Meanwhile in Holla Forums's older sister's room…
Meanwhile in Holla Forums's older sister's room…
God in heaven I'm a piece of shit.
Your picture is inaccurate, there should be way more used comdoms on the ground and the sight of my fathers bare ass.
There are no video games in my sister's room. Much like this thread.
girls are so damn filthy, and yet they have the gall to cringe at bugs and turn their noses up at anime girls
am i the only one who notices the unnaturally long legs of the girl sitting in the ground?
thats spooky as fuck
They turn their noses up at anime girls because of the beta rejects associated with them.
but that makes no sense. guilt by association is a retard's justification for hatred.
I have a crush on Getty
Hello cuckchan migrant please feel free to stay and enjoy the sights, but leave your shitposting at home.
First thing I saw. Now I just want to see her stand like fuckin Shaq.
My older sister is a tranny who posts on tumblr 24/7 and bitched endlessly about Trump. I don't give a shit about her.
you mean brother with a mental illness?
I would kill my sister for inviting a 3rd world roach to the house.
No. She was born female and wants to be a boy, I think.
You need to dick that nonsense right out of her.
The fact that you can't imagine a tranny being female-to-male really shows how warped your view of reality is.
my one (adopted) sister bitches about Trump because she is an irresponsible weeb that 2 kids with some random chinese guy who's way older than her. She honestly believes Trump will deport everyone who isn't white. Also, she keeps trying to give advice on game development when she has zero clue on what she's talking about. "you can work for smaller companies like Playstation and No-net (talking about Blizard)".
I'm pretty sure my sister is the number one reason I never take the advances women give me. I've seen from an early age how women act in private, and it ruins you forever.
I don't got a sister, just 3 brothers.
That's fucking disgusting user. What kind of loving father wears condoms to fuck his daughter?
Just thinking about it makes me a little ill, women are disgusting.
were any of them hot?
Not that it matters, since I don't have either.
Yes they're all quite attractive.
Are you gay or do you come off as a gay?
I'm bi but don't really come off as gay, maybe its cause I look like a chubby inoffensive guy I guess.
To be honest I've never asked anyone how I come off.
Oh, I thought that maybe someone else might be in the same situation as me where everyone thinks I'm homo even though I'm not, and when I deny it they just think I'm still in the closet.
I wanna jerk off a chubby guy
Why do faggots always surge in bumplocked threads?
They're bumplocked, that means we can fag it up without getting banned
user you better hug your little sister right now!
That's a faggot user.
Or, you know, FtM trannies are rare as shit and the ones that do exist are really just snowflake tomboys.
My sister played video games for the first year we got our NES, but was never into it beyond Super Mario Bros.
In my experience girls don't get into video games unless there is something to get them into them, like because the family got a system or because she wants to fit in with some other group. I've never seen a single one that actually cares about video games or their quality.
Get out of /polv/ degerate