If Christianity Never Existed, Would Islam?


I have 2 theories on Christianity I'd like to test against some of the smarter people here (no retards, please, I've been formulating this for years and gone back and forth from Zündel and Devi's way of thinking to Chesterton's..now I'm..I want to establish a few facts with other smart people if possible).

Firstly, I think I might this week pick up copies of the Quran, Hadith, and Suras just to see how many elements of Christianity Mohammmed (piss be upon him) weaved into his own religion with himself as the central prophet, of course.

Without the elements of conquest that brought their bullshit on us and cost us Constnatinople(notice, niggers net al never mention this when discussing "immigration " and what Euros lost due to conquest…Orthodox not even allowed to practice their own religion in city that they built and the largest (former) Church in the world cannot even have services held there) I think that Mommedism works well for the sand peoples since it is basically an organic religion and they essentially have the impulse control of niggers. They CANNOT HELP raping females unless they are covered since they have nigger pulse control. This is probably good for them.

But, the central question here is, without Christianity would Religion of Cuck™ have ever evolved? If the answer is "Yes," then overall one would have to give Christianity a more positive role than it is generally given among most serious WN circles given that it was the only moderately unifying force that helped to fend off the Saracens at Tours and eventually retake Spain and defeat the savages at Siege of Malta, Battle of Lepanto and the Holy League, etc… If only Europe could have ONCE stopped all her squabbling and turned on the Arabs before fall of Constantinople with a thunderous fist, world would look very different today).

Also, can you imagine if the Mumammedeans had gotten to South America before Christians and proselytized them? Meso-american saagery combined with a new lust to die for their new prophet? The US would have had a far harder time flourishing since would have had to deal with them and send punitive sources and fortify area (although that may have been a good thing since would have given us a firm, uncrossable border and possibly even gotten an amendment in prohibiting all Religion of Cuck™ic immigration).

Now, my second theses on Christianity– why did this little cult on the far flung side of the empire end up exerting such influence? I've been listening to Gibbon on audio again and again, and I keep coming to same conclusion which he would not– Christianity arose at the time it did out of NECESSITY as a way for people to protect themselves from Jewish plundering once Jew Temple had been razed and they were at liberty to wander empire cheating people and following the legions to take slaves.

The counter to this would be "early christians were outlawed on the entire while Jews were given official status…when this changed Jews were only religion i empire not outlawed other than Christians, etc.. Mu response here would be, why would Jews prosecute Christians with such gusto if they had "official endorsement" from a sort of Learned Elders ofZion to Spread this as a subversive cult among the Romans? Having red Josephus fairly extensively, I know how average Jews viewed them etc.. and there is much to debate about place of Pharisees on all of this and the rest.

Regardless, Jew financial acumen/thievery/usuryn (and the coziness this gave them with the Nobles) cannot be denied. So what better way to protect against it than by setting up a religion based on a renegade Jew who "chased the money-lenders from Temple with a bullwhip?" How better to shame a Noble than to be able to call him out for associating and with and taking loans from a Christ-killer?

tl;dr– what would Europe have looked like had Christ and his cult never existed, and would the Mohadeemeans have come into being anyway?

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If Christianity never existed would Juda-ism?


And no Religion of Cuck™ either. There was no single Judiac cult, just many Messianic Moses cults. It would of died in the desert when Rome smashed it to bits.

Also Hitler described the ancient world before christianity as "much freer" and it being a "setback of 1000 years" due to all the deliberate destruction inflicted by the hordes of hebrews, arabs and copts swarming out of the desert, to the point of we having to look at ruined places like Pompei to find the remains.

And no, Religion of Cuck™ wouldn't have existed without the "universalist" values of christianity, like one true dogma only, convert everybody and so on. mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker studied christianity in depth, had a lot of contact with Ethiopians and spent time in Byzantium. There is a chance it would have evolved from existing gnostic/monotheistic cults in the middle-east, especially Babylon, and directly from Judaism that was present in Arabia (judaism also influenced the goatfuckers), but it would be vastly different.

Your thread, however, has shit formatting…


I wasn't trying to insult anyone is actually sincere or has genuine festoons and wants to discuss, just the edge lord assholes thinking that are fucking cool and who often shit up threads. I intend to work this up into an article to submit to Dr. Kevin Macdonald and see if he;lll consider printing it since I think it isan immensely important topic in Western history that can NEVER be touched in anything even remotely mainstream for fear these cuckolds have of being blown up if they even conjecture what life in the West would have been like had Mohammmed never existed and COULD he or his bullshit have existed without Christianity?

I think there's a lot to this topic, would really be interested to hear from all sides and get opinions and hash them out.


YEAH I know mate. My hand is infected as fuck, can only type with unhand at the moment and can't go to hospital to have treated or will be in debt for rest of my life given what my deductible is.

To be quite honest, for all AH's genius, he was NOT a great historian (his genius, I'm not disputing, but he had far too much work to carry out to busy himself with reading histories).

Being nowhere near as gifted as AH, I CAN busy myself with such things, and I can't exactly see…once Jerusalem was razed and the 2nd Macabee rebellion and the kicks were scattered to the winds, it's clear they saw (and STILL SEE) Rome to this day as their enemy, which is why they opened the gates for the muslims to spain, tried to send messages over the walls during Malta siege and only by sheer luck was the Jew seen by a child and they were abe to catch the kike before he fled and torture out of him what he had said..it was also a kike butcher who flayed alive the Venetian governor or Certe and ensured he suffered the most painful death possible (for this little nicety Venice replied by expelling ALL kikes from Venice).

My question to you or anyone else…have you read any of the mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran scriptures? I really don't want to foul myself with it, but the week I am going to in order to see how much he took from Christianity.

AH was, however, very much correct in that Saul of Tarsus was by far the most important spreader and writer in Christian history. Interestingly, the harbor where he was wrecked on Malta and is named for him was where the final battle between Christian and turn took place, and the saracen were slaughtered by the thousands ands such was the smelll that none dared go near there for over a week (OT, but if anyone interested in siege of malta or in battle of lepanto, just ask me, there is an amazing book that covers both the subjects, and a good free audio book from 1946 by a UK officer written just after war that covers just the siege)

Why don't you include Juda-ism? That groups didn't exist until Romans collected chosen scrolls that supported messanic prophecy and put them into one BOOK.

Before this there was just thousands of scrolls, and only the 5 books of Moses held everyone together. The Torah is a replica of the OT with a few extra books so Juda-ism is essentially a post-Christian, post-Roman conquest, post-Temple religion.

Sort of, salty Israelites would have still funded mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker (shit-smeared bacon be upon him) and armed him with the Abrahamic tradition in order to launch a military and cultural conquest of the Arabs, but the form of the cult would have been slightly different.

Christianity is shit though, it is Religion of Cuck™ for Europeans. Semitic cultists created a Semitic culture hero (the fictional Yeshua) whose defining trait was to spread inclusiveness such that gentiles could be brought into the Semitic fold. The values attributed to Yeshua are degenerate filth only distinguishable from Marxism in that they rely on theistic justifications rather than economic. The reason Christianity became so influential is for similar reasons to Religion of Cuck™, first of all, secret funding from Semites, and secondly, it appeals to the lower castes of a society and promises them Semitic salvation if they rebel against tradition and hierarchy. This is what it means for Yeshua to be one who comes to turn sons against fathers, a statement which is absolutely anathema to the Aryan spirit.

If there had never been Christianity to ruin Europe, it would look like the Third Reich, everywhere and in perpetuity. European nations for European peoples with European cultures based in European spirituality.

No, since Religion of Cuck™ is a development of christianity under a certain social condition ie. 7th century "hedjaz" .
If there was no christianity, that religious tradition the jewish one, not trying to bait, but it's true would had never become widespread in that specific region, and thus would had never lead to the rise of Religion of Cuck™, considering that it was christianity who was responsible to making said tradition widespread in the area.

Based on writings of Josephus and others, I just don't buy your argument here friend. The Romans NEVER liked to "outlaw" any religion. Kikes got their special treatment both bc they were uniquely monotheistic and because they had money to buy influence.

Christians only became a problem for Rome when whispers of subversion and plots began to be attached to their meetings. And after the great fire was blamed on them(whether true of not), they were danced. Gibbons has a lot of interesting passages on this.

He writes that since most who had turned to Christianity were hopeless debtors, gamblers, and drunks they were happy to day for their faith, as it ensured the community would care for their family and that they would at least leave some legacy other than drunkard,,,their, whatever. i gihly recommend his passages on "ChristianMArtyers," who he argues were greatly overestimated for political reasons. NOW, if a Gibbons should come along and write that along the sacred Holohoax, he'd be both bankrupted and jailed. Shows you just how much freedom the Euros have lost since 1789 when this book was written, eh???

Do you have a source for this? I am relying one Falvius Jospehus, who has been shown accurate in most other things.

Christianity is a Roman construct. It's Judaism lite.
Ralph Ellis makes a clear argument that the events defining Jesus are actually about a King whose bloodline made him eligible to become Emperor, but whose rebellion was put down and he was exiled to what is now Britain or somewhere in that vicinity.
Christianity is a state construct for managing the population, but draws on deep truths for its "coherence".
Religion of Cuck™ is an evolved tribal cult. It removes responsibility from the individual and gives them a set of rules to follow. You don't have to think or question to be a righteous holy person, just follow the rules.
It would look like it does today, only with some other mystery religion being elevated and refined for public consumption as a state religion.
And Religion of Cuck™ or some variant would still exist, giving those who need it and easy to follow cult of obedience to govern themselves with.

Pretty sure that would've happened with or without any other religious influence.

giving those who need it an easy to follow cult of obedience to govern themselves with.


Nah, Religion of Cuck™ itself is not that bad, it's much closer to your definition of christianity than you think, except that it drives a little further away from the truth. That part about being a mindless drone came with the ashari predestination, a few hundred years after mohomo.

You're probably right, it wouldn't be much different if it was pagan, christian, muslim or whatever, considering that the general populations remained the same.


Christianity is at its core is a mystery religion.
Religion of Cuck™ is a cult invented by a guy who talked to an angel in a cave.

A. could you just write mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckereanism since that word winter distracts the shit out me?

B. Can you give me sources where I can read about such things I'm not being a smarts and "Trying to test" you, genuinely curious. If such things exist, won't have to waste all week with texts of mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckereanism

again, I have to disagree with you by going back to same source– Jopsehus. And he actually took up arms against Rome during the uprising but was allowed not only to live but keep his lands. And in the works he writes on "the jewish war," though he does acknowledge that Rome won he doesn't completely kiss Rome's ass as one would expect a a vanquished enemy to do, but even does not shy away from criticizing them.

It's fucking sad but when one spends a few months with the classics, one realizes those authors were more free free in terms of what the could write.speak.publish than we are. If you have or can recommend texts that prove my assumptions incorrect, please do so.

Lospehus essentially writes that the kikes were punished for their revolt by having their temple razed and many who were active in it exiled, but other than that life for jews went on pretty much as normal. The jew kids weren't forced to give up their language, culture, and forced to learn "Roman re-educational manuals" approved by their dept of psycholoical warfare (as the germans were post WW 2).

Nah, that was an hysteric development made by gnostics. Religion of Cuck™ at the height of the ayyubids was much more mystically-oriented than christianity in the 300s and 400s, for example.

So much idiocy in one post. Of course Europe would be different if it hadn't been invaded by a religious cult whose MO is the destruction of European traditions and cultures, suppressing them so that Semitic culture can be placed in its wake and therefore Semitic rulers can be installed over the conquered peoples.

No Christianity? No Rothschilds, no court Jews, no Jewish ghettos, no feudalism, no wars at the behest of the Vatican, no suppression of the shamanistic castes and folk arts such as healing and faerie-mediation, no propagation of the urbanization scheme which Semites favor over the homesteading natural to Europeans. Everything which is wrong with our era can be traced back to the influence of Christianity as a vector for Semitic values and ideas, along with allowing Semites themselves into our nations.

Well, it's bad for Europe since it's an expansionist religion that Europeans need NOTHING to do with. I still to this dat look at a "Kosovar" woman, and I swear I can look into her eyes and tell she has no soul. They are like Zombies, with maybe a White phenotype but whatever made them European is gone.

I do agree that it it's good FOR THEM since it arose organically AMONG THEM where they realized that they…cannot handle booze, cannot look at females without raping, and all the other rules that either come from their founder or came into being over the centuries.

The problem with Christianity….although SOEM OF IT was able to be grafted onto the native customs (why did the Normans love St. Micheal the Archangel so much and build their greatest architectural triumph, Mt san. Michel, as a testimony to him? he was a WARRIOR, which they could relate to…)

You see this in the Scandinavian nations (or used to) and tings like rumors that on Christmas eve the barnyard animals talked to one another…all of this has pagan roots. Red Ice used to do a decent job of explaining this, but I think fucking Antifa took down almost all of it when they hacked and destroyed it, the fuckers)

Said sandnigger wasn't very creative, without Christianity he just would have bullshitted up another pagan sand cult and likely not got half as far as he did.

no it didnt
mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker went around slaughtering, enslaving and converting every dunecoon in Arabia before he died
with assistance from the jewish himyarite kingdom before they converted too
the first major contact Christianity had with Religion of Cuck™ was when the muslims ventured out of Arabia Magna and attacked a Roman legion on march through Arabia Minor
one the muslims say was a glorious win but Roman accounts as they were attacked by bandits in the desert

way out of my depth here, but aren't "the Suffis" known for being "mystical" and as a result are frequently blown up by other sunnis like the Salafists?

As Dr. Scheuer has been saying for 15_ years now: between the differences among sunnis themselves, differences they have with Shia, AND with the Jews, if ZOG would just GTFO and let them kill each other…as he said, we can sell arms to both sides and laugh as they fucking kill each other.

Instead, we've spent (even typing the number makes me want to weep) $17 trillion total on all these fucking wars and got NOTHING out of them, and the healthcare costs won't REALL hit us for another 2030 years. And what did we get out of it?

Imagine the highways, the beiges the tunnels, the airports, we could have built for 17 TRILLION!!!

arent you forgetting about the desert fathers, the gnostics, the mithraic heresies?

The ultimate goal is a global State without any religion that contributes to human development.
Christianity is a step in that direction but still carries a deep spiritual component at its core.
Religion of Cuck™ moves closer to the goal, removing pretty much all critical thinking in its adherents. But ultimately its going to be a State without any religion.
Nihilistic sociopaths have been working on this plan for a while and are getting pretty good at it.
Wherever there is tolerance, they breed.

The military-industrial complex got plenty out of them, and the CIA further entrenched itself as the power behind international drug trade through acquisition of the poppy fields.

That's not the case. There were christian tribes in Arabia, especially in Yemen, and Byzantine influence was strong all over there, alongside with Sassanid, if weakened at that time due to mutual war. mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker was known to have visited Byzantium, and, if I recall, also christian Ethiopia. That was just their first military contact, if even that…

Buy he, himself, was genetically ARAB and they, themselves were ARABS. One tribe of…Vikings (actual Vikings..not Kangz history Channel Vikingz) may have conquered another and thus given them elements of their religion, customs, whatever….but it was all still originally Scandinavian.

The ket elements of a religion in terms of where it adapted were, IMO, A.genetics B. Geography. C. Climate

The pedo mohomaadeeaddans were not so far from their tribal cousins that you could call it "a non-native religion imposed by fire and sword" as one could say of Christianity imposed on…the Irish who lived 4,000 miles and in a culture completely different from where Christianity was born.


I've read the fucker left Arabia

nothing you've posted here makes sense in any historical setting
these are arabs, apart from a satrapy in the north under Sassinid influence and the Himyarites restricting trade with India by sea the region was extremely insular and isolated

I know you're struggling to type, but assuming you meant "the fucker never left Arabia" and that was not the case of contact with christians before 629…

And what the other poster said was correct. Arabia was no insulated, it was actively influenced by both Byzantine and Sassanid Empires, was connected to trade routes to India and East Africa, had relations with Ethiopia and migrating jews and christians. They routinely raided both empires.

Other than the Persians (who fell much later) and what they eventually lost (Zoroastrianism), but a single "culture in that area had a thing to offer the world and they all lived in similar societies. Were this not true, within 100 years of his death (piss be upon him) they'd not have taken all of northern africa and been in Spain)

Are you fucking retarded? The middle ages were distinctly manorial with the urbanization only occuring during the early modern era, ie 1550 onward.

Hitler's personal views on antiquity and the middle ages were based on sources which are ironically far more opposed to the middle ages than the modern scholarship and hard archaeological evidence would dictate. Despite kikes and leftists spewing their hatred for it 24/7 the middle ages is considered far more advanced than antiquity in essentially all technical aspects, there was no lose of technical acuity or information as far as we can determine. Indeed the literature available to Hitler was what would now be considered and "Enlightenment" era diatribe. Regardless of his merits or flaws a man can only be informed by information he is in possession of at the time of his statements. Thus his positions offer little of value in the face of archaeological evidence and the uncovering of a vast number of period sources unavailable to him at that time.

Religion of Cuck™ as we understand it is largely politicized Arabism. muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker chose to combine arban paganism, political maneuvering(like the Koran's demands to share booty captured during raiding being central to its limited legalsim), and the vernier of an extant religious movement within the Levant. This was combined with a claim to gaining secret knowledge from a divine source and a claim to be the "true" inheritor of what to the Arabs seemed an extremely antique religious body(pre-Talmudic Judaism).

The intent seems obvious to combine dynamism, a material incentive(plunder), and an appeal to divinity an ancient tradition and apply it to a disunited body of arab tribes. After mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker's death when the booty dried up for a time the movement nearly died until his successors used a combination of force and promise of further plunder to revitalize it.

My argument is that Mudslimeism in some form or another was likely to come about among the Arabs. What exactly would be different is up to debate but the ideas of the Mudslime political/religious doctrine are designed to appeal to raiding mudmen and that is first and foremost the key feature of Religion of Cuck™ both as it existed historically and as it is now expressed.

Something similar would have come about, but as to how successful it might have been I cannot say as even the extant Religion of Cuck™ survived only because of happenstance and the will of individuals. This is true of many historical trends which are created via an imposition by the will of powerful individuals rather than as a nebulous social movement or as the result of environmental pressure.

Yes, it would still exist.





well, then lets all pack and go home lads, we have our answer. user, not sure how long you've been here or if you've read the thread, but you have people citing the bible, the church fathers, josephus, various classical scholars, and you really think you can just say "yes it would" and that it carries fuck all weight?

Religion of Cuck™ was created by the Catholic church to get the rabid shitkins on their side. Its why Jesus and Mariam (Mary) are mentioned a lot and both Christianity and Religion of Cuck™ share their end of days prophecies.

For the curious, this is an amazing take on religion and AH's place as "Man Against Time" in her book "The Lightning and the Son." If you don't know who she was…I'm reluctant to recommend the kikeapedia encyclopedia since they do all they can to slander her but…anyway, kind of shitty audio quality but worth listening to….

But that is just not true, asides from the halt in trade and halving of the population, which aren't "technical aspects", the quality of art and architecture visibly declined. Sculpture was lost, as well as several Roman and ancient building techniques. Public buildings were destroyed as "sinful", especially temples and statues, which abounded the empire, were desecrated and used to make lime. The Romanesque churches were very rudimentar untill the arrival of Gothic Architecture in the 1200's. Literacy dropped from about 30% of the population to a few isolated clergy and even the bible was forbidden to be read. The philosophical academies left Greece by the time of the Edicts of Theodosius to Persian Babylon, where they later resurged under muslim rule, not because sandniggers were "advanced", but because they didn't persecute and confined certains texts as "heretical" and against church dogma.

The "dark ages" is not a liberal myth, christian apologist historiography, by the likes of the vatican and (((neo-cons))) is nonsense and demonstrably false. Archeology demonstrates that.


From Eliade's History of religious Ideas Vol. 3 - Chapter 33 muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker and the Unfolding of Religion of Cuck™ - 259. Allah, deus otiosus of the Arabs (which I suggest everyone read the source in this thread):
"Most probably, muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker was inspired by the night vigils, prayers, and meditations of certain Christian monks whom he had known or heard speak during his journeys. One of Khadija’s cousins was a Christian. Moreover, certain echoes of Christian teaching, both orthodox and sectarian (Nestorian, Gnostic), as well as the ideas and practices of the Jews, were known in Arab cities. However, there were only a few Christians in Mecca, and the majority of them were in a humble state (probably Abyssinian slaves) and poorly educated. The Jews were found in large numbers in Yathrib (the future Medina), and we shall see (§262) at which point the Prophet counted on their support.
However, at the time of muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker the religion of central Arabia seems not to have been modified by Judaeo-Christian influences. Despite its decadence, it retained the structures of Semitic polytheism. Mecca ( Makkah ) was the religious center. This name is mentioned in the Ptolemaic Corpus (second century a.d.) as Makoraba, a word derived from the Sabaean Makuraba, “sanctuary.” In other words, from its beginning Mecca was a ceremonial center around which a city progressively arose . In the middle of the consecrated territory, Hima, was found the sanctuary of the Ka’ba (lit. “cube”)… In pre-Religion of Cuck™ic times, just as it does today, the circumambulation of the Stone comprised an important ritual of the annual pilgrimage ( Hajj ) to Arafa… The Lord of the Ka’ba was supposed to be Allah (lit. “God”; the same theonym used by the Jews and Arab Christians to designate God). But Allah had already become a deus otiosus ; his cult had been reduced to certain offerings of firstfruits (grains and animals), which were brought to him conjointly with various local divinities . 4 More important were the three goddesses of central Arabia: Manat (“Destiny”), Allat (feminine form of Allah), and Al’Uzza (“the Powerful”). Regarded as the “daughters of Allah,” they enjoyed so much popularity that, at the beginning of his preaching, muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker himself made the error (corrected later) of praising their function as intermediaries before Allah."

archive.org/stream/3.MirceaEliadeAHistoryOfReligiousIdeasFrommuhomo'd the pedo goatfuckerToTheAgeOfReforms/3.%20Mircea_Eliade%20A%20History%20of%20Religious%20Ideas%20–%20From%20muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker%20to%20the%20Age%20of%20Reforms_djvu.txt

I wouldn't trust him in Against Apion, understandably, when it comes to the subject of ritual murder.

Josephus like all writers in antiquity has his own political bone to pick, regardless of whether he is correct or not. This was expected of historians in antiquity and an important part of reading texts from that time when engaging in political analysis is to recognize that the idea of an impartial historian is itself a modern conceit. As far as can be determined the converts were either of the poor, middle, classes, or rural affluent. The military also became a common source as things went one. The urban upper and middle classes had much lower rates of conversion as evidenced by their tombs and material relics. And important consideration is that conversion was not as important as many others even as late as 20 years ago thought as birthrate may well have been the major factor. The Pactrician classes had long engaged in adoption nearly in preference to procreation within their social class and thus their prominence within the population waned as they had fewer children while the rural gentry came to dominate. Given that this rural gentry was still rebelling against Roman central authority even in Julius Caesar's time(he had to put down rebellions in Italy proper and seek support from separatist movement during his wars it is little surprise that the decline of urbanite Patricians lead to the slow dissolution of the Roman Empire as it had done little to court true loyalty even in its own backyard. Whereas the Eastern Empire under a new theological rule and justification for its existence was able to endure, also because this divide in birthrates was not nearly as prominent among its own population.

It should also be noted that Religion of Cuck™ only rose in the Levant during a recession of the two major powers the Orthodox Byzantium and the Zoroastrian/Nestorian Persia which had exhausted one another in a 200 year long series of wars. This combined with plague which reduced the population of the Levant to 1/4 of its previous size created fertile ground for a political movement based upon raiding as the settlements were more isolated and less able to muster substantial garrisons for their own protection and could not rely upon distant state capitals to send and army of reconquest in a timely manner.

Note that the Arabs were crushed every time they met a force that Eurpeans of time would consider moderately well appointed. They may have been a "warrior society" but that does not indicate they were competent in the prosecution of war.

Do you even know what a mystery religion is? Hint: it has to do with initiation (i.e. death and rebirth: What is baptism?)

What equivalent does Izlam or Judaism have?

"Bar Mitzvah" and Shahada…

No, this is politics.

I read a good book, The Great Siege: 1565 by Ernle Bradford. It's factually correct, but written in detail in the style of an adventure.
Post the audio if you can.

As for whether Religion of Cuck™ would have come, no.

Bogged down in minutiae.
This is what kills me about these kinds of threads and about Holla Forums in general.
The real problem isn't religion, its the tolerance of corrosive elements withing human civilization. Predation through exploitation of empathy by nihilistic sociopaths.
But instead of addressing the issue directly people prefer to bury their heads in the minutiae of causes.

Go to your local doctor about your hand, they can clean it up, drain the pus and prescribe antibiotics. It wouldn't cost much, far less than hospital.
Don't leave it, you could end up with blood poisoning which can lead to serious secondary effects, loss of your arm, blindness, stroke, etc.

From what I understand "Bar Mitzva" just means they are old enough to be subject to or under the religious law i.e. "adults". Shahada is just an oral recitation of faith/witness/testimony. What hierophanic symbolism!

No not really, in the still urban areas of Italy and the Mediterranean they did not decline.

You are comparing sculpture an bas relief with painting and tapestry; which are completely different mediums. If you look at painting in antiquity you will see just as much stylization and lack of perspective as in northern European painting of the following centuries. Indeed the first actual evidence of perspective in art in the 1300s was dubbed "painting in the style of sculpture". Not to mention that Roman and Greece styles of decoration never penetrated far into Europe nor were their styles perpetuated by living masters imported to the regions of Europe held by Rome.

As for Italy and the Mediterranean, sculpture was carried on the much the same as it had been though due to the break up of the Roman Empire there was significantly less wealth available to be funneled to the arts in many areas which had lost prominence. Naturally such areas do exhibit a decline in both the number and quality of pieces as not only lines of artisans but entire populations moved to other areas and left some largely depopulated.

And there is the problem of comparing exemplary pieces from antiquity to sub-par pieces from later centuries as evidence of a decline in a given craft while ignoring the quality of common pieces in antiquity as not particularly high.

This of course completely forgets the vastly superior metallurgy, animal husbandry, agriculture practices, fortification, and siege-craft of the following centuries which I as referring to when I spoke of "technical" aptitudes rather than art in particular.

As for the rest of what you wrote, it is in fact bullshit promulgated mostly during the 18th century. Not that that the writer's of middle ages own low opinion of their own time and aggrandizement of antiquity didn't contribute to the impression. They didn't have a methodology by which to compare their material situation to that of antiquity and philosophically saw the word in a state of slow decline, ironically a position many Greek and Roman sources also held.

that one is available in audio. just go to yt, post his name, the great siege, audio. don't want to link since I think that helps the jews track them down and take off.

I have (or had) tis one in audio before the Jews shut down my account:


The merchant would exist in one form or another. They've been around for 5,000 years. Their cult is genetic, and the jew thing is just a convenient surface that they use to network and infiltrate, a brand.

either you're a pedantic retard, or you don't understand how the intersection of these 3 religions at this time shaped the world for next 1,400 years

this is interesting, thanks. Will look for the text, as I like to read in the original latin since this is how I was taught to read this sort of text and since then cannot change, much harder for me to read it english since I translate it back in my head.

I'll have to disagree. By my estimation the biggest "problem" is the existence of whites with the propensity toward what we would call hedonism, modernism, or liberalism. Is maladaptive faggots survived in our societies because they were either compelled by others to not express their maladaptive traits or the environment never offered them the opportunity to do so. With both increasing wealth and decressing social control these behaviors began to be expressed, until at this point the "liberal whites" have birthrates of 0.9 and the "conservative whites" have birthrates of 2.7(higher than any demographic in any industrialized nation, even shitskins cannot breed above replacement rate in a modern society). Modernism is poisoned bread, it kills those who indulge in it. Which would me the problem would be self-correcting if libshits and kikes didn't import mudmen to act as a voting bloc to maintain their bullshit to begin with.

I don't see the problem as top-down plot but rather and an emergent property. Kikes as individuals with similar natural predispositions engage in limited conspiracies that fuck up everything. Liberals whine and socially signal their lives away while contributing nothing. Niggers nig. Saracens saracen.

They are all trash and must all be exterminated. The solution is to reduce them all to ash. We won't need constant vigilance if only the cruel and strong are remain, because then neither weakness(as exemplified by modernity) or tolerance for the other(kikes and muds) can hurt us.

Also minutia is critical, data analysis is critical it is what distinguishes us from the lower forms: liberals, kikes, muds, ect. We examine data and from that make predictive models which are then tested both with new data and anecdotally.

I came to my conclusions about the kikes not through feelings but through years of careful examination of what the kikes were doing. Now I want them all dead. Hilter would not have smashed the skull of a puling kike-child with a jack handle. I would relish such an opportunity.

Don't mistake an interest in minutia for being a soft faggot unwilling to do what needs to be done.

Am I the only one in this thread that remembers that a Jesuit from the 90s left the jesuit order and said that one of the best kept secrets of the catholic church was that they groomed muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker to be a "prophet" so that they could make Religion of Cuck™? He later died under mysterious circumstances. Aside from the extreme similarities and proximity of Religion of Cuck™, you have a direct connection.

Maybe you be a little more practical in the solution department.
Something akin to an actual solution and not a throwaway meme.
Otherwise your just another rambling faggot proving the entire point of my previous post.

The term "dark ages" came from the late 1300's, by renaissance authors like Petrarch. It's not a liberal myth, it predates liberalism by almost 400 years. It was just a recognition by these Renaissance artists, who were looking to revive the european tradition, that art in the previous period was bleak and uninspired due to church influence and fear of hell or something - and that was considering what they saw in Italy and the Mediterranean itself, because they were Italians.

Don't want to handpick too much here (I picked at random), but just compared the pics of medieval art with ancient frescos found in ruined places. Just the theme medieval themes show a twisted mentality, an anti-natural one. All of these declined. The laws of perspective were re-discovered in the 1500's.

Regardless of how much, they declined in quality, and especially in number (they were even deemed as sinful). Look at this statue from the year 600 b.c (3rd pic)

We have no idea what the "high quality" pieces of antiquity were, because they were deliberately destroyed. We only have what we find and it, on average, is better than the best works we find from the later period, which are all catalogued, never have been lost.

Not everything declined, of course. Such useful crafts like these would have improved in a more rural, militaristic society. But even then, you can see smithing and gold-crafting techniques being lost from ancient times (look at the ancient Sarmatian grave goods, for instance), because arts declined.

But these religions have circumcizion, ritual purification, circling the stone, using the cube hats and certain turbans and so on. You can't say they are "devoid of mystery".

Maybe you could be a little more practical in the solution department.
My fucking brain moves faster than my typing.
My thread on dealing directly with the problem:

"or something?" I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you write like Beavis and Butthead. One of the few genuinely smart woman I've ever known advised me on my Master's thesis and despised this term, and after I time I came to share her disdain.

The Jewess–the niece of Morgenthau— in her terrible book (for which she had a great team of research assitants due to the publicity the Jews gave her first, even more awful book on WW !) "A Distant Mirror" gave credence to the idea that during "the Dark Age," the idea of "time and the passage of time and history itself ceased to even exist. The demented Jewess was a fuking terible writer with no concept of European history, though from her uncle's
Morgenthau Plan" she certainly knew how her tribe aimed to destroy it.

The very term "Dark Ages" makes me instinctively revolt, as if no history, writing, work or progress at all was going on? entire idea is just dumb.


Oh yeah, no surprise jews would write shitty half-demented stuff to defecate upon history, doesn't change the fact that the "Dark Ages" is a ''Renascentist" term that reflects a tangible decline in culture under the auspices of the prevailing mentality of the time, besides natural conditions. It was a term used by every credible person, among others, National Socialists like Hitler and Rosenberg.

If "liberals" or "protestants" use the term to push their even shittier ideas, doesn't change it's truthfullness. The only people who have such a massive issue with it are those who fantasise the perpetuation of "dark ages", like neo-cohens and pedophile church-apologists.

The term does not imply a lack of history, writing, work or "progress" (this itself a very questionable word and mindset), just a decline, in an obscurantist time that set us back, a time of gruesome tortures and mentality.

You're retarded. That thread is your mouth outrunning your brain.

And Hitler is now the authoritative source about life in the antique?
One historian, name I forgot, mentioned once, that for modern Europeans hypothetically visiting the Romans, they might appear as strange and exotic to us, as the Japanese today.
That is, I seriously doubt that corrupt Rome, as corrupt as the orient today or more, were many, most people were slaves, did live in squalid little holes would be so appealing to modern people socialized on a Christian-European background.
Of course there are “we wuz kangs” Europeans and jews posing as them, similar desinfomartion/manipulation as with with niggers. That make-believe idiots, who would like to see us dumping 2000 years of European history and culture like the muslim eager to destroy it, see them self as Caesar or at least senator, not as a slave piss pot collector.
Rome‘s religiosity would look much like that of India. Did you have visited India? Interesting gross, disgusting, unhygienic, superstitious, amoral, dangerous, homicidious, for a holiday, nothing I would like to live.
That cleaned up picture of India of today came only to pass, because British “Christcuckery” ended the worst atrocities.

Jewish religion was indigenous in Hedjaz, southern Arabia long before Christianity and long before Rome – fact. Estimations vary a lot, but a significant proportion of that area was jewish, say minimum 30 percent before they became majority muslim.

Things that never happened

Literacy was less then 1 percent in most of Europe, particulary the north.

Oh a snake handling prot and his lies.

Thread asked for posters with an I.Q. North of 130. Here I am. Why are you here?"

Nobody said Rome wasn't corrupt or that the population at large lived any better than at other times (the majority of people in the european countries lived in "mudhuts" and other agricultural buildings suited for that lifestyle up to the 19th century), but the conditions of these populations declined after it's fall, despite the over 50% drop (90% in the case of the city of Rome) which would make for better conditions - you don't need any "special authority" to see that.

The deliberate destruction of culture, which was not itself a product of Rome, but of European minds and blood and which predate the empire, is not arguable. This is not a "we wuz" type of things, because we are europeans (well, not counting you), these were our ancestors.

Sure that is not just you shitting things up. Temples full of Monkeys? Holy cows in the streets? Drinking the water from "Holy Rivers" they shit upon… Yeah totally the same thing.

Have you seen "christian" Philipines? Gross, disgusting, unhygienic, superstituous, amoral, dangerous, homicidous - they even have "self-flagellating" contexts sponsored by their churches. The same can be said of Dutch-colonized Indonesia, not very "cleaned-up" by their christianity are they?

Oh look denial. Where are the buildings now? What are the Edicts of Theodosius establishing that temples would be turned into brothels. But, yeah highly literate greece was just 1% literate, I'm just making things up!

To say that reading the bible was restricted due to church policy and even forbidden to be translated from latin to the local languages, which only happened in the 16th century is "protestant lies". Kill yourself Spic torpedo, this is not the board for your apologism and bullshit.

The religion part of mudism is a ripoff of a bunch of religions:

skip to 1h18m20s


but, as he points out, mudhamed only converted 150 arabs preaching the religious part, and what made mudism what it is and a success was perpetual war against all non muds, so it doesn't matter that he cribbed off of christcucks and everyone else for the mysticism part, the meat of it is the later warlord doctrine. It can be said it all started with jews though, he was in medina which was half jew at the time, declared himself the new prophet that everyone must follow, everyone laughed at him, eventually got annoying and kicked him out, that's when he left to mecca to preach his cobbled together religion, fail at that with just 150 converts in 15 years, then went back to medina and slaughtered all the jews that mocked and wouldn't bow down to him. As recorded history and present day, sword is mightier than the pen.

Silly question OP.

If Mohhamed (piss be upon him) took bits from various other religions, that doesn't mean that without christianity he wouldn't have created his own mish-mash religion. Some for of Religion of Cuck™ would likely exist, but would look different.

You have to understand that the move towards monotheism is a near universal phase.

Religion of Cuck™ took heavy influences from Arianism - which was a Christian heresy. However, the Arabs (and local Jews) had been awaiting for a prophet to come to them.
mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran religion is essentially
I don't think you need Christianity to influence such. Perhaps they would have made a Zoroastrian version of Religion of Cuck™, so even more dualistic religion would have been born.

Despite this being (((an obviously kiked out thread:)))
Asalaam aleikum, I'm a white revert (Roman Catholic background), AMA.
I am not wasting time with any insults or out of context quotations or Jewish pedophilia slander against the Final Prophet.
How quick (((a tribe))) who engage in the ritual sexual abuse of children due to theological mandate are to schmeer, oy vey!
I spent 15 years with these materials and world histories before reverting, I have been in many countries (ones you won't go to) and seen many things you haven't being busy subscribing to (((Hitler, illegitimate Rothschild architect of modern Europe,))) on a computer.
Fire away.

It indeed does imply just such a thing if a likeness as widely read as tuchman says it does. You can try to argue or equivocate all you want, but the fact is that the only time Joe Sixpack will encounter the term is in his community college history course and the book by that jewess.

As for your bullshit about "being angered by use of a term on an image board." then fuck why are any one of us even here? Why not go watch the electronic synagogue and watch girls shake it to crack daddy and the party crew? why do any intellectual questions matte here?

You obviously haven't been here long, but the video "With Open Gates" and the tens of millions of views to got, the image from here with the star of david and clinton's face used at the DNC. Just about all the tenets of wha the Jews call "the alt.kike" derisively (since they don't want to admit they're facing actual national socialists) originated here.

shit. why "discuss" anything at all and not just all turn up the electric jew ???

Hitler could only repeat what he read somewhere, like me, he didn‘t research it.

He did not say they would look like Japanese, you retard. It was his impression, personal opinion, that the Romans are as exotic as the Japanese for modern Europeans. I think that is a good idea to work with.

Hello Shlomo, shabat is over, go clubing in TelAviv gay bars.

Every time I read something like that or “living on trees” or “slaves”, I remember, can visit the old houses my ancestors did live in 200, 300 or 500 years ago, or that of others of my tribe or people. Mudhuts they are not. A little bit rustic, but that was the time.
Hey I can visit the poor houses, welfare settlement of 500 years ago, still in operation, quite comfy, even sophisticated.

You are just a ignorant idiot, knowing nothing about India nor Rome.

>Have you seen "christian" Philipines?
Have you seen pre-christian Philipines? Headhunter and canibals.

Hmm, in Rome?

Strange “Brothel” were Christian mass was celebrated.

Jerome's Vulgate Latin translation dates to between AD 382 and 420.

The Bible was translated into Gothic in the 4th century by Ulfilas. In the 5th century, Saint Mesrob translated the Bible using the Armenian alphabet invented by him. Also dating from the same period are the Syriac, Coptic, Old Nubian, Ethiopic and Georgian translations.

fragmentary Old English Bible translations, notably a lost translation of the Gospel of John into Old English by the Venerable Bede, which he is said to have prepared shortly before his death around the year 735. An Old High German version of the gospel of Matthew dates to 748. Charlemagne in ca. 800 charged Alcuin with a revision of the Latin Vulgate. The translation into Old Church Slavonic was started in 863 by Cyril and Methodius.

Alfred the Great had a number of passages of the Bible circulated in the vernacular in around 900. These included passages from the Ten Commandments and the Pentateuch, which he prefixed to a code of laws he promulgated around this time. In approximately 990, a full and freestanding version of the four Gospels in idiomatic Old English appeared, in the West Saxon dialect; these are called the Wessex Gospels. Around the same time, a compilation now called the Old English Hexateuch appeared with the first six (or, in one version, seven) books of the Old Testament.

The complete Bible was translated into Old French in the late 13th century. Parts of this translation were included in editions of the popular Bible historiale, and there is no evidence of this translation being suppressed by the Church.[11] The entire Bible was translated into Czech around 1360.

in 1478, a Catalan translation in the dialect of Valencia.

The earliest printed edition of the Greek New Testament appeared in 1516 from the Froben press, by Desiderius Erasmus, Erasmus was Roman Catholic,

During 1517 and 1519 Francysk Skaryna printed a translation of the Bible in Old Belarusian language in twenty-two books.[12]

That is an incomplete list, missing several translations

If you take the word to it's extreme, then a retard can decry there was "no history", but I explained already how it means a decline, and discontinuity, and absence of the elements of the past. As for modern academia, who cares what they talk? It's mostly bullshit anyway.

As for your fit in regards to me using fear of hell "or something", for describing something (what constituted their mentality) I'm not fully aware of, on an imageboard. I mean, I'm not writing an essay, have I not been clear? Why would you care so much about it, typing like this doesn't mean I'm turning this board into an "eletronic synagogue". What the fuck are you going about, I've been browsing here for nearly 4 years… Chill.

No, but something similar would exist. Religions we're primarily a method of turning local practices into law, meaning that one would have sprouted up anyway from that region. However, it wouldn't have spread as far, most likely.

OP, your starting point isn't far enough back. Your studies would benefit from a look at Zoroastrianism, in terms of a progenitor religion - the origin stories and dogma regarding Zarathrustra himself are very revealing when compared to the prophets of Abrahamic religions. By all means, read the texts you mentioned, but one you should look into is the Avesta.

It's worth mentioning that the ideology contained there is from Iranians about 4k years ago. Significantly earlier than the desert satanism called Judaism and from an entirely different genetic lineage. Also noteworthy is that the Indo-Iranians became northern Indians and Europeans eventually.

One last remark - your long-winded and profane analysis frankly reeks of arrogance and clouded judgment from anger. Step back further in time and you'll gain a better perspective on what shaped the formation of each of these religions - they each pilfered from something much earlier.

God only knows what Zarathustra's followers pilfered from before their time - perhaps civs from 10-12k years back.

It would still exist, just in a different form. Religion of Cuck™'s main theory is basically the idea that there were a bunch of different prophets all over the world, one to every culture. Abraham, Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, etc. He was the "final prophet," and prophet of the Arabs. So from a Muslim perspective, Religion of Cuck™ would still exist if Jesus did not. From a secular perspective one is also inclined to believe that Religion of Cuck™ would have still existed because Judaism was well known in Mecca at the time. I, as an Esoteric Hitlerist, also agree that it would have still existed. In an ideal world there would be none of the Abrahamic religions, but in all honestly Religion of Cuck™ contains the most spiritual truths. Some of those Sufis are turbo-red pilled to the point that they're smarter than many Aryan Hindus.

But Hitler formed his ideas and world view from these inspirations and is quite an authoritative figure on a NatSoc board. To claim the Romans would be like "japanese" is just not true, not only is their cuisine and habits (like not eating bugs and algae) very different than ours, but so was their buildings (not rice paddy shit) and morality (mos maiorum, honor and so on) much closer to us. You of course don't see the nonsense you're talking because you entirely miss the importance of blood. This because you're non-white, and too infused with the christian mentality. Have you considered we don't want your input of ideas here, Paco? If you spoke the truth, maybe. But you're just spewing dumb, deranged, sectarian fanatical ideas that don't belong here - this is not your church group, this is a natsoc board, a movement that draws inspiration from many others places that you deem unnaceptable. You're good person, go fight the "masons" or something in Mexico, but don't shit up our NatSoc views with your fanatical apologism.

As for the "mudhuts" and so, I've already said they are not primitive buildings, but farmhouses, longhouses, some of stone even, stuff like the German Timbered houses that were appropriated for agricultural societies - and there was nothing wrong with, as you were the one decrying the roman population for living in them.


A tribal society, not influenced by westerners. If christianity improved brown people, which it didn't, the countries are shitholes but now with consumerist shit due to western powers being used to implement globalism, it certainly wasn't the case for Europeans, especially if you see the destruction and repulsiveness of early christianity. European blood improved these places - it improved even christianity, from it's jewish origins. Why should we even bother with the Philipines, do you think we have a "mission to lift-up" brown people. That is the problem with christian behavior. Christian african countries are today worse than they were in the past, due to the actions of missionaries keeping the niggers artificially alive, inflating their population with food aid and medical services.

Thanks for proving my point. These buildings were ruined and abandoned. Now what about the thousands of cities, full of public buildings, all across the Roman Empire? You see them in ruins, theaters were abandoned - because all acts that weren't "morality plays" were restricted. Libraries were burned or looted by the early christians, the texts destroyed or confined to church properties, the ones who weren't viewed as heretic by the church. Much of the knowledge of the past being lost. The temples were destroyed or caniballized to build churches, the burial grounds were dessecrated. But, yeah christians dindu nuffin…

I take you haven't read the Edicts of Theodosius then, who punished people with DEATH for even looking at the ruined temples and recognized only judaism as a parallel religion of the Christian Roman Empire…

Doesn't change the fact that church policy was to forbid it. They explicitly forbade it in places like Catalonia, because it was being used to foster heretics like "the Cathars" and the "Waldensians". Latin masses were the norm in most of western europe, up to very recently. They did not have the liberty, or indeed the means, to go translating the bible freely. Thus it was such a big deal for Martin Luther.

No, Cucktianity and Religion of Cuck™ has been created by the jews in order to mix everyone together and control them.
Jewry is the one true religion and it is the
religion of the devil.

Check 'em

By "He" I mean mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker.
Also I'm amazed that these discussion destroying filters are still in place. It's been like a fucking year now and I'mkikey still thinks it's funny.

I kind of fucked up the image. This is what I meant, agricultural buildings in continued use since immemorial times - perfectly fit for such lifestyle. These were the norm even for most citizens in the Roman Empire, before and after it's fall…

The only good filter has been earlobe spacing but then again, this kinda ruins the meme.

Almost certainly yes, it would just have been different in the irrelevant details. muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker wanted to found a religion to serve his own ends and would have just stolen more from other religions and/or pulled more out of his ass if Christianity wasn't around to steal from. The end result is essentially identical, from the point of view of the non-moslem world.

The only reliable answer is that it's impossible to tell. You can't extrapolate what a continent of countless related yet distinct peoples would have looked like if a central shared cultural element were removed many centuries ago. Maybe we would have conquered the stars by now, or maybe we would have been killed off and bred out by shitskins.

I err towards thinking that having a single (mostly) shared religion was probably instrumental in limiting how damaging conflicts in Europe were (no wiping out your enemy's population because they're also Christians) and ensuring that it could unite to some extent when necessary. Plus, the vigor with which kikes oppose Christianity tends to support the position that it is good for whites.

You have been proven wrong, not only be me but by others as well.
You still insist to play dumb and misrepresent what I or others wrote. OK that is what to expect from a shill.

Probably, because before Christianity you still had the Mosaic religion (Judaism), and Religion of Cuck™ has a lot of that wrath of God stuff in it…Jesus was just a prophet to Muslims.


Sure thing, Paco :^)

Keep fanatically promoting christianit - not even that but only "Catholicism" here and asshurtly screeching that will surely make this NatSoc board a reactionary christian for spics like you.

Good attempt OP.
Unfortunately, we can't have civil discussions about christianity anymore, always the christ vs antichrist cucks.

Religion of Cuck™ is Judaism.
mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker was a Jew.
Which means either you believe an angel gave mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker the Quran or a bunch of crafty Jews did for the purpose of using Religion of Cuck™ as their sword.

That can never be satisfactory answered, because it is hypothetical.
Much of the creation of !slam is shrouded in mystery and legend, it is by far not as well researched as Christianity. Some theories claim that the person of Mohumed and the events are pure legend, made up.
The question of Christian influence on the creation of !slam, was renewed some decades ago when a German schoolar suggested, based on older Religion of Cuck™ic texts, that !slam is a bastardised version of a Christian sect. Deliberate or not, mistranslations led to the Koraan as we now him today. That gained prominence with the catchy “grapes not virgins in paradise” slogan.

No, of course not.

So you're saying you know the 12 apostles existed and you know who wrote the letters etc?
you have an illusion about the beginnings of christianity


Another theory, jews create a mesianic anti-Christian movement, incorporating Arab tribes as sons of Abraham, that latter forgets, covers up it’s jewish beginnings.
This theory has the advantage it mirror exactly jewish-muslim collaboration to destroy Christianity.

Or, Jews created Religion of Cuck™ to allow mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker to conquer Arabia with some further funding because Christianity had been so successful in subverting Rome and invading Europe. All of the Abrahamic religions are falsehoods born from twisting Aryan religions toward the political aspirations of Canaanite tribes.

No. There are major beliefs of Religion of Cuck™ that are taken from Christianity, e.g. about Jesus and Mary, and parts of the Koran are copied from the Arabic Infancy Gospels of Jesus. The Dome of the Rock has these inscriptions (among many others): 'The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His Word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him' 'Far be it removed from His transcendent majesty that He should have a son' 'Your servant Jesus
son of Mary. Peace be on him the day he was born, and the day he dies, and the day he shall be raised alive! Such was Jesus, son of Mary, (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt. It befitteth not (the Majesty of) God that He should take unto Himself a son.'
So, denying the main beliefs of Christianity is very, very important in Religion of Cuck™, so important, they were inscribed inside one of the most "holy" sites of Religion of Cuck™.

Seems to me history would have gone similar without christians. The symbols are different, the dates of major events would be different, sure but conflict with that part of the world was inevitable, Religion of Cuck™ is a construct of the people, it didn't just appear. Consider natural sand nigger aggression, jealousy, etc, If it wasn't called Religion of Cuck™ it would be called something else but it would be the same shit it's always been.

I can imagine the Spics not going to America but trying their luck in north Africa. So Aztecs and Inkas are not challenged with an colonization attempt, just occasional visits by Portuguese and Dutch trader/raider. The Aztecs rich in gold and silver gain knowledge and possession of the white mans bang sticks. Eventually learn how to mine, smelt and use iron and steel.

Would be interesting if the USA could them self establish next to armed to the teeth cannibal empire.

The USA has no money to establish itself. The US revolution was financed with Spanish/Mexican money.

The US would have been established along similar lines to our own history. The entire "discovery," exploration, settlement, and nation-building in NA was directed by Freemasons seeking to establish a New Jerusalem as the seat of power for the Zionist world order which had sprung up due to Christianity. A Muslim presence is SA would make little difference anyway, since Muslims and Christians answer to the same Semitic masters.

was that so hard?

Another variant, Spics neither going to America nor to the Philipines.

The mudslimes coming from Borneo conquer island for island. There is a conflict with already established Chinese traders on the main island, but the Chinese have to cede control to the mudslimes like in the rest of Indonesia (Malaka).
The place we know as Philippines is part of the Sultanate of Brunei from Taiwan to Java.

The point is the US revolution was financed with Spanish/Mexican money, that would not be available from an Aztec cannibal empire.

The Masons would have just tapped a different source of wealth, such as the stores of the Vatican. From the point where Semites gained control of Europe through Christianity, the founding of the US was inevitable.


Yes, because Religion of Cuck™'s main influences are Talmudic Judaism (which muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker experienced because the Judeans had been kicked out by the pagan Romans) and Arabic paganism, with some Zoroastrian and heretical Christian trappings. Had Christianity not existed Religion of Cuck™ would be mostly the same except it wouldn't mention Jesus, Mary, etc..

I dispute your notion that Religion of Cuck™ works well for Arabs and the like because it's basically Arab militarism combined with Talmudic Judaism. Sure it got them a lot of territory early on but it's a shit system to live under and thoroughly suboptimal in an evolutionary competitive sense, especially because it promotes extensive racemixing re.: Arab conquerors taking all the native women they can get their hands on as sex slaves. They turned basically the only peoples that gave the Muslims any success (the Persians, who made up the vast bulk of Religion of Cuck™'s "great men") and turned them into Afro-Arab mongrels who couldn't build a rifle let alone successfully command an army or formulate chemical sciences.

Far from repressing their poor impulses, Religion of Cuck™ enables them (polygamy and unlimited sex slaves being the most obvious example) and merely directs the problems outward. Want to rape and pillage? Just do it to the non-Muslims over the way. Religion of Cuck™ doesn't solve any of the problems of the Arabs and other related peoples, it merely channels it away.

Yes because Semitic cults already existed in Arabia even before muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker. Christianity has 0 influence on Religion of Cuck™ besides putting Jesus - Isa as one of the prophets before muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker himself.

Muslims are peaceful conservatives. If jews turned Constantinople into a satan worshipping hellhole like they did the U.S. and E.U., then Muslims taking over was a good thing.


No Judea, no Christianity = No Jews

If Zoroaster and Mesopotamian/Sumerian/Assyrian/Egyptian religions never existed, would Judaism, Christianity, Religion of Cuck™?



He didn't though, as evidenced by the poor understanding of even basic Christian teachings in the Quran. It's unlikely that mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker even had access to a Bible, let alone had "studied Christianity extensively." About the most access mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker had to Christianity was a game of Chinese whispers involving Syriac heresies, from which he made his ridiculous writings in the Quran about Jesus and the like. Hell, it's clear he had far more access to Zoroastrian mythology (given that many of his supposed experiences are blatantly taken from Zoroastrianism) than he did Christian mythology.

Arabia was pagan at the time, with some Jews hanging around because the (pagan) Romans had expelled the Judeans several centuries beforehand. Religion of Cuck™ only exists because of mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker and the fact that he learned Talmudic Judaism from a rabbi. Christianity had effectively no influence on any of the historical events that led to Religion of Cuck™.

Mostly this.

Uh… Religion of Cuck™ totally denies the existence of free will. Religion of Cuck™ is what militant atheists pretend Christianity is. Things only happen because it is Allah's will, so whether or not you end up in paradise (or boiling in excrement) is completely up to whether Allah, the merciful, feels like torturing you. Pretty sure that's all in the original Quran (and yes, I know that's speculation because it was destroyed by a caliph around a century later).

Furthermore, it is thoroughly dysfunctional in many aspects, its marriage system being the most obvious (but we could also talk of the fact that it is a political religion, unlike Christianity). Religion of Cuck™ does not create healthy societies.

Are you going to pretend their weren't Jews (or their forefathers, to be more accurate) in Europe fucking over Europeans before Christianity?

It's based on Talmudic Judaism though, not Christianity. About the only Christian elements of Religion of Cuck™ is that the Quran mentions Jesus a few times.

Just wanted to say yours are the best posts in this thread, user.

High culture tends to decline after a thousand year-old superpower collapses. Not anything to do with Christianity. It's even more laughable considering that by all reasonable metrics of advancement the Medieval world was simply poorer rather than less (or as) advanced. You can try to spin this as something other than an economic decline all you want but that won't change either the commonly understood meaning of "Dark Ages" nor their fictionality.

Bro, there is no such a thing as "Talmudic Judaism", it's just their written oral traditions of their priests. Even Hitler said "The Talmud needed not have been written, it contains the essence of the mentality of the jewish blood". There is no "standard judaism", it's all satan worship.

Christianity has an influence in the development of "universalist dogma", of "converting everyone", and of taking the Jewish traditions and books to the gentiles. muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker and his (((handlers))) developed this. It's different things, of course, but to say it had 0 influence on Religion of Cuck™ is just not true (Jesus is recognized and so on).

And Arabia had christian populations at that time too.

Of course the decline there was due to natural conditions, but the actions of the early christians like burning libraries and destroying all statues and temples, besides deeming half of the european heritage "as satanic", including many books that were deemed as against church dogma, did contribute a bit to the decline and to the loss of artistic techniques, philosophy works and so on.

Medicines and folk healing? Work of the debiru.
Astronomy? Earth's the flat center of creation (something which the Egyptians conclusively proved inaccurate and passed the info along to the Greeks).
Hygiene? Public baths are sinful, peasant-slaves don't need to bathe anyway.
Physical sciences ranging from geology to biology? Had to be re-learned by importing the Muslim copies of Greek texts because the Christians purged the keepers of European wisdom traditions.
By pretty much every metric one can imagine, Christianity was an absolute scourge for the peoples of Europe. The Dark Ages aren't a fiction, only Christian apologists will try to argue otherwise and no one respects the opinions of shiteating cucks.

You just gave a list of the most popular topics on U.S. and U.K social media after gay cakes and nazi "crimes". This is why even offering free room, board, schooling and healthcare to illiterate monkeys isn't helping with birthrates because even they're afraid of white skank rotted crotches.

Here OP, this set of screencaps will answer any questions you have, and here is also a link to a researcher that answered that question fully.
Muslim Werewolves howling at the Moon God
There is also an excellent site detailing the sex habits of kebab (jrbooksonline.com/eastern_sexology.htm), and one chapter starts like this:

>{NOTE: This detail especially excited the veteran's curiosity. The reason proved to be that the scrotum of the unmutilated boy could be used as a kind of bridle for directing the movements of the animal. I find nothing of the kind mentioned in the Sotadical literature of Greece and Rome; although the same cause might be expected everywhere to have the same effect. But in Mirabeau (Kadhésch) a grand seigneur moderne, when his valetdechambre de confiance proposes to provide him with women instead of boys, exclaims, "Des femmes! eh! c'est comme si tu me servais un gigot sans manche." See also infra for "Le poids du tisserand."}

!slam = Ebionites 2.0
!slam brought heavily from the teaching of the Essenes jew.
you can come up with to that conclusion you self just by reading the name the Quran gave to Jesus = Essa
don't pickup Quran alone is useless without Tafsir the best one are :
Tafsir al-Tabari
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
but i advice you to read also Ibn Ishaq book "Sirah Rasul Allah" Life of the Messenger of God its gave a great insight of the live of MOMO

that indeed my observation its to bad that the history of !slam heavily influenced by their enemies the Salafists who is obsessed with writing every legend they could find then claim its truthful with some wacky cross reference scheme.

The most ironic thing about christian apologists fixating on The Dark Ages is that they're only bringing attention to how it earned its notoriety instead of convincing anyone that it isn't what it is. At this point it's as if they're trying to slide discussion away from the core reasons for why christianity is jewish subversion, by having people debate about if/if not The Dark Ages is an apt label, instead of allowing Holla Forums inform people about why christianity is the longest lasting jewish subversion and the prototype for other forms of (((subversion))).

They're only delaying the inevitable. If that's their final attempt to slide discussion, they'll exhaust it and it will lead back to clear discussions about why christianity has always been jewish subversion.

Says the guy that posts a pointless "what if" scenario behind the veneer of intellectualism so everyone gets to pat themselves on the back.

This is the most empty conjecture and why garbage like 'alternate history' needs to die. Anything that could've happened did happen while everything that couldn't didn't, we know this because it didn't. This is really simple stuff and you're only trying to make a shitpost thread.

Because it was true.

One can never say what might have been. That's pure conjecture. However with the amount of Biblical plagarism in the Koran, it is an interesting question. Jews would have probably given them some bullshit one way or another. j00 wuz kangz false history to set a narrative that if they're good savages, they'll live in paradise again or some such shit. Organized religion really is just social engineering to keep the masses in line. Ain't nobody want a chimpout. It's expensive to have to destroy ones slaves.

Like the jew, he is, he repeats his lies, debunked in another thread.

As Hitler wrote about arguing with jews in Mein Kampf:

But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day.
The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened

I realized that the Jew uses language for the purpose of dissimulating his thought
or at least veiling it, so that his real aim cannot be discovered by what he says but rather
by reading between the lines.

From time immemorial. however, the Jews have known better than any others how
falsehood and calumny can be exploited. One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He
(Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies".

And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty
Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.

Those trips seal it. You have 600 years of Alternate History to fill in before wondering if mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker didn't swallow his tongue during a seizure thereby changing the world.

Alternate history is mostly wishful thinking of resentful people.

“What if” can still be a useful tool to explore why something happened (Spanish Mexican money for the US revolution).
Of course the wishful thinking of resentful people will invent a totally made up reason, it still happening (Vatican financing Masons).

The nature of the jew is to ly and manipulate other people for their means. It was without a doubt a very strong jewish presence at the place and time of creation of mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerism. Without a doubt are strong jewish religious motives in !slam, written and in practice (circumcision, ritual slaughter).


Well no.
I_slam was artificially created as an answer to Christianity. It's an antithesis that the Babylonian control system (old Elites) created so it wouldn't conquer the world.
Look at the convenient situation and time when it was created.
Right towards the end of the Byzantine-Persian wars after which both countries were completely exhausted and ripe for conquest from a well organized army.
Look where it spread. Like a shield that crept from Morocco to Siberia. the Christian Europeans had to go across Oceans to circumvent it.

Because the Roman Empire was very brutal about their control of constituents with A LOT of poor downtrodden slaves. Not only that, towards the end it also became extremely corrupt where generals fought among themselves while barbarians poured over the border, raping and pillaging everything. A classic example of collapse of a civilization. The ones who governed forgot to govern.
Christianity just offered a safe heaven of focus, control, order and peace in times of strife as opposed to the polytheistic religion that was nothing more than an instrument of the state.
Additionally, monotheism is better than polytheism mainly because it cuts out the fat. I'll get more on that later.

You absolutely can't tell. There are too many variables that gave rise to Christianity and which I mentioned above. If you want to imagine Europe without Christianity you have to do away with those variables. And to do away with those you have to invent some completely new. Which is too subjective.

But to give you some kind of an answer: Monotheism would have sprung up one way or another. From the outside(Mithraism or many other different monotheistic-like religions) or from the native polytheistic religion. Simply becouse of the man's wish for order of monotheism as opposite to the disorder of polytheism.
Look at it as an evolution of man's consciousness and not of religion if you're a larpagan, fedora or a mason:
Polytheism is thinly veiled animism, which is basically the worship of material world. Physical things and mental constructs have spirits or representation-→gods. This is why marxism uses modern paganism as one of the battering rams to destroy Christianity. Both are inherently materialistic in nature since both originate from the same source the Babylonian control system is polytheistic

Monotheism puts the man and man only and his consciousness on the pedestal. It EMPHASIZES the development of it as it is supposed to progress into a godlike status through the purification of one's SPIRIT.
It's a major breakthrough in the evolution of man IMHO. And why marxism is constantly trying to topple it.


take this shit to some religious board

>Christianity has an influence in the development of "universalist dogma", of "converting everyone", and of taking the Jewish traditions and books to the gentiles. muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker and his (((handlers))) developed this. It's different things, of course, but to say it had 0 influence on Religion of Cuck™ is just not true (Jesus is recognized and so on).
So you proved yourself wrong. The !slamic way of conversion is conquest and subjugation not proselytization and missionaries.
The collapse of Graeco-Roman civilisation was imminent and nothing could save it. By the time St. Peter and Andrew arrived in Rome/Athens the local population weren't even following the gods of the Illiad anymore. The aristocracy were degenerates that had turned against all roman principles and believed in Jupiter only on paper, the bourgeoisie were atheists, soldiers and peasants believed in superstitions and various eastern cults. Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with technological decline (why is this the greatest evil) because the Eastern empire - Byzantium had retained all knowledge and was the most advanced state on Earth. Germanic tribes conquered the West and returned the land to the natural order by purging the decline. Plato arrived in Italy through Byzantine scholars fleeing from the Turks.
This happens with every collapse so don't mourn it too much. Do you want the future civilisations to inherit menstrual blood art?

Every Christian coming here has to answer one simple question. What's more important to you? Your faith or your Race? If you answer correctly you are welcome to stay with us, brother. However, if you hesitate, even for a split second you are no longer one of us. Every true Holla Forumsack should provide a correct answer in a heartbeat. Only spics, jews and mongrels kvetch how this simple truth somehow is a loaded question.

this isn't cuckchan
take your religion bs somewhere else

Modern missionaries in Africa are for the most part driven by greed and PR so giving up on saving every nigger soul is ok.

What's more important to you? Your heterosexuality or your race?

Maybe you're not the true Holla Forumsack, (((brother)))

They are driven by dogma compelling them to spread their religion whenever they can. For centuries various missionaries were proselytizing like crazy in Apefrica, Spic America, and in the Phillipiness.

Can't you answer a simple question? For your information anything anything other than heterosexuality is a mental illness. If I indeed was a faggot I couldn't answer your question anyway as I would be a mentally ill retard.

Just answer the question. It's not that hard. I would gladly abandon my faith if that meant saving the White race. Would you?

Answer my loaded question and I will answer yours.

In what possible scenario would that ever be necessary?? Assuming whatever faith (((you))) claim to have isn't heavily subverted. Just accept that Holla Forums isn't a homogeneous group.

gtfo sandkike

Do you even know the fundamental precepts of the religion? It makes you choose one or the other.

also, not only does christianity put itself before race, it puts itself before family, wife, kids, before you, before life period.

Why do you think it's a leaded question? Faggots are not fully functioning beings like you or me. They are deranged individuals suffering from terrible affliction. It's one of the greatest crimes of the XXI century that instead of helping those people we are in fact supporting their mental retardation. However, if I had to burn in Hell and get fucked by Satan for eternity just to save the White Race I would do it in a heartbeat. There are no sacrifices too great in the battle for our survival.

I'm not proselytizing any religion. However, a lot of Christians coming here put their faith above the well-being of their own Race, which is unaccectable on a NatSoc board.I'm not saying every Christian does it. However, the fact that every mainstream branch of Christianity, raging from Catholicism, Protestantism to Orthodoxy is unapologetically pro-Jew, has no problem with race-mixing and sends a shit-ton of help to the Third World is worrying sight at best and a treason at worst. That's why I ask Christians in advance. What's more important to them; their race? or their faith?

Answer my question. Your heterosexuality or your race.

It goes even deeper than these young traditions.
There is a very dangerous weakness prolific in all Aryan peoples with records dating back to when we had settlements in what would become China. You can understand this weakness as worshiping the holder of the world. For Aryan societies this becomes a big problem since their belief system relies on keeping to themselves and not intermixing with those without the "goodly hue" of Lothur. Aryan traditions state that while the whole race of men were created by some mythical race, for the Norse they called them dwarfs. Only a very few were selected by compassionate gods and bestowed great gifts.

Moving to India you have Aryan Hinduism for a time but Buddhism shows up and causes intermixing of racial groups, a caste system is built but it is to late and while Hinduism still lives its adherents are not Aryan and it is no longer generating, slowly dying. Same for Iran which had a very similar polytheistic belief system, it to collapsed by adherence to Zoroastrianism which made it an easier target for Religion of Cuck™. Most of Europe collapse for this same "Holder of the World" vision. In China and Scythia I don't know the full conditions but seeing as there isn't many Aryans there it probably happened.

The "Holder of the World" or for the older understanding, "world tree" is a live being Yggdrasil which sits on the abyss but it is not animate like a god and so while Aryans feel there is something there it doesn't do anything and the Aryan society loses touch with their gift givers, miscegenates and collapses, because without our gifts we become all the same. As far as I know there is no way to break adherence to the "world tree" once it starts and so smart Aryan Priests take the people they can and "White Flight" to other lands. This probably explains the Aryan migrations into Europe coinciding with the growth of "world tree" religion in Scythia. While jews probably do to some extent understand Aryan peoples have this weakness by our centuries long protection of jews throughout Europe, even to this day, jews are not required for this to happen as far as I know but only contribute to the damage. Jews however are behind the popularization of "Mother Earth", the praising of the "world tree" again, and it makes "neo-paganism" an even worse path than just staying Church and going along with the other whites. Though neither of these systems will last long as both will miscengate under the "world tree" they praise.

false dichotomy, while choosing being religion and race is a real conundrum from christians, or maybe not if they're faithful(ie they choose christianity.)

I don't mean it that way. I mean that we don't all agree on all issues to every detail all the time, and that's good because it stops this place from being an echo chamber where groupthink stops us from being productive. I've heard the "no true Holla Forumsack" argument cited dozens of times on different issues, all it does is further try to divide us.

That's true. I'm not a fan of organized religion because it can be subverted unfortunately. But its also true that the NWO has always been anti-Christian. And its also true that problems always start when people sin and become degenerate.

So? Most atheists are pro-Jew. And you say Protestants are pro-Jew when Martin Luther wrote a book criticizing them.

The type of question is the exact same. Or maybe I can ask, would you choose your family or your race? Would you sacrifice your entire nation if it meant saving the white race? These are questions no man can answer, and thus should not be asked.

It isn't.
Only applies to race mixers.
Would I sacrifice a structure of law for the White race, yes.

Also, christianity doesn't ask this, it demands it. luke 14 26.

So you would betray the white race if you had to murder your whole family? Go away then you don't belong here.
No I mean as in wholesale genocide. Would you murder your own people if it meant saving the white race?

And again I'll ask.
Would you become a gay whore for the sake of the white race?
Would you traffic children or drugs for the sake of the white race?
Would you make most of the planet an uninhabitable wasteland for the sake of the white race?
How low are you willing to sink for the sake of one ideal? How many of your own ideals are you willing to forsake for that one thing? And when I ask these questions, I want an unconditional yes or no as an answer. Would you?

Can a few others with me global report and ask to take off word filter, even just for this thread? It makes it almost impossible to properly follow the discussion…probavly will ban me but fuck it, this is really getting to me because I lose my train of thought each time an important word is filtered out..

If you can't muster the courage to answer my question, and have to hide behind Jewish tricks than we have a real problem here. We put race on a pedestal here for a good reason you know.

Race, nationality and family are your blood. They are one and the same. I shouldn't have to explain it to you. A group of families form nation and nations form race. All bound by blood. You can't have a nation built on abstract ideas. Those crumble pretty quickly. without shared blood we are nothing but a bunch of quarreling individuals.


So you refuse to answer my questions with a straight yes or no, and yet you ask me to betray my ideals because race is the most important thing for the sake of which we must betray all else. If you aren't willing to abandon everything that you are for the sake of the ideal that you supposedly espouse, don't ask it of others because it makes you a massive hypocrite.

You have to be autistic to not understand this is in specific reference to the questions of the day. It's about the costs of being a disciple.

It's about the costs of choosing the faith, your family will hate you and going half measure will ensure you lose everything:
…26“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be My disciple.

27And whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple.

28Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it?…

Race IS the most important thing for which we are ready to do anything to defend it. After all, humanity is a species with different distinct races. Each race has it's own mental and physical attributes, which it has acquired over it's long historical development. Thus race, and racial differences,are a biological reality, not a social construct. No amount of government program or cultural engineering can change the basic nature of an individual person, which is largely determined by their biology. Our environment and our society is the result of our biological nature. When niggers immigrate to a White country, they still behave like niggers, even 10 generations later. When Whites go to Africa, they still behave like Whites and create White societies. You can't change that. Race determines who we are period. If you don't understand such simple truths you have no reason to be here.

You're drawing a false dichotomy as a kafkatrap and insisting a similar one cannot be done against you.

In your mind the two are exclusive but the actual argument is that they aren't but that never stops people like you from insisting otherwise regardless of how many times you get called out.

Literally no one is arguing that isn't true. You must be exhausted from all those windmills you joust.

Would I sacrifice my whole White family to save.. Whites.
My own people are the White race, so again you're asking if I would murder Whites to save them. Nonsensical.
No, you've switched from saving to for the sake of.
nature isn't an ideal, for that go talk to christians, and true followers' answers is everything in life is to be sacrificed/of no value in the face of their religion, as only the after life/soul matters according to it.

As I said, answer only with yes or no, any other answer is invalid.

Blood before ideology.

What you say is nonsense.

Then, if push comes to shove and by some miracle you had the choice between saving the White Race and saving Christendom what would you chose? Purely a hypothetical situation.

Truth before blood or anything else.

Then the same can be said about your own pick x or y argument.

Then it's useless and you're dodging the crux of what I said.

No. heterosexuality or race isn't a real question, and in fact contradictory as there is no race without heterosexuality, while christianity or race not only is a real question put to people when becoming a christian or born into a christian family, christianity demands people put christianity before race as a prerequisite to being christian, so you can be someone who is putting their race first having to decide one or the other, if they choose race, they can't be christian, and not being heterosexual means no White race down the line.

You keep dodging the question instead of answering yes or no.

I've fully explained it.

There is no explanation needed. You either pick one or the other.

Not with heterosexuality or race.

It applies to all given dichotomies. Stop trying to dodge and give me an answer, or simply agree that your original argument is full of shit and you are being dishonest.

If someone forgoes hetero for race, there is no race. Nonsensical, not dodge.

I know the Wahabbi go way back, but it seems like a mostly modern phenomena. It's interesting how international jewry promotes the Salafi, despite them being the most "radical" meanwhile they call for the death of the more moderate, more white Shia. Sometimes I wonder if this surge in kosher nationalism was done on purpose because it would raise anti-muslim (and therefore pro-israel) sentiments in the West. It seems convenient that this surge started just as it became clear that Saudi Arabia and Israel were going to get BTFO by Iran and its allies. It's certainly a win-win situation for the kikes. Either the naively pro-arab left gets its way, and Europe becomes non-white; or the shabbos goy right gets its way and kills all of Israel's enemies.

"If Christianity had really been—as so often described—“alien” to the Germanic tribes, they could easily have rejected it when the prestige of the Roman legions began to wane. But Christianity had come to stay, because it fits in with the existing archetypal pattern. In the course of the centuries, however, it turned into something its founder might well have wondered at had he lived to see it;" C.Jung
Its a matter of Darwinism of ideas, Christianity was compatible with the people and superior to paganism. It did become corrupt with time, just looking at the current pope makes it obvious.

Cuckery is consequence of the age of abundance and comfort, not because of the religious software. you can have a pet cat and mouse in your house and they'll be best friends, they are warm and well fed. Scarcity would make the cat wake up to its nature. Current western people are likewise neutered, it would be ideal to wake them up before conditions deteriorate to tragic levels but it seems hard.

First of all, you are arguing with a couple of different people. We have IDs here. Secondly, it's you who can't answer a simple question, and instead circulates around it like a madman.
Do you love the White Race? Would you fight to defend it? Would you sacrifice your mind, body and soul to preserve it?

But it's just you who's a faggot, not the whole white race, so it's ok.

Yeah, Christians are notorious anti-family, while atheists and larpagans (Romans aborted their offspring) are all family value.

I guess, you showed your out of context citation worthless.

No, that's not a part of the question that's been given.

Your rhetoric needs some work. You conflate two things and then pretend they're causal. You then adopt a conciliatory tone to beg the question, one which isn't sensible and has been shown as ridiculous.

It's why questions like
are used as shitty jokes. The conflation is ridiculous and is therefore expected to illicit a laugh. The answer to the question is also expected to be a joke because it's such an illogical situation.

Your artificial conflation of the race and the faith are similarly stupid, any answer that is given reinforces your central point rather than providing debate. It's just begging the question and shifting the context of debate from whether what you're saying makes sense, it doesn't and that has been shown many times, to providing credence to a false dichotomy by trying to force people to address it seriously. It's a debate of bullshit instead of substance.

Checked, Jung was one of the most brilliant people who has tinkered with the human intellect. Especially amazing by making it actually interesting.

I answered the question just fine, regardless of IDs, you're arguing the same point and it's dumb. That's my point.

Obviously. This is already a kafkatrap, but I'll bite. Trying to make me show my credentials to assume authority. Every non-shill here loves the race.

Would you fight to defend it?
Same answer.

Would you sacrifice your mind, body and soul to preserve it?
Artificial conflation. The point is that you don't have to 'sacrifice your soul', you edgy nihilist.

I was meaning to show that the passage was specifically about the sacrifices that being a disciple brought about. It was about what would happen to you rather than what you should do.

Excelent on topic post.

Bumping it so the jew kvetching doesn‘t burry it.

hetero or race is a nonsensical question, which was posed in response to christianity or race, which is a real question people have to contend with when deciding whether to become or continue to be christian.

Can't agree with you here. The Catholic saints, if you are familiar with them, are thinly veiled polytheistic idols crafted in Catholicism. Example I gave earlier of the Normans and St. Michel, or the Scandinavians and Santa Lucia, one could go on and one. I don't think monotheism was an historical imperative.

Except, you know, they aren't. The orthodox church also has saints, and yet I see no one complaining about it. Your arguments are on the level of the iconoclasts and have been discarded by Church dogma over a thousand years ago.

I'm the second guy you're replying to. Usually the christian response is that people are taking it out context, that it doesn't mean hate your family and self, that it's just saying put christianity first, which is how I applied it, but if you've got yet another twist to explaining it, go for it.

No, this sentence actually distills why your entire argument doesn't make sense. You're trying to create a conflation through loaded questions because you know you cannot back up the basis of the question. I don't know how to make that more clear.

Besides, if it were a "real concern" then why would you have to invent hypothetical to support it? That's a rhetorical question.

This is just trolling. Of course it was a historical imperative, it literally happened.

when we began to really lose it with the decline of the Catholic Church (luckily there was still enough gas in the engine to defeat the Ottomans at Vienna, Lepanto, and Malta before it was weakened too much by Lutheranism).

I could easily imagine a version of…the Roman Catholic Church is, essentially, like the Roman Gods of old. The only difference is that the varous gods have been replaced by "saints" who act as intercessors to the "King of the Gods" (Zeus/Jupiter). I think there could be a way to have polytheistic European religions based on the original Roman model, with certain saints as the patrons of soldiers, mothers, doctors, nurses, and so on… if you really get into it, every profession has their own "patron saint" which is really just another form of polytheism.

"I was meaning to show that the passage was specifically about the sacrifices that being a disciple brought about. It was about what would happen to you rather than what you should do."

You literally said:

Also, christianity doesn't ask this, it demands it. luke 14 26.

it demands putting christianity first, yes.

That's completely circular reasoning. Just given that it happened doesn't mean it was an historical imperative. I'm not sure if you simply aren't clever enough to see the holes in this or are Holla Forums full of shit.

OK, so communism happened in the USSR and in Maoist China. Ultimately, it failed. awas it therefore a "historical imperative" in line with the "laws of history, exploitation of the proletariat, need to seize the means of production" etc.. as Marx laid out. Even though it FAILED in under 70 years????

There is no basis for hetero or race, there is a basis for christianity or race, which I've given.

It was historical imperative that it would happen, but it was also historical imperative that such a system fails and collapses in on itself in such a relatively short timespan.

You're still making no sense. Christinaity is now imploding on itself, as Nietzsche put it over 150 years ago it "killed itself with the sword of truth it produced." So Christianity failed after after ~1,400 years, Marxism in ~ 80 years. What period of time (keeping in mind the vast timespan that constitutes a civilization) would a system need to be considered "a success."

Also, communism had a far, far greater bodycount than christianty could have ever imagined even adding up all the sectarian wars and wars against Religion of Cuck™ and the seths that occurred in the New World. By Solzhenitsyn's numbers (accepted by most), the Jews killed 67 million in the gulags in the US alone, nevermind the death toll of WW 2 (which, as Solzhenitstyn says, was largely motivated by AH's desire to destroy Jewish Bolshevism).

Then add to that the 100 milllion killed by Mao in China. Was MArxism a "historical imperative" simply because it happened, or was it essentially a small conspiracy of Jews that resulted in the Jews killing the best of Russian society, including 1/4th the population of leningrad?

The story of Christ is just one of Many similar storys that came befor it and after.
If it wasnt this rendition of the story (christ) is would have probably been one of the others.

There is no success since any system eventually collapses and is replaced by something better or at least different that will in turn also eventually collapse. That is what the book of revelation is all about.
It is quite ironic that the kikes who believe in bringing about the prophecies with their own efforts are also bringing about the prophecy of their end. Maybe they are even doing it intentionally, so as to cause the apocalypse with their own efforts. Maybe that is the final conclusion of the bible, and the kikes really just want to bring paradise to earth. It's a pretty scary conclusion.

I'm not talking about communism. Communism doesn't work because it's based on retardation and intentional subversion.

You have to be incredibly dishonest or dumb to not understand that a sentence saying

Claiming someone else is using circular reasoning while you say that something didn't have to happen and something else could've happened when it didn't is completely retarded.

No you haven't, don't try shifting goalposts. You're trying to claim they are mutually exclusive and have consistently failed to back that up.

I will post again:
"I was meaning to show that the passage was specifically about the sacrifices that being a disciple brought about. It was about what would happen to you rather than what you should do."

The one verse you've pointed to doesn't match your argument of mutual exclusivity at all.

I have to go but I'll try this one more time

If you can't understand the meaningful difference between

No time in the history of man has there ever been a case of "choose heterosexuality or race for the race to survive," while there is for choosing between christianity and race, and christians are choosing christianity over race, they're throwing Whites under the bus(#t=27m42s,) and it's not surprising that they're okay with Whites going extinct, that they're actively engaged it making it happen(#t=1h25m40s,) it's christian doctrine, life is of no consequence, only the after life/soul, aka death matters, and that's the end goal, rapture, aka world death.


I don't dispute the tragedy, however it happened because the jews simply rode the wave caused by a massive war that was inevitable to happen. After the Ottomans were driven from the Balkans, Austria and Russia started competing for the spoils, that is, the Balkans, this was inevitable to happen. The kikes predicted this and merely exploited it for their own end. The only thing to blame here is the shortsightedness of the various European monarchs that did not predict such an outcome, and did not even consider the jews to be a major threat in the first place.



MAYBE??? Go read Theodore Herzl. They are actively trying to bring about the coming of the mashiach (sp?). And the best part? By far, the jews having the most kids are orthodox kikes, who the jews will HAVE to force into military service full on eventually. So you are going to have a kike trying to bring about the end of the world in charge of launching a nuke on one of the nuke-carrying dolphin subs the germans gave them for free….

Doubtful. Religion of Cuck™ itself is mostly developed from Syriac-Persian Christianity which spread in the wake of the last Roman-Sasanid war and the power vacuum that came about after the Roman failure to secure most of the Levant as well as the near total collapse of the Persian Empire.
This kind of Christianity was based not on the normal biblical canon but rather on the Diatessaron, a harmony of the four evangelicals. It was also heavily opposed to Greek philosophical influences, leading to a rejection of trinitarianism and nearly all ecumenical councils (which later evolved into Muslim claims of monotheism and the accusation that the Holy Trinity represents a polytheist corruption of doctrine). As a fully seperate religion Religion of Cuck™ came into being somewhere around the 8th or 9th century.

That are no competing or contradicting concepts.
You might as well ask:

What is better?
Strawberry jam
the color blue?

In fact faith and race are complimentary, because man does not live by bread alone.

Christianity is in fact a white aryan religion (cue autistic jewish screeching).

It is as “semitic” as this post or your post, written in letters of semitic origin.

Christianity co-evolved with Germanic culture, creating a civilization who is (was) the envy of the world, until it is no longer. What happened? Anti-Christ agitation by jews did happen. Jews, in this very thread, tell us to forget and dam the culture and civilization, your ancestor created and worked for 2000 years

One is worthless without the other.

Just imagine an army of aryan shabbos goy and ZOG bots yeah “secular” USA

Wouldn't hurt the politician, let alone save the White race.

Great post. Skipped the "fat" on this thread and went right for this.

The spiritual awakening as a happening really did occur back then. You simply can't make stuff up like that on that scale. For instance the fact that people in the 'awakening' experience how they "talked in one universal language". Which must be the language of the heart, or universal love. Kinda big event if you ask me if you can imagine it.

Stuff out of the ordinary indeed happened, and as much people might have tried to explain what happened with a scientific angle, they haven't been able to but to call it superstition and fiction.

Religions are distinct from each other per definition. One might believe all of them try to fill out a existential need to 'believe' >in< something, whereas the esoteric approach always have been about what's inside of you and your own awakening or unraveling. Also, what you try to unravel about the mystery of life itself through your inner workings, or layers of consciousness, might never have been pre-conceived at a conscious level, but 'springs forth' as revelations or other mystical experiences. Conversely, Freudian psychology functions as a religion on exactly that behalf, that it reversely says the 'explanations' NEED a fundamental, correlated and logical foundation to be 'rational' and "true". Which exactly fits into what (((someone))) would try to support and promote as a kind of spiritual castration. As Jung, on the other hand stated, the one who ventures outwards, dreams, and the one who ventures innards, wakes up.
Psychology as the answer to spirituality indeed is a handy tool to blind the masses and bind them to their materialistic power - or what already has been manifested - doctrine. The corruption of earth and seed is the will of the Ego, and the Ego is the tool of the lower vibrating entities we call demons or evil spirits..

Going deep is something materialistic people never dare, because they find solace in the confining and condensation mechanisms of the universe. Which is kinda silly in the long run, as things and energies inevitably always seek to balance themselves out. Will in itself seem strange to me, but if there is one thing that both I and the (((elite))) believes in is right, that is that energies need to be directed to be able to do good.
That they themselves are blind to the fact they themselves are controlled by evil spiritual entities is something they don't really want to realize, as they enjoy the sins too greatly to dare submit to the fate of the true source of creation, instead of the Ego vessel we commonly call the Devil. As an user formerly stated, there is a real possibility of eternal damnation for those special someones, who perhaps never will find release and rebirth.

On the other hand it's bad spiritual practice to open your heart towards people who try to control you, or in the presence of too heavy energies for you to love themselves out of unconditionally. It is a spiritual war, first and foremost, what is happening on our planet.

In short, people still haven't realized where they came from, and that the 'thing' that set things in motion in this world are, indeed, out of this world. You kinda need symbols and experience in the works of the immaterial to continue being rooted to this world, our earth, and connected to our existence in multitudes. To be the Son of God, or the Virgin Mary is something all of us can tap into, as those facets of our self lies in the common conciousness we call the human spirit. We are an expression of the Earth and God's will, and it's a miracle thing haven't gone worse than they already have.

We truly are. Just as I truly am. On this level, atleast. Blessings to all of us! Peace!

everyone god's children, luke 14 26, the after life/soul is what matters, not the living.

Just say messiah, because that's what it is. That is what Jesus Christ is, and because the kikes rejected him ,they are trying to bring about their own, which in turn will be the Anti-Christ, or the Anti-messiah, a fake and an imitation.
Also, that's not what I meant. Since you assume that the kikes believe in biblical prophecy in the first place, which they don't, at least officially. Rather what I meant is that in their ignorance, arrogance or whatever drives them, they are unwittingly fulfilling the prophecies of the book of revelation. In my theory, they might be doing it intentionally, so as to cause the biblical apocalypse to occur, in turn bringing about heaven on earth and the thousand year reign of Jesus as the ruler of Earth and humankind.

But it would make you gay thus invalidating your argument before, which is the point.

I haven't been arguing go homo to save the race, and it doesn't invalidate what I've said.

But the fact that they want to conquer and subjugate all the others derives from this universalism that was unseen before christianity.

That aside, your post is correct, aside from the fact that certain elements in the "shadowy elites" of decadent Rome sponsored christianity as a way to maintain their power, after the Crisis of the Third Century.

Scholars who rejected christianity and were persecuted even in that period. Doesn't change though, the fact that the platonic academy fled to Persia in 539 and resurged under Religion of Cuck™ic rule, because their texts weren't forbidden there.

While there are indeed myths about flat earth and bathing being church dogma, the fact that the church had on it's dogma that the earth was the static center of creation is well atested.

""If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters–yes, even their own life–such a person cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26).

The main tenet of germanic paganism was huge strong families. Even Atheistic Soviet Countries had bigger fertility rates than christian ones like Italy or Ireland…

Miscopied the passage again. Apologies.

I think you're missing the bigger picture here, that was how christianity was used to subvert Europe. Of course it had some attractions, but those "behind it's application" were always the same.

Also see here:

"In the case of the struggling young Christianity, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not … to the Gentiles, … But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ (Matthew 10:56). Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his 'Christianity.' A 'Christianity' with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. 'All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!'… And the Jew triumphed." - Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, a conversation between Hitler and Me" (Eckart was honored in the second book of Mein Kampf)

I think no conflict beats the almost half of the German population dying in the Thirty Years War over interpretations differences… Of course, sheer numbers later add up…

essential oil of lavender. It will kill the infection. 40 drops in a quart of spring water. spray this on the infected part several times a day. Used for thousands of years before penicillin.

The problem, again, was the misuse of this "beyond the world" faith, by the decadent elites behind the roman empire, that were seeking to end the "disorder" that was going on after the Crisis of the Third Century and decline of Rome, and began to sponsor christianity, or at least their version of it - Roman Catholicism.

See here:

While I agree that "Monotheism" would have sprung up regardless of christianity, but for other reasons, the idea of it being an "evolution", a linear "progress" of the human mind is indeed a Jewish academic one, as is indeed the claim there ever was a "monotheism/polytheism" dychotomy. Our ancestors had knowledged about God, although in a more esoteric fashion, not so much in the public sense. Guess why (((they))) want you to think like that? That your ancient religions worshiped "material idols" and had no knowledge of anything, but just superstitions, before "benevolent jews" showed them the ways, the same people who suppressed the knowledge of our ancestors…

"Polytheism", or rather pre-christian faiths as there is no such thing as polytheism, were not "materialistic", even if "salvation from the material world" wasn't their declared focus but, the same thing you put, "the development of man as it is supposed to progress into a godlike status through the purification of one's spirit".

To claim European paganism is an "jewish adaptation of Babylonian customs" is just ridiculous, as is the claim marxism uses it to "destroy christianity". No, they explicitly want to destroy paganism. That is why to this day you see "missionaries" going to the far corners of the world, hand-in-hand with globalists, to destroy the "last pagan temples", as the bible commands. The Soviet Union went to a great extent to genocide whole tribes in Central Asia who kept their customs. They explicitly admit nothing good comes from strenghtening paganism, that is why many pagan symbols are even banned as "hate speech". Meanwhile, the Soviet Union gifted statues of biblical themes to the UN, for instance. At the core of their mentality, their judeo-bolshevist one, is the tenets of abrahamism. Paganism stands in natural opposition to this jewish mentality, that is why these religions, both christianity and Religion of Cuck™, struggled so hard to root it out.

In my research of this pseudo-religion, I have discovered that mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker (may pigs eat his entrails forever) NEVER worshipped the G-d of the Hebrews.
Arabs of the time were pantheistic as represented by mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker destroying the 360 gods that encircled the Ka'aba (Soul of the Father) when his army took Mekkah. mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker chose the Father of the Gods, Hu-Bal, the Lord HU, otherwise known to the Sumerians as EnLil or Lord of the Air. Who is also known as the Lord of the Air?
So, YES, without the advent of Christianity, mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker, the illiterate pedophilic megalomaniac, would have established his death cult. It was the Christian forces that held them off and kept Europe free.
But would the Celtic peoples of Europe have held off the mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeran hordes?

|slam is more closely related to Judaism than Christianity, therefore |slam would still exist as a jewish sect.

Bitch did you just set out to do exactly the thing I just ridiculed others for doing? You just presented two completely different mediums, one done by an artist in lager than life style on a wall and one done by a scribe in marginalia.

Are you referring to iconoclastism because that was also commonly perpetrated by pagans prior to christianization for political reasons. Hell effigies of christian knights often bear graffiti from succeeding generations who visited their tomes. The reason that fresco you present was preserved at all is because it was buried in anoxic ash in Pompeii and then preserved by modern fixation techniques in 1760. You don't need to destroy art for the original examples to be lost. And when it is destroyed by pagan or christian individuals it is often used for building materials or the metal is recycled, who do you think so many Roman stone copies of Greek statuary exist but none of the bronze originals? Bronze is valuable and would often be melted down for basic needs.

The idea that art, particularly modest art such as the fresco you presented were destroyed because they were "sinful" is laughable given the ostentatious styles of by Byzantium and the Carolingians.

I'll disagree because in terms of detail the Roman techniques were inferior to those of the Celts who took metallurgy to a higher state in antiquity though due to their relative poverty they produced fewer pieces. If you are referring to Carolingian and most Northern European pieces being garish in the extreme, that is a matter of taste not the skill of execution.

Comparing completely different styles developed by different tribes who had no extensive communication with Roman artisans is pointless, they never gained any knowledge of Roman technique and therefore cannot be accused of losing anything.

If you want a valid comparison focus on the Mediterranean in which you will see declines in quality following significant wars both in antiquity and the middle ages followed by a reestablishment of quality a generation or so later.

Good cuckchan quality thread.

Here, have a bump :o)

Oh really, wall painting and paper painting are "completely" different? Still, it doesn't matter, because it applies the same to all mediums.


And thus, escaped the deliberate destruction that befell all the many other frescoes across the ancient world, that weren't scattered in ash…

And stone statues were also used for fertilizer, and you know, deliberately vandalized and destroyed for no reason too. Bronze statues also survived, but defaced…

The "ostentatious" portraits of… saints and angels, that were on a lower technical level than works in the past…

Congratulations on finding out about Hubal and deciding that research ends there
Try harder kike

So only your "thought experiment" is valid? You were given a plausible scenario. Spread your cheeks or no?

Pretty sure this was explained earlier in the thread and it's now being used again? Interesting tactic to just repeat spurious claims that have been refuted.

That was in the very reply he was referring to, I mistyped. Any basic christian apologist will say this is a translation wrongly done, and that it means they must love "Jesus more than anything" and so on. But keep being butthurt even at mistyped referrals to it…

Race vs christianity isn't a thought experiment, the religion is clear on what it is to be christian, that it takes precedence over race. If you actually adhere to the religion that's what you do, and the outcome from that choice is playing out from christians picking christianity over Whites, favoring and focusing on the third world, declaring the third world the future of christianity, breeding the third world to the hoard it is today, not just advocating for open borders for White countries for Whites to be replaced, actively shipping in their "future of christianity."

As One Who Submits Before the One Unitary God, bismillah:
"Christianity, ¡slam!, and Judaism are more alike than they are different"
This is a modern kike meme
Judaism is shaitan worship
Christianity is the ideology of Osiris(Uranus) losing his penis and making sweet baby Horus with Isis
Religion of Cuck™ is worship of one omnipotent God. There is nothing between you and God. No Trinity. No idol. No icon.
Subhanallah. God is perfect.

It's no real wonder why the Japs didn't want christian influence in their country. Christianity is born out of a jewish cell, it constantly seeks to subvert the native traditions of a people and promote universalism. It's no coincidence that christian missionary work always follows the same strategy the jews use when they want to latch their teeth into a host nation.

Oh they had a bunch of christians pre-1945. Guess in which two cities the vast majority of them lived?

And the fact that Japan's birthrates are as pathetic as whites in the U.S. just goes to show the real problem is the cult of greed in banks.

Look up Nicholas of Japan.

The original moe hammed (fuck your gay ass word filter) would have gone and conquered shit and declared himself the prophet of God regardless of whether or not he had Christianity as an inspiration. That's a huge logical gap to assume that he'd need Christian theological foundation to take his tribe of goat fuckers and conquer all the other tribes of goat fuckers and then take that huge army to go take more land, riches, slaves, etc. Hundreds if not thousands of other tribes across human history have done the same thing. It's a very natural male instinct to do so. In fact, if you don't have the same desire, then I'd say there's something wrong with you. The only reason white men don't do this nowadays is because we have civilization and the tacit agreement not to fuck each other over.

Did you take your anti-psychotic medication today?

> the real problem is the (((cult of greed in banks.)))

Looks legit (((Christian)))

Chaim, tell us more about Swedish activist Barbara Spectre.

Bismillah look at this attack upon the truth.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Japan's birthrate problem is mostly caused the the economic constraints of having a child. The legislative view on the matter is "your child, your expenses", and since raising a child is expensive as fuck (healthcare, education all mostly private) and also puts the person involved at a disadvantage on the job market due to the added responsibilities.

this, look at what Christianity has wrought upon white americans, removed from their european pagan cultural influence. Branch Davidians, Jonestown, Heavens Gate, all this wacko Jew shit keeps warping white peoples minds. And you know what all these Christcuck cults had in common? Pro-socialist, pro-racemixing, world denying, sex-denying, family and race denying, sterile, death worshipping psychotic freaks lead these cults. This is the end result of Christianity and its influence on goyim brains. This is what they wanted 2000 years ago. Destruction of familial units, warping of racial memory and removal of all European cultural influence in our own fucking lands.

Never forget that Charlemagne , the Founder of Christian Civilization, saw fit to slaughter 5000 Saxon noble Captives, royal blood that were probably related to him by some degree, because they were Heathens and Wotan worshipers. An abomination and affront to the Gods, not because he slew Pagans, but because he slew blood brothers without any honor. Meanwhile he let Jews migrate to France and Germany and let them practice usury while forbidding it for Christians.

Never forget that the Pagan Greek, Babylonian, Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian and Roman civilizations are the true birthplace of all civilization and all true sense of morality. A good portion of the prayers in the Psalms were stolen by kikes directly from Sumerian prayer tablets. The sense of good and evil and its role in the moral conflict of man stems from the Babylonians, not the kikes and their Molochian Jew god. In the Bible all of these societies, especially Babylon, are demonized and perverted in the history of the Jews. Never forget that your own Holy Book is the racial history of a people that destroyed these ancient Aryan civilizations and spoke slander and blasphemy against them.

Holy shit. It takes some serious effort to be THIS retarded.
Whoa, buzzwords, you sure convinced me.
Because christians are so anti-family and are definitely opposed to having families in general.
Which European culture are we talking about here, Varg?
5000 victim points have been awarded to your account.
Sounds like he was perfectly justified. How many times have you pagancucks advocated for mass slaughter of white christians? But when it happens to you it's obviously a tragedy.
Go away semite worshiper. You have no place on Holla Forums.
What are you even on about kike? Literally twisting the truth, not even twisting, literally saying the opposite of truth to fit a narrative, typical tricks.
You mean that same babylon from which moloch worship originated in the first place?
That spoke semitic languages and were usually depicted as tan people with black curly hair.

But practicing the same practices as the kikes do and preaching their universalist polytheistic "magic" is totally okay.

I never said the passage was wrongly done, I said you're being dishonest about the meaning, this is what I said:

See, you're purposefully trying to get out of this. You made a false equivalence between the faith and the race by claiming they're mutually exclusive, which is wrong. You're still working within that premise and refusing to engage about the basis of that claim. They aren't mutually exclusive yet your argument relies on them being competitive. When shown that they aren't you just fall back on saying the same thing over and over.

Uh, yes, it is. You reading the same Bible as me?

"Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’…"

Jesus saying that kids should disobey their own parents if they arent Christian enough. Very pro family. You sterile faggots calling yourselves "pro-family", what a joke. Where are your hearth goddesses? Where are your mother goddesses? Where are your tribal laws? Where are your Gods of the Household? Oh right, you destroyed them all many years ago, and now you wonder why white people dont even know what gender is.
Ill quote it once again: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither ((((male nor female)))): for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
Sounds very pro-european and pro-family.

ALL European cultural influence you dipshit. It baffles me how you Christians pretend like the only Pagans that ever existed were some barbarians to the North, ignoring literally thousands of years of history , the begginings of civilization and culture. All you faggots care about is some foreigner's family lineage book. Youre almost worse than the Muslims who actively work to destroy the last remnants of these societies; at least they act within their nature, destroying the monuments of their enemies. You on the other hand ignore the monuments and glory of your own blood because it is "Pagan". Nothing is more disgusting, cowardly and abominable. You care about reclaiming "Dah Holee Land!" but give no shits about Iran, India or Egypt, the true Holy Lands of our ancient Aryan Ancestors.

You stupid fucking faggot, Im talking about a white man being brainwashed by Jews to slaughter fellow white men by the bushel over religious squabbles and the best you can do is scream buzzwords even baser than me. You act like I am trying to martyr said 5000 German men slain by a Jewish puppet into some Pagan victim points, in the process you mock the deaths of your own Aryan brothers. That is how twisted that Semitic piece of shit you call the Word has made your mind, you perceive ancient German men as foreigners, as a completely other race, because they dont worship the same rat-Jew as you. That is, considering they are your brothers. Half the Christians I've met in right wing groups were literally half-spics, wouldnt surprise me in your case.

Lol thats a good one coming from you. Pic related.

Except we WERE Kings, you daft fucking moron. You seem to forget such memes are to mock a people who obviously accomplished nothing and steal the credit of Aryans, who did create everything you stand upon.


what is your explanation for the most sacred, most holy of chosen poiples, for worshiping the foul idol Moloch then? You shoudl actually study the history of the people you worship, and maybe study the history of your own people sometime. Again, assuming they are your people.

Jesus Christ you fucking faggots are so uneducated. Sources that Moloch came from Babylon? Because every single source that mentions Moloch that I have read, including your Holy Book, claims he came from the Canaanites. A branch of Semitic peoples. AKA Jews. You seriously believe that Aryans who created the entire concept of Good and Evil, of cosmic war between Light and Dark, worshiped a Semitic demon? Sure. Whatever your crackhead pastor tells you, dont bother reading any books.

I guess that means Romans were Jews too. I guess that also means all of these Sumerian statues with blue eyes were just "symbolic". Funny how you Christcucks scream about how the Jews hate Jesus so that makes him right, but side with the Jews on pretty much every issue, especially when it comes to spirituality and history. Fucking pathetic.

I want to copy and go through this thread slowly, because for once the board has a thread with some decent information and arguments.

Fellow white people
Forget about your own religion, dump your civilisation and worship Semitic Aryan Bal.

Hey crazy jew, did you consider professional psychiatric help?

Lol actually , now that I remember, Moloch worship wasnt banned for the Jews until they were enslaved in Babylon. The Babylonians forbid them from worshiping him because human sacrifice was an abomination in their Heathen, Pagan, Aryan religion. And your chosen people went right back to child-murder once they were free. You stupid people believe in such blatant lies its honestly depressing. I cant stand seeing stupid people like you, YOU are the real reason the white race is dying, not the Jews. The Jews never would have wiggled their way into our civilization without willfully ignorant, puppet like queers like you.

Any sources on Babylonians worshiping Baal? As far as I remember it was Canaanites. Whats with all these dumbfuck Christcucks confusing an Aryan civilization with a Jewish one? Are you really that stupid and uneducated? you literally sound like the dumbfuck nigger apes that consider themselves the true Hebrews and scream in the streets about BABYYYYLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

Here's a question for some of the smarter people here who have considered this– how much longer does Israel have left? They unleashed ISIS on France to try to get more kikes from France and the UK to move there (then they suddenly stopped it almost overnight, turned it off like a spigot). Given the Jew population and how heaily orthodox it is, the changing attitudes even among Jew democrats toward israel…..when this generation of Jew billionaires like addelson dies off, Zuckerburg and his type sure aren't going to give them shit. In the UK, Labour is basically an openly anti-semtic party now and in 5 years the democratic party will probably be the same.

I don't believe the Jews think they can get away with their Iranian war, or they would have already did it. The Us base the kikes got in Israel is worrying, but after 7 trillion dollars in down the shit hole in the mideast, i can't see a war with Iran unless the Jews manage to frame Iran for a nuclear-level false flag.

Thoughts on this? Personally, looking at its economy and the increasing hatred for them worldwide and Syria and Iran gaining power, I don't see the Jews lasting another 10-15 years there.


Do you have a source on Jew moloch worship user? How they'd put the baby into its hand and then press a lever and it would raise its hands to its mouth and put it into the oven n its stomach? This is proof the jews have had this obsession with "burnt offerings" ("holocausts") for thousands of years, and that religious jews believed that their "burnt offering" was the hoycaust in exchanging "muh 6 million in gas ovens" for their shitty desert homeland that has caused the world so much grief…..

The absolute hutzpah of this kike.

The Romans and Greeks disagree. Tell Odin to pack his bags and go back, There's no room for him in the Pantheon.

The LARPagan is more in tune with the streetshitting pajeets than he is with his white Christian brothers. think.jpg
Also, isn't the holy land also the homalnd of your beloved babylon? Or did Babylon and Canaan suddenly stop being TRU WHITE ARYAN all of a sudden in your deluded mind? Lay off those "magic" mushrooms sometime.

So exactly what you're advocating for right now? Think.jpg

oi am i laughin. Poking fun at you deluded morons never gets old. Damn, just how brainwashed are you? You even talk like a fucking cultist, holy shit.

Which is true, but their traditions intersect with Babylonian ones a lot. Also Canaanites are suddenly semitic now? They're nt proud aryans that were bakcstabbed and genocided by the evil jews? What happened Varg? You're not, by chance, rewriting history on the get go to suit your retarded narrative, are you?

So you agree. Good we could find some common ground here. The Babylonians and the Egyptians actually spoke a SEMITIC language by the way, much like many other inhabitants of the region.

The main source is the Bible. The Romans and Greeks also spoke of the Carthaginians, Canaanites and Jews worshiping Moloch but I dont remember which specific historians. They dont mention Moloch by name, rather calling him "Baal Hammon" but they said his idols featured horned men or bull-headed men, and that babies were burned in their hands , so its pretty safe to say that its the same entity mentioned in the Bible.

One interesting attestation to Moloch that I remember; Hannibal recalled that when he was a child, his father threatened that if he did not conquer Rome, he would burn him as offering to Moloch.

confirmed leftypol shill

Okay, get out of the thread then.

Are you implying that Vargist cultists aren't deluded morons?

some nobody faggot with no authority on the lore of my race
infallible word of God, representative of Christ on Earth

No true christian.

Now, just for a moment, consider the fact that mutt memes are banned here, and that most Holla Forumsacks are from America.

oy vey!

100 percent white btw dna proves it

dont worry though, Jesus loves shitskins like you

Oh the old canard, of “jews leaving”, while half of the government is jewish.

Zuck is based, nearly like Hitler … Seriously, he is no Zionist, same with the Hollywood and Silicon Valley jews, Google, 21andme etc. Hey there is this cool young jews son in law of the president, totally not Zionist.

Yeah comrade Mendelson has been sent to the GULAG, based nigger-paki supremacy. Anti-semitic as Saudi-Arabia.

It's RWDS then

Seems like Odin doesn't mind shitskins either. And religion is just allegory anyway and all Native religions are the same, so shouldn't you be shitting on a street somewhere?

you underestimate our enemies and rely on arabs and subhumans to do the job for us. I suggest you stop that

Hitler speaks

dont you mean all goyim religions? isnt that what "Nations" basically means in the Bible?

what a surprise

Yeah, I'm sure you believe a traitor is the infallible word of god, unlike the other denominations, as long as he pushes your agenda.

Not even Catholics believe that.

But, hey one straw-man is as good as the other.

But that's your talking point, Varg. It's what you say when you're accused of being barbaric, illiterate snowniggers who mostly made by with piracy and selling people to the muslims as slaves as opposed to the civilized Romans. There's a whole rainbow of pagans that existed throughout history, and yet they're all somehow the same thing and are all united in their fight against evil christianity and semitism, whatever that is, since most semites were pagan also.

Lol please, Ive studied the Bible most of my life and Ive studied Christian history for a long time as well. Not impressed tbh. Europe was better off without some Jew-cult warping our minds. I only want what is best for my people; you dont care for your people, you care only for Christ, some obscure faggot Jew from 2000 years ago. A "white nationalist" saying that Native religions are bad, what a fucking moron. Why dont you just go adopt Yoruba or Religion of Cuck™ ? I heard it worked out pretty well for Atomwaffen. You know whats funny, I tried to warn those stupid faggots about letting a god damn Muslim into their group. They didnt trust me because I was Pagan, and they said "Well Christianity is Abrahamic too!"
Now 3 good people are dead and 1 is in jail. And frankly its what they deserve for being so fucking stupid that they would trust a lunatic freak that threw away the traditions of his ancestors for some foreign, semitic cult.

anti-christian is anti-american. go be a shareblue somewhere else, shills. i bet these are the same people saying muh drumpf is the skypes lol.

(((Every time)))

Bitch, the dark ages had less to do with christianity, and more to do with muslim conquests against the byzantine empire.

The people spreading these memes are Jews, Protestants, and people like you, who don't actually know shit.

u wot m8

also fuck America. America needs to be burned down and remade. How this has not gotten through to you is evidence of the Bibles effect on IQ, and evidence that pol is being flooded by reddit. You honestly thing this country still has your best interests in heart? After Ruby Ridge? After Waco? After MKULTRA? Give me a break you fucking sheep. If you rely on anyone that isnt yourself, your friends and your immediate family youre a fucking idiot. Even your community is rife with faggots, druggies and niggers and cant be relied on. This is not to blackpill you, its to get you to realize that this war hasnt even started, and youre making victory celebrations already.

Hes actually right for once, the Dark Ages is a term made by Italoboos in the Renaissance because they saw the demise of Roman civilization as a Dark Age. Technology and information was preserved relatively well in the Dark Ages and actually advanced in many ways. Anyone who thinks technology just stopped dead-flat because the church is retarded and not worth listening to on historical subjects; the same people will tell you that witch burnings happened in the dark ages and ignore that that was more of an Enlightenment era thing.

Reported. Trump is winning and fixing America. Shareblue can't stop outing itself.

Here is nobody arguing against pagans, that is authentic, native paganism like the poo-in-loo or Japanese.

But this here, the larpagans, asatru, is just such an obvious attempt of astro-turfing by the jews. Same with all the other esoteric shit “age of the waterman” et all. All demoralization attempts, like feminism against traditional European society.

Reading quotes on reddit is not the same thing as studying.

I've studied it longer than you, and you are wrong.
To claim that any idea MUST 100% originate from your own borders or it has to be rejected is retarded.
Gunpowder is not a european idea - it was discoevered in China. Why don't you reject it's usage?

Fact is, Christianity morphed and changed in europe, absorbing various values and traditions. It has little in common with the original.

And even if I wanted to switch back to the old gods - that religion is dead. Too much is missing to properly reconstruct.

If you are white, and that's a big if, then your ancestors for the last thousands years are probably christian.

Except, you know, we Christians don't really see other Abrahamic religions as some sort of brothers in arms against paganism. Instead Christianity rejects both Judaism and Religion of Cuck™ as false dogma, something which you pagancucks won't and can''t do, since according to you there is no absolute supernatural truth, but rather each nation has it's own patron pantheon or some shit. Outside this simplistic explanation, you will simply start citing new age tier hermetic and gnostic dogma as sources about "spiritualism" which only serves to make you look like an even bigger moronic cultist. And since you have no central dogma of your own and instead rely on a variety of other faiths to provide you some sort of twisted mosaic to believe in, you really have no actual credibility in your theological allegations.

OK, jew boy, we get it you don‘t like Europe and it‘s civilization of the last 2000 years, now piss off.

thats not how ancestor veneration works idiot. besides isnt that heresy in the bible? Ancestor worship and all that shit.

If you really think that its been this easy for no reason youre dumber than I thought. Yeah, the people that killed Kennedy, that killed Koresh and have blackmailed every president since the 60s are totally gonna let us win. Im sure. Theres totally not a massive media and government effort to get Trump to either cuck out to them or get him out of office. Yeah, because Trump won, Europe is saved right? Macron is totally ourguy!

Another reason I dont like you Christians. The lore of our people says that to rely too much on the gods is weakness, and one should find inner strength to survive in this brutal world. You Christians however seem to think everything is in gods plan and you can just sit around and chill and wait for him to make everything right. Death worshiping fucking cultists.

youre just using words without comprehending their meaning at this point. How is what I practice Larping? Youre saying I should practice Japanese paganism since its "more authentic"? what a fucking spiritual cuckold, no wonder you surrender yourself to a fucking foreign god.

"Pagan" means "Native" , to worship the gods of my race and my ancestors is to be Pagan, you dont get to define what it means to be genuine and Larping when it comes to religion, especially using fucking Dravidian scum and foreigner nips as an example. You worship a fucking Semite and tell me what Native Paganism is, what a fucking joke. "Native Paganism" is like saying "Sahara Desert". My race is my religion. what is your race to you?

There is a difference between practical inventions like gunpowder and spiritual ideological systems. Did Christianity help Europe become technologically advanced? No, we already were compared to the barbaric shitskins that surrounded us. Did Christianity help Europe produce more food? No because such a thing would be absurd. What did Christianity do for us? United Europe right? I guess thats why politics in Europe immediately became about religion and things like dynasties, royal blood and all that were completely ignored. As we all know, the Thirty Years War was a wonderful, heartwarming event of Christian brotherhood displayed at its fullest. What joy the Christian faith has brought to my people.

so why do we still cling to it anymore? Why do we still give a shit about Israel? what youre implying is that gradually, European influence over Christianity will dominate. Since the Native religions of Europe are Pagan , youre implying that Paganism will one day supercede Christianity. So why do you hate me for what I preach ? Am I not the begingging of a religious rebirth of the European spirit, and the death of your decrepit, rotting Church? Believe me I have seen the rot in your church and I am more than willing to perform a mercykilling, with your assistance. I do not want your blood, only the blood of the Muslim and Jew, the eternal enemy of the white race, and your spiritual brothers. Is it because youre afraid of the awakened Saxon? I can only think of one people that are…..

Ive spent more than 10 years studying the Pagan faiths and even the Germanic one, which is considerably damaged and corrupted in terms of source material, has more than enough to reconstruct an entire religion with documented rituals and rites from historical sources and archeological evidence, with a very consistent worldview and moral system as given by the Havamal and implied through the actions of historical Norsemen via the Sagas, and contains more than enough information on the primary gods to rebuild their cults quite effectively. Many lesser deities and localized cultic Gods have been forgotten, but perhaps they will return to us one day.

And thats just Germanic Paganism. Going to ignore Greek and Roman, which has far more source material and archeological records to go off of.

Celtic Paganism is pretty much dead I will admit, whats left is interesting to study but that religion died with the druids many thousands of years ago.

But I am not Celtic, so who fucking cares. If you are, then I guess I understand your attachment to a foreign faith. Its all you have anyways. In which case I view you less with contempt and more with pity.

Praise the Lord for Trains and Industrial engineering I guess. Definitely had nothing to do with the white mans ingenuity and superiority. If we had stayed Pagan, we never would have discovered things like gears! Right guys? Oh wait….

you mean you very few Christians who are right wing, anti-israel and anti-immigration and pro-nationalist. You are a far smaller number than you like to think. In California every church I see literally does live events teaching Mexicans how to sneak into the country. In Europe every church is giving housing and shelter to rapefugees so that more and more can flood our lands each day, because "jebus was a refugee!"

I'll admit that the kikes have done alot to subvert Christianity in the last 100 years, but you really need to ask yourself what made it so easy to subvert in the first place. You think we would be having half of these problems if we had retained our old religions, which emphasize strength, honor, discipline, family and blood ties? As opposed to Christianity, which emphasizes weakness, meekness, killing yourself, universal-ism globalism?

Change Christianity into something worth respecting and maybe I will rejoin church. Maybe youll also get Charlemagne into a necro-mechsuit and get him to retake France sometime too. I respect strength and honor, and now that you Christians have lost all of both, there is nothing in the church for me.

reported for shariablue

reported for not reading the post and for wasting doubles

im not saying trump is a kike, im saying YOURE a kike for putting too much faith in him



And now we have finally reached the root of the problem.

legit cant tell if shill or brain damaged

shariablue just can't stop

this is too funny.

Lol if you think California is where the taint ends youre very wrong. Churches everywhere in America are cucked to shit, maybe you didnt notice but the pope of the biggest denomination in the world is a pedophile mexican that wants Religion of Cuck™ to take over europe. Oh, and most of that largest denominations are Mexicans and Africans.

Religion of Cuck™ might.

It's likely that Religion of Cuck™ came about when Jews did their typical tricks but on Arab pagans instead of Greek or Roman ones. Some scholars argue that early Religion of Cuck™ was indistinguishable from Judaism.

But it's not entirely clear if the Arabsy were first influenced by Jews, Jewish "Christians" or some other form of Christianity.

The Koran is a salad of texts and scraps of texts heavily edited at point, and much of it is early Christian lectionaries, which is why the angel says to "recite!" and other things.

So, Religion of Cuck™ might have existed as a quasi-Judaism without the Christian elements if indeed it began with the influence of Jewish traders in the Levant. If it started by exposure to some kind of Christians, then maybe not.

stopped reading when you claimed orthodox built Constantinople

You seem to have an extremely myopic view of European paganism.

Religion and culture is downstream from race. Whites are naturally empathetic people, our ancestors needed to be empathetic to each other to survive harsh and cold climates. Christianity did not make whites "weak," we adopted Christianity because it appealed to our empathetic nature.

Seriously, how does one religion manage to change how a population of humans behave so drastically? It can't. It's because it's in our genes to be empathetic, and this is a characteristic that has been (((exploited))) over and over again.

Never doubt the power of genes.

What (you) think doesn't matter and also isn't fact. Also your "what if" scenario textwall shows that the only retard here is you! Now fuck off back to cuckchan, you pseudo intellectual.


this is shitposting.

Not according to our lore; the Celts claimed that the Gods came from the Heavens and made their race to colonize the world. The Germans claimed that Odin came from the Heavens and conquered Central Asia, leading the Aryans to Europe to eventually become Germans. The Gods are not just our superiors and watchers; they are our ancient ancestors. The oldest name in the English royal lineage is "Wodan." There are similar themes in other Germanic nations.

The Gods and the Heavens always come first, mortals are nothing but shadows and emanations of the Gods. The Mortal world is just a mirror to the Spiritual one. Dont buy the "religion is a social construct" meme.

I agree but I dont think this is a good thing honestly. The Germanic tribes were probably the most empathetic out of the ancient Pagans, ironic given their barbaric reputation. Romans said they would pick up enemy soldiers after battle, dust them off, offer them water and generally treated war like a gentlemens sport. This is all cool and honorable and fills me with pride and all but one has to wonder why the Germans lost most of their encounters with the Romans; a, by contrast, much less empathetic and ruthless people who would gladly slaughter your whole family in front of you, rape your wife and daughters, and then crucify you for good measure. In the end I guess the Germanics won and Rome fell but I hardly think this is because the Germans were honorable; probably in spite of it. Honor had more meaning in ancient times but now it literally means nothing. Even back then, half the time being honorable got you killed. An example I can think of in later Germanic history is when Olaf Trygvason approached one of the Heathen Temples of Norway, asking to see the idols and observe their rites , respectfully without participating, since he was Christian. He presented his weapons before the Temple, as it was not custom to bring weapons inside the Temple, a place meant for peace. The Temple Priests agreed and let Olaf inside the Temple. He proceeded to signal to his bodyguards to unveil their sheathed blades and killed every priest, smashed every idol and slaughtered half the congregation. The half that was left, he "asked" to convert to Christianity. Now I do not repeat this tale out of bitterness for the Christians or to gain "Victim points" as you would say, but rather bitterness for my own ancestors. When a Christian asked to observe their rites, they should have drawn and quartered him for the offense of even asking to witness their idols, the same as Christians would have treated a Pagan. Unfortunately my ancestors were far too empathetic, and that was their downfall. They opened the doors for a wolf in sheeps clothing. Take care that empathy is not your downfall as well. tbf Empathy and Honor are overrated. I am here to win, I am here to preserve my culture and create a future for my children. I don't care what has to be done at this point. I am not sure what youre point is in your post; saying Christianity is more empathetic than Paganism is both wrong and irrelevant. If anything this sells me on the faith less. Empathy is for people that want to die martyrs and get eaten by lions.

Genes can change over time, and degenerate if not culled and promoted properly. Never doubt the power of psychological and spiritual manipulation, which is what Christianity has done to the white man.

I never said that there would be a mass right wing pagan uprising tomorrow. But if you think theres going to be a mass Christian uprising tomorrow, please go back to your basement, put a bucket on your head and Larp as a crusader. Have Christians done jackshit to help the white race in the last several decades? No, if anything your own churches actively work against you. They invite foreigners , they go do missionary work off in Africa or Brazil or some shithole, they promote racemixing and they promote the decay and destruction of white European culture. And you do nothing about it, despite being far more numerous than we are.

Judaism is unique in it's recording of it's teachings and history.
That made it survive. Not Christianity.
And it was based in the East Roman empire, not the sacked half where historical records were vandalised (in fact, partly by the Vandals, the namesake of the term "vandalism"). Both Byzantine and even the Ottomans tolerated the Jew. The Jew also spread to western Europe after the sack of western Rome.

Some would argue the opposite, that Christianity was a Roman subversion attempt on the Jews, hence why Revelations targets specifically them. Jewish prophecy is the weakness of their religion. It can be subverted through hysteria and propaganda.

Clearly though, the plan failed by spreading to non jews.

So according to you the "gods" are just people like anyone, and probably ayylmaos as well. I don't see anything divine or supernatural in their exploits. Rather it looks to me that it's simply ancient history that mutated into myth over time due to a lack of writing.

Maybe to each other, but that is hardly an achievement. Given their tendency to invade and raid the Gauls, I would say they were no more empathetic than any other.

And yet, he was their countryman too. What is at fault here anyway? Christianity or Olaf being true to his people's traditions?

And yet, Christianity persevered and overcame persecution to the point where they were in position to persecute instead. Self sacrifice is one of the most important parts of christian thinking, and a centerpiece of modern morality in general. Even the pagan religions understood it's value. That is why many were awed by the ultimate self sacrifice that Jesus made and converted.

Have pagans? Outside vandalism, being edgy, doing drugs, writing shitty music and destroying historical monuments, they're pretty much a non-factor.

The NGO's invite the niggers, not the church(es).
They don't.
They are European culture. If anything the pagans are more guilty of this.

Yeah, you're going to have to actually provide some evidence for any of those things instead of just repeating whatever /r/Atheism says about the Middle Ages.

People should look into it so long as they can tell the difference between historical fact and anti-Christian polemical fiction. No one can ever provide any sources or evidence for "Christians burned books!" or "Christians destroyed X!" that doesn't in some way just boil down to "This Jew/leftist said so!"


Wow, that's a great argument. Mind if I use it sometime? Why is it that anti-Christians have to rely on weird interpretations that no actual Christian on Holla Forums actually believes? Really activates the almonds.

I like how neither you nor one of the others actually proves your central assertion that Christianity and love of kith and kin are mutually exclusive. Really makes you look good.

You think we wouldn't, retard? The problem is motherfucking Jews and white sympathy and sentimentality.



jews jewing is the fault of jews, christcuckery disarming Whites to be jewed is on christcuckery, christcuckery getting Whites to self harm is on christcuckery.

If we pagans are not your brothers how is it divide and conquer ? I thought we were irrelevant ?

I think you just cant handle bantz and call any disagreement "shills"

I said they came from the Heavens, not that theyre ayylmaos you stupid shit. I didn't say they were people either. The myths very clearly make them out to be Gods and Avatars. But sure, twist my own words so you can say "so according to you" and act all smug like the fucking crpyto-kike that you are.

Read the Heimskringla if you given even the slightest shit towards your own peoples history.

He brought weapons into a temple and spilled the blood of priests on its floor. How the fuck is that following the traditions of his people? Thats about as radical and subversive as it gets.

No, the Romans specifically said this about Germans fighting Romans.

by flaying innocent white women alive with pottery shards. you realize most of the "we wuz persecuted ! :(((" narrative is about as reliable as Jewish propaganda about the Holocaust right? What, youre telling me you believe that an ancient Christian martyr really got rolled up into a Torah, lit on fire, and magically shot magic fire Jew Runes all over the air? fucking laughable. whats next buckets of jumping flesh?

Agreed on self-sacrifice. Dont act so fucking smug about it though. Pic related. You cant even invent your own central concepts and morality, have to pilfer everything from your ancestral religions and claim the Jews invented it. Even the spear to the side, kek.


you mean butchered and slaughtered, brutalized into converting via force. the few that didnt were converted via deceit and manipulation, not "cuz of the wonder of JEEEEEESUS"
That Olaf guy that killed priests of the Gods within their own temple? Was born a Pagan, but his mother died from sickness when he was a boy, and lived a hard live in childhood until his 20s when he met a (((Christian Seer))), who said she saw a vision of Olaf's mother, burning in Hell for being a Pagan. The seer claimed she was crying out to Olaf to convert, and he did so. What a sickening, disgusting, vile and kike-like thing to do. But yeah, it was totally the miracle of Christ that convinced them. Not emotional manipulation and intimidation. You fucks are really just white Muslims.

what an ignorant faggot

and I wonder how those became a problem in Europe in the first place. Romans didnt seem to have much trouble with either of those.

Religion of Cuck™ is mostly based on Judaism, not Christianity, and came into existence before Christians had even established the New Testament and a unified religious doctrine. muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker, like L. Ron Hubbard, created his new religion by taking bits and pieces from popular local religions, primarily Judaism and Arabic pantheism (Allah was a widely worshiped moon god, hence why Religion of Cuck™'s symbol is a crescent moon), so he could form a cult to conquer and give him free reign to do as he pleased.

The Middle East and North Africa were primarily white in terms of population and didn't become majority-semitic until muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker and his death cult went on an ethnic cleansing spree.

What you say is true. It's also worth mentioning Jizzlam was at first regarded as a Christian heresy, rather than a separate religion.

The lore was used to describe natural phenomena in the absence of scientific knowledge. I think that religion is, in part, a genetic construct. Organisms are genes expressed in an environment; this applies to the parts of our brains responsible for religiosity as well.

I don't know how much of that is truth. I've seen a lot of contention on the accuracy of Roman texts, but considering Romans loved to shit talk Druids every chance they got I'd believe it. However, it is not that black-and-white. I remember reading a while back about 200-300 bodies from a germanic tribe that was found in a bog. They were all males of fighting age and were determined to have been thrown in there alive by an enemy tribe after being taken as POWs. I'm not saying Germanics were evil or contradicting my argument that whites are empathetic, but pre-Christian Europe was still a battle for resources and land. It wasn't buddy-buddy as some neo-pagans make it out to be. Plenty of European blood has been split by the hands of pagans, not just Christians.

Again it's just not that clear-cut. Keep in mind there were areas that were converted by the use of missionaries, not the sword. Many of our ancestors converted by their own free will. I'm not trying to sound like #NotAll here but it's not correct to assume pagans only chose to convert after they had their fingernails ripped out and their spirits broken.

And many white Christians feel the same. Take Poland or Hungary for example, they're majority Christian countries yet they resist cultural marxist advances and have a strong sense of ethnic pride. It's not fair or wise to alienate them or write them off because they're Christian.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that part of the reason why it was adopted was because it hand tenants that appealed to whites proclivity to be empathetic. That's all.

If that's true why hasn't Christianity destroyed Europe 1000 years ago? Up until the last hundred years Christian Europe was perfectly capable of maintain ethnostates and strong societal values. Use Occam's Razor, is it more likely that this is a 2000 year plan in the making or that Christianity–and by extension whites' empathetic feelings–was subverted and exploited along the way? I mean, (((they))) have a tendency to do that, do they not?

Yes! Yes, you stupid shit. The scale of the painting and the use of brush vs stylus does fucking matter. And once again the guy drawing the marginalia was no artist he was just a scribe while the fresco was present in the house of a wealthy family and likely a painting of a member of said family, thus it is assumed a master was commissioned to paint it. And that is one of the very best paintings we can find in a city optimally preserved. While the books were transcribed enmass by several hands.

Pagans engaged in iconclastism according to other pagan sources written at the time. My point in bringing up the vandalism of a knight's effigy is to point out that even within a culture the idea that everybody has some respect for a piece of art is nonsense. That has never been the case and my entire point is that art and structures not deliberately preserved in private tend to get recycled. This was true in antiquity, it was true until the 19th century when antiques became popularized and even laymen started collecting them. You are attributing a modern conceit onto an ancient society.

You dense motherfucker, unless a fresco is continuously preserved and its pigments replaced it will decay naturally, that is why all the painted statuary of antiquity is now white the pigments decayed. A well preserved fresco like the "Last Supper" decayed to such a degree that it was nearly unrecognizable prior to being refurbished even when deliberately taken care off and protected from casual damage. The fresco in Pompeii was preserved an an anorexic environment wherein the organic pigments and the plaster they were applied to could not oxidize.

I don't know if you are unable to follow a line of reasoning, completely ignorant of chemistry, or are just duplicitous. In any case the point is that deliberate destruction whether Christian or Pagan accounts for a minuscule amount of lost pieces of art. The primary cause being simple neglect, the second casual damage, and the third the impermanence of many forms of art in particular paintings which cannot be overcome by any means but instead necessitates the repainting of the work periodically and that is if you are lucky and the painting isn't done on a medium which itself can decay such as wood.

No. Religion of Cuck™ was created as a proxy army of the Papacy, which later went rogue.
The Papacy itself was a rogue form of the original Christianity - and both the Papacy & it's proxy of Religion of Cuck™ were created to dilute, destroy, or subvert Christianity by any and all means possible.

Explain your autism?


Welcome to the internet.

(((Jesuit))) disinformation. How much of a stupid kike do you have to be to push this? No one outside of (((Sam Harris)))/Dawkins acolytes believe this shit.
8pol disappoints
Have a picture of Yid God eating kids in Yidzerland

Can you provide sources for this? Not doubting you, just like to see them myself.

Fellow white people, brown streetshiter ideology is totally kosher cool, white and Aryan, in contrast to your ancestors worshiping a kike on a stick for the last millennia.

Hello jew!

Rootless US mongrels with no connection to Europe its culture and people suggest we should follow their example and dump our millennia old civilization.

Where is Kim of Best-Korea to burn down this pustule of pestilence?

That's right, let's go ahead just forget the millions of fellows whites still living in the US who are having their communities, built by their ancestors, replaced and destroyed. Good goy. Keep up the D&C tactics.

While you can't compare paper painting from the Roman period, because it no longer exists, my point still stands as the wall frescoes and all forms of art were more technically advanced than anything untill the renaissance/gothic art.

I never said that, and it doesn't change the fact the christians deliberately destroyed things out of hatred of european culture.

The point is not that the frescoes in other places aren't preserved, but that they were DESTROYED and those of Pompei weren't AND survive in a better condition because they were buried in lava, thus escaping the chirstians.


That is just not true, these were completed in the 4th century…

A loaded question is one that assumes something that may or may not be true, e. g., "when did you stop beating your wife?" There is no assumption in his question, except that you're a member of a race and have a faith.

¡slam existed in a certain part of Africa for some time before the Final Prophet was sent to the Arabs in their age of ignorance, which the Jews seem eager to send everyone back to in the present day
Al-Waqin is a name of God in the Quran.
Figure it out, you feeble minded kikes.

Oh, a nation of !slam nigger. I hope the salafi or boko haram get your heretical ass.

Hi kike
I'm blue eyed and don't subscribe to the CIA op that is NOI
Mossad btfo

The Vatican created Religion of Cuck™ to combat the Jews and true Christians.

Look up Alberto Rivera, an ex-Jesuit priest.


I see denial is your idea. The Vatican houses several niggers they imported. Lutheran missions have been importing niggers into Europe (their christian "brothers) since the time of the Weimar Republic, it led to a huge incident a persecution when they tried to do that in the early Third Reich…

Last time I went to a church, I saw a race-mixing poster outside the children's cathecism room, as part of some "campaign of diversity" the church sponsored…

And what is that to say of 500.000+ years of our ancestors being "pagan" europeans?

Look at what Hitler said about Paul of Tarsus, you're clearly missing that:

"In the case of the struggling young Christianity, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not … to the Gentiles, … But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ (Matthew 10:56). Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his 'Christianity.' A 'Christianity' with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. 'All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!'… And the Jew triumphed." - Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, a conversation between Hitler and Me" (Eckart was honored in the second book of Mein Kampf)

Also a good text is "a real case against the jews" by Marcus Eli Ravage.

Did we create Political Correctness because we are empathic– or was our empathy exploited and weaponized?

All Jewish historical claims are lies. There was no Jewish "history" until they read Herodotus and Thucydides.

Jews are demonized in the parts of the NT written/added latest, as they come after the Jewish Wars. The originally Jew-lovin' religion was trying to spread itself among Romans, which it was having a hard time doing since Jews had grown over time to be hated by Romans. Whatever is anti-Jewish in Revelation is a later goy Christian addition, since the core of the text is likely the oldest in the whole NT and is a Jewish jerk-off fantasy about the arrival of a Messiah that would destroy Rome and the Roman occupiers.

but the bible says jews built the pyramids so you must be a shareblue jew shill to go against christianity!

Hindushit is Aryan polytheism submerged in Dravidian primitivism.

Christianity destroyed Europe 1500 years ago. It's something we survived and finally woke up from. The race-mixing version they are imposing now will have no opportunity for recovery. The Dark Ages will be literal and forever.

Ikr. Dey wuz pyrumid builders.

Jews were never "enslaved in Egypt". It never happened.

>(((Only retards)))

ITT: Holla Forums shows its historical illiteracy when it comes to Christian or church history.

It's hilarious how clueless you atheists/neo-pagan larpers are.

Open a book once in your life.

You are projecting your own ignorance my Christarded brother.

"I don't actually know anything about history."
And you larpers wonder why nobody ever takes you seriously.


Can we all go back in time and kill Abraham's Great Great Grandmother so that Abraham is never born? I would do something like that. Avoid the whole debate. No Judaism, no Christianity, no Is lam - period. All came out of one douche bag and his concept of a punishing and judgmental god.

anti christian shill! means you're against White people!

your Sarcasm is showing.

Poor bait.

Atheists are pathethic. Constantly getting destroyed in debates so you resort to ad hominems.

I've been through this long ago already due to personal experience. Not going into detail now. I want to have something sweet to drink and then jump on my bike and go for a ride. I'm not an Atheist. I just don't believe in the concept of God that was provided by Abraham and Co. I politely decline. If I am anything, I am closer to Hinduism - if (You) had to label me in the first place.

We already got that.

And yet all these responses. Doesn't matter since OP disregarded his own rule to start with.

You clearly should read more on the history of these conversions. Germany was only converted after fierce massacres on the side of the Frankish authorities (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_of_Verden). The missionary work, included the destruction of cultic centers, aided by frankish armies, the execution of opposing nobility, not just in Saxony, but Allamania and Bavaria (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Cannstatt), and the imprisonment and torture of pagan priests and those who kept their traditions, meaning that over time, the religion lost the sense to the masses and couldn't be upheld. There was a reason people were punished with even DEATH for not attending mass (even if it was mostly in latin)…

The NatSoc historiography was exactly the opposite as you described, that the pagans only chose to convert after they had their fingernails ripped out and their spirits broken, and even then, for a "christianity" infused with Germanic elements (they obssessed over how german depictions of Jesus with a twisted neck were the same as those of Wotan in Externeinstein, for instance).

It's good that "christian identity" aids nationalism in these countries, but it's only a step towards RACE identity. And, if you consider that secular countries the Czech republic are also resisting it, while very christian ones like Greece and Ireland aren't, you can see it isn't entirely to do with it.

But the destruction inflicted on it's name is visible. We are not saying this because we "hate it", but to redpill you on the NatSoc perspective.

Yes, the dark ages is a myth by all those evil liberals, protestans and people that don't think exactly like you, including Hitler which mentiond it in Mein Kampf…

But christians were the main sellers of slaves to muslims. Frankia was even main purchaser of the slaves of the Vikings and Christian Byzantium sold european slaves to their arab enemies who attacked them YEARLY. Venice was a major slave port, the trade done mostly by jews…


Do tell. skip to #t=9m0s


Who hated them and wanted them all dead and thought he had been sent to make it happen.

Let Osama into your heart, he wuz a good boi and loved you…

Europe thrived despite the burden of Jewish bullshit called Christianity, not because of it, Jesusnigger.

Impossible, Abraham is a culture hero who never actually existed, much like Moses and Yeshua. The only way to prevent Abraham from coming into existence would be to go back in time and eradicate the Semitic race.

Jews were tolerated in Christian Europe for many centuries, only occasionally being expelled. Pagan Whites were not tolerated at all and killed on sight.


I'm going to respond individually to some of the discussion, I have been searching for answers within the same vein.

This guys research has answered many questions and I know it to be true.

Basically the Jews are 1 out of the 12 tribes of Israel, they later split into Judea and were at war with Israel.

The chosen people of the tribes of Israel moved from Israel and interbred with the Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamians, Phoenicians, etc. While the jews for the most part remained in Judea until they literally Jewed a king and there temples were destroyed.

Anyways I think the best answer to your post is to say that you must watch and study these videos and then return for discussion.

This whole stuff is very interesting. But it's so convoluted and confusing that you'll need a lifetime to sort it all out. Whether all civilizations were founded by Nordic blood and then went downhill because of miscegenation or whether Nordic blood is not the source and civilizations develop and die like Spengler said, I don't know. Maybe there were 12 tribes of Israel, maybe one of them was Jewish, maybe they were all Aryan and then migrated to Europe. Maybe the Bible talks about a blue-eyed Jesus and kikes forged all the text later on. Or maybe there was a European World Empire and it disintegrated like Fomenko thinks. Maybe there was a Germanic Pre-Civilization that the kikes try to hide and is very well explained in "Atlantis, Edda & Bible". What about the megaliths in America that the Church annihilated? With all this said, I think we need to focus more on meta-history, that is, when were historical artifacts/places found, by whom, who financed it, for what purpose. What is our history based on? Maybe some texts from the Greeks? Or maybe some medieval text that is supposedly a translation thereof and the original perished? How hard is it to build massive structures for the sole purpose of tourism? How hard is to fake evidence and make it look like it's scientifically proven? To what extent are dating methods based on pure science or partly based on mainstream facts that are "obvious"? I know one thing and that is that we live in a world of deception and lies. And as long as we don't research exactly our SOURCES to the greatest detail, we might fantasize until we die.

Cry harder, intl.

stopped reading there
I can at least accept white people believing in Christianity out of belief but when you start literally larping as Jews and pretending that you are the true ones its just fucking pathetic and embarrassing to even watch. In 2000 years when all white people are Muslims faggots like you will be trying to argue that the original Arabs were white all along, so its totally fine that Achmed is raping your daughter.

Do you have any sources for this bullshit? Im guessing not, but I should ask anyways so that you can reply with frothing fury and not actually refute any of my points.

A. Pope Francis is a cuck and a literal heretic. Everyone knows it, though so far the best they can come up with is to send him a "filial correction," the first one in 700 or 800 years. It's essentially the most dramatic step that can be taken without causing a real crisis. When your pope is openly WELCOMING invaders who have sworn to take Rome, there is a major problem.

I'm sill waiting for someone one to give an answer on this– let's say that the Mudslimes had gotten to South America before Christians– what would things have turned out like? In a non-ZOGGED hollywood, this would be a great topic for a TV series rather than the one Game of Goy creators are making to foment a race war about a perfect nigger state in the South.

Now, if the mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckereeans had reached south america before the christians and gotten the gold and converted the natives, what would life be like on the American continent now? Many historians say that it was the Geld brought back from the new world that ultimately destroyed the Ottoman empire by sending their inflation through the roof. If the mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckereans had taken central and South america, any ideas on what the world might look like currently?

There used tone an interesting book an older brother got me for christmas from the harvard COOP bookstore called "What if…" that went through various turning points in history and if they had gone a different way, starting with the Battle of Salamis.

Any opinions on what if the Americas had been taken over by the Mphammedeans rather than Euros? If the Mohammeedans had gotten that geld from the natives, would they have been able to then get the final push they needed to take over Rome, as their prophecies say? And what do we have now? The Bishop of Rome, the man meant to be in charge of guarding the ROMAN Catholic Church, inviting them in!!


Yeah the history is completely there in the 5 part 3 hour long video which is packed full of references and historical explanations. You know the link I told you to watch..


You attacked my suggestion to look at someone else's proper research as if I was claiming to be the one who did this research..

These are the people to which I speak.

That's the joke brother, except….
We kept our history written down, because we could write brother.
Do you see the difference??
We had a language that allowed for an understanding of numbers ….
Do you see the difference yet brother.
We kept an explicit lineage of our kings and father and heritage that is printed and available around the world…
Do you see the difference yet brother?

Pedo muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker plagiarized the OT, NT, and Zoroastrianism. Without Christianity, Religion of Cuck™ would just have become a regional Arabic cult, it would not have spread.

All twelve tribes of Israel were Semitic goatfuckers. The lineages presented in the Bible were made up in order to foster legitimacy for Yahwehism after exposure to the kings lists kept by the Sumerians and Egyptians, much like the accounts of creation in Genesis were lifted from Sumerian narratives and distorted to fit the cultural needs of the Semitic Israelites.

I see what your saying friend, but you clearly didn't watch and digest the video series I linked. If this matter is important to you then you will watch and concentrate on the video. Things are much clearer then you seem to think. The histories from these times are clear and much better preserved then you seem to realize. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear you will surely watch this amazing research.

For instance, there were definitely twelve tribes of Israel.

We do have a spiritual lineage and it is of great importance. It is clear that it is under attack. This was a thread about Christianity and its relevance, it is clear the Talmudic jew hates Christianity and the idea of Jesus Christ. Of course they will con volute and hide its true history. But here it is presented to you quite well on youtube.

Your response is not a valid response to this particular post because this post was intended as a response to a specific memetic retort.

You are saying the Israelite stole the lineage from the Sumerians and Egyptians?

I'm saying the Jews confused the lineage from the Israelites, making it seem to the western christian that they are the entirety of the chosen people when they are actually a shunned 1/12 part of the group at odds with the rest of the Israelites. Your viewpoint and mine are not at odds with the each other.

To non trolls please just watch the video series I linked, and don't let the Parana's distract you.

Furthermore, you can call Semites goat fuckers all you like, but they have proven themselves capable competitors for resources and power.

if you cant at least link me to a primary source on this, im not even going to bother wasting my time, I have much more interesting things to read.

The only thing worse than a fool is the fool who follows him, so yes, I AM going to attack you for believing this stupid garbage. You do nothing but muddle the true history and origins of the Aryan people.


Fuck you, you're either retarded or outright duplicitous.

The primary source being used in this documentary are references to the Greek and Hebrew bible for history of the Israelites and Jews. As well as writings from different leaders, generals or heads of state within Rome , Greece, Judea, and Persia. For instance Alexander the great and his well documented travels and insights.



I have very strong feelings this is a leftist shill from /christian/. Seriously, look at their board sometime, its fucking infested with obvious leftypol users. Its fucking disgusting.

And there is no archaeological or genetic evidence to support such a position. It's a fantasy born out through twisting every scrap of a comment about Israel until it fits your narrative.

I go there every few months on safari, hunting for prime examples of the shit that would be on Holla Forums if the board is allowed to be Christianized. Most of the shills who push for Christianity here aren't actual Christians, they're just doing it purely as shitposting or because they're being paid to undermine the board. That's why they're so utterly disingenuous and repeat the same bullshit over and over while openly insulting our ancestors.

RETARDS. There was no Judiasm before Christianity. Just a lot of sects: Pharasies, Zealots, Essenes, Sadducies, and so on.

The only link is Moses books and its all stolen from Zoroastrianism like a lot of Persian empire cults.

RETARDS. There was no Judiasm before Christianity. Just a lot of sects: Pharasies, Zealots, Essenes, Sadducies, and so on.

The only link is Moses books and its all stolen from Zoroastrianism like a lot of Persian empire cults.

You're purposefully missing the point:

It would be the same mentality under a different name.

Religion of Cuck™ is fundamentally an animalisitic culture based on tribalism, if it hadn't been mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker it would be some other guy that would start a cult like Jonestown or Scientology.

Yes, I didn't watch it, I will when I have more time. One interesting thing for me is that we as Aryan descendents, will always try to change everything into something that is part of our being, in the form of a journey back to our roots to rediscover something or rather in the form of a journey to create something meaningful out of fantasy/lies/whatever, i.e. achieving a Gnosis. When one looks at Semitic religions for example, one can clearly find Aryan elements in it. How did they get there? One possibility is that it was Aryan in origin but the core principles were changed later on by either kikes or mongrels (after miscegenation took over). But on the other hand it could also be Semitic in origin but Aryan people reinterpreted it because they saw something different in the text because of their inherent idealism. But I will shut up now, because I'm obviously not talking about what you posted and it has no relation to it but I had to get it out of my system, sorry.

We know how they got there, the Israelites copied vast portions of their religion from the Sumerian narratives and later sects distorted the messages of the mystery cults in the creation of gnostic variants which influenced the Essene from whom Christianity arose. The Semites are too savage to develop a religion beyond tribal shamanism, so every time they need to create one for political reasons they have to hollow out an Aryan religion to use as a framework for their degeneracy.

Pick one

Also implying that destroying pornography (like 80% of pagan art is a bad thing)

Christ, I made this fucking thread thinking for once this was a good topic and that there would be cool discussion for once, rather than petty asshole flame wars. Even tried to warn off assholes with 30 IQ or 161+ on LSAT. But still they come and destroy the thread. feels bad man…

This bloke beat me to it. Jesus plays an important role in what we today know as Religion of Cuck™, without him it would still have happened though. Spengler believed Religion of Cuck™ was the sociopolitical manifestation of that final gasp of the magian civilization of the near East, so it was bound to happen regardless.

The interesting lead on question is whether the Western European peoples would have gone on to become the foremost world power without Christianity, but that's just inviting the d&c faithlets so ought not to be discussed here.

No shit, shills themselves have stated this is a wedge issue they are hitting, and still Anons eat it up and fall for it every time. Idiots.

That has been standard practice for new age pagancucks since day one.

Yes, the christians are the shills, not the crazy cultist talking in poetic form about his aryan, pagan, heathen ancestors and desperately trying to implant his lingo.

What do the traditions of his people say about how to treat your enemies?

I'm sure unlike those evil bigoted christians, the noble German savages and Romans treated their prisoners humanely as according to the UN's human rights charter and the Geneva convention. Another example, during the Peloponnesian war, in what could be considered the final battle, the Spartans had outflanked the Athenians and took a heap of prisoners, and then they decided to simply slaughter them all. Or that one time the Athenians this time, completely ransacked an island for defecting from their alliance, enslaving all men and sending them to the galleys.
Do you think before christianity people were any better, or are you just looking for crimes to accuse the christians of?

Lampshade tier kvetching. KYS kike.
And yet here you are crying "we wuz persecuted" in literally every post you make. It's amazing how in the same line of text you can condemn something and do exactly what you are condemning. It's almost like you are disingenious in your arguments.
And finally you again misinterpret either intentionally or because you are legit retarded because the magic mushrooms expanded your conciousness too much.

And then you have the audacity to call others liars. It's really amazing.

Being neutral on an issue is promoting it now. Guess you're promoting drugs and pedophilia then.

This thread's right up my alley, I did a ton of research on this while at uni.

So tldr it's important to note a few things about |s|am.
>Even the world "Muslim" in the original Arabic includes Christians, there's another word for followers of the Qur'an: Mormon YES REALLY, I shat an entire border wall's worth of bricks when I discovered this

Now the "how the fuck have I never heard this before" part.
There's a lot more really insane stuff, but this is most of the really important points.

tl;dr |s|am was a branch of white Christianity that promoted self-defense and uncucking, then got taken over by Arab roaches centuries ago as a means of spreading mud degeneracy

That is indeed a pretty big tl;dr load of bullshit on how Isl*m is actually the true, uncucked, christianity and M*hamed is actually a christian.
Which is a load of bullshit of course. Isl*m denies the godhood of Jesus, instead insisting that he's just a prophet, plus many other discrepancies with Christianity and even the original Torah, which they attribute to "corruption". Remember that stoning adultresses, halal slaughter, circumcision, lack of idols all came into Isl*m directly from Judaism.

I didn't say that, and that's not what it is. That's what it STARTED OUT AS, a Christianity Uncucked movement. What it became is a different story, as is what it evolved into today thanks to the muds.
Nope. Momo's father was, but Momo himself wasn't. He was raised by his pagan mother's family.
Why "of course"? I spent months researching this shit at uni, it was one fucking huge massive redpill after another, and what got me aware of the whole "we wuz kangz" meme manifesting in real life. Every criticism you're giving here reads like angst from /christian/ instead of 130+ IQ Holla Forumslack.
The only thing |s|am implies is from "corruption" is Jesus as God, but even then it states that it was basically a few people who wrote in extra stuff to the Bible that Jesus never said. Corruption of Scripture as a whole is an Arab meme. But honestly, I can live with them disputing Jesus's nature because the Qur'an never denies His message and Momo ordered Muslims to protect Christians. Presbyterians and Seventh Day Adventists believe a lot of crazy shit too, but I don't hate them for it. It's cucks who try to use Scripture to justify their anti-white bullshit you have to watch out for, and right now, those people have near-total power in the Arab world.
Kind of correct, in the way that none of those things are actually part of |s|am. Adultery is punished by whipping, not stoning them to death. "Halal" is more Arab pagan shit, there are actually remarkably few things a Muslim is expressly forbidden to eat or drink, namely alcohol, pork, and meat from a diseased animal. There is no such thing as "halal slaughter" in the Qur'an, read it yourself. It's mindblowing how much utter nonsense the Arabs were able to get away with, both amongst themselves and in the broader |s|amic community, simply by telling people their barbarism was the proper |s|amic way and don't question anything. Circumcision was stated as "recommended but not required". Why? Because the sandniggers were, and still largely are, unhygienic animals. Not to shill for the whole ancient aliens thing, but when you read a lot of these old religious manuscripts there's a lot of stuff mandated upon ancient communities that seems crazy (like circumcision) but makes perfect sense when you consider it was likely the only surefire way of getting all the muds, curries and other nonwhites to observe even basic hygiene. As for the no idols thing, since when is that controversial?


Every LARPagan should be banned from Holla Forums.




also forgot to add that your pic and title of the pic are miss leading

that's christians right now of White and White civilizations. breeding shitkins in the turd world, politically pushing open borders, actively shipping in the shitskin hoards into White countries, they are repeating on a world scale what jones did in jonestown.

Wow, way to not actually address what I said. Again, perhaps you should stop relying on strawmen and then your argument might be convincing.

No, I'm sure the magic book just suddenly turned Europeans too empathetic via no explicable mechanism when they weren't anything like that beforehand. Totally makes sense. And, you know what, pre-Christian Europeans didn't suffer from anything we do now ever at all. Why, that's why the Romans totally exterminated the Judeans when they conquered Judea.

Funny how anti-Christians have to rely on magical thinking like "The Bible made them do it."

I find it very interesting how anti-Christians behave exactly the same as Jews with their persecution narratives, their misrepresentation of what they supposedly criticize, outright lies, and then, as exampled here, the demonization of their opponents as hateful savages.


What is it with these people and attributing everything to feelings? Insisting that their opponents are motivated out of sheer hatred and commit ridiculous atrocities? How different is it, really, to a feminist talking about how men do supposedly anti-woman things out of sheer hatred for women? Or leftists claiming whites do things out of sheer hatred for nonwhites? Pathetic.

Not only is the basing of arguments on feelings absurd and irrelevant, but it's fucking laughable that you presume to know exactly what motivations some peasants a thousand years ago had (and don't even bother to back it up, too).

By your logic we should ditch the concept of governments and charities because those outstrip anyone else in importing and feeding nonwhites and supposedly it must be due to their inherent nature rather than, say, subversion. Or are you trying to claim that Christian churches just magically happened to go the same way as every other European institution of its own accord, whereas the institutions were due to kike subversion?

Not even Europeans go back that far, you disingenuous mongoloid. You not only have no way to even prove that the particular form of paganism you're imagining (likely Germanic, because fuck the other ones, I guess) goes even a fraction of the way back that far, you can't even logically claim that since Europeans weren't even distinct at the time.

The Judeans literally called for his death because he wasn't that; are you trying to suggest that the most important section of the Bible for Christianity was a later fabrication?

And in pre-Christian Europe. And in post-Christian Europe. Hmm…

No one except shills actively push Christianity on Holla Forums. Christian Holla Forumslacks just take issue with retarded anti-Christian shills who stir up this discussion every few weeks with the same old tired refrains.

We're getting there. We're still not there yet though.


So now, nobody is laughing about the Spanish Inquisition!

Again, where are the plenty of statues and artworks who decorated the cities all across the empire? Oh, yes, that's right - outright vandalized like I showed you. But you're just complaining "I'm duplicious" without backing up any argument. The main sources of ancient works we have are ruined places like Pompei, and the garbage dumps of Oxyrhynchus.

Yes, we should also destroy the Renaissance works just like the priests told them to…


But I guess christians being cucks are leftists false-flagging…

Yes, goyim, there was no thing like Judaism before christ. It was just a bunch of BASED aryans who escaped egypt and genocided everyone else.

How could I call these lovely people of the Old Testament as "jews" before, it's not like Jesus referred to himself as a Jew, or that there was mention of it in the Roman Senate centuries before christ, but I trully see now…

Oh yeah, sure, just like they never called the European gods as "demons", deturped our history saying we did depraved things like we "communing with dwarves in the forest" and so on, it's not like they build churches and shrines above nearly every pagan temple, holy site or burial mound they found, or made laws punishing people with death for even looking at the ruined temples they didn't cannibalize. It's not like they vandalized menhirs thousands of years old, craving crosses in them because they were "obviously made by demons". The Renaissance is called a "rebirth" (of EUROPEAN ideas) for a reason. We never wanted our history to be like this, we say it because it is what happened. The only one having their "feelings" above it is you, who refuse to see this obvious character behind early christianity because of your own "christian identity", that you end up putting above your race and european one.

And it was not "peasants doing it", largely, but churchmen and "missionaries". Largely from the southern parts of the Empire…

Except the churches directly run missions in Africa to "gain converts" to their religion, no matter what their quality would be, and hold them as christian "brothers" with europeans, if not even more important than then due to being "oppressed". This universalist mindset is a problem with christianity, from a nationalist perspective, and peculiar to it, like it or not.

Europeans have been pagans since the beggining. If they are "germanic" or else is irrelevant, because these local variants stem from the same European root, and thus you can use the same symbology, and gods, for all the greek, slavic, celtic and so on, because they are the same european faith, just like protestantism, catholicism and so on are the same christian faith.

And then, you trust jews for your religious traditions…

Honestly this should be a bannable offense, because it's exactly the type of deflection (((they))) love, just like Khazar theory, claiming the Ashkenazis are "turkic"…

There are legitimate "christian identity" people who do it not as shills, but that /christian/, and kikes at times (playing both sides) shill it here is undisputable.

Old tired refrains like - ancient jews were not "true jews" and were good? The "dark ages" never happened, it's a liberal "myth" despite being invented by renaissance authors? Pedophilia inside the church is also a myth, the fact the kike media amplifies it means there are no abuses whatsoever inside the church, much less in the past when no one could look and they held absolute power? The same people who throw a meltdown over any slight criticism of christianity and even hold it above race many times? Yeah, sure…

Again, I like how you don't address what I actually said. Care to actually explain your startling similarity to kikes?

And again you do not address anything I said. Care to explain how you reason that churches are not subverted but it was just pure coincidence that it happened at the same time as subversion?

You might as well complain about the "universalist" mindset of science or complain about people trying to teach English to Asians.

But not your particular brand of paganism. Likely Germanic paganism forcibly converted and replaced the paganism before it, which in turn did the same, so you complaining about religions converting and replacing each other is groundless.


Wow, doesn't address what I actually said. Answer the question: do you have a problem with trusting Jews or not?

>Honestly this should be a bannable offense, because it's exactly the type of deflection (((they))) love, just like Khazar theory, claiming the Ashkenazis are "turkic"…
Wow, things I never said. Amazing. The dishonesty really does you credit. It makes everything you say so believable.

Confirmed for not actually having read what I said. I literally said only shills try to actively push Christianity; it's when historically illiterate retards like you shit up threads with your same old nonsense that things become an issue.

Things I never said. You really go out of your way to look retarded, don't you?

Prove the Dark Ages existed.

At this point you're just throwing out whatever you can in the hopes some of it will stick. I like how you conveniently neglected to address any point I actually made. Try again.

god I fucking hate you faggots, you know the only people that actually agree with you are nutjobs like the Jews and Muslims right?

Says the retard who makes this thread.

Correct, Leftism has infested everything. During The Crusades these faggots would've been traitors just like they're now.

Christianity is part of the Leftism infesting everything, as you would know if you had read The Myth of the Twentieth Century. From it's very inception, it has been a religion of Semitic subversion propagated by individuals such as Saul of Tarsus. With the discovery of the Dead Sea materials, we can extend this subversive context back hundreds of years to the Semitic Essene who were the first to write about the martyred son of Yahweh as their messiah. Christianity has always been and always will be degenerate filth, responsible for the destruction of noble European heritage and the establishment of the Semitic hegemony.

Or go buy fish antibiotics from a petshop for mad cheap, its the same shit that they give to people but way cheaper.

Yes. Both Religion of Cuck™ and Christianity are sects of Judaism.

FFS stop this cancer, *Religion of Cuck™

You fucking pieces of shit mods, *ls.lam

I think Fishlam or Pisslam works.

If kikes never existed, would the world be cucked?

Better question: If judaism never existed, would the two cancers in play have developed?
No, they wouldn't have. 😉😄

Lurk 2 years before posting newfag sage & report

Choose one user.
Also sage.

*tips fedora. user, I highly suggest you go back to le reddit. I have zero respect for Catholicism as it has existed since after Vatican II, when it has become nothing more than a vehicle for the destruction of Europe with the Pope Francis as the "Liberation Theology/marxist" trying to destroy what little was left of true Catholic tradition, which initially acted as a bulwark in many ways to stop the kikes exploiting the European peoples.

For this, I would recommend seeing the work of Dr. Macdonald's prodift Andrew Joyce, who has put forward the thesis that what the kikes call the so-called "blood libel" was in fact a way for the local population to get Jew's fangs out of their neck as tax collectors, white slavers, etc…

Interestingly, when the Turks tried to lay siege to Malta, guess who was following their armada– a large ship of kikes ready to take and sell into slavery any Christians that may fall into their hands.

I know this is a revisionist topic which can never really any true answers, but try to imagine a Europe in Which Catholicism was completely prostate and if the mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerans had gotten to South Africa first and spread their goat-fucking doctrine there.

I'm still a believer that ALL of the South American savages should have been put to sword after the Spanish got enough of their gold to help pay for more raids against the Saracen, who at their height were abducting close to 1 million Christians a year from Italy to Iceland, plus all the Knights and other Christian warriors seized by the turk and spet the left of their lives in fate worse than death, rowing the war galleys of the Satan.

Having spent many years studying this (as an MA student in Medieval History at an Ivy League school, where to curriculum is so insanely pro-Muhammden and anti-Christian you would not believe it unless you have experienced it),it's far from the simple topic you fedora-tippers try to make it out ot be.

A very good book on the topic is: : "Empire of the Sea: The Siege of Malta,, The Battle of Lepanto, and the Conquest for the Center of the World" by Roger Crowley. The book, t least in my perception, earns very high marks for Crowley' insistence of tackling the role of Jews both as Camp Followers and would-be White slavers, to their numerou acts of treachery during the siege to try to sell the Malteste Garrisons down the river.

The butcher who flayed the governor of Crete alive after several days of torture on orders of the head mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerian was– you guessed it, a Jew, and for this act ALL Jews were expelled from Venice the following year.

If you are going to be a Fedora tipper, at least have your facts straight. for those who have not, read the following book (purchase of pirate the audiobook) and THEN return for a discussion:


Attached: Battle_of_Lepanto_1595-1605_Andrea_Vicentino.jpg (1589x600, 204.17K)

*Dr Macdonald's PRODIGY

Which is mostly correct. Why do pagan larpers
not give Christianity it's dues and likes to play fedora and act like it's the cause for all our problems?

Attached: 1500399613016.png (800x532, 290.65K)

amazing, another fucking edgelord trying to pretend he has been here longer than I have. A repulsive Jew trying to get rid of any discussion which seeks to point out that his own tribe were the White slavers, the camo followers looking to enslave the Knights and people if Europe who followed the T*rkroach warships like the scavengers they have always been.

What has been your contribution here in this thread to the history of the T*rkroaches and their kidnapping of ~ 1 million Christians from the coasts of Europe, their brainwashing and use of Jannesseries from our own European peoples. What the fuck do you know about the history of this time period, you leering, greasy, hook-noased KIKE trying to feel himself important and edgy when you know literally LESS THAN NOTHING trying to tell someone who has been here far longer than you adf moreover trying to get thread REMOVED his it doesn't support your own Kosher view of your fellow tribe as White slaves, parasites and scavengers, and those who were the prime participants in the European slave trade. Do you think people can't see through you, you Jew fuck?

Reported for HIGH KIERY and demoralization attempts, trying to SHIT DOWN the role of the Jews in this most repulsive period of Jewish exploitation and destruction of European peoples.

Attached: 1461898210290.png (570x806, 404.36K)

Wew, never heard this one. Is this a new pagan larpers narrative?

I don't know whether to fucking laugh or cry. Recommending a very good book dealing largely with JEWS and how they sought to undermine the siege through treachy, spying, and various other means now makes the fucking retards here coal me a "Shill."

Here is a semi-decent source, though they leave the many of the details of the torture and that the butcher to flay him alive WAS

"After months of resistance, the Turks succeeded in conquering the city and their commander decided to take revenge on the heroic captain. Bragadin's face was mutilated and he was imprisoned in a tiny cage exposed to sunlight, with very little water and food.

After four days the Turks offered to let him free in exchange for his conversion to Religion of Cuck™, but Bragadin refused. He was hoisted to the mast of his ship and flagellated, then dragged around the streets of Famagosta with a sack of sand and stones on his back. He was finally tied to a column in the square of the city and flayed alive starting from his head, albeit he died before the end of his torture. Bragadin's quartered body was then distributed among the army, and his skin was stuffed with straw and sewn, reinvested with his military insignia, and exhibited riding an ox in a mocking procession along the streets of Famagusta."



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Old shill myth that gets posted on Holla Forums a lot intended to drum up weeb support insisting Japan cater more towards christian. Japan has always gone after its christians because christians have historically been traitors in their country. During the wars of the 16th century, christian missionaries would sell guns and other western weapons to whoever converted their clans. This christian tactic was previously used for converting nordic countries in the middle ages, jarls getting arms from the south. But in Japan it backfired and Christianity was virtually eliminated, its influence forever being associated with outsiders meddling with their society's affairs. It was brought back by (((outside influences))) in the late 19th century even though (((proselytizing))) was outlawed.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima were chosen as the first two targets for their logistical importance to Japan. There were more targets scheduled for bombing with nukes but Japan surrendered first.

Every single time, pushing a degenerate, Semitic religion while spreading lies written by Semites (just like the Bible itself!) in order to defame the true cultures of Europe.

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Interestingly enough, those two locations has a majority Christian population. It was almost like (((they))) intended it….

While that was true hundreds of years ago, today it's a different story. They much better have around white Christians who mostly just go door to door spreading flyers of the good news, instead of niggers and muzzies exploding and forcefully spreading their shit.

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Shitposter sighted, the same one as usual.

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Oh look the elipsis christian shill is back.

>Interestingly enough, those two locations has a majority Christian population. It was almost like (((they))) intended it….
Nagasaki was a gigantic seaport that was historically where portugese missionaries would show up. It sounds good on paper to spout a coincidence like that but the reality is that it was the first target because it was a major shipyard and military equipment factory-city.

I think your script is mixed up because your response is out of context and is filled with errors.

Your script cut off there. lmao
Confirmed for script. You only replied to him once.

Religion is just a manifestation of cultural strategies and biological impulses given airs of grandiosity. Judaism fits the Jews like a glove because it was of their mind it was born.

Christianity was Judaism but became what we know of it because Christians forged the religion to suit them. Similarly, Religion of Cuck™ is violent because of the violent savages who gave rise to it and who keep it going today.

Greek philosophy was tacked onto christianity by Thomas Aquinas. Those ideas you mentioned were only associated with christianity after his retrofitting of it because he was a big fan of greek thinkers, the same way a sonic autist would draw sonic worshiping jesus. You're off to a very terrible start.

You're not seriously implying that christianity came before the roman empire?

Utter nonsense, Christianity was an insignificant cult when the Semites rebelled and received destruction from the Romans.

You have it backwards, Christianity is Semitic Messiah worship with a veneer of Greek philosophy added by later cultists in order to fashion a better tool for subversion.

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The Dead Sea Scrolls are a scam.

Basically, they were created with the purpose of creating myths for the new nation, Israel. The archaeology has, and never will, support the existence of such a thing as Israel. So they needed to create some shred of legitimacy to their non-Christian beliefs, that they had a right to be there (again, there is nothing, and they will never ever find anything legitimate that proves their rightful place in the Levant - it's all fever dreams).

Do you have any evidence to support such an assertion.
As for the existence of the kingdom of Israel, there is plenty of archaeological evidence such as in the form of coins minted under the reign of various kings as well as other artifacts confirming the existence of a centralized state. The illusion is of Israel being a power with total authority over its claimed territory with a unified culture, which isn't even supported by the holy texts (which make various references to the disjointed nature of the Israelites) and only exists due to the malleability of Christian slaves.

fucking crypto-pantheistic drivel, even worse than the christcucks with your shitty faggot egotistic circlejerking.

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Remember all of those people who could bend spoons with their mind, deep in the USSR? But you say, "prove they cannot bend spoons with their mind".

You see, what we know is quite little. We are presented with images, and, commonly, with some kind of mob. Not evidence. Supposed papers tend to be crap as well, because experiments are rarely repeated. And when a vital narrative of a nation state is at stake, you can't believe a thing that's said.

But you speak of evidence, yes, I have evidence. I have the fortuitous time at which it was acquired, and the dubious origins. There exist no such caves, I would add. There cannot be any such thing.

And, if you wish to know, there are many forgeries in China. For example, know all of those stupid statues? All fake. Every goddamn one of them, the supposed "terracotta army".

I wouldn't say that about spoon bending, it was already studied and proven to be real by several intelligence groups on both sides of the Iron Curtain (after being described previously in occultist literature alongside mediumship and seances). The Soviet "anomalous phenomenon" investigative teams were even sent out with dowsing rods as standard equipment.

Kill yourself

I found the kike.

Did you just pass a mirror?

Muh menza group.

pagan art isn't pornography, depictions of the human form have been stigmatized under christianity because they were seen as tempting people with earthly pleasures whereas in pagan society they were seen as promoting fertility or simply as depictions of the human form.

i'm not criticizing either belief system just pointing out differences in perception.

If Christianity never existed, then some other religion based on pursuing truth would take it's place, and then that new religion would have its own version of Religion of Cuck™.
This isn't a hard discussion at all.


Uncultivated moron:



I thought the whole point of Adam and Eve being naked is that they lived in an innocent time before sin; being naked after they ate the apple or whatever was shameful to them so they covered themselves with leaves. You're ignoring the fact that christians defaced and ruined many ancient pagan artworks for being nude. Its the whole origin of the fig leaf thing.

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I have a theory I've been working on for several years now. Let's go off the rails. We can start with your question of what effect Christianity had on Religion of Cuck™. Christianity is a knockoff of Judaism. Religion of Cuck™ is a knockoff of Christianity. Now to go a little deeper. Religion of Cuck™ is a tailor made religion for the Arabs. Christianity was for the Europeans, Judaism the Jews. The instigators of the great lie needed to bring the Arabs in line. UK and European rulers are descendants of mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker. They kept the bloodline to keep the lie going. Eventually some forgot there even was a lie.

The original lie was Judaism. From what I have been able to piece together, at some point at least 10-30k years ago we all spoke the same language. We all held the same faith. We could all commune with the infinite aka GOD. Our creator was not God. It was a being working within the design of the infinite. (References to the infinite, by the way, are found throughout ancient cultures.) So, there was a race of "beings" that created us, in an attempt to create a race that could achieve what they could not. There are also countless references from across continents to this point.

As far as I can determine, at some point the "beings" were working with humans. Interacting with humans. You can take Genesis for an example. Adam and Eve were supposed the first created right? Then why was their son Cain worried about other people killing him? The humans that worked with the "beings" stole knowledge. Native American theology talks about 4 tablets, given to the white, red, black, and yellow man. One for each element. The Bible depicts a tree of knowledge. Greeks reference the fire of the gods. There are many tales of humans/semihumans taking the knowledge of the gods.
So the humans, most likely a council of elders or appointed council, stole the knowledge of the gods. This knowledge would have to be the who/what/when/where/why of humans. After the knowledge was stolen, human greed took shape in the form of religions. Religion hid the truth in a myriad of lies. EVERY lie contains a nugget of truth. We are incapable of fabricating something that we have no knowledge of or exposure to.

Judaism was the first big lie. Previous religions (Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, etc) contained too much of the truth. Judaism was the first attempt to truly control the masses with lies. Judaism was very effective because it combined the theatrical, the mystical, and real events. This was very relatable. The next attempt was Christianity. This one combined the Judaism with contemporary events and writings. Christianity was basically Judaism 2.0. The New Testament was tacked on several hundred years later to make it relevant again.

This brings us to Religion of Cuck™. Religion of Cuck™ is Judaism 3.0. Religion of Cuck™ was created by and with the ruling Jewish elites. The same ones that created Christianity. The Arabs and Jews had been killing each other for a millennia or two. Arabs would have never accepted Judaism or Christianity. Thus the new guy, mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker. He killed the Jews and Christians. He was the hot new thing. Except he was another pawn, another puppet. Like I stated earlier, the European and UK elite/royals are directly related to mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker.

The Unholy Trinity was created to drive man farther from the truth, and unite him under a lie. The big three united Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, etc.

Man's true purpose is to evolve into the beings we were created to be. We are at least the 5th generation attempt to create us in "his" image. We have almost unimaginable power when we fully recognize and utilize our potential. That is what we are here for. Our God was simply our creator. Religion is just a perversion of the true word of God. All of the squabbling and killing and wars was due to men who were unaware of the lies, unaware of the truth that was forgotten millennia before them. This theory accounts for several glaring inequities I've found in my studies.

What thinkest thou?

This is some of the most stimulating discussion i have seen on an imageboard in quite some time, I hope this thread isin't nuked by the tomorrow.

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Christianity is neoplatonism using hebraic vocabulary. Its moral orientation and that of Judaism are diametrically opposed.

Your premise is flawed. Christianity isnt based on "pursuing truth". Christiantiy is a kind of ponzi scheme where the mark ("the christian") trades real life resources in exchange for a VIP ticket to heaven. Its foolproof because no one has ever returned to complain.

I would see great benefit to the world had Abrahamic faiths been done away with.

You are intensely illiterate. The only wealth transfer in Christianity is individual acts of charity. All your moronic gibberish does is reinforce the sad fact that edgelords are IQ80 dipshits.

Religion of Cuck™ is based on Judaism and Christianity.

Remove Christian influence and it would be based on only Judaism.

Jews and Muslims have the same goals.
Jews had more time to hide.

This is far easier than you are making it. You are discussing religion but taking religion out of the discussion.
The muslim religion while not being terribly old is based on much older theology and .. bastardized.

So here is the simple answer if you want to use religion for it.
When the jews were taken to the promised land.. they were told ..
See all those people down there in that land before you?
Kill them. Each and every one of them. Don't use them as slaves. Don't marry them. Kill them.
The jews did not listen to God. The used them as slaves. They integrated them into their communities. They married them.
These are who the muslims became.
Had the jews listened to God… there would be no muslims. The jews made their choices.. and those people made theirs ..

This battle was started between the two brothers and it will rage until the last battle is fought. That was promised too.

You wanted a discussion on religion.. that is the simple answer. Consult old testament for the full story of how this happened.

jewish D&C

he didn't mention wealth transfer, just trading IRL resources for heavenly rewards - this includes charity and service (along with tithes & sacrifices etc)

if christianity never existed, neither would Religion of Cuck™. reading the koran it's an obvious rip-off the bible & christianity. they tell of the same parables and stories and miracles, only in the koran (which came like 600 years later) the dude was high and his writing was shit.

both religions currently still exist because their followers are materially successful & reproduce - both religions were "useful" in this sense, at least

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Hamas seems pretty cool

So, you mean nobody on this site except for basement dwelling autists who took an online IQ test? Sounds about right.

Nice try Moshe. You have no power here.. plus, you are losing many shekels posting because I am sure you have some newborn kike baby dick to mutilate and suck.

retards would forget this first

I think "real life resources" (which is what he wrote) also includes whatever definition of wealth you can imagine - among other things. Is political power a form of wealth? Some people would say yes. The christian gives his power to his church. Is the power to tax the cattle (tithe) wealth? Some would say yes. The christian gives his money to his church. Is the power to mind program the NPCs to do your bidding a form of wealth? Some would say so. The christian gives his mind to his church. The christian gives and gives in this life in exchange for some reward that he will only get after his death, yet he insists he is not a mark.

Their marriage system is adapted to a society that is engaged in constant warfare which leads to lots of dead men and trough that a surplus of unmarried women and widows. Compare this with the situation in post world war 1 europe where millions of surplus women were left husband-less and/or childless because of muh christian values.
