NOODLED: How Reddit Crowdfunded Asian on White Porn to Strike Back at 4chan White
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Theses people are almost as retarded as OP.
I wonder (((who))) gave them the idea?
Holy shit actually paying to make a porno because you are so butthurt, it's sad. Sage because irrelevant.
I wonder how many here recognize Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and the rest are merely money laundering platforms
Now this is surprising, but "" is still alive? and paying two people to make porn while you watch and pay for it again, that's pretty much the most passive-aggressive cuck thing to do.
take your cocktail sausage back to reddit and your jewish gf
How will they ever recover?
Alright my bets are on that she is a kike
Sage in the email field, you fucking newfags.
dubs confirm
the goon "swack" (creator of hooktube) is one of the goons behind this porn shoot
The term you are looking for is "RICED".
"Noodled" sounds retarded.
Is reddit even real?
my bad, spent a bit too much time on cuckchan I guess.
Sure is 4chan in here.
Seriously though, more proof that Asians are just slant-eyed kikes.
I don't even
Ha, they're like niggers too, except they don't have the excuse of being too shit at maths to understand variable proportional distributuon.
I take it back, OP is a faggot, this is not worth a thread, they can keep their degeneracy in san franshitco while "laughing" at the insecure "white racists" for paying a gook banging a bitch whose snatch has been visited by the male refugees of the Rape of Nanking.
Finding it hard to get mad at this level of insecurity at play. Especially when they're so desperate as to scour the internet, specifically looking for angry people. If anything, it's showing obsessive lolcow material.
That's not really a lot, though. Especially for cuckchan. I remember seeing Rei vs Asuka threads that hit the post limit in under a half hour. Plus how many of those angry posts are made by the people involved?
Who cares?
Do they not realize they literally paid to cuck themselves? Sasuga Reddit
It's just tumblr without as many gifs.
Imagine being so insecure about your race and what is implied about your peoples sexual prowess that you actually fund a porno to prove everyone wrong. The is what happens when you let kikes get into your head, kike comedy constantly regurgitates the "little dick" Asian stereotype and then kike porn loves to portray the little Asian girl being properly sated by a larger, non-asian cocks. This embarrassing attempt at "revenge" is the latest symptom of decades of demoralization. Sage because I take no pleasure in watching broken people do degenerate things.
I would even prefer pic related over that kind of crap. Also why is reddit mad at cuckchan?! Cuckchan is basically reddit 2.0
Its just silly. OP is almost-certainly the guy who admitted to being a cuckchanner who got banned for asian masculinity spamming.
I mean, guys, come now.
They're super demoralized, to the point of insanity, and the haps can find no escape.
< *clears voice* "… Bangkok, Thailand."
that's funny. what movie is that from? I'm amazed they were allowed to make that.
how do we know it's not funded by kikes roleplaying as asians?
honest question
I mean, besides the ones on cam, the plebbitors.
Based on a two-day visit recently, my guess would be three reasons.
1. Cuckchan shits on Asians regularly when revealed, especially the Asian masculinity fags.
2. Cuckchan is RIFE with shilling for WM/AF race-mixing. Like, there's several committed Jews/bots that legit just make threads full of pictures of cute Asian sluts while shitting on White women, and they always go to max replies, and as soon as they do another one is there (often even before one is gone, there's another, or two more, already underway).
3. The dudes on reddit paying to make cuck porn are insectoid urbanite happas who beat off to AM/WF shit with their tears when they can't get a Stacy or a Li-Chi, feel super-immasculated about it, and thus become super ass-ravaged in response to people calling it out.
That's no movie m8. That's your future with an Asian waifu.
I lurked their profiles, and it's seems legit, but they dont' post outside their incel cuck subreddits, and we should dox at least one of them….or the whore on cam, I dunno, It too pathetic to be angry actually.
Possible, but no more likely than actual hapas.
Checked for
Quite bumping shitty Asian cuckporn cuckchan-tier threads lads.
Okay, Li Chi is nuts. But it would be nice to see a white woman with her priorities straight like that.
Why the fuck are they so insecure, the only emasculated asian males I see on media are K-pop singers, other than that, no one actually cares that much to notice if they are manly or not.
Wow guys, a woman who has sex for money, had sex for money. Im going to have to rethink white power.
Yeah yeah, they are the ones who are insecure here. Right.
It's seems to me that these "asians" hate each other and throw shit at each other to then blame it on white people.
There you go. Cuckchan is already making a good job blowing this out of proportion and putting the spotlight on something that would quickly fizzle out had they let it die quietly
1. They aren't Asian males. They're hapas. The Asian women don't want them. The White women don't want them. So they're super upset, but they know White women are the more-highly prized even amongst their own kind, and the White males and females shit on them much harder than the Asians, so that becomes the target of the hostility.
2. There aren't really any strong Asian males, and all their countries are neutered shit. Think about it. Japan - neutered, lapdog of the US. Korea - neutered, secondary pet of the US. China - pajeet-tier wanna-be-America. Are the rest even worth mentioning? Even if they were, they're all either pets of the us or giant White-sex-tourism brothels. Asians are like Whites, facing the same sort of issues, except they've been defeated by Whites in every conceivable sense in recent history. They're a lot like the European Whites - they don't even have the 'muh band o' bruvas!' type shit to harken back to, not thats really prevelant in the mainstream media and bereft of Jewish taint (though thei media outlets have been making moves in taht vein as of late).
What is wrong with you?
r/hapas keep on screeching.
top fucking kek I hope this is a troll. I refuse to believe there's a person out there this fucking stupid
Jesus Christ.
How does one reach such level delusion?
Drugs? Genuine mental illness?
Ask the redditards on here.
Is that the new SJW buzzword of the week?
This is the most pathetic thing i've ever heard. No one gives a shit about pornstars anyway they are the bottom of society. Arguably even actual prostitutes have more value.
A lot of the time. I swear they put soy in the weed now.
What a stupid fucking world I was cursed to live in
I feel too sorry for these guys to be angry. I hope they find some peace in their lives. The white will be a white and probably has 100 different STDs from fucking niggers and trash anyway. This isn't hurting anyone but the gainz and time of the losers watching it.
Fucking hilarious post wew.
Aw man, I really feel bad for those azn kids that grow up in western countries. They develop all those inferiority complexes over being tiny-dicked beta manlets, even compared to the modern white soyboy.
I hope by now every last one of you has realized that the HOW CAN WHITE WOMEN EVEN COMPETE spam is coming from asians, who basically want white men to feel what they feel. You did know this, right? Right?
Now blacks ALSO feel bad for living in a white society, because their inferiority at functioning in a white society (inability to operate a computer, do basic math or writing etc) is so blatant. But they do not have the same sexual inferiority complex that azns have, instead, they hide behind the gangsta culture (that doesn't require such skills from them) and blame white oppression.
Azns meanwhile do much better at those office type things - arguably better than whites even, and their inferiority complex is purely sexual. At least in men. Azn women do not have these problems, they can get infinity white men to dick them at the blink of a slanted eye, because azn girls are, well cute and girly. Azn men meanwhile are also cute and girly and that doesn't help them with azn women in white countries where they're in competition with white men, and it sure as shit doesn't help them with white women who usually are quite a bit taller than them.
But east azns are pretty much the only other non-shit race on the planet. If the white man were to go down, it'd be up to east azns to keep civilization going, because the brown races simply can't do it. We must sympathize with the plight of the azn males, just as we need to sympathize with the plight of blacks and brown people. If we do not understand their problems, we cannot properly interact with them.
With azns (and hapas, everything that applies to azn males and females also applies to hapas) it's simple: Go to east asia, be surrounded by your own kind. These east asian countries are so great that many white people elect to live there, it's not the same as with the niggers and dunejockeys who'd rather spend life in a prison in the US or Europe than migrate to the failed shit states of africa and the middle east. Those people will not agree to remigrate as easily, and there may have to be force involved. For azns, that is not true. All we need to say is: Go to where there's more people like you, where there's almost no sexy white men for you to compete with.
tl;dr: I feel bad for azn guys in white countries, but if you have a problem, the solution is simple - you have to go back.
And stop that cringy porn shit. It's really pathetic and just underscores that for all that high IQ, you guys mentally deficient in other ways.
Of course.
no high rates of cheating in self-reported tests.
These guys actually think they are in control? That they get to choose? Holy fuck.
Let’s leave it these guys to make Asians, as if they’re not already, look even more retarded in the western world.
Good plan there leddit.
t. Asian
That's not it, the results are fairly consistent. Azns are good at math, and testing in general, mostly because for 2500 years china has rewarded people who did good at tests with cushy government jobs. That's an eugenic policy, I say we should have similar things in white countries.
There are also mental endeavours where white males are superior to azns, spatial thinking mainly (which is why women and azns are shitty drivers) but spatial thinking also relates to empathy and understanding social situations, which are hard to test for directly in IQ tests. The IQ tests we use in the west are fixed, because they need to give women the same average IQ, which they simply do not have. Women would be, on average, 2-8 IQ points lower, if we didn't undervalue spatial thinking skills, this also privileges azns and jews somewhat in their scores.
If you talk to azns in actual asia, they don't really recognize that they have a higher IQ, because according to them, whites wtfraped the lot of them and brought them civilization and ruled the world, and they wouldn't be able to do that if they were significantly more stupid than azns. And I agree with the east azns there. Azns are smart people, the only other non-shit race tbh, but there seems to be something about whites that makes them greater still, and our contemporary, politically correct IQ tests simply do not reflect that sufficiently.
I thought Asians think of us as the in between of niggers and Asians ; the unholy mix of a little barbaric and a little smart, to be able to achieve such things.
Oh, and also
My fucking sides
asians are mostly fucking retards
I lost count of how many asians i saw in remedial math class (the bottom) most asians ive known have been low iq failures.
Asian "smarts" is a complete myth.
That's just it, the whyte mayne brought them civilization. The more thoroughly azn countries adopted "white" ways, the richer and better it is now. The vietnamese look at north & south korea and go "Shit… we shouldn't have fought the americans!" when you get past the jingoism. In HK, they're begging for the brits to come back to rule them instead of the chinese. Japan is the most isolationist of the azn countries, and still has so thoroughly adopted western ways and become the culturally dominant force in the whole of east asia.
White racialists think of whites as "being in between blacks and azns", azns don't think that. If whites were "a little barbaric", then that would just mean that the azns were much more barbaric, an inferior civilization and culture. If they do think it, it's literally because they copied white opinions, proving the point again.
What I don't understand is, why are the Nips so damn good with cars? What did they do differently than the Chinese?
Is it now? Because you have to differentiate between proper east asian (han) people, chinese, taiwanese, korean, japanese, and the brown IQ80-90 subhumans with slanted eyes that inhabit the more equatorial parts.
I have never seen a more insane crash in my life.
The nips have some of the best public transportations in the world, and a culture of "women stay at home", so the people who would be shit drivers aren't driving, and they don't have the chinese "IDGAF culture" about everything, including the mechanical state of their vehicles.
Asians are renowned liars, cheats and gamblers. Read up on the widespread cheating and bribery scandals all over the west by NE asians.
Furthermore read up on the actual responses of asians caught bribing and cheating. They collectively believe all other people must be cheating and bribing so they are entitled to do it too. It's the asian zero sum logic.
That one guy in the white on the bicycle lol… poor cunt almost makes it but the post hits him like a praying mantis style strike and then he goes under the truck.
Asians consider whites less intelligent, but white people being able to not be selfish cunts and work together for the greater good is what made them capable of ruling the world at one point.
Just like jews and women, yeah. It's a low test thing.
The problem with asian males is that their women don't want them. While there are many good reasons for this, the simple fact is that their women don't want them and instead throw themselves at white dick. It doesn't help that despite their anger with white males, they worship them in all their media.
They need to stop cucking themselves and then maybe, their women will stop cucking them.
Also the Nips set very high (but expensive) standards for their own cars for use on their roads; if a car they manufactured falls below those standards, it will be marked as unfit and therefore for foreign export.
Plebbit users shilled their own thread pretending to be white guys to drum up business for their virtue signalling cuckoldry business model
Its partially to do with asian cultures obsession with fortune and luck. If you believe the world is governed by forces out of your control you try to cheat, gamble, bribe do anything to change your fortune.
Its extremely primitive.
Oh my God, YES, THIS.
Fucking hell working with my peers is such a pain in the ass
>They're obviously speechless from seeing this huge 4 incher go inside a real live white woman
non-cucked whites view asians as unintelligent.
The problem is that in the presence of white males, azn males seem inferior to women. That's why it would be better for everyone to simply have ethnonationalism - Azns live amongst azns, whites live amongst whites, brown people get recycled into fertilizer. That azns are practically worshipping whites on a subconscious level is well known.
It's not very different from how protestants are different from catholics. Protestants are harder workers because they believe that financial success means god likes you, while the catholics have more of a cucked "sometimes you just get fucked over by the universe" attitude.
I wouldn’t argue with you on that. I know plenty of retarded Asians myself.
At least 60% of my class is stupid as fuck, and most of my class can't even do math for dilution factors.
I just view them as… Somewhat as children, on the emotional-social level. The same way blacks are children on the rational-abstract-thinking level.
It is more victimisation propaganda.
If ALL races as well as females are made to be felt as imaginary victims of the white man™, then the divide and conquer is complete.
They are using the same tactics as they did for niggers.
I haven't heard any anti-oriental propaganda from chans. This is nonsense. Therefore given the similarities, it makes sense that the purpose is merely to make the "WHITE MAN™" the enemy of everyone.
(((They))) know that we don't mind orientals, that we recognise their intelligence and that we know they don't like negroids.
We also know that they don't seek victim status, not even in the US, where every one is a victim.
Therefore they will attempt to force the oriental towards victimhood and gibs.
Nice post.
In the quotes of various jews is the plan to turn Europe into a mixed-blood, brown slave state designed to serve the jew.
They often list Asia as their second stage, that the same will be done there.
Divide and conquer is important for their tactics to work.
Frankly speaking, I would love to gas jews and help you guys.
I don't see why China, Nips should be enemies of the west as of now, at least.
Fuck niggers why can't you do shit
The guy that pioneered that was a hapa.
All three should be killed.
I long for the totalitarian dystopian futures that I used to read about and see in sci-fi films, where every degenerate is purged.
Honestly, any Asians with two brain cells to rub together should be helping the white race get back on track.
Because once white people are gone, we’re next on the chopping block.
they suck at math, suck even more at thinking for themselves
Remember the movie Little Big League? Probably not. It was one of those, "Kid gets involved with a Major League baseball team" movies from the 90's. In this one, a 12 year old kid inherits the Minnesota Twins and makes himself manager. Anyway, one of the players is in a slump at the plate. But it's not just a slump, he's getting old, he's way past his prime. The coaches on the team are saying he needs to be cut, but the kid manager is reluctant because this guy is his favorite player. In the next game, the player gets a hit and the kid turns to the coach and is like, "See?"
The coach then says something along the lines of, "Doesn't it say something that you are getting this excited over one hit?"
That base hit represents Asian cock. If you're getting excited about one asian dude with a big wang… well, it's that ol' "The exception proves the rule" thing, ain't it?
Thats the asian equivalent of a nigger… jew tattoos.. doesnt even speak chink… ect … having sex with a most likely jewish fake blonde whore… how the fuck does this get back at me?
I am fucking my previously virgin chinese wife everyday…she never looked back… if rage really made you fight better the leftists would win.
I am happy
To u purists … white woman is lost… your idea of a based white wife is unicorn in most countries… meanwhile good virgin cock lovers live in asia. We are the same color honestly. Niggers are the one should be roped.
Focus Holla Forums
Well sure, if you want to run the risk of getting stabbed by one of your disturbed hapa children. You're playing with fire, man.
Thing is that doesn't matter nearly as much in Asian countries. Traditional Asian society doesn't give two shits about what women want and most include arranged marriages. While that is breaking down to some extent due to (((certain))) influences, its still easier to maintain a traditional lifestyle in Asia than the west. And if they leave Asia with plenty of hard-earned Jewgolds in their pockets that would give them a definite advantage over poorer rural gooks when trying to secure a wife.
The problem is really "Hapa boy living in majority white country", those are the types that really flip out and stab people, because of the sexual inferiority complex. These guys would be social butterflies and Chads in azn countries.
Haha holy shit, these plebbit faggots are too much. The level of desperation on these degenerates is unreal.
The heaps of retarded porn already produced couldn't do it, but surely this one will finally break us… What a transparent cash grab.
Their eyes are squinty in a different direction.
That's why their cars suck to work on. Simple mistakes in timing the engine are very expensive. Everything's like that nowadays though, because of all the faggot emissions laws.
Their women do want them, and have since the dawn of time.
Otherwise there wouldn't be any asians, while there are 3 billion of them, almost half the population of the earth.
I aint fucking breeding… i am crazy enough as is… no need to pass on those genes… on the other hand all my family live past 100 and are busines owners… if a toss up… but i agree no fucking mix baby
Vietnam is one of the most prosperous countries in SEA, and has by far the most infrastructure.
Japan was threatened by the fat US, and decided to up their game because of it, which led to a rapid modernisation.
You went back there anyway several times and eventually pushed them into outright war to satisfy your sick greed.
Asia would have been better off being left alone.
Asian men
seriously, hiring a prostitute is usually seen as a source of shame, not pride.
You'd think they would have hidden that it was a staged shoot and tried to play it off as if ASIAN ALPHA MAN was legit picking up women or something.
azn pride faggots have been doing this for years. They pay hookers then post the pic up on azn pride forums and claim it as a win.
Let us not forget years ago chans were plagued by the amwf guy that used to dump hundreds of pics of asian guys simply in the same photos with white women. These were always people not actually in relationships but work colleagues or strangers.
That guy reminds me of Dan "Get Rich Quick" Lok.
thumbnail unrelated btw.
Asians are woefully poor.
Depends on the Hapa. WM/AF tend to be the most unstable while AM/WF tend to be more stable. However, if you know a confirmed Chinese/Filipino/SE Asian hapa, be on your toes around them, regardless of which side their Asian comes from.
However, things are different if it is a Japanese rather than any other Asian (Chinese/Filipino/SE Asians get special note because they are the most violently unstable). With the Japanese hapas, the WM/AF's tend to be total lefties, but are not as violently unstable. I have not met a Japanese Male/White Female hapa who is liberal or one who is unstable.
There is definitely something unique about the Japanese.
who could be behind this post
did he died
Yeah, I truly doubt that…..
t. European
tempted to make a reddit account just to spam "asians have shit breath" just to see how many go bobbing for apples in a goddamned porta-potty.
Slice the sushi, get the uzi.
For the record, don't race mix. A pure baby will always be healthier than a mixed one. Just remember that not all Hapa's are created equal, and some are definitely greater and less likely to stab you than others.
kys aznidentity faggot.
Fuck off cunt you don't shack up with Japs if you're a white man. No excuses.
I'm going to fuck a jap woman everyday for the next month just to get you back for being an anti-white rat bastard.
Moshe your nose is poking through my monitor.
This is just bitter ABCs, Asians in Asia don't really give two shits about white women.
Russian hookers are readily available in Asia but few locals have interest in them.
Most local non whore women in Asian countries have no interest in whites either contrary to popular beliefs.
Asia for Asians, white countries for whites, Africa for the Africans etc.
Multiculturalism just creates hard feelings and is a D&C strategy used by jews.
Fuck off aznpride faggot. Its obvious who you are
Who do you think you are foolin. I'm also not a nazi so this shit doesn't wok on me chang.
You know that you're attacking the wrong guy right? Learn how to ID. And I never said that AM/WF is okay, just less bad that WM/AF. And also that Japs are the superior asian.
two ids with the same posting pattern and point of view. Ain't fooling anyone chink.
Ids don't mean shit.
Isn't it illegal to be fat in Japan?
You can have some white women too who gives a fuck. Did you know that the Japanese set up and paid for brothers for occupying Americans.
You can always spot aznpride fags because they say stuff like "white man do not fuck asian woman you betray your race its race miixing!"
Yeah no thats not how sex works. Just because you fuck beautiful asian women doesn't mean you are having children with them.
Go eat a steak man.
Lmfao exactly. But then again, I'm not the one to betray our allies, let them have a some white roasite too. They're not all that.
You wouldn't be a race mixer but you're definitely a degenerate.
I am the furthest thing from a degenerate. If you think sex with a beautiful woman is degenerate you are a faggot.
That's exactly what I tried to explain to the guy. Did you mean to >> the other guy?
It's fine to have sex with a beautiful woman as long as you are married to, engaged to, or strongly intend to be either married or engaged to that woman. If not, and you still have sex with that woman, you are part of the problem.
I am not angry, offended, or have any such emotions. I am bona fide confused and feel bad for these guys.
Let's examine this. These guys crowdfunded a porn. Meaning, they aren't having sex - they're paying to watch a guy have sex with a white girl. That is next level cuck shit. They entered into a game which was putrid and harmful to all from the get go - interracial porn, which today only serves political ends. To top it off they are "attacking" us, while we have nothing to do with any of their problems. We did not cause them, and we cannot solve them. If anything the white nationalist community and people like me actually like East Asians for multiple reasons. Why make enemies when you can make friends?
Furthermore, why the obsession with white girls when asian girls are highly prized themselves? In my opinion this is so utterly american that as a eurofag I cannot comprehend how messed up the situation in America must be for something like this to be such a fuckhuge point of conflict.
Which brings me to the simple conclusion that these guys really, really need some sort of help. I pity them, this is truly unhealthy and I'd like to help them in some way but I know it is beyond me.
You crowdfunded a porn in which an asian guy fucks a white prostitute. How the hell is this supposed to prove your (or anyone elses, be they nigger or white) masculinity? Whores do it for the money with anyone who has money. This will not help your self-image (YOU personally) or the image of your race.
To put aside any theoretical accusation of "lol angry white boi" - Asians are the most numerous race on the planet. This is proof of your virility. You are capable of high cultural and civilizational achievements. You are also capable of War (Genghis Khan comes to mind first, and Sun Tzu, and WW2 Japan, and wars in China's history which defy reason). You are also sexually creative and imaginative, and have turned mere fucking into an art form (doujinshi, manga, hentai). Out of all the shit that infests this planet it is only Whites and Asians that are capable of these things.
The purpose of this porn eludes me utterly, and I hope these guys learn to be smarter with their money.
Above all I now know that I'm living in some weird parody world of memes, conflicting timelines and laughing jesters. This is a comedy, a real comedy.
You will not make me hate you, anger me, or see you in a worse light because of this. I can only stand here in confusion. I only want to give these guys some sort of help, as I always do when I see people I like struggling with internal issues. I was also in that position. We all were. We all know that feel.
Not if you fuck already used goods.
Paying and raising money to make porn to "get back at us". This is beyond pathetic.
Can we just all agree, whites and asians, when we get to colonising Africa again, we're both tag teaming dem savage QTS?
The emasculated opinion of a cucktholic.
Theres literally no issue with a man plowing pussy outside marriage. There is an issue with women doing it outside marriage.
Male virginity is despised by women.
life long cognitive dissonance and complete self delusion, one hell of a combo.
gtfo. Sterilize that place or leave it alone. Nationalism means precisely not having an underrace of slaves, they will always resent you. Whites are capable of building machines that do the jobs of negros, we don't need them as colonial slaves.
I don't post much on infinitychan but im hoping the mod purges this thread. Its been spammed on multiple boards and is obvious azmasculinity shilling shit.
Faggotchan is full of this shit daily and enough is enough.
why do you want aids that badly?
Fucking used goods just shows a lack of respect for yourself.
All promiscuity contributes to the promiscuity problem.
Asian men paid 3000 dollars for a jew to fuck her boyfriend?
Dating and relationships is hardly promiscous. Unless you are a hardcore r9k virgin that thinks male virginity has value.
Women value men with sexual experience its simple as that.
What you are you saying is men should be virginal. Its not men that should be virginal its women.
noodled is better, riced is taken and may be confused with ricers.
Their land would serve us better anyways
Actually I was taught asians have low virility.
White men specifically British and some colonial descendants have the highest virility.
This is based on the effectiveness of male contraception.
It has a 100% success rate on asian men. On some white men it fails.
Called it.
How pathetic do you have to be that you didn't just pay for pornography you fucking crowd funded it.
Sure, it's either "genocide the lot of them and actually bring civilization to the land," or keep Africa as some sort of Prime Directive tier zoo where the monkey-humans live.
Do you want to genocide blacks? I actually don't, no more than I want to genocide gorillas or chimpanzees or bonobos or any of the other human-like apes. I just don't want them to run free in my society because some libshit thinks we should treat them like actual humans.
I got my full redpill on racemixing last year. I was dating (meaning "getting to know", not fucking her, because you're an idiot if you fuck someone you wouldn't have kids with) a half chinese girl for about a month, which is exactly how long she managed to hold back the crazy. On the last evening I spent with her I had invited her over for dinner, having just made a big delicious pot of steak chili, and she starts the night by refusing to make eye contact, calling me clingy when I go to give her a hug, and staring at her phone. When I served the chili she decides to sit with her back to me while she eats it. At this point I'm pretty well losing my enthusiasm for having company over, but I just focus on enjoying the good-ass chili I made.
Suddenly an object flies across the room and bounces off the wall. She had just thrown an old cell phone, and she was running towards it with my hammer in hand. She begins smashing it to pieces on my floor (which she dented) and laughing. She did this for 3 minutes, till the phone was no longer satisfyingly breaking apart. I just stared, while my anger started building silently. After a few more minutes of silence I managed to calmly get out "I'm not in the mood for company tonight", to which she responded "I noticed, you're acting scary". Once she had gathered up all her stuff she added "Text me when you're not in such a weird mood" on her way out.
After she left I found a dirty tank top and a whole raw potato in my bed.
TL;DR: My single anecdote proves all asian women are insane.
Not worried at all about Asian men. They are generally gentle unless youre an animal. They're always trying to prove themselves by studying hard, haircuts every week, working out with their water bottles and acting like reggins. Keep focus on the Meccans, Jews and nogs
A white girl redpilled me on Asian women. She said, "how could you date an Asian girl, they have no soul?" I never dated an Asian or nonwhite after that
No, it's not that male virginity that has value. It's that female virginity has value. The more men who have multiple partners outside of marriage the fewer female virgins there are, which means less marriageable women. Unless every man who has sex before marriage is fucking the town bicycle, but we both know that isn't the case.
Your story certainly contributes to the pile of evidence to that effect, yes.
I can't comment on your post in any manner since I have no idea from where you're from and who you are. But the point I made stands.
Who're you talking to?
Here's a redbull for you: All women are insane like that. All of them. Black, white, azn, you name it. And western society by and large encourages this female insanity instead of curbing it.
Not saying you should continue dating azn grilles or anything, or that azn women aren't slightly more crazy, just don't expect any better from regular women.
What is this ridiculous D&C campaign to get whites to hate asians
I'd understand if you were talking about the jungle dwelling stickmen with bones through their noses, but this is 100% a shill campaign to divide whites and asians against each other. These faggots at reddit are literally nothing more than a group of angry redditors who have chink eyes.
You are employing the logic of a frustrated r9k asian virgin.
Life isn't a zero sum game.
Some women are unsuitable to be partners but are suitable lovers. Society is not evenoy splot male and female either.
Theres a truck load of fallacies and ignorance with what you are saying.
Furthermore the fault is society is broken. Feminists and liberals erased the tradition of virginal woman. In the past it was an actually taight tradition that women even ones who had sex would do their best to be as close to virginal as they could.
There's your problem right there - you're treating them like people. Women aren't people. Women feel, they don't think, like an animal.
The problem I see with alotta guys is they're looking for a friend in a woman, in the way you'd look for a friend in a man, as opposed to how you'd look for a friend in a dog. Women aren't insane, anymore than dogs are insane. You're just holding them to too-high of standards. Because Jews convinced your grandparents that women were people, and they've been exacerbating that foundational lie ever since, which is why you think women are people, which they are not.
Potato, Potato. Just don't treat them as adult human beans, treat them like you would a child, and you'll be fine. The problem is society has taught us to treat them as if they were adults, when they're eternally stuck as hormonally controlled, unreasonable teenagers who need a firm guiding hand.
Checked for I still think the dog comparison is more justified than the teenager comparison, given even teenage males are mostly human.
Geez Moshe, at least I can take comfort in the fact that your JMAF coupling will turn out Autistic. Meanwhile my white children will dominate the world.
Oh no, they're not. They're 100% retards. If you think differently, you're probably just too young yourself. Men take like 25 or even longer before they're real human beans, by gradually taking on more responsibility starting at puberty. Women just get stuck at 13, never have any real responsibility, and never become emotionally or spiritually mature.
I've dated more women than I'd like, and that was notably bizarre. It also followed a really good relationship with a traditional white woman, who loved kids and was good with them, knew how to cook, chop wood, garden, start a fire, knew how to save money, and wanted to please me above all. That one ended because her clock was ticking, and I was in no position to support a family, but it ended peaceably. She never acted crazy, and I never uncovered any major red flags in her past.
Nah m8, I think you've just had a different experience. In any case, they are human. They are not ADULTS - which is when you accept duty into your life - but they are human. They can think, as opposed to merely feel.
Women can only ever feel, barring the potentiality of extremely-rare exceptions.
the dog analogy doesn't work. the child one is closer. the problem is that woman have all the freedom and power (or more then) a man with none of the responsibilities or expectations. so you can't really treat them like children either and expect everything to workout. a woman is more like a child hopped-up on drugs twirling around a loaded gun, and it's always pointing at you/civilisation. you can't take the gun out of her hands since she can just sick state sanctioned thugs on you anytime she feels like it. thats the reality. sometimes you meet one that isn't hopped-up on drugs (feminism/msm) but all the rest still applies.
Actually its hilarious how bad they made themselves look by making the effort to shill this:
You fucked up
I agree tbh. You should have just dived into it. Having a kid on the way is a great excuse to get into real earnings. The idea that you need to have some top tier job and your own house before you actually start a family is, once more, kikery
Women do not have power. What women have is men who have power who will act on their behalf. This is a key matter of import - women do not have any power themselves, and in the past, sans a broken ideological/political system which provides male-partner surrogates to serve their interests as is the case today, they espouesd that state.
Women have no power of their own. They are almost-never capable of any depth of thought - only overpowering emotion.
You're confusing the power which women are able to wield via proxy in the form of men with power who will act on their behalf with women themselves having power, and its an important distinction: it is exactly BECAUSE women have no personal power that they are the way they are, that they do not demonstrate the evolutionary traits associated with espousal of personal power in society, which is the sociological/evolutionary niche of men.
If women had any personal power to themselves, they would have exercised it in society such that they were not relegated to a different sociologic/evolutionary niche and thus were not at this time representative of the absence of the traits associated with personal power and its espousal (thought). Like a dog or other low beast, a woman feels her way through life, pursuing whatever emotional drive rises to the forefront at the moment, as a dog will chase a rabbit, a kitten a mouse, and this is made possible by the prence of males - those of her family, in a sane society, and those in the form of 'state sanctioned thugs', in our comedically tragic joke of a reality, in the death-throes of the republic.
interracial cuck spam on our catalog
Don't kid yourself. As long as they exist their a threat. Without the kikes and misused western technology they are a pathetic and minor threat, but on a long enough timeline they may catch us in a bad position again. Genocide the lot of them and enjoy the peace of mind it will bring.
Christ these people are insecure. If they were actually so proud 2b Azn or whatever they’d move the fuck over there.
in reality the most common race mixing happening in the US is WMAF. No white "racist" should be watching porn to begin with.
Reddit chinks btfo
Post the data on blacks, for an actual surprise
Are chimpanzees a threat? Are gorillas a threat?
Wanting to genocide them is a perfectly reasonable position, given that we'd need probably a thousand years of harshly enforced, inhumane eugenics to get them to our current level. God knows what white or azn civilization will have evolved to in a thousand years, digitized consciousnesses, bio-engineered hosts, whatever works and benefits. Why, then, bother?
But genociding them isn't probably neither politically nor economically the most efficient solution. There's a lot of other (((people))) you definitely should be genociding first, because they have proven again and again to be a cancerous and toxic, and ultimately incompatible element to western society.
Bolsheviks and Religion of Cuck™. Genocide away, absolutely. No holds barred. But blacks? They're no threat if they're kept in their open air zoo called africa.
You guys don't know what you're talking about with as little information as you have about me. I can and will do better. A man's ambitions come before a woman, and can never be to have a woman.
Granted, you might have been 12 or something.
What I'm saying is that "I'm not at that point in my life where I can support a family" is nothing but the male equivalent of the female "I want to go to university and study and get a degree and then maybe work for a few years before I get a kid"
Neither men nor women were meant to have their first kid at 35.
Niggers aren't apes or chimpanzees, they're far more dangerous and not nearly as charming. While they are inferior they are still an aggressive, destructive creature that will kill or subjugate whites given half the chance.
The Kikes must go first of course. Niggers and Arabs and other such filth will take considerably more time and effort but they must be cleared out. We can do it piecemeal, clearig a section of Africa of scum and resettling it with white colonists before moving onto the next.
It's is always important to give your enemy a way to retreat. Attack your enemy from 3 sides, but leave the 4th so that he may use it to flee. Backed against the wall, he will fight fiercely and to the death.
– Sun Tzu
It can't be real. Can it?
Civilization doesn't exist for civilization's sake. I don't give a shit past the point whites go extinct except to hope maybe dolphins get a shot at things.
I hate fucking omninats. The only nonwhites that should be allowed to exist are the ones that pose absolutely no threat. Asians are, in fact, our most dangerous competitors next to Jews and, thus, are highest on the priority list to depopulate.
Leaving the land of Africa unpopulated with whites is a waste. Leaving Africans in existence is a risk.
You're a fool. I bet you just want to kick Jews out too — like that's worked the last few hundred times. Gorillas and chimpanzes, unlike Africans, aren't competitors to us and pose no threat. They also do not prevent us from settling and utilizing various lands.
You either lack spine or imagination.
Niggers are not gorillas or chimpanzees, you fucking retard. And why on fucking Earth would you make niggers as capable as whites? In what fucking universe is that desirable?
You position is either absurdity — as it seems to be, given that you also seem to be content with the existence of Asians — lusting after the false idol of civilization for its own sake or sheer hubris. Given your last sentence I honestly can't decide which.
Genociding blacks isn't some sort of optional thing. All nonwhites need to go. They are our competitors. Jews especially need to be the first as they have proven to be the most dangerous, but blacks will go sometime afterwards depending on ease — Asians are more dangerous but are correspondingly harder to depopulate. The only conceivable scenario in which depopulating nonwhites is not a necessity is if we somehow rapidly discover easy space colonization and evolve to the point that we aren't even occupying the same ecological niche as nonwhites anymore — probably to the point we can't even reproduce.
You forget that men and women have vastly different roles. A woman only has to follow a man's lead well and take care of the home, but the man has to lead; and these days men are not taught how to lead. The "manchild" is an epidemic. At 28 I still had videogames where my books should have been. Because this woman was so into me, and life was so easy I had rapidly started losing motivation, muscle mass, will to learn, my diet suffered, etc… I was falling apart. I was not fit to support a family, regardless of money (I don't believe it takes nearly as much money as many claim, nor that poverty prevents you from being a good parent). Unfortunately this puts many of us where we will only start having children in our 30s, but it's better to be the man that you want your children to be rather than a fuckup who has to apologize for not doing things right later on. The world does not need more random whites, it needs whites who know virtue firsthand.
There is no value in creating people to whom you cannot raise well. If you do not have control over yourself; if you cannot stand as a beacon of strong moral character, and inspire your offspring to reach great heights themselves, then any people you contribute to the nation are - more often than not - going to be a net negative. Take care to not practice dysgenics where eugenics is needed. It's no joke.
It'd be funny to watch jewish women getting taken in masse by American men. Really good plan they got there - mix and breed the jewish bloodline out of existence. They didn't think that one through? Short term favoritism for long term destruction.
You had no purpose. Why try if all you do is indulge yourself in hedonistic pleasure? It is natural that you would be like this under such circumstances. Is it not a mans destiny to devote his life to something other than himself? Be it god, the science, the arts, or his family?
You should have knocked her up. And in doing so, matured, and become a real man. Nothing teaches you virtue as quickly as responsibility, especially the responsibility to teach virtue to a child.
Yes, men and women have different rules, but it is not the man's role to be some old fart, two generations removed from his offspring and his struggles.
Jews are already mongrels. They are the quintessential mongrel race.
Fucking this
Except that kike status is passed matrinlineally. All you'll be doing is fathering your own brood of genestealers and unleashing them on unsuspecting on the rest of us goyim.
No. That's stupid, and irresponsible.
Exactly. I was failing to resist hedonism. Why do you think I stopped the relationship?
I should have knocked up the woman who was satisfied with the guy who couldn't uphold his standards as soon as temptation entered the equation? No. As I said before, I can and will do better than her, and I'll do it by being better than I was. I don't want a woman who would pick a guy who doesn't have his shit together. The first, and most important thing a woman can do for her kids is pick a good father.
Do you have such little faith in yourself that you won't strive more than the first woman willing to be inflated by you? I'd hope your potential is greater than that. I know mine is.
Why do you prefer dolphins over azns? I don't want whites to go extinct, but if azns carry on the torch of civilization when whites fail, I find that preferrable to brown people taking the planet back into the stone age.
They are barely a bigger threat once confined to their continent. What would happen, 100 million african niggers suddenly organizing themselves and invading a now nationalist, uncucked europe? We can build literal killbots (drones) to take them out, while they can't even keep an AK47 in working order.
Jews, I'll give the option to emigrate to Israel, unless they're Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks get the rope, they get hunted down, every last one of them must be exterminated, regardless if it's a jew or a white. I don't want to leave a single one of those commie fucks alive, I want to kill their indoctrinated children along with their women. They must get eradicated for good. I don't really have a problem with zionist jews, the problem is the bolshevik jews.
Religion of Cuck™, same thing, needs to be genocided. That doesn't mean we need to genocide all arabs. Nuke mecca, kill every imam, destroy every mosque, and give them the opportunity to convert to christianity or buddhism and live in their own countries. Religion of Cuck™ is what needs to be eradicated, not "Arabs"
The same principle applies:
If your enemy cannot accept what you want as something he could live with, he becomes much more dangerous. If you leave him a way out, you won't have to fight him as hard.
T. Has never been to Asia.
That's true for some Asians but not all. It's true much more for chinese than Japanese for example. It's not as true of Mongolians either. China has had a merchant class for a long time. They also had literal commie purges and big famines in the fucking 60s. Only the sneaky could survive. If you look at their history they had periods of virtue and philosophy to easily rival if not surpass the west. We should consider them an ally as Hitler did because when they throw off the Jewish inflicted communism and tricks that have held them back as we are held back then Asians and even hapas will be a force to be reckoned with. Everything hinges on taking back control of our money supply.
Exactly. These shrimp dick rice heads are fucking sad m8.
That's exactly how humans work. You think shotgun weddings were a thing because all those kids having babies were smart and wise? Fucking a bitch isn't smart and wise, it's a function of your body.
You had nothing better to live for.
And who would that be? a 40 year old guy who doesn't already have a family? Women are well aware that you can get your shit together. Women don't really want a guy that's 20 years older than them, because that means they'll likely be widows at 55, and you can't really find top of the crop boyfriends at 55.
You had the opportunity and you missed it. And now you make up post-hoc rationalizations why you didn't go for it.
This works in our benefit. It's an open acknowledgement that pornography is being used as a social weapon, appealing to one group (minorities) while trying to attack another (whites).
These limp wrists have made the point we've been getting attacked for better than we ever could.
Agreed on that but I think the context of the post you're responding to is pretty clearly about chinese/koreans.
No. Their morality was based solely on external factors while their mental well-being was thought of as internal. Their Confucian ideals were btfo by western philosophy thousands of years ago. There's a reason this 'mindfulness' tripe always references Chinese philosophy, a lot of it is pointless trash to make you feel good while being garbage.
The Japanese are so far ahead of their cousins in this, it's unreal. I respect the nips and can appreciate their sense of aesthetics but I do not share them. Japs have a unique culture and we should respect them if they do the same for us, but it is not our own.
Don't be such a fag, chinks have a long history of maintaining, that's pretty much it. They lose wars, destroy their verdant country, and their corruption makes the west look pure. Their only saving grace is ethnocentrism and being smarter than other non-whites.
Yeah, I don't think so. We need them.
There is a HUGE difference between the reality of Asian women preferring White men and paying a White woman to have sex with an Asian male for several thousand dollars.
The most masculine thing would be to cuck your own wife with another woman. Degenerate yes but masculine too. Letting another woman fuck your wife is feminine. After Achilles got ONE of his girls taken by Agamemnon he was filled with rage because he got cucked.
I think he had three girls and had to give one of them to the big cheese. Achilles was cucking his girl with other girls. The best warrior to ever walk this earth fucked other girls in front of his girl, but he also took care of them etc. That is masculinity even though its degenerate, how the fuck do you convince yourself you are in control and ,masculine with somebody elses penis inside your woman.
I cannot comprehend this and I had two semesters of (((psychology)))
What the fuck does 'sexually regressive' mean in this context?
Jew psyop with Jew slut.
Asians are Honorary. No kike is going to get me to hate asians, especially the Japanese. Asians stick to their own as do whites. The intermixing rate between whites and asians is negligible and we share intrinsic values.
China can still go fuck themselves though. China is the nigger of the asian world tbh.If china ever gets their shit together then maybe we can hang out.
This is a good point as well
are chinks cursed
For a billion people they're not bad. You know if we tell them "go" and purge all nigs they'd happily join. That's all that matters.
Why would anyone be offended by a literal whore race-mixing? I've never understand people who hold pornwhores in high esteem and sperg out when they do interracial.
This, the sort of hatred azns have for blacks makes WN hate for niggers pale (cough) in comparison. Also in reverse, american blacks REALLY hate azns a great deal more than they hate whites.
I think its more about the desensitization effect that takes places when a other white woman see this kind of thing and not about the actual pornwhore doing it. Might be wrong though I am not a super genius level 2
Porn is (((psychological warfare))), the purpose of which is to get society addicted to deviancy, their instinct to reproduce rewired into degenerate lust. This means that they have an irrational attachment to defending abnormal behaviours because it's been associated with the dopamine hits they get from the porn they've see.
Sex/porn/masturbation is the worst drug there is. Why do anything else when it doesn't give as big of a dopamine hit?
Every time you masturbate to pornography you are recieving a dopamine reward (because your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. If you continue to do this you will need more extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time.
All faggots, 'asexuals', trannies, pedophiles are completely controlled by porn. When 'normal' material no longer gives the same high they look for more extreme filth.
Unsurprisingly, the porn industry is completely jewish run.
tl;dr: Sex is for the sole purpose of reproduction. Chasing after dopamine hits with (((porn))) leaves you a porn-addicted tranny/fag/cuck/pedophile.
Let them have their little chinkout. Some butthurt faggots aren't going to make me think twice about a billion plus people willing to help us.
If you don't bust for a while all that sperm is taken to your stomach to be digested so the protein isn't wasted. I don't know about you but that's gay. Keep chugging cum tho I'll happily fap.
Fire up your sheboon sockpuppets and demand that the shrimpdick gooks fuck negresses or they're racist.
Really nigger. Really?
Nice argument, porn addict.
Nigger, I quit cocaine not long ago. Don't try telling me this momentary """"high"""" is the wurst drug der izz!!1.
P.S. nothing wrong with jacking off if you're getting nudes off someone. Ask imkampfy or resurrectedplayer to send you their hairy asscrack and you're ready to go.
Your genetics would've kicked in and you suddenly would've suddenly found yourself with all the motivation in the world to improve yourself for the sake of your child. No, you fucked up. Fatherhood would have changed everything about you that you were worried about. The woman in question instinctively understood that, you were the dumbass weak point that didn't.
I endorse this message. Pinning it on my board
and still zero threat to us if left in africa
Fixed the typo. Too much coffee this morning. Brain is moving faster then my fingers
ah, regression. Dyslexia strikes again.
How beta you have to be to crowfund a hooker for a guy you don't even know so you can watch him fuck said hooker ?
You mean you're halfway to your next hit, you fucking degenerate piece of shit. Suicide squad for you!
In the 80ies, when porn first got big through VHS, the majority of porn was ugly jews like Ron Jeremy fucking literal catholic schoolgirls. Jewish hollywood rejects were the only ones with the equipment and experience, and all they wanted to do is defile those qt shiksas that rejected them in high school.
Nowadays, the majority of porn is actually sexting and cam streaming, i.e. "kids recording their naughty bits with cell phones and web cams", professional porn is dying thankfully, although the jews still cash in through various payment systems like paypal and ad revenue.
Read Ways That are Dark: The Truth About China. It's a Holla Forums classic. The summary is that chinks have always been the way they are. Corrupt CCP-style communism is basically their natural state of being.
No, I don't mean that, spastic.
Disgusting. Let them have their silly jokes, God shall judge them.
well said
you can jerk your dick anywhere at any time. cocaine you have to grow in a unique climate, manufacture and distribute. the imminent availability of masturbation is the insidious danger of it. there are plenty of whores who dont care for drugs and boast that they only get off on a sexual high, as if this was somehow healthy. if youve ever had a powerful orgasm you know its just as good as coke. people are exploiting their pleasure mechanisms and becoming degenerates in turn. its really quite clear anyone who thinks they are in control of themselves when they are jerking their dick off is utterly delusional
I think what he is implying that its the worst drug ever because we are not fully aware of how badly it fucks you up. You said you were a cocaine user, obviously there is immediate effects and you feel a physiological response. Porn however has a blunting effect comparable to for example aging, you can't really pin point the day you weren't as fast/strong anymore but you just don't feel the fast/strong anymore like you used to be.
This blunting effect porn has is that it seriously fucks with your frontal lobes. Cocaine does this too. A measurable negative effect/decrease in brain function for both drugs "porn" and cocaine. Frontal lobes are responsible for a lot of shit. Emotional control, long term memory, creativity etc.
Damage on a developing brain is disastrous and a persons brain is still developing well into your twenties. Now lets say you have a generation raised on easily accessible porn who developed some form of "hypofrontality" poor emotional control, decrease in long term planning, willpower, decrease in long term memory (aka academic performance for high intelligence fields) and creativity.
This is all very interesting if you read up about the neurology of "geniuses" and how they usually have larger frontal cortex and exceptional memories. Porn essentially decreases cognitive function while nobody admits its a drug. A cocaine user at least is aware of his drug use while a porn user might think its a harmless action instead of a drug.
Its worrying that you are aggressively defending masturbation user.
Why does everyone in the world feel entitled to white women?
Why do women allow themselves to be treated like commodities, identifying with their gender and sexual status instead of their race?
If you have a serious (white) girlfriend, do impregnate and marry her. If you have a wife, go nofap and impregnate the shit out of her. But if you don't have a girlfriend to drain your nuts for you, going nofap is idiotic, and the spunk will clog your brain. Only a cuck makes his sexual release dependant on the goodwill of a woman.
Meanwhile, coke blows chunks, way too expensive and you typically have to deal with niggers, just drink coffee instead you fucking whore. Coke is for whores, it's what you give whores in exchange for services, so if you take coke you're a whore.
I wouldn't mind it if coke was actually legal, and thus cheap, because it would immediately lose its position as a status symbol and whore currency, you wouldn't have to deal with niggers, and it would just be something in between coffee and cigarettes, and in so, useful when you have to pull through those extra night shifts during crunch time when you just can't stomach another cup of coffee.
Because they get off of it. They don't want to be in charge, they want to be treated as property, everything else is just a shit test. And that's not a white woman thing, that's a general woman thing.
What's really funny about this - 4chan doesn't even think about reddit at all. Reddit is a meme.
No one cares about reddit.
You're right, but, you can only jack off like once a day, two at most if you're really horny, and jacking off isn't really unhealthy. With cocaine you can just keep railing lines and it'll make you want more, yet once you cum you're disillusioned and that's it.
Don't wymin have more intense orgasms?
I don't know. Orgasm is release, cocaine is an enchantment. The next best thing to cocaine I can imagine would be dictating order over people like Hitler xD
Hmm.. Don't know if its truly exploiting yourself. We're all born addicted to pussy. I think its mental like with these hapas ITT; user sees a beautiful girl he fancies getting railed, knows he's better than this to watch another guy fuck her, gets frustrated he isn't doing it himself (because we get horny in the first place to motivate us to breed, not to remind us "hey, we can feel good at any time!") and tries to eliminate this feeling through Occam's razor: "I simply won't jack off or get horny". Props to you if you pull it off, but for what purpose?
not jerking off doesnt give you uncontrollable sexual desires that "clog your brain with spunk", thats whats being said here that the opposite occurs. those who masturbate frequently condition themselves to require more and those who dont, dont.
Yes, once people start masturbating, they soon jerk of 10, 15, 20, 30 or even 40 hours a day until their dicks fall off, go blind and hair grows on their palms, this is well known in purity signalling circles.
That's all drugs though, isn't it? When I finish, I suddenly don't care for the rest of the day, but drugs don't have a "climax" so you end up wanting more, as the best part is around the middle, leaving you dissatisfied (and thus, wanting more) as they expire.
Correct but I never advocated for porn, nudes are the most I'll ever recommend, as I have ITT.
I think you're mistaken. I find it daft to label masturbation "that worst drug there is!!1" if anything. Its bad in excess, but what isn't?
and fast food doesnt lead to fatasses everywhere either right? you sound like a "well-adjusted" normie. you mustve thought that scene in the jew on wall street with mcconaughey was good advice for competetive people.
Disgusting blackpill spewing race mixing degenerate.
Go away fucking schizo
it not about purity its just pragmatic. you sound like a jew with your strawman argument
Same. But, don't do it while it is, niggers could put anything into it. I had it for free so I couldn't complain, but I am anyway. My emotional control is almost non existent, and no, its not "alpha" or Chad to have your instincts lead you above all, it's what niggers do.
It doesn't. Lack of exercise, artificial sweeteners and AC (yes really) are the main causes of fatassery, not McDolan and Blargher King.
I don't watch jewywood movies so that has no meaning to me.
You are correct seems I misunderstood you. Masturbation is not a really the drug, its more of the delivery system porn however is a drug and arbitrarily saying things are "the worst drug eva!" is stupid. All I am saying is porn is indeed a drug and a very, very underestimated one. Meant no offense.
oh plebbit never change
No offense taken lmfao why would I. You're right, but I never watched porn, always found it disgusting, and got butthurt I wasn't having sex with them myself.
That will land you on a sex offender list.
All of that has been done for you by spics already. You buy it and use it, it doesn't even require the effort of moving your hand up and down repeatedly.
Not really, though. During an orgasm, your pleasure center releases a small rush of happy hormones, then your emotional state returns to normal within half an hour, and the urge doesn't return for at least a day. I think you overindulged in masturbation and now you project your own lack of self control onto others.
Yeah you're projecting.
people eating fake shit causes fatness. you said it yourself "Artificial sweetners". masturbating is fake shit in the sense that you are not wiring yourself in a normal, healthy way. you are jerking your dick off seeing the pleasure as an end in itself, succumbing to a base desire and further encouraging it. if you were a dog this would be excusable but as a man you should know better. ever read platos republic?
Cephalus: . . . I was present . . . one time when someone asked the poet Sophocles: "How are you in regard to sex, Sophocles? Can you still make love to a woman?" Hush man, the poet replied, I am very glad to have escaped from this, like a slave who has escaped from a mad and cruel master." I thought then that he was right, and I still think so, for a great peace and freedom from these things come with old age . . . . (329 c).
at the least you shouldnt think of jerking off as something pleasant or necessary
We don't need to brand you to know who you are chink. It's called profiling.
and doing drugs will land you in jail whats your point? people masturbate at work on their breaks. my point was that cocaine is not as accessible as grabbing your dick but that was too hard to grasp for you. i used to be a sex addict, i know what im talking about. you are telling me that orgasm is self regulating and that with it comes contentment and not a craving for more sex. you clearly masturbate several times daily, as part of your routine and have never really had a lot of sex and dont know how addictive sex for pleasure is. how am I delusional in saying that people who are jerking their dicks off are not fully in control of themselves. do you feel glorious and righteous in doing so?
Can you find heroin not pleasurable? (I know it's an extreme comparison, but pretty accurate) it's pretty impossible not to unless you're anhedonic.
your feelings should be governed by reason. i guess fucking your mom would feel pleasant as well by your reasoning.
cutting yourself feels good when you are fucked in the head, heroin wouldnt feel good to a happy/content person
Through my reasoning, I can't tell if you're right or not. It could be argued, its genetically shit to prevent incest?
Kek. You would have to be literally conditioned to have a psychological response against it because our bodies are hardwired and have evolved to very much experience the pleasure so we keep doing it. In fact the psychological puritan conditioning is just that. The thing is, it isn't enough to get rid torment from the biological rush. You would have to go deeper like mk-ultra deep to condition a body to actually reject it's own dopamine rush. Best they can hope for is guilt right now.
Damn my brain isn't working this morning.
*it isn't enough to cause torment/pain whatever from the rush
you should only feel "good" when you are good or doing something good. there is pleasure in life but not for a hedonist.
Yes it would. Both are playing on the hormone and chemical release of the event. For the cutter, pain releases feel-good hormones as a natural response to injury. Like runner's high. Heroin would very much light up your receptors.
we are hardwired to be free willed animals and people should feel guilty about acting like subhumans and rejecting their humanity.
yes but its not just about receptors lighting up. you will be consciously aware that you are destroying yourself and that pleasure will be tinged with horror
We are hardwired to think for ourselves and respond to our biological makeup. Your "humanity" has nothing to do with your physiological function, kike.
Buh bye moshe.
Eh, doesn't it seem a bit pathetic to be this buttblasted by what people say on cuckchan? Really, spending thousands of dollars just to get back at nameless, faceless channers?
They must really be insecure.
Yea drugs can fuck you up some if you're a belligerent brainlet, the reason why people think they're "soo enlightened maaan" while getting high is because the next best organic pleasure we can feel, except for sex, is the feeling of "eureka", and if you're high as balls but obviously not having sex, your brain figures you're coming to amazing conclusions. Just as "cognitively dissonance" is physically unpleasant on the opposite end.
there is no consciousness right? feelings are to be felt not understood. how does it feel being jewish and having to accuse other people of being jewish?
Of course they are. Everything they do is based on their insecurities and need to not be on the bottom all the time. They are attacking whites because they are barely scraping above niggers for the most part.
Forever attempting to prove they have some worth. Forever defensive when called out.
The only Asians (orientals) I don't have a problem with are Japs. I don't even mind they they hold their own to be superior. They should have pride in their own. But they know enough to keep their fucking mouths shut most of the time and it's only if a white is being a complete nigger will they give you shit. And even then they do it in a way that makes you feel your own deserved shame.
My concern is there are too many jew influences in Japan which has led to a lot of dishonorable crap taking place against their own people like with Tepco and that shitshow.
Japs need to hold on, continue to be strong, and raise the purging sun into the skies again.
That nose…
Jews aren't white
So it doesn't count
well said high chasing is for brainlets who cant figure out whats going on with them
Back to reddit faggot.
*injects cocaine*
dude what if we all wanted to fuck our mothers lmao
We are the dumbest fucking creatures on the planet when our opiate receptors are firing. Oxytocin is a hell of a drug.
Maybe fringe cases did. Maybe you did, because whacking it anywhere but in the privacy of my own bedroom or bathroom is a thought that has never even crossed my mind, and I doubt there even is a sizeable portion of wankers that do so.
What the fuck are you even on about. Jerking off is not some grand feat of skill, it's about as impressive as taking a shit.
Do you feel glorious and righteous about grooming? More to the point, are you retarded or underage?
you think your free will has nothing to do with your physiological function? I guess blacks are just as human as whites to you then, there is no physiological basis for "humanity" so we are all just lighting up our receptors equally right? you sound like the jew.
Jerking off in the bathrooms or anywhere else at work is a firing. That is a literal sexual harassment suit waiting to happen. Even on "lunch or break" the company is still responsible for the employee's actions while they are on site.
/aznidentity/ is in this thread and you faggots are agreeing with them
I feel good when I am concerting my efforts and acting like a self controlled man. shaving grooming, dining,all these things feel divine when you are civilized. your life is shit, im glad youre a well adjusted masturbator but if you think masturbation/pornography isnt actually a social epidemic youre living under a rock.
"its against the law people would never do that!"
The only ones agreeing with those insecure little slopes are the insecure little slopes themselves. Lurk more.
Well you made the claim of an epidemic of people jerking off in their company bathrooms. Prove it, faggot, or you're just as full of shit as you appear to be.
On the internet, everyone can be a millionaire. You might not be touching your dick, but holy Hell, are you jerking off your massive ego.
truck drivers and office workers represent the majority of the workforce. you dont think people look at porn at work? people dont do drugs at work either youd imagine. its never crossed your mind therefore it doesnt happen right?
And that is while projecting your own vices on people around you. You confessed to this by posting that you "used to be" a sex addict. You are not a honest man, you are an utter hypocrite. Pathetic.
Fringe cases do. People who overindulge do. It's the same type of people that die of liver cirrhosis at 40. Clearly you did, too, and now you feel the need to berate well adjusted people that do not overindulge in anything about your own sins.
I've made mistakes in my life which I've realized and atoned for. Redemption is possible unless you have your mentality. To own up to your mistakes and make the correction is difficult but necessary. How am I being dishonest by sharing my experience? by acknowleding my past failures and explaining that we are susceptible to control by these pleasure mechanisms if we dont really understand them. masturbation is over indulgence im not discouraging people from leading healthy sex lives.
i was honest, you admitted yourself I confessed to being an addict yet now you call me a dishonest hypocrite for having realized the error of my ways? you are simply assuming that anyone who has fallen into a spell of addiction is incorrigible and is lying about their being reformed. this is your projection, your own inability to fix yourself that you assume is to be the case with everyone else.
Most insecure individuals aren't pathological about it like they are.
"How will 4Chan ever recover?!? Hahahaha!"
"I hate how the sexual revolution turned asian females into heartless, promiscuous whores that want us asian MEN to treat them like they are actual people!"
"We are not pathetically insecure and immature, Pol, you are!"
Notice the Incel Mindset they have. Wanna bet some of those anons bitching on the UK victim of migrant rape thread are lower-tier, butthurt gooks?
"Sex/porn/masturbation is the worst drug there is."
Ever been addicted to meth? Or cocaine?
"Its why degenerates exists!"
Nice excuse! These creatures are failures of natural selection. What next, /asianmasculinity and r/hapas are sad losers because they watch porn? Nope. They are genetic defects that should never have existed in the first place, that is their problem and euthanasie (or advanced brain surgery) is the cure.
True. Porn makes me weak and uninspired, its totally not because I don't go out at all, have zero social life, have no willpower, the serious lack of physical exercice, don't use my memory and brain that much and all that. Oh and the race mixing, furry scat fetish? You guessed it, porn is to blame. I'm also 100% White, not at all some butthurt incel mutt on psymeds.
The irony that they would appeal to White guys that way when they hate asian women and hapas too. Pretty sure genetic engineering can solve the hapa problem, tho.
I have the idiot filtered. Fucker pops up in pretty much every thread and begins sperging to derail. Don't bother asking the jew to back up any of his claims, he won't. Next it will be something about how women do it too and it is obviously because they cave to their base desires unlike men who can suppress it yada yada yid yid yid kvetch kvetch kvetch.
You're wasting your time with it.
What has happened to the workplace where people can actually do this, get away with this, and find this acceptable behavior while on the clock and using company resources? Do whites actually think this is acceptable these days?
Very funny but I know better. I'm quite familiar with asian girls in fact. I'm a huge kpop fan.
Absolutely pathetic and dishonest. Not the part about you admitting that you "used to be" a degenerate, BUT THE PROJECTING PART.
dafuq? They are very much obsessive or compulsive in their insecurity.
The great majority of insecure people don't fail anywhere as bad as aznidentity. -D
Check out r/asianmaculinity.its the most concentrated group of lolcows I've ever seen.
Visit r/hapa. You can't fake that amount of autism
my sex problem was with women during university. there is no projection on my part, I only point out that until you own up to your mistakes no matter how small they seem you wont correct them. I never claimed to have jerked off at work nor did I say you do? only that it really does happen there are plenty of videos of people getting caught on the job, you're naive if you think otherwise. I have self control and I had some modicum of it then or I wouldnt be who I am today.
Hopefully we'll get another eurasian tiger.
Im just sticking to my argument and if you are going to accuse me of projecting I will return the favor. dont put words in my mouth and resort to hyerbole yid.
keep defending your masturbatory habits afterall (((psychologists))) love to tout the health benefits of regular masturbation
My dubs have spoken.
I know youre jewish because you refer to normies as "well-adjusted"
sex addiction entails actually having to procure sex from women which isnt as simple as jerking off so the habit is more destructive, it was glaringly obvious for me to see for what it was and fix. being psychologically intense has this dynamic. this well adjusted masturbation shit is killing mens potential because they dont see it for they feel "well-adjusted", they dont even realize what they are missing because its so normalized everywhere; they are operating on a suboptimal level. what do you think will happen if you dont jerk off? I assume you'd say nothing really, so then why do it? just one of gods little treats for us right a little pleasure at regular intervals
ohh… i've got a dirty thumb
if you jerk off you are doing it for the pleasure of it, there is no other reason. doing anything simply for the pleasure of it is hedonism. hedonism is the philosophy of the comfort seeking pleebs. dont jerk off unless you have to and guess why you dont have to. fucking kikes know self control is strict and so they encourage laissez faire masturbation
Why do azns need so much plastic surgery and make-up?
this can't be real. link?
I came
Only to a point. They know that whites came up with 95% or more of what they use and even encounter in their daily lives. There's also an instinctual acknowledgement of us being better looking. You get that from the women in terms of their interest, and from the men in terms of jealousy. I think on balance they elevate us far more than they look down on us, whether the latter be over a perceived lower intelligence or whatever else.
Reddit really is for cucks,and i guess Asian Americans enjoy being robbed by niggers.
Remember bullet proof glass if for raycists
Not consistent at all you have zro idea on what you're trying to opine on.
Excuse me while I fuck scores of your women for free because I'm white
No one here has mentioned what these gooks often do to even looke presentable to the world.
damn, that was awesome
I think Asians for the most part see whites at the top. Outside of maybe the Japanese, they see what we created is objectively better than anything they could come up with.
This gets said a lot but I don't see it tbh, or at the least I have my doubts. Being successful in a world where whites set the standards and provide the platform is much different than going at it by themselves.
The only word the describes the different genitalia between male and female is sex, you kike.
Half-noodle soyboys from reddit invest in anti-racist pornography to make themselves feel better? Lel, we're reaching levels of patheticness that shouldn't be possible.
get back at """us""" for what exactly?
what is the "apex ubermensch" other than a redundant term you just came up with which shows your contempt for the concept, which itself stems from your inability to grasp it and thus enter into a fully realized state. "there are no self controlled men youre all animals goys! look at how your receptors light up! look this one thinks hes the fucking apex ubermensch because he doesnt jerk his dick etc." Im hardly being holier than thou I'm just advocating self control there is no reason to masturbate, its hedonistic. crabs in the bucket you well adjusted masturbators are.
link to the porn vid?
looks like the redpill sub too
Everyone involved in this production should be sent here, since fucking actual Asians don't pay someone else to cuck them to play out some degenerate fantasy.
you couldnt live without your masturbation; if you could you would. youre an addict and you havent realized it; youre the hypocritical faggot who needs to jerk his pee pee regularly and is convinced that anyone who advocates for sexual self control must actually be even more of a sexual deviant than you, how utterly jewish of you. youre an addict in denial i dont care how well adjusted you think are you still have to do it and you dont know why.
Hi. Got linked here by one your dudes. I didn't have anything to do with the porn shoot, and I'm not from SA.
The site the article is on is a personal funproject. I want to see if it's possible to make an internet/tech version of early VICE. You can submit stuff if you'd like, and as long as it's provocative and/or interesting I'll probably publish it.
even asians are becoming niggers in the american jewniverse
Oh no, a bleached kike whore with an overbite got paid to fuck some random ricechild. How will White Men ever recover?
They do realize 4chan is the 80th largest site in America right?
There's just so many of them, the odds of one getting wrecked in a horrible accident are high.
cuckchan is the same you fucking retard
How 1 jewish woman scammed Reddit with crowd funding, so she could have some fun with a Japanese male stripper.
"Noodled" is perfect. Best connotations.
Exactly user. As doesn't seem to understand is that they are a threat. Eliminating a threat, even a threat perceived to be minor, is still prudent. Anyway all this talk about will niggers stay in Apefrica is moot anyway because they can't and they won't
And I bet they'll never realize how retarded they are
wew shes a beauty (and the hwhite woman isnt bad either
So the rebuttal is "Blanched" right?
Sauce for Bae Suzy ?
Sadly, that's a roman nose.
Their race is so short, when asian woman give birth, baby hit floor before father can catch. Shovel face is because of short genes, not flat-face genes.
Can we prove beyond her face that she is jewish? Any info?
How come we never see them with make-up in the before pic? They always look their worst and then the after pic they're all dolled up.
Well the Asians aren't really on our side, and they have to go back as well, so from that standpoint, what's the problem?
Because dolphins are not my competitors, have never done me or my people any wrong, and don't stand to profit from the extinction of my people. I don't really particularly care about them but I know they would be preferable to any nonwhite, especially because anything they create would be theirs alone rather than stolen from me and mine.
Who gives a shit? If I were spiteful I would want nonwhites to suffer for having a hand in the extinction of my people, but as it is I don't care what happens to them and trust God to mete out some sort of ironic justice. You're a cuck though if you want your competitors to succeed. Either that or an Asian shill.
Hubris. There's no reason to leave that threat around other than arrogance, squeamishness, or cowardice.
Good, then it should be easy to subdue and humanely depopulate them.
Confirmed cuck. Called it. You people are insane. Literally thousands of years of expulsions have solved absolutely nothing and now Jews are on the verge of wiping us out and now you think mere expulsions are a good idea?
You actually are insane. You're too cucked to depopulate easily identifiable people but want to have ideological purges orders of magnitude more difficult? Leftist tendencies will be a problem forever; the existence of nonwhites is a problem that can be solved permanently. Do you worry about Neanderthals replacing whites? No? Why is that?
"N-Not these Jews." Fuck off. Nothing justifies our keeping nonwhites in existence. Again, literally thousands of years of expulsions has not solved the problem. Stop suggesting it as a solution.
We do though. The very fact they occupy any land beyond Arabia, land formerly occupied by Europoids, is proof enough that they cannot be left alive.
You are a fucking cuck. People like you are the reason the Spanish had such a difficult time kicking out the Muslims.
Okay, so you're lazy. And uneducated. Weren't you the one talking about how easy it would be to kill Africans? Whites have genocided successfully before. What happened to the Neanderthals? What happened to the Indians? For fuck's sake, what's happening with whites now? Genocide is perfectly doable, especially for whites, and well worth the cost.
I bet you're a cuck who can only imagine genocide as systematically killing people too. Genocide can be done in many ways. Be creative, fucker. All that happens is that the population needs to shrink. My preferred solution is land seizures, resource restriction, and sterilization. Tried and true methods. Sterilize all you can, put them on smaller and smaller amounts of land as you continually encroach on their borders, and watch as the population shrinks until you can just sterilize the rest and watch them disappear in a generation.
You're making children who must live lost adrift with no foundation.
The Chinks and Gooks have a totally different grasp of spatial awareness as relates to their immediate environment than we do. Just watch how they walk down a sidewalk. Bumping into you, nobody moves to the side, they don't watch where they're going, etc. It's all about "where do *I* want to go right now," and there is so much they just don't "see." Coordination plays a role too.
The Japs just follow rules more, and respect their fellow man, and would be more likely to think "Ok I'm in a car now, I wonder what the people in cars around me are doing. Oh, is that guy about to cross the road? Better slow down a bit" etc.
Maybe I should fly to Japan and film myself deflowering teenage girls.
Oy fucking Vey!
They're not wrong.
Lol they literally called themselves noodle-dicks
If neither of you have good money making jobs, go rural. Does not matter you will never have it all but if you can make a family immediately that will be an investment that always pays dividends
isn't this literally what drives jews to do porn, because they hate christians?
how is the irony not a redpill moment?
Her extended family had a tiny plot of land out in Utah. She told me that they sold it this week. Apparently it was too hard to manage and they were losing money on it from taxes. She was set to inherit it.
My grandfather got out of the army, got a job, met his (19 year old) future wife through a friend and married her within 6 months with my father and his brothers and sisters on the way in short order after that. I'm the same age now as he was then. Oh the days gone by.
top tier
Why is this thread still up? Who gives a shit what westernized asians do? They are not a threat, demographically or otherwise (atleast in the US). We all know this is pathetic, mentally ill, ect., no need to repeat ad nauseum.
fuck, I forgot to actually sage. pls no bully
Every fucking time. That's hilarious.
Could we just crowdfund a white guy taking a steaming dump on a cute azn grill’s face and then forcing her to eat it and say “white power” as white Chad guy says bon apetite?
Just like the (((white))) woman above, you'd have to find a (((white))) guy.
This was my first thought too. They're now doing the exact same thing the kikes have always done.
Of course, if you tried to tell them this they'd just call you an anti-semite, despite the fact the yids are their greatest ally unironically here.
Scatological fixation is an indication of Jewishness. Are you okay, (((user)))?
Jokes on them, I don't watch porn.
Read the updates. Appears this backfired hard and they're going shut it down mode.
there's an idea
edit the first image with this shit
I remember that movie. Nice analogy.
Why is this a thread? Gooks on fucking Reddit paying cum dumpsters for sex… who cares? These are WHORES. Almost all of them are drug addicts AND infested with STDs. The yellow shits are bullied, failed gooks as they need to ebeg for money. Real fishheads have money and don't stick their dick in diseased foreign poon. That's nigger behaviour.
Silly goyim she has roman genes
romans were surprisingly degenerate
Is their offspring going to steal my stereo? No, therefore I don't care.
shill thread
Basically what I was going to say. Faggots who already racemix are going to racemix to piss us off, supposedly? How totally original and surprising.
I don't know, I think you're mixing metaphors. the ability to make people do things for you is "power" it's called "persuasion" men can also do this, but women have relied on specific types of persuasion for much longer and have become (arguably) better at it. women aren't as emotional as you think they are, but they do use emotion as persuasion. the same way they use sex as persuasion. ( and just because a woman uses sex as part of her persuasion you wouldn't assume that sex is a major part of her life/drive. but you're making that same assumption with emotion) do you honestly believe that every emotion a woman portrays is genuine? and that women aren't capable of cunning and deception? to a (lesser) degree children are capable of this however animals (like dogs) are not. women are much smarter on average and more dangerous than any dog. dogs, (if raised properly) can be loyal, courageous and even honorable. women on the other hand cannot exhibit these traits as their skill set relies on deception for survival. (Western) men have been able to use raw strength and ingenuity. that's why men and women are so different because of biology. they have completely different evolutionary paths, and completely different purposes. (but they both feed into the same biological system) a man's genetic imperative is to reproduce with as many healthy females as possible. a female's genetic imperative is to secure resources and protection for herself which usually comes from the fittest male. so she will trade reproduction for resources and protection. and yet she doesn't technically have to actually give reproduction just the possibility of reproduction to get those resources and protection. that's why paternity fraud is such a huge deal with men, while women are virtually immune to it. ( side effect to that might also be the reason that men care about race mixing, while women generally don't) of course that's all incredibly simplistic and reductive. human beings at least today are a bit more complicated than that. and because of the intervention of the state ( and other actors) women no longer need to provide anything to receive resources and protection. society basically forgot about why women are valuable (reproduction) and just began to value women inherently as being valuable for the sole reason that they are women. women without reproduction are just crappy disingenuous versions of men. unfortunately, thanks to hijacking biological imperative and cultural Marxist/Jewish poison. women are the driving force behind all levels of society. (government, judiciary, entertainment, financial) nothing in our society happens unless women want it to happen. now of course women can be "told what to want" thanks to social engineering. but that only goes so far. essentially women have what they want (but they can't admit it ever or that might lead to some form of responsibility) a world where they have complete autonomy, little to no responsibility. and the right to use almost any amount of force against anyone ( usually male) for whatever reasons they have no matter how greedy, petty or nonsensical and never be questioned for it. dogs have never been able to do any of this. human females have.
Are these the same faggots that were blasting nigger dick threads non-stop?
they were italians thats why
I'm pretty sure Greeks and Romans became heavily interbred with Jews, that likely explains why they had so much degeneracy. unlike the Mycenaean civilization.
Yes, they're insecure hapas with an unbound amount of butthurt over white males.
Explains a lot
Makes me want to go plunge more asian chicks in spite tbh. Also kind of funny how thoes nigger dick threads would be in the catalog for two weeks while any NS threads are anchored and deleated almost instantly.
They like Asians better because their penises are small and much less intimidating.
2900 to produce porn seems kind of expensive
A crackwhore should cost no more than 200 I'd imagine, and phone cameras are pretty good these days
look how hard that intel operative at the bbc tries to shill against segregation to ali……
Your civilization has a problem with foreign conquerers, whether Mongol, Qing, or Jew. Because of that, a low trust model developed where everyone is out for themselves.
Japan seems not nearly as bad in that regard, despite you guys sharing a lot of DNA and cultural roots. The difference is that they are cohesive and were only recently conquered (and the conquerers never purged the honest).
Anti-communism and ethno-nationalism will fix those problems. China was great once and can be again.
Stop being a cuck and making your competitors better. The fucking omninats in this thread.
oy vey, I learned the same lesson except it was 6 years long and i fucked her
This is not a racist board, asshole. It's a race realist board. White nationalism doesn't mean we hate the Chinks, we're just realistic about what they are. We want China to be a great civilization, so that we can trade with them and everyone can get rich and live in peace within their own country and culture. And we want Africans to get their shit together so they finally have enough shekels to buy American cars like the Chinks.
fuck all races and people except white Americans
Thirsty sideways vagina detected.
A-cups or GTFO, Wong.
See: Phoenician alphabet.
what is what the i dont even
Oh, hi Moshe. Trying to discredit the board with the most offensive optics and policy positions you could possibly imagine, without any attempt to discuss concrete policy supported by facts? I literally recognize your personal writing style from halchan, and I think I've seen you use that meme on there before. You spend a lot of time on here, and I regularly hand you your ass because all you do is post Nazi memes like Operation Earnest Voice circa 2015, before they realized it didn't actually discredit the boards, it was creating a growing counterculture (thanks Obama!)
Chinks make my underwear and I want them to buy overpriced American luxury cars. Jews are not the chosen people, Talmudism is the Synagogue of Satan. Repent and confess Jesus Christ is Lord before it's too late.
We are all well aware of that here. It is obvious, just like it is obvious that you are one of those Asians. I am just here to watch little-dicked hapas chimp out and embarrass themselves.
Hey /r/aznidenity, /r/asianmasculinity, /r/hapas etc. If any of you retards see this, I'd like you to know that you are fucking retarded. Just like every time you try and do anything, this stunt is so clearly driven by stupid petty insecurity its painful. Instead of extending an olive branch to the small group of white people that ACTUALLY FUCKING AGREE WITH YOU ON RACEMIXING, you retarded faggots continue to try and flamebait us into what would quickly become an incredibly one-sided war if we actually gave a shit.
This is why we get covered by CNN and you get covered by no-name clickbait sites like (lol wtf? Posers.) We do funny, subsersive shit. You do petty retarded shit that ironically ended with you guys cucking yourselves. Because, little secret, ALL PORN IS CUCKOLDRY.
I'm the brazilian dude aware of these creepy racist loser asian boys on 4chan.
Do you know that this thread is made by the same creepy retarded loser and racist asianmasculinity beta men? LOL
They think that any propaganda is good propaganda, but the only people who
They are doing the same thread in 4chan and here for days.
They are the most insane racist loser group of men that i ever remember to see on the whole internet focused in this because of jealousy of white dudes and asian chicks and taking advantage that they aren't exposed, demoralized in public for their racism and hatred with all their fanfics invented to protect the ego of western loser racist asian boys on internet
They are usually only with flags of Australia, Canada, USA, UK and New Zeland and you're bumping the a thread made by the same losers.
I don't know why they think that is good pretending to be someone against them posting the same thread all the time, i think they are fantasizing that this is good for them
Dude, nobody cares for asian retard western loser men, the difference is that after we learn on internet how disgusting, racist, jealous and creepy you are, people get disgusted by you because when the white dude wants the asian chick is because she is attractive and attracted, the asian losers of internet are obsessed in act like blacks, pretend to be opressed, they want excuses to feed the jealous racist ego of creepy asian boys from Canada, Usa, Australia, New Zeland and UK on internet.
Do you know that this thread is made by the insane creepy loser asian boys pretending that they are mocking themselves only to make the same thing again and again until they fantasize that you are annoyed and sell the narrative who the insane creepy loser asian boys wants against yourselves? They just want you spreading their fantasies because they think that is good for them, lol.
Basically, what this small group of creepy racist loser asian boys of western countries in these creepy websites wants, they want asian women being racist against white dudes to protect the fragile ego of loser asian men on internet, they attack asian women and white dudes and victimize the asian boys, they are only rich, have no media, nothing against them, but they want to victimize themselves, while white dudes are the only racial group demonized, attacked, in every industry and narrative of corporations of Democrats, the creepy loser asian boys want asian chicks being racist and nothing dating white dudes, and want white chicks dating asian boys to feed their ego jealousy of white dudes, they also have ego jealousy of asian chicks since the asian dudes are jealous because have much more men wanting asian chicks, and less women wanting these creepy egocentric racist jealous asian boys.
I'm the brazilian aware of these insane creepy racist loser asian boys on internet since 2015 and how disgusting is the corporations, media, websites who are supposed to be against racism, don't expose these creepy losers
You know what is worse and could make white dudes mad in these things? Is that Democrats Party are cover up these creepy racist asian boys on internet instead of expose, demoralize and be against them.
They are supposed to be against racism, why they support the explicit racism of these small group of western insane creepy racist loser asian boys on internet trying to conspire against white dudes, attacking random women and couples because of the fragile ego fo asian men
Imagine if these creepy asian boys were forced to live with demonization, ridicularization, years portrayed as cucks in porn industyr, tv shows, movies, narratives, forced to be only with women of own race in media, tv shows, everything, being demonized, everything who Democrats Party and their corporations, websites, industries, does against white dudes for years
These asian boys would start killing everybody, but have nothing, have no crimes against these asian boys, have no conspiracy against them, it's just that outside of Asia, asian women is much more attractive naturally for men, and the media is all about white women only, the propaganda is all about white women only, and from Latin America to North America to Europe asian chicks are naturally attractive for men
The asianmasculinity creepy racist losers even tried to manipulate storm to shill for them and they pretend to be anti-white male storm with the memes invented by a complexed jealous guy who unironically have penis envy complex since was the same asianmasculinity dude obsessed in spam cuckold black anti-white male porn in 4chan, Holla Forums, they are retarded, do you see their comments, their websites, it's insane
Ironically enough the WMAF meme is almost as false as the BBC meme: most Asian women get with Asian men, and most White men get with White women. These guys are freaking out over some kiked diversity ads and that's about it.
No, it's not, the difference that white men and asian women are real but boycotted, while white women and black men are artificially forced by the western media and websites of Democrats for years, the difference is that white men and non-white women are boycotted while white women and non-white men are celebrated and pushed by the narrtiver and shilling of the anti-white male industries of democrats, and i know you're the same asian creepy loser asianmasculinity trash who spammed all the cuckoldd anti-white male bullshit in imageboards, since is proved that they does this for years, and that these losers are obsessed in cuckold porn, and shit against white dudes
Maybe it's why usually in their countries, asian chicks have less money than men, always were educated to be slaves of asian men, be subservient. But in general, aren't asian dudes of asian countries doing this, are creepy loser racist asian boys from countries like Canada, Australia, USA, New Zeland and UK on internet.
Pic related, creepy loser racist asian boys from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland and UK on internet harassing, shaming, attacking a random woman because she is attracted to dudes who are white, while the asian boys are just jealous losers who want to fantasize being wanted in the same way than asian women and want to have cringe fantasies of macho man against white dudes, and why they hate white dudes? because of pure jealousy, white dudes don't commit crimes against them, the media and websites don't cover up crimes against them, nothing, the white male is forced to be in movies, media, porn, only with white women to protect the racist ego of loser asian boys like this, why do you think the western media of Democrats celebrate white women with men of other race and boycott white men and non-white women you retards? Why do you think western porn industry for years the only race portrayed as cuckolds were white dudes, the only race ridicularized in commercials, ads, tv shows, were white dudes, and then the fragile asianmasculinity creepy loser asian boys of western internet in their creepy websites, wants to create narrative of vitctimization
Why do you think Democrats Party supports racism by their sillence or openly propaganda, when is against white dudes? See, how have so many racist videos made only against white dudes based in fanfics and narrative of creepy racist asian boys of USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland, Uk on creepy reddits and websites from internet who they want to victimize each other and create conspiracies of wishful thinking for themselves, but why only white dudes are attacked, ridicularized in the media of Democrats, if have some conspiracy against asian boys? Why have so few white men and asian chicks in the media, if have some conspiracy against the creepy asian boys on internet?
Seriously, white dudes never hated asian boys, never cared, you are inventing conspiracies to feel better in your ego, white men and asian women is the same thing than latino man and white women or asian men and white women for white dudes, they never really hated or cared so much for this, until you started to make a big deal of this, try to have hate fantasies against white dudes, because what we are used to see for years in mainstream western industries is anti-white male trashing in every corporation, industry owned by Democrats Party
Why do you think that 90% of white male protagonists and characters in media, netflix, tv shows, are forced to be only with white women, while white women is the only racial group used with men of other race and against men of own race? Why do you think that we know, that white men was the only race of men portrayed as cuckolds in media, tv shows, commercials for Democrats improve anti-white male narrative? We know why the democrats party only pick "white women" and blacks for the presidency of their party, white dudes are the only people attacked.
You are angry because white dudes are in the media of their own country with women of own race? You are jelaous because asian women are much more attractive than asian men for all men in the whole world? You want to create fantasies of victimization?
It's insane the creepy racist jealousy of these bizarre western asian boys who usually post with flags of Canada, Australia, UK, New Zeland, USA
The asian dudes don't know, who the women looks pathetic loser trying to save the ego of creepy racist loser asian boys on internet with inferiority complex and jealousy of white dudes, and when i say "asian boys" i usually say about the creepy losers with flags of Australia, Canada, USA, UK and New Zeland
Pic related, looks like the loser asian
Do you know that this meme was invented by a asian male with small penis and inferiority complex?Hurr Durr you're attacking asian man but wanting asian woman
Retard, you're attcking white men and wanting white women, but the difference is, we only act like this in imageboards, you are trully racist and insane with youtubers, websites, reddits, focused only in your jealousy and racism
The difference is, asian women are really atractive and hot even with the western media being white women only, the difference is, the asian dudes have jealousy of asian women, jealousy of white men, and want asian women being racist against white dudes to protect the racist ego of loser asian men, while they want white women too to pretend to be macho man against white men, they are the most creepy insane losers of the whole internet
It just looks silly. I wonder what the IQ turned out like.
Hey they look like Khoisan.
white guys arent threatened or care about Asian men at all. Asian men come off as creepy effeminate losers. And their actions show this. No wonder their women date out so much.
the best thing they could conjure up was to pay some ugly kike hooker to have sex with a self proclaimed noodle dick (lol)
White dudes and asian chicks are now being marginalized to protect a small group of creepy racist jealous asian boys on internet of Canada, Australia, USA, New Zeland and UK who started to invent fanfics against them want to see racist things produced against white dudes by asian chicks, by white chicks, everything to victimize the entitled rich creepy racist asian boy on western internet wanting to create narratives of victimization for themselves and wanting hate against white dudes
You know what is sad? Is that white dudes and asian chicks are rare in media, tv shows, movies, but white women is the only group used as the default, you know what is sad? Is that some asian chicks are dumb to make videos for creepy racist asian boys who are just jealous of them, and want the asian chicks inferiorized for asian boys and white chicks, you know why these asian chicks who fall for the bullshit of asian boys? Is because in every statistics, have men form Latin America, to North America and Europe who would enjoy see more asian chicks in the media and obviously dating them, but usually the western media need to keep white women above other women but only attack white men, do you know everything of negative who the word "white men" is related in years of Democrats Party race baiting against them
You know what's worse? is that white dudes and asian chicks are normal couples in real life, and are the creepy asian boys obsessed in the race of white chick, asian chick, against white men When in real life, white dudes never cared for white chicks dating latino men like Zimmerman or other asian dudes, until they learned how the asian dudes at least some from western internet, are creepy, jealous, angry, racist and conspire against white dudes. But in general, they don't hate asian dudes, in the same way who these creepy asian boys from these reddits and websites hate white dudes who never produced nothing against them.
White men don't commit crimes against them, white men don't produce cuck movies, tv shows, nothing against them, they only hate when white dudes area attracted to asian chicks and when asian chicks are dating white dudes, and create conspiracies for this, because the creepy racist asian boys wanted to see themselves entitled above the asian chicks, wanted to see the white dudes like some sort of losers for them, wanted to see asian chicks being racist against white dudes, and the final fantasy of creepy racist asian boys are wanting to see racist fantasies with white women being racist against white men for the fantasie of creepy racist loser asian boys on internet
Why it's always easier to find outside of imageboards between the people who were supposed to be "normal", more racist and creepy asian boys, more racist videos against white dudes, see white women being the only group who produce things with racist men of other ethnicities, races.
It's insane.
You know what would make white dudes mad? INJUSTICE that are made against them for years in the biased industries of Democrats or that have influence of Democrats! it's democrats party corporations, industries, websites and influence who are by default anti-white male biased.
Why do you think they are leting a bunch of organized altist beta racist creepy loser asian boys from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland and UK be racist like this, attack random couples, people, men, and women because of racist jealousy, trying to marginalize white dudes, asian chicks, wanting to demonize the white dudes, the asian chicks, and victimize these group of "western" racist asian men on internet.
Seriously, you are so cynical, even you racist asianmasculinity losers take advantage of everything produced only against white dudes to spam shit against them on internet, create fanfics, memes and everything based in your racist jealousy and hatred against white dudes who never produced nothing against yourselves and white dudes are the only racial group marginalized, attacked, in the last 15 years of western mainstream corporations owned by Democrats.
Why do we even have moderators?
This is a cuckchan thread.
Its a cuckchan poster.
This board is fucking dying.
The creepy jealous racist dudes of asianmasculinity hate this brazilian dude, I'm aware of them since 2015 and all their fanfics, bullshit, and excuses because i'm aware that the problem of asianmasculinity, is a giant ego jealousy who turned into racism and they are trying to take advantage that usually at least in the last 15 years, the industries, corporations, websites, media, everything of Democrats were by default anti-white male and supported every narrative, fanfic, racist people attacking or wanting something against white dudes, and in this case, are some virgin racist creepy asian boys on internet
Understand, idiots, nobody never cared for yourself with white women, in the same way the majority of peopel don't really care for the latinos like zimmerman, with white women, the difference is that we started to shitpost back becuase you wanted to create this insane narrative, you spammed imageboards specially places like pol with cuckold anti-white male memes, porn, everything
And yo make some of them even shitpost your things, to see that not all people of Holla Forums are smart since they were manipulated by virgin creepy loser asian boys with penis envy and inferiority complex against asian women, against white men, obsessed in the race of white women
Look at this fucking trash.
Nobody really cares for this and only shitpost because you creepy sick obsessed retards of asianmasculinity are on imageboards all the time forcing your retarded garabge, like in this thread who you are pretending to be whites shitposting the same thread again and again, this thread will be forced all the time by asianmasculinity dudes, but nobody who is not a creepy loser from asianmasculinity care for this, the chick looks retarded, the dude and the chick looks like losers and wanting to please a cringe group of creepy virgin racist asian boys on internet who attack white dudes and asian chicks
Understand, they unironically looks like losers like all the creepy racist asian boys of asianmasculinity.
Understand you dumb idiots, this thread and others in 4chan are created by the same creepy loser racist asian boys who have inferiority penis complex, racist hatred against white dudes, are for years spamming cuckold anti-white male porn in 4chan, are harassing and attacking random asian chicks and white dudes who are couples, trying to marginalize and relate them with trash
Why this who is the most obsessed group of racist men in the whole internet is not public exposed in the media of Democrats who are supposed to be against racism? Because they aren't against racism, the Democrats are only anti-white male.
This thread and others in 4chan are created by the same creepy asianmasculinity loser asian boys pretending to be "white dudes" because they only want to get marketing or promotion over their own things, and then pretend that are "white dudes" posting for them
Anyway, it's pathetic? Yes, but the most pathetic, is that threads like this here and in 4chan are being spammed by the same asianmasculinity loser boys every day pretending to be white only to have a excuse to create a thread like this all the time.
Understand, nobody cares for the white dude and the white girl who looks like a loser with the racist asian boy and racist creepy loser asian men from asianmasculinity blogs
Basically, are the same asianmasculinity loser men doing the same threads here and in 4chan to promote their narrative again and again
What the hell, this ugly white girl worshiped by asianmasculinity is a pornstar whore? LOL
Do the asianmasculinity losers, don't understand that the white girl supporint the fantasies of lonely virgin thousands of creepy racist asian boys on internet make the white girl looks pathetic?
What the hell is "white trolls" if are the insane loser racist asian men who are obsessed in this in the whole internet, imageboards??
Are the own asian creepy boys doing this thread here and in 4chan to promote their fantasies and narrative, and pretend that are white dudes posting against them
You are so dumb to not understand that this thread is a shilling thread of asianmasculinity losers trying to promote their racist pathetic fantasy
Also, don't have "happa" retarded bullshit, it's incredible how they are evil vermins who wanted to marginalize white dudes, asian chicks, invented fake fanfics, narratives, it's all the same creepy racist asian boys from these websites
You want to make white dudes really mad? Show for them how the western media is anti-white male by the fact that are protecting creepy racist loser asian boys on internet harassing and attacking other people,
It's crazy
Look at this, nobody cares retard, the only people who really looks like losers in real life, are white chicks who everybody now think that when they are with asian dudes, they are with complexed jealous racist asian boys who are jealous of white dudes, jealous of asian chicks, and that the white chick is the loser for being with the racist asian boy who have problems in the ego.
Look at real life couples, videos, people, white dudes and asian chicks are normal, happy people, while the asianmasculinity creeps take prostitutes, pornstars, mail order braiders, with the most bizarre men and pretend that this is accomplishment
So sad USA is a anti-white male racist country and don't expose the racism of these people.
Anyway, look at this, i don't think it's a acomplishment and don't care for this
Why asian chicks are manipulated by racist creepy asian boys who are jealous of the asian chicks who are desired in latin america, north america, europe, even with the media being white women only, why asian chicks would be dumb with the creepy asian boys who want them inferiorized to protect their racist ego
Also, I'm only posting these webm and amateur sex between a couple, because of asianmasculinity retard spaming threads like this in imageboards, usually i'm only attracted to asian chicks and they are like any other white girl, the difference is, asianmasculintiy retards wants to see anti-white male videos, want to see racism of asian chicks against white dudes for the fragile ego of racist asian men on internet, they want to see some cherripicked creepy white chick who end dating some of these creepy racist asianmasculinity boys doing something against men of own race to please the jealousy in the ego of creepy racist asian boys on internet, and they are usually only from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zeland and UK, they aren't even really asian retarded bullshit who they claim, they are only rich lonely virgin creepy racist losers on internet in western country.
But i only feel mad, when the media, websites, industries of democrats, or mainstream media, don't expose how creepy, racist and repulsive asian men are on internet, and worse, they try to pick people, media, narrative, actors, who feed the fanfics, narrative, invented by racist creepy asian boys to relate white dudes with shit, try to relate white dude and asian chick with shit, when this was nothing special for white dudes, asian chicks never was different of white chicks besides the fact that asian chicks are attractive and hot even without having media since western media is white women only.
Why do you think western media boycott white dudes and non-white women but celebrate white women? Because have anti-white male bias of Democrats for years who tried to ridicularize, demonize and attack white dudes, and then are these creepy racist loser asian men on internet who want to victimize themselves?
See? Look at the difference, looks natural, the male is attractive, the females are atractive, they aren't pornstar, whore, retarded people from creepy racist asianmasculinity virgin places.
The sadest thing, is only that the corporations who lie pretending to be against racism, let a bunch of creepy racist loser asian boys on internet create lies, fanfics, marginalize white dudes, expliciting wanting the asian chicks being racist only to protect the ego of loser racist asian boys who aren't even true asian since are from USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zeland
Why they are trying to feed the lies, fanfics, anti-white male anrrative invented by racist jealous creepy asian boys on internet instead of expose them?
Because at the end of the day, they aren't anti-racists, the media, corporations, industries are anti-white male biased and cover up racist people like these loser asian boys on internet while they only produce everything to demonize white dudes in the media of Democrats for years with their disgusting racist bias.
This is why i hate have globalist american influence, because are the end of the day, we have only globalist influence from corporations, websites, industries of Democrats who are corrupt, liars, biased, are all over wikileaks, invented fake polls, get power with strategy of biased race bait, identity politics, marxism for lower class who is everybody outside of their corporations, they aren't "anti-racist" they are "anti-white male racist" biased for years since don't have justice and they always cover up creepy racist loser people like these retarded cringe asian boys on internet, they cover up hate crimes of blacks, they only produce anti-white male demonization and attack, they only pick "white women" and blacks for presidency of Democrats Party because they are wanting to get votes/support of white women and keep white dudes polarized, this is why the villains are only white dudes in some narratives of "diversity" but the white male is the polarized and attacked one in the narrative of hate race baiting propaganda of Democrats.
I don't care for asianmasculinity creepy losers, this only make i remember, how Democrats Party are supporting these creepy racist asian men on internet when they are in silence and don't expose these racist people in mainstream media, and only produce anti-white male demonization
What i think by default that will be produced in any website or thing owned by Democrats? Anti-white male bias, demonization and hate in narrative.
And then these creepy loser asian men want to victimize themselves when the only racial group demonized, attacked, by mainstream corporations of Democrats, are only white dudes for years.
I hope that the Democrats Party Die because their globalist influence is repulsive for every other country of the world, from europe to latin america to any other country, since they are liars, corrupt, trash, race baiters, marxist, disgusting.
Democrats Party increased the crimes in my country when the media of my country tried to copy the media of Democrats in 2012 trying to create race baiting with cops and be against cops, so the crimes increased here too because our retarded criminal commie party elite and media tried to copy this, and we have more crimes now, and this party now have a ex-president impeachmant and other president going to jail in 2018 because they steal money of people, and this president was prasied by Obama in 2009 and is going to jail in 2018 for steal money of people and corruption for years, we have parties literally called "communist party" here
I don't want to have the external bad globalist influence of Democrats, because they are masters of injustice, flame war, race baiting, identity politics, fake news, manipulation, they are bad for europeans too since was Obama/Hillary Clinton who started the European "migrant" crisis attacking Lybia/Syria, Obama Spy other countries in 2013, Obama/Hillary Spy Trump in 2016, but only Nixon was removed but nothing will happens against Obama/Hillary Clinton because they are democrats and have corrupt lobby in USA
I'm from Brazil, and the only thing who i really hate in other countries, are Democrats Party and how the elite DNC globalist corrupt influence is horrible for other countries around the world, not only in USA.
Stop feeding this meme of asianmasculinity you creepy asian racist loser, they cherrypicked only pics to create this fanfic narrative, have other pic like this only with white males and asian women with good children but i can't find them in 4plebs archive now, it's a fanfic invented by racist loser asian men to try to marginalize white dudes and asian chicks and boycott the couple and sell the narrative that the asian dudes who only end with creepy women like you see in this thread, mail order braiders, gold diggers, create this narrative for them
How do the asian incels feel about having to pay for sex while Asian women are being deep dicked by white chads at universities all across the west for free?
You may be one of the most underappreciated writers of our time. Possibly a genius.
Wew laddies.
please dont post bestiality
Mere cohencidence, goy.
Yes, obviously, the catholic attitude is much more sane in a way. The fact remains that because of these stupid superstitions, Protestants are harder workers and have generally produced wealthier countries, by worshipping work and wealth itself.
Fuck off, torcuck. Helping competitors is cuck behavior. Your "muh GDP" bullshit is libertarian nonsense.
holy shit. kek
wow those must be real nazis look at the officer on the left with his tailored hugo boss uniform cut 6 inches short in the sleeves and baggy as shit in the waist and the men standing behind them missing their fucking belts
this is the fundamental difference, they pay for porn/white hookers/have to be rich. White guys can freely choose their women, no pressure.
r/asianmasculinity basically prove their worst nightmares with the site, the fact that the actresses were paid alone tells the whole story.
how fucking embarrassing.
It's an advertisement to sell plastic surgery. Of course they want to make the women look as ugly as possible in the before pic.
What's their plan here? To make asian men more desirable to white women?
Are they really so out of touch with women they think a majority regularly watch porn of any kind? The only ones who do that are broken girls who like rape porn with aggressive looking guys to begin with.
Anyway I warned you guys years ago about east asian in western countries. They're scum of the worst variety. Uniformly comfortably upper middle class, grievance mongerers who feel entitled to women by virtue of having passed the MCAT or bar exam.
These people are not your friends. So stop fucking cucking for them. Stop defending them. Stop defending their interests by attack AA from an angle of "but it's bad for Asians too!"
Asian Americans are filth. Always have been.
Fuck John Rabe and the rest of the westerners who set up the Nanking safety zone for not letting these people get butchered.
They deserve everything the IJA did to them. Not even being edgy.
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