"If there is one thing consistent about president Donald Trump, it is his inconsistencies. Since he was elected Trump has reneged on promises not to go into Afghanistan, putting America first, and eliminating Obamacare. This was all predictable. However, a recent move this week by the Trump administration has even his most ardent lapdogs crying out. Gun Control.
After the tragic shooting in Florida last week, Trump took to the limelight to begin banning and controlling. Up first on the agenda was the bump fire stock.
It didn’t matter at all to the president that the bump fire stock wasn’t used in the Florida shooting—but he took to moving to ban it anyway.
The White House released a memo Tuesday that indicates Trump has directed the Justice Department to draw up legislation to ban firearm modifiers including the “bump stock” used in the Las Vegas massacre.
Fox News then confirmed with the DOJ that the department is acting “quickly” on the president’s order.
“The department understands this is a priority for the president and has acted quickly to move through the rulemaking process,” spokesman Sarah Isgur Flores said. “We look forward to the results of that process as soon as it is duly completed.”
This move also got him praise from the Washington Post who took time out of their day to stop bashing Trump over Russian conspiracy theories and praise him for carrying on his predecessor’s move to limit the right of Americans to protect themselves.
As WaPo reports, President Trump on Tuesday signaled an openness to modest gun-control measures following what he called an “evil massacre” at a South Florida high school last week that left 17 dead and prompted passionate calls from teenagers for reform.
However, the Post went further alluding to the fact that Trump will likely go further than bump stocks.
“In private, he has indicated that he might do more, telling advisers and friends in recent days that he is determined to push for some sort of gun-control legislation, according to people familiar with the conversations,” the Post reported.
Trump, himself, even tweeted out that he wants Republicans and Democrats to come together for gun control.
Axios also reported axios.com
By that logic, Trump should also raise the age of joining the military to 21 too.
According to other reports, Trump is also mulling the idea of banning the private sale of guns altogether.
This move to push for gun control should come as no surprise. As TFTP reported in December, in an example of how both parties are willing to completely compromise their ostensible principals to further the agenda of usurping your rights, the Republican-controlled house voted to federalize gun laws across the country. Not only was this bill—which makes it easier for the federal government to disarm the citizens—voted for by the alleged pro-2nd Amendment Republicans but it was also supported by the NRA. thefreethoughtproject.com
So why is it that conservatives are freaking and the liberal mainstream media is now praising Trump?
Well, Trump — just like every other president in the last hundred years — is subject to the status quo, the ruling elite, and the deep state establishment. The last three presidents, in fact, have explicitly run on platforms on non-intervention only to be elected and flip-flop on every one of their promises.
The rights of citizens to protect themselves become second chair to the desire of the state to force citizen compliance.
Even if Trump was genuine on his promises, there’d be no way he would have ever been able to follow through. The unelected deep state in Washington has simply become far too powerful to be changed — which is why sites like the Free Thought Project, the Antimedia, Activist Post, We Are Change, Storm Clouds Gathering, the Corbett Report, and others within the alternative media have been predicting this since day one."