or, Why (You) Should Shut the Fuck Up and Stop Using Discord
Feb. 23, 5 a.m. EST
or, Why (You) Should Shut the Fuck Up and Stop Using Discord
Feb. 23, 5 a.m. EST
It's a CIAnigger Honeypot anyway.
True, but they're worth keeping an eye on if any (((white supremacist extremist))) terror attacks happen in the future.
An internal Atomwaffen document obtained by ProPublica shows members scattered across 23 states and Canada. The group’s largest chapters are based in Virginia, Texas and Washington, according to a message posted in the chats by an Atomwaffen recruiter last summer.
Denton has helped build the organization around the ideas expressed in an obscure, hyper-violent book: “Siege.” The 563-page book collects and organizes the monthly newsletters produced during the 1980s by an old-line neo-Nazi activist named James Mason. It is required reading for all Atomwaffen members and serves as the backbone for the organization’s ideology, worldview and training program.
Ask the authors, not me.
The Atomwaffen is my favourite division of the FBI
Yup, glow-in-the-dark FBIniggers.
Who wants to bet that TRS had something to do with that? They hate Atomwaffen even more than they hate us. Ghoul tried to trade antifa information about them to get his dox removed.
Atomwaffen had already held a Hate Camp in the Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois during the fall of 2017. At least 10 members from different states attended, with some driving in from as far away as Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and New Jersey. In the Pacific Northwest, cell members had converged on an abandoned cement factory, known as “Devil's Tower” near the small town of Concrete, Washington, where they had screamed “gas the kikes, race war now!” while firing off round after round from any array of weapons, including an AR-15 assault rifle with a high capacity drum magazine.
Wouldn't put it past them; everyone's a vindictive backstabbing cunt these days.
While the article attracted the attention of Atomwaffen members, who promptly posted it to their online chats, no one in the group expressed any sympathy for Bernstein, the young man Woodward allegedly murdered. They made jokes about his slaying and used slurs to describe him. If there was worry, it was about Woodward possibly having to do time behind bars for the murder.
==BONUS OPSEC FUCKUP==: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja
Can you explain why they hate us? I'm not familiar with them beyond the extent its a radio shiw and a website.
t. EuroAnon
Because we found the proof that Enoch's wife was a jewess after he was doxed by antifa.
Just zse this chatapp goy.
It is fully encrypted goy
Oh nothing too special, just that their top leadership is filled with jews and they've been exposed shilling and filling the board with D&C spam multiple times.
Pretty much all the show hosts were doxed by us or antifa.
so (((they))) busted a group of LARPers?
Who talks like that?
More like (((they))) busted a group of their patsies for blowing their load way too early.
Nobody does, unless they're talking out their ass or are a fed looking to do a sting operation. Besides, thermite's a pain in the ass to ignite if you don't have the right accelerant.
In this age of mass surveillance, organization and even discussion are impossible. Anyone looking to make a difference should go lone wolf, and never mention a lick of his plot to another living person.
Almost as dumb as niggers who think IRC is safe and anonymous.
Or better yet, we can not be terrorist and try to get our numbers up with public support.
Save warfare as last resort. Warefare with low numbers is beyond retarded.
I agree, I was just criticizing dipshits who fell for the Discord meme.
No it isn't. You just need an IQ over 90 to not make explicit plans for armed action over the fucking Internet.
Guaranteed failure.
baphomet doxed kike Peinovich
Made me think of pic related.
Any communication at this point really. The FCC has all kinds of shit in their little books that people don't read about using radio comms for authorized TXs only, rules regarding encryption, only certain radio types can be used. etc. The gov has always been about being able to intercept potential foreign communications and unfortunately that grabs all the citizens as well.
Even personal communication is getting more and more difficult anymore. They were using directional and laser mics for many decades before computers were a thing and they haven't gotten rid of the tech.
Even implied planning will get you surveilled.
Moral of the story, dont join a fucking retarded mass movement. Form small local groups that DONT HAVE NAMES and dont promote on fucking youtube for attention.
Fun fact: up until last year, Florida allowed the power companies to charge customers up front for the planning and building of new plants (even if construction ultimately didn't occur), instead of absorbing the cost themselves, then recuperating it through proceeds.
The rule was tightened up a bit, but it's still one of the most jewed things I've ever seen.
Which makes it highly convenient and profitable pure cohencidence:^) if someone actually did blow up one of their facilities.
Polite sage for off-topic.
Fucking hell that lad looks like Kid Rock.
Pick one.
This shit plus the satanist shit makes me wish you faggots quit LARPing so hard. You are going to get fucked in the showers in prison by niggers if you keep acting stupid.
I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to defend using a Discord server after this. First the Aut-Right discord server leaks and now this. Discussing how to sabotage infrastructure on a Discord server sounds like a one way ticket to nigger day care for the morons involved.
Discord. Is. A. Honeypot.
Use something else for chat, you filthy niggers
I fucking love AWD
I'm not even in atomwaffen, I wouldn't go near that group after what happened with the white muslim guy that killed his two roommates. I only use discord for casual shitposting, all I'm saying is that the's groups should have our full support - they see that political change won't come about through voting. Better to go out fighting rather than like a whisper in the dark
What's a discord.
Fucking party poopers.
Go to sleep grandpa
All public societies and movements are poz'd and comp'd.
We need White clan-syndicates.
yea i seen some user on iwb advertizing discord chat and even said Holla Forums by name the other day and after looking at the site my spider sense started tingling.Fuck that shit.
how about qtox basically open source skype? I compiled it and was looking through some of the name directories and a lot of the names where suggestive of pedo shit,proly fbi trying to catch kiddie didlers.
Shit like this is why you
Discuss hypothetical strategies, share theoretical knowledge - yes. Form hierarchies, plan specific actions? No. Everybody can see everything you're doing online. Any online organization is bound to be infiltrated at some point. Any online strategy is bound to get leaked to the oppositon. Nobody can leak your chat logs if there are none, nobody can infiltrate your group if it's you and your buddies. Nobody can blackmail you into giving up your comrades, structure, leadership if you have none.
TRS, Atomwaffen, whatever - any online organization is to be treated as a CIAnigger plant since even if it was not created as one, it sure as hell has/will become one as it gains traction. But if you ever see someone bitching about how Holla Forums avoids getting involved, you can know for sure it's either a complete retard or an alphabet shill.
If they're not bound by blood and you can't read minds, they're one step up from strangers no matter how long you think you've known them.
If you limit yourself to your immediate family members, most folks are not gonna assemble any kind of unit that could serve as the basis for the local community. Back when everyone lived in villages and had 6 brothers, and 40 more cousins? Sure. But now in the sub-replacement breeding post-boomer suburbia. Even your blood can betray you. But usually they won't, and neither will your closest friends.
There is no warfare without risk.
this, shit like atomwaffen is clearly a failure but this doesnt mean we should be afraid to organize. just keep your groups small, localized and well-groomed. We cant risk any more fuckups and lunatics, FBI informants and muzzie converts into our groups.
This why we're losing and can't fight these giant turd world clans, cartels and cabals; we're a bunch of atomized outcast mutts completely dependent on public societies. Playmates aren't going to charge into pill boxes.
White people have lost the right to assembly and right to self-determination in the legal world. Maybe you starting to understand why they enforce the policies and push the propaganda that do, because only private societies can effectively change public societies. Never forget, our master came from secret societies, they know rules of the game and are making sure no one else can compete with them.
Here’s the thing
They continued to use Discord AFTER the FBI seized control of all of the devices from the Florida apartment and Arthurs told the FBI how they communicate using Discord and encryption software (probably PGP, same way you’d communicate with drug dealers on TOR). They also have Woodward’s devices. The leak probably came from the FBI themselves. AWD is totally fucked due to their own ineptitude and there’s no doubt it’s now got members who glow in the dark.
Avoid this group at all costs
At least they are all white.
So, no better than niggers.
Thats a pistol you dumb cunts.
There's a reason Assange and Snowden haven't endorsed Discord.
So were they arrested and what are the charges? If not why are these mugshots?
I find it funny when people flail around being jackasses thinking its harmless venting, only to have it be the worst thing ever, come back to bit them in the ass.
A simple task frustrated by someones idiocy can turn into thousands of dollars smashed on the floor, problems compound.
Newsflash: German nationalists hate the US because it's occupying their beloved country.
Ami go home.
There's a new way to communicate securely, using a digital drop box system,
OnionShare has the option of a persistent link. First, have both parties setup such a link, and share the URL to it, which is accessed via a tor browser. There's a password included in the URL (they call it a "slug"), so it's inaccessible to others.
Links must be shared securely.
How do you use this "drop box" system to communicate? Well, it's two drop boxes. Say you want to send something to your friend, say a letter. You just add it to your own server. You then just watch your friend's server for a response.
Easy-peasy, and super secure too!
Security can be upgraded by using, for example, 7zip, to encrypt your messages, using a password you shared with your friend, in a secure way. :^)))
TOR is already completely pozzed.
No. Browsers suck, and servers cannot be trusted, when they aren't your own, but I'm not discussing a server that's controlled by another.
Show me 1 method of communicating more secure.
whonix is better…
I'll add, don't use Intel.
Didn't we already do this?
Excellent find, OP.
Face to face meeting you wanted to say.
I should add messages should be written/read and encrypted/decrypted using always offline PC with removed network equipment, and exchanged via USB with the online machine for sending and receiving.
That's what I was wondering. Where did all of these mugshots come from? They must have all gotten arrested.
So did they release the full chat logs or are they just reporting on whats inside?
I am constantly amazed. God bless them for trying but god damn them not shutting the fuck up.
No they won’t release them
They won’t release documents about Devon Arthur’s case either
First get an inner core going of 5-8 people or so. Once you have that you can expand to a second core of close ones so you have around 25 people with a few being founders. When you have expanded to the stage of being 20 people strong you likely already have received some negative backlash. At this moment you need to convert using encrypted invite only communication means with proper identification for the members. This of course puts pressure on the guy who manages this to not be a shill or having suspicion against him. So a shill inside the group can easily accuse the one who wants to change to a private platform of being an agent trying to log / mine activity.
But it's super hard to get people organized and get people into an ideology. Holla Forums doesn't have a clear formulated ideology either, but you really need principles when founding some kind of movement. Otherwise you end up like Dickie Spencer without having a clear stance on stuff like jews, gays etc and people will attack you for exactly that. Not having a clear stance, or sometimes deviating from an earlier stance. That's what makes you seem like just another dishonest politician type which the crowd you're trying to reach already loathe.
They forgot the first rule of the internet: Lurk moar.
I don't use discord you fucking nigger, so this doesn't fucking apply to me. Think before you post, stupid fucking low-life nigger kike. Don't piss me the fuck off again.
Pussies. I bet they know it would have a positive effect on peoples view of the white struggle in general.
I don't fucking use discord so this shit doesn't apply to me. I'm sick of seeing it bumped. Fucking stop pissing me off.
No one knows who you are you fucking retard.
maybe it would be less of a problem for you if you wound up simply uninstalling Discord from your computer
Ah so you're shitposting to increase the signal to noise ratio. Thanks for the bump dumbass.
Wow, so tough on the internet!
If I'm so dumb then why am I smart enough to not use discord unlike you?
ID 45b2fa is a shill, don't forget to filter
IRC was never meant to be anonymous or secure. But if you run the server and run SSL/TLS then it's 100x safer then fucking discord. IRC is open source and a simple protocol. You could use any client you want or write your own.
discord is proprietary bullshit run on servers you do not control.
maybe he'd seem like less of a shill if he stopped screwing around with his discord and shitpost seriously
who hurt you lad
you're either feeding the shill or or shill B
Wow, you're so snarky and cool, big tough internet typer.
I'm just shitposting, I've never seen a shill like him before so I'm not sure if he even is a shill or just some schizo retard, so I'm prodding him to get some more info.
Post a pic of your hand you LARPing shitskin
I know for a fact that the Mexican cartel does its illegal operations through discord. Burners they keep for a few weeks and discord. Don't ask how I know that
Post a picture of your address, fucking nigger pussy!
well what are we supposed to use?
It's only bad if someone screencaps/saves the chats which can happen even on the most secure and encrypted software.
That's a really nasty rash user. I bet your friends on your Discord server would be able to help you find a doctor for that
Newsflash: AtomWaffen are American LARPers and you're still a nigger for burning my flag.
They don't have to screencap anything when they control the servers and client software.
Actually part of the problem with this isn't simply the security of the server, it's the content itself. Nobody should be talking about blowing shit up with thermite grenades on any chat server where a simple screencap or a leaked chat log is all it takes to fuck you over. That's just dumb
Yeah I agree with that as well.
Discord can just leak stuff, they're funded by all the MSM and gigakikes lel.
As for setting up your chat use something with encrypted messaging, preferably with you or someone in the organization that is trustworthy in control of the server / content. Don't have people post uncensored pics of themselves or personal details on the server, instead ask such details to remain only in private conversations on your platform or something or on something else. In this way people can't just go to your server and uncover everyone their identity. People can still just communicate fine, but it's very important to stress anonymity.
You might think if you're a group of 30 right winged dudes that nobody is going to come after you or anything, but you're very wrong about that. 30 dudes is enough for CNN to try to infiltrate to get footage or other MSM retarded journalists / possible agents of police to monitor.
You need an environment where you can set strict user privileges and map everything an user does. Keep really bad / crime related stuff off servers entirely, preferably IRL shared with as little people as needed.
It's not your flag. It's (((their))) flag along with other corporate elites. United States wants every flag to be (((their))) flag.
It's MY flag, not theirs. It belongs to my people, not theirs.
Depends on your threat model.
If you want to 1v1 some internet Spooks then I'd buy a second hand shitty laptop with cash, tear out the battery and hard drive. Boot it up using Tails Linux Distro on a Live USB, shitpost via TOR (possibly vulnerable, though no one is really sure) and use PGP to encrypt and decrypt messages. The reason for tearing out the hard drive is that, while Tails won't touch the hard drive during operation, you don't want anything which can leave a trace of evidence. The battery is pulled out and the laptop is operated on its power supply alone. This is so, in the case of a physical threat to you, you can pull the plug and the laptop will instantly drop dead, along with any data stored on the RAM.
Obviously a critical threat to you if SWAT break down the door while you're trying to download a rare pepe.
Otherwise, if you just want to shitpost with a better sense of security (though screenshots are still a danger you have to accept), the Wire application could be a good alternative to going full crackpot on Tails. Wire is open source for both client and server software and is end-to-end encrypted (don't accept anything less). You can also set your messages to auto delete after a set period of time, between 24 hours and 5 seconds. Supports E2E encrypted text, photo, voice and video calls.
Certainly a cut above (((Discord))) but I wouldn't trust any electronic device with critical information. If you have absolutely critical information which must be stored in digital format and must not be compromised, I'd use an encrypted USB stick with a self-nuke function.
You mean
Good riddance.
Forgot to mention that with Wire it asks you for a phone number if you create an account via the mobile app. Obviously that's personally identifiable information. Instead, go through their website via a browser and you can use an email account instead, I'd recommend Protonmail (slightly pozzed but encrypted) or your preferred throwaway, after all it's only for activation purposes to avoid bot spamming.
Did they reed seej?
beeeb seej
Is he one of Ben's friends
If they have these logs why haven't they leaked them? Doesn't make any sense unless there aren't any or its just nothing. No one is really retarded enough to use discord for anything other than shit posting.
If these radicals are so incompetent they can't buy a 20 dollar raspberry pi knock off and put mumble on it, then, well, I don't know what to say about it.
It's like those pakis who got busted on xbox live back when the 360 was still around.
Are they referring to the vz.61 pistol, or the modern skorpion evo 3? The skorpion evo 3 shares the name but is unrelated to the KLOBB mechanically.
Holy shit, never talk about your illegal activity on the internet, phone, text, letter, etc. Jesus Christ, some people are fucking idiots.
America is the most anti-white force in all of history, so it should not be surprising.
The only secure way to send messages is really to implement RFC 1149 as a protocol and have a pre-shared key. Or face to face with memorization.
What are the memes telling us?
They seized device(s) and proceeded to log into the compromised user's account.
Then they viewed the chat logs.
All of fullchan is being archived.
What these chumps are doing is highly counterproductive
for (((you)))
If they're so notorious, how come this is the first I've seen them posted about on Holla Forums or anywhere else?
That's because you're in a CIA nigger thread.
Riot.im: about.riot.im
Tox: tox.chat
Signal: signal.org
SILC: silcnet.org
Ricochet: ricochet.im
t. Bonglet
Reminder that South Africa and the 1st World War is a direct result of the British Empire being used by the Rothschilds. Daily reminder that it was the (((British Empire))) who fucked with America and tried to force a central bank on us with the war of 1812 and temporarily succeeded.
der untermenschen
Those are driver's license shots…
They most likely were able to obtain them through DMV data banks. Seeing as they were able to get their names, I suppose there was an infiltrator in AtomWaffen and they, somehow, got the names of the other users there.
That's the only way they were able to link usernames with their real names.
AtomWaffen was originally formed by Brandon and Devon. There were other folks in neighboring states that also ended up joining as well. By the time I came around we were all using a Skype group. When the group was actually starting to get some media attention from the posting of fliers at universities, they all considered using uTox as a chat client instead. This was before Discord got really popular.
After the whole Devon incident, I don't know what happened. But I am sad to see it happen. I remember the happy times, the first day Brandon posted this shitty little image.
Reminds me of this:
Something to note about each and every Fascist American group, is that they seem to crumble when the leaders disappear, are killed, die or are arrested. When Pierce passed the organization fell into power struggle and then irrelevancy. When William D. Pelly was arrested his group just basically gave up. When Rockwell was killed the party split into two and struggled for a while then basically gave up the ghost with the appearance of the National Alliance. Or even worse, one spin off of the American Nazi Party, NSM spiraled into retarded LARPing. Than we have the National Renaissance Party that dissolved one year after the leader died and the new leader was assassinated by a mugger and his car was stolen, the car had all the NRP membership details in it so the party became defunct. The NSRP died after its leader J. B. Stoner died and so on and so forth.
It seems to me the very life of these movements hinges on the leaders and their qualities. Too often far too much faith is placed in these men because what happens is that the great men die and everyone just goes back to watching the telly. Or worse the people who are supposed to take their place are not held accountable and sperg out, fight with the other members or simply can't handle such a position. The people in these historical fascist groups just aren't preparing to have anyone take their positions, so while they make great strides and pave the way for people like us to exist (modern American Fascists) they lose so much progress when they are gone. It's basically like when a parent leaves and the teens are in charge of the household now, you get a messy home and kids who don't do the dishes properly. I don't know how to prevent a terrible fate from befalling our group, but if we are to survive and maintain the progress we make then we MUST have accountability for our leaders, elitism with every member involved, that means no armchair Nazis and training up and desperging of potential future leaders. This is something we all need to think about, Pierce even remarked on this in one of his broadcasts back in the day about what if everything he was doing was all for naught? If only he could see what had happened to his once great organization, it only still lives because he had the self-awareness to realize what could happen and work as hard as he could to prevent that fate.
I've seen lots of churches fall in the same way in my short life as well. Because pastors took charge but didn't galvanize their flock. So when they were gone the people scattered. Men who made amazing strides fell their entire organization with one mistake, like Doug Phillips with Vision Forum. At one point his organization even had people questioning the benefit of listening to any music that had BEATS in it! What I took from that was that you need to be involved in your comrades lives to the point where they give up things they like in order to possibly advance the organization or simply forgo that thing for something better and more beneficial to us. Dictates of even personal interest, there's an old saying "How does this glorify God?" We were told to apply this to everything we did, nothing was ambiguous! If it didn't you expunged it from your life. This is the kind of thinking that we want I believe. If you brew a child's mind with this kind of thinking then with enough time you'll have a fanatic willing to die for that ideal and they will train others in their stead. I've seen that happen. "Train a child up in the way he should go and he shall not depart from it." ~ Deuteronomy
Looking to the future I'm hoping things go well, but hope and pray can only be supplemented by action.
What in the actual fuck?
http: //www.hrc.utexas.edu/exhibitions/web/woodstein/
A Jewish professor at a Saudi college interviewing a mostly-forgotten old white power pre-e-celeb…
I don't even…
Pic related
The hole thing, quotes that are pure cringe, over the top edgy, a few Holla Forums memes thrown in. It feels like how a progressive would write a Holla Forums user character.
That's obvious to any 8channer or even 4channer. The problem is tech illiterate right wing forums that talk about that shit all the time over chats.
I would not be using any conventional publicly available medium to talk about such things. This is just about the only place you can do that, because it's anonymous and because there's so much shitposting that nobody knows if your "threats" are credible here.
I certainly use this place as essentially my emotional release, not like these faggots to organise rebellions.
Aren't they all?
Does that matter?
No it's possible, but you have to go so deep that people will just consider it conspiracy if it's whistleblown.
And I also agree, the best place to organise is through visible open debate with the left. Our fight is with words. Lies can only do so much.
They do look far more legit than that other org that was falsely connected to the florida shooter.
Correction: post war US has been the most anti-white force in history, thanks to blackmail and subversion.
Im plantinum 7 times! I went plantinum selling rhythms!
This is the fate of SIEGE fags.
Join Internet secuirty, lads.
So sexy
If every available medium that we have at our disposal is compromised then how do we organize to advance ourselves and our ideas?
Do we just continue to larp on the chans and do nothing?
Right. But only the NSA and its contractors would have access to state DMV databases and driver's license photographs.
whats that all about?
Praise be to Allah and to James Mason his prophet
You know feds get off on the idea that after OWS everyone is afraid to trust eachother and organize.
This post is FBI
That's really deep; where did it come from? Thanks for sharing and capped, because I'm sure there's something there that we need to think about.
Lame. Here’s mine.
Hey, Jew, how’s that Talmud?
Make a country out of a falsified claim.
Remember: “Gentiles prefer sex with cows.”
So says Abodah Zara twenty-two A.
Hey, Jew, don’t be afraid.
You have made a fortune from usury.
The minute you let the goyim go free,
Your finances will be in serious trouble.
And any time you’re put in pain, hey Jew, refrain:
”Remember, you goys, the lost six million…”
For well you know they’re useful fools, o’er whom you rule.
You’re making their world a little darker.
“Shalom Aleikhem, Shabbat Shalom…”
Hey, Jew, go spread the word.
“Have you heard of miscegenation?
Remember, the future’s not white, but brown!
White flight from your town? You are a racist!”
So let whites out and let blacks in; not Jews, goyim.
You’ll breed them out of the gene pool.
And no, it’s not white genocide, my Jew, white pride,
The movement we need’s on the horizon…
“Shalom Aleikhem, Shabbat Shalom…” (goy)
Hey, Jew, don’t take this wrong,
Sung your last song, now get yourselves out of here.
Remember when Saxons begin to hate
You must accept your fate and enter gas chambers,
Chambers chambers chambers chambers chambers chambers, oh…
“Golel or mipnei choshech, choshech mipne or…” (Hey, Jew) x16
This is true of everything. Ran a gaming guild back in the early days of MMOs. I watched literally hundreds of guilds rise and fall based solely on their leadership. It's the same with businesses and everything else right down to a chess club.
This is why the kikes so viciously attack anyone who shows potential. If we had men like Trump or Hitler instead of Spencer and Heimbach it would be over for the kikes.
fuck jews
Looks like scabies, you should see a doctor.
unfortunately, it's not
mumble. tox. IRC (vpn + fake names)… there are a bunch of options