Trump Defends the 2nd Amendment
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dog bless
the last defender of americal values
That's quite gay but on the bright side,
more chaos
Anything that further polarizes and angers the citizenry is a good thing. Not Trumpcucking of course, but I work with what I have not what I wish for so use this to piss off more normalfags.
This is quite a change from national concealed carry
Fucking kike mods
How can you even have a minimum age for purchasing a rifle? Whats to stop them from raising the age from 18 to 99? You have to be 99 years old to purchase a rifle? Its unconstitutional no matter the age.
Truly 1488 chess
Well, you said it yourself, 18 is the min. age.
18 to buy a rifle is unconstitutional to begin with, they can just keep raising the minimum age to infinity and effectively remove the 2nd Amendment.
80% of school shootings are already done with illegal firearms. The only thing this would accomplish is making the other 20% illegal too, but not stopping them at all.
18 is the legal age of adulthood and legal accountability
Where in the constitution does it state your god given rights begin at the age of 18?
What other constitutional rights begin at the age of 18? Freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and petition?
Fucking baste!
They are Constitutionally PROTECTED rights. Well… at least they used to be when people still had the balls to take their funs and march against the tyrants.
Why won't someone start the fire already so we can rise?
To be fair children have none of those under parental supervision and most specially under school grounds.
or HPA
Ok, well lets assume that rights begin at 18, by raising it to 21 its unconstitutional.
Due to people's stupidity I'm willing to give Benito tier Civic Nationalism or plain old Ethno National Socialism a chance. Democracy with jews around is impossible to do.
I couldn't agree more if I tried.
Lets hope not.
He hasn't done it yet - make sure this old kike knows that his base will vanish into thin air if he decides to proceed.
So what happens if Democrats fail to pass any gun control bills even with the president's backing?
Surrender your shoestrings and fingers, goyim!
Will he also raise the age where you can die for Israel, or can ZOGbots still be armed at 21?
*18, fug
.mil exemption
I don't think he understands the magnitude of what he just tweeted. No way to he can even pretend this isn't political suicide. Its like if he came out and announced the wall was canceled.
Unfortunate but true, people don't realize that child protection laws were a double edged sword that didn't just infantalize teenagers but also removed a parent's right to his children and by extension the child's already limited autonomy.
Oh don't get me wrong I do agree but I was just pointing out that children don't have full enfranchisement like adults do. To be fair you can't and shouldn't trust kids with voting. Weaponry is arguable, since I remember that before my time or my parent's they used to have firing ranges in US schools.
Clearly he does not.
What else is new.
Remember to take your daily opiate dose goy.
Dude, we've got trannies in our military, we've given up throwing grenades because women can't do it well, and we're giving people green cards in exchange for service.
The idea that dissonance in the context of what you're talking about being an issue to these people is laughable.
it's to appease the boomers, and I believe it's already in the drafts/bills
(I don't give a shit; It's all garbage, exemption or not)
Say what you like but at least he kept every promise he's made to Netanyahu, Kissinger, Jason Greenblatt, David Friedman, Jared Kushner, Boris Epshteyn, Stephen Miller, Steven Mnuchin, Lewis Eisenberg, Michael Glassner, and the rest of his based fashy jewish sponsors, it's the the promises he made to the braindead Amerifat public he's reneged on, which in itself is particularly based in how he gives no fucks and wont backdown to anyone, apart from all those aforementioned jews of course, and the ADL who he's been working with for over 30 years…
This is just DACA 2.0 all over again. The blackpills and shilling is too damn high smh
Of course it is, that was my point. The idea that there'd be any meaningful dissonance in that for these fucks is beyond the pale when they've got ladyboys, wetbacks and twats in the ranks already.
It would be funny watching dems cucking out again.
I really hope you are right. I am not being sarcastic. I hope this is what is happening.
ah, gotcha
Only people who care about those thing a fat retards who think they're they next Rambo.
Oh no! Those laws already exist in many states! Its almost like Teump is making a big show about doing nothing.
Bump stocks are gay.
Or publicly came out 24hrs after the election telling his supporters he won't bother locking up Hillary because that was just lip service and theatre for the braindead ZOG-trained Amerifats who really believed in Hope & Change 2.0
Autocorrect is such garbage.
anti-2A phoneposting is garbage
Nothing funnier than watching Dems all cucking out while NeoConservative Republicucks bow to isreal and hand out even more gibs to them
Did the republicans cucked during the shut down? No? Because I remember 1 autist who sperged rigorously after that because his day was ruined and replied over 100 times in a single thread.
See, from the list of the Trump campaign's top 10 financial contributors: )))Robert Mercer(((, (((Sheldon Adelson))), (((Bernard Marcus))), (((Geoffrey Palmer))), (((Cherna Moskowitz))) and (((Peter Zieve)))
Yeah yeah, we shall see nigger.
(((Glowing))) commentary.
Based zog emperor. Finally he does something about America's problems. I was supporting him when he ran on his gun restriction platform and I'm supporting him now that he's getting it done. 7 more years of salt from shariablue and I'm loving it. #MAGA
I hope.
Its such a gamble though. He just came out and said he won't veto trash legislation like that.
Silly shariablue. That's just chess.
I always thought "cuck" was injected into the jewish aut-right psy-op as a way of identifying the problem with American leaders "cucking" out to isreal.
Something which has been the central theme to this government ever since Bibi's best mate got elected.
Do you honestly think that Democrats are going to push gun control in an election year? Can you picture the political ads calling red-state Democrats "gun grabbers."
This gun violence bullshit is being pushed because the usual play is to paint the Republican as a warmonger… except Trump isn't a warmonger. He hasn't started any wars. Trump is only cleaning up the messes that King Nigger left for him. Without any war protests, this is all they have. But just like the DACA spics, instead of playing their game and looking like the heartless, baby-killing, gun-loving Republican they need for their propaganda, Trump is adopting their emotional language, meeting with their little actors, and turning it back on them. In the end, no gun control, and he gets to blame the Democrats for not delivering anything to their emotional base of Marxist welfare morons yet again
Of course, subtlety like this will never please the IQ65s who want Trump to start a bloody race war, there will always be blackpills because pessimism is safe and comfortable, and shills gonna shill.
Think of the fucking children, though. I think we can trick those demoturds into going along and getting some more based background checks. I agree, no one wants a race war, and chess is the only way to avoid it. Thanks for the input, fellow pede.
Or shit that is standard in most states
Also you could make bumpstocks out of fucking shoe strings
*bombs syria*
*sends more whites to die in the desert*
He's just maintained Bush's wars, just like king nigger did.
I hope trump gets impeached at this point, either side is accelerationism.
thanks to my innate distrust of gov't, I didn't take what he said to heart.
you ALL should be preparing
There's no end to this sort of shit m8.
Well shit I'm sold, the best we can hope for with Trump is that he actual does nothing at all
Let's see this passing both houses.
It's the same as DACA.
Trump can support all he wants but NRA has a strong hold among republicans. And he of course knows it.
bingo. I don't need him shilling anti-2A crap from the biggest megaphone in the world
Did you not see the stadium full of people cheering to ban guys last night? I think you are wrong bucko. I think they are going to stage false flag after false flag from here until the midterms in order to fuel their "blue wave" calling the right murderers on all the major news networks 24/7.
Again, because he expects it to fail. I hope. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if it passed since bump stocks are a meme and i believe the 21 for gun ownership would be negated if your parent purchases the gun for you. Then again the dems could really fuck us on background checks.
Still, no republican congressman would ever vote for such an unpopular bill, especially in the same year as midterms. That said, everyone ITT needs to call their representative's office and tell them that they won't have this bill, democrat or not. It never hurts to put pressure on them. We need to do better at the boring sort of actual grassroots activism, because you know that the DNC is operating call centers calling every rep in the country from spoofed caller ID's in the rep's district, urging them to support common sense gun control, replete with lists of talking points cultivated by groups like the CFR and OSF.
Eh, could be worse.
go die for israel, cuck
I'm convinced that, among the various social engineers looking to shape our world for their benefit, there is a push to raise the legal age of adulthood to 21.
you can be conscripted at 18 (Selective Service/Drafted)
yea, you could be on fire
With State enforced homosexuality.
Pretty much this.
Deception is neat and all, but if you deception is that you're pretending to hold a view which is explicitly counter to your actual interests, and you're effectively promoting that view widely on the basis of the intent to inhibit immediate espousal of that view in legislation and gain some short-term advantage on your opposition, that's a big gamble.
You know why that flag is a cross like that? Because the guy who designed it wanted to appease southern jews, when a cross is offensive to them.
Berkay Imkikey and his spastic mod chesscuck team BTFO. No smug lolicon with (((if))) anywhere to be seen. Feels good.
checked for the mods overdosed on xanax in imkikey's weedwagon
Non sequitur.
Someone needs to post that forced "shill bingo" meme the_donald made. I need muh shill bingo.
In B4 said smug loli anime crasher mod comes along to silence the non-jews having their moment in the sun.
No, it's exactly the same. You're obviously a shill.
Look I'm just trying to stay positive. It's not a smart move to acknowledge these people but at the same time if he doesn't throw them a bone republicans are going to get absolutely hammered with the Florida shooting and every other shooting for the 8 months leading up to the election.
The problem is that the dems still control the media and the narrative. I'm not happy with Trump at all either but there is a political reality I think you're ignoring.
I know you're probably memeing but, Poe's law.
Can you not taunt the mods? Seriously… come on dude. Take it to /polmeta/ or whatever.
Who tf says that? Had to look that up
Okay, if the Trump method of stalling for time until he can stack the legislature with loyalists is bullshit that doesn't work, what exactly will be stopping a bloody race war when it fails? Our lack of commercially manufactured bump stocks? If Obama's endless supply of nigger hi-jinks doesn't trigger one, what does?
Well that surely dissolved into meta faggotry.
Democrats don't control the media, jews do. They also control both major political parties (and many of the smaller ones).
It was a prophecy.
Remember to filter and report everyone who says wrong things about the Donald. #MAGA
Fucking blow your brains out, you pathetic motherfucking sack of shit. This is the first thread in years where questioning trump has happened without instant bans, and that's only because they're asleep. The entire site is completely fucking destroyed. Jim personally protects the moderators. He WANTS this narrative spread. There's a (((reason))) for that.
This is the problem with you redd*t spacing trumpniggers. It's all muh dems and muh libs.
What about the kikes?
You know, the kikes that control the democratic and republican party? The ones that have been starting wars for israel no matter which party is in office? The ones that perpetrate countless attacks on our race regardless of weather it's based ronnie raygun or soap chewing kang nigger in office?
Stop being a philosemite
Global report for not saying Emperor.
Intelligent people familiar with logical fallacies and debate tactics.
Oh no I made you learn.
Under normal circumstances I'd agree. But Holla Forums mods have completely spammed /polmeta/ with shit and thus bring it up themselves when anons complain on here.
tbh if we ever want to revolt full scale we can get all the guns we need from the russians.
they'd give us the full "US in Syria" treatment, special forces training, anti-air missiles, you name it.
>There's a (((reason))) for that.
He runs thegoldwater.com named after kike barry goldwater and is part of a masonic order.
Based orthodox Jewish President
But user, that's antisemitic. Our God Emperor is a self-proclaimed zionist, and we have to show our support for the Chosen People after all they've been through. You will be banned if you say bad things about jews.
he also tweeted about getting teachers with training the right to conceal carry in school, and have capable people in gun free zone allowed to have guns. As always he throw a lot of stuff out there to see what stick.
To be fair only the background check for mental issues make sense to me, not the rest. However I would like more sensibilation so the populace get basic gun training, no need to buy a gun, but maybe schools should teach people the rudimentary basics of responsible firearm usage.Ingrain a sense of responsibilities for a change. the bump stock ban would be stupid, retarded, at the 21 of age sound slippery to me.
Made me chuckle.
Okay, name the red-state Democrats up for re-election this year who have publicly called for gun control since the events in Florida. Not their Jew media proxies, the actual politicians.
What makes you so sure this is what he's even doing? He's already consciously made the decision to surround himself with jews, we've had a republican majority, and getting them elected in the midterms won't accomplish anything. Republicans are not on your side, there's no sense in picking a team when it's all the same jew.
I read on reddit TIL that the dumber you are, the smarter you think you are. Checkmate!
mods have been on drug binges the past few nights tbh, sleeping in 16 hour shifts.
That was my point. We were having a discussion about Trump that wasn't "FUCKIN BASTE" and it hasn't been deleted… then he comes in posting the passport photo in an attempt to get the thread shut down.
Dems push the talking points the jews want, republicans are meek controlled opposition.
Not everyone who isn't completely blackpilled on Trump is a kike.
It is. You get banned instantly if you question Trump. How fucking new are you?
And why not? What has he ever done for you, white man?
Bush was 10 years ago retard.
Hi Holla Forums
Reported. Go back to reddit.
What edition of Mein Kampf should i buy?
Third reich edition?
From what publisher?
Sure, sure. The were very active on some faggots "I need a gf" threads.
Nigger, those threads were up like this one, in which some circle jerking of queers sucking each other dicks. And later afterwards bitch about it for hours. The most cancerous faggot is one who keeps his months or years old ban images and then can't get over it.
The Republican Party stopped existing in the 1980s.
stalag ed.
Are Chabad Lubavitch Orthodox?
I thought they were end times obsessed messianic jew cultists who are convinced that their choice trump would usher in the jewish messiah to enslave all the goyim for the based jews.
They could be orthodox for all I know, but based genocidal Likudnik kikes determined to throw America under the bus now they've pretty much dry-hump mined America for all it has.
None so based as a gang of genocidal kike-jews intent on destroying the West
Not sure how I should feel about this. It will get the left to shut up but it also goes against what I would expect from Trump.
Sup /cuteboys/
Any neocohen says the same political theater nonsense, who fucking cares? What will they do for Whites? Fucking nothing.
He's stacked the Admin with Orthodox Jews, they openly boast of their influence
Kept Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush out of office and mainstreamed populism and nationalism and the idea that the media are all liars. Do you remember how bad things were in the Current Year?
What changes are you referring to?
Le LoL
The ignorance of boomers when it comes to commie tricks, is dangerous.
Owning a firearm is not a gov't granted privilege. It's a right that's even specifically enumerated in the constitution (that gov't employees swear an oath to). No inferences required.
You can't regulate it away with "mental health" (whatever that means this week) or age restrictions, or future predictions of possible potential harm that might be done. There are already laws on the books for stopping imminent harm/threats of harm. Gun store owners have, at their discretion, the right to refuse selling weapons to people who they suspect are just going to go murder someone.
If someone was released from prison after time served, or released after having been in a mental institution, after a TRIAL BY JURY, they should get their rights back. If they're so dangerous as to not be trusted with a firearm, why did you grant them parole/release them?
You cannot take away peoples' freedoms without DUE PROCESS OF LAW.
Freudian fraud pseudo-science "mental health" is not due process.
We do, and we're depressed it got worse.
After 2 whole weeks of this.
Great, then quit kvetching and start the race war.
why are you so determined to believe anyone who agrees with you is a shill? not everyone has to give up hope just because you have.
Not really cucking though is it? he's just upping the legal age to 21 and making sure mentally ill half breeds don't get guns? that's how I see it.
He kept us from rising up and killing all the traitors and nonwhites. What a hero.
Not really, no. There's not a single fucking person running on populism in 2018 or 2020. >and nationalism
100% no. He's a civic nationalist and there aren't any ethnonationalists running, either.
The only thing he has done is confirm what people already knew but didn't do anything about. Now we're a year in. The russia fantasy has been spammed 24/7 by the media the entire time. Now the government has confirmed that it is 100% a fabrication. Not a single word of it is true. The media has been spreading slander and libel for an entire fucking year, non-stop, EXCLUSIVELY.
And no one is doing anything. Everyone KEPT. WATCHING. THE. NEWS. ALL. YEAR. Their companies aren't going bankrupt. Their employees aren't being arrested for committing treason against the United States. No one is angry. No one is demanding these arrests. No one is demanding the arrests of the government officials who are publicly proven to have committed treason, either.
So what, exactly, has Trump actually DONE for us? Words are meaningless. He has abandoned his primary campaign promises. What. has. he. done.
I remember we had hope then. What hope do we have now? There won't be a civil war. We won't get the chance or the casus belli to fight back.
Your most important right traded for a chess meme. You cancerous little goblin
Absolutely based, I can't wait to see what brilliant 88d chess move he's about to make.
The only possible good outcome of such a mockery would be parents gifting their young children guns again.
I got my first rifle when I was 10yo.
ayy lmao mods are awake and just deleted all my posts :^)
it was fun while it lasted.
go back to reddit.
You mean appeasing the Commie gun grabbers after promising his support base that he would absolutely not do so.
Again, why is the word "cuck" invented by the jewish aut-right now not applicable considering all this current Presidency has done all his term to date is literally cuck out to isreal every day since he's been inoffice.
Also the ChiComs would gladly provide aid for the row row price of only giving us Carifronia, wide-eye
Just saying surely you can see the drastic change in tone from pre-election to now, it used to be a hardline at least civic nationalist "America First", now it's fucking taxes, "sensible gun control" and what's good for DACA spics. Now the best we can seem to hope for lately is that he just does nothing, which seems to be what all this chess meme seems to amount to
Literally none of that is true beyond that companies aren't going bankrupt and people aren't being arrested for treason. No one had hope back in 2015. In 2015, Hillary or Jeb! was going to march right into office and flood the country with so many shitskins by the time she left office, we'd be 30% white. White births are the majority again. Deportations are happening.
they can have the western half of canada and lease san francisco for 100 years.
As far as the scotus is concerned isn't being part of the militia (which by default everyone is a part of when they turn 18) what grants the right to bear arms? So it would make perfect sense that this particular thing would be restricted to 18
"I want to deny the 2A Rights of all Americans aged 18-20" isn't an acceptable proposition
If the god emperor says based psychokikes are what we need to judge who has amendments or not then you damn well better listen. In fact it would be best if psych-kikes decided for other amendments as well. Words can hurt just as much as bullets. Think of the children. #MAGA
I get what you mean, the age thing is rather silly, but it will get the left to shut the fuck up. That's all I'm getting from this situation, give them a little rope to hang themselves with.
Hating jews means you are "Mentally Ill".
Believing 9/11 wasn't done by muslims in caves means you are "Mentally Ill".
Saying the holocaust didn't happen obviously means you are "Mentally Ill".
Do you not see where that line of thinking leads?
I appreciate that.
Look, dude, I appreciate that, but cucking to them in the hopes of playing some chess shit is fucking dangerous, on several fronts.
First, what if these bills DO make it through congress? Then what? Will it be "oh he won't sign it!", because I find that dubious.
Second, again, the aforementioned societal consciousness narrative. If we're to believe this Overton Window shit is real, then Trump saying something like that is enough on its face to shift the frame and, again, we're going to have to move forward after Trump, quotes like these on his behalf making it easier for people to justify this sort of behavior in an actual sense (should you assume this IS mere chess) in appeal to Trump's base.
Not good.
I'm not ignoring it m8, there's just no getting around that it seems - Trump was talking mad shit about going after the media, but it really does seem like he's unwilling to actually take the steps because he's, I dunno, scared he's gonna wind up impeached or under attack or something, or he just isn't interested in actually holding them to task.
As it stands, I don't give a shit about the Republican party, they are only useful as a vehicle to our ends, and they've not been serving that end very effectively.
I want something to deal with voter fraud, which seems to have fizzled and died.
I want the libel laws opened up so we can sue the media, which seems to have died before the election even finished.
I want these illegal DACA fucks deported, not lauded.
I feel you on the desire to stay positive and maintain morale, but at the same time, you have to be prepared to face the political realities you're choosing to ignore, and the reality here is that Trump's comments here are unnecessary in content, inappropriate in context, in conflict with previous statements on his behalf AND set negative precedent in the societal consciousness.
Who told him to gamble away 2A you quisling, zero benefit he only gets good press for neo-kike bombings
I stated objective fact, so I'd LOVE to see how you manage to prove me wrong.
Oh, so literally everything I said is, in fact, true. Thanks for admitting it instantly.
Thanks for pretending you speak for literally anyone.
And we'd go to war. The race war would have happened some time before 2024. Now it won't. And they'll just keep breeding.
They're not. 200,000 last year. We needed 7,300,000. You have no excuse for this discrepancy. He increased deportations by 0 per year from King Nigger.
Sure hope we don't have a war with all those 18 and 19 year olds in the army.
Mustn't upset the delicate kike-controlled braindead slaves who fall for every lie and trick ZOG lays at their feet now should we
What the hell is this new-age trend of raising various age minimums to 21? First it was smoking, then a few states that still had 18 for alcohol raised it to 21, then AoC or some instances, now we have this. Are they attempting to compensate for the new-found mental retardation and developmental stinting in ages 16 to 22?
Scythe battalions for the Jew Lords
You got it half-way. They're trying hard as fuck to create it.
The language Trump uses changes based on the ears that he's aiming for. Trump isn't talking to his base when he says "muh feels about guns."
DACA is a perfect example. Trump was talking directly to the spics, so he used language that would sway spics. Of course spic-speak triggers normal people, because they aren't spics.
Now he is speaking pussy-speak because his target ears and cowardly women and soyboys. He used the same language after Vegas, but what happened after Vegas? Nothing. It's all bullshit that makes faggots feel feels, but in the end, just fluff with no action.
Patriots have been lied to by politicians so long they can't process it when a politician lies to the traitors for a change.
This. They want extended adolescence so people are easier to control and more susceptible to demoralization.
>redd*t spacing
woah, so this is the power of Am*rica
Who the fuck cares. Did you vote for Trump to be a faggot?
Anti Trump shills are out in force today, nothing new, this always happens when something slightly drastic happens.
Based spics will surely vote for zogald in 2020 if he gives them amnesty. Worked fot ronnie raygun.
fucking BASED
Kiss goodbye to your semi-autos.
By banning bump stocks it is implicitly stated that semi-autos' days are numbered.
Easy: because bump firing is possible without a bump stock, the bump stock just reduces the level of skill and practice required to achieve fully automatic cycling.
Therefore it's only a matter of time before the inevitable conclusion is reached, i.e after the MSM explains what a bump stock is, what it does and how what it does can be done without the use of said bump stock.
And the bump stock ban will only serve as "proof" that semi-automatics are inherently "faulty".
At best you can hope for some kind of "anti-bump" mechanism to be made mandatory, but at that point the wedge is half way in.
tl;dr this is the thin end of the wedge, and once the kikes have taught the general public that a weapon can be bump fired without a bump stock, said sheeple public will demand all semi-autos to be banned because the "problem" isn't changed by banning bump stocks.
Or, you know, muh 4D chess, don't worry, Trump is on your side.
wtf im a zionist gun grabber now
what if your parents happen to be anti-gun douchebags? You're left with going through k-12 and 3 years of (((college))) indoctrination being a no-funs faggot. How many staunch 2A supporters is that going to create in the younger generations?
Speaking from experience; my parents weren't pro-2A at all. I had to buy my first rifle at 18 and stash it at a friend's house until I had an apartment. This 21yo garbage makes it that much harder for youth in a similar postion
>Non jew goys are out in force today, nothing new, this always happens when something slightly drastic happens.
Like every day since Bibi's best mate got elected he's handed over more power, money to jewry and taken it away from the Amerifat public
look at all this hotpocketing
kikey is having a fucking aneurysm
Oh, and just in case there are fags who don't know what bump firing is, please see video related for an example.
I've seen memes about other people my age [Age 19], but I always tought these were jokes until I met new people. It's already happened, I think. People my age can't form a coherent sentance, know nothing about mathmatics or even their own language, and haven't read a book except in school (and don't remember it). I personally blame flouride. It doesn't help my own self-confidence when I see these things, and then look on the internet to discover that a vast majority of people my age are sex fiends with A.D. pupplay/furry twitter accounts.
Bottom line, however, is that we can't keep changing what is "normal" to compensate for changing times. There is a "normal", and to change it is to admit defeat in a growing crisis. This is just like what the Self-Improvement threads say: there is a 'normal' level of Test. inside a male, but what is "normal" now was abnormal 20 years ago, and so on until you reach before the measurments were first taken.
Personally, I think minimum age levels are a complete and utter wrong in the American System because it implies that the government doesn't trust its own citizens or parentage of youthful citizens to be responsible with various elixers or weapons.
Interesting that none of those are actual rules.
I don't know, at this point, since he hasn't addressed his voter base at all nor has he accomplished anything since being elected, I'm just leaning more towards myself being lied to. I hope I'm wrong and within the next few years he does everything he said he would, but I'm just not getting my hopes up and preparing for the worst.
even boomer kikes aren't this cucked
Tell me more about how Trump passed "Muh Amnesty!!!11!!1!" you dick-slurping shills lol
How many times to you kikes need to get BTFO before you stay in the AIDS clinics where your crackhead sheboon moms shit you out? because we will gladly keep reminding you how stupid and wrong you fortune telling niggers are, day after day
b-but the rules
Get the fuck out kike lover. It's apparent the solution will be bloody and will cause many of our deaths. As long as I'm not alone.
Welcome to Holla Forums
The amnesty that's getting voted on March 5th? Yeah I wonder why that hasn't been passed yet
Why has the jewdiciary blocked so much of what he's tried to do? His travel ban was blockded, the wall and most of the immigration stuff is tied up in congress. Passing kike stuff is easy because there will never be opposition to it. Are deportations not up? Have cops not been going hard against MS13?
It won't make it through. Would a pro-gun bill make it through a 51-49 democrat majority? Even John Mccain can't fuck this one up for us. And then when it fails we hear how the American people have spoken and gun control is bad and shall not be infringed, etc, etc. And the shooting is no longer fresh in people's heads and no one gives a shit. No one is for gun control, ask around in real life and you'll find the most common opinion is that schools need armed guards. And I live in California, imagine what it's like in Kentucky.
I don't give a shit about the republicans either but I think that Trump could be more effective with more republicans in office. He's said as much himself. Remember, Obama did very little his first 4 years, but in 2012 when he was reelected was when things started to get really bad. As far as libel laws, that's still on the table afaik but it hasn't gotten pushed much. DACA will not stand. It's going to be pushed past the midterms because it's a good issue for republicans.
I think people are worrying too much about the precedent this sets in people's minds. No one is more ok with gun control because of this statement. It's going down the memory hole like so many other things he's said.
Keep shilling faggots, no one is buying your shit.
Kushner bux or Bannon bux, is the only question left
Where is our activist Federal Judge blocking the DOJ/ATF bumpstock ban?
Telling the truth is not shilling, yid.
this is just blatant fucking piplul at this point from you, i'm off to find the thread you're sliding with this jewish nonsense.
we here at Holla Forums know that the logistics of removing 7 million people from your country are an absolute nightmare and not something that you can do in such a short time, just ask your grandparents.
Background checks are just another euphemism for wrecking the 2nd amendment. Half of the population is on psychotropic drugs like ADHD "medication", sleeping pills, opioids, painkillers, etc.
None of your painfully piss-poor efforts here would have ever carried on if even just one mod wasn't jewish or a mud blood mongol turkroach kike
I dont think he actually wants any of this and is trolling again. also the background check thing has already gone too far. all it does is give unelected FBI officials the power to shadowban people from buying new guns without warning. I currently cannot buy guns, but I own them. nobody informed me about anything, one day I just went to buy a new gun and failed the NICS check. the 2nd amendment is already on the deathbed. if the NRA and conservacucks are ok with the FBI banning Americans from buying guns, but ok with shitskins flooding our country and not pushing to deport them, we have a country that will and deserves to fall. sure, I hope youll get your increased (((background checks))) so that more than half of this country cannot buy firearms and the only people that can are aging boomers, niggers, and liberal women. hey, they can treat gun rights like diversity hires :^)
I agree. We here at Holla Forums know that the tactical thing to do is amnesties. #MAGA
why would obama appoint a pro-gun federal judge
deportations aren't even down you lying jew.
Hi, paid shill. Sounds more like
You are not one of us.
It's 35 million, yid.
It's not, in fact.
It is, in fact.
What the fuck are they putting in the water in Am*rica?
What happened to that deportation force? Surely they could have done more than 200k.
Please stop focusing on background checks (the real threat) and focus on bump stocks instead. All our chess-efforts are geared towards bump stocks and how they are silly toys, so please talk more about bump stocks and less about background checks. #MAGA
I wish we could have country flags, but then I guess that would just encourage /int/ faggots.
"What's that? You didn't want to take Zoloft? Well, you should've told that to your school psychiatrist."
"Anyway, your application has been denied, you mentally ill Junkie"
You better buy that ammunition before they find out that you made a faceborg post about not feeling too well a couple years ago.
And here's the faggots "I need a gf" thread, again.
yeah because if they couldn't that would call other historical "facts" into question, like the official narrative of the memory of the holocaust.
where are all these judicial appointments Trump has been making?
Soz I was rude before I'll make it up to you amerigoys!
wtf I hate Trump now
It would be nice for threads about gun rights. I suspect that the people who argue that giving up your gun rights are europeans most of the time.
I'd sooner trust the students with firearms.
We don't want you here.
TFW I get laid and you don't
Paid pro-trump shills in this case.
Europe isn't as cucked as they want you to think, Varg owns guns and he's got a criminal history. Varg couldn't own guns in the USA
no thanks you're obviously a kike so i'm off to find the thread you're sliding.
it's your way of arguing that gives you away. the problem with the "ashkenazi genius" is that once you know it and you can spot it it ceases to be an effective rhetorical device. it becomes infuritating and only leads me to hate you and your "people" deeper than i did when the argument began.
ShariaBlue. BTFO
Global report.
wtf I'm with guac missile now
there was a time when Holla Forums understood that voting isn't going to save us and then Trump happened
maybe Holla Forums is ready to wake up again
Half the population took drugs
What about people that were physiologically tested as aspergers but never took any drugs? I remember the news and politicians went crazy over the dangers of autism during the Sandy Hook shooting.
There was a time when hotwheels was in control of the site and paid shills weren't the moderators.
The only one in danger from autism are our corrupt politicians and the jews.
>LOTR, Matrix, Spartacus, DUNE
He has good taste in sotries, at least.
Forgive me Kek, for I have sinned.
and they're the ones defining mental illness in this case
The damage control is high in this thread
This. The site is compromised and can only be redeemed if the mods are replaced and the news ones namefag in some threads so we can fucking converse instead of being shadowy kikes.
Which is the danger. I have a friend who lives in Denmark who can't join the navy because when he was 8 a nurse made a note in his records that he "seemed depressed".
I can see it being used exactly like that in the states to prevent gun ownership.
Filtered, reported, global reported and reposted on r/the_donald. You're not getting me, shill.
No more autistic avatar fags half seducing you half berating you, no more turkshits, no more drumpflings, GO GOGOgo
It's so obvious to me. They want us to argue about a silly point. really americans wont lose their guns.
It's all psychobabble that goes on at the highest levels.
We need to drain the swamp and focus on american quality of life.
Find a solution to capitalism.
Mental health/counseling being such a soft science doesn't instill confidence in using it as a standard to deny Rights.
not to mention how politicized it is, look at all the pro-trans trash it promotes
Ford is the easiest to read.
Oh dear lord…
Its a joke m8
It’s been many years of all talk, no action. We’ll get it done!
theres one on /pdfs/
if ur gonna BUY a book, I suggest getting some kind of special edition leatherbound.
you can find cheap ones at half price and ebay, but dont shell out for some SS edition for $999. youd be stooping to the jewry if you did that.
again, go to 8ch.net/pdfs, they know the best edition.
$5-10 max
sway them how?
they will clap to the cuckservative for caving once again and then vote democrat like always before
the same goes for spics
It's weird how anyone daring to point out this obvious jewish hoax in the last election was just that got banned and only jews were allowed to post here promoting every single zionist neocon jew in world politics since Bibi's best mate Trumpstein announced he was standing for president of the United States of isreal
if he passes any of this shit i'll vote for the shittiest nigger the dems through out there and hopefully this country collapses asap.
Don't stop believing, user. The god-emperor is always playing 4D chess, even when it looks like he is only playing 3D chess.
You do not know that.
Don't jinx it! Fuck!
Until the next time the media goes at it again.
See above.
Get a grip nibba.
I live in Pennsylvania and find your assertion dubious, because it conflicts with my annecdotal experience in a much-more rural/Republican area AND the statistics at hand.
I find that dubious.
He's said a lot of things, and they often conflict.
Whatever credibility had been established has receded.
I find that a dubious assertion.
It hasn't gotten pushed AT ALL user.
People like you also told me Trump wouldn't touch the wall, and that he wouldn't sign the anti-semitism bill. He did both. You can't levy that argument effectively any longer.
The longer it remains unresolved, the more entrenched these vermin become, the more emotional ammunition they're given and more opportunity to reproduce.
Trump has the executive power to order them all deported tomorrow. He just won't exercise it.
I disagree.
I most-assuredly disagree, to an extreme extent. Boomers. Nuff said.
Like race horse theory, "They have to go back" and that election fraud needed remedied immediately? Come on now m8.
this will get interesting
second amendment is pretty much the last thing the cucks even pretend to stand for to get votes
after this there's nothing left
cuckservatism will collapse and Trump with it
Almost as though the site is owned by kikes and only the jewish narrative may be posted here at all…
Just kill yourself.
You shouldn't have to tell or explain anything to anybody, let alone be made a liar in order to still have your God given right to defend yourself however you see fit.
Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
It was a joke, relax faggot.
that's not fair. I'm still here and I've been openly critical of Trump when it's deserved
I coined the term "DACA DON"
No you cannot pilot a helicopter. Pilots are officers which means they have to go through college, get a bachelors degree, attend OCS and THEN if they are good enough, they are selected to be pilots.
.t Milfag
What does baste Thernovich think, probably less of a deluded cuck than some ITT
The mods are apparently coked up and sleeping longer than normal these days. The thread will be wiped sometime in the next 6 hours.
you made me kek user
army let's warrant officers be helicopter pilots
But I was over-exaggerating. Please refrain from that.
Calm your asspain.
The shoestrings would be illegal, as they are considered bump stocks.
No, technically the shoelace itself is considered a machine gun by the ATF.
Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
I said 'calm', not 'exacerbate'.
We don't want civic nationalists, zionists, or neoconservatives here.
Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourselfKill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
isn't something supposed to move even little for this to be true?
Should've voted for Jeb then.
Dems will be far too busy trying to explain why they won't do the very things they've been arguing for for years just because they don't want to give Trump his wall.
C'mon dems, don't you want that gun control? don't you want those poor illegals to have amnesty? You gotta jump for it. C'mon! Jump!
They won't do it because they're too prideful, and that illogical pride is what Trump will use to play them like a cheap fiddle.
Just add:
to the list of his achievements.
While not a complete cuckout, good to see how Trumpcucks on here essentially have battered wife syndrome
when did Wayne find his sack?
I'm extra suspicious now
I'm none of those things you enormous homosexual.
Whatever m8, enjoy your asspain I guess.
Like I said, you don't have a grasp on the demographic collapse time-frame.
No, you idiot, a bloody race war will start when it starts. If left to Whites to start it, it won't start without a catalyst. If Whites do not receive such a catalyst, demographics will degrade, and when Whites are a weakened and demoralized minority with no political influence, THEN the bloody race war starts.
While you can and will win the first scenario, you can and will lose in the second.
Because I'm obviously smarter than you, given I understand that we're on a time frame, which does not allow for 'slow and steady' response if victory is to be assured, and that race war is coming one way or the other - the only question is when: within the next ~10 years while we have a chance, or in the time after that when we don't.
Funny… you're shilling for every single one.
Talking about DACA, not guns, you illiterate half-breed nigger. He reminds spics every day that he fought for amnesty not one bit and that the Democrats let them down.
Good lord, are there even any whites left in Holla Forums? Is it just Hilldawg and BernieBro glow worms, kikes, and niggers desperate to get revenge on Trump now?
Fuck off nigger
So basically "sit on your ass and wait forever; never do anything yourselves". Got it. Reported for jewish paid shill.
Which will never happen.
At that point whites lose. Thanks for playing. You admit to being a jewish shill.
This is very important because republicans vs. democrats is very important and real. Thanks for setting it straight, fellow pede. #MAGA
K҉ill҉ yourself kill҉ yourse҉lf kill ҉yourself kill҉ yourse҉lf ki҉ll҉ yourself҉ ҉kill yo҉urself k҉i҉ll҉҉ yours҉elf kil҉l yourself Kill y҉oursel҉f kill yourself ҉kill y҉o҉urs҉elf k҉ill yo҉urself k҉ill yourself k҉ill yourself kil҉l yours҉elf k҉ill y҉o҉ur҉self Kill҉ your҉s҉elf ҉kill҉ y҉ourself kill yours҉҉elf kill yourself ҉kil҉l yours҉elf kill ҉y҉ourself ҉kill yourself kill yourself Kill yoursel҉f kill yourself҉ kill yourself k҉il҉l҉ yourself kill yourself kill y҉ours҉e҉lf҉ kil҉l yours҉elf kill y҉ours҉elf Kill y҉ourself ҉kill yo҉urself kill҉ yourself kill you҉rself k҉il҉l yourself҉҉ kill yoursel҉f ҉kil҉l yours҉elf k҉ill yourself҉ Ki҉ll ҉you҉rse҉lf kill҉ yourse҉lf k҉ill҉ yours҉elf kill yourself kill yourself kill y҉҉o҉urself kill ҉yoursel҉f҉ k҉i҉ll yourself K҉il҉l yo҉urself kill҉ ҉yoursel҉҉f kill yoursel҉f ki҉ll yo҉urself kill you҉r҉se҉lf kill҉ ҉yourse҉lf k҉ill y҉o҉u҉rself ҉k҉ill҉ yourself ҉Kil҉l your҉self kil҉l yo҉urself kill yourself kill y҉ourse҉l҉f kill ҉҉yourself kill you҉rself k҉ill yours҉҉elf kill ҉yo҉u҉rself Kill yourself kill yourself k҉ill yourse҉lf kill yourse҉l҉f kill yourself kill your҉self kill yo҉u҉r҉s҉elf kill y҉o҉urself ҉Ki҉ll yourself҉ kill y҉ou҉rself kill yourse҉lf ҉kil҉l y҉ou҉rself҉ kill your҉sel҉f kil҉l yo҉u҉rself ҉k҉ill y҉our҉self k҉ill y҉o҉urse҉lfKill҉ yourself kill y҉ourself kill yourself k҉ill y҉ourself҉ kill yourself kil҉l҉ yo҉ur҉sel҉f kill ҉҉yo҉urself kil҉l yours҉elf҉ Kill ҉you҉rself kill҉ yourself kill yourself ҉kill you҉rself kill you҉r҉self kill yourself҉ k҉ill your҉self ҉k҉ill y҉҉ou҉rself Ki҉ll ҉yo҉urself kill yourse҉҉lf k҉ill y҉ourself k҉ill y҉ourself kil҉l҉ yourself҉ kill ҉yourself҉ k҉ill y҉o҉urs҉elf kill yourself Kill your҉҉self kill yourse҉l҉f҉ ҉kill yourself kill yourself k҉ill yourse҉lf k҉ill y҉ou҉rself kill҉ yourself kill yourself ҉Kill yourself҉ ҉kill you҉rsel҉f kill yourself k҉ill yourself kill҉ yourself҉ kill y҉ourself kill yourse҉lf kill yo҉u҉r҉self Kill yo҉urself҉ ҉kill yo҉urself k҉ill yo҉urself ҉kill yours҉҉elf ҉kill y҉o҉u҉rse҉lf ҉kill yo҉urself kil҉l yourself kil҉l yo҉҉urself҉ Kill yourself kill yourse҉҉lf
In what way?
While I'm talking about how race war is inevitable and we're better situated if we make a move relatively-soon, or else face ethnic cleansing? Get the fuck outta here faggot.
So was I, you degenerate mud-fucking cum dumpster.
The spics don't give a shit and they're never going to fucking vote Republican. They're not going to support him. Its not going to happen.
Yeah, we're the ones telling you that spics won't vote Republican.
You tell them, pededexter. #MAGA
… What? How in the actual fuck did you come to that conclusion?
It could, easily. Trump could do something toward that end tomorrow. But he won't.
Yes, yes, that's the point you enormous faggot. >Thanks for playing. You admit to being a jewish shill.
Me hireky Asian waifus.
we're better situated if we make a move relatively-soon
And yet you shill for the thing that delayed it.
You're shilling for the delay of race war. You're shilling for continuation of ZOG.
No, it couldn't. There is nothing which could happen in the physical universe which will make this true.
So no, he couldn't do it. Because he won't. You yourself admit it. Therefore YOU CONTINUE TO SHILL FOR CONTINUATION OF ZOG AND DELAY OF RACE WAR.
You mean like prioritize appointing conservative judges at a rapid pace, arresting MS13 by the thousands, disrupting pedophile networks, ICE raids on businesses in sanctuary cities, driving RINOs to resign/retire by the dozens, forcing Democrats and RINOs to put-up or shut-up on their talking points, publicly shaming the FBI and DOJ, openly declaring the entirety of China to be threat to the USA, destroying ISISCIA, REVOKING THE LEAD AMMUNITION BAN, etc.?
All these blackpills are giving me a headache. I'm going to take a nap.
what would he gain by doing so?
they will still vote Dem
Holy shit he just said what I've been saying forever we need to bring back asylums.
Underrated post. jews libshits and shitskins foment with anti-white rhetoric every second of their sorry existence, but white conservatives are deathly afraid of acknowledging the existence of white people as a defined demographic with its own interests and values. We need to call them out on this as you said, because it would be a huge step in revitalizing whites. Direct fucking pressure, like in town hall meetings, needs to be put on republikike politicians, they're far too comfy.
who will do what?
he just endorsed Mitt Romney
This is what Drumpftards actually believe.
None of them are constitutionalists.
30 million left.
Not really.
30 million left.
To what end? It's not moving the overton window or getting any existing policies REVERSED, which is the main point.
And doing absolutely nothing whatsoever about them, despite them both committing treason.
More words. No actions.
Which is why the US has even more bases in Syria now.
Here come dat nigger voodoo fortune telling shit again. It's amazing how you niggers are always wrong, but still put dat faith in dem crystal ballz, sho' nuff! Nap time.
are you retarded?
To be a WO you have to first be an E6 which takes years to do. The closest thing to a 18 year old pilot is a guy serving aircrew.
Which is what?
In what form?
… Are you actually retarded?
But yes
Bingo. Bingo. Bingo.
"The patriot act will not be used against American citizens"
"Ndaa is only for threats abroad.. we will not spy on our own citizens"…. hi Mr snowden!!
Who defines a mental disorder? Once establishing the definition of a mental disorder how do we deem which disorders are pre disposed to extreme acts of violence? Will the list change? What about new disorders?
Many combat veterans suffer from ptsd.. are they no longer allowed to own firearms as they have possibly killed other humans?
Will a kid who is prescribed adderol be considered mentally ill?
Not only do you hit the nail on the head in regards to subjective applications but what is even scarier is potential objective applications.
Examples: certain medications taken as a child, injuries, participation in contact sports and the risk posed by over diagnosed cte, high risk driving record as a teenager.. dui.. a mere diagnosis (whether real or not) of add.. bi polar.. addiction.. depression.. what happens when they introduce "predictive algorithims"… You name it.
And then see what happens is after the first set of rather "liberal" safe guards.. it happens again… and restrictions are increased. Then it happens again.. rinse and repeat. Pretty soon you have sold the public thst out right ban is the only true safety measure.. Then it happens again. And you take even more rights until it's a totalitarian state.
Common sense gun laws have been on the books since a fucker threw a stick of dynamite in a school in the 30s. You can't buy explosives and automatics are subject to a full cavity search.
Mental health is bullshit subjective excuse for out sourcing the constitution to liberal indoctrinated physicians. Of course you will also see massive "breakthroughs" in psychology and a complete overhaul of all psychology curriculum to assist in disarmament.
Eyup. Figures.
The same people that say trannies aren't mentally ill.
Go back to reddit. Feigning stupidity doesn't endear you to us.
List something, then. Shouldn't be too hard. The last century has been exclusively trigger events. Whites have done nothing to stop the genocide. You have no argument.
Nope, he won't do it. You yourself admitted it. It's not happening. You shill for the delay of the race war.
Yeah, I'm upset at paid shills like you who want all whites exterminated.
1. You personally shill for this to not happen.
2. This will never happen and you cannot list a single event which would do it.
You shill for this to not happen.
Shills get reported. You don't get explanations. You're clearly too stupid to follow the conversation.
Reported for posting paid jewish shilling.
Last I heard the House what pushing a bill that had the National Reciprocation Bill Tacked on it. Bottom line, Trump isn't part of the Legislative branch of the government and all this will come to pass with nary a change. Florida just Shit canned a AWB in there own state right after words and more folks are Stating (Along with Trump) that the Instructors should be Carrying. Haven't heard much from the Spic/Kike mutt.
Answer the question.
A White leader stands up and says, "White people, defend yourselves, you have my backing" and takes steps in that vein. Show me where that has happened in the US post-1965.
That was my argument you faggot!
Answer the question faggot.
Answer the question faggot.
See above.
Answer the question faggot.
Answer. The. Question. Faggot.
Which requires a $200 tax stamp, and may as well be illegal in most regions where machineguns are outlawed.
Simply put.
I did. Read posts before replying to them, paid shill.
Exactly. Thanks for admitting you're shilling for someone who is NOT doing that.
YES. I KNOW THAT. You are not literate.
Gee, I wonder.
Already did. You are a paid shill. You are illiterate. You will be killed right alongside the zionist neoconservative civic nationalist you defend.
I love these anti-Trump shillfests. You know the President is on the right track when so many hooknoses are shilling this hard against him. 👍
If he seriously goes through with this than fuck him.
Are you going to same thing when the uproar about him cancelling the wall echoes through the internet?
Fuck you.
it's 4d chess, goy
Nope, you wiggled around answering them all, paid shill.
Let's try that again.
Nope, every question you asked was answered, some before you even asked them (because you're too fucking stupid to read posts before replying).
Nope, illiterate.
Did it. Go back to reddit and suck cock there.
Really makes you think. Go back to reddit. You don't belong here. Holla Forums is a board for ethnonationalists.
Great example. I recall reading about some highly influential psychiatrist.. hardcore lib… old man.. But all in all appeared to be A pretty good guy. Personal views on psychiatry aside.. this guy by all means appeared to have good intentions and a genuine belief in helping people.
Anyway.. he wrote this long piece about the dangers of allowing teens to transition… how some staggering percentage of diagnosed gender dismorphia patients actually suffered from depression instead.. and urged psychology (not psychiatry) as a treatment. Even cited the suicide rates etc.
Poor motherfucker got destroyed by his peers and essentially forced in to early retirement. Now this was a lib promoting fact and what he deemed as proper health care.
That pretty much sums up the validity of your point.
Tranny mod tard who wishes to suck peepee and does it for free.
Didn't someone already mock you shills who pretend your tarot cards and tea leaves are facts? Fortune telling is for Gypsies, and Gypsies belong in ovens.
The new Ford translation is completely uncensored.
It's the one I own and it's obvious that a lot of stuff was edited or cut out when you compare it to other translations.
You paid shills are disgusting.
You have no argument, you just keep repeating the same nonsense rhetorc, you won't even answer a simple fucking question.
Can you give a quick overview comparing it to Stalag, or link to someone else who does this?
we're questioning Trumps motive right now and not getting banned, sadly for idiots like you, there is no subtlety, it's always
no acknowledgement of the good he did so far, shrieking cuz he's either not doing things fast enough, or that one thing he did that displeased you somehow nullify everything else
Taking anything he says at face value without any reflection of various possible angles.
You scared your Candidate is not as godly as you wanted? tough luck, I find him to be more performing than my pessimistic self ever could gave him credit for. I was prepared for him to renounce all promises he ever made and be useless, and it still would have been better than Clinton. Yet I am here reading news about portion of walls already being built, lobbying bans for elected officials, taxes rate drop, jobs coming back/ factories coming back, decent economic growth, ISISrael actually getting the boot after 8 years of Obama feeding them, actual willingness to not treat Russia like the boogeyman, might force the EU to pay for its armies, Strong-manning economic agreements, etc.
but no, make a reasonable supportive/mildly critical post, and ya get hailstorm of both extreme either calling you a shill, a kike or a cuck for refusing to go full retard in either direction. Shills play both sides, and you are part of the problem.
Are we now?
Lets see?
The mods are asleep. You WILL be. You have no argument and are clearly an absolute newfag.
No, you cocksucking liberal piece of shit. We do not have to behave like you. We do not have to say, "I support Trump, but…" to begin every single post. We do not have to do this. You have absolutely no argument whatsoever. Your instant reducto ad absurdum fallacy doesn't help anyone believe you.
Thanks for admitting you're a total cuckold who has absolutely no idea what he's saying. "Covert treason would be better than overt treason" is not an argument.
…you get banned here. You cannot disagree with anything Trump does.
No shit, motherfucker. That's why they bought the site from the cripple.
Nope, posting fact is never part of the problem. Either kill yourself or accept facts that hurt your feelings.
It Probably won't. Vegas Was worse and had Pelosi chittering non-stop about Gun Control, It had a 50+ body pile up and scores more dead, nothing happened. Much like this incident, nothing will come of it due in part to the legit points made by folks pointing out the Feds being fuck ups. As loud as they are, the Kikes are boning a lot of their goals and this will be one of them. As I stated before, the House was voting on a Bill that NRC welded to it, that alone will kill that bill in an instant much like the DACA Amnesty Bills. Nothing is going to happen till mid terms.
You don't belong here, you never did. Fuck off you scum sucking newfag nigger
Go see.
About 5% of posts have been deleted in the last hour, and 15 Anons have been banned.
I'm sure noooooone of it had to do with this shit, right?
Checked for literally, one of the kikeiest proposals to happen yet. If this happens, people better start rioting otherwise I'll lose the rest of the faith I had in this country.
What a loser. Even a nigger was smart enough not to throw away his presidency over stupid shit, what's Don's excuse?
nice reading comprehension fail, the only part I was fine with was mental screening, you know why? cuz its actually already in place.
It also bears noting that often times you won't catch a ban immediately even if the mods are on, because different mods will ban for different reasons.
You can make a post at noon and not be banned til 8PM that night, because the right mod hadn't come on to see the post/reports of the post.
So the fact that we're having a conversation in this thread means dick-all, because they fucks can and will just ban you later on and nobody knows unless you bitch about it via proxy or some shit, which will just get a ban for 'ban evasion' or 'Holla Forumsmeta' or some shit, as will any attempt to discuss is after the ban has expired.
Civic Nationalism + Boomer + Jewish Grandkids
You really can't experience anything good until you're 21 nowadays. Gambling, Drinking and even Smoking are now illegal unless you're 21
Protip for newfags reading the logs: "shitposting" is turkroach for "slandered muh daddy Donald."
Any oldfag knows all of this. There isn't much we can do though, so instead of taunting them why not just stay on topic?
oh, and you're conflating reasonable discourse and arguments, with fracture point shilling, obnoxious trolling, and shitposting.
here's an argument, mods are human beens who are prone to mistakes like everyone else, and for any hundred shill bans, they might get a legitimate user banned in the process. I got banned from Holla Forums at work for 3 days for an unpopular opinion once, and its the only time it happened in a the last few years. I can live with that.
ok, can we spam trump and his twitter with pro2a messages? or is this a black pill thread.
Hey, that's me. Where's my neetbux?
I don't twitter, but that would be a decent idea, any opportunity is good for dropping some red pills
x-post from the other thread
You're all being had by shariablue. Guns aren't an issue that we all had a strong stance on. Gun rights were only important under Barack HUSSEIN Obama because of the likelihood that he would impose communism, outlaw Christianity, and enforce sharia law, and conservatives would have to rise up. That threat has been completely neutralized now that Trump is POTUS.
Who do guns help now? Antifa commies who want to overthrow the government and kill conservatives.
What age do people usually grow out of communism and become right-wing? 21, when they've worked and seen capitalism in action.
Trust the God Emperor. The swamp is being drained, the storm is coming, the constitution is being restored, and America is becoming great once again, all without patriots having to fire a single shot. Ignore the shills who want to arm antifa commies!
He's starting to clarify modify? that with all sorts of caveats now. Moving the goalpost or just careful parsing? It's more "wait and see" bullshit AND he STILL hasn't walked back his support for denying the 2A Rights of Americans aged 18-20.
Like 200k conservative accounts got deleted yesterday. Probably not.
Only half of Republicans actually want that.
Yeah, chronic shitposting basically just means "I don't like what you said, fuck you".
Meh, I've offered my take on this shit.
The blackpill is the new redpill. The redpill is a the_donald suppository. Welcome to current year+2 you faggot.
Yet a 5yr old can decide to become another gender
Fuck this life
What's sad is, I honestly can't tell the sarcasm posts from the actual shills and sycophants anymore.
now THIS is stupid. when I think mental illness I mean schizophrenia, split personalities, and heavy stuff, not your average moodswing, or healthy dose of untrust...
Its a black pill thread made by Richard Spencer's faggot army. Notice how none of them are talking about the fact that Trump is pushing for teachers to be armed and flat out said he thinks gun free zones are an absolute joke.
If gun-free zones are a joke, then what are gun-free ages?
That's some chess.
OP here, Richard Spencer is controlled opposition. Do not listen to him.
who the fuck cares what he says on twatter
only what he is actually going to do counts
I understand your argument but age 21 isn't a random arbitrary number. It's the age when an American citizen is no longer considered a minor. I guess you could argue if minors aren't trusted to purchase alcohol, then why are they to be trusted with semi-automatic weapons? You could also do the whole "an 18 year old can go die for his country in a war but can't buy a six pack of beer" argument.
Which only half of Republicans support.
Which means fucking what to us?
Nothing, that's what.
Reminds me of that time that Trump backed DACA and made sure the dems got exactly what they wanted… oh wait.
makes perfect sense
make throwaways? i dont know how twitter works.
do you need money that badly user? or are you working for a (((higher purpose)))
trump twitters all day like an autist. perhaps he uses reactions to judge his next move. maybe we can use that to our advantage to spam him with pro-2a content.
s actually going to do counts
This is a retarded idea. Requiring people to be 21 to buy a gun is unconstitutional, we already have background checks, and bump stocks shouldn't be banned without getting something big in return (relaxation of the NFA, or maybe national concealed carry)–they're not useful for a whole lot, but never give up something for nothing.
Fortunately, none of this is going to happen, and I think Trump knows that.
21 is an age that is set by the states. The states have individual laws on alcohol. The federal government has nothing to do with setting the legal drinking age.
Fuck off back to plebbit, the_donal
We're on CY+3 now. Keep up blackshill.
Can someone please explain to mister Trump that everything that he proposed in that tweet will do nothing to stop future mass shootings?
Oh boy. I can only imagine how this is going to be twisted around by Congress. Had a drink before and been caught. Showed any "signs" of depression and anger and someone reported you? NO GUNS FOR YOU.
Not going to make a difference. Maturity and responsibility depends on the individual. Some people are forced to take on the responsibilities of a full grown adult at age 16, while others in society are still literally man children past age 30.
A literal shoe string/belt loop can recreate the same effects on a semi automatic rifle. All that the ban is going to do is raise the price of already existing bump fire stocks and slowly strip the limited freedoms that we think that we already have.
Keep a close eye on this folks. Educate all your ignorant normie friends with the truth and don't let this shit fall under the curtains.
It's a shill.
Nope. This isn't happening.
Nope. Mods are proven paid shills, appointed and personally protected by jim himself, and operate exclusively on a jewish narrative, banning everyone who goes against it even if they post objective truth.
No one cares what you got accidentally banned for, civic nationalist redditor. You don't belong here. Shill for the moderators on some other site.
Because he's a literal mouth breathing retard with the vocabulary of a 6th grader, who only got as far as he did because he's a puppet to Zionist Jews.
Damn sure convinced me.
Just take my fucking guns.
You sure the shills aren't the guys with 20-30 rapid fire posts in multiple threads spamming the same dumb shit?
Shall. not. be. infringed.
My record stands corrected. Thanks, Kushnershill.
This is what Drumpftards actually believe. Obama was the most anti-Israel president ever, AND he made more jobs than Drumpf did in his first year. Based Obama.
so you won't mind showing proof then
I don't know if this is parody or not anymore….
Twitter requires a valid cell-phone number to sign up.
is that a lefty?
if so, best one yet
Yeah, sure, I'll get right on that, you cocksucking paid shill.
Age of legal adult raised to 21
Age to drink 21
Age to own firearm 21
Age to drive 21
Age to vote 21
Age to have sex 21
Age to identify as any other gender 21
Age to eat tide pods 21
And all we lost was a piece of plastic
I never said anythign about dropping your spaghetti like a tard… are you even trying? how about actual gun facts and statistic? maybe sum appeal to emotions about stories where a law abiding citizen actually stopped a shooting?
Let him walk back supporting the national revocation of 2A Rights for Americans aged 18-20.
Anti-gunner kikes are making him dance around his 'arming teachers' commentary; No such dancing on behalf of freedom-minded (white) people.
when will this meme die?
Is not defined in the constitution. It is a god-given right to bear arms, and it shall not be infringed.
That's why I specified "purchasing" alcohol.
There isn't a state in the US that allows a person under 21 to purchase alcohol. There was a federal law in 1984 banning persons under the age of 21 to purchase alcohol. Again, it's somewhat ridiculous that you could be a 20 year old combat veteran and have to go ask an "adult" to go to the store to buy you some beer. I'm not arguing for a rifle ban under the age of 21. Just saying that there is a precedent of banning something to people under 21.
wow, a board log? that's all? I got no context or details about what posts were deleted, for what reason, for how long, or the content of all other posts made in those thread by the same person…
also all boards need moderation, you can do better.
Propose any of those and watch those kids run back to school and stfu
You do know the GOP are massive cucks right?
t. Richard Spencer
It's pretty obvious that the people doing bantz for him during the campaign have been given some new assignments. Have some self-respect Don, stop the wheedling.
No, you're delusional. They'll accept all of them.
Thanks for admitting you know nothing whatsoever about the site. Go back to reddit, civic nationalist.
Thanks for shitposting irrelevant bullshit.
Not an argument.
You have no argument. You are shilling for literal jewish paid shills. Commit suicide.
Try harder, you fucking faggot.
are you a babby boomer?
thank you sharia blue. enjoy your ding dong bannu.
But Drumpf recognizing Jerusalem as the kikes capital is throwing them a bone goyim.
you said paid, prove they are being paid faggot.
Nah, he and his kike handlers were having a pissing match with Netanyahu and the likudniks. Was more of an anti-Netanyahu thing. Notice how Netanyahu is being taken down on corruption charges in Israel? He's not the end boss of World Jewry.
Yes, it's proven. You have outed yourself as a paid shill. You are not a Holla Forumsack. Return to reddit. We don't want you here. Everything you have said is invalidated.
More like we just lost the mid-terms and Trump just lost re-election.
Can we stop calling eachother shills and just discuss how Trump's statements are going to affect the 2nd Amendment?
No, are you?
No, satan.
so you say, yes can't produce anything, keep repeating the same lie, I'm sure some idiot will eventually fall for it the same way you did.
We're not keeping you fucks around.
It's the IP hopping kike mods who are paid by Kushner & co.
that's constructive
No, you can't read.
Go suck mod cock on a different website.
lurk for 6 more months before posting
No, because you're banned if you disagree with Trump. We cannot discuss this topic.
Go back to your safe space bitch.
burden of proof is on you faggot, thats how it always worked.
**dox or gtfo*
Nope, we've proven that the mods are paid and protected by jim. You are claiming otherwise. It is your claim. Your claim is that objective truth is not objective truth. Go back to reddit. We do not want you here. Nothing you believe is relevant to Holla Forums or reality.
What do you think about these? I think putting Faggot Rubio on his Twitter banner after he shilled for banning standard capacity magazines on CNN (of all fucking places) is in poor taste.
oh and Sheriff pisrael
Lurk 5 more years
To drain the swamp, you must become the swamp.
t. Chessmaster 9000
are you new and think thats the only way user?
i announced the filter so he doesnt waste his energy responding, mr torposter.
I can't believe he's making the Second Amendment an issue for Congress to look at in the lead up to midterm elections. What an idiot. With Republicans in control of the House and Senate, there would be absolutely no concern over 2A erosion in 2018 if not for his reckless comments. Now everybody is going to have to make sure to vote for strong 2A supporters who understand what SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED means. There's going to be a wave of furious Patriots who won't be able to sit on their ass until 2020. What a complete blunder.
Goddamn it.
OK Mr fag boytoy.
This was always Trump's weakest issue. But there have been other shootings before this and he did nothing, so it's most likely shitposting to get through a news cycle…but I wouldn't cut him any slack here either. Go yell at him on Twitter.
the 2A is only as strong as the armed citizenry willing to enforce it
Though Trump has been a hilarious distraction untill now, we might very well start off the war with him still in office
A shame
You have to go back.
No, you announced the filter because you're a virtue signalling modcuck.
Which episode is this from?
Republicans are cucks who have no loyalty for their own voterbase. Don't you remember anything from the election?
Who gives a shit about jewish marxist propaganda?
did you learn that term at the last shariablue meeting? you need to brush up on your tech speak. what "virtue" was i signaling? and who was i signaling to?
I see what you did there.
if so, it's a dangerous fucking scheme to be using our Rights as political leverage
What's most likely is that you're a dysgenic fat fuck ugly mongloid who has nothing to do with aryanism and national socialism.
It's bullshit. That's what. Just because this is some ruse doesn't mean you need to lie down. Tell him you don't want it, instead of hoping he is not serious, and otherwise, IT'S HAPPENING.
Yes. We're going to get Hillary elected in 2016, just you wait.
You mean pajeet?
That you're a true believer chesscuck and your ears are closed to heresy. To your fellow the_donalds and the mods.
you say you've proven, thats your claim, I challenged ur claim. nice spin you got there
Nope, we've proven that the mods are paid and protected by jim. You are claiming otherwise. It is your claim. Your claim is that objective truth is not objective truth. Go back to reddit. We do not want you here. Nothing you believe is relevant to Holla Forums or reality.
jesus christ, slip him a some nyquil and a geritol and put him to bed
pick one and only one
Leave him to his virtue signalling, can't change a redditors mind.
Your claim is that objective truth is not objective truth. Go back to reddit. We do not want you here. Nothing you believe is relevant to Holla Forums or reality.
This is a nightmare. What the fuck happened.
gotta go before I stroke out. fuck me this is absurd.
Or, you know, we could demand he be banned. For fucking once. Actually improve the board? Or at least try? Just a thought.
Your problem is in thinking that this is different than anything he ever believed. Look at his entire life before the election. Now look at his first year. They match up. You fell for campaign promises in a jewish government system, user.
chesscuck? by spamming trump with pro-2a shit?
kek, youre too obvious.
hey everybody! look how virtuous i am!
Nothing. He's a boomercuck.
Stay safe, user.
These threads are a WASTE and a JOKE.
You niggers fall for it every time.
Stop paying attention to this horse shit and start fucking training for RAHOWA, you meat sacks.
Whatever happens in Washington will not stop the coming storm.
You're a paid shill for saying that and you will be banned.
– reddit
At this rate, I'm thinking he's just trying to egg on the happening, either to get rid of (((undesirables))), which is unlikely, or to get rid of undesirables (you), which I don't really want to think about right now.
Otherwise, why even piss everyone off on the face of the Earth, even if you're supposed to be a release valve?
It's so fucking obvious to anyone that's paid attention for the past year what this is. The DACA ordeal again. Nothing more. He's going to make the Dems look like retards once again and nothing will happen because they won't want armed teachers and sitting duck zones gone.
tnx for playing the game, and proving to all how retarded your thought process was.
can't believe ya made waste this much time thinking you were a genuine poster
Do you disagree that the level of degeneracy and violence in video games probably isn't a positive influence on teens and children? We libertarians now? Pretty sure Hitler would have made a giant bon-fire out of GTA 3, 4 and 5 games.
Isn't that what a human release valve is supposed to do?
Kill yourself.
Your claim is that objective truth is not objective truth. Go back to reddit. We do not want you here. Nothing you believe is relevant to Holla Forums or reality. You are not a Holla Forumsack.
uh oh
don't you know that if you suggest doing anything but shitposting here you're fed/shill/jew?
I just want to talk about politics.
Keep it coming moshe.
Doing the same shit and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, blah blah blah.
Don't you know? People can't possibly be influenced by entertainment media, and propaganda doesn't exist.
Too bad. There's a narrative here. Go against the narrative and you will be banned.
Yeah, we didn't fall for it, you fucking yid.
This doesn't affect people who grew past video games, though
So why would I go there? That board has nothing for me.
Stay salty (jew)
Just to add: the part about young peoples minds being fooled on the Internet is concerning.
I disagree at least. It's a laughable notion, only entertained by old ladies and christcucks. I'm pretty sure Hitler would have made a giant bonfire out of you.
Well sure, I'm an American Nationalist living in the Current Year, not a German Nationalist living in 1930.
I disagree with the level of Marxism in video games, movies, etc. Not violence and sex. That's the parents job to keep those away from their kids, not the government's or the corporation's.
Global report.
He's supposed to pacify his "audience", if such is the case.
If he's trying to pacify anyone, he's doing a shit job at it. This is going to light the powder-keg. Even his handlers should be telling him to cut it, or else the masses will explode with rage. What the fuck is going on?
What symbol do you see at the top of the page, a jewish star of David with a big bold "T" in the middle, or what, Mongoloid?
See how the shills just parrot back what you do when you kill their arguments? Every fucking time. Just like they try and steal WN terminology to fit in. Yet every time, it is their lack of creativity that gives them away.
Also, unlike Marxism, violence & sex is natural.
Tell your handlers you failed and they need to send someone that can at least wipe their own chin. K, schmuli?
Jews are getting everything they want. Yet again. How is this confusing?
Unify the left, pacify the right. That's what's happened at least. The leftists have their common enemy and boogieman, making them pull together across hugbox boundaries, while the right sits with a thumb up their ass dreaming about chess.
So we should give up and kill ourselves then. Cause that's what you said.
Yeah, Hitler would have allowed poisonous degenerate filth to be marketed and sold to adolescents in Nazi Germany. If you believe that, you'd likely be targeted for castration for being mentally retarded under the reich's eugenics policy.
He's right about ziowood and the interactive jew.
Amazing how 100 years of doing the same thing has the kikes so butt-flustered. Almost like there is something different. A change perhaps. Or are we back to using kike logic again and you fucking shills are raiding us non-stop because it's divine providence?
I agree with him that we need to fight a culture war that curtails violence and sex, but I don't think that its the reason these shootings are happening.
I think it is because society is getting to the point that it is worth being shot up.
The jews are biting off more than they can chew, right now. They're overstepping big-time.
Except nobody is dreaming about chess. Only the le ditors on this very site are acting so retarded, since they are completely unprepared for any form of combat. Everything you see on the media is inflated to obscene bounds. One man complains on CNN, and the government "complies". There are so many gun owners right now, many of them owning ARs and the like who are just staring at all of these events with awe. If they are seriously trying to top a gun-grab with vidya-banning, then they're fucking retarded.
Do you actually see that? Trannypol wouldn't be filled with bots if that were the case. If anything there burnt out faggots. DACA is end in the next two weeks and there's nothing they have done about it.
Democracy will save us any day now…
So we Libertarians now?
You have no evidence of that claim.
Do you think we could use this to meme CNN to the point they have to disavow Karl Marx?
It's the goat-fucking redditsperg alright. I will enjoy reading about his suicide unless he is recruited to shoot up a school, in which case I will enjoy reading that more.
This nigger just wants liberals toning down the gun violence in movies & games and upping the feminist and tranny bullshit. Which they'll be more than happy to do. Trump is a retarded nigger who doesn't even know we have a rating system already.
No, we're responsible adults.
Ho learn what they're like.
No, we are responsible fucking parents.
All at fucking once, with a more nervous populace than during that of the Patriot Act's signing. If that doesn't cause a nationwide riot, then it sure as hell will meme it.
Can you just unironically kill yourself already
When it happens naturally. Not when massive amounts of it are artificially thrown in a 12 year old boys face. Sex and violence are pushed hard by the (((cultural Marxists))) in the (((entertainment industry))). It's not like they are mutually exclusive.
No trannyfucker, I won't.
lel, tell that to the Soviet Union.
If video games don't influence people, what's the problem with the feminism and faggotry in? It definitely won't change anybody's mind, and you can just not play with those toys yourself.
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about and no idea how riots start. No one is going to do anything. The unconstitutional gun laws from the '90s were FAR more extensive than this. No one did anything.
You're a very boring shill, almost makes me miss the JIDF of the Arab Spring days.
Except that Florida shit canned a AWB bill right after this shit. The House is tacking NRC to any of the proposed Gun bills and DACA is dead.
Because faggot and tranny shit is for the express purpose of demoralizing people, not brainwashing them. If you cannot convince someone of your viewpoint just hammer them over the head with it till they enter into a state of compliance and non-action. Violence in video games does the opposite. It incites a person's urge to act. It provides an imagined world where they are capable of doing something.
What video games and movies are being censored? Have we seen legislation passed regarding guns yet? It will actually have to happen. If it all those things happen, it won't be meming anything. You need to meme those things into happening to cause the riots. Cart before horse.
What are you doing in Holla Forums, 746208?
>>>Holla Forums1160051
I can see where the divide lies, then. I am redpilled, and you are blackpilled. Do try and chipper up. Be ready.
It's because it's disgusting and it ruins otherwise good games, comics, TV, movies, etc. It doesn't convince anyone of anything. It's there for virtue signaling purposes or to expressly ruin those things so normal people can't enjoy it.
Reported. Kill yourself. You have no argument and no justification for your claims.
He doesn't want to see the inside of an oven.
You know as well as I do, the cultural influence will pollute your family through social interactions with other kids. Not much you can do when a kid hits his teen years in terms of censoring what they are exposed to if the popular culture is saturated in filth. He or she is just going to go over their friends house and play video games and watch porn on the internet.
All of that information at once cannot be processed well enough by your average serf. It's too goddamn much, and pokes too many different people's elbows. This entire event seems to be designed for testing just how far everyone can be pushed before the fabric of society tears.
The fed has been committing open treason for over 100 years now, I don't know what makes you think people will care about four generations haven't. Normalfags are literally cattle that need to be lead by aristocrats or they do nothing and devolve right back into their base instincts of sucking whomever's dick feeds them.
Clearly I know better than you do. You have no idea who I am or where I live or what me and mine get up to. My folk tend to be too busy calving to be culturally enriched. Too busy moving or fixing combines, or riding a bronc for shits and grins.
Take responsibility and raise your children.
telling kids he's going to go after their video games and movies will make them back off, thats for sure.
Or it may make them prioritize their "battles." The left wants their vidya just as badly and Trump knows how to distract idiots.
Right. (I think you meant to reply to the other guy)
No, biology determines adulthood. Until people accept the scientific reality of people becoming adults once they start puberty then there will continue to be a lot of problems in society. Refusing to accept that is no different than refusing to accept racial and sex differences. Real adulthood is not a social construct!
They don't have room to back off, user. What does a cornered animal do, against seemingly unbeatable odds?
it goes right for my crotch in a very comical fashion. i dont understand what this means in this situation though…
im hoping this is a distraction. i WILL NOT give up my $150 fun stock.
You're clinically insane and objectively wrong.
No, I'm objectively scientifically right. Childhood ends when puberty begins. Treating young adults as children is a major problem.
No one is saying video games doesn't influence people. But there's nothing degenerate about violence. Conflating violence and faggotry is very kikey of you. Also, if playing violent games made you violent, why is the generation most exposed to it a generation of soycuck limpwrists who would piss their pants at even thinking about a good honest fight?
Nope, reported.
So, trump turns around to this mob of armed and dangerous right-wing types following him, and says the following: "I need your guns, your movies, and your video games." What does the mob do?
Oh no, you've reported me for being scientifically correct! Fucking cultural marxist.
Well even if it does, I can't see them pushing a confiscation. They might have to accept the grandfathering if they intend to get it to pass at all. Of course states doing their own shit will cause problems as well but we've always had that where states have draconian and unconstitutional laws in place.
Did they manage to get rid of the trigger cranks or are they trying to lump it into this "bumpstock" ban by making it an altered firearm ban? Everyone is harping on a few devices but there is so much out there that gets around a lot of legislature and was designed specifically to do so. It will be toothless unless they go after it all.
I'm correct because it's basic scientific fact. All animals, including humans, become adults at puberty.
It's like you don't follow Trump's work at all.
they bite his crotch?
so youre telling me i should be buying them in excess to sell later on for 100x the price?
Nope, try harder, kike.
More likely nothing will happen. They had two events the killed scores more. Nothing came of it.
I know a few people who made a bunch of money with high capacity magazines back in the day.
What the fuck do they do, user?
I'm getting the feeling you aren't taking anything seriously, anymore. You should put a stop to that.
So you're saying that it's not a scientific fact that all animals, including humans, become adults at puberty?
Yes, your jewish lies have long been disproven.
He will pilpul science vs. law.
Great job, redditor.
What is that supposed to mean? Aren't those just arbitrary labels anyways? The general consensus is that there's a period of adolescence inbetween those. Doesn't really have much to do with science at all as far as I can see.
So jewish lies have caused all animals to be capable of bearing children from puberty? Wow, jews are more powerful than I thought!
It's just kike distraction. They have been harping on the dying for ZOG at 18 but can't drink or buy gunz! schtick for a while now.
As long as they have people arguing over semantics they are succeeding.
Nice strawman. Just like a jew. Reported for wanting to fuck children.
Adolescence is just another word for young adult. Like teenager. They're still an adult.
Just filter and move on, you aren't helping by keeping the shitskin wound up. Technically correct is the best kind of correct and you should feel good about that and move on.
Die, kike.
That ice is getting thinner.
What strawman? Are all (AFAIK) animals capable of bearing children from puberty or not? Did jewish lies cause this abilty?
Adult and fertile aren't interchangeable. Adult carries a lot of other connotations, like responsible, and so on and so on. A 10 year old boy can be a father, but that doesn't mean he should. This is basic logic.
This is all off-topic anyways. Let's all go back to talking about zog emperor's latest boomer dementia.
im sorry, but i seriously dont know what youre implicating, i can imagine more than a single scenario. some good, some bad, some funny.
in NY they managed to ban anything over 10rds and nothing is "grandfathered in" but i cant imagine that working on the federal level.
i noticed something very suspicious though. since trump started acting like he would comprimise 2a, liberal news like CNN and even NPR has been speaking only optimistic about him. im sure he noticed.
the question is he being compromised? or just using this "good press" to his advantage? or is he actually being charmed by this "good press"
Nice strawman. Just like a jew. Reported for wanting to fuck children.
It's not off-topic. Adults should not be barred from rights due to other people calling them children.
Nice strawman. Just like a jew. Reported for wanting to fuck children.
Nice strawman. Just like a jew. Reported for wanting to fuck children.
Jesus fuck, cunt. ENOUGH. If you are going to be a pedantic little prick then you should damn well qualify your fucking terminology as well. BIOLOGICAL ADULTS, not just "adult" because you want to fucking shit the place up with your pedo kikery.
Can you tell everyone about the good and bad ones?
Fuck him. One term for this shithead.
I believe I mentioned states doing their own thing. It would be nice if the feds made them adhere to the constitution but "MUH STATES RIGHTS!" is the defense against attacks on the constitution for some odd reason.
A biological adult is an adult. Like a biological man is a man. Or do you think men who think they are women actually are women?
This has nothing to do with my personal situation. My personal/family life is good, pretty comfy. Using yours or my personal situation is anecdotal evidence and doesn't support an argument. You are trying to be self righteous about keeping your kids away from degeneracy because you have the luxury of a rural life where it's much easier to raise children. The majority of white families don't have this option and are being bombarded by degeneracy and multiculturalism on a daily basis. How about you stop for a second, get off your high horse and understand the reality of most whites in this country. Digging ourselves out of this is going to take more than responsible parenting and muh freedoms.
If you're talking about the right to own guns I have no problem with that for white children. All children I've taken shooting have been very responsible around firearms, so that's no problem
If you're talking about the right to be molested by you, then that's just another reason why children should have the right to own guns.
Good job derailing the thread, though, you kike.
Probably because the feds are violating the constitution and the states are following it, you illiterate motherfucker.
Supreme Court will strike it down, because he's set them up for doing just that. If you haven't noticed, this is chess. It's being done to black pill the other side. Lift and drop. How many times does he have to do this before you catch on? That's the entire reason the age increase is in there, and not just the stock preclusion. It is bait.
Kill yourself. The SCOTUS has never disagreed with any of the unconstitutional gun bans.
I see the FBI agent in charge of investigating Cruz found a new job after his latest fuck up…
You don't play chess with 2A faggot
Wrong, with Scalia, they stood up for cc in DC
wew, he really did ran to Holla Forums, again. Shitposting in both boards. Get a fucking life, mongrel.
Any attempt at gun control will very soon be moot as anybody will be able to 3D print guns.
Scalia isn't there anymore.
And he's dead. None of the brady laws or anything else have been challenged.
VPN or samefagging? Lurk more if you are having difficulties with even quoting.
My reality is what I made it. I started in the fucking cities you little shit. No one fixed everything for me, I had to move and fucking work. I had to work hard. You want to be a snarky little shit, talking out of his ass because you are a know-nothing faggot edgelord that wants to hop on the fun train.
Some of us have been at this shit for decades and we work hard to raise our children properly. The only degeneracy they are exposed to is what you ALLOW.
We've got Gorsuch now
Big fucking deal. Still not an argument. Shall not be infringed, and yet it's infringed. And no one does anything about it. We lost 100 years ago.
How are these dubs unchecked?
Because this thread, for once, isn't 100% nothing but autistic redditor faggots like you who spam this useless meaningless kike BULLSHIT instead of actually discussing a topic. Kill yourself. Global fucking report. Jim deserves more pain.
Bathetic. Running between here and your safe space. Commies are always cowards. Maybe that goes in their buffalo queer blood.
>>>Holla Forums1159804
I'm here because of that post on Holla Forums lel
it's still retarded to argue that this is just 3D chess though
Enjoy your ban, then. Nothing that questions trump can be posted here.
People haven't woken up to the abuse of the public trust and the manipulation of peoples' good will to enact regulations and restrictions, just yet. But they are, and probably at an unprecedented rate, thanks to the interwebs.
"sob! Think of the children! Save them by making more laws that restrict the rights of law abiding non-criminals" only works so many times before people figure out they're no good commie liars.
There's no evidence of that.
his betrayal on this issue is so brazen it would be funny if it wasn't so disheartening
The eternal boomer strikes again. Glad everything's going well for you. I fell better knowing that jews can just dump degenerate poison on white society and we are all immune as long as we go move out to Wyoming or Idaho and buy a catte ranch…and of course be responsive parents.
I think you're exaggerating but I don't usually come to 8pol
How about you go first, soyboy?
There is no betrayal regardless of your attempts at concern trolling and shaping the narrative.
*feel better
*responsible parents
There is on social media. Informal evidence of course, but I'm not running a study or anything here. Anecdotally, every poll or vote online about the 2nd amendment I've seen lately have been pro-gun. I've seen a ton of pro-gun responses to the typical commie 'why do you need a gun', 'no way you could beat the military' 'ar-15s aren't needed for hunting' nonsense.
go gag on cock, faggot
Fuck, now I want a catte ranch
choke on your brown pills
14 years old. Old enough to get pregnant & not face any consequences. Not old enough to work in a brothel.
How is that not a false equivocation?
Well, we are not dealing with formally-presented arguments, so a lot of fallacies, while they may exist, are difficult to point out. What you do not quite comprehend is the argument presented by the other person. It was enthymemic, so I can't blame you. Anyhow, maybe you did. Restate, more formally, his argument.
Then hand them all fake cocks to bust a nut now shitlord.
thank god he is finally going to power through all the adversity and get gun control passed, i was really worried he would cave
On the topic of defense, age restrictions in one area (personal defense) as opposed to none (or lesser restrictions) in defense of country (military) is hypocritical.
You ventured into sexual morality as if it were synonymous with defense, however. Being pregnant isn't a bad thing in of itself. Being in a situation where you're not able to reasonably defend yourself and others is.
you have to go back. Shall not be infringed.
Hindsight really is twenty twenty, and also the perfect excuse to act like a smug cunt and pretend you had future vision and knew this would happen way back in 2016.
He was the lesser evil and the election was a victory though. This kikery is new.
Lemme know when he actually passes anything.
But you kikes have been acting like that daily for thousands of years and you continue to be wrong to this day. You are not making the point you believe you are making, moshe.
Your aggressive ramp up of operations out of tel aviv, confirms it.
I've been calling out zog emperor since the beginning (kike family and friends, wasn't that hard) and have been banned for doing so dozens of times. Can I be a smug cunt, the_donald?
kys shill
would you rather have the cuck queen? All in all, this bullshit is still better than getting nuked by Russia.
Who cares what puppet is paraded on the talmudvision? Faggot.
Ford translation is good. Others say Stalag, but I haven't read it. Ford Translation comes in audiobook form, which has enabled me to listen to it several times whilst doing other things.
Nothing that your pathetic Boomer/r/thedonald faggots aren't willing to surrender on, eh? The right won all the elections, and you guys cheer as the left gets to dictate all the policy.
you seem surprised.
Wait, did Richard Spencer finally have a good idea?
That's a nice switcheroo.
nevermind 2020 it is
You really don't belong here
Starve the jews casino.
OK false alarm
ok I'm done with Trump now, this is the line
Don't they become adults after puberty? Puberty is a transitional state that turns you into a fully functional human.
what, you weren't done when he "gave amnesty to all those dreamers" or blew up "muh airfield?" or lejewall.jpg?
It matters not what a person says, only what chess he plays in his heart.
- Jesus
don't be a blasphemer. it's a really bad idea.
We'll have to wait and see, unfortunately, if this is all an "art of the deal" negotiating tactic. IIRC, I have heard him say that non-commercial driving is a government granted privilege as opposed to case law, so it wouldn't surprise me if he thinks it's ok to regulate firearms just a little bit more here and there.
That somehow justifies stripping 18 year olds of their constitutional rights?
No, it's a really good idea.
So what if he said that? That's supposed to compensate for him lying to and selling out his base and robbing some Americans of their rights?
Why can't Trump and the establishment Republicans understand how terrible this is for right wing morale? Shit like this is going to cost our side lots of votes in the mid-terms. Honestly, I'm a lot less inclined to vote for the Donald that supports gun control and amnesty and doesn't give a rats ass about his promises to the people that got him elected.
Every chesscuck theory is an "if." That's the hilarious thing about their forced if meme, it's exactly the thing they do all the time. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Establishment Republicans care about getting re-elected, you moron. They want to bleed us slowly, and enjoy of the perks of their lofty positions in the process. If they screw up to much, they'll lose their jobs. You see, Republicans are mostly just corrupt and and not actively genocidal against whites, like the left.
+We aren't at war with Russia, USG actually helped thwart a shitskin attack on a Russian church.
+Assad is regaining his territory and Iran now has a direct resupply route to Syria. Israeli-backed Kurds getting pincered between Turks and Syrians, so no kike-backed Kurdistan to chop up the middle east.
+The lying kike (((MSM))) gets BTFO daily and the kike salt on a daily basis is so enormous I worry about getting hypertension
+Anons haven't been 'FEMA deathcamped' by Shillary
+ICE is deporting more spics under Trump than they ever did under Obama, and Obama's "numbers" come from Obama counting spics being turned away at the border as deportations instead of actual deportations
+Gorsuch appointed to Supreme Court, and Trump likely gets 2-3 more appointments.
+Swamp being drained: DoJ and FBI being purged, Comey, McCabe, Rachel Brand, Strzok, Rinsed Penis booted, etc.
+David Brock had a fucking heart attack
No "if" there, torfag.
I was criticizing the chess meme ITT if you look at my ID. What I'm saying is that Trump betrayed us on the 2A question but he's still the lesser evil.
And the "if" meme is disingenuous, because there was no other option than Hillary and she wanted to wage war.
Delusional. Now do one for the 100 day program.
A ban on a plastic that makes the rifle jiggle more than a nigger twerking is infringement.
Shut up user you are making far too much sense here, we can't have that anymore. We have to defend the G*d emperor no matter what he says.
quit spreading lies you fucking trump shill.
In the full statement he actually shifts it more to the violence of movies and ratings. Video games is actually a really small part of the statement and he just says "more are saying it's influencing kids" then shifts the discussion over to movies and implies movies are worse. Still not great but the media and leftists will make it out to be far worse then what it actually is.
Trump has never liked videos games, this is clear on his old 2012 twitter tweets, and on his Campaign trail he has expressed interest in censoring the internet to stop ISIS. These statements are not new unless you didn't pay attention.
are you faggots finally ready to disavow this kike(Astroturf)
in reality it's the nigger thug music/other gay shit that is poisoning young kid's minds.
Adulthood begins when puberty ends, you fucking faggot.
The only delusional posters on this board are kikes like you.
b-but…. share…. blue?
Filtered, reported twice, global reported twice, crossposted to r/the_donald and downvoted twice there for being blackpilled.
Those events deeply concerned me, but there was never a time when I said, "I'm done with Trump". It was always, "if". "If" he gives amnesty, which he hasn't. "If" he escalates the war further than bombing the airfield, which he hasn't. As for the wall, I don't see any indication that he hasn't been pushing for it using his individual power, so that's not an issue.
This is him actively promoting gun control- very, very harsh gun control.
>(((Comprehensive Background Checks)))
What, does he want to ban private sales in sites where they are legal? Or:
>(((Mental health)))
So if they find out you browse Holla Forums then you're "mentally unstable" and can't pass said background check and buy a gun? Leftists love to politicize insanity.
Sucks, they must be awfully fun. And what's worse is that the legislation is extremely vague and could potentially be an AWB-tier neutering of the AR-15 platform.
This is worst of all. Depriving an enormous demographic, three whole years worth of births, of the ability to exercise their 2nd amendment rights completely. Telling countless thousands of white men and women that can currently arm themselves as they see fit that they no longer can because some incel spic shot up some kikes and niggers. In other words, for no reason, just "no steel for you, goyim".
What is the 4D Chess angle to this? Amnesty predictably fell through and made the Dems look bad to Hispanics. The airfield took the media heat off of him and Assad, and didn't do that much damage in the grand scheme of things anyway. What benefit is there to him tweeting this? Why would he say this if he's not a shill and cares about the white race?
but please, continue about how 18 year olds arent allowed to fly helicopters, they are obviously so much more dangerous with the giant knives and such
Why isn't it then, fag?
Yeah, it's bullshit. You would have to raise the age of majority for everything to 21, which is not necessary. We need the same age of majority for everything in the US anyway. This country is fucking retarded about such things.
It should be 16, in my opinion.
With things like fag "marriage," children already have NO rights in this country. It is totally outrageous and disgusting, but a bit off topic for the thread.
Even compared to Stalag edition? Or just the kosher editions?
bump for Zogald "no semi-automatics in my jew-filled attic" Drumpf
nice fantasy
stalag edition is the one you should read if you want to read it at all
you must be really young and have no idea how hard bush was tested at the beginning of his terms, or obama
Makes sense.
>removing gun accessories and making retarded changes to age requirements because some of the victims of THIS shooting were jewish totally isn't anti-2nd amendment goy
Ok, here's my autistic two-cents worth. All citizens should have a gun. It doesn't matter if you're a psycho potato or a convicted felon. If you fuck up, all other citizens have the duty and, because they are armed, the ability to end you then and there. Self-cleaning genepool. There will be loss of innocent life at first as everyone adjusts to the new normal, but in pretty short order we'll have culled the useless and the evil in our ranks without even having to raise taxes.
get purged
W-wow I’m With Her now!
keep deflecting from Trump being just as surrounded as jews as Hillary
We missed our chance, should have voted for Bernie!
Bernie is a kike
Clinton is a disgusting kike puppet
Trump is a kike puppet who had some good rhetoric for part of the campaign season
Grow the fuck up
That picture is decent - allow me to add another.
this user gets it
Who was this psychiatrist and when did this happen?
Funny how all you kikes can do is double down on your false dichotomy.
It's been a year and they can't evolve defenses when the moderation isn't wholly in their hands, even temporarily
you dont honestly believe that he will ever live up to that promise, do you? How gullible you would be
The only problem is they can probably cobble together enough Flakes and McLames to vote for it. I hate to say it but it might be Ted Cruz filibustering that saves us here.
I don't care all that much for "bump stocks" but they will also go after biniary triggers and what really chapps my ass is this "comprehensive background checks" which means if you want to buy a gun from a friend, or through armslist etc. (or what is elsewhere called the "gunshow loopole") you will have to go through a FFL.
have a (you), mate
and this is why you avoid schools and kiked doctors. Those schools will drive kids to insanity at a young age while shoving pills down their throat. Home school.
Judge a man by his actions, not his words.
Nigger, why did you bump this old thread? There are newer, superior, threads on the matter.
Cant tell if good bait or shill. Assuming its bait, good job, almost tempted to reply.
So now we get a few more gun restrictions and no universal concealed carry? The fucking boomer republicans are so goddam retarded it hurts me physically.
Why are you bumping this old thread that was resurrected?
to prove that we were right, and because compared to q threads or some obscure non-happening, who fucking cares anymore?
Cruz had commited crimes, the police in bed with the school in a effort to bring down statistics of crime ignored Cruz his assaults and violence for 69~ times. A background check does fuck all if the police do nothing.
Can we delete or anchor this shill thread?
It's used only for sliding now.
Is it legal for 18+ to brandish longswords as open carry weapons? Is there even any regulation on medieval weaponry?
Even better than that is they're old enough to be in the army and operate a gun that works in the way liberals imagine an AR-15 does, but has to do a small tour and a half before he's old enough to own a hunting rifle in the land he was defending overseas with grenades and a machine gun. It's fucking maddening, and this is coming from a leaf. Just one who understands the importance of America's gun rights and true freedom of speech.
Knives over a certain length are illegal, yeah.
this fag sounds like one of trumps kike advisors trying to convince him its the best option for maintaining his 'image'
deceitful fucking snakes, the whole lot. what a jew.