Nationalist Environmentalism

Who else here is Fascist/NatSoc and cares massively for the environment?
I'm sick of seeing cuckservatives and neoconservatives say that they love their country, but have no problem destroying natural habitats, entire ecosystems and the countryside to get a quick profit.
It's sad that a lot of people think that the only movements who care about the environment are quasi Communist 'green' parties who favour mass immigration.
Anyone who truly cares for the environment will have to face the reality sooner or later that whites tend to generally be the only race who care for nature.
One of my biggest redpills related to race and the environment was finding out that 90% of all water pollution in the entire world comes from just FIVE rivers. Every one of them is from shithole non-white countries. Every 'green' movement and push in the West is in vain, because these third world countries simply don't give a fuck.
It's going to be very hard to build a good future for our descendents, even if we had a 100% white Europe and USA, because the environmental effects of huge third world birthrate and absolute disregard for the environment will wreck the world ecosystem.

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I'd say pretty much all of us probably are

Environmentalism must be a core tenant of any fascist movement. Unfortunately this causes (for me at least) some ideological paradoxes. I believe every race should be left to their own devices on their own clay, I also believe that the only way to preserve the environment is through hard line martial law. There is little use protecting ones own environment if the Chinese poisons the entire worlds oceans or the rainforests are felled for farmland.

Something overlooked is the potential for environmental/ecological war in the future eg for water, or to force a less destructive path in terms of pollution. In a truly Fascist state, a war with the third world over treatment of the environment would be inevitable.

If you've spent time on this board pre and post campaign you'd know that is a generous statement.

How can you be a National Socialist and not love nature? Hell white people are the only people on earth that actually give a fuck about it. Evey one else is either too low IQ or completely sociopathic and incapable of thinking beyond immediate profit.

The white man has his roots in the soil. The white man recognizes he is both steward and and beneficiary of nature's blessings. We possess empathy, even for abstract concepts like nature. Our empathy is a weakness our enemies exploit as well as the gift that enables us to work together and weather any hardship. Once we stop believing the jewish lie that the lesser races are human and view them as fauna that need to be occasionally culled to maintain harmony with nature we will do much better. We needn't be cruel about it either. Simple clean deaths until their populations are in manageable ranges in their natural habitats will do a world of wonder for mother earth. Can you imagine how much cleaner our water would be without pajeet and pedro dumping billions of gallons of sewage into the oceans? How much cleaner our air would be if chinks were restricted to small farming communities?

Industry must exist in order to push mankind forward for our eventual conquest of the stars. However only the white man is capable of utilizing it with enough restraint to minimize the damage to the environment.

Love the earth
Love the animals
Love your race

So be it. Street shitting polluters don't deserve respect or dignified treatment. Kill em all.

I'm not saying we shouldn't. I'm just saying I've never seen anyone consider that having an ethnostate and being isolationist isn't going to work where environmental concerns are involved. It can be as pure as you want, but when you've got shitskins polluting your water and air you will need to take action.

It’s sobering really. Some nations could easily be brought into line but when one considers that China would have to be deindustrialized to save the planet then you really feel the scale of the challenge. We could do it but it wouldn’t be easy and would necessarily require a hot war.

It's the strongest argument against mass migration and carries no connotations of possible "racism" and "bigotry". Shill Nye telling everyone that nigerians consume x amount less than average westerners therefore fuck white people and white children when nigeria has the world's most polluted cities and environment. Oh let's import millions of nigerians!!
We're constantly bombarded down under with how the Australian Aboriginal was a custodian of the earth etc etc but all they did was burn unique rain-forest while hunting and changed the landscape to suit their need.
White man is the true custodian of this planet. Keep having the feeling that webm should end at charlottesville. hah!

Ever wonder why those left wing parties are all environmentalist? It's because whites care about the environment and the Earth we live in. They make it so that you have to support mass immigration and communist policies in order to preserve the environment, which those politicians claim to do but never do anything other than pass laws that attack white farmers, hunters, ect., while allowing shitskins to operate and sack nature with impunity. But whites care enough about the environment that they'll ignore that and keep on voting for the (((people))) who say they'll pass laws to protect nature. Kikes hate nature as much as they hate whites. My biggest redpill in regards to this was a conservative Jew telling me about how we should not only ignore the extinction of flora and fauna, but actively encourage it until we have as little deviation in wildlife and plants as possible. When I reacted in horror to this, he called me a tree hugger.

Our air, soil, and water have been poisoned for (((profit))).

The founding fathers wanted a WHITE AGRARIAN REPUBLIC.

Burgers get the same stupid shit in grade school. Isn't it funny, how both of the subhuman races we took over from were eco-conscious do-gooders? What are the odds that hunter-gatherers living at subsistence level on two continents should happen to converge on the same position that really only white people have ever given a shit about?

The solution to every problem is the same, removal.

Why would they want more extinction?


That's what America deserves to be, not this kiked garbage. America deserves better than that.

Pressing the green house gas cartel hypocrisy is a wining point. The rate of return on these NGO green projects is idiotic. Realistic environmentalism instead of theft.

Because Jews hate that which they can not control, and if the species of plants and animals are significantly reduced, then they have less that they have to take in to consideration in terms of regulating nature.

If you love life, you love the environment.
Of course, this is separate from modern "environmentalism" movements where people support carbon taxes / climate change and nuclear deproliferation.

neoconservatives are not white but communists.

Fishing and hunting orientated non-profit foundations are usually decent in their mission to preserve nature and ethically harvest from it, but to my knowledge all the major (((Green))) orgs are pozzed to hell. I always see Siera Club trying to hand out flyers, I want to like them, but they have openly supported trannyfags and illegal migrants as official stances of their group. If anything, that shit can be argued against the interest of natural preservation.

A tenant is someone who rents property.
A tenet is a core belief you hold as a group.

It's more like they don't care because of the role of the natural world in Abrahamic beliefs. Read the second screencast in the post you're replying to, carefully.

Screenshot, I mean. Fucking autocorrect.

More jefferson

Have some more based user.

I've been thinking about buying some land recently and building a house and such, trying to be self sufficient, any ideas where the best place is to buy land in US that has a similar climate to Central Europe?

I would like to have the same. A quiet life with a large family, free from the sick world.

I participate in the national wild turkey foundation benefit dinner ever year and am an Eagle Scout. I am a hunter. I use the land. I own a cabin at the top of a beautiful mountain (tabiona)9500'
Live in the foothills year round
Fish farm hunt and hike
White men don't hunt more than is needed and know the true conservationist mindset
Take but leave more to have more to take

Central Utah
White as fuck
Jobs as far as the eye can see
Lots of guns

east washington state maybe, montana is good too but a little too isolated, which makes things more expensive

I'm checking out some land online atm looks promising thanks user, just wondering how does one even get supplies out to really isolated places? Do they have to drive to the nearest town or is there a delivery service or something?

I am too, I live in the Northern Midwest and I see this kind of behavior on the daily. Both online and in real life, I hear NeoCons striving to undermine the environment while somehow still dedicating themselves wholly to the state. As if the two aren't mutual. They cry and detest the thought of people who poach the Deer and the Elk, yet pride themselves in poaching wolves and bears. They pride themselves as anglers and upstanding fishermen, yet they pollute the rivers with chemicals and invasive species. They love the bounty of the forest and all the animals who live there. Yet they would rather sit back and watch the beetle kill take over, or worse, start massive destructive wildfires all on the tax payers dime.
It fills me with joy to see that like minded people are on Holla Forums, people who love this world, people who would fight to protect our home.

Read Savitri Devi. Environmentalism and Protections for Animals have been NatSoc from the beginning. We must respect God's creation, as we are its caretakers, not its conquerors.

I don't think so. If someone is polluting a communal resource, such as the atmosphere, the ocean, etc. then that is a cause for war. War is a source of purification. It gives common purpose and ends class conflict, focusing the whole nation upon an external enemy. Something such as destroying the world which your children will inhabit would absolutely be a worthy cause to fight for, and many would fight for it, especially if they were properly propagandized.

Seriously, what the fuck. This is why we need a caste system. Some people ought not be trusted with the environment.

Few men know the joys of having a horse drink from a mtn stream as you're going up to fish and camp
Excellent pic , thank you

Will be posting more

The world is charged with the grandeur of God.
It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?
Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
And wears man's smudge and shares man's smell: the soil
Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod.

And for all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs —
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.

God's Grandeur Gerard Manley Hopkins

We must remember and understand that nature is the source by which we encounter the sublime, by which we see the majesty of our maker's hand, and by which we encounter the Natural Order, in which we take our place. The Jews hate the Natural Order, for when the Natural Order, the Word, the Logos was made flesh, they denied him, seeking vengeance upon the Romans instead of the Truth which God gave them. Hopkins sees the Christ in nature, and so should we, which is why I included his poem.

Saged for samefaggery.


I've been meaning to get a horse, it might just be about time to make that investment. I've missed the joys of being around them since childhood. They're such a peaceful and gentle animal.

Thank you for these.

Nice timestamp too
I broke my leg breaking a horse with my dad like 9 years ago. Pretty good scar/10
It hurts some pretty much ever day but I'm not a pharmajew addicted sucker
I'll deal with the pain like a white man should
I'll post scar pics of the crush wound if y'all won't dox

we got the same party in australia

source pls.jpg

I swear on my soul
Also if I remember correctly you can upload pictures to file sharing sites like Imgur, then re-download them so that they don't carry an encryption.

It's good to see that there are still those on this board who adhere to the lesser recognized aspects of NatSoc philosophy. Indeed it is an appreciation and care for the environment that is the easiest way to root out neo-cons and (((crypto))) right wingers. Their careless disregard for the environment is a dead give away to deeper levels of tainted thinking that reflect a destructive semitic mindset.


Weren't these trees cut down some years ago?

Whether or not there is a God. We can't treat everything as a wildlife preserve or a conservation process. Things that live aren't all to be just units of our profits, we need wilderness to walk through it, but not in it. We need nature to awe us and humble us.
One day we will leave this planet to the stars, shall we reduce it to mined out pits and mounds, or a reflection of our nature?

Heil Truth

Make sure the kid is big enough to do all the loading for you.

It was actually ten rivers, apologies.
Some more statistics that will make you race aware
Check the 'human-nature relationship' graph on the last one, very telling.

One day in the far future we will be able to have entire planets for dedicated wildlife preserves. The thought fills me with joy.

Kikes own all that is speeding up climate change. Climate change is part of (((their))) plot to kill off Whites by making it too hot for us as well as increasing cancer rates that will effect us the worst. This will allow niggers to have an advantage. We can't let this happen!

We need to reclaim environmentalism. It's always been a concern of the right, really it is the left who appropriated environmentalism from us. National-socialism was strongly connected to Lebensreform movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Racial preservation and improvement goes hand in hand with environmental conservation. It just shows how ethically and politically bankrupt modern day conservatism is that they don't care about the environment at all.

The climate always changes you dumb fuck. Post pollution comes from eastern countries but whites get blamed and taxed for it.

Not falling for your deceptions, yid. Climate change happens naturally but carbon emissions from (((oil))) and (((natural gas)) and (((coal))) accelerate it and push it beyond the natural course.

Love for one's homeland is a core belief common to every branch of fascism. A love for you homeland means that you are willing to take care of it's environment. Fascism is the form of government that best emulates natural order and harmony with the world around you, for this to happen we must protect the environment. So, yes, I think Fascists/NatSoc should care massively for the environment. Historically, this has been true. Germany pioneered some of the first environmental protection laws and managed to be both industrialised and environmentally friendly. Also, OP, where is that source for the water pollution? Would like to use for redpill material.

The thing about non-white destruction of the environment, is that it is inherently self-destructive. India is poisoning the Ganges, which the majority of their population subsist on. Eventually the toxins will reach critical level where it actually starts killing of the Indians. The problem is the huge amount of environmental damage that would occur after this happened. In Australia, our western and northern coastal ecosystems are dying due to toxins from Indonesia and India.

Northern Territory could have doubled the arable land Australia possesses if the Abos didn't burn it to the ground. This tropical rainforest also pushed the Savannas further south, so there's that as well.

Don't worry schlomo, I plan too

I'm not really a fan of war and violence, but this is a pretty good point. Killing people to preserve the world for your children and their children seem like a good reason for foreign intervention.

I think that any future interstellar human civilisation should work towards de-industrialising Earth to bring it back to a more natural state (early 1800s). Earth would become some sort of cultural centre filled with historical remnants and nature.

Not counting Macedonia, the first time a white city is on that list is 345, for Poland. In 450 most polluted cities, 4 of them are white. Also, the Amur river is in Russia, so it is white. Although, with the way the Chinese have taken over that area, I would not be surprised if this was their fault. Here is a good argument for "muh white countries have more pollution per capita": GDP.
GDP is the value of goods a country produces per year. So, if a nation can produce 1 million dollars of stuff and release 1 ton of CO2, it does better than a nation that produces 1 million dollars of stuff and releases 10 tons of CO2. To find out which countries are the most polluting, we should be using per GDP ratios not per capita. The US, for example, is one of the worst nations for pollution per capita, but they also have a far greater GDP per capita, which means that they are producing more things than another nation, so they should have a higher level of pollution.

This. Maybe we should try to launch a protest against some form of pollution? Try to choose our target without bias, this will show we care about the environment and not just the race of the perpetrator.


It was actually 95% from 10 rivers, but the point still stands in a pretty resolute way


I seriously hope that everything works out how we want it to and in the future they can follow this philosophy. I fully support the idea of Earth being covered in protected areas, with the few inhabited places being either tourist or small white earth indigenous agrarian towns, and all cities being heavily integrated into nature.
It's nice to imagine but unfortunately there's a lot of things to fix before colonising space becomes a reality.
Cultural Marxists and shitskins would prefer money going to gibs than funding NASA/space exploration.

If you love the environment, do not support mass agriculture. It is the death of nature. Thousand acre fields don't create the biodiversity needed for the insects that feed the small mammalia and upland birds. These creatures then feed the predators.
The herbicides and pesticides run off into the waterways and damage the ecosystems in the small waterways and ponds that would usually host heaps of muskrats which then feed the mink, otter, predatory birds, wild candids and more.

Large scale farmers are welfare whores and nothing but. Prices go down, grow more, meanwhile the government subsidizes them.
Because they grow more than the demand requires due to shit prices we have to figure out what to do with the excess. That's when get soy filled foods, high fructose corn syrup and ethanol. All are literal wastes of the white man's efforts and time.

I've never seen a colored in the woods but have seen plenty of hmong. Them hmoobs lack any sense of conservation.

Damn right, brother.

Randomly (((putting)) the wrong number of parens ((around))))) words now Schlomo? The climate change myth is specifically created to distract from the actual environmental problems by getting everyone to focus on reducing a beneficial gas that's atmospheric level is dangerously low.

We need trees, lots of them. Lots of big trees. They not only store carbon but freshwater.

A question for you Holla Forums, has there ever been a war fought for environmental reasons, at any point in history?
I'd be really surprised if there hasn't been, it's just not something you ever hear about.


a war against Religion of Cuck™ would be an environmentalist war
preventing the plague from spreading further

This thread gets a bump.

Does anyone know of any useful software for land planning? I am trying to design a small village for some people who want to live like this, but I don't know anything about this stuff. I tried sketchup but it is too stupid to even be able to show area in acres instead of ft2, much less let me draw a ellipse that is constrained to an area like 100 acres.

Cheers. Also, isn't the Amur in Russia?

I did some research into this a while back. I read a while back on this site that Blacks recieve 400 billion in welfare. For just 10 years of this amount, we could have terraformed Mars. Think about this: the US could have created an entirely new habitable world and secured the existence of humankind if blacks didn't exist. We could have nuclear fusion for just a fraction of this amount. We could already be exploring our solar system if we weren't burdened by gibs.

Sort of? The French Revolution and resulting Napoleonic Wars was caused by a chronic shortage in food that resulted in the dissatisfaction of the peasantry and lead to a revolution. This shortage of food was caused by the "Year Without Summer" which in tern was caused by a volcanic eruption. It's only been recently we learnt about environmental impacts and ecosystems, so if any problem was caused because of another country's destruction of the environment we didn't have the knowledge to blame them.

Not even remotely close. It would take hundreds of years at 400 billion a year. This isn't star trek. You need terawatts of power to heat the core of mars constantly being supplied. How do you plan to do that?

Environmentalism is what drove me to the far right.


I'm glad that this place still has a percentage of users that want to preserve the environment not only for fear of its absence in the near future, but because of its natural and incredible beauty that spreads throughout the world. One of the main tenets of Natsoc/Fascism is preserving your land and nature, Devi expanded more on this on her books. I recommend reading "Impeachment of Man" by Devi, she gives a noble reason on why to preserve the environment. crony capitalist MAGA shills and commieshits will never understand the blessing feeling nature provides to man

By not being a blackpilled nigger like you

You aren't even making an effort Schlomo.

Late but better than never

Thanks for that user.

infographs could use some work

The estimated cost to terraform Mars is 3 trillion. This amount will be spent over a time period of a hundred years. As for the core problem, I would assume that nuclear fusion would be enough to reheat the core. You could also place electromagnets on the surface.

I originally was left-wing, partly because I thought they cared for the environment. I got into a lot of arguments with other lefties over things like immigration and environmental policies (here I realised that these people gave no shits about the environment). Eventually I was drawn to the far-right and now I am here.

Every now and then I hear on the local news that plastic is destroying our Great Barrier reef. These careless hordes are poisoning what is quite literally the most biodiverse location on Earth. And mainstream media keeps telling us that it's our fault, when the plastic so obviously came from Asia. They say that "our" plastic is destroying the reef and show a photo of a plastic bag with a label written in Indonesian. It's just as bad on the west coast, their beach ecosystems are being poisoned by toxins from India.

By toxins you mean shit , right?
That's shit man

The funniest thing to do when people mention "toxins" is ask them: "Which ones?"

By who? Just because some kike makes up a number doesn't make it meaningful. Look at the actual problem posed, then look at the proposed solution, and then look at what that would cost. Nobody even gets to step 1, they just jump to making up a random number.

And you are proving my point. "Oh, well I never actually thought about what is involved or why mars has no atmosphere in the first place, I guess we can just use magic power we don't have the ability to produce?". The earth has a molten core because of tidal heating. That is how we got all this CO2, water and nitrogen out of the core and onto the surface. The cost of just getting to mars is estimated at 1.5 trillion on the low end, how the fuck do you think you could get there and then melt the core of the planet for only double that?

Shut it shillstein. You can't increase oxygen if you're putting out too much carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Deforestation needs to be stopped too.

What white man doesn't love trees. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, they have so many wonderful uses even if you don't log them.

Yes, you can increase oxygen and CO2. In fact, unless you actively prevent it by massively exterminating plant life, increasing CO2 levels correspondingly increases O2 levels. If you don't understand the topic you are trying to shill about, stick to your script.

That, but also industrial pollutants and blood. Mainly poo, though. Designated Shitting Ocean and all that.

No way is that the cost of getting to mars. Even high estimates put the number at around 10 billion, a fraction of the cost to terraform the planet. Look, I was just going of what NASA predicted. I don't know why the kikes would want to lie about the terraforming costs, if anything they would exaggerated the costs to make the goyim not want to go to space. If you have an alternative price, I would be happy to hear it.

The worst thing about "high causes" such as environmentalism in our modern commercial clownworld is that they are always ingenuine and half-measured. The solution my council came up with to reduce waste emissions was to force a monthly subscription to a third "green" bin which will be dumped into landfill anyway, the carbon spent in transportation is probably more than that which would be conserved. And yet they are self-congratulating on their high-minded and leading effort to "save the environment". It's the sort of egotistical half-measure that urbanites and demagogues come up with to appeal to lesser egotists. They only serve a political and masturbatory purpose to adopt pretense and beurocratic busywork

If you love your people, naturally you'll fight to protect the wellbeing of their environment.

Yes, it is the estimated cost.

Kikes want you to give them money on bogus "space program" bullshit that goes nowhere and serves no purpose. We can't even keep earth habitable, how the fuck do you think we can make mars habitable? The figure is hundreds of trillions of dollars. You need to permanently generate terrawatts of power. Just generating 1 TW of power here on earth is 780 billion dollars a year. The cost of getting the materials to make such a huge nuclear facility on mars is tens of trillions on its own.

I have no idea where you are getting your figures. 10 billion? Show me anywhere anyone is claiming that. The fucking moon landing cost 25 billion, not accounting for inflation.

All this space fantasy shit does is make people complacent about destroying earth, thinking we can just make a new one. We can't, and we likely never will be able to. We need to spend our resources saving the planet we have, not giving it to kikes to play fantasy spaceman with.

Nice to see you again old YTMND fad/meme.

economics is for gays, that's why we need fascism

Could you be more obvious? Fuck off back to your containment board.

National Socialism is to life what communism, capitalism and their relations are to death. It fosters an understanding of the environment and how we are part of nature, not adjacent or merely having access to it. We share our land and lifetime with an awe inspiring array of animals and plants that aid our survival and increase our prosperity. The sheer magnificence of the planet has been inspiration for much of our civilization's greatest works and technological advances. We are and always will be shaped by both the natural and social environment we inhabit.

For these reasons it is of the utmost importance that we safeguard this for future generations. We have seen what the unchecked hedonism of previous eras and their dominating ideologies have meant for our natural treasures. Animals driven to extinction, landscapes changed beyond recognition; all for the purpose of advancement. As with usury in general, the cost of this consumption has been overwhelming; a debt we cannot afford to repay. It has and will continue to be a noose around our necks. Unless the right action is taken we are destined to feel that noose tighten until it suffocates us.

The ultimate solution is an extension of the social aims which were adopted by Germany and elsewhere, applied to the environment with the same detail and mutually compatible with the latter. The third world and particularly its upstarts, China and India, are an obstacle. We cannot successfully preserve and restore when these beings are relentlessly damaging the planet at an alarming pace. Securing the future of our children means securing their environment and to do that we must eradicate all threats. Genocide and depopulation are not merely an option but a necessity.

It is an immense challenge that requires reassessing our choices day-to-day and long term in regards to how we live, what example we set and the action we take to facilitate our end goal. White and green are the colors of our future prosperity. The Asian Century will only bring suffering, degradation and destruction of our civilization and environment. We must oppose the economic, social and environmental developments which help them and hinder us; and this is not as simple as it may appear, for our eternal foe are as always seeking to tip the scales in their favor.

It is evident that much of the mainstream supposedly 'green' collective are merely reds pretending to be green and using the environment as a front for extortion. What they take from us they give to their pet causes which only accelerate our decline. National Socialist environmentalism is smart environmentalism. We can champion what is genuinely green but also efficient and improves our quality of life; in essence a 'white/green' solution.

Any comments or questions so far?

If anyone wants to discuss topics like living off-grid, farming, generating electricity, raising communities on one board I created /offgrid/ for this purpose. We need more traffic.

There's like 30 boards for that purpose, all of which have 6 posts in the last 3 years. The way this site is designed is self-defeating, new boards can't find an audience so they never show up so they don't find an audience.

Agreed. Problem is, it's difficult to support so many billions of people without these methods. While I don't necessarily think the Earth is overpopulated, certainly it could support many more if only thanks to technologies mainly from whites, it does seem we have far too many fuckers running around.

The first statement proves that it is. We're artificially propping up a population that we can't sustain. We rely on consuming finite resources to maintain our current population. When those resources run out, billions will die. The longer we drag this process out, the worse the resulting world will be for the people who do survive. Hopefully India's habit of using last resort antibiotics in their livestock and their complete lack of basic hygiene will result in a pandemic that brings population levels down.

I was hoping Ebola would thin Africa, and then spread to the Middle East and India. The level of population growth isn't sustainable and mother nature has a way of balancing things out at least.
Through climate change, apparently there's going to be biblical droughts in Africa and millions will die so here's hoping.

The hivemind is real.

The kikes shut that shit the fuck down when anons were successfully meming the death of Africa of Ebola, complete fucking blackout. It'd be funny to fuck with them again.

I hope the next 'Ebola' is more successful. I've seen people posting about race specific bio weapons the Israelis supposedly have to get rid of the Arabs for their greater Israel plan, but I don't know how much of that is genuine tinfoil and how much is Mossad propaganda.
I know that people reckon race specific bio weapons are definitely a possibility. If Europeans were able to harness them to rid the world of the people who destroy it most then it would be a brilliant thing to happen.
Another thing to consider is the level of aid Africa receives which has pushed their birth rate to such high levels, if that was cut then naturally it would decline. The downside of this is cultural Marxists would see Africans starving, and push for more aid, even though it's actually nature correcting the birth rate. Even if they didn't call for more aid, this doesn't fix India and China unfortunately.

China and India need their own Ebolas.


The Ganges and Chinese air pollution might cause something. I hope.
The Ganges is full of shit and decomposing bodies, yet street shitters bathe in it, it's like a petri dish just waiting for some big virus to come along.

ofcourse, the Syrian conflict, atleast in part.
Israel captured Golan and shut off much of the water supply for irrigation to Syria. The media kikes claim the war is largely due to "crop failure because global warming", but really it is "crop failure because jews are jewing."

go back to lurking, 2 years should be enough

They're conditioning themselves. When WW3 is over all that will be left is cockroaches and radioactive poos.


That's not exactly a conservational war though, that's about control of resources which is pretty much what every war in history has been.
The question was have any been fought for environmental reasons, as in, to preserve nature

I don't really agree. Everyone is Mormon which leads to everyone being submissive cucks. Most of the state is just a desert. Tons of spics and other brownos, especially near the big cities. Most of the nice wooded land is closer to the city. There are a few areas that are nice and gun laws are great. I just fear that the bean scourge is not being contested enough. How long until nowhere is safe from them?

Your logic is flawed. Diverting rivers → Nature in Syria is turned to desert, and the environment destroyed. If your reasoning is valid in the case of Syria then no wars can possibly be environmental. If someone were to make war on India and Pakistan with the explicit reason that they are polluting the rivers with microplastic, your faulty logic would lead to it just being a war for control of resources, ie, clean water.

100% agree. I've found it's a lot easier to bring over white cuckservatives by bringing up energy independence and pride in our country's environment rather than selling the emotional drivel.

That's destroying the environment though, not conserving it. A war to stop pollution isn't about owning the resource, it's simply to stop the pollution. The hypothetical war you discussed isn't primarily about controlling clean water.

Yes my man, that's why Obergrupenfuhrer Darre pushed family farm permaculture/polyculture and won Hitler the election with the peasant vote.

I'm jumping into the middle of your discussion without context to reply to this statement: how would you stop pollution without taking control of the resource? Surely leaving it in the hands of streetshitters is gonna result in a second shittening.


"We have to have an environmental economy" bill mollison.

We need to get serious about permaculture and agroforestry. Thos are the only things that can save this planet. Pic related. All of thos trees are apples, plum, chestnuts, hazelnuts, elderberries, plums, cherries, etc etc. all valuable plants on a farm scale in an ecological model. if we can transition from corn to agroforestry we will be okay. if not RIP.

been up like 30 hours. i meant to say pears instead of saying plums twice rofl.

This picture is of the midwest. a screenshot i took from google maps of the ILL and IN. hundreds of thousands of acres with nothing but corn, erosion, and chemicals.

Being in control, yes but exploiting no. Israel diverting rivers is exploiting nature, not conserving it.
Going to war with India and Pakistan to stop them polluting rivers, after the war yes we control the environment but exploiting, no

That's dystopian, just in a different way


That image was like being red pilled all over again

That would be me. Observing the various activities of even the simplest-looking of animals uncovers a world before your eyes you didn't even know existed.

fucking lol thanks for the keks user.

There is no (((climate change))) dude, jesus. It is a fucking tax grab, and there is absolutely no evidence to support it. Even the basic premise is unproven, look at the data. We've supposedly increased the global average temperature by 0.6 degrees in the last 150 years. But the margin of error on the global average temperature data we have from the 1800s is like 3 degrees.

Bill is full of shit, sorry to break it to you. He doesn't even make a living on his "farm", and its just as artificial as a corn farm in Iowa. He makes his living selling a lie to people who want to believe there's a way to keep farms but just change them a little. There is not. Farms have to go. People need to grow their own food.

National Socialism actually got its start as the Green Movement of Germany. It was an environmentalist faction within the greater Marxist groups. They dropped Marxism for Euro-style communism.

Also, I haven’t agreed to anything, and she is mad at me why admin? What did you tell her?

Division of labor buddy, wouldn’t hurt you to pick up any text on economics, as they all cover this.

Litterlay Hitler, I´m actualy serious.
He passed the first enviromental protection laws, the Reichsnaturschutzgesetz in the 26. June 1935.

The OP meant who among us.

1. Fascist and NatSoc are not interchangeable. Learn the difference before posting here.

2. It is impossible to be NatSoc without also being an environmentalist. Not an (((environmentalist))), but a real environmentalist.

>oy vey goyim! you must listen to (((economists))) tell you how to live! people can't provide for themselves, they have to destroy nature and give us the profits!

The spirit of Hitler is among us.

Indeed and imagine how his people will feel when Europe is exposed to it.

You do realize that the NSDAP was one of the first environmentalist and pro-animal rights party in Europe right? What you say you are is the default position of NatSoc

I meant to respond to OP

They already have one, its called Malaria.

Slightly related, do any Anons have any advice on getting some kind of conservation/forestry jobs? About to move back home, and I'd like to get a job preserving the beauty of my homeland.

It's nice to know that Holla Forums has plenty of new blood

take the green pill and accept fagism as your savior

Good goys. Need to make sure the goys are consuming their daily carcinogens.

Thankfully there are surprisingly few niggers here. Beaners are quickly becoming a problem though, they are turning large portions of the state into shitholes as we speak.

Fuck off shill.

You know, if we stopped funding said shitholes, be it with gibs or by playing in their mercantilistic policies because muh free market, this wouldn't last long. The world needs to isolate Africa, or just sterilize all Africans.

There is no argument against ve ganism. If you have one feel free to provide it. But virtually every single time someone attempts it all they can end up doing is linking biased studies funded by the diary and meat industry who only cares about money and shoving as much garbage as they can into your body.

No one actually shills for ve ganism because it isn't profitable for the jews. There's a reason why it's still laughed off by even hardcore tranny communists. The left hates ve ganism, the right hates ve ganism, jews hate ve ganism, corporations hate ve ganism. Learn to live frugally and stop giving money to kikes so they can brutally torture animals. Or at the very least buy meat from a local ethical butcher. Put some effort in.

If ve ganism was truly a means to damage you, the kikes would have jumped on it and been forcing it down your throat by now.

I don't hate fagism any more than I hate keto diets, I just know enough about Nutrition to say: you do not know much about Nutrition at all.
fagism is unrealistic and without supps you are depleting your body of minerals, over time, and by the time you hurt enough to notice it your brain might be degenerating from the lack.

Absolute ve ganism is unrealistic yes. I should be arguing for vegetarianism instead. Either way the principle of less meat and diary consumption is still valid.

The only real issues with vegnanism that I'm aware of is choline consumption and vitamin B, both of which non-ve gans tend to be deficient in anyways which kind of makes it a retarded argument against ve ganism.

If you have some unknown knowledge about other issues that you can run into with ve ganism feel free to share instead of making ominous shit-posts claiming everyone around you is just stupid without substantiating anything you're saying.

Caring for your surroundings is a part of being white. I've seen many gooks and nogs which live in absolute filth without even realizing it.

Check this video out for some ideas on the Next Economy.

Vegetarian > fagism

Wait you think killing all plant life will raise oxygen levels? Kek Nice try.

You could. You would have a hard time arguing against milk and eggs though.

Indeed, the only reason meat eaters get enough various b vitamins is due to fortification of grain products at the primary processing stage.

I know full well the issues with mass meat farming, destroying food products because subsidies, sending and wasting food to subhuman shitholes (perpetuating their starving high populations and also deincentivizing self sufficiency) and the huge waste of restaurants of all qualities.
Humans are not herbivores. It is possible to live a maximum health lifestyle while only having access to meat 5-8 months a year. Humans must also eat berries and fruits, vegetables and legumes, nuts and seeds, and a variety of herbs and spices is beneficial for psychological wellbeing.
I've not encountered a viable fag nutrition plan that is possible without mass agriculture farming and access to a dense urban area where various vegetables and fruits are available 12 months of the year.
In addition, raw food is not an option for most food types, and is not a preferrable option for many foods if you only eat them raw. Soy and its derivatives should also never be consumed, yet it is even recommended by some fag and vegetarian diets.
Could a vegeterian, even fag eat well? Yes. Could a selective fag/vegetarian (eating animal products only in times of scarcity) live a perfectly healthy life without access to urban densities and mass agriculture? Yes.
Do most nutrition plans that recommend fag/vegetarian options really take into account all the risks and dangers without negating the moral positives? No.
If you must access mass agriculture that destroys habitats and poisons the land to eat your fag lifestyle, you are only virtue signalling. If you must supplement for risk of falling into deficiency within less than a third of a year, then you are not eating well. If it is impossible to eat your diet without living in an area that has foreign foods from distant places delivered and subsidized, then it is not good.
Were humans for any length of time vegetarian by choice? No.
Dairy, fish, eggs, or meat, when available, were eaten by every known human civilization or settlement known to history.
That one can point to outliers as proof something is true, is not an argument. There are fag bodybuilders that claim no steroids no supplements, they look massive and cut. There are sickly thin or sickly obese meat eaters too.
Government recommended diets of heavy grains and avoiding saturated fats are destructive.
Saturated fat is good for the human body.


I agree with most of what you're saying. I hastily jump on ve ganism as a sort of hyperbole and I definitely shouldn't. I'm much more in favor of arguing for less meat and dairy consumption and more organic means of producing meat than I am in favor of absolute dogmatic ve ganism. But arguing specifically for "eating less meat and dairy" doesn't really translate into a real world change in their diet for laymen. The best method tends to be convincing people to become ethical vegetarians, then working back from there.

You are doing gods work user.
If anyone brings up eating less red meat though, I have to point out how saturated fat is good for you and a diet of only saturated fat has not shown any negative benefits (when it isnt based on fried foods) while a diet of only unsaturated fats has (hormone imbalances).
If you want to fight the fight you're fighting more intensely, remember chicken is meat.
Check out how mass chicken is farmed. Specifically, not the eggs. Just see how the chickens are gotten from where they are kept to the part where you have boneless skinless chicken breasts.
It's a heck of a ride, more fucked than how cattle is herded in dustbowl conditions.

shills are a vocal minority; they seem a lot bigger than they are

Nice leet digits and nice OP. Fun fact. Not only do jews hate the natural world, they actually view honest environmentalists like yourself to be more of a threat than Nazis or NeoNazis

Yes there is. You will die. You absolutely require B12 and you can not get it from plants.
Yes it is. Kikes push it constantly, so that people become weak and effeminate.
It isn't, they are the biggest group of fags there is you moron.
They are. Look at every fucking fag shilling site on the net.

Learn to read you fucking retard.

As it should be, fag.

Take but leave more to take
Also enjoy beef it's good for the brain

Then why the shit don't you. Its about 50 times more palitable and doesn't have the sanctamonious stigma faganism has. Battery hen farms are on their way out and most other non meat production is fairly low stress on the animals.

People who eat meat are consistently found to be deficient in B12 as well. It's is not a ve gan problem and B12 supplements are recommended to everyone in the western world who wants to be healthy. You are not likely to reach healthy levels of B12 just through a diet heavy in meat and dairy.

You can keep saying this but it doesn't make it true. If it was being shilled you would see the effect of the shilling in the world. But the left still despises ve ganism. It's laughed off and made fun of by almost everyone in the western world regardless of politics.

So you're saying that you legitimately believe people are more susceptible to being convinced to chop their dicks off and feeding their children medicine that fucks up their hormones so they look like girls than they are susceptible to being convinced to eat less meat and dairy products.

Do you understand how fucking retarded you sound?

Hyperbolic mistakes on my part discussed here

I just ate a steak, but those gifs are making me hungry.

legumes user

you must be a different user than the other one posting
dairy is good for you, so is meat
your solution of straight up telling people to eat less , regardless of sources, is not a solution to anything except a healthy nutrition intake

This is such an unbelievably relative statement that it's fucking retarded. Stop saying stupid shit.

Vegetarianism is not entirely about health. The point is not whether meat and dairy are healthy, the point is about principles and ethics. You can eat all kinds of diets and remain healthy. It's autistic to argue about the minute differences between various healthy diets because the impact is minimal. Yes you can be incredibly healthy and still eat a metric fuck-ton of chicken every day. You can be just as healthy doing the vegetarian equivalent (which there are).

The meat and dairy industry are incredibly unethical. The problems I have with meat consumption are that most people disagree with the practices that go on in the industry on a fundamental level and have very real alternatives but refuse to change because they are weak willed brainlets who can't go a week without a burger.

Telling someone to make sure that they buy from a local ethical butcher is not going to radically change the behaviors of millions of people to fuck over the jews that torture and slaughter billions of animals every year. They'll think to themselves "sure, I'll see if I have a local ethical butcher around", then forget about it and move on.

For someone posting on pol you seem to lack a lot of basic understanding about the counter-productive nature of centrism. I guess we'll call it willful ignorance because giving up those mass produced ground up baby chick tendies is difficult.

My second steak is pretty good.

If you have to lie to try to support your position, then you are obviously wrong.
No they are not. It is absolutely a fag problem.
Yes you are. A little 3 oz "serving" of beef is 90% of your intake on its own. Don't be a retard.
We do. The left is full of fags and constantly promotes this myth that everyone needs to stop eating meat so we can feed more immigrants.
Repeating it won't make it true.
What the fuck are you babbling about?

Legumes have no b12, that's why fags have to take supplements you knob.

If anything happened to Africa like this the first thing that would happen is that mainstream media would blame those evil high polluting western countries for continuing to hold the black man down to strike up guilt to allow the Africans to come to Europe for "humanitarian" purposes.

This. It is honest to god becoming toxic to all life. The pollution on that river is so high that it is poisoning the environment as far north as Nepal. The Indians have no form of water filtration, it would just take one new virus to devastate their population.


Even here in Pozland New England, apple picking is decidedly a white activity. I went in late September and even just 45 mins out of Boston it's like teleporting back in time. Kids on Dad's shoulders picking apples from top branches, people waiting patiently in long lines to get fresh hot apple donuts out of the oven, fresh local milk, honey, and preserves for sale. Good stuff. 99% white. If any anons are stuck in urban shitholes, find an orchard and go.

I grew up in a beach town with one of the largest and first public beaches in the USA. Presidents used to vacation there and even Disney eyed it for a park in the early days. Today it's like fucking Rio. Once the summer hits you can barely get near the place on a nice day unless you are willing to sit in traffic behind pimped out piece of shit Honda Civics packed with 8 beaners each blasting music, and when you get there, good luck finding a peaceful spot.

But on rainy, foggy days when I think it is most beautiful there isn't a non-white in sight. Except around the welfare office which is just feet from the shoreline. Maybe its the eternal Anglo in me, but I love those dreary days when the ocean is grey and the waves pick up. My grandparents used to take me down to watch the waves hit the breakers on these stormy days since I could barely walk.

Now it's a run down dump and the Irish/Italian majority population that held on for so long through multiple waves of immigrants over the last 40 years is quietly moving north as store fronts written in Arabic are starting to appear in the once typical Main St. USA center of town. I don't even go there anymore despite living 15 mins away. It's fucking depressing.

polite sage for blogpost

I'm surprised that there hasn't been an epidemic in India yet, there's got to be some way to work out when and what will happen

bump for the environment

true, Probably meant b6 which is found in potatoes lentils and pinto beans

Your logic is incorrect.
Here is why.
If everything you said was true, and it is not. Then for the same reasons you shouldn't participate in most of society. You enable child trafficking, tax corruption, and military interventionism by voting and paying taxes.
If you disagree then you can't make that type of argument for meat and dairy eating. It is possible to buy local. It is possible to aim for ethical consumption.
If you're worried about the typical normie that will just jump at mcdonalds after a "hard day" then you wouldn't be advocating anything hard at all.

I'm an Ivy-league environmental engineer. I am fully white nationalist and I know more about the environment than virtually anyone I meet.

I've witnessed the environmental damage that unregulated industry causes not only to the ecosystems, but also the people living there. I've seen soil with a higher concentration of zinc than zinc ore itself. I've sampled groundwater that had so much hexavalent chromium in it that basically anyone who consumes it regularly is guaranteed to get cancer at some point in their lives, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Pretty much all of these communities are composed primarily of working class whites. These environmental issues are not the result of some nigger-tier mismanagement but rather, the negligent or malicious actions of a corporate entity that performed some sort of work in the area.

I am not against industry, but these environmental disasters could have been avoided through careful and well-informed regulation while still providing the economic benefit of that industry to the area.

The fact of the matter is that these environmental issues will not be cleaned up any time soon (there is no money or resources for this) because many of the entities responsible for them have long gone bankrupt. These sites are managed by the EPA Superfund but again, their resources are stretched thing and are limited. This is not a matter of litigation because the scale of these disasters is far larger than any amount of money you can extract from the parties responsible. The victims are often innocent whites and the damage (because much of it is developmental) is rarely reversible.

Racial unity and eugenics. A country of high quality people of a single race would solve all these environmental issues. Regulation itself is not enough. Only regulation by the right people, of the right people.

Here in Australia they're trying to convince people that 400m2 blocks are huge. That's barely enough room for a proper sized house. No gardens because apparently "people don't want those anymore, they want indoor areas". Makes me sick to the core that the last saving grace of our suburbs, the fact that they are full of trees, is being pulled out by development cunts. Now there's not even going to be any room. Next it'll be fucking Japanese tube buildings for the local bugmen.

Ow the edge.

Out, 4cuck.

I've been staring at that painting for several minutes. It really does it for me.

/liberty/ actually.

Stay uninformed, my pagan LARPing friend.

How cute. I remember when I argued vehemently for libertarian principles. I was good at it. For the most part libertarians/ancaps/etc… are on point philosophically, but reality doesn't give a fuck about our principles, thus there is something missing in the libertarian worldview that will never allow its physical manifestation.

There are no rights but what you can enforce. The more disagreement in the world, the more force necessary. The more homogeneous, the less force necessary. People and Fatherland are the most basic guiding principles of National Socialism, and this conforms perfectly with reality. All animals practice this set of principles. Every creature wants to defend its own, and necessarily trust is low for "the other", because others have their own loyalties.

People within their own nations can adopt whatever customs they want within the framework of "People and Fatherland", including the NAP (non-aggression principle) - though whites are the only group genetically likely to accomplish that. Of course, being so informed, you probably think National Socialism is just… socialism.

christcucks confirmed shills

I honestly hate how environmental issues and policy is owned politically by the left, it is a breath of fresh air to see people here that actually care and want to talk about it. I thought many here couldn't give a rats arse.

Video related on how much China bullshits.

I believe that the city need to be illegal because they are harmful to the spiritual health.

Any true nationalist cares for their environment and does what they can to keep it intact. This applies not just in the FEELS sort of way, but the actual pragmatic utilitarian way. Keeping the countryside beautiful is essential to remind people that what they have is precious and that it needs to be protected, including from outsiders who will despoil it. People stop caring about things once they're polluted or built up enough to the point they're corrupted. That's only natural. Look at the Thames or the Mississippi River, for example. They used to be landmarks, things people drew identity from. Now they're just polluted sludge piles no one gives a damn about, and so they ignore them.

If the Grand Canyon were full of garbage and Mexicans, no one would visit it and no one would care what happened to it. But because they're maintained, they're an international landmark. So for all intents and purposes, environmentalism is pretty much the crown jewel of nationalism, and especially white nationalism.

Also: Farming is fun and you should try it if you haven't already.

Well, that's good to know and will surely not give me nightmares. I live in a city that's partially agrarian, so what can people like me do to test and fix the local area?

I've got some gardening/farming books queued up in time for winter to give way to spring. I think it's an essential skill, and I'm embarrassed to not really know anything about it, especially so late in my youth, but that's a problem that afflicts so many of us today. Good post, btw.

It's never too late to learn. I didn't start growing tomatoes until I was 18, and there's people in their 30s just now figuring it out. One of the more interesting things that my city does is it rents out plots of land within city limits so that people can do some hobby farming. So for like $10/mo, you can grow whatever you want inside a huge greenhouse. This is for people who don't have a backyard or enough acreage to really do anything. Other cities have copied the idea, so you might want to do some searching and find out if there's any rentable greenhouses near you (assuming you live in an apartment).

If you're lucky enough to have a house with a backyard, then head to the local hardware store and pick up some seeds, top soil, mulch, fertilizer, and have at it. Seed packs actually have instructions printed on the back these days, it's idiot-proof. The only major thing to worry about will be when to water and insects. Tomatoes grow great where I live for example, but if I get lazy the caterpillars and moths will eat them all before I can. So you should figure out what you want to grow, then find out what local insects will attack your crops and how to counter them. You can get all that information for free from your local agricultural department if you live in the States.

Most people nowadays dont even understand what environmentalism is about, because the media kikes have distorted the meaning so much.
In the last 15 years they shifted all the attention towards this CO2 bullshit, thats both impossible to change and nicely taxable. All you hear about is muh global warming climate change and ironically at the same time anti-nuclear.

When was the last time someone gave a flying fuck about cleaning up polluted waterways, some literally dead because some jew is too stingy to pay for proper waste treatment `?
The cities are just as bad, fucking shit-tier graffiti everywhere, trashcans overflowing, city center just rotting to shit while new buildings sprawl out into sub-suburbs, but personally the most disgusting is also the most jewish thing, goddamn advertising everywhere.
Its such an eyesore, whereever you look every bit of open space is plastered with some utterly useless drivel, begging for the attention of some consumerist drone.

I'm in central Alaska, so I've more land than I know what to do with. My growing season here is pretty short, but the weather is great in summer, with an insane amount of daylight.

I appreciate the tips. There's not a whole lot of bugs to deal with up here, but I know aphids are common. Saw a family member deal with them by releasing ladybugs.

Something I've been wanting to do was extend the growing season. Perhaps with a walipini + rocket mass heater.

You cant secure an existence for our people and a future for while children if you fuck the planet to the point where no white people can live on it in the future.
I hate it when I hear people say "Well thats like 200 years from now so Ill be dead, what do I care?"

Doubtful, it would collapse just like the US is now, there has never been a successful Fascist government in history. National Socialism is not truly Fascism as it’s not a civic agreement, it’s national.

What you fags do to me doesn’t change the fact that I destroyed your empire before you could even get it off the ground. Let the hate flow, I won years ago.

That Keynesnesian and the Fabian argument. You’re not a real human being to the Fabian socialists, just an economic unit to be used and stored for recharging.

National Socialism is something that needs to be encouraged for Socialists everywhere. Even letting them know that they can form their own nation of blue haired and whatever’s, so they aren’t kvetching about you being a tyrant.

The first step you should take is to look at historical records to determine if there was any sort of large scale industrial operation conducted in the area. Smelting, tanning, any sort of manufacturing. This should be coupled with understanding the time period when this industrial activity was occurring (so you know the regulations and processes during that time). Often harmful chemicals are only banned/regulated decades after the factory goes under.

Once you identify what a possible source of pollution could be, identify which chemicals that sort of industry is often associated with. For example, if there's zinc smelting, you'll have a lot of zinc precipitate downwind of the smelter as well as a high soil lead content due to zinc ore containing a considerable amount of lead.

Once you have identified a possible chemical and where it might be, take soil samples and groundwater samples (depending on depth, or if your town even uses groundwater) in the areas where large scale farming is occurring and areas where you believe the contamination might be. Send them to a lab that specializes in this sort of testing.

Sampling is difficult and time consuming so before you do the above, try to find already published literature that discusses possible pollutants in the area since this was probably conducted on a large scale already as your town is heavily agrarian. If there is absolutely nothing that could be found online or from the regulatory body in your country (if you aren't from the US), then I would go ahead with the sampling. If you are in the US, look for an EPA designated superfund site in your area (they have a map of these and they're extensively studied already).

White Supremacist and Environmentalist here. I share your concerns regarding the preservation of nature and our future.
Many Whites do not give 2 fucks about nature because they are fully absorbed in the judeo-Zeitgeist (globalism, consumerism, multiracialism, etc.). Almost all of the factors that contribute to our environmental problems have a shared origin, the jewish race.
If you want to remove a weed, you must destroy the roots, otherwise you are only temporarily masking the problem until more come around next time. For us, the time has come to salt the earth around these weeds.

good advice

Or better yet, don't buy a bunch of garbage containing ground up condoms and diapers and just do it yourself. Make a big ass pile of leaves, grass, kitchen scraps, weeds, etc. Make it wet. Turn it in 2 weeks. In another 2 weeks spread it out where you want your garden to be and plant whatever you want.

Your growing season is limited by light too, not just heat. Most vegetables won't grow when there's less than 10 hours of daylight. So don't expect to be growing into November or anything.

Pretty much the boomer mindset, fucking the planet then going 'oh well'

At the risk of the m00ds nuking the thread…

does anyone have any of those anti-fluoride/decalcification(or whatever it's called) images?

or something about raising testosterone levels?

stop drinking flouride
dont use toothpaste with flouride
youll be fine

I already have, but I'd like to know more


R. I. P., Bumbling American

anthropologically, no human society in history, large or small, has been fag as a group. hence the need for a gay made up word for it. humans are omnivores. fagism don't real

lol wordfilter

don't listen to the user who says utah; the desert is beautiful but frankly almost nowhere west of the 100th meridian and east of the sierra nevada & cascades is good for traditional homesteading. you have to irrigate and the water politics will kill you

look to appalachia or southwestern oregon

I got a non fluoride toothpaste a week or two ago and my teeth are starting to feel weird tbh, not in a good way

thats nice, keep intaking your flouride goyim fuck off kike we are done ingesting flouride

good, keep learning

There is an actual theory in established by criminal physiologists supported by a multitude of evidence that states criminals are more likely to target neighbourhoods that they perceive as disorderly, unclean and unnatural. This is known as the broken window theory. A neighbourhood with more graffiti or other urban """art""" is more likely to be targeted than a neighbourhood with the same standards of living but no graffiti. There is no reason the same concept is not applicable to a nation or natural landmark.

Is there a non-pozzed way to learn this? Any book you can refer me to?

This is the first time I have heard about this. What exactly is so bad about flouride toothpaste, doesn't it strengthen your teeth? And even if it is bad, you are specifically not supposed to ingest it, you spit it out and rinse your mouth with water.

It can screw up kids' teeth if they get way too much of it. Look up fluorosis.

Thats the most retarded shit i have ever read. Bill just says farm by mimicking nature. You go out in the woods and there are nut trees and berry bushes all over the place. There are crab apples, wild plums, cherry trees, walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, elderberries, currants, raspberries, grapes, etc. His idea was just to bring the effortlessness of productiveness of nature to modern farms. When you have a massive diversity of plants you have natural pest/ disease control while also increasing yields. Get into permaculture or agroforestry or sit around in the corner and wank you glyphosate laden nuts off.

We always have. The Third Reich were the first modern state to incorporate environmental policies, and every other white country thought it was such a good idea they joined in too.

the natural fluoride that you get from one single glass of water sprung from a mountain is good for you.

the industrial waste byproduct fluoride that we are served in toothpaste is literal poison.

No he doesn't. He says farm by mimicking an imaginary version of nature he made up. And then he is not capable of actually doing that, which is the point.
No you don't. That's exactly it. This food forest bullshit is based on the tropics, and is completely foreign to temperate ecology.
And he can't do it. Again, this is the point. He is a fraud. He doesn't mimic nature, and he still can't produce a reasonable amount of food.
I am into it you retard. Permaculture is saturated with idiotic hippies and fraudulent snake oil salesmen. Temperature forests do not produce significant quantities of food, and trying to mimic them has completely failed to even reach 1/10th of ordinary food production. Instead of trying to do something retarded like switch everyone's diet to one based on nuts, we can just grow the things people actually eat in a sustainable way.

That really wouldn't have worked just because the amount of arable land isn't sufficient even if we only accounted for the whites. Tough you could get more agricultural(at least with stock animals) land if you sold all the huge tracks the federal government owns in the western states which sits unused or offered a new homestead act. And entirely rural America is certainly possible and essentially exists today among the whites we want to survive anyway, since we have 2.7 times the industrial output of China and now all if it is in small towns and rural areas because the libshits drove it out of the urban centers decades ago.

Given that the US keeps 2/3 of its arable(and owned by private concerns) land fallow today even while overproducing and subsidizing food stuffs which are then shipped off to feed shitskins for free I don't really think agricultural practices are all that important at this time. And this comes from someone who has farmed, and worked in a factory, and is now a petroleum geologist. I am familiar at a personal level with all activities necessary to maintain a white civilization from raising cattle to laboratory and fieldwork to manufacturing to resource extraction. If anything needs to be destroyed it is the services and commercial industries which are filled with kikes and libshits. They produce nothing of value and information technology has made or could make most of their roles redundant. Fewer salesmen and more working joes means more honest people with more investment in the local economy rather than having interests in production outside their region and therefore foreign loyalties.

By the way if you faggots want high production from small plots just used raised beds for optimum drainage and aeration, fill them with mushroom mulch(aka chicken shit that had shrooms grown in it PA mulch being the best) and then and some loam or charcoal as you please. If you need sour ground for blueberries or such then throw coal ashes, leaves, and sawdust in there as well. Get a plastic tarp to make a shitty greenhouse and start from seeds when the Almanac of that year recommends, then plant 2 weeks after you think the last frost will be just to be safe.

All of you faggots think there is some trick to growing shit when there really isn't. Nor is this intensive approach viable at an industrial scale. Permaculture for anything except bushes and trees is bullshit, and already have systems established for those crops that are viable to grow in that manner, cranberries come to mind.

"Capitalism" doesn't mean a damn thing.

No the natural and industrial fluoride is composed of the same salts and releases the same ions which are what bind to the teeth to produce fluorapatite which precipitates into voids left by the dissolution of the teeth's surface. Now too much of it say having the kids take a tablet of fluoride and toothpaste and adding it to food and having it in the water can case lays of fluorapatite to be deposited in the teeth which have poor molecular bonds to layers above and below them, this creates a plane of weakness and allows for spalling.

Don't be Alex Jones you faggot, the fact that incompetence and a total lack of effort creates fuckups and the kikes in charge of public institutions don't care doesn't change chemistry.

Then you are either retarded or a kike. This is a thread about preserving the environment. "Who gives a shit just destroy everything to make huge industrial farms" is hardly a reasonable response.
All of that is total bullshit. Raised beds are just a massive waste of labor and do nothing, charcoal does nothing and is lefty "non-whites are superior copy them" kike nonsense, and mushroom compost is no better than any other compost.
None of those things make soil acidic.
And your kikey response is to reject growing food safely and sustainably, rather than to reject growing food at an industrial scale. Hmmm.

You're an idiot.

Thoughts on nuclear power and any methods/plans for deurbanization?

Also forgot to add, saw this comment on another thread about African megafauna on how an user commented that American buffalo were basically saved from extremely low populations cause of farming for consumption. Wondering if that could be a method for preservation Elephant burgers sound pretty good too. I feel like the meat would be pretty fatty

Are you daft user? Google Mark shepard. He lives in wisconsin and breed chestnuts by himself to be able to withstand the cold. Same with hybrid hazelnuts.. I live in wisconsin and there are walnuts, wild plums, grapes, raspberries, and hickories all over the place are you serious? Are you gunna pretend grass dont grow and you couldn't graze animals or grow apples/ mulberries for extra forage?

He has done well with helping other people farms. His own farm is mediocre but look what geoff lawton and his crew did in the middle of the dessert.

Exactly why you would want to get into it. Anything this new is going to start out like this. You will be one of the first people to reap the benefits when all your land is certified organic and your tree are already 10 years old before everyone else catches on. The organic movement and the agroforestry practices are literally in there infancy still..

Yea were producing tonz of shitty food, nothing but corn and soybeans. There is a huge need for organic milk, organic grapes/ raspberries, organic ham/ bacon, grass fed beef, organic chicken and eggs.

You guys can do what you want but im going to get rich off walnut timber, organic berries that grow like weeds, chestnut/ apple trees.

If blood and soil is united again, then what is good for the soil is good for the blood and what damage the soil damage the blood.

There is no mystery on why the Volk movement was against modernity and industries.

Are you? Because nothing in your idiotic reply addresses the facts at all
I don't need to, I am familiar with all the big name shysters.
That's not the issue at all.
Now add up how many calories per acre that is, and notice is is less than 1% of a farm.
No, I am going to point out the obvious fact that you get incredibly low calories per acre. Stop being a retard and insisting on trying to replicate pajeet's banana forest and grow some fucking potatoes you knob. Stop listing to retarded self-hating white lefties who think every other race is superior to ours.
No he has not. There isn't a single actual "permaculture" farm anywhere in the world that is profitable as a farm. They all make their money as part of a pyramid scheme selling the lie to gullible people who want to believe in magic.
"You should be a kike because there's lots of kikery going on!". How about no? I should keep producing my food correctly like a sane person.
Organic is still normal industrial agriculture, just using different chemicals. There is absolutely no need for any of that.
See, there we have it. You are just a materialistic kike who wants to "get rich" using yet another idiotic scheme you are too stupid to see through.

It is true that soil and blood need to be tied.
However deindustrialization is not something that is necessary to be good to your soil.

Here is why:
Could you have modern technology in your home without the waste the average person with access to that kind of technology is blamed to make? Yes. Because you don't need new computer parts every year, you don't need an entirely new phone each year, you don't need to waste by having obsolete products.
It is likewise possible to make a toaster that lasts 70 years and can be disassembled once every other year until it is like new.
Technology doesn't need to fall apart 1 month after warranty expires.

But that is a bad thing. Modern technology makes us weak and dependent. You do not need a small plastic computer in your pocket. You are worse if you have one, and your people are worse if you have one.

This pretty much. When an animal is considered edible by humans, it's population explodes. Just look at pigs, chickens and cows. They each number in the billions, far above the populations of the rest of the world.

Yes, but it also keeps us technologically competitive with our neighbours. There is no reason a small computer in your pocket needs to be damaging, it's what that computer can access that is damaging. We are becoming dependent on technology, but this allows us to achieve far more than we would otherwise be able to. I can admit that the technology an average person has is probably too much, but we shouldn't eliminate all technology.

This is how I know you are retarded.

Also the point regarding the massive tracks of land being kept fallow to successfully protect the soil even while we are overproducing is that if you killed or refused to feed the shitskins you could keep even more land fallow you brainless faggot. Are you completely incapable of drawing inferences? Are you a fucking woman?

Charcoal has been used in Europe for centuries, they'd burn the scrap wood from clearing a plot in a big pile, let it sit for a few months then scatter it on the field with the animal shit. Shitskins don't even do it intentionally their "good soil" is still trash and developed just form them dumping their trash and ashes in a midden for decades. They didn't plan it nor utilize it.

You cannot produce the amount needed, nor can you apply the labor saving machinery that keeps domestic food prices low. And given that current agricultural practices in the US are not degrading the soil, once again because we keep 2/3 of the land fallow even now, what exactly is the point?

Yes there is, it is inherent.

Because you made up a strawman? I said neither of those things retard. I said they don't make soil acidic. Look it up, that's a common myth. The tannins are simply broken down and neutralized.

I understood your point. It is irrelevant, like I told you. Why do you fly into hysterics every time someone tells you something you find upsetting, yet project "are you a woman" onto everyone else?
Yes we can, that's the point retard.
That's what I just told you. You keep giving away your hebrewness. Of course all you care about is how cheaply you can produce toxic "food" to pump the goyim full of. But white people can and will do work. We can and will grow our own food, like we did for thousands of years. We do not need you parasites.
Yes it is, massively. And it is using up rock phosphate at an astounding rate, which our unsustainable agricultural industry entirely depends on.
It shouldn't be fallow, it should be nature. Are you retarded? Just because we rotate our fields and 2/3 of them lay fallow at any given time to try to recover from our destructive farming practices, doesn't mean we're only using 1/3 of our land.
Fixing our natural environment you fucking heeb, that's the entire subject of the thread. "Lets keep wiping out millions of species and clearcutting the entire planet because I want cheaper beef" is the very definition of the materialistic man.

your a fucking moron or paid shill. you can get more calories with this style or farming. Its combines trees in rows with crops in between. If you root prune annually, then your trees will never steal nutrients from your crops.

yea money is the goal of agriculture you fucking sped. you need to make money in order to expand and therefor produce more food. get out with the FUD and commy bullshit.

No, you can't. If you could, someone would have done it. Instead, they say that and then produce far fewer calories. Lies don't matter, actions do. Temperature plants are not conducive to "food forest" style production. You simply end up with more labor rather than less because of the increased harvesting difficulty, while providing only 10-20% of the calories per acre. This shit started in the tropics for a reason, it works there. It does not work in temperate climates.

And no, healthy white people is the goal of agriculture. You are talking about the jewish subversion of agriculture.

Obviously the best possible society is techno-hobbiton but there are too many shitskins in the world to pull that off safely so we need Minas Tirith.

The only good part about the 3rd world was when their population level was low, it allowed their lands to remain mostly unspoiled. Now that they have had this population explosion, all that goes down the drain.

dude no one said strictly food forest. that is just one technique that can be used. Its ally cropping and silvopasture that are the real breakthroughs in agroforestry. You can produce way more calories with a silvopasture than an alpha field and way more calories with ally cropping than you can with just corn alone. The reason people dont do it is because it takes more effort and is more management intensive than a sea of corn or beans.


You don't need a sea of corn or beans. A fucking normal garden beats your retarded fantasy land kikery. "Oh this way of growing food completely counter to all established evidence is better because it can produce more food it is just that nobody has ever proven this because it would require effort". Get fucked.

Mark Shepard does do silvopasture and ally cropping…. This video is a UW Madison professor interviewing Mark on specifically silvopasture..

and this.. specifically ally cropping.

lol i figured your FUD would stop once i started dropping proofs.

Yes, that's the point. He does it, and produces far fewer calories per acre. So if this magical bullshit produces more calories per acre, then why are the grand wizards selling this bullshit incapable of producing more calories per acre with it?

Jesus faggot, get a grip.

They are able to produce.. He produces a lot of human food user. much of the corn is used for ethanol while most of his food is eatn by humans.. Its does work. But what is your solution, I would like to know mate?

Look retard:
Then you claim he does do it:
Yet even he admits he's nowhere even close to matching ordinary traditional agriculture much less proper sustainable intensive methods.
Its called a garden you retard.

i am the greatest investor of all time. agroforestry will be the furture trust me. we just might not see it for 200 years until all the soil is in the oceans of the world.

Yea I do a lot of gardening. It works great im rich soil because then you can get a nice diversity of food. In clay, your kinda stuck picking beans and cucumbers all day.

That's nice.
Right, I will just trust your completely baseless faith despite all evidence contradicting it.
In clay, you fix your soil just like you do everywhere else. How do you retards seriously not know what compost is?

Leftys in West Berlin stole NS environmentalism and fashioned into their own tool because it wasn't kosher for them to preach communism at the time. I love this earth but every organization and charity dedicated to the environment seems to be poisoned by demented jewish nonsense.

Holy fuck

You are basically shitposting this thread to death.

Observe and note the shills, when they can not defeat a subject, they obfuscate it.

Kill yourself you dumb faggot.

try a video on cooking steaks in ale with spices.

This. Flouride is not a nothingburger folks. It's being used all around the world and it gave my lips eczema when I was at a hotel in Cebu City.

You are not a farmer at all I can tell. I used to be a backyard gardener like yourself and it worked very well I must agree. You can make a little pile of compost and amend your tiny little plot well. Here in the country you need a damn skidster and a pile of leaves/ grass the size of the damn empire state building to effect even one acre. Agroforestry will be the future and I know this shit for a fact. Ive devoted my life to organic perennial farming because I see what annual plants have done to our land. Over time the land will all be degraded to the point where only trees will grow and the population will be 50 billion. There will be a massive rush towards chestnuts, apples, and hazelnuts at that point and the farmers who can successfully plant thousands of acres of such plants we become multi-trillionairs. The years is 2150.

This is agroforestry.



Enjoy the human race dying because all of the bees disappeared and their huge monocultures of chestnuts and apples fell victim to fungal blight.

No you don't, an acre is easily done by hand in 3 days.
Repeating your fevered kike dreams won't make them reality.
They have done nothing, shitty practices are the problem. Growing annuals is just fine. If you actually gave a shit about reproducing nature, you would realize that.
And you want to encourage that for some bizarre reason.
No, there will be a massive rush towards growing algae because it is more calories per acre than fucking apple trees you retard. Why on earth would you pretend replacing corn and soy with chestnuts is an improvement? One monoculture for another, just a way less productive one that provides less food.
Then why are you so hyped about it if you will be dead?

And how many calories/acre are in those photos? Funny how you keep appealing to kikery and refuse to actually state a figure.

Daily reminder to retards ITT that Hitler was a Vegetarian. One who specifically told his meat eating comrades that the future was green, and that he would have the last laugh.

The absolute fucking state of Holla Forums in current year.

There should only be around 50 million Whites in America and no one else.
t. Pierce

This is a Futurist board as well as an Environmentalist one grandpa. We need to harness technology to conquer the stars.

You had me, and then lost me. Fuck off retard.

Neither of those things are true Schlomo.
Whites understand the basic laws of physics. You can not "conquer the stars". That is purely jewish fantasy.
If you are illiterate, why would anyone want you? The entire point is that kike is trying to sell the world on "lets keep a high population of mongrels and destroy the environment with farming, but just use chestnuts instead of soybeans". You can only do that if it provides similar calories, which it does not. So what he is proposing is that we destroy even more of the environment to plants all these chestnut trees, rather than having a healthy sized white population producing food in a sustainable manner as I suggest.

Ignore the shitty source

Lab-grown 'clean' meat could be on sale by end of 2018, says producer

Anyone else extremely happy with this? Enjoying meat without having to actually harm any animals and ending industrial farming would be excellent for the planet.
I eat meat a lot, but more and more I think about how unnecessary it seems to kill an animal just to feed on it. I have no problem with hunting, but to me it seems that animal meat is far too easy to access and should be reserved as somewhat of a luxury. Lab grown meat means you can have your cake and eat it too.

Vitamins and nutrients do not grow out of thin air, it's why animal meat fed gmo grain shit is a lot shittier compared to something that was grass-fed. We still haven't found clean ways to produce several vitamins as well, most of them involve fermenting bacteria and some involve spraying them with heavy metals and other kookey shit in controlled environments. It's why space still seems like a joke to me at this point, we still don't have an easy enough way to produce shit out of thin air that won't poison you eventually.

I can't let this train of dubs go unchecked.
The idea of Agro-Forestry is very interesting. However the lack of data on real world application is keeping me from being completely sold on it. The prospect of providing a multitude of foods off of one plot of land, all while providing habitat for insects and birds is a very tempting concept. If you have any research regarding Agroforestry I'd be very grateful.

Kill yourself you blatant kike, we will fucking burn all of you filthy parasites.
Hitler didn't eat meat or like hunting you stupid faggot. This is a well known fact, you can't lie to a NatSoc you stupid hebe.

-Adolf Hitler

-Joseph Goebbels in his diary. It's like the Table Talks don't exist in your world either.

Projection won't save you Schlomo.
Yes he did, just not a lot.
That has nothing to do with what you claimed. Gee, who is it that argues so dishonestly again…?

In my area in the upper midwest one of the only people i know doing this is mark shepard. He is doing it pretty well tho, if he can make a good living off it then other will be able to easily. The economy will chamge over the next 50 years and people will value HQ organic food more than tge last 50 years.

Youtube mark shepard, bill mollison, pa yeomans, uw missouri agroforestry. Also download j Russell smith's book tree crops. Maybe read about some of luther burbank and thomas jeffersons gardening experiments.

He doesn't make a living off of it, good or bad. That's the point I have been making here over and over. He makes his living 1/4 selling normal vegetables he grows normally, and 3/4 on books, speaking engagements, etc to sell the lie to gullible idiots that you can get rich growing apples and chestnuts.
Organic has nothing to do with it. Organic just means using a different set of chemicals, it is entirely unrelated to permaculture. Why are you here shilling this nonsense if you don't know anything about it?
Or better yet, read his book at pay attention. He clearly admits he had to plant annual vegetables as his high value cash crop, and that he still has only had *TWO* chestnut trees actually provide a crop. That's after 15 fucking years. He's selling a lie, not farming.

still shitposting the thread you faggots

You literally have no fucking idea what your talking about. He has his own cidery and sells hard apple cider. He also sells the most expensive hams in the united atates because his pigs are apple, grass, amd chestnut fed. Yea he used to pick beans and cucumbers up the ass to get by in the early days and doesnt need to anymore.. big frickn whoop, if he makes more money speaking and consulting then why not? He made 415,000 dollars last year so even if 25 percent is crops thats still more than most farmers make on 100 acres.

You saying he is not farming is just fucking ignorant. Of course it take 10 or 15 years until your hazelnuts, chestnuts, apples, plums, and elderberries are in full production you faggot.

Read his book. Visit his "farm". Talk to the man. I don't know why you are so ass ravaged by basic reality. He still has a 2 acre market garden that is his sole actual "farm" income, and it isn't enough to live on. The fact that he makes a living selling bullshit instead of farming shows that it is bullshit. If he can't make a living farming, why do you think everyone should copy him? It is literally a fucking pyramid scheme you retard. 25% isn't from crops, less than 5% is. And no, it doesn't take 15 years to get chestnut production, and once again HE STILL DOESN'T FUCKING HAVE IT YOU BRAINLESS SACK OF SHIT. He has 2 fucking trees that have actually produced nuts. That's it. A normal chestnut orchard is productive in 7 years. His bullshit does not work, and he is living proof.

Oh, and I forgot to even mention the massive labor problem caused by intentionally making shit impossible to mechanically harvest. And how does Mark solve it? "Interns". Literally "come do my work for me for free and I will give you a piece of paper that says you are a magic permaculture wizard and now you can get rich too!". The very essence of the jew distilled into one big pyramid scheme.

Even if global warming is real, it will be a net benefit for whites. GIF related, the climate prediction using the global warming model. Non-white regions become drier and white regions become wetter and warmer, allowing us to inhabit far further north than we otherwise would be able to.

But m-muh cities!

He has a fuck of a lot more than 2 trees bro. He sells thousads of chestnut seedlings per year. I get what your trying to say but im actually a farmer myself and understand this shit in depth, keyline and agroforestry works great in southern wisconsin, i would know because im doing it on my farm. Ive tried everything and ally cropping / silvopasture work great for me and treats the land/ animals well.

Two trees that have produced nuts. Learn to read you kike scrotum gargler.
That is by far the saddest thing to larp as I have ever seen. Jesus man, have some pride.
Details or you're just another faggot trying to con newbies. What are you growing, how much density, what is your harvest? If this shit worked, there would be evidence. Yet none of you pathetic homos can point to a single example of an actual working example. You just lie about well known MLMers who openly admit they have never managed to make their fantasy work.

2 trees that produced nuts are u kidding? He has thousands.. im not larping shit i have a small 25 acre farm im doing this on and just got started last year. I like walnut timber a lot myself and i have a lot of steep ground so i have been collecting seeds and planting them by the thousands. I can spit a walnut tree from literally a half mile away from a single branch at this point and realised there are millions of nuts laying around in my area. Im going to seed down the steepest and most remote areas with timber trees for my own enjoyment. My kids or family members will get a lotta cash off thos walnuts. I already had a logger come last year and sold 9 trees for 18 grand. That was off 4 acres of woods so that land has already paid for itself.

Besides that little side hobby my cash crops are cucumbers, beans, cabbage, kale, turnips, radishes, peas, pumpkins, and watermelons. Ive planted about 1 acre or so only of cash crops but like i said i just bought the farm a year ago. As for water management/ keyline. That shit is working magnificently on my farm. I have caught shit tons of water with a small amount earthworks and have not had any negative effects like erosion from the sediment detention ponds or swales. Im going to make more swales this summer and get them planted down with plums and hazelnuts mostly i think. I will easily be able to grow my peas and watermelons between the rows of trees. Think about it man the trees only take up 3 or 4 feet and then i have a big ally way of 60 feet to plant my crops on. I will get certified organic and plant farm scale amounts of crops very soon so ill let u know how it goes. Quit being a faggot you know im a farmer or i wouldnt know all this shit. Im just starting but i have a decent enough iq to know this will work. Sure im not going to get rich quick but i will slowly become more wealthy as we move into the next half century. I will be able to eat more homegrown food than just produce with an agroforestry system and my family will be more healthy than if i had been shopping at walmartn for food.

Yes, he has planted thousands and only two have produced nuts. That's the point. Ask him yourself.
So you have no fucking clue if it works and are just making shit up. Gee, how shocking.
Right, you grow annuals like everyone else. So does Mark, because the perennial food forest BS doesn't actually work in temperate climates.
So? That's not the subject is it?
While they are babies. Then they grow up and you have no light to grow anything under them. The "you get more per unit of space" hypothesis was based on the tropics where the sun is intense enough for that to actually be true.
A farmer of less than a year? Sure, that would explain why you don't know jack shit and believe in magic and pixies. And again, organic has nothing to do with anything you knob. How do you not know that at least? Half the toxic waste dump industrial farms around here are certified organic. That just means they spray chemicals that are on the approved organic list, that's it.
No amount of "I just know"s will change reality. If it worked, there would be evidence. Yet none of you faggots can provide a single example of this horseshit actually working in reality. The leaders of your cult can't make it work, and will even admit this if you ask. Hell, Mark even accidentally admits it in his book. Try reading it.
Which is what I have been saying the whole time you idiot. A sustainable small holding will provide nicely for a few families. It can not and does not compete with industrial agriculture, and selling people on the idea that it can is incredibly destructive. We need to limit our population to a reasonable number and have a significant portion of that population working small sustainable farms. Fruit and nut trees make up only a small portion of those farms from a nutritional perspective, and they are mainly a place to allow pigs and goats to forage. Your primary food source is still annual grains, tubers, fruits and vegetables.

Sure, I am a based Aryan male that cares about the environment, but here is some red pill basic science for you:

Burning fossil fuels is fucking great for the environment. Plants love it.

Fun fact, one of the only only real "issues" with burning coal is the sulfur dioxide produced as a byproduct. But this sulfur dioxide is a result of the coal having sulfur as an additive for a more efficient burn.

No it isn't. Adding sulfur to coal would not make it burn more efficiently, and the sulfur is there because coal naturally contain sulfur. We actually use several processes to remove a large portion of the sulfides and sulfates before it is used as fuel. This was the whole point of the clean coal thing before it became co-opted by CO2 shysters.

Oh shit, I was told that sulfur was used as an additive in coke for a better burn. I guess I'm wrong.

It's a building block of life. The attacks on carbon by the globalist death-cults are an attack on all living organisms.

Do you have any insight of proposed EPA budget cuts by Trump administration? The Trump shills will probably attack me for this, but it seems like a massive misstep in my eyes and seems purely focused to get some shekels from companies having an (even) easier time dumping waste around them.

Also how do we take back the environmental debate away from the commies, in my country (Netherlands) none of the right wing parties care about it. The central parties are farmer focused (Massive industrial farms, nothing good) and the parties that do care about environment only do it in the commie way.

Nah dude, that's gasoline, but in the end product it's not present, though there might be hints of the taste if you get the drips.

Remember that blood and soil are one.
Be active yourself.
That's how.

It wouldn't be a problem if Indians, Africans, Indonesians and Brazilians weren't destroying huge amounts of forests, thus destroying any additional plant life that would emerge from an increase in CO2. Normally, an increase in CO2 production would result in an increase in plants to keep the CO2 levels constant, but with non-whites destroying the plant life there is no way for greenery to expand and meet the increased production like it naturally would.

Stuff like this really makes me ask how cultural Marxists can claim to be environmentalist.
I imagine they'll just try to point the blame at 'evil white corporations' which are actually Jewish.

The left has never done anything good for the environment. The USSR destroyed countless ecosystems and toxified multiple rivers throughout their existence. China is already the largest polluter. Those "green" parties don't care about the environment, they are just Marxist parties trying to paint themselves in a better light. They tax the more eco-friendly white industry, driving all our production into the hands of the third world who give no shits about the environment.

The whole Earth is considered their personal garbage can by Jews.


If anyone wants to read Blood and Soil, here is the pdf:


Exactly. The biggest push for (((environmentalism))) by the left has been (((global warming))) and carbon taxes. How sad.
They don't care about heavy metals that destroy generations of animals and alter ecosystems in ways that aren't immediately visible (predator no longer eats a prey who no longer eats their prey who no longer eats a plant that no longer curtails a population of another plant that allows another prey animal that has thousands of offspring to grow unusually in population size).
The left hates real environmentalism.


haut is mein tag haut is mein tag~

It's like Table Talks is a load a fake bullshit in the real world schlomo.

Here is my refutation of Uncle Adolf's vegitarianism. Less efficient to build muscle mass. I have zero empathy. Fuck animals. I like to kill shit.

There done.

All their environmental policies revolve around taxing industry more. They have done nothing to create laws to prevent this destruction of the ecosystem. Environmentalism to them is just a front for them to destroy white society.

Sauce. The only thing wrong with the Table Talks are some mistranslations from German documents that you can easily pinpoint the source of.
He was a vegetarian not a fag you stupid faggot. Some also claim he ate sausages on rare occasions too, even though most of his pallet were vegtables and fruits.
And you have the audacity to compare myself to you. Only a kike holds such views of animals and nature, you would have been sent to a concentration camp in Germany. The man literally banned vivisection and jewish ritualistic slaughter of animals, and loved animals.

Hell Germans in particular were always very empathetic towards animals, and this doesn't mean they completely abstained from meat. Why don't you take a trip over to,
>>>/treblinka/ you piece of shit?


Religion of Cuck™
Yeah, word filters are really fucking annoying.

Currently reading this:
It's an interesting take on the environmental problem as it pertains to technological development.
We're at the point now where regulations could not possibly fix this mess. Clean energy can't fix this mess. These are all things that must happen and must be done, but it simply isn't enough.
The solution proposed is one that is fundamentally in line with many of our views.
Complete de-industrialization of non-white countries. Become a technological superpower and then use your advantage to push everyone else back into mud huts.
Whites then live in a high-tech society (but one where environmental stewardsship still takes priority) but in order to preserve the planet, this high-tech society must be limited in scope and cannot be universal. Technological progress and egalitarian ideas are incompatible with nature and reality over the long-term, because a society where everyone in the world lives in a nice house, has a car, has the latest iPhone is a world that will not continue to exist for long.

Interesting take, regardless. I honestly think that environmentalism is the most 'right-wing' (and I mean truly right-wing, not 'conservative') issue to face our society. Environmentalism demands that we adopt stable societal models that are more in line with tradition and hierarchy. The Marxists may have had a point that a high degree of industrialization will lead to increasingly egalitarian social models, but this idea of constant material progress is dependent upon a world with infinite resources and an infinitely large carrying capacity: which we know with 100% certainty is not true.

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I’m BO of /polarchive/, and if I get a vol position here they’ll be removed. Cannot abide that shit.

Came here to post this.

Daily reminder, bright lights in urban centers cause the destruction of many migrating bird species because the birds get confused and slam into the bulbs and neon lights

Attached: Dead_Birds-copy.jpg (820x532 123.32 KB, 122.86K)

uppity nigger

Attached: 22406524_1619248301470313_896183097994841415_n.jpg (960x720, 105.27K)

there is absolutely no reason to have giant neon/bright lights on top of anything over 5 feet tall
there is no reason for advertisement lights to be on past 2 am
the only people up after that are drunk/homeless/so poor they must work night and early morning shifts and none of these demographics notice ads

Horses are nice

Attached: 16681601_1387623844632761_7570230564504008586_n.jpg (960x960 293.81 KB, 121.64K)

No, only because environmental regulations make it hard to increase industrial growth

There are only two ways the environment can be preserved in the long run:
1. Total Aryan Victory: global domination and the end of mud races.
2. Global white colonialism where mud populations are kept in check and made to follow environmental regulations.
However, 2 is probably bound for decadence and failure on a long enough time horizon, as it has failed in the past.

Why haven't nationalists/socialists teamed up? They are really the same people, there is just different taboos attached to them. Why don't these people just become superheros and start uniting people? Instead of debating whether Karl Dead or Adolf Dead was more righter, why don't these people just fucking do something? There is a way to get socialist type policies in place without completely revamping a government. This could restore some compassion to the process, and compassion = collaboration = successful people. Softness aint gay you faggots. Your pet would die on its on but you still choose to take care of them because you have the capability to not be a narcissist fuck. You were taught how to do things by others, and it is necessary to pass on the torch. A human unity movement would solve everything. There are genuine sociopaths in the world who do not give a fuck who is effected by any of their actions. The average voter would say "SO WHAT?" if you brought up an issue that didn't DIRECTLY deal with them. That is a bad sign , and we need to work harder than these fucktards before the entire fucking ship sinks.


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Pick one.

Because marx was a propagandist using his writings to trick idiots into fighting for their own enslavement in order to save his buddies a few bucks on labor.
You are a shill.

Because communists don't actually give a fuck about anything but raping children.

I live in Massachusetts too. What town are you talking about? Gloucester? The apple picking part sounds like you’re describing Smolak farm in North Andover.

kike shill

Fluoride is straight-up neurotoxic. It has been shown to reduce IQ in rats.
Sure, you're not supposed to swallow it but why would you put poison in your mouth when there's fluoride-free toothpaste available?

If you think about it, Russia will have a huge population boost.
Not only do they have land, they can actually use it in the future.


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Deurbanization seems to be something that is very hard to engineer. Humans are more efficient in many ways and create more connections when in close proximity which creates a feedback loop. They move to the city for jobs and leave the city when it gets filled with niggers. I don't know how possible it is to overcome that. My only guess is to remake cities into something that works better for people and human dignity rather than industry.

Plus Canada and Scandinavia. Meanwhile, Africa becomes more arid.


The US has to stop to build it’s cities for cars, but for humans instead.
Be honsest. What is more inviting, the one on the left or right?
I already know your answer.
Ignore his one pro ZOG remark.
Not only is it possible to build or remake cities for humans, we can make them greener. Most trees you see in cities don’t have enough space. Their roots can’t spread properly, they can’t grow as tall. They don’t have the proper critter ecosystem. In the end, they can’t filter the air properly. Not only the CO2 meme but also rubber particels getting shaved off the tires, what you in turn will store in your lungs. And no, with greener I don’t mean some little park in the middle of the city and some green spots here and there, and scarce green rooftops.
I mean:
the city HAS to become ONE with the park

Whoops, wrong order

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would you let a pony feel your body non sexually?

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this kike is against whites harnessing nature to their supreme advantage.

You're missing his point. Permaculture isn't for industrial farming, calories per acre matters less when you are only growing for your local community or family and are aiming for a diverse diet as opposed to as much corn and soy as you can jam into a lot. There are many successful permaculture farms around the world but their produce is (if at all) usually sold to people who want to pay more for better produce (restaurants, organic markets) and is sold in much smaller lots because the farms are diverse, making use of companion planting and using less heavy pesticides. No, permaculture wont turn you into a millionaire, but it will give you and your family a better human experience and is a great environment to raise a family and teach them to be custodians of the land.

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Russians are infected with the western mindset of only having a couple kids, not have 9 kids. ==There is not stopping the Ants so don't even try==

if it helped the environment… I guess?

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Pol Pot did implement Agrarian Socialism to be established as a base to build up into Industrial Socialism, so I would say the Khmer people were doing a good job with protection of the environment, whites do good too but it isn't just whites, that reasoning is entirely flawed. It is the jews and their international finance system and monopoly on property and capital that is destroying the environment along with mass immigration, natural resource degredation, dumping oil into the water, tearing down entire forests, having a government that doesn't uphold the volk and their interests but rather the jewish capitalists and their destructive anarchaic interests which naturally will lead to environmental destruction. Only can nationalism, closed borders, strong environmentalism and an extreme respect for the environment (Deep Ecology) on a national level can we defend the environment, defend the fatherland.

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Manson truly cared about the environment unlike today's (((progressive liberals)))

David Irving says they're real, but that there was fake stuff added later.

Spoken like a true nigger.

the khmer rogues also shot and killed university students

while I once thought that was bad, I now better understand why it could be needed.

It's just common sense to not fuck up your water supply, and shit where you eat, or make it impossible to breath your own air. Also piney freshness is god tier air.

Fuck China and India.

If this continued invasion of our living area by the Third World continues we will be completely swamped. We already have the Clintonistas counting down in eager anticipation of the day sometime around the middle of the next century when we will be a minority in our own land and a non-White majority will be lording it over us. And of course, it will be not only the drowning of America in a non-White tide, it will be the destruction of the last of the rain forests and the last of the wild animals everywhere, as the Brown and Black population explosions continue in their own parts of the world. It will be terminal pollution everywhere on our overcrowded planet.

How did this happen? What were we thinking of when we took our medical science to Africa and Asia and the jungles of Central and South America and reduced the death rates in those places so that their non-White populations could explode?

If we had just left them swinging through the trees and sacrificing each other wholesale to their various gods, instead of trying to get them to wear clothes and learn English or Spanish or French and wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they still would be happily making mud pies with their own filth and dying like flies, and their population density still would be what it was ten thousand years ago; the tropical rain forests still would be thriving, and the lions still would be eating as many of them as vice versa. Most important, we wouldn’t be carrying them on our backs now whenever we go to a hospital; we wouldn’t be subjecting our kids to them in our schools; we wouldn’t have them shoved in our faces whenever we turn on a television receiver; we wouldn’t be looking for parts of the country to which we can flee where there are fewer of them; we wouldn’t be watching our whole civilization being pulled back down into barbarism by their dead weight. We could be masters in our own world, a cleaner and greener and healthier world.

So why did we do it? Well, there are historical reasons, and there are current reasons. Historically, we always have had a surfeit of shortsightedness — or at least, the farsighted people among us were not in the policy-making positions. To a large extent, of course, we didn’t have any policy when we settled the New World. We just let entrepreneurs do their own thing, and that thing nearly always was based on individual profit rather than on the general welfare of the race. We let a bunch of greedy businessmen plan things for their own benefit: cheaper labor, bigger markets, more profits — those were their considerations.

And among the greediest of these businessmen seeking a bigger market for their wares were the Christian priests, hell bent on converting savages and saving Black or Brown souls. Christian universalism certainly played a major role in the destruction of our world. We should have lynched every missionary who had the crazy notion that Blacks needed Jesus instead of their own voodoo gods or that Mexicans needed the Catholic Church instead of their jungle temples, where they liked to cut the hearts out of their prisoners and eat them.

Completely aside from Christianity, we let the altruism which seems to be unique to our people run wild. It is wonderful that we care about one another, that more than in any other race there are among us individuals who really do feel the pain of others. It is wonderful that many of us want to preserve the rain forests of South America and the great wild beasts of Africa for their own sake. Whenever one of these United Nations commissions is organized to protect some part of our natural environment on this planet, I have a strong suspicion that all of the non-White members on the commission are there strictly for window dressing and for the stipend they receive for lending their non-White faces to the commission. Certainly, were it not for specifically White sensibilities, there would be no one combating the fur trade or trying to save the whales or the redwoods or anything else.

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All of that is wonderful, but it is not wonderful that so many of us who are able to feel the pain of others do not seem to have the farsighted understanding which should go along with that empathy. We seem to have achieved that understanding when it comes to things such as forest and wildlife management. We understand that it often is good to permit Nature to take its course in the case of forest fires, or in maintaining the natural balance between predator and prey, and so on. But we need to apply the same considerations to the non-White races. We never should have permitted medical intervention in the non-White world. We should not be trying now to halt the spread of AIDS in Africa. We should not even consider famine relief for Ethiopia. We should not interfere in the mutual genocide between Hutus and Tutsis. Unless we temper our altruism with intelligence — and especially, unless we limit it to our own race — it will destroy us rather than help us achieve a higher civilization and a higher grade of humanity on this planet.

What rules us now is a soft-headed, mushy, egalitarian, feminine sort of altruism, where we are more inclined to feed the starving picaninnies of Africa than to take account of the fact that every picaninny who doesn’t starve to death now will grow up to breed more picaninnies. We feel sorry for the disease-ridden Blacks and Browns of the world, and instead of keeping them and their diseases strictly confined to their part of the world, we bring them into our part of the world so that we can share their diseases — as in the case of New York’s current outbreak of West Nile encephalitis imported from Africa.

What we need is a hard-headed, masculine sort of altruism, which makes us as concerned for the preservation of our own racial quality as for the stamping out of the fur trade, the sort of altruism which leads us to sterilize our own defectives rather than permitting them to breed a White welfare class, just as it leads us to thin out the two-legged population of Africa rather than permitting it to continue encroaching on the four-legged populations.

And you know, whenever I say something like that I can hear the screams of protest in the background. I can hear the softheaded altruists screaming that I am advocating genocide, and oh, isn’t that awful. But as a matter of fact, it is their policies which are leading to a far more terrible genocide, with our race as the victim.

When one has a world overcrowded with races competing for a limited living area and limited resources, there will be genocide. The feminine altruists cannot face that hard fact, and their activities simply guarantee a bloodier and more destructive genocide in the end. The masculine altruists, on the other hand, should be capable of imposing a necessary discipline in order to preserve the health of a beleaguered planet and permit its most valuable life forms to continue developing, instead of being dragged down by the least valuable.

Of course, this whole discussion is academic at this point. The masculine altruists are outgunned now by those who, for one reason or another, oppose the imposition of any discipline. Certainly, many more White people, and not just in New York, will die from West Nile encephalitis, from drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis, and from a hundred other exotic diseases which the shortsighted, feminine altruists have inflicted on us. Instead of banning the carriers of these diseases from our continent, we will continue wringing our hands over the fact that so many Africans are dying from AIDS, and we’ll continue trying to find a cure. And many, many more of our people, like the National Alliance medical worker in Phoenix will come to hate their jobs, hate the neighborhoods in which they live, hate the schools they attend.


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I love the outdoors, and do my best to conserve paper and recycle and yadda ya. But I'm 100% against the leftist war on the auto industry known as "global warming" it basically boils down to kites being mad that big oil is mostly under white contril, and that it helps Muslim economies when we buy oil. So do your best for your planet, but don't be deceived by bullshit. I will make my own ethanol from my cornfields before I drive an electric pos. Which in all reality electrics do just as much or more damage to Earth in the long run. It's not just about clean air. Batteries sit in landfills seeping into the groundwater. Mines are dug to obtain the materials to build them, just like iron ore, but those are already established at least.

This. During the election we were flooded by kikes and cuckservatives who just parrot neocohen straw-right bullshit. Just because the left has some (deeply misguided) environmentalists does not mean we must abandon our respect for nature, or the simple desire to keep the land that feeds and houses us in order.

Does environmentalism mean we need to embrace carbon credits and funnel billions into failed turd world projects? No. But we should definitely replace our inefficient, limited and polluting energy infrastructure with solar powersats/fusion/thorium to sustain all our energy needs without destroying the very ecosystem that keeps us alive.

Agreed. The Kike tries to make it all about the oil and auto industry, because the Kike doesn't own those industies. They dont give a shit about the planet, they just hate whites making money without their fingers involved. The biggest sources of pollution in our world right now is all the throwaway garbage we buy just to replace it when it breaks. This is the direction they are pushing the automotive industry as well. Imo the best thing we can do is support white owned companies that make a high quality product that lasts, instead of buying the latest flashy piece of crap imported from China, built in a factory that is more or less unregulated. That and of course buying ethanol to support our farmers, who are getting murdered by low corn and beef prices on the supply end, whilst the retail end rakes in the cash. Using less paper, recycling, etc. Car emission systems have been doing more than enough for years now, yet the Kike push for more, not to save the planet, to wreck it. When a car is out of warranty and and bunch of the dumb shit they've added lately breaks, and you can't afford to fix it, it ends up junked and wasted. I would bet any amount of money that my 1995 V8 F150 has done far less damage to earth by me keeping and fixing it, than the damage done by constantly "upgrading" every couple years, and causing that much more resources to be wasted. I even upgraded it's enginefrom a pushrod 5.0L to a more modern and efficient DOHC 4.6L Lincoln engine to both stretch out its life further, and improve its efficiency and power. Although that's above l the average anons capabilities, the point is to buy good products and get your money's worth and keep them maintained before throwing them away. Just the basic reduce, reuse, recycle that we should have all been taught.

Have some OC

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I feel like even twincam engines are too appliance-like. Fuck up the timing, and you might as well unbolt the engine and drop it in a trash can.

You can't be far-right without being a passionate environmentalist.

Overexploitation of our sacred mother, the foundation of our flesh and blood for short term profit is something only (((short-sighter egopaths))) would do.

I used to think the same, but really they aren't that bad. I had access to correct Ford special tools, which made it a breeze. Others can rent them or buy them. They really are fun once you get a handle on them though. The higher rpm capability is exhilarating, at least to me. But I do still respect the old pushrods. The LS, Hemi, and Boss/Clever all make serious power, just burn a bit more fuel doing it. My stock 302 had 205hp and the Aviator engine has 300hp and burns less gas so for me it was a win. And I think there's only a few guys who have done it. Mine may be the only 4x4 with a ZF5 stick, but I haven't posted a build anywhere cuz I'm anywhere (because I'm an antisocial national socialist who doesn't want attention lol)

I have a Nissan engine I really want to rebuild, but the timing system is intimidating and very easy to fuck up. The oil pump and distributor are propelled by a transverse connection to the intermediate shaft. Have read lots of reports of catastrophic damage resulting from being slightly off in installing this system. Who the fuck comes up with this crazy shit?

the solution is very simple and very effective:
deport all non Whites from White countries
prevent the entry of all non-Whites into White countries.
also, no more international gibs (aka foreign aid)
this would completely prevent the vast majority of urban decay
(and solve many other problems)
also deport all jews (who are not White regardless)

natsoc Germany created extensive environmental protection standards.
in contrast, the jewish/marxist ussr destroyed everything they touched. raw industrial sewage into lake baikal and all that.

the megacorps make things hard to work on and/or fix on purpose.
they don't want people to be able to do anything themselves.
they want us all to be consumerist zogbot wageslave drones.
yet another facet of clown world

This is Lake Karachay. It is located in the southern Ural mountains. I am sure everyone would agree that this place is truly beautiful. Tall, lush and green trees and clear, blue water, next to snow capped mountains. Lake Karachay is just one example of nature's beauty.

It is the most polluted place on Earth.

Karachay was used as a radioactive waste dump by the Soviets for a whole decade. The sediment on the bottom of the lake is composed entirely of radioactive waste to a depth of 3.4 meters. The levels of radiation on the surface of the lake are 52 times the radiation at Chernobyl. Just spending an hour in the proximity of this lake will kill you instantly. These days, the lake is being infilled with blocks of concrete to keep the contamination contained.

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I do.

I hope you realize how the current environmental and political situation has a silver lining and it gives a massive potential for coming of a new, credible environmentalist movement.

As probably been mentioned by dozens of others at this point, the modern environmentalist scene is largely dominated by left-liberal, humanist values, you know, "environment matters but human rights come first" types. However, they too are totally cucked by capitalist system. They are totally incapable of offering any actual solutions for the environmental issues we are and will be facing. What the current mainstream "green capitalism" can offer people is cosmetic feel-good policies, virtue signalling trends and empty hope for some.miracle innovstion that will somehow take our problems away. Capitalism in itself is realistically incapable of solving the situation, as its based on the idea of constant economic growth and consumerism, therefore only capable of effectively dealing with environmental issues only if sheep-like consumers would stsrt rioting about it (and even in that case, they would simply offer cosmetic solutions).
If the left ever had any credibility in environmentalism, they're losing it fast. They control the image, but they have no substance for it. They're fake, they care more our ridiculously high living standard and negroes than the environment. Anyone with sincere care for environment can see that the current system is not sustainable and our planet cannot be saved through humanistic means.

…At the same time, virtue signalling for environment is at its all time high now, largely because of that Green Capitalism. Everyone wants to appear to be the most environmental or down to Earth.

Now, combine these two ideas, that the left has ultimately failed at bringing any credible solutions and that envieonmentalism in the mainstream: this gives a massive opportunity for a counter movement. By simply calling out the leftists' cowardice in dealing with environmentsl issues, we can attract tons of useless virtue sognalling hipsters to become more hardline environmentalists and ecofascists. And redpill them on other issues while we're at it.

I hope you got what I meant.


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