AmRen Suing Twitter over Censorship


Let's get word to Pat Buchannan, Paul Nehlen, Trump and other public figures that might get momentum behind this law suit. Let's get this propaganda machine going!

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Fuck off Alt-ZOG

proof Yale is CIAnigger factory since late 1940's, Faggot?

The CIA thing is weak, but Jared's a philosemite whose wife is connected to the ADL. That's good enough.



The video is just a shekelgrab. Why can't Jared's buddies like Dicky Spencer and Mark Weber foot the legal bills? They could definitely afford it.
They say it themselves, nigger.

Regardless of ones opinions of AmRen and their philosematism this case could set good legal precedent. But I agree, let Spencer pay for it, the tribe has their wealthy members donate large sums of money for the cause why should it be any different in this case.

Does everyone have to agree with the consensus about the Jewish question, in order to find common ground in ethno-nationalism?

nah, fuck you.
I'm not giving a cent to them, but giving the boot to twitter is in everyone's interest.

They keep violating their own rules. Sue them into the ground for it AMREN.

Ms Brown is still safe. It’s not meeting if it’s not me.

What's that shill tactic where they give you two shitty options? A lose lose. We can support this faggot and have him associated with us as is this intention of this holy mother of psyop, or we can let twatter be cunts and ban shit. Leeeberty!!!!

Fuck it, every user that has had their account shoah'd open up a lawsuit in your local Superior Court. Beat the Jew at his own game and shut it down.

Is there anything we can do to fuck twatter without being tied to controlled op?

Even if you do not agree with Jared Taylor's Jew loving, he is doing something that is wholly in our interest.

Even if he loses it doesn't matter. Because after that, the article "Court Rules: Twitter is Allowed to Banish Those who Disagree with Them" will spread like wildfire. Telling others about Twitter's problem with speech would not just be a dismissive notion anymore.

Sigh. Because it is a private company they can do as they please, so the court should win this. What must be done is new legislation stating that once a website gains enough people, it becomes public domain and cannot be censored by administrators… or something like that. Safe spaces should be allowed, but when the entire world is on one website, no, you don't get to censor half of reality.

Oops. meant to say: "Even if Jared is a Jew loving fuck*—he is doing . . ."

I'd prefer laws that force transparency on these companies, put all their dirty deeds and biased policies out in the open for all to see.
Some people want to treat twitter and google like a utility. I think those rules would probably backfire and we'd end up with CNN-tier internet, something that only pleases big corps and big guv.

Yes. It's impossible to be both pro-White and pro-jewish.

This is the sort of D/C I see a lot lately. So Jared Isn't as convinced about the jews as we would like. So what? hes probably the cloest figure we got to an actual goal. We can improve after.
I honestly Think most of you people who think, "its not perfect enough so I wont budge intill ITS JUST PERFECT™." Are Either Autists or you guessed it Shills.

This lawsuit will go nowhere under US law.

The way to stop this problem is to make laws that prevent companies that obtain a size of X from censoring lawful expression, which, in the US, means literally everything. This is no different than at, for example, a public university, where - in any context where you're required/allowed to express yourself (preventing yelling in the library is not censorship) - they cannot censor your expression.

AT&T can't stop you from shitposting on 8channel, a public university can't stop you from writing an essay about how Hitler did nothing wrong and we can make a law that requires large social media companies, which are basically monopolies, to allow freedom of expression.

First post kike post

Social media sites should basically start being considered public spaces, or maybe the individual posters can start being considered as media entities.

I'm not really familiar with US legislation on what sort of shutting it down can be considered an infringement on freedom of speech, but as long as these media kikes are hurt, i'm all for it.

Always the first post.
I hope JT has a jew lawyer otherwise he's throwing money down the drain. Without those kike-on-kike connections behind the scenes chances are slim of winning.

It sounds good in theory but this could be used to take the useless information overload found on most social media sites to all platforms, including this one. Size is unfortunately highly arbitrary and unless you control the legislature and the judiciary it will be turned against you.


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Anybody who is philosemitic is at best a tool, but it can be a pretty useful tool. Jared is that. A good tool.

You shouldn't donate to Jared or anything, but do use the situation to redpill people, get them to move to alternatives that offer free speech (especially on the JQ), and in general, help crash and burn Twitter.

His materiel could be used as a tool, but never with Jared and AmRen actually involved. They're as subversive as the kikes they protect, and sabotage "anti-Semites" behind the scenes.

I'm sure the judge will ignore all threats and bribes from nigger messengers sent by jews to mete out justice.