Who is she pol? Why is she hiding pol?

There's even an online method of destroying a man. Can't wait for the mail to come so I can get comfy and read about crafting false allegations and destroying lives. How can I send Angela Confidential flowers?

Other urls found in this thread:


America can learn a thing from Duterte and offer a reward for every feminist hunted down and killed.

What she doesn't realize is this is what the backlash will eventually look like.

lmao what is classical antique and how did it wind up?

Research the jewish story of Purim.
Jews think WW2 never ended and all Aryans are the first enemy to go.

Isn't it obvious by now that segregated workplaces are the future?

I hope so. I ordered this stupid fucking book because I wanted to protect myself at one of my jobs and read what is rapidly becoming the new modern woman's bible. We've got a herd of cuntosauruses (or is it saurus?) there and one of them got them into this. It's only 57 fucking pages and a retard could understand it; and thats what concerns me. With every page I read I am seeing more red. I can't believe we can get this but not a copy of "200 years together" in this country


Be sure to post highlights for us to read, user.

Oh I will; I'm thinking of posting the whole fucking book; the XYs of the world have the right to know how deep this runs

God speed, user.

When will it come?

heres a sample to wet your whistles anons. Have to be at work soon so maybe I can post more later

You misspelled Holla Forums.

You'll survive.

ahh, those were the days…


We'll be waiting :^)

Just another reminder that if we want to have a future worth living for, we'll have to fight to get it.

btw, someone needs to make a book on how to destroy a woman, and then try to publish it on Amazon, then sue in California, under the Unruh Civil Rights Act.

^ Cernovich explains how he's suing Medium, which kicked him off the platform, along with Loomer.

(Loomer not being party to the suit)

Nice attempt at shilling your book faggot.

mfw allison allegation

lol this has been making the mra/mgtow rounds. He's going to upload it here. It's not his.

Such Allison.

How is that shilling for a book? Do you think a Holla Forumsack would buy that shit?

Here's how it works. kike sites - such as the very one here - advertise both sides. for example, when kike drudge pushes some lesser-known book, or other production, a website, check into it, yep, it's kikes, regardless of which side it is. example "book making fun of Trump" - it's a kike book being promoted. That's how it is.

So his suspicion is warranted. And, hell, this book is probably by a kike.

But op is going to give the book away for free keek and kikes HATE THAT, which is why i suspect his suspicion is really (((shut it down))) to defend fellow kike IP.

So basically "any press is good press." Still, I would never buy it so if I want to read any of it this is still the only way I can. Catch-22.

from the section on the DAMN online method. Have to leave now

and fuck no i am not shilling this piece of drivel. Don't read it. Don't even use it for toilet paper. I'm flat out requesting everyone ITT not even spend an asshair on this

That's adorable



The funny part is that Margaret Atwood recently came out and publicly denounced feminists/feminism for trying to weaponize false allegations against men.

mfw i just found myself on stdregistry.com

The only way to kill the book is to scan the whole thing. It's easier to scan books if you cut the spine. Then you can feed it into a full duplex scanner that lets you load up multiple pages. Let me find an example.


:-( I'm afraid to look…

This will just encourage men to use false names and abandon (((social media))).

What they have fooled themselves to believe is that they are in charge. Literally any normal man could if he wanted to put a woman through a fucking wall. These fucking feminist whores don't realise this.

And they turned on her for doing so.

FWIW she was always smarter than then the reactionary ones.

This is just saying be a jew.

tbh fb is kinda necessary, because phonebooks don't work anymore, as they don't have cellphone numbers.

They need to learn to respect the bicep, user. These female power fantasies are out of control, and it's not their fault - it's the weak men who enable them.

Then why aren't they huh? dumbass.

It's a PR manual, but the thing to remember is that a) the internet is forever and b) you better damn well be better at PR than your target.

I hear pic related has trouble getting work these days after her court antics.

if i knew her name i would report her to everyone of those fucking sites

When you get it make sure to highlights the juicy bits so we can rub it on women's face anytime they try to fuck with us.

Yep. Find a way… any way… to not hire that poisonous bich.

No, he needs to scan the whole thing. That's all that kills books like this. I related this:

We need websites like this for women.


It will have to be onion-based :^)

The last time I dated a woman I met online was 15 years ago. Meet them IRL, you get a much better read and less drama.

I look forward to reading it.

You sound like a big guy:^)

The websites she's using are where you lie and say he cheats or whatever. These sites are probably mostly used by jealous bitches who want to ruin the happiness of you and your beau.

You think I use my real name on FB? LOL

Ignore the homo. There's a homo troll that's been slithering around here.

Everyone should have an uninteresting fb for employers to sleuth.

Post if faget

Can you make a .pdf so we won't have to buy it? It could be useful to learn their tactics and form countermeasures to defend ourselves.

This would be the DOX of the millenium. Can't imagine what her life would turn in to>>11301835

op seems to be pretty lazy tbh

dunno, but first thought was a local cunt

Scan the entire thing and upload it to /pdf/ so that anons can dissect this shit and devise tactical countermeasures.

There's a Kindle edition. Buy the book, screencap it on the desktop Kindle app, return it for a refund. You have 7 days and I don't think it matters how much you read, but you could always just take the machine you're using offline till the refund goes through.

This will count toward some secret total for the purposes of preventing abuse of the system, but if you're a new customer or haven't used their return system much it shouldn't be a problem.

I went through this.
No man should ever have to endure loss of reputation and livelihood simply because some cunt was having a bad day.
The part that really sucks is that you, as both victim and plaintiff, not only have to prove malice of intent on their part, but, also, that you suffered some kind of financial, professional, or social loss on account.
It is my hope that the recent slew of false allegations in the media will lead to a reform of defamation laws in the US.

I would be more than happy to contribute a couple of chapters, if not pen the entire book myself.

idk man. They may have security tricks on the kindle edition.


Scanning books is quite a bit of work, and most people are pretty fucking lazy.

Sadly while defamation laws do need reform, the easiest way to avoid this is to avoid troublemakers in the first place.

My startup company has no employees, only contractors. And when I do grow to the point where I need to hire, there will be no women, period. There are creative ways around EEOC laws (many I've learned here on Holla Forums, thanks shitlords) and as I've told many people, I'm running a business. Government can run a charity. Already "going Galt" to a certain extent to avoid troublemakers but I'm sure that there are a lot of people like me. The net result is that there will be a lot of sandwiches made and many fewer women in the workplace come 2025.

You've made your bed, ladies, now you can lie in it.

The piece of shit is only 56 pages. It can hardly be called a book.

Depends on the equipment you have available. If I had a physical copy of this book, I could just cut it at the spine with a paper cutter and then dump the entire thing on my scanner tray. Whole thing scanned to pdf and emailed to me. Total time for 56 pages? I estimate less than 5 minutes from start to finish.

Gibe PDF of this it needs to be studied for tactics.
Knowing is half the battle


Yes, but you aren't lazy, user. Lazy people are why sliced bread commands a premium.

pic: an Allegation Allison. No evidence at all. Pure allegation.

the fucking pic

This is also how the mudpeople are working together to destroy any whites who will take the bait. Everyone has seen the "hate crimes" which turn out to be hoaxes, or the viral videos that conveniently leave out all provocation that makes the white person snap. But it all starts with these DAMN fundamentals, and with allegations and "crying out in pain as they strike you".

Timeless advice, user.
Also, I wouldn't mind picking your brain, if you ever feel like starting a thread over in /biz/.

If there aren't any images to embed, a clean, flat photo with the current resolution itt would be fine enough to run OCR to make an epub version.
Simple enough. ;)

epub would be better, my OCR setup is all optimized for scanning invoices into ERP software.

tbqf make it txt. Formatting is for fags.

Not gonna lie: you're not wrong.
It was the liberal bent in the proofreading community that ruined it for me.
One of the senior admins in the one group was an openly-avowed Marxist, too.
Troubling, when you consider that these are the folks in charge of safeguarding written history.
Polite sage for off-topic.

Forgetting to sage…
Shoot me now…

Make notations of the entire thing on Kindle then go to your notes page online and cut/paste the entire thing. Have to do it page by page, then reformat backwards from your notes but you can do it for an entire book. read.amazon.com/notebook while signed in

Care to share some with this thread, user? This is all valuable knowledge.

You are correct. As soon as you start showing real power, they seem to lose theirs. We really had a generation of sackless men. I suppose a few decades back feminism was in vogue. They never realized how it would destroy their sons. There’s also a huuuge laziness factor to enabling strong women. I swear many boomer guys like to let their women make decisions for them because they shirk proper responsibility.

That was me for much of my life, thank God I had the strength of character to find myself or I probably would an hero'd 10 years ago.
And that is my deadbeat father. I'm living proof!


Its very amusing how the tv show is an outgrowth of the intolerance of the left and especially bay area/hollywood politics of totalitarianism making the whole thing ironically kino.



You will never fit in.

This fucking bb3d8d cunt needs to go. Another nigger from reddit that doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself, shitposting his way through thread with epic emojifacES!One1!
Fucking whore. I would be facing charges for putting this fag in a tree if he were in front of me. Soon though, it will be a required service.

o nooooo some boomer doesn't like meeee

FAB: Filter All Boomers

Without jews, such "bibles" don't have any meaning.

It's probably written by a jew faggot. Ebooks on scummy topics number in the thousands. The only people who will buy this, are too fat and ugly to utilize the methods. Also what that toc suggests, is illegal.

Plenty of apps that convert Kindle shits to pdf.

I checked. Not available yet in the main place.

use camscanner and you can go straight from your phone to PDF


They're in for a surprise when they realise within a few years that the era of jewish control was but a blip on the radar of history.

How to destroy a woman:

There are more ways, its just late and I'm tired of writing. Enjoy, niggers.

Oops forgot to add a few important bits;

Or u could just rape her

I noticed this id too. See . Pretty sure it's either female or gay.

pretty well done, very close to my own mindset.

could probably work well, if you could get away with it.

Gas all the jews and end fractional reserve banking.

Here ya go, 30% of rape cases are dismissed as complete horseshit.. and that number has only gone up. Its been years since this chart, chances are its 40-70% now.


Someone really doesn't like this thread :^)

alright friends; back from work. I will get this toilet paper posted today; can't promise the perfect format but maybe some user can help with that. It's only about 60 pgs

As some savy user posted earlier, we can then develop counter measures

Don't give them your butthurt. Sad cunts like this thrive off it. No man will approach her now, so play the long game and let her die alone.

Those "rumours" are deliberately there to instigate backlash. It's an attempt to push goal posts.

They timed awfully well with pizzagate too.

I want to read this now to use their own medicine against them.

Oh boy, if genders are divided in this manner more then that will happen.

But I have faith that some of humanity will preach for male-female love, not backstabbing. In fact there are already some left leaners that see this sort of backstabbing shit negatively.



There's something fucky with this thread.

read it faggot, someone is clearly spamming this book.

Note the reddit tier emoticons he uses too.

Oh hello.

>Elliott's defense lawyer said that Guthrie was the one harassing[16] and abusing.[27]

Is this the same Stephanie Guthrie?

Yep. Its a cunt. Abandon thread lads. No, we won't make your book "HATED BY DUH ALT-REIGHT!!1", no, no one's ever heard of this shit, and yes, you'll die alone.

Meant for.

This astroturfing guy is hilarious. He's obviously a kike that doesn't want this book to get released for free.

I say we dig into her background, but continue to sage until we find her.

Because clearly this author is a pseudonym.

Agreed. Win win situation: bitch doesn't get the fame she wants, but ruins her own name, and dies alone. Funny how it says "copyrighted material" both at top and bottom, do you think we could request the real name from who ever permitted this to be copyrighted in the first place?

Clearly someone intends for this book to be read by those angered by it.

I would not be surprised if it's a male author.

It's pretty uniquely, retarded-ly female tbh. I'll continue believing so until proven otherwise.

I'm thinking the same thing. I am still itching to know who the puppet master is though

wish we had more to go on

The publisher is Lemons to Lemonade

Can't find anything on the publisher:
Is it even real? Bump in the mean time to get more anons digging.

here's the address

there is no zip code given

Nothing found.


Can you be arsed to do all the pages?

Make a pdf and post it.

hell, just post the images. It's just what? 50 pages to type out.

That is, I can type it up from the images.

I will do this today; I can get it done in a few hours. In the meantime, if someone can track down this mysterious Lemons to Lemonade pub. that apparently doesn't exist

Can any lawfags chime in and tell us if malicious content like this, set out to defame, is even legal and protected under free speech? Why would she fake the publisher if it is?


Bump for cunt justice.


Yes, feminism and general anti-maleness isn't the fault of women, or even the fault of the jews that have backed it since the beginning, it is the fault of white males.
I think the only answer is KILL WHITE MALES KILL THEM ALL.
Nice to see the kike brainwashing works full circle, it's an all-purpose design.
The real answer is that most people aren't scheming, amoral freaks that spend every second of the day finding ways to destroy others. Because normal humans don't scheme, they also don't expect others to be scheming against them, they naturally tend to think that other people are more or less like them, and want to work, have a simple life and be a generally decent person without fucking other people over, that's what our societies have always been like. That's what morals are for, a social grease to make sure we all get along and function as a society while ensuring each person can still succeed.
The jew is an anti-human abomination, and has the reverse of every moral a normal human has. Thieving is positive, lying is a skill, tricking is the height of excellence.
The real answer is not that they were ALL weak men, nor ALL twisted harpies set on ruining their husbands and sons. The truth is though that a core group of cult freaks set out with a deliberate plan to subvert the family unit, destroy men as they are the strongest element, and trick women into thinking that being a wife and mother is the worst thing they can do, to turn all morals and natural impulses on their head.
To fight against it, one must recognise it, and also that the cause has always been the same thing.
Likely your fathers worked their whole lives, doing what they thought is best to give you more than they had. Maybe not, a lot of anons here grew up without fathers and are bitter and weaker because of it. We are rebuilding ourselves, but don't attack your forefathers. Instead, make positive and constructive steps to ensure that no jew plan affects you, in any way.
It helps to reduce things to a level of baseline simplicity. Acquire sufficient resources through hard work, find a female who you can mold into a decent wife and mother, have offspring, teach them the most important values that you have identified in your life.
Do not turn against your ancestors, they brought you here, do not turn against women as you need them to breed and raise children.
Turn only against the alien, foreign element, the enemy. The cause.

They do it a lot with films too.
Viral advertising on this kind of site is negative advertising, like "star wars is so feminist/niggered", mad tampax they spammed for a year solid, the kiked up blade runner remake and so on. They know people will go, "just to see how bad it is", and then return and review it all over again.
The real answer is to forget it exists completely and never pay it any attention.

OCR software can read and output a pdf in a few minutes.

the entire field of psychology will be purged on the day of the lamppost

Dick Masterson strikes again.


Well sheeit you done gave away my secret.

interdasting: the front page says Wilmington DE but the backpage says Middletown DE; do we have a clue anons?

Make sure to do the right thing and post it on /pdfs/. It would be bad karma to give money to these kikes without giving Holla Forums its indulgence.

If I remember correctly, a patent can be denied if there's no use to it. This "no use" condition is useful because it prevents people from patenting things used to accomplish illegal aims, like a printer that can forge U.S. dollars. An user might be able to very openly give this book out for free online, then reply to the inevitable DMCA with a lawsuit. At that point there's a good chance that you'll be able to either get the copyright revoked, or get the author's real name.

Although this entire strategy revolves around the presumption that copyright laws are close enough to patent laws. It probably won't work. Also you can buy "how to" books on overthrowing the government and murdering people, so it probably is allowed. There might be a proviso that the book be technically classified as "entertainment" or something non-illegal.

t. hasn't even taken the LSAT yet

What does the chapter on "How to untie yourself from a car trunk while being driven to a shallow grave when he found out you were ruining his life with this book" say?

It's kike cancer like this that gets vulnerable women killed from following it - which is the same as brain-washing soap opera, and trash magazines, and so on. Jews gotta jew.

Yes, it is.

She's insane.

Was this because she was sleeping with one of the detectives on the case and the defense was going to question her about it?

What sort of absolute nigger tier school did she go to?

It would be a short book. Just fuck her and never call her again. You have successfully destroyed that woman.

What's stupid about this book is that it's absolutely nothing new and women already do this all the time. The only person who would bother writing and selling what women already know how to do from birth is a Kike.

that Jewess didn't denounced feminists or feminism, her whole lazy spiel was the usual "men need to be taught not to rape" now that's apparently too "centrist" for extreme leftists to accept. anyway, fuck her and the rest of the second wave trashbags that made all this
current year insanity possible, they deserve every backstab they get from the new mutant crop of blue haired harpies they created.

I was taught not to rape. The problem is Tyrone and Abdul weren't. Don't blame me, bitch, that's not on me.

Nice dubs. Any evidence of this? I want to fap at her ruining her own life but cucknadia being the leftist shithole it is, i doubt your words

Hi Steph. Still diddling yourself from all this publicity?

you mean Tyrone, Abdul, Paco, Shlomo and little crypto were never taught. or even if they were they never cared. but feminists still erroneously claim that most rapes are committed by straight white males.

You forgot Lou Chugs-Lysol-Behind-Rec-Center.

Isn't that basically the same thing as Shlomo and crypto?

As funny as all of that would be if she happens to be a feminist, jewish, etc.; I wish there was a guide on "how to un-brainwash a woman".

I'm not sure.
A lot of that sounds like trying to beat a woman at her own game, which is fine, if you're talented enough to pull it off, but, anons like myself would do better to stonewall and maintain frame.
Don't give her anything to work with, kind of like rope-a-dope, where you let her exhaust all her energy trying to work a sack of potatoes, then come out when she's tired and let's her guard slip.
Also, know your logical fallacies; I can guarantee they will be employed.
Additionally, be careful about enlisting mutual friends and acquaintances; you'd be surprised how quickly people can turn on you, especially long-time ones (women especially, since, even though the catty type may hate other women, they hate men even more and will rush to her defense unconditionally).
Bear in mind they may not be as capable as you in distinguishing who the good and bad actors are, nor facts from bullshit.
There's also the consideration that some may resent being dragged into a fight that isn't theirs, and may even turn on you out of spite.
Stay the moral high ground and let who may come to you of their own free will.

You may be right.
This could be part of a blitz tactic.
On that note: any anons checking the smear sites listed in the photo further up the thread: I sure hope you're using a proxy, since one or more of those might be fishing for IP addresses.

Easier yet: just call her fat.:^)

that's called "cucks rage", the fags that get it usually love getting angry as their dominatrix locks them up (chasity) and goes off with another man


we need to know their tactics so we can use it on them

Very nice, capped

I've only ever seen it truly accomplished once.
A sixteen-year-old friend-of-a-friend was spiraling out of control hard, so, her parents had her shipped off to a Christian "camp" (basically, a deprogramming center).
They literally showed up at the bowling alley with "counselors" and a van and kidnapped her right on the spot.
I'm not sure it was even legal.
Anyway, that should give you some idea of how extreme the measures you'd have to undertake in order to undo all her programming: remove her entirely from her life and the sphere of all her negative influences.
Sorry if this seems like a blackpill, but, I want anons to understand the magnitude of the task before them, should they so choose.

Polite sage for off-topic.

It's not a black pill. The only way to de-program her is MK Ultraing her, and replace the programming with other programming.

Amazing. Now that this book has been published, any time someone tries to employ these methods we can just point out that the person doing so is employing these methods.

"Hey user, this person's claiming you raped her. Why is that?"
"She doesn't like me and is using the methods in this book to try to get me fired."

This is a MANS writing style. Don't be fooled by the bs credentials and alias. Someone or some group……intends to make serious cash off the post-weinstein momentum our nation is experiencing, and they are destabilizing gender relationships even further. Divide and conquer anons. This book is complete kike bait; would love to know (((authors))) and (((publishing company))). But these slimes are experts at subversion

A Rebel Media shill who you are promoting via the stealth technique of negative publicity.
Red, White, Black.
Catchy acronym.
Advertising here.
To be honest, it looks like Lauren Simonsen, so it's probably not even a "her" ever tried finding dox/early history on a woman when she doesn't actually exist and is being played by a man?
As to the actual content, it's just the SCUM manifesto (Valerie Solanas) recycled, in much the same way as 101 Rebel shills have narrated William Pierce speeches, plagiarism saves time and if popular works are chosen, can be fairly guaranteed to be popular.
tl;dr deliberate controversy to promote new shill/shill channels opposing it.

While you may very well be correct, it doesn't matter what we think or know; what matters is that weak-minded women will bite into it, hook, line, and sinker, so, once again, it is up to us to read, dig, expose, and BTFO this little charade. They claim they are untrollable; I say it's time to remind them that Holla Forums is always right.

Bear in mind that these tactics are only effective if you control HR or management. You need the apparatus.



So last year a girl I dated in high school started sniffing around after she heard I had money. We talked for a while, she put up the whole shitlord act, but then the mask slipped and the SJW shit started. Somewhere in the melee I called her fat, and she got so mad she tried to get a cop friend to hassle me (sadly I'm higher on the legal food chain then he was and it didn't have the intended effect).

So recently I spied on her FB and she's liking a gym. Yep, motivation, it works.

Tits or GTFO

Fuck off fag.

Wish I could find those caps from a merc tasked to rescue some richfag's daughter from a sex cult.

Not before you show them milkers.

This could have been funny had they stuck with it

It's real, though. Women have profound changes if you jizz in them. I used to have a gf who got super hyper after sex and would clean the whole house. She claimed it was the testosterone that gave her energy

annd op is awol

You might need to ask merc user where the Soviet doctor's at.

How were you "taught not to rape"? Were you just told to say "pleas" and "thank you"?


That second pic, precious! Why would women continue to laugh at men if they fear men killing them? Do homosexual women fear being laughed at by women or homosexual men, men? Here's a lesson you dumb bitch, stop trying to humiliate your sons because you're afraid of being overshadowed by them.

>https:// hooktube.com/8tx2Jm W_p4c

Also need to get one of those long guillotine paper cutters to do it right; I imagine you can do at a fedex/kinkos. I'd come with the book already debinded, but they should have both the cutter and scanner.

Leftist media conveniently missed the evidence that Guthrie was in fact clearly guilty of worse things than Elliott including lying about the extent of Elliott's interactions with them. Yet they wonder why women keep doing stupid shit. It's like, I don't know, they should get in like, trouble for you know, doing something bad!?

… and offer a discount if you buy both books at the same time.
Can't criticize one book unless you dislike the other one because equality.

I'm a big guy (for you) and my father came from a large family. Raised religious, and just assumed that her family would beat me silly if I used force. I also tend to only date women who aren't from broken homes and/or had older brothers and/or cop/military fathers.

It's not fun to force yourself on a woman.

This is her crew of fellow travelers:


While the people behind the book are likely of the tribe, it's actually a powerful anti-feminist weapon. Prove an accuser owns it and her accusations immediately become highly suspect.
You could probably shut down even the smallest water-testing accusation by merely mentioning that you have read it too.


I think this is the one you're looking for. Crazy shit.

I have to reiterate. What kind of absolutely Pajeet tier school did she go to? The concept of boys punching girls is perfectly foreign to me.

There has been a shill post in this very thread telling you to buy so you can "protect yourself".

lol looks like it. oh well. thread should be deleted.

Here's the collection, it's probably in here somewhere.

That is some truly nightmarish shit.

True, but if you want to see what a ruined heap of a woman really looks like, turn her sexual advances down. In my opinion, a lot of women make false claims against the guys who DON'T want them. It's because their one surefire way to manipulate a man has backfired and holy shit does it makes them fucking insane. Feminists are a really good example of women who have been rejected by men so they go super saiyan.

Also, does amazon have a policy against selling books that promote illegal activity or maybe even targeting individuals based on sex with the threat of illegal activity?

I was fired from a job for this exact reason. When I made it clear I wasn't going to fuck my crazy boss, she hated the sight of me and did everything she could to make my life hell.

This is absolutely true
t. Deus Vult user

Thanks, those were the ones.

It's /fit you weeb.

I've had the cops called on me because I wouldn't fuck the married feminist. I'm now having to sue someone in federal court because I wouldn't fuck her skanky lot lizard crackhead employee with the biker pimp (I wouldn't call it a marriage). I lost a lot of money and my entire wardrobe thanks to that ho. (Should have just stayed at the Holiday Inn Express.)

(((human resources)))

my god, can anyone explain how just in the hypothetical situation of a company growing big enough to need one of these shitholes, how the fuck are you supposed to prevent it becoming an infestation point?

every fucking time i hear bullshit about (((human resources))) (thank God my company's HR department is one white male)

what the fuck are you talking about

Don't have an HR department.Distribute what small jobs they accomplish might manage to accomplish into other departments.
Hiring/interviewing of new employees for example is actually better for your company if assigned into the hands of the engineers.
Not only will they turn away any of the normal hr parasites their hiring process will actually be more effective in getting good people than the so called experts as they have actual knowledge of what needs to be done and the fact that they are unlikely to be hiring people that makes their job harder.

thank you for your advice user, ill keep it in mind if my company makes it to that day.

That's interesting. I don't come from a literally broken home but my passive ass father never said diddly to me about sex. My aggressive feminazi bull-dyke in denial mother pretty much implied I would be emasculated should I even merely offend a woman in a sexual manner. I seriously wonder if all women who are paranoid of big-guys are not just in active denial of their own desires. Still, females of all ages disgust me.

who gives a fuck how /pol pol //Holla Forums// is written?
that's what I was reflecting at, but apparently you are not the sharpest tool in the box.

You kikes glow in the dark. The fact that you think you blend in makes my sides hurt.


bump for the sake of bumping

you have to have some HR jobs by law but you can gut them of hiring power which defangs them considerably

Where the hell do you live? Not here. (((HR))) is dead weight.

HR is a cancer. It removed the leadership role of hiring and firing from the male boss and put in the hands of a gaggle of bitter cat ladies.

Op pretended he woudl scan the book, but this is just yet another case of a kike shilling a kike book. The mods are kikes. My Jesus Christ slit their throats.

Because (((she)))
is actually a (((he)))
And (((he))) is a kike

You're working from a false premise. Women are not brainwashed to behave badly. They do it because the consequences have been removed and the behavior incentivized.
This is actually good news because it means there is no need for "removal" of "brainwashing". The day that laws allowing women to act like sluts and race mix with zero consequences are removed, the behavior will cease.
If it was really "brainwashing" then women would stop having illegitimate children if all welfare were rescinded and social ostracism reintroduced as the consequence. If it really was due to "brainwashing" then the consequences wouldn't concern them.
Women are well, well, well aware of the consequences or lack thereof, this is why every woman will conceal the fact that she has had sex with niggers from a prospective White husband (or even bf if he is highly desirable), and will lie to a staggering degree about the number of her previous sexual liasons.
"Brainwashing" is so much easier to accept than cold, calculating betrayal of your folk and many anons will violently resist this knowledge.

Forgot to include an important point. The source of the behavior is biological, it's in their genes. Things like excess consumption, accumulation of useless but expensive items, spending all of the husband's resources, having no loyalty and being willing to jump ship and fuck a total newcomer, all genetic.
Resource behaviors are related to survival in a time of scarcity.
Uncontrolled spending is a constant test of the mate's ability to provide, and a way of gauging who has the fittest husband.
"Trading up" is a biological survival mechanism to ensure that the victors of battle had obedient and "loving" sexual partners provided by the slain enemy. By feeling "love" for the strongest, most brutal man around, a woman ensured, or at least increased the chances, that conquerors would not kill them and might even let their children survive.
These are ingrained biological drives which cannot be "taught" out of a woman, they can only be controlled with carrot and stick.
At the moment it is all carrot and no stick because jews wrote laws specifically designed to enable the absolute worst of female excess.
tl;dr worry about kikes, not women, because you cannot reprogram female biology but you can exile or exterminate the kikes and revoke their laws.

As a good looking guy I can confirm this. As I've gotten better looking women started to become super sensitive with me. Like very aware of slightest hint I'm rejecting them and going batshit when it is triggered.

No todays society is not natural. Women are being influenced by social conditioning to become fucked up.

When analyzing a woman, the second thing I do is casually mention (merely mentioning, no spergouts) deep matters to her, and if she gives me that Fluoride Stare® in response or a half-assed, disinterested reply I immediately categorize them as trash. The rest is as you described.

Looking at what they've done with their "liberty", one cannot help but think that many will be happier this way.

WW2 was just one battle in the 2000 year undeclared war they've been waging against us.

so whats the defense against some bitch spamming shit with your name all over the internet?

Who is this "pol" and what is his master plan?


When it comes to false allegations of rape and or domestic violence, there is one counter-method I know:

If she claims either one of those things on social media, whether she states it was done a long time back or recently, you can use this:
This is one key thing, bitches will always bitch, and there's always bitches around. You can cut off most of it by asking where's the police report over and over again, in which it will break down like this:

Where is the police report?
| |
Don't have Have
| |
You're full of shit, (Still bitches in media)
Get the fuck out. |
^————Why are you compromising
The investigation?

There's more to it, though. Much like the other user that spoke about this, ABR. ALWAYS BE RECORDING. Make sure you always keep your contact with women minimal and have a wingman around for witness.

Holy shit can this bitch get any more pathetic?

Oh…. Well, I guess she can…

They'll go on about how the police are apart of the patriarchy and most rapes go unreported and only 1% of rape allegations are false. Don't bother.

That fear also turns women on. A man who is not viewed as a (potential) threat is not a man.

Damn, she looks sadistic.

Asking to be choked while fucked.

I'm not entirely convinced that thats the norm for women. Sounds a lot like a forced Jewish fantasy to me. (Almost everything academic about female sexuality is a Jewish embellishment for sensationalism and clickbait)

pirating will only make the book more popular, don't do it.

She's more to be pitied than laughed at. Major substance abuse issues. Insecure. Probably abused by a family member as a child.

Unfortunately it's not my job to be the cat lady whisperer.


checking my own digits. praise kek!



feminist aren't the damaged little girls that everyone thinks they are. most of them are greedy hateful psychopaths that were born to manipulate and destroy. all the victim narratives they cite as reasons for their behavior are almost always embellished or outright lies. i've never met a feminists that told the truth about anything.

For starters, they truly want to be men, which makes them pre-op FTM trannys.

Is it really so easy to write and sell a fucking book? I probably type enough on the internet every month to fill a book.

Says some dumb kike. Humans are afraid of being shunned from the group, and laughter can be a sign of that. A single woman laughing at you doesn't actually amount to much.

Is that even possible?

I heard they pissed off an MI6 agent.

Your comic just reminds me that the truly unstable people can be conjoled into believing anything about anyone because it’s true for themselves. Shame the DSM is not a valid measure of anything anymore, reducing such a methodology to nothing more than illegal thuggery that has zero legal backing and opens you up for legal action if you use it. The weapon that works best is the one that is legal to use.

This works fine if the rape isn’t sodomy, in which case any impartial examination will be able to prove it.

I did that once. He ended meeting with actual law enforcement after a few weeks of him trying to cause me trouble, including paying Haitians and Mexicans to drug my food.

This whole book is aimed at cunts who are already too far gone to be considered good wife material, you would have to be a hardcore feminist to actually have the gall to lie and slander another person exclusively for your own personal gain. It's almost as if this is some form of kike D&C.

I hope then, that when you finally do employ good, Aryan men, that you are paying them enough to also support their wives and children at home.

Stop eating NYC takeout.

They really believe this. This isn't funny.

Attached: men.jpg (770x657, 180.75K)

OP's a faggot. shills crappy fem book and didnt even post the scans like promised.

gas your self

This one has none, but she does have the glasses.

Attached: hey babe.jpg (533x769, 181.33K)

Someone should tell this bitch that SCUM was already written forty-years ago.


Didn't look like the pdf had been posted here but I found it on /pdfs/. Apologies for the faggotry if the reference doesn't work, I'll keep lurking.


If you fight, Samson Launches.

ZOG guns are stronger than your biceps.

You hope too much. Women are evil whores.

Well it worked. What then? Nothing can fix it, feminism is a behavioral sink.

Muh ancestors is not a valid justification. Fuck them, they were POZd and only resulted in the world we have now. If our ancestors were so great why didn't they kill every last Jew? Why didn't they even TRY TO KILL THEM ALL?

And if you try to do that the ZOG will cut you down like Waco.

Ask them straight up how much of a debt load they're carrying. The answer will always be amusing and edifying, regardless

I went through this shit three times before I retired in 2009. The first time a crazy bitch wrote a two and a half page denunciation of me to HR that made no sense at all but it earned me a stern warning. The cunt was fired a year later for scheduling appointments for herself with a young doctor she fancied.
Another one denounced me basically for not doing her work for her. I flipped it back on her and CCTV videotape showed her taking double and triple breaks. She apologized and admitted she had a crush on me. She sucked me off in a back room. Seems her husband had lost interest in her. The third one was doing patently crazy shit but she was the hottest. That is all I can say about her. She trapped a guy from a prosperous family into marriage by shitting a clone of herself into the world. He looked miserable when I met him and the baby.

This shit didn't start till after 2000 from my own point of view.

Women will never have that drive. Matriarchy is so unnatural to humanity that there really is no comparison.

Gentlemen, you need to think dynamically. You do not outright dismiss Human Resources, you subvert it.
It you are a red-blooded, redpilled man with a growing startup company you need to find a local user with a similar world view and direct him to get a HR degree. Once he completes his degree from an accredited institution, hire him. He can ensure that any new hires are as pale and male as legally possible.

This fulfills mandatory HR hiring quotas, prevents your company from getting BLACKED into the ground with diversity hires, and gets more anons in the workforce.
The implementation would be tricky, but as long as you don't violate your country's laws about cronyism, and follow good OPSEC practices regarding communication between you and your HR rep (prior to hiring him), it could be a solution to the (((H R))) problem.

Attached: AFTER HR.jpg (1021x580 2.97 MB, 45.53K)

Thanks user.

I'm a witness in a defamation case and I'm going to be passing this along to the lead counsel. Might give us some leads in the methods they're using. (I've been a victim of their slander too, but I'm not suing, but engaging in, shall we say, more active measures against the belligerent.)

Are you secretly gay, user? Do you get off on dominating other men?

My high school crush, my first love, showed up about a year ago. Two kids, early 40's. Got her so annoyed that she tried to get a cop she was fucking to shake me down for "harassment." Called her husband at work, a prominent reporter I know, and Karen Straghan. The cop never bothered me again and she blocked me when I tried to make up with her last month. I do care about her, but I'm not into cheating.

I hope tactics and behaviors like this become widespread among women. Men, especially the rich and powerful, will start to insist on recording every interaction, and as cameras/data storage become cheaper being always under surveillance will become the new normal. The only men who will remain vulnerable to this kind of ploy will be poor, many of them minorities, from which it will follow that baseless accusations by women against men like this will be increasingly suspect of racism and classism.

Panopticon, thy cause is woman. We are only a couple decades away from recording virtually everything that ever happens on the surface of the earth.

Weaponize the panopticon, I say.

This is absolutely insane. Holy shit. Now I can look at the straightest of edge philosophers and literature and understand completely what it is they stand for… decency is making an assertive but well-natured push for supremacy in my mind, body and soul. My god this exists…
I was thinking maybe in another realm sexuality could be less debased, but this reinforces that the nature of the beast shall never change. Raw sensuality and hedonism is raw corruption and defilement.

This might be the author's website:

Also that stock photo has been used for many books.

Additionaly, it is self-published and she used a company in Deleware, CSC Global, to register the publisher.

One is the publisher address, the other the printer's address.

(polite sage for obvious)

Mo'fuggin checked mien negers

Full scan of the book in a nice and tidy PDF:


Read it, study it and find countermeasures.