Well California this is what you get for trying to go against our president. Enjoy getting raped in the ass by Paco and Jose now.
Trump To Let California Burn, Considers Pulling Out ICE Agents
here is to a burned california’s, at the steak!
Stop sending them funds, stop sending them people, stop sending them water. Let them make their little socialist utopia work for them.
Maybe we can see some obstruction charges for anyone that actively tried to stop the gang enforcement.
You mean they get exactly what they want? 4D chess amirite reddit.
isn't California doing all it can to sabotage their work anyway?
Yeah, just kill us all off and cede California to the bolshevik kikes, that'll work out great, thanks god emperuh, real glad I voted for this faggot. Oh wait, this shit is based, cause memes right!?
Don't abandon us emperor!
By Khorne, we cannot avail this degeneracy ! The Worshippers of Slaanesh abound, stealing Khornes glorious bloodshed and perverting it in their sick rituals ! Even the False Emperor and his lackeys are preferable to this, I propose a bloodoath
Why not just declare martial law on California?
Keep it up, you're real convincing.
Here's a (2)
At least you bumped the thread. Thanks!
What a genius idea! I'm very sure that no judge won't interfere and fuck this all up, turning against Trump.
No, it's better to isolate it and let it rot within. An example to everyone of how a state full of commies and socialists will turn out
Don't stop at just ICE. Pull out all Federal assets then we can watch the place burn. They haven't been working with ICE for awhile so the effect isn't going to be much worse than now unless I'm missing something.
Trump has been victorious against these activist judges every single time. In fact, when the SC decides against these commie judges, it weakens them.
Last time the SC issued a rebuke and warned against this kind of activism, they will not tolerate it much longer.
Please, Trump Senpai I see ICE agents every week. It gives me a reason to live, when I grew up this town was basically completely white, now it is not.
Just look at it this way, calianon. Once The legal system steps down, you get to step up. Make sure you have lots of ammo, user. And have fun.
Fuck you and your clickbait title, you nigger.
Friendly sage reminder, faget
This is the kind of shill kike nigger posting that the FBI engages in.
Godspeed calanon. see you in Valhalla.
People who prance from thread to thread exclaiming shill everywhere partake in mindless newfaggotry, and it directly undermines the anonymous culture of ideas through an attack on poster validity. It's literal reddit behavior..
If it was in Israel's interest he would have cleaned out California by now, but because it isn't he's going to surrender to the Marxists.
I grew up in Norcal. I don't want to lose this state, its beautiful beyond comparison. Yet there is some subtle brilliance to Trumps idea. Assuming ICE gets around to deporting a few hundred thousand per month in the other 49 (or making spics think they are), every beaner in the nation will be considering a one way trip to California. If even a few million beaners do it, it will seriously impact an already fucked real estate market, social services, and infrastructure system. That in turn will drive off millions more productive whites, further damning California in the long term.
I just hope he has a good plan for retaking it.
Clearly you haven't seen the state of California. If you are old enough to posting on this board and were born in California, you can expect to see violent, racially driven turmoil here by the time you die. Be prepared.
It's going to be pretty interesting in 30ish years when we have a reverse battle of Normandy.
this is wisdom. plz comprehend the true value of this comment.
There's literally a "press A to win" approach. Drop nukes on California.
Then we'd have do deal with mutant spics.
launching a german invasion of america via france?
Yeah making Paco mutate from 5'4 to 5'7 and increasing his tolerance for Modello would be unstoppable
watching California burn sounds great but the problem is that CA is connected to the rest of the country. Unless there are border controls to keep America insulated from the scum this will just make everyplace else worse.
As a Rocky mountain region fag, just cut off the water they unjustly take from us.
Nope, gonna keep living. Just for you.
Yes, it will turn California into a giant Mexican Calais.
But California will just become a Jew-run spic state, and its still got all that shit we paid for AND some of the best land in the country.
Why is he giving our land to traitors instead of defeating those traitors and taking our land back?
shitskins don't understand cause & effect
if they turn something into shit they'll just move elsewhere and repeat the process
Soon it will be a reality.
Great… Boomers betray the country and leaves the wealthiest State to Mexican invasion. Sojme faggots on Holla Forums will celebrate this in typical NeoCon redneck boomer fashion
Cut off California's water. Simple as that. Let them all die.
So, what really happens here is all of the dumb spics go to solid blue Cali and the rest of the US turns ruby red over the course of the next three years. After this outcome there will be no hope for the left wing.
After the remainder of secedes, we should throw Hollyw0od and the rest of Upper Baha out of the union, at least temporarily until the survivors literally beg to be taken back. But first let them suffer for a good little while.
This is actually a really smart idea.
I say go for it.
That's a lot of buzzwords you have there. I'm convinced.
I want to fight mutant spics.
Fucking. Hysterical.
It isn't that wealthy if you remove silicon valley.
Then extend the range of the proving grounds in Nevada.
Shills love memeing about giving up California. That is American clay. Who the fuck wants to give up a coastal state that has a GDP higher than Germany?
Which is why they must be prevented from continuing that pattern.
Sounds like you have some real work to do then. Sometimes you have to go to the darkest place before you can bring the light.
This. Stop being retarded. We need to save cali now.
If you mean the wealthiest welfare state, then you are correct you faggot.
California's wealth comes from agriculture. Every other industry in California is profitable because it's subsidized by the state government, those subsidies are paid for by taxes on agriculture. The reason Californian agriculture is so profitable is because of the massive illegal workforce, it's essentially a slave economy with next to no labor costs. That is why Californians are so pro illegal, they like having an underclass, it's what maintains their lifestyle of unearned prosperity.
Quit bitching, you guys get to be ground zero in the race war.
What's a bloodoath?
I honestly can't imagine what Holla Forums would be like without those three things, other than maybe 4/b/
This. The only way I can see racially driven violence not occurring across California in our lifetime is if Jefferson separates, and all the Right wing whites move there, leaving California proper to the ethno-masochists and shitskins they will happily embrace.
So let citizens suffer while letting criminal commiefornia politicians live in their mansions. What a spectacularly retarded idea. Im sure its just lipservice to try and scare these faggots but still.
This at least. If we're going to destroy a piece of America even further dont waste a fucking dime doing it
Problem is it doesn't work obviously and the degenerates will just spread like locusts. It's like spiting your foot for getting an infection and letting it spread to the rest of the body.
This isn't the right answer.
We should have marched in there with federal agencies and troops and dragged the fucking commie bastard mayors and lawmakers out of their offices, and tried them for obstruction of justice.
Anyone supporting sanctuary policies in an official capacity should have ben snubbed right from the fucking get go.
California WANTS this. the globalists WANT this. Pull your only immigration agency out of your most degenerate state and cede it to the third world.
You guys actually think Cali will come crawling back or try to secede? Hell no. The rich elite in Cali will stay rich and elite, the w rest of Cali will get poorer, crime will go up, yes it will turn into a shithole but the fucking Globalists in charge WANT THAT. They WANT every body in cali to be fucking poor slaves to the state.
They WANT the west to be turned over to the third world savages, and if that means by slowly eroding away one territory at a time, they'll take it.
With all the talk of more gun control, and now this, I'm FUCKING DISAPPOINTED.
We should have gone full fash on California.
It's to scare the CA citizens, not the government. It's to get any republican voters there to make some noise.
Read Art of the Deal.
Why does the nigger do the Merkel hand gesture?
This is exactly right. Worsened conditions for regular white people, a destruction of any real economy and reliance on state largess is precisely the plan, and Cali is ground zero for it. Once that happens whites can be picked off at will, no organized violence necessary to give them a casus belli to fight back.
If any user replies that making x area into more of a shithole is good because it will "wake up white people", tell them to get the rocks out of their head, replace them with a functioning brain, and take a gander at South Africa and Brazil.
it looks like one of the carpal tunnel syndrome relief exercises.
Kill them all. God will know his own.
Now all those spics can have spic babies that are legal U.S. citizens. But its ok because they are LEGAL.
I wish he would take a strong stance on SOMETHING immigration related.