed, witnesses had independently given descriptions of snuff films that were remarkably consistent in the details of the types of torture used and the manner of death, though the descriptions of the victim and the filming location differed, indicating that a num- ber of such films had been made. One witness claimed to have seen five such films.
In the fall of 1998, British detectives flew to Amsterdam to investigate a par- ticularly detailed account provided by a witness. The investigators had in their possession: a detailed description of the apartment where the witness had viewed the tape; the name of the owner of the apartment and videotape; the name of the man who committed the murder; a detailed description of events on the tape;
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and the first name and approximate age of the victim. With all that in hand, says Davies, the detectives “hit a wall.” Dutch police “said it was not enough” to war- rant launching any sort of an investigation. By that time, investigators had been hearing accounts of the snuff films for nearly eight years. At one point, they had recruited an undercover officer “to pose as a child abuser and befriend Warwick Spinks,” who acknowledged to the officer that he was actively involved in traf- ficking boys. He also revealed that he knew “some people who were involved in making snuff movies and how they did it was, they only sold them in limited edi- tions, made 10 copies or something, 10 very rich customers in America, who paid $5,000 each or something like that.” There is no indication that any thorough investigation was ever conducted, or that any arrests were ever made.
Julian Reyes
In September 2002, the Chicago Sun Times carried a brief report of two broth- ers who were arrested and charged with possessing an enormous collection of child pornography. Seized from the brothers were 5,000 photographic images, along with about 100 videotapes and 8mm films. Among this evidence were images of “young girls apparently tortured, raped and killed.” The American media has shown no inclination to shine any additional light on the case.
An account of the recent Italian case carried by the Guardian affirmed the exis- tence of snuff films: “Police have discovered a massive international paedophile network selling violent child-pornography videos to clients in Italy, the US and Germany. .. (authorities are) trying to identify 5,000 people who are suspected of attempting to purchase the videos, some of which appear to contain images of children being tortured and murdered.” The UK’s Independent, in a follow-up published in November 2000, also confirmed that the seized materials included child snuff films: “Horrified investigators gathered images of more than 2,000 children who were filmed while being abused, raped, and. . .killed.” By that time, close to 1,500 people had been charged in the case, but not — as the Guardian noted — “those in high places who are believed to form a ‘paedophile lobby.’”
As in the Belgian, Latvian, and Portuguese cases, there were indications in the Italian case of high-level complicity and a strong belief among the people that the facts of the case were being covered up. And as with the other cases, the Independent reported that the magistrate heading up the inquiry “provoked a furore by denouncing a ‘paedophile lobby’ supported by politicians which he said openly obstructed the investigators and worked to prevent tougher sanctions for the consumers of child pornography.” The New York Times reported in March 1 997 that there is “growing public indignation in France and elsewhere about the recurrent reports of kidnapping, rape or incest involving the very young.” The same Times report revealed that French police had “detained more than 250 peo- ple and confiscated some 5,000 videocassettes” in conjunction with an investiga- tion into a massive child pornography ring. Those detained by police were
Programmed to Kill
described as “mainly married professionals.” A dozen of rhem soon turned up dead, allegedly by their own hand.
The BBC filed a brief report on a 1996 case that was otherwise almost com- pletely ignored by the English-language press: “Mexican police broke up an inter- national child pornography ring based in the resort of Acapulco which they said had at least four thousand clients in the United States ,” (emphasis added). A UN envoy investigating the case said that the “child pornography sometimes involved babies of less than one month old.”
In June 1997, the News Telegraph spoke of over 800 French homes being raided and 204 suspects being taken into custody. Among those detained were “more than 30 teachers. . .and a number of priests,” as well as the deputy mayor of the town of Saint Mihiel. By the end of the week, four had committed suicide, including a school headmaster. Three years later, the BBC filed a very brief report noting that a verdict was due “in the trial of more than sixty people accused of possessing child pornography. One of the judges hearing the case said examining the video evidence made him feel physically sick.” In a familiar refrain, it was reported that: “the French courts have been accused of attacking the easy tar- gets — porn consumers — rather than producers and distributors. And one chil- dren’s rights group has alleged that senior public figures were among those investigated — but their cases were dropped before coming to court.”
In 1998, another large-scale international ring was discovered operating out of the Netherlands and Berlin, Germany. The New York Times reported that investi- gators called the case “nauseating,” in that “images of abuse of even babies and infants were peddled via the Internet and other media.” Police discovered “volu- minous records of what appear to be clients and suppliers from countries includ- ing Israel, Ukraine, Britain, Russia and the United States.” The ring was first uncovered when a key member was found dead in Italy. According to the Irish Times, he was murdered by another member of the ring. His apartment in the Dutch town of Zandvoort was found to contain “thousands of digital images stored on computer disks,” as well as “hundreds of addresses of suspected suppliers and clients,” according to the New York Times. The images shocked even veteran sex-crimes investigators, one of whom stated that the seized evidence “left [him] speechless… It looks like the perpetrators are not dealing with human beings but with objects.”
Ian Lopez
The BBC reported in June 1999 that two unnamed German men had “gone on trial, accused of running a child pornography ring in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.” The pair, along with at least eleven identified but unin- dicted accomplices, “made video recordings of the gang sexually abusing children between the ages of three and 14 since 1993.” A large but unspecified quantity of “videos, photography, magazines and CD-ROMs containing child pornography
David McGowan
were confiscated.” Also noted was a possible connection to the Dutroux case: “There have been cases of Slovak children being taken to Vienna to make porno- graphic films. The Belgian paedophile Marc Dutroux. . .was a regular visitor to one Slovak town.”
In September 1998, another ring had been raided — one that the BBC described as “a larger and more sinister paedophile network called Wonderland.” 9 The San Jose Mercury News reported, “police in… 22 states and 13 foreign coun- tries conducted coordinated raids… aimed at breaking up an Internet child- pornography ring. . .The ring involves as many as 200 people around the world,
9 The network was so named in honor of Lewis Carroll’s revered children’s book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Carroll, whose real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, was widely known to have a predilection for underage girls and boys, and is now something of a patron saint of pedophiles around the globe. A concerted effort has been made over the decades to cover up Carroll’s pedophilic tendencies, but the truth is evident even in the heavily whitewashed profiles of him that can be found in mod- ern encyclopedias. “Always a friend of children, particularly little girls, Carroll wrote thousands of letters to them,” notes Microsoft’s Encarta, adding that Carroll “gained an additional measure of fame as an amateur photographer. Most of his camera por- traits were of children in various costumes and poses, including nude studies.” A New York Times report from August 1998 states: “Dodgson exhibited a lifelong affection for little girls, seeking them out not only to enjoy their company and tell them stories, but also to photograph them, at times naked. His university colleagues thought this bizarre.” The Times also noted that the mother of Alice Liddell, the pre-pubescent girl that inspired Carroll’s most famous book, had banned Carroll from the Liddell home by the time the book was published. The Encyclopaedia Britannica reports that Carroll’s photographic hobby was abandoned in 1880, but dismisses suggestions that “this sudden decision was reached because of an impurity of motive for his nude stud- ies.” Carroll’s interest in child sexuality certainly hadn’t diminished; as the NY Times reported, “ [Carroll] remained attached to his ‘child friends’ after giving up photogra- phy, even sketching some naked girls as late as 1885.” Britannica also notes that Carroll — who was raised in an environment where there were “few friends outside the family,” and who was ordained a deacon in the Church of England on the winter sol- stice of 1861 — generally lost interest in his child ‘friends’ when they reached the age of twelve. Wonderland is also the name of the quarterly publication of an organization calling itself the Lewis Carroll Collector’s Guild, which bills itself as a “voluntary asso- ciation of persons who believe nudist materials are a constitutionally protected expres- sion and whose collective interests include pre-teen nudes.” As Gordon Thomas has noted, “in Wonderland the ‘delights’ of ‘transgenerational sex’ pepper the pages.” Such is the legacy of the man whose literary works are peddled to our children.
Brayden Kelly
who exchanged over the Internet thousands of sexually explicit images of children as young as 1 8 months.” The Independent later reported that the ring “shared pic- tures of children being abused — in some cases live via web-cam broadcasts over the internet.” The raids included homes in “Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal and Sweden,” according to the New York Times, which added that: “Several dozen people were arrested, but officials said they expected more than 100 to be charged.” The Independent later reported that 1 07 suspects were ultimately arrested. The Mercury News implied that that was only the tip of the iceberg: “The ring actually extends into 47 countries.”
The case was described by a British official as “stomach-churning.” The Times reported, “Wonderland Club members are believed to have posed their own chil- dren for pictures… In other cases. . .parents may have taken money to let their children be used.” The Guardian reported that over 1,250 children were featured in the photos and videos, “many of whom suffered appalling injuries and were seen sobbing uncontrollably as they were being sexually violated.” The Independent added that the victimized children were “mostly under [the age of] 10.” A BBC report held that the combined raids resulted in the seizure of more than “750,000 computer images of children.” A Detective Superintendent with the British National Crime Squad called these images “disgusting” and added that “the behavior that has been carried out is absolutely appalling.” The BBC also took note of the fact that, while ignored by the American press, “Wonderland originated in the United States.”
Among the scores of U.S. homes raided in connection with the case, one yielded a “database of more than 100,000 sexual photographs of naked boys and girls.” Interestingly enough, the Times also noted that another raid, “in Missouri, turned up a cache of weapons as well as child pornography in a heavily fortified trailer” — illustrating once again, as did the Dutroux case, the close ties between organized pedophilia and other terrorist assaults against society.
As with the earlier raids in Europe, a rash of ‘suicides’ followed the Wonderland arrests. By October 24, 1998, the Mercury News was reporting that no fewer than four of the thirty-four American suspects had killed themselves. These included a retired Air Force pilot, a microbiologist at the University of Connecticut, and a computer consultant in Colorado. In the UK, the Wonderland raids — dubbed Operation Cathedral — resulted in the indictments of eight suspects. One of the eight turned up dead four months later — another alleged suicide. The other seven were given ridiculously light sentences in February 2001 for their complicity in inflicting unfathomable abuse on countless children. Sentences ranged from 12 to 30 months. Just a few weeks before the sentences were handed down, the Guardian was reporting that: “Police today arrested 13 suspected paedophiles in the largest ever UK operation against child pornography.” Once again, a massive
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amount of appalling evidence was seized, with most of the material featuring “scenes of children being raped and sexually abused.”
The Independent reported in February 2001: “Detectives working on the [Wonderland] case discovered that many of the paedophiles were also members of other child pornography groups.” One of the groups most closely tied to Wonderland was a ring known as the Orchid Club, which had been exposed by a 1996 investigation in San Jose, California. That investigation had led to the indictment of sixteen men on charges of conspiring to produce and exchange child pornography. Members of the club were identified in at least nine states and three foreign countries. By the time of the Wonderland raids, the Mercury News was able to report that the purported ringleader of the Orchid Club and “twelve others either have pleaded guilty or have been convicted in connection with that case.” Their crimes included recruiting “young relatives and friends of their own children to be molested and photographed.”
Joseph Hughes
The club was also, like Wonderland, involved in “real-time exploitation of chil- dren” on the Internet. Club members were able to send in requests and have them acted-out on live feeds. The club also held a pedophile ‘summit,’ at which mem- bers “traded stories about pre-teen girls they had molested and photographed in sexually explicit poses.” The summit was held, appropriately enough, on April 20 — the birth date of Adolph Hitler and a significant occult holiday.
In late March 2001, yet another interlinked, global pedophile network was exposed. That month, the Independent reported, “US authorities announced the arrest of four American citizens for involvement in an international child-porn ring called Blue Orchid.” The Los Angeles Times added further details: “the United States and Russia have shut down a Moscow-based international pornography ring that used the Internet to sell videotapes of children engaged in sexual acts.” These tapes were said to sell for “between $200 and $300.” As an Associated Press release revealed, “police seized some 600 videotapes, 200 digital video disks and many boxes of photographs.” Video duplication equipment and sales and ship- ping records were also seized, leading to “criminal inquiries in 24 nations. . .Many of the tapes were bought by people in the United States; others went to Germany, Britain, France, Denmark, China, Kuwait, Mexico and scores of other countries.” The Times reported that nine people had been arrested and fifteen search war- rants had been issued in the case. The AP report noted that four of those arrests were in Russia, where two suspects, alas, had “committed suicide.” The ring was also said by the Times to offer what were cryptically referred to as “custom-made videos” for the hefty price of $5,000 each. The contents of these videos were not revealed, but it was revealed that the “prevalence of child pornography has increased dramatically with the growth of the Internet. There are approximately 100,000 web sites worldwide associated with child pornography.”
Programmed to Kill
This point was reinforced the next day when the British press reported police raids on yet another pedophile ring. A report in the Guardian held “more than 30 people, including a… man working for a national youth organization, were arrested yesterday in dawn raids on the homes of suspected paedophiles.” Once again being sold and traded were images “which showed children being abused.” A report on the case in the Independent quoted a law enforcement spokesman as revealing, “that those arrested included members of ‘some interesting profes- sions,’” though the source demurred from revealing what those professions might be. The official did say that they had “a disturbing scenario of one or two juve- niles who have been caught in this way. One of them appears to be a 1 3-year-old boy.” The police acknowledged that the arrested boy was “also a potential victim and would be treated in that light,” which seems rather obvious. Nevertheless, a follow-up to the story that the Independent ran in May held that the boy had become “one of the youngest people to be listed on the sex offenders’ register.” The next month, the Guardian carried a report on Eric Franklin Rosser — accused child pornographer, one of the FBI’s ten-most-wanted criminals, and a former keyboardist for John Cougar Mellencamp’s band. According to the report, “investigators believe Rosser’s material is among pornography circulated by a British paedophile ring. ..More than 1,800 members are thought to belong to a club called Teenboys. Its website features boys aged around 12…Teenboys is con- sidered bigger than the notorious Wonderland Club.”
In September 200 1 , the Scottish Daily Record reported that a “salvation army couple working on a British army base have been arrested in a massive paedophile crackdown.” Seized from the couple’s home were “some 400 videotapes. . .comput- ers, discs, photographs and other material… images of children as young as two have been found.” The same report claimed “a massive vice probe into kiddie porn in the USA would expose some of the biggest names in Hollywood as paedophiles. A federal investigation, codenamed Operation Avalanche, has already resulted in over 1 00 arrests — and the US Department of Justice say there will be hundreds more, including celebrities.” Lori Rabjohns, identified as a Justice Department spokeswoman, was quoted as saying: “These are people who appear upstanding members of society. . .We’re talking doctors, lawyers — and celebrities.”
Samuel Johnson
The investigation came about as a result of a raid on the Ft. Worth, Texas home of Thomas and Janice Reedy, who had been operating a business called Landslide Productions, which offered child pornography for sale over the Internet. The Reedy’s website, according to the Independent, functioned as a por- tal to “more than 5,700 websites with names such as Child Rape and Cyber Lolita.” The Reedys had made millions of dollars from their child porn business, which “employed more than a dozen staff, including a customer service represen-
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tative and a receptionist.” This financial empire was built with “money raised from the torture, rape and sexual abuse of children as young as two.”
The raid on the Reedy’s home, conducted in September 1999, unexpectedly yielded a database of the names and addresses of a reported 75,000 subscribers around the world. According to a report carried in February 2002 by TechTV, “more than 35,000 [of those] individual subscribers [were] in the United States.” Nevertheless, only 100 arrests had been made at that time of the report — a num- ber that remained unchanged in the months after the initial arrests. By early 2003, the story had dropped out of sight with little indication that there would be any further arrests, despite Chief Postal Inspector Kenneth Weaver’s earlier insistence that the initial arrests were just “the tip of the iceberg.”
More than 7,000 subscribers to the site were British citizens. Their names, addresses and credit card information were provided by the FBI to British author- ities, who launched an investigation paralleling Operation Avalanche that was dubbed Operation Ore. As in America, only a few of the known offenders have thus far been arrested. Included among those questioned by police have been tel- evision personality Matthew Kelly and legendary guitarist Pete Townshend.
Rushing to Townshend’s defense was The Nation columnist Alexander Cockburn, who earlier played a prominent role in denouncing the McMartin prosecutions. In a posting on his Counterpunch website from February 2003, Cockburn grossly misrepresented the nature of the charges against Townshend. Fie charged that, according to the Supreme Court, “‘porn’ encompass [es] even clothed images of children if they are construed as arousing. ‘Child’ means any- one under 18.” Cockburn labeled Townshend’s arrest “absurd,” and claimed that if you “have a photo of a kid in a bath on your hard drive, and the prosecutor says you were looking at it with lust in your heart, [then] that is tantamount to sexu- ally molesting an actual kid in an actual bath.”
Cockburn was clearly trying to convey the impression that Townshend and others are the innocent victims of overzealous prosecutors. It will be recalled, however, that the images that the Landslide website was offering to Townshend and other subscribers were images of “the torture, rape and sexual abuse of chil- dren as young as two.” Those are not the types of images that would easily be mis- taken for innocent pictures of a child taking a bath.
Also included among the 7,272 suspects in the United Kingdom, according to the Observer, were “hundreds of child welfare professionals, including police offi- cers, care workers and teachers,” all of whom were “identified as ‘extremely high- risk’ paedophiles.” Particularly well represented on the list were law enforcement personnel: “Investigators now believe as many as 90 police officers have so far been identified from an initial trawl of 200 of the British names found in the U.S.
Brayden Williams
Im sure if you look deeper into it, you find most of them are jewish too.
Hunter Butler
I actually tried to research this. I gathered full list of serial killers from murderpedia and made colour notes on word.
I never finished it, but I was past the middle point. I too was suprised how many blacks were. Also checking by googleying every serial killers photo and references to judaism I discovered that made more then half of whites were mislabele muds. At least 1/3 or even more were jews, 1/4 were latinos and 1/5 mulatos.
Those were the results then. I never was able to finish my work. Also what stuck me was how many of the cases had occult and satanic aspects even they were not reported like that by murderpedia. At least 10% I came a cross had to do with ritualistic occultism. Also there were many serial killers who worked with others. It wasnt so lone wolf thing i had thought.
This was all before I even heard about programmed to kill.
Logan Smith
Greasers were mostly Latino or Italian/American thugs.
see Catcher in the Rye (Salinger 1951), On the Road (Kerouac 1957), Naked Lunch (William S. Burroughs, 1959). These books romanticized alienation, hedonism and nihilism for kids in 'Merica. Junky pedo Burroughs (1914-1997), friend and sex partner of NAMBLA enthusiast Allen Ginsburg, is the de facto Patron Saint of the left. Kerouac became a patriotic conservative and drank himself to death by the age of 47.
Levi Taylor
this, read it all
Ryder Peterson
It's old fashion Jewish blood libel and kabbala warlock bullshit. Satanism is a modern jew meme that uses corrupted symbols of our pagan ancestors, it's the goyim auxiliary force for the hardcore baby blood drinking jews.
Gavin Garcia
The CIA was all over the place in social engineering but I'll let you know now that most of it backfired. America really wasn't meant to turn out this way. Sorry.
Kevin Martin
Gavin Young
Not to mention the military was actively trying to fund a program to create a "gay bomb"
Brayden King
Why would the CIA wish to sabotage its own society?
Wyatt Collins
They consist of high level (elite/rich/etc) fraternity of guys aiming to control everyone. Mostly from British royalty in terms of bloodlines, the others are hapless tools. The British monarchy has been trying to regain their empire since they lost it and see all plebs as equal - which is why they spearhead importing migrants from all over the word and zealously get others to follow suit. They culled (dark ages,) deported (AU,) and drove off (US) all of their free thinking plebs and in turn their leaders are complacently incompetent with no aptitude for ruling everyone (hence why they lost their empire and why they see all plebs as equal.)
Parker Bailey
They never lost it.
Adrian Gutierrez
Most world leaders (over 99% of them) are linked directly to British royalty, but they lack the absolute power they once had. That's why they're doing their damndest to grab guns, spy, implement self-driving cars to off dissenters, dumb down the population with multiculturalism and cross-breeding of migrants, etc. They can't do all they want to do anymore without having revolts and losing what's left.
Ian Smith
The majority of scientists behind MKUltra were kikes. It's either kikes or their shabbos goyim, the freemasons who form the networks for all this filth. The kike is a genetic monster than inhabits the landscape of nightmare fairy tales. They have always lived parasitically, closed off from decent society. Their main enemy is the white man who will fight his way through a nest of kikes solo to save a child or woman, the pogrom, and the shoah. Ovens.
Eli Jackson
Uncle Sam Wants Your Children
“I cannot accept promotion in a system that at first refused to acknowledge and now refuses to deal with the victims of exten- sive child abuse that occurred at the West Point Child Development Center. ”
— Army Captain Walter R. Grote, refusing a promotion to Major in June 1985
O ne of the names that surfaced at the Bonacci trial was that of Michael Aquino, the ‘High Priest’ and chief executive of the Temple of Set, an overtly satanic cult that split off from the Church of Satan in 1975. Besides tending to those duties, Aquino has also been known to occupy his time serving as (accord- ing to his official biography, circulated by the Temple) a “Lieutenant Colonel, Military Intelligence, U.S. Army.”
Aquino was identified in court, by the mother of a victim, as being a key player in a nationwide pedophile ring. Paul Bonacci himself has also positively identified Aquino as an associate of King who was known to Bonacci and the rest of the children only as the Colonel.’ King’s former personal photographer has identified Aquino as the man to whom he saw King hand over a suitcase full of cash and bonds. The photographer, Rusty Nelson, has also said that he was told by King that Aquino was part of the Contra guns and cocaine trafficking opera- tion run by George Bush and another notorious Lt. Col. named Oliver North. Aquino has also been linked to Offutt Air Force Base, a Strategic Air Command post near Omaha that was implicated in the investigation by the Franklin Committee (and that was also, strangely enough, where George W. Bush opted to hide out on the afternoon of September 11, 2001). Aquino was also claimed to have ordered the abduction of a Des Moines, Iowa paperboy.
Programmed to Kill
This was certainly not the first time that Aquino had been identified as a key figure in organized pedophile/child pornography rings. In July 1988, not long before the King and Spence cases broke, the San Jose Mercury News ran a lengthy expose on the Presidio Child Development Center run by the U.S. Army in San Francisco. Allegations of abuse being perpetrated at the center first emerged in November 1986. Alarmed by accusations made by her child, a parent had sought a medical examination that confirmed that her three-year-old boy had in fact been anally raped. The boy identified his rapist as ‘Mr. Gary,’ a teacher at the cen- ter named Gary Hambright. Even with this conclusive medical evidence, how- ever, “it took the Army almost a month to notify the parents of other children who had been in ‘Mr. Gary’s’ class that the incident had taken place.”
Within a year, at least sixty additional victims had been identified, all between the ages of three and seven, and further “allegations would be made by parents that several more children were molested even after the investigation had begun.” Amazingly enough, the center remained open for more than a year after the first case of abuse was reported, although, as noted by the Mercury News, “day care centers under state jurisdiction are routinely closed when an abuse incident is confirmed.”
Ethan Kelly
And this was considerably more than a simple abuse incident that had been confirmed. The children told stories that implicated many other perpe- trators in addition to Hambright. They also told of being taken away from the center to be abused in private homes; at least three such houses were positively identified. And they told of being forced to play “poopoo baseball” and the “goo- goo” game — ‘games’ that involved the children being urinated and defecated upon, and being forced to ingest urine and feces. Many of the children also spoke of having guns pointed at them and of being told that they and/or their parents and siblings would be killed if they told anyone what had been done to them.
Despite the mounting number of victim/witnesses, and the numerous crimes alleged by these children, only one suspect, Gary Hambright, was arrested — on January 5, 1987 — and he was charged with abusing just a single child. Even then the charges were dismissed just a few months later, in March 1987.
There is little doubt that literally dozens of children were in fact severely abused at the center. There undeniably was medical evidence to document that fact. Five of the children had contracted chlamydia, a sexually transmitted dis- ease; many others showed clear signs of anal and genital trauma consistent with violent penetration. Authorities chose to ignore such evidence. One mother com- plained to the San Francisco Chronicle that the FBI never interviewed her or her son, even after doctors had confirmed the boy’s abuse. In addition to the medical symptoms, there were psychological symptoms as well. As The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry noted in April 1992, the “severity of the trauma for children at the Presidio was immediately manifest in clear cut symptoms. Before the abuse
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was exposed, parents had already noticed the following changes in their children: vaginal discharge, genital soreness, rashes, fear of the dark, sleep disturbances, nightmares, sexually provocative language, and sexually inappropriate behavior. In addition, the children were exhibiting other radical changes in behavior, including temper outbursts, sudden mood shifts, and poor impulse control. All these behavioral symptoms are to be expected in preschool children who have been molested.”
Joshua Edwards
The journal article, written by Diane Ehrensaft, Ph.D., also noted that the “Presidio case has confronted both the public at large and the mental health community with an extraordinary and abhorrent situation of grave psychological proportions: the willful molestation of young boys and girls by representatives of the most patriarchal and supposedly protective arm of the American govern- ment — the U.S. Army.” Ehrensaft observed that a nearly pathological hatred had manifest itself in the fathers of children abused in this way, particularly as they saw their children’s cases stonewalled and swept under the rug. One father was quoted as saying: “When something about the Presidio comes on TV, I want to blow someone away.” Another father echoed that sentiment: “I was ready to blow the army base away.”
One of those who the fathers would have liked to blow away was Michael Aquino. One child positively identified Aquino and his wife, Lilith (known to the kids as ‘Mikey’ and ‘Shamby’), and was also able to identify the Aquinos’ private home and to describe with considerable accuracy the distinctively satanic interior decor of the house. The young witness claimed to have been photographed at the Aquinos’ home. On August 14, 1987, a search warrant was served on the house. Confiscated in the raid were numerous videotapes, photographs, photo albums, photographic negatives, cassette tapes, and name and address books. Also observed was what appeared to be a soundproof room. Neither of the Aquinos was charged with any crimes, nor have they been to this day — a fact that Aquino points to as proof of his innocence.
A month after the raid, a fire — which the Army deemed to be accidental — destroyed the Army Community Services Building adjacent to the Presidio’s day- care center. Strangely enough, “the fire occurred on the autumnal equinox, a major event on the satanic calendar,” as the Mercury News noted. The fire also destroyed some of the Child Development Center’s records. “Three weeks later, fire struck again, this time at the day care center itself.” A building that housed four classrooms, one of which was Gary Elambright’s, was completely destroyed. Investigators from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms determined “both fires, contrary to the Army’s finding, had been arson.” In between the first and second fires (with evidence indicating that a third arson attempt had been made as well), Hambright was again indicted, this time charged with molesting
Programmed to Kill
ten children. In February 1988, all but one of the new charges were dropped. Shortly thereafter, the remaining count was dropped as well. No further charges were brought against him.
In January 1988, Aquino filed suit against the Army to have it cleared from his record that he had been investigated as a suspected pedophile. According to court records, he also had the gall to charge “Captain Adams-Thompson [the father of a victim] with conduct unbecoming an officer because the Captain reported the allegations of child abuse to the San Francisco police.” In denying Aquino’s motion, the court concluded “there was probable cause to title Aquino with offenses of indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false swearing,” despite the fact that “the San Francisco police department (SFPD) closed its investigation and filed no charges against the plaintiff or anyone else.”
Aquino and some of his defenders have consistently claimed that no one was ever prosecuted in the case due to a lack of evidence. This is cited as proof that the entire affair was no more than a ‘witch hunt.’ Of course, the failure to prosecute the federal charges could have been due to the fact that, at the time, the U.S. Attorney in San Francisco handling the case was Joseph Russoniello. Russoniello would later be identified by reporter Gary Webb (of the San Jose Mercury News) as a player in the Contra cocaine smuggling operation led by Lt. Col. Oliver North and company, just as witnesses would later identify Lt. Col. Michael Aquino as an operative in the very same sordid affair.
Caleb Kelly
In May 1989, Aquino was again questioned in connection with child abuse investigations; this time, at least five children in three cities were making the accusations. The children had seen Aquino in newspaper and television coverage of the Presidio case and immediately recognized him as one of their abusers. Three of the children lived in Ukiah, California, where Police Chief Fred Keplinger was overseeing the investigation of the allegations. The Mercury News quoted the chief as saying “the children are believable. I have no doubt in my mind that something has occurred.” Aquino was also identified by children in Santa Rosa and Fort Bragg, California. In the Fort Bragg case, “allegations of rit- ual abuse erupted… in 1985 when several children at the Jubilation Day Care Center said they were sexually abused by a number of people at the day care cen- ter and at several locations away from the center, including at least two churches.” Aquino was identified as having been present at one of those churches.
According to the Mercury News, there was clear evidence of satanic cult activ- ity on the grounds of the Presidio base, including an abundance of satanic graffiti, a satanic altar, and numerous artifacts of satanic rituals. A former MP at the base told the News “we’ve got a cult on the Presidio of San Francisco and nobody cares about it. . .We were told by the provost marshal to just forget about it.” On April 19, 1988, the eve of Adolph Hitler’s birthday, an open house was held on the
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grounds of the Presidio heralding the opening of a new daycare facility built to replace the fire-damaged Child Development Center. Meanwhile, a report in the Marin Independent Journal revealed that Aquino owned a building in Marin County — inherited from his mother, Betty Ford- Aquino — that was jointly leased to the Marin County Child Abuse Council and Project Care for Children. The stated purpose of Project Care was, interestingly enough, to assist parents in locating daycare for their children.
As disturbing as the Presidio case was, it was just one of many ritual abuse cases directly tied to one or more branches of the United States armed forces. As the Mercury News reported, “by November, 1987 the Army had received allegations of child abuse at 1 5 of its day care centers and several elementary schools. There were also at least two cases in Air Force day care centers,” and another in a center run by the U.S. Navy. In addition, “a special team of experts was sent to Panama [in June 1988] to help determine if as many as 10 children at a Department of Defense ele- mentary school had been molested and possibly infected with AIDS.” Yet another case emerged in a U.S. -run facility in West Germany.
These cases erupted at some of the country’s most esteemed military bases, including Fort Dix, Fort Leavenworth, Fort Jackson, and West Point. Many of those making the accusations were career military officers who had devoted their lives to unquestioned allegiance to the U.S. armed forces. Many would resign their posts in outraged protest.
Wyatt Ross
The West Point case, among others, was alleged to be linked to the Presidio case. As The Times Herald Record reported in June 1991, the “incidents [at the West Point Child Development Center] unfolded against a backdrop of satanic acts, animal sacrifices and cult-like behavior among the abusers, whose activities extended beyond the U.S. Military Academy borders to Orange County and a military base in San Francisco, parents charged.” The case first broke in July 1984, when a three-year-old girl found herself in the emergency room of the West Point FFospital with a lacerated vagina. She told the examining physician that a teacher at the daycare center had hurt her. The next month, the parents of another child leveled accusations of abuse at the center. As the Mercury News reported, “by the end of the year, 50 children had been interviewed by investiga- tors. Children at West Point told stories that would become horrifyingly familiar. They said they had been ritually abused. They said they had had excrement smeared on their bodies and been forced to eat feces and drink urine. They said they were taken away from the day care center and photographed.”
Despite abundant medical and psychological evidence and literally dozens of child witnesses, and despite “950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation,” the investigation, “led by former U.S. Attorney [and future mayor] Rudolph Giuliani” produced “no federal grand jury indictments,”
Programmed to Kill
according to the Herald Record. “In 1987, Giuliani said his detailed investigation showed only one or two children were abused.” Giuliani’s contention was directly contradicted by an independent investigation, as the Herald report divulged: “a still-secret, independent report — produced by one of the nation’s top experts on child sexual abuse — confirms the children’s accusations of abuse.”
This was not the first time that prestigious West Point had shown an appalling willingness to overlook military personnel directing extreme levels of abuse at children. A year before the abuse case broke, a 22-month-old child was murdered by an Army staff sergeant. The Mercury News reported that following “a court martial hearing, the sergeant was given an 1 8 month suspended sentence and dis- honorable discharge.” In other words, he was essentially given a free ride after murdering a child. With help from Giuliani, the FBI, the U.S. Army, and the grand jury, the abusers of dozens of children at the daycare center (which was, appropriately enough, building number 666 on the academy grounds) were like- wise given a free ride.
Juan Roberts
Jonathan Rogers
As with the Franklin case, the children and their parents found justice only through the civil courts. The Herald Record revealed that, in a suit brought by the parents, “lawyers for both the government and the 1 1 child plaintiffs agreed that some children were sexually abused at the center two years ago.” The govern- ment, however, claimed that it could not be held responsible, due to the “assault exemption in the Federal Tort Claim Act.” As the New York Times explained, “under federal law the government cannot be held liable for assaults committed by its employees and thus cannot be sued for assault.” In other words, the Army did not dispute the allegations; it just rather cavalierly maintained that it was exempt from being sued for what had occurred at one of its daycare centers. The court saw otherwise, however, and awarded $2.7 million to nine of the child vic- tims — paltry compensation for their suffering, but a victory of sorts nonetheless. The Times opined that the settlement amount “was large for a child-abuse case in which no criminal charges were filed.” The article claimed that the case was not pursued because “the Federal Bureau of Investigation found ‘insufficient evidence to prosecute,”’ when in fact the Bureau appears to have deliberately ignored and/or covered- up that evidence.
And so ended the West Point case, except that — as one mother noted — it was hardly over: “These people stole our children. She’s nothing like she used to be. She’s a very angry little girl. She doesn’t trust anyone. She’s nothing like she was before this happened. It’s never going to be over for them, or for us.” The mother of a Presidio victim had this to say: “People keep telling us we’ve got to let it go — just forget about it and go on. . .Three weeks ago, our youngest daugh- ter was having nightmares and our other daughter was closing out the whole
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world, going to her room and sitting there, with no radio, no TV, no nothing. Tell me it’s over.”
Nathan Johnson
fuck off smiley, you gay retard
nobody cares about all your warmed over satanic panic occult shit
Jeremiah Brown
They all know what's waiting for them. Do you?
Jaxson Fisher
Luis Gray
Factually wrong.
Ethan James
Satanism/Saturnism is the original jew meme.
Adrian Gray
Not the same thing, don't fall for the kikes mysticism.
Evan Mitchell
Asher Gray
Smiley, you'll always be a pathetic poser who pretends to an authority on Occultism but only knows what you've read in some wacky, easily discredited books
you're an uniformed asshole of the first order and unworthy of even a sliver of attention
Sebastian Jackson
I'm a big fan of greasers and think they'd be a good "theoretical" model for young white men to emulate. They were like universal men,
Charles Allen
No, Satanism isnt real and isnt a relevant issue, the few actual Satanists that are, are fucking edgy faggot lunatics who will get themselves ostracized.
The problem is Molochism, which unlike Satanism, was a real religion and has been documented historically.
David Reyes
Both of you would probably be interested in searching out this website called Stone Greasers, I think. A lot of details white greasers trying to fight off nigger and spic gangs in Chicago mostly.
Parker Jones
Interesting site. I think it's something that could/should definitely be revived (or reformulated) going forward. Having the clubhouse is the key to these things working. A place where you can go relax, play pool, take a car apart, put a drone together, pick up chicks, interact with other men, learn to fight, read a book, and all that other good shit…. instead of sterile political LARPing day after day.
Charles Walker
Good read, thanks.
Cameron Stewart
Counter culture also opened up a headspace for normies to question the heights of authority, which were by that time completely kiked. Like any other purely intellectual venture, whites always find a way to counter the subversion, as after all we have the only real intellect.
Leo Howard
saturnism/moloch/judaism/freemasonry/satanism are all the same thing that come from the same place, which is kikes.
Camden Hernandez
Horror films can be a form of degeneracy worse than cuckold porn in my mind. If I see friends watching something like "Saw" they get an instant downgrade in social status.
Samuel Bell
R*cky H*rror Picture Show
Connor Clark
Michael Lopez
It was an 80's kid thing though, but today I can see your point. I can only watch the older flicks (like b/w NosferatJEW and Night of the Living Dead), and sometimes now I cannot even enjoy that anymore.
I saw a couple adverts for the films coming out today, they're pure degeneracy and gave me the legitimate creepy feel. Not a fun creepy feel. But like porn, it does keep pushing it farther and farther, doesn't it?
Zachary Rivera
Murder porn
Anthony Sanders
Greasers were the original white rebels. A lot of what they did is admirable to us, but that is only because we have degenerated so far that even scum look appealing. Greasers were alcoholic horndogs, violent gangsters. Greasers are far better than Dixie mafia only because the shit they did and music they listened to are considered Americana.
Hunter Price
Post deep psyche operations thread
Degenerates into talking about how cool greasers were.
Parker Lopez
We know the real-life version was mostly scum. I'm talking about the idealized concept where men had a range of skills–instead of the atomized/specialized groups we've become.
Grayson Morris
Truth is what works.
Believing in ideals works. It doesn't matter if Hercules wasn't everything the myths make him out to be. What matters is how we internalize those myths, because, even if Hercules wasn't a hero, we can be. Studying knightly orders, or even crude approximations, is useful because it provides a mold for people to pour themselves into. The most noble aspects can be cherrypicked and cobbled together to create something bold and beautiful. Something we need so desperately now that mass media is drenched in demoralizing filth.
Let's be scarabs.
Joshua Campbell
bump to btfo CIAniggers
Josiah Turner
Joseph Gonzalez
Dylan Young
Manson is a fag now?
Christian Jenkins
Is he even a serial killer? I understand convicting a mafia boss for ordering hits but a hippie commune leader? That's pushing it
Luis Cruz
The look is exclusively emulated by homosexuals these days.
William Murphy
Richard Rameriz wasn't a fag
Liam Russell
>Manson is a fag now?
Don't stress yourself. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia, for you and all other lazy fucking cunts:
" However, in January, he was caught raping a boy at knifepoint. He was transferred to the Federal Reformatory in Petersburg, Virginia, where he committed a further "eight serious disciplinary offenses, three involving homosexual acts", and then to a maximum security reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, where he was expected to stay until his release on his 21st birthday in November 1955. Good behavior led to an early release in May 1954, to live with his aunt and uncle in Mcmehen.[19] " en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Manson
You're welcome.
Chase Reed
So, you CAN understand the concept of a depraved leader of a sadistic gang, UNLESS your owners market their jihad against our civilization using happy-sounding titles?
Got it. Pardon to bother you. Go back to sleep.
Brayden Hall
Chase Moore
Nathaniel Watson
The hippie movement was coopted by the kikes, just like they always do. You know (((trs)))? Well, the kikes made (((YIPPIES))) in response to the hippie movement, in the same fucking way. 100% of the media spotlight went to the yippies, just like the alt-faggots get the attention now. PREVIOUS THREAD
Sebastian Ross
Are you that guy who wanted people to go to the festivle in Oregon or whatever?
Carson Long
Dubs do confirm. Praise Kek!
Jaxson James
Joseph Stewart
All this and no mention of the rôle played by the Weimarist jew perverts Freud, Reich and Hirschfeld, and the Frankfurt School (who, incidentally had infiltrated both OSS and the nascent CIA).
Daniel Foster
(((Reich's))) the worst. That pedophile motherfucking piece of shit was so bad, that despite being the perfect case study or Freud, was so deranged and disgusting, that even Freud refused to deal with him! Note, he was a favorite among the (((YIPPIES))) (kinda like Nambla and BAMN) and literally wanted to fuck his own mother. on note of Freud, he actually makes a lot of sense if you put into perspective that all of his psychiatry was meant solely for kikes, and not for humans, nigs, or chinks. If you apply his reasoning to the kike, it's usually spot on.
Easton Young
Fucking garbage shit low IQ anons let all the good threads slide and all the shit ones ride. You call yourselves white?
Ryder Gray
Fuck you, the KGB, led by the kike (((Yuri Andropov))) utilized Active Measures in order to destroy the greatness that was 1950's America.
(((Andropov))) funded:
CIA basically had to go "duuude LSD" to stop the (((KGB's))) actions among niggers, spics and kikes and get people fucked up on drugs so the (((KGB))) supported groups like kike socialists and niggers would drop acid and stop being politically active.
If there jewish USSR left the US alone, we would be a happy place like 1950's America.
Fuck you KGBfags for disinformation. CIA didn't want to give an inch to the niggers until you started active measures in the 60's, we would have still had white only and nigger only bathrooms.
Remember, there's ALWAYS a kike behind social subversion, fuck (((Andropov))) and the (((KGB))).
Jonathan Parker
Fuck you nigger. The kikes coopted the theme of the hippie movement by making the fully kiked YIPPIEs the media approved kosher (((peace movement.))) More hippies went to fucking Nam than didn't. if women are excluded, as they were ineligable for combat. Go to a fucking rainbow gathering, every fourth man you speak to is a military veteran.
Nathaniel Price
Trump says take the guns. No Due Process
Trump says take the guns. No Due Process
Ethan Sullivan
How do I get a girlfiend thread has 409 replies
Jacob Price
Ryder Thomas
>CIA basically had to go "duuude LSD" to stop the (((KGB's))) actions among niggers, spics and kikes and get people fucked up on drugs so the (((KGB))) supported groups like kike socialists and niggers would drop acid and stop being politically active. I would agree with you more if the CIA didn't recruit Leftist college kids from families like Bush that were generations of Left wing Christian priests and activists. Not to mention that they have actively engineered our destruction and never attempted to fight back against white genocide.
Joshua James
Fact is, the LSD program was originally led by /ourguys/ from operation paperclip. When the program was shut down because it could not deliver the results they wanted (being far more useful for deprogramming than reprogramming) the national socialists all bailed on the CIA retired? and went underground. The only real legacy of the original hippies, do not sell LSD, they give it out to break people's programming. It's considered a sin by them to sell it for fiat, that they refer to as "babylon bucks" in reference to the Amorites who enslaved Babylon through debt.
Chase Long
Jaxon Parker
Pedo detected.
Daniel Jenkins
The biker gangs started with WW2 vets in the late 40’s. Although we can’t talk about post WW2 outbreak of violent crime and juvenile delinquency(kids of dead soldiers or kids of alcoholic ptsd’d vets) because WW2 was the good war. Fucked up and disaffected WW2 vets didn’t exists, goy.
Ayden Edwards
(Check'd) Remember, report all shills. The kikes have been saying anyone who mentions anything "esoteric" or even historical, as "smiley"
Christian Sullivan
It ain’t me asshole.
Henry Collins
bump because you triggered me with your (((altright))) bullshit. this is obviously not a Smiley thread.
Ethan Myers
Noah James
Mason Rivera
Connor Morales
Nigger nigger trigger winger fuck your god damn butter finger.
this is a history thread. Smiley is "Serrano gnostics black sun is a aliens speak to me demons magickkkkk
Chase Perry
Thanks for confirming my suspicions, then.
Nathan Harris
How can we make this a reality? Just buying/renting the space for a clubhouse isn't enough. If you had the money, what would you do? Making a bar with that aesthetic would also attract niggers and degenerates, which would make everyone better than that feel uncomfortable.
Benjamin Martin
it's cool Deep State. I'm going to gut you either way.
Where do live you fuckinfg yuppie faggot? Your yuppie faggot questions are stupid. Niggers and degenerates wont role up on a place that scares them. You don't have to attract the ADL by wearing polo shirts and kakkkki pants dancing with other men to the Cure like Spencer and pretending to be white nationalists or anything.
Samuel Powell
Nicholas Baker
Dont fucking talk like a Spencer bot you little weasel
Oliver Rodriguez
WEW. Rose, River Phoenix, and Juaqine Phoenix grew up in a Christian polygamy/pedo cult together in Madras, Oregon started by a guy named (((Berg))). Oregon is the 33rd state so it's a favorite place for masonigger/mkultra shenanigans. Too much for one post but I'll start with what's relevant to other conections itt.
His book "Stand By Me" was made into a movie here directed by #metoo (((rob Reiner))), staring (((Richard Dryfuss))) and every child actor molestation cliché. River Phoenix, (((Cory Feldmen))) Keifer Sutherland, Will Wheaton, and John Cusack. "The Goonies" was filmed by (((Speilberg))) in Astoria, named after the (((elite bloodline))), also staring Feldman as "Mouth". That's just the public pedowood shit, never mind the private stuff and Uranium One connections.
That's good to see; some of us were digging on him last year and his (((Wikipedia))) page was 404'd in the process along with others.
Green River Killer (((Gary Ridgway))) Son of Sam (((David Berkowitz)))
Television”; There's something here, I can feel it but don't know where to start. Serial killer BTK was named Dennis Rader; I remember seeing the name Rader pop up regarding the Florida hoax too but I can't remember where. I'll have to re-lurk those tbh.
If you think that's usable for anything drink bleach you potato double-nigger.
user I… They were founded decades after the (((Fed))) which should be enough said. The whole Cold War was a fearmongering moneymaking psyop, weapons, drugs, human trafficking. Never any danger of two ZOG superpowers nuking each other, just proxy wars making money for Israel. Same shit you see right now with Best Korea's threats, controlled opposition fake and gay. Look up (((Jacob Schiff))), Rothschild's American lieutenant that was his well documented bagman for Trotsky, Teddy Rosevelt, Wilson, and FDR.
John Wilson
Think this user's right.
Bentley Brooks
b..b..but..muh russians…
Ryan White
Good thread OP. Programmed to Kill is a book that anyone here should read.
Zachary Richardson
Horror used to be intellectual user. It's sad what happened to it.
Josiah Young
Good question. If i had money, and located in the right area… I'd get the space, set up a bar (depending on how much money), a pool hall, a gym, and a workshop.
Yeah the hard part is how you advertise, to attract the right people. You could start with HEMA training as a filter. Then have workshop nights where you learn some auto-mech skills, things like that. Only motivated, disciplined people will be interested in that stuff.
But if you want to avoid heat, and degenerates, then don't be some explicit political themed org. All that has to stay below implicit. And if some nigger wants to hang around who's into that shit, what do you care.
And then later, you do up the jackets. Be selective though, it has to be earnt. And then morph into a neighborhood watch type set-up where you patrol streets to stop crime. Pretty soon, the Cobras (or whatever) will control that territory.
James Williams
Also, if someone has some more in depth thoughts, we could start a new thread, and help anons who want to do something similar/or join.
The aim is to be a part of some brotherhood/organization that provides mutual benefits, is implicitly euro, but isn't some fed honeypot for degenerates and clown nazis.
David Lee
just have a VIP side/floor. Then if degenerates show up, they get beaten up at the bar and then the bartender bans them from the premises for starting fights.
Thanks user, there's a lot of corroborating info in the archive'd thread as well.
Luke Butler
That's pretty clever tbh. Also, on a bar, you can see what people really look like (when drunk their social filter will be low). Downside is that I'm not a degenerate so I don't get drunk in public spaces, and neither does any man with self-respect… I wonder if makerspaces are just for faggots these days.
Gavin Price
Don't give me too much credit, I simply know that this is how it's done at many establishments already. I have an interesting history and made friends with bouncers are bars for organized crime and the occasional old biker. You shouldnt drink to excess, and anyone who does is a liability. After attaining a light buzz, social drinkers should stick to a drink per hour to keep it steady. That's usually the rate alcohol is metabolized.
Kayden Hernandez
Yes, they have always been. No professional artist or craftsman would allow themselves to be called some bullshit hipster faggot buzzword, like "Maker". It's fucking degrading, and the people who accept that term are always lazy degenerates who just want to shit on a table and have a machine mold it for them. Like that riceburning hipster Alexander Rafalovich who had his girlfriend Wong make all of his "oathbreaker" memecircles for him, and a spick at university of maryland, use a machine to cut out all of his balsa wood memeicons and then never even took the fucking effort to seal them or even sand the edges.
Lucas Cook
Has anyone dug into the infamous McMartin Preschool case? A lone report of sex abuse against a child ended with multiple victims, animal sacrifices, and tunnels under the school where satanic ritual abuse was (allegedly) committed? All charges were dropped against everyone, and the building was quickly demolished and something else was put in its' place. l've never seen anyone on Holla Forums talk about this. There's an extensive article about it here if anyone is interested:
That's why there should be pool, or some other activity, with gambling. This requires people to maintain a level of sobriety and mental acuity instead just standing around drinking.
Lucas Parker
I was going to bump some more quality thread and then I looked at the catalog. FML. I won't forget that NatBol killed Holla Forums. I'll be killing your children
Blake Young
IMkamphy isn't Turkish either
Chase Myers
But it does. They're sociopaths that are manipulative,and the only way to remove them is to give them the bladed end of an axe. How do you expect to remove them, by words? Unless there was a duel system in place that actually addressed the two individuals and their grievances in a equal manner, groups, gangs and bullying will continue to exist, and to remove the bully, you have to use the axe.
Noah Parker
Caleb Long
RIP Dave McGowan greatest conspiracy researcher ever.
Mason Jenkins
How can you support that guy? He looks like either an attention whore or controlled opposition to me. He's the prototype for alex jones, at best. All of the writing is leading, and often complete bullshit. What loads of shit.
Tyler Garcia
Because that's what jews do. They don't consider themselves part of the society they're leeching from and trying to destroy.
Gavin Morgan
McGowan most in depth and unique coverage of -Apollo mission bs -Boston bombing bs -60s counter culture manufactured -Serial killer profile bs -Lincoln assassination true culprits -First 9/11 skeptic -Pedos and the US Army connections
He was likely medically assassinated for being so damn good at what he does.
In conclusion
Adam Howard
what is this, the 90s?
Jayden Phillips
So damn good at disinfo and convincing idiot sheep like you?
Aiden Bailey
No mention of the Beat Generation? A group of Jewish authors and Poets in the 50's that memed the hippie counter-culture into existence?
Camden Clark
Anthony Brown
You ignorant fucking faggot, spreading controlled opposition. Do your fucking research, it's already been linked in this thread too if you want spoonfed you worthless faggot. You're talking about YIPPIES
Jack Green
jews have a specific role in government
60s counter culture was jews promoting it but also nazis
Jacob Jackson
Mae Brussel was executed for talking about this on AM radio
Aiden Torres
Sonny Barger is an ashkenazi jew and the HA are basically an anglo jew criminal drug dealing gang
acid heads don't protest the vietnam war effectively.
Vietnam war = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Don't get between ambitious men and their money
Josiah Thomas
Also here >>>/pdf/623
the better. Then we got flooded with all these ‘flower children’ who were into drugs and sex. Where the hell did the hippies come from?!”
Aiden Sanchez
FFS user, read the thread. All this shit has been answered. archive.fo/9izZR Why the fuck are you complaining about white children? This is what we're fighting for, a future for white children. Believe it or not, the average hippie child does less drugs than a suburbanite boomer child who never had a real family because both parents were off wagecucking. So they smoke weed and eventually eat a few mushrooms or drop some acid, at least they're not chugging robitussin in class and out drinking and fucking niggers while their parents completely ignore them.
Gavin Gomez
Eh user?
Levi Rivera
that level of retard…
Caleb Nguyen
This level of newfaggotry.
Ryan Perez
Angel Ross
Kerouac was always a conservative. I think he was he recruited when he was young and realized he was being used for something shady, and they chose him because his conservative leaning would resonate more with other conservatives to sway them
He was one of the few, if not only person in that beatnik scene to support McCarthy. He said he was cheering him on the TV at one point.
Matthew Martinez
Nathaniel Brown
This is a common trend. Even Miguel Serrano spoke of how one of his drinking buddies in his youth, was indoctrinated into marxist bullshit. Before the friendship could be ended by ideology though, the lad was slain in a riot started by those very leftyfaggots. This moment, from my understanding of Serrano's writings, was one of his big redpills. The marxists who indoctrinated his friend, were responsible for the death of his friend, yet to them it meant nothing, while those who's hands were used to kill him, felt remorse than they were forced to slay one who could had been their kin, yet strove ever onward because their cause, our cause, is just.
William Jackson
My mother told me about that shit, I think it happened here in california. It was all libel from what I heard, just people shutting down a school because they didn't like it
Aaron Evans
Just having started to read "Programmed to Kill," even though the title sounds like conspiracy theory bullshit, the subject matter is unbelievably well-sourced and the material is incredible. It is insane. McGowan goes deep into sort of Pizzagate-level explanations of how the world actually works and it's documented. Extremely hard hitting shit. Highly, highly recommended.
Dominic Sullivan
This entire thread can be summarized as the reason for Nazism.
Do not be degenerate. Be pure in mind, body, thoughts, words, and conduct. Be a soldier mentally.
There must be a war to completely purge the world of Jews and the degeneracy and value destruction they promote.