Is True? Are they Untrollable?

Wew lads. Time to pack it up. I don't think we can possibly recover from this full noggin assault.

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe you aren't getting trolled, but you are getting rekt. Enjoy those extra gun regulations. These kids are heroes and you're nothing, but scum. The right is done.

All because a wild xirmutt appeared? Sandy Hook had more coverage, what makes you think you will win this time

Who is that guy? (In the photo of our worst nightmare)

He looks like a skinny little weakling.

Not even slightly. The question is whether or not they're worth trolling.

So, really, I doubt it's worth our time.

God damn that is so fucking gay


>you can't troll us! yet the MSM got trolled hard with Cruz being a WN
How do you do fellow kids.

well well well… maybe anons should take things back to a project chanology level of autism and really push these dumb fuck's shit in. gawd how i miss the early 2000's

compare them side by side, I think it's Mongrel.


Only one way to figure out.

Hilarious that a spic would make a tree on the mongrelization of race

yeah this is D&C spics aren't Americans

These are the same people doing pic related

i don't think it's even d&c at this point. it's more useful as a creature checklist - match them up to it and then tweet it at them and start referring to them by their creature name. throw their memes back in their faces.

why are you still butthurt by the mongrel meme? It's reaching a stable equilibrium as an anti-miscegenation catchphrase. If white amerifats stop being butthurt by this but instead use it on mexicans and their own miscegenators, it will be a Holla Forums meme in no time.

Those kids are narcissists. In today's world of "victim celebrity" status, standing on their dead schoolmates barely cold corpses to get the spotlight aided by an anti American and anti white media.
I bet a majority of the students at that school hate those two fuckers

Thought it was potato soup at first.

polite sage for pointless thread


(((ChanVPN))) sales go through the roof

Good to know there are still things on the internet that make me say "What the fuck" out loud.

Let us see.
A homo degenerate spic is more based than us.
So this shitskin takes the credit to take away our rights, then we just calmly accept it.
Then, it is another step on the way to dismantle our ability to fight for our freedom.
In other words… another step back on our way to retake our country.
My only doubt now is, how is she and the kikes behind her are going to complain once RaHoWa begin?

It's a pity this disgusting creature wasn't put down like the others.

They'll definitely ban all the guns this time!
The elementary school getting shot up changed literally nothing, but this time for sure!

4chan found David Hogg's reddit account



She's right. You can't troll these kids any harder than God already did.

Oh no I've been rekt

The Eternal Normalfag will never understandu.

Some faceswap porn?

Begone cuckchan scum!

How so? because some self-righteous spic showed up on (((CNN))) bitching about Trump?
lol being this delusional.
"shall not be infringed" faggot.
Excuse me while i laugh even harded
How many times we have heard this one?
And yet we still keep WINNING.
Keep crying nigger.

Yep, and they are not.

With what, exactly? By feeding Holla Forums enough evidence to spread to discredit the crisis actors as such?

Bitch, you only knew the internet existed after Facebook.

This is also true, the ones who grew up with the internet in true are the ones who suffered dialup, who waited 5 minutes for a page to load up, who did not have instant access to others of a fucking cult.

Why does that little guy always look so grumpy and sleepy?

It is just another step to that goal.
Let us say it loud out, the Second Amendment is all about the capacity of simple citizens to rise and take down a tyrannic government.
The First and Second are the last road blocks (((they))) have before their planned goal for our effective demise and genocide.

Literally one of the ugliest creatures I’ve ever seen. Wish it took a round to its dome.

Ah you think the internet is your ally? You merely adopted the internet. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't leave my parents' basement until I was already a wizard, by then it was nothing to me but normalfags.

The memes betray you, because they belong to me.


Trolled right back? Do they know what trolling is? Last I knew, it was just about causing anger on the internet. No ones trolling I actually truthfully hate these things. This response is pretty cringey honestly.

God I just wish they would take it easy on me with all their trulling. It's like, hardly even fair, with their home turf advantage.

Greetings from the South.


If their classmates were just killed in a mass shooting, surely they should be grieving and preparing funerals instead of talking to (((Buzzfeed))) right?




Women who cut their hair like that ought to be just left out of the gene pool altogether.

Let's call them for what they are: deviants, homos, freaks.


If you're an adult who isn't embarrassed by the retarded bullshit you said and believed as a teenager, that means you never grew up. Indoctrinated and ignorant children who just started paying attention to wedge issues 3 minutes ago, shockingly, don't get to decide them. Literally all they can do is tweet to those faggot corporate accounts, and cry on TV like babbies, but 2A supporters will do more than tweet and cry if push ever comes to shove. Which it won't, because all these faggots can do is tweet and pantomime smugness.


These chimpanzees throwing shit at each other are heroes, the jungle is done.

Honestly these tweets are all solid evidence that this whole thing was faked. A real gunman would have actively searched for a faggot this annoying to shoot.

This is completely normal for "grieving victims". He is in no way coached or rehearsed, no sir.

Seems legit to me.

cia meme machine up and running

Reddit truly does shit out the cringiest of memes, maybe they're trying to kill us with cringe.

Hayley is white and likely more of a slut than El Goblino. Steve doesn't have this weird shit going on with face when one side somehow becomes longer when it talks.

The worst part about it is how old and stale the memes are. It's not enough that they're fucking garbage - but they're ancient garbage.

honorary kike. srs

Holy shit these people are stupid. People can only do with sanctimonious self-righteousness for so long. This is the same nonsense that sjws have been doing that resulted in Trump getting elected. The backlash they'll get will not be pretty.

And this is obviously an attempt to cut-off republicans from NRA campaign funds and then villanize people associated with the NRA who will donate in the NRA's stead (this will come later if it hasn't already started). All because the democrats ran out of money. Amazing.

La luz extinguiado… la ogra de las Americas

La creatura…

they grew up on the castrated and filtered internet and are unprepared for its raw, untamed form


Yeah lets see how these faggot "woke" soy kids do against the full brunt of the internet, I'm sure they won't fold and claim to be victims.
This is the pussiest thin skin period of net I've ever witnessed.

Are they doxed yet? I have my 15000 UPS box script ready to fire

Virtually every woman who does this is mentally unstable or going through a breakdown, it's one of the clearest signs.

I alway wish someone would stab these types of fucks to death and pin a note to their clothes reading

It's every woman ever. I don't know if you know this but everytime a woman thinks she has had a major change in life they cut their hair. This isn't one type or another, it is every women. Next time you see a woman you know who drastically changed her hair don't ask or you will get roped into some self indullgent nonsense where she explains to you exactly why she cut her hair and what a deep/amazing/tramatic experience it was that caused it.

Women are dumb.

If they cut their hair, cut them off.

they will be forgotten by next news cycle.

While I agree with your diagnosis - it's not a normal thing at all. I don't know a single woman who's ever done that - and my family is mostly stupid fucking women.

A good reminder of our enemies thought process for sure. The DNC runs out of money, so they allowed or stage a school shooting where cops just stood outside and waited for it to go down, within a day they have a fundraising campaign connect to Center of American Progress, and within a week have the news plastered 24/7 about kids they killed; all so they can deprive NRA donated funds.

those kids are all going on to become reporters. this is basically an internship, and they're all jews. coming from a jew school in a county ran by jews.

really gets the ol' noggin joggin



How do you feel knowing that the liberals have assumed their ultimate form, children, where they can't be blamed for being retarded or not being well spoken.

My Christcanon is prepped and ready.

These young shill actors wouldn't know what raw internet was, even if it goatse'd their face and lemonpartied their mum.

Oh look, it's this shit again.

The new breed of goy are bred with incredibly short term memories.

I wanna agree but by that logic I should be a raging sjw right now and ashamed of my adoration for the white race.

Now, real talk: it seems to me that (((the powers that be))) realize that their politician mouthpieces are not being respected or taken seriously by citizens on either side, and the current tactic is to use young hip kids and have them repeat the talking points they want normies thinking about instead. Younger people have always tweeted their political opinions, it's just that up until now their online presence was not featured 24/7 on the news. They certainly weren't taken seriously before now.

My guess is that this is a twofold approach to 1) manipulate the masses with fresh faces who seem to be forcing the government's hand with "grassroots" activism and 2) to counter the internet masses guilty of wrongthink, because their/our work was incredibly successful with sabotaging their goals.

Sigh. I'm not going to lie, their new tactic seems effective so far. It seemed like we were about to pull the mask off, but nothing has happened lately and personally I feel like we are not winning at the moment even though this whole debacle is so transparent and fishy. Aside from this site, I'm not in internet circles that suggest that people see through this… maybe I'm just in the wrong places and disconnected from normal folks and that's why I'm not optimistic. I'll snap out of this blackpill soon, I'm sure.

They aren't taken seriously now, either.


It's bad enough he's a crisis actor but this is just unforgivable.



yeah, I'm right there with you

consider that this is their last chance grab at maintaining power, and from everything we've seen so far, I can't say I think they're gonna make it

Has anyone reported Hogg's Twitter for targeted harassment?


> it seems to me that (((the powers that be))) realize that their politician mouthpieces are not being respected or taken seriously by citizens on either side, and the current tactic is to use young hip kids and have them repeat the talking points they want normies thinking about instead.

It's been tried.



Helps to keep them relevant and victimized.

(((they))) are watching and sending a message that Q will be in Kansas City at 3:05 on the 24th


These dumbshits wouldn't even be able to work their way through an entry-tier gore spam without having to see a therapist for the next decade.


Wait a second, that thing is supposed to be a woman?

Well yeah there is that, but the difference is that now they are trying to make it a bit more family friendly. The FuckH8 bullshit fell on its ass for obvious reasons, it was so obnoxious only the most fringe of the insane left/jaded normalfags would clap and laugh.

This will work slightly better if only for the fact that now the "professionals" are probably coaching the kids instead of literal out of control faggots.

Kek the spic on the left has a larger neck and is more manly than David Hogg. I don't mind these kids, I have a feeling they will be a pretty good source of lulz.

kansasfag here…. if he comes here i'll buy him lunch

im going to dbl post to ask this question…. does anyone else wonder if sometimes the captcha is gamed to send messages or am i now in the deep end of paranoia?

They also seem to think the NRA is the only organization. This is how detached from anything 2A related they are.


I don't think I've ever been BTFO so hard in my entire life. How will I ever recover?

He's the personification of a teenaged Redditor who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Can you imagine the power trip this faggot is on now that thousands of people are praising him?

This kid will become more hated than Justin Bieber.

oh shit forreal?

They really got us. Pack it up lads, we're heading home.

t. the group of people who take all of our bait every time


I have protection though

Fuck you kikes.



This is a big thing done on Liberal sites. It goes along with "Allegation Allison" - that is, they need no proof at all. It's just them being lying kikes, with their pointy toed weirdo shoes and their cheating-Yahweh hats. They say '''WE WON THE INTERNET!!" Which shows you how goddamn stupid these boomers and boomer-loved retards (boomers hire these stupid fuckers to say things they think are Internet-y). Republican sites like The Gateway Pundit and Breitbart do the same stupid boomer bullshit "oh wow, the Internet really showed this guy!"

But you can see how their supposed "burn" is actually a shrewd _ _ _ (you get banned if you type the name of the egeaency that controls this site) propaganda trick. See it in action on one previous occasion. I would add this same strategy has been used by many other criminals (the aeeageaeaency is fully criminal, having no redeemable qualities whatsoever, and never has).

I'll be fine.

But where they molded by it? Shaped by it? No one cared who I was until I put on the VPN.

Any idea what her name is? The problem glasses slob in the video. Buzzfeed just names her a "contributor", no name, no editors, nothing.

I know one way to troll them. Spread a rumor that he's escaped from jail and "looking for revenge" :^)

Ultimately won't work for the same reason their memes don't, too restricted, information heavy and would be perceived as uncool in principle. Unless they can out-banter us with politically incorrect statements, they have no chance winning over the younger audiences. Kids like to be rebellious, so playing on authoritarian talking points is the last thing they'd want to do.

Responding to trolls falls under "getting trolled".


What's very interesting is they don't even know they're trolls…

…what do you think of a troll that doesn't know he's a troll? I mean the CNN losers. All of it, the fake-as-hell boomer-loving kike-loving idiots. But CNN too. They take themselves seriously, and don't realize they're trolls…


TFW who do they think invented memes
TFW they have no idea who they're dealing with

is deez her


This is another response at odds with someone who just experience such an event.

What does that mean?

…what is that stuff he is in

This is a fair point. The meme was obviously forced and very artificial. It was clear D&C to prevent white solidarity across America+Europe. But like all their forced memes, it's beginning to backfire. In effect it's just mocking race-mixed individuals.


This is like someone that grew up in a gated community in the middle of Detroit claiming he can deal with ghetto niggers.



I once conceded an argument after the other guy used my avatar which was a irl pic of myself as a cum tribute. Got banned for making a thread mocking his tiny load. Fucking kids today would take to social media, open a gofundme and organize a witch hunt.


that thing looks like it gets pegged by its girlfriend (presumed female because of yeast infection)
so it probably has hemorroids and/or anal/rectal lesions
so will probably get an anal yeast infection, in addition to a more mundane UTI

this event, in addition to an unhealthy diet, is a condition of apparition of the exquisitely medieval medical condition that will make him vomit his own shit

then, he will be able to tell if it's "nothing to be ashamed of"

People PC Online

Why the fuck are these people always so ugly? I know guys who live off of nothing but gas station food, cheap booze and weed and don't look half that bad.

You may be new here, but we sage slide threads and bait on Holla Forums
If you notice pointless shilling, it is being used to clog up the catalog and distract you from relevant, important, and interesting threads that have sprung up naturally. Ignore such threads. If you really must reply with a snarky comment, at least remember to type “sage” in the empty email field, which will allow the thread to sink instead of bumping it back to the top of the catalog as if it were important.

Ib4 those tryhards get doxed and face good ol' ruination tactics

Heil'd for go back to cuckchan.

This thread exists for this post, and you fags bought it hook line and sinker.

Ya know, it would have been pretty funny if someone ran them down with a truck right about then.

literal el goblino

Get out, Jew.

Bitch please, you grew up on the censored and safe (((internet))). If you never had to dial-up your internet connection get the fuck out of my face.

That meme cracks me up, gotta admit

This shit is being shilled hard on 4chan. They want us to attack these fuckers.

it's because they're gonna use it as an excuse to (((shut it down))). they want to incite 4chan into a trolling onslaught then suddenly POOF- evidence of Nick Cruz browsing Holla Forums or some other contrived bullshit. mark my word.

>We just want (((our))) children to be safe
This is the plan here, I guarantee it.

At least they have their sights on 4/pol/ and ebaumsworld

Would not even surprise me.

What's the point?

< implying this place isn't censored
Let me tell you, you can diss anyone around here, but you dare criticize the chia pet without h or pet and you'll get banned so fast keek

Well, I'll officially be triple finished with seeing these two fucktard's faces when this is all forgotten next week…..

The smug ignorance and false tough-guy attitudes combined with two supremely punchable faces makes 15 minutes of fame about fourteen minutes too long.

Survivors of a school shooting being harassed by evil conspiracy theorist lunatics or normalfags doing their research into why evil conspiracy theorist lunatics are saying this is a hoax? One tugs at your heart strings and makes you wonder how such vile disgusting creatures can share the same planet as you. The other obliterates numerous commonly used arguments against the the second amendment while exposing the massive failure and corruption of the system. You're a kike, pick one.


It only makes sense that those with shit genetics flock to ideologies and movements that deny the value of genetics and human nature.

They are. No man wants to breed with that, and even if they did the "woman" would want an abortion.



Tacitus said the men of Germania would cut the hair of adulterers. It may have to do with VRIL catching, of course non-whites can't see that force.