Now that i got your attention.
Just letting you guys know that the recent string of (((events)))
is dangerously close to Purim (28 February).
Must be one of these coincidences i have been hearing about.
Have a good day!
Conservatives Will Never Recover After This
Other urls found in this thread:
Nuremberg hangings Streicher Purim.
Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World)
Historical accounts of Jewish violence–particularly against Christians–have long been explosive material. Some historians have distorted these records for anti-Semitic purposes. Others have discounted, dismissed, or simply ignored the evidence, often for apologetic purposes.
In Reckless Rites, Elliott Horowitz takes a new and forthright look at both the history of Jewish violence since late antiquity and the ways in which generations of historians have grappled with that history. In the process, he has written the most wide-ranging book on Jewish violence in any language, and the first to fully acknowledge and address the actual anti-Christian practices that became part of the playful, theatrical violence of the Jewish festival of Purim. He has also examined the different ways in which the book of Esther, upon which the festival is based, was used by Jews and Christians over the centuries–whether as an ancient mirror of modern tribulations or as the scriptural basis for anti-Semitic claims regarding the bloodthirstiness of the Jews.
Reckless Rites reassesses the historical interpretation of Jewish violence–from the alleged massacre of thousands of Christians in seventh-century Jerusalem to later medieval attacks on Christian symbols such as the crucifix, transgressions that were often committed in full knowledge that their likely consequence would be death.
A book that calls for major changes in the way that Jewish history is written and conceptualized, Reckless Rites will be essential reading for scholars and students of history, religion, and Jewish-Christian relations.
The Book of Esther begins with a six-month (180-day) drinking feast given by King Ahasuerus for the army of Persia and Media and for the civil servants and princes in the 127 provinces of his kingdom, concluding with a seven-day drinking feast for the inhabitants of Shushan (Susa), rich and poor, and a separate drinking feast for the women organized by Queen Vashti in the pavilion of the royal courtyard.
At this feast Ahasuerus gets thoroughly drunk, and at the prompting of his courtiers, orders his wife Vashti to display her beauty before the nobles and populace, wearing only her royal crown (the Rabbis of the Oral Torah understand this to mean naked, something she would have wanted to do, but due to a skin condition she refuses to do). Her refusal prompts Ahasuerus to have her removed from her post. Ahasuerus then orders all young women to be presented to him, so he can choose a new queen to replace Vashti. One of these is Esther, who was orphaned at a young age and was being fostered by her first cousin Mordecai. Some rabbinic commentators state that she was actually Mordecai's wife, since the Torah permits an uncle to marry his cousin. She finds favor in the king's eyes, and is made his new wife. Esther does not reveal her origins and that she is Jewish.
Shortly afterwards, Mordecai discovers a plot by two courtiers Bigthan and Teresh to kill Ahasuerus. They are apprehended and hanged, and Mordecai's service to the king is recorded in the daily record of the court.[10]
Ahasuerus appoints Haman as his viceroy. Mordecai, who sits at the palace gates, falls into Haman's disfavor as he refuses to bow down to him. Having found out that Mordecai is Jewish, Haman plans to kill not just Mordecai but the entire Jewish minority in the empire. Obtaining Ahasuerus' permission and funds to execute this plan, he casts lots ("purim") to choose the date on which to do this – the thirteenth of the month of Adar. When Mordecai finds out about the plans, he puts on sackcloth and ashes, a sign of mourning, publicly weeping and lamenting, and many other Jews in Shushan and other parts of Ahasuerus' empire do likewise, with widespread penitence and fasting. Esther discovers what has transpired; there follows an exchange of messages between her and Mordecai, with Hatach, one of the palace servants, as the intermediary. Mordecai requests that she intercede with the king on behalf of the embattled Jews; she replies that nobody is allowed to approach the king, under penalty of death. Mordecai warns her that she will not be any safer in the palace than any other Jew, says that if she keeps silent, salvation for the Jews will arrive from some other quarter but "you and your father's house will perish," and suggests that she was elevated to the position of queen to be of help in just such an emergency. Esther has a change of heart, says she will fast and pray for three days and will then approach the king to seek his help, despite the law against doing so, and "if I perish, I perish." She also requests that Mordecai tell all Jews of Shushan to fast and pray for three days together with her. On the third day, she seeks an audience with Ahasuerus, during which she invites him to a feast in the company of Haman. During the feast, she asks them to attend a further feast the next evening. Meanwhile, Haman is again offended by Mordecai's refusal to bow to him; egged on by his wife Zeresh and unidentified friends, he builds a gallows for Mordecai, with the intention to hang him there the very next day.[11]
That night, Ahasuerus suffers from insomnia, and when the court's daily records are read to him to help him fall asleep, he learns of the services rendered by Mordecai in the earlier plot against his life. Ahasuerus asks whether anything was done for Mordecai and is told that he received no recognition for saving the king's life. Just then, Haman appears, and King Ahasuerus asks him what should be done for the man that the king wishes to honor. Thinking that the king is referring to Haman himself, Haman says that the honoree should be dressed in the king's royal robes and led around on the king's royal horse. To Haman's horror, the king instructs Haman to render such honors to Mordecai.
Later that evening, Ahasuerus and Haman attend Esther's second banquet, at which she reveals that she is Jewish and that Haman is planning to exterminate her people, which includes her. Ahasuerus becomes enraged and instead orders Haman hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. The previous decree against the Jewish people could not be annulled, so the King allows Mordecai and Esther to write another decree as they wish. They decree that Jewish people may preemptively kill those thought to pose a lethal risk. As a result, on 13 Adar, five hundred attackers and Haman's ten sons are killed in Shushan. Throughout the empire 75,000 of the Jewish peoples' enemies are killed (Esther 9:16). On the 14th, another 300 are killed in Shushan. No spoils are taken.[12]
Mordecai assumes the position of second in rank to Ahasuerus, and institutes an annual commemoration of the delivery of the Jewish people from annihilation.[13]
The president of the Conference of European Rabbis issued a tough statement in the immediate aftermath of Tuesday morning’s bombings in Brussels.
Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, the chief rabbi of Moscow, said, “We are united in prayers at this hour with the family of the victims and the injured in Brussels. This latest act of war of Religion of Cuck™ic fascism against the capital of Europe and against all the values and liberties it represents is another chapter of the struggle between the forces of light and of darkness in our time.”
Referring to the upcoming Jewish holiday of Purim, Rabbi Goldschmidt added: “As in the biblical story of Esther, which will be read in all the synagogues later this week, evil can and will be destroyed only by recognizing it, and fighting it.”
He concluded by calling on a “united Europe” to “gather its strengths in unity and in determination to face and fight this evil on all fronts, in the media, on the borders, in the mosques and in the markets.”
On Tuesday morning, three explosions occurred, one after the other — two at the airport and one at a subway station in the center of the city — killing more than 30 people and wounding 170. According to CNN, at least one of the blasts was a suicide-bombing.
These attacks come on the heels of last week’s suicide-bombing in Istanbul – purportedly perpetrated by ISIS terrorists – in which four people were killed, among them three Israelis. Surveillance footage from the venue has led to the suspicion that the Israelis had been marked as targets for the attack.
Purim 2012: Kill the “Anti-Semites”
By Michael Hoffman
On Purim 1994 Brooklyn-born Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein slaughtered 40 Palestinians while they prayed in Hebron.
On Purim 2003 the U.S. invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq, officially to eliminate illicit weapons of mass destruction but in reality to neutralize a possible Iraqi threat to the Israeli government. Nearly 5,000 dead Americans and a trillion dollars later and Iraq has been totally neutered, just as the Israelis and their American agents had hoped, notwithstanding the damage to the US economy and our service men and women.
In the run-up to Purim 2012, which begins on Wednesday evening March 7, Senator John McCain has called for a deficit-ridden America to undertake a multi-million dollar bombing of Syria, while Senator Joseph Lieberman, speaking at the Israeli lobby’s AIPAC conference, demanded a U.S. attack on Iran if the government of that Persian nation will not stop its non-existent nuclear weapons program. The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel observed that the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
Ancient Race War Revived
J.D. Longstreet on the website of the “Save America Foundation: Patriots in Action” states: “Before Iran was renamed Iran it was Persia. The rift between the Jews and the Persians is not new. It goes back many centuries…It is impossible to read the book of Esther this week, especially, and not see the parallels between an ancient Jew approaching a great potentate asking for help to save the lives of the Jewish people. One can only hope Obama reacts as did King Ahasuerus and that Obama and Netanyahu can both enjoy a few of those famous “Haman’s Ear” cookies in celebration of the special occasion when the Jews were saved and Haman, the evil prime minister of Persia, did not succeed in his plot to kill all the Jews…"
On Sunday March 4 Herb Keinon wrote in the Jerusalem Post: “Netanyahu…will meet with US President Barack Obama on Monday to discuss how to stop a Persian tyrant interested in killing Jews. The meeting is just two days before Purim, a holiday retelling a similar tale, involving a Persian tyrant intent on killing Jews thousands of years earlier. Do not be surprised if Netanyahu somehow connects those two dots during public comments he will make in Washington.”
Why are we not surprised that, according to Israel National News, during the three hours that President Barack Obama spent with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House on March 5, “Netanyahu took the opportunity to draw a parallel between the narrative in the Book of Esther – wherein the wicked Haman seeks to destroy the Jewish people throughout the Persian Empire – with Israel's modern day conflict with Iran…Iran is geographically Persia and the Iranians are descendants of the ancient Persians.”
A race war thousands of years old is invoked in deliberations of the President of the United States concerning our nation’s war policy. The modern nation of Iran is identified with the ancient nation of Persia by the Israeli Prime Minister and his supporters in the Zionist press and American “patriot” right wing. The high Persian official Haman is likened unto the officials of present day Iran. This would be little more than Grade B schlock movie fare were it not invested with international gravitas before our very eyes. The ancient racial stereotyping against which the rabbis and the media howl when applied to “the Jews,” is freely applied to the Iranians in the name of Israeli national survival and self-defense.
This contemporary racial targeting becomes more ominous when we consider that Haman was identified as part of the nation of Amalek which God ordered annihilated. In Christian teaching, the nation of Amalek is no longer mentioned. This belief is in accordance with the Bible at Deuteronomy 25:17-19 “to blot out the memory of Amalek from under Heaven.” Since Amalek is gone from the face of the earth and Bible-believers are to blot out his memory, those who keep the memory alive are in violation of God’s prophetic will. This defiance emanates from the Babylonian Talmud, which envisions an on-going war with Amalekites who are defined by 21st century rabbis as the anti-semites among us, meaning anyone who thwarts Zionism or Judaism.
In addition to the grave threat of extermination that this warped belief presents to the dehumanized people of Iran, it is also a warrant for the murder of all the opponents of Talmudic Judaism and the apartheid “State of Israel” who are classed as “anti-Semites,” whether or not they are Iranian.
“Amalek was the first anti-Semite”
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed is a leader of the violence-prone Israeli settler movement and the head of Yeshivat Har Bracha in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. He is esteemed as an authority on rabbinic law. His major works include his legal treatise, Pininei Halacha. Melamed uses his weekly column in the Israeli newspaper Basheva to advocate attacks (“vengeance”) on Palestinians by the Israeli government and the military: "We don't aspire to private vengeance, but to state vengeance led by the Israel Defense Forces and all the systems of government." (Cf. Haaretz, March 18, 2011).
Rabbi Melamed has declared that those who worship Jesus Christ are idolaters: "…they (Christians) still embrace idolatry, believing that ‘oto ha’ish’ [Jesus] is god and the messiah, who will be resurrected to redeem the world… This delusion that Jesus is the mashiach (messiah) is indeed a false belief. As we learned from the words of the Rambam (Moses Maimonides, Laws of Kings 11:4): ‘Jesus the Christian, who thought he was the Messiah… was the subject of a prophesy in the Book of Daniel (11:14): ‘…also the renegades of your people will exalt themselves to fulfill the vision – but they will stumble.’ Could there be a greater stumbling block than this [Jesus]?” (Emphasis supplied).
For Purim 2012, Rabbi Melamed has made the following declaration:
“Although the main mitzvah of wiping-out Amalek rests upon the community in general, every individual Jew is also obligated to fulfill this mitzvah. Therefore, if one comes upon an Amalekite and has chance to kill him, but does not – he has annulled this mitzvah (Sefer HaChinuch, 604). Amalek was the first anti-Semite…Today, the seed of Amalek has been lost; however, if (it) becomes clear that a certain person is an Amalekite, following in their ways, it would be a mitzvah (blessed deed) to kill him (see Kol Mevaser 2:42)…Only after evil is eradicated from the world can there be complete joy. Thus on Purim, after the obliteration of Haman and his sons, happiness is especially great.” Cf. Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, "Amalek: War Against the Root of Evil," Israel National News, Feb. 28, 2012 (emphasis supplied).
Rabbi Melamed then creates an escape clause in case some people might be horrified at the notion of killing anyone labeled an “anti-Semite”: “…if an Amalekite decides to take upon himself the fulfillment of the Seven Mitzvoth of Noah's Sons, according to Jewish law, there is no longer an obligation to kill him…”
The “Seven Mitzvoth of Noah's Sons, according to Jewish law” (i.e. Talmudic law and successive halachos derived from it), decree death for idolaters. In Judaism worship of Jesus Christ is defined as avodah zorah (idol worship). "Anti-semitic" Amalekites and those who worship Jesus are subject to death. They can only escape capital punishment by accepting the Seven Mitzvoth of Noah's Sons and denying that Jesus is God. This is what it means to “take upon” the “Seven Mitzvoth of Noah's Sons” (Noachide Laws): the messiah status and divinity of Jesus Christ must be denied. The U.S. Congress is on record (Public Law 102-14) recommending the enactment of these misnamed “Noah” laws (in Orthodox Judaism the patriarch Noah is derided as a low character; cf. Judaism's Strange Gods [2011] p. 108).
Purim Bacchanal: Judeo-Dionysiac debauchery
Like other pagan religions based on concepts derived from the ancient worship of strange gods which Yahweh abominates (Exodus 20:2-3), the pagan anti-Yahweh religion of Judaism venerates the god Dionysus in his incarnation as Bacchus, during the drunken Bacchanal conducted during Purim, when intoxicated Judaic men dress up as women, Arab terrorists (complete with mock suicide bomb belts), clowns and various animals.
Dionysius’ most common cult name in Greek was Bakch(e)ios; in Latin Bacchus, from which is derived the name of a drunken revel, the “Bacchanal.” The rites of Dionysus feature wearing masks, cross-dressing, impersonation and illusion. Walk the streets of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem or the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York during Purim and you will observe these rites being enacted. Dionysiac festivals in ancient times were accompanied by public drunkenness. Alcoholic intoxication is condemned by the Bible in Proverbs 20:1; 23:20; Romans 13:13; Ephesians 5:18; I Cor. 6: 9-10. Everyone from Rick Santorum to Patrick J. Buchanan refers to the civilization that originally gave rise to Europe and the United States of America as “Judeo-Christian.” They apply this term out of blatant disregard for the fact that Purim, one of the religion of Judaism’s holiest days, commands alcoholic intoxication and is marked by masquerading and cross-dressing.
In the Babylonian Talmud (BT) we read:
Rava said: One must become so intoxicated on Purim that he cannot distinguish between “Cursed is Haman” and “Blessed is Mordechai.” Rabbah and Rav Zeira celebrated the Purim feast together. They became intoxicated. Rabbah arose and slaughtered Rav Zeira. The next day, Rabbah prayed for mercy on Rav Zeira’s behalf and revived him. The following year, Rabbah said, “Let master come, and we will celebrate the Purim feast together.” Rav Zeira answered, “Not every time does a miracle occur.” (BT Megillah 7b).
In the preceding Talmudic account, a great "sage" of the Gemara declares that Judaics must get blind drunk on Purim. Another "sage" obeys and becomes so intoxicated that he slaughters another rabbi, and yet the killer merits having his resurrection wish agreed to by God: the rabbi who was killed by the drunk comes back from the dead. What part of this Judeo-Dionysiac debauchery and nonsense rightfully comprises a hyphenated partnership with Christians as represented by the term “Judeo-Christian”? (2 Cor. 6:14).
The “positive” side of Purim drunkenness: “Basic happiness is revealed”
“Although in general drunkenness is disgraceful, nevertheless, its positive sides cannot be ignored. As a consequence of intoxication, basic happiness is revealed, expressing physical, unrestrained joy, filled with power and vitality. Normally, however, the lust and depravity of drunkenness obscures its positive side, and as a result, it causes wildness and numerous obstacles. But on Purim, when we drink and take joy in the salvation of Hashem, remembering the miracle that was done by means of the feast, the positive sides of drinking are revealed.” –Rabbi Eliezer Melamed (Israel National News, March 3, 2012).
Alexander Hislop penned a best-selling book, The Two Babylons, which is a staple volume in some Protestant households. It is full of quotes and illustrations purporting to show that Roman Catholicism is allegedly a religion imbued with paganism. Most of these same Catholic-despising Protestant households are stubbornly yoked to one degree or another with the Talmud of Babylon and its rabbis, and will not acknowledge or seriously consider books that document that Judaism is a Babylonian belief system which uses the Bible only as a cover for its heathen madness and occult delusions.
As in 2003 under the administration of Republican President George W. Bush, in 2012 under the administration of Democrat President Barack Obama, pagan Purim continues to set the agenda for our nation’s foreign policy.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Purim in Brussels
The hidden hand that keeps the Israeli state immune from Wahhabist Religion of Cuck™ic terror has inflicted Purim-style vengeance on a dying Europe through that very terror
By Michael Hoffman
The terror attacks in Brussels on March 22, not far from the headquarters of the pro-immigration European Union (EU), were to be expected, and more are undoubtedly on the way in Belgium, France, Britain and Germany. These attacks were prepared deliberately by the governments of the West to create the conditions whereby formerly freedom-loving people will beg for a police state. This is point number one.
Christianity as taught historically from Biblical doctrine has been replaced in the West by the religion of suicidal, baby-hating white people: multiculturalism and diversity. This mass insanity has infected the minds of tens of millions of our people who, like Angela Merkel in Germany, the Trudeaus of Canada, the Labour Party in Britain and the Democrat party and Trump-hating Republican party-hierarchy in the U.S., keep preaching, contrary to overwhelming reality, that more immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East enrich our nations and support human rights.
Salah Abdeslam, the fugitive terrorist implicated in the slaughter in Paris, France last November, was shielded for months inside Brussels’ Salafist-Muslim community of immigrants, who were given refuge in Belgium from Middle East wars and then, by shielding a mass murderer, demonstated their gratitude by doing all they could to eviscerate the West that extended them the refuge.
How will Europeans, and to a slightly lesser extent Americans, who do not respect themselves or their ancient Christian heritage, defeat Wahhabi Religion of Cuck™? People whose highest objective in life is money and pleasure will sell their nation and their children’s future cheaply. They average less than one child per couple. They live for money gained by usury, or one of its other tentacular financial arrangements. Abortion has killed far more European and American children than Wahhabist Religion of Cuck™ ever will. These white people have a degenerate pope in the Vatican who trumpets Merkel’s feces-for-brains immigration policy. Europe’s faithless mass of consumeroids have lost the will to defend what their ancestors achieved and secured.
This is Holy Week, when Christians meditate on the Gospel account of the crucifixion of Christ. This is also an unholy week because it will see the beginning of Purim, the rabbinic festival of revenge on the gentiles. The son of the late chief rabbi of Rome, Prof. Ariel Toaff, before he was silenced by lynch mob tactics, proved indisputably in his magnificent book Pasque di Sangue (translated and published underground in English as Blood Passover), that Ashkehanzic Judiacs ceremonially tortured and murdered Christian children in the European Middle Ages.
There is a hidden hand behind the Saudi Arabian/ISIS brand of Sunni Religion of Cuck™ic terror which has been consistently aided in Syria by the Israeli government. This terrorist brand of Religion of Cuck™ has never attacked the Israeli state. Like the alliance between the rabbis and the Muslims in Spain in the medieval period, we have witnessed Israeli officials, including Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, state openly that they prefer a victory of ISIS in Syria.
The message of Purim is one of undying hatred for the genetic seed of Europe that defeated the creed of the Talmud and the Kabbalah during the Catholic Middle Ages and in early Lutheran Germany.
While Saudi/Salafist Religion of Cuck™ abandons the Palestinians to the non-existent mercy of the Israelis, who only have to deal with a few out-of-their minds’ knife wielders and rock throwers, machine guns sputter and bombs explode throughout Europe with disastrous regularity.
It is said that the most recent attack, in Brussels, may have been retaliation for the capture of the terrorist Abdeslam; that could be true. What is certain however, is that the hidden hand that keeps the Israeli state immune from Wahhabist Religion of Cuck™ic terror has inflicted some Purim-style vengeance on a dying Europe through that very terror.
Little of this will be revealed this week, however. In the “struggle” against terror, the “Christians” will get the message that they need to unite more than ever with the spiritual heirs of those who crucified their Savior. They forget that it was the first terrorism that nailed Christ to the Cross, despite the effort of the Roman Pontius Pilate to save Him. As it is written in the Babylonian Talmud, it was not easy to kill Jesus because He had friends among the rulers of Palestine.
These facts are unknown, and mine is a voice crying in the wilderness, unheard and unheeded.
Another jewish article confirming Gulf War 1 ended on Purim:
Gulf War Miracles
Saddam Hussein, a "reincarnated Babylonian king," ended his evil plan to kill the Jews with a Purim miracle.
by Charles Samuel
The End Is Just The Beginning
The streets of Tel Aviv are filled with children and adults wearing masks. This time they are not gas masks, but the traditional costumes celebrating the Jewish festival of Purim. People are walking to synagogue, carrying their gas masks in boxes slung over their shoulders.
It is the morning of February 28, 1991. Inside the synagogues, the Book of Esther is read aloud. It is the story of a great turn of events for the Jewish people. The wicked viceroy of Persia, Haman, had plotted to murder all the Jews in the kingdom. Through a sequence of inexplicable and miraculous events, the tables were turned, and through the efforts of the Jewish leaders Mordechai and Esther, Haman was hung on the very day that he chose to kill the Jews. For 2,500 years, Purim has been a day to celebrate the triumph of good over evil.
One Israeli's personal account:
When I returned from synagogue that morning, my children greeted me with singing and laughing.
While we had been reading about the destruction of Haman, George Bush had announced that the Allied forces called a ceasefire.
My six-year-old asked if they would write a book about Saddam Hussein that would be read in synagogue next year! I smiled. In her own way, she could sense the cycle of history repeating itself.
Excerpted from "Missiles, Masks and Miracles" by Charles Samuel.
Published: February 2, 2003
A CHABAD article confirming Gulf War 1 ended on Purim:
Suddenly, then the long-awaited land war was underway. The Allies marched into Kuwait and invaded Iraq. Then, on February 27, after a mere 100 hours of Allied fighting, the BBC announced that the Persian Gulf War was over. Not for a moment did any of the soldiers believe it. Two weeks later, on March 11, 1991, Newsweek published a cover story on the war and called the Persian Gulf War "a triumph of almost Biblical proportions." Only after returning to the United States, did David find out that the War had actually ended on Purim.
Purim 2003 began in the evening of
Monday, March 17
and ended in the evening of
Tuesday, March 18
Bush: 'Leave Iraq within 48 hours'
Monday, March 17, 2003 Posted: 9:34 PM EST (0234 GMT)
(CNN) – Here is a transcript of President George W. Bush's Monday night televised address to the nation:
Purim is celebrated annually according to the Hebrew calendar on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar (and on Adar II in Hebrew leap years that take place every 2 to 3 years), the day following the victory of the Jews over their enemies. In cities that were protected by a surrounding wall at the time of the Biblical Joshua, Purim is instead celebrated on the 15th of the month of Adar on what is known as Shushan Purim, since fighting in the walled city of Shushan continued through the 14th day of Adar.[9] Today, only Jerusalem and a few other cities celebrate Purim on the 15th of Adar.
This was written in 2003 by some biblefag that knew his shit:
Purim & The Two Wars
Just some thoughts to share with you:
War Remarks Date
Gulf War Ended on Purim 28 February 1991
New Iraq War Starts after Purim?? 48 hours' notice given on 18 March 2003, 01:00 GMT
Possible date of War??:
20 March 2003??
The Book of Esther recounts how Purim was the day that was found by the casting of lots to be the best day to destroy the Jews. But God turned the table around and destroyed the enemies instead…on the same day
We have been praying and fasting for the last three days (72 hour rotational non-stop). Knowing and understanding the times, we have ascended His holy mountain, coming and standing before the King on behalf of Israel and all the nations including our beloved country.
We have read the story of Esther over and over again.. (about 7 times for myself)…the last three days. The end of the story: God triumphs and reigns!
I would encourage you to read the story of Esther and know the significance of Purim! Through which, we will fear not, be strong and courageous and stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!
(Written on 18 March 2003)
Jewish Calendar For Year 5763 (AD 2002-2003)
Fast of Esther : 13 Adar (March 17, 2003)
Fast begins at first morning light. Commemorates the fast of Queen Esther in order to save the Jewish people of ancient Persia (Late 6th century BC), and the subsequent victory of the Jewish people over their enemies.
Purim: 14 Adar (March 18, 2003)
Commemorates the rescue of the Jewish people in ancient Persia (Late 6th century B.C.E.). Celebrated with feasts, special prayers, the reading of the Book of Esther, the sending of gifts from friend to friend, and extra charity.
Shushan Purim: 15 Adar (March 19, 2003)
Purim in cities surrounded by walls from the days of Joshua such as Jerusalem.
Stop bumping your own thread you goddamned faggot
wtf I hate trump now
wtf i love purim now
Summary of action
Day 1: 19 March 2011
21h: The first main strike involved the launch of 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles from U.S. and UK ships against shoreline air defenses of the Gaddafi regime.[14][65][66][67] The U.S. Department of Defense reports that the dismantling of Libya's ability to hinder the enforcement of the UN no-fly zone was only the first of multiple stages in the operation.[68] USMC Harriers participated in an air strike against a large military convoy outside Benghazi.
Very good.
Anti-slide bump.
the only shills here are pro-trump kushner cucks like you
Thanks for bumping!
To every user living near Jews, a reminder to pay close attention to any disappearing of children before and during Purim.
Can someone image save this thread for future purposes?
Thanks for the red pill, Holla Forums. I learned something new today.
Here's an archive for the time being.
I do and I will and report back
There's like 40 minutes of reading here. Is this shit even worth reading?
Short answer: Yes.
Looks like a cohencidence to me, nothing important.
Holy shit.
So what happens this week? Any guesses?
Hamantaschen literally converts to "Haman's ears". They celebrate the talmudic story about a genocide of gentiles that called out the jew for being subversive.