yeah, kikes tend to do that. especially because not as far as two years ago, they thought they had already won, and they were prematurely gloating about it.
we'll see how it ends…
have a contribootion. and a bump
Owen Taylor
Dylan Hernandez
shabbos goy, in this case.
Gavin Barnes
I remember this rat. On the left
Carson Gomez
bump this needs to be spread on social media
Grayson Johnson
I love being a lab rat for the Chosen
Ian Diaz
Luke Sanders
Gee, I'm pretty sure we had to re-take Spain at least once.
Zachary Hall
Humanity must answer the JQ in order to evolve.
Samuel Johnson
Lucas Diaz
Bump. Holy shit the shill levels in 8pol are enormous.
The clouded mind sees nothing. 1. Highlight the importance and ramifications of current affairs 2. Present the over representation of Jews in positions of authority 3. Expose their true intentions and how it has led to repeated expulsion throughout history 4. Educate on what can be done to counter their efforts and further reveal the truth behind the facade to all who need to know
Henry Young
So ready.
Asher Cox
Oy, it is "unethical" not necessarily illegal.
Liam Hill
Tyler Stewart
sage Everyone says this when shilling cultural marxism. You can here it on Tucker Carlson nightly. So?
So, they're the ones doing the "experiment", yet anyone who voices their opposition to such experimentation online are "extreme" and must be censored. Well done to OP for the screenshots of (((Yascha's))) Jewish background. Nice how he calls himself a Pole, but is in reality a dirty fucking kike.
Brandon Edwards
I was laughing my ass off when I made that meme. Still get a chuckle each time I see it.
I never can predict the ones that take off. Though my broward sheriff with homer fading into the bushes would take off, got nothing.
Justin Turner
Bump with some fresh OC
t. Deutsch/pol/
Sebastian Martin
yeah, anything they ever say is a lie so It's not an "experiment" that is simply another lie to cover for what it really is White Genocide There is nothing eperimental about jewish methods of genocide, they have been doing this for millenia. Just look at the old testament for evidence of their constant genocide of opponents, often for no good reason except gaining more power.
Landon Rodriguez
The quotes shown in the last image are made up. Not in the book.
Daniel Walker
Brasil would like word with you but they probably already dead giving the number of murders there. What a utopia kek
Gabriel Sanders
if you're too retarded to make and post a webm, then you're too retarded to be here. >>>/4cuck/