Trump is a zionist
Trump brings redditors to our board
Trump shills for gun control
Trump shills for DACA
Trump shills for Israel
Trump is a frogposting kike

the_zogald go and stay go

Other urls found in this thread:


Apologies I've been reading on Trump:

* he has only acted as if he's a zionist shill.
* Remember how smart he is and his mastery of chess - giving the enemy everything they've ever wanted
* He married Ivana the jewess not to have full jew kids but to study the enemy
* He went to Epstein Island not because of pedo reasons but to get mad enough and achieve the perfect red for the MAGA hat
* He's building a US military base in Israel to strike at them later
* He gave them the embassy recognition to let them believe that they control him
* He will background check all non kosher goys so that they don't have guns, but actually he'll airdrop tanks and F-35s for all based patriots when the time is right
* Anyone who doesn't blindly follow is obviously a shill, jeez don't you learn anything from comic book films?
YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIFT A FINGER, VOTING WAS THE SOLUTION. Go to sleep and when you wake up everything will be normal again.

The truth is most boys here are not men. They are dying to be sold a vaguely believable lie so they can exhale and wait for nothing to happen. That's why the Trump jew is still believed. You limp wristed faggots have guns and freedoms to march but haven't done anything.
Spoiler alert, nor will you.
You don't need swastikas to spam faceberg with a "march for constitutional rights", or some such shit.
You laugh at leftists but those faggots managed to occupy wallstreet.

First you will be 1,2,3.
Then 7.
Then 30.
Soon enough you will be so many the kikes will give in just to save their skins, because they are cowards.

Instead you wait for controlled opposition to organise you.
Be alone. Lead the way. And others will follow you.
Valhalla is not for everyone.

this, hillary should have won

Fuck off shill. Reported.

When will everyone who works at Applied Memetics LLC kill themselves?

This is the most hilarious and pathetic part of these shills

They're hoping a patsy will play "I'm the REALEST nazi" and off him.


This! Shills btfo.


Great idea OP. Now we should make this cyclical and ban your retarded shilling outside of it, so everyone can win

Just came here to say this: I was at occupy. There were a good deal of pro-white types there, they just his their powerlevels.

Kikes used the left's tendency to cuck to niggers and spics to destroy the movement. It became a progressive-stack SJWfest with "no rape zones" in a month after these ideas were introduced.

reminder that at the beginning of OWS, they were trying to goad bankers into jumping from their office windows

i will never respect kike puppets

Trump worked, people are still buttmad

forgot to sage

okay trump worked. im not here to shill against him.
im trying to say that that OWS wasn't bluepilled cuckoldry at first - it got co-opted.

Thank you for the background info. Gives me hope.


Sage negated.

its going down

why did burgers fuck this up?
they managed to get the chaos candidate and instead of exploiting the opportunity and doing something in the chaos they just fucked everything up and grabbed ZOG arms

Because sufficient opposition wasn't levied to the gradual decline back into business-as-usual dichotomy faggotry.
"I'll drain the swamp!", "They have to go back!", "Race horse theory!" gradually morphed into "Israel First!", "[*absence of the phrases 'White people' and 'White Americans' intensifies*], and "We need unity! [*insert establishment scumbag*] is a great person!", while anyone who dissented was silenced or dismissed with lame arguments like this

Trump was supposed to be a stepping-stone to something better, but the fact is, whatever momentum that was gained with the election has been totally forgotten. The people have largely gone back to believing the media, and even Trump has repeatedly referring to media-based polling as though legitimate when it served his interests… And basically no resistance was given, because everyone was distracted with all this "chess" shit that has mostly amounted to a lot of hot air.

yeah, on day 1. That shit got co-opted right quick.

yes, within the first week it became an absolute pozfest because certain people started thinking too much and the kikes got real scared that all the degenerate hippies and lolbergs that were hanging around would start to figure out that all the "bankers" names next to each other was almost indistinguishable from a tel-aviv phonebook so they did what kikes do best and co-opted it.

they started by having niggers show up and smoke weed with people then they introduced progressively more demoralizing agents such as the progressive stack and segregated zones that quickly turned into anti-rape circles and heroin dens

get gassed kike
is florida your sorry excuse for this shitty raid?

Checked. They bet everything on Florida. Weak willed faggots who bend backwards for shills are the best goyim.

You are the redditor


so why should I have voted for hillary?



alright, so i made this.


attack vectors

-the zionald


-gb 2 reddit

-zog emperor


-chabad lubavitch



-bibi netanyahu

-any meeting with israel politicians which is standard diplomacy

-bump stock ban


-kushner shills

-children are married to jews this somehow implies they control him

-daca (which Don is fucking ending)

-wall not built (which is getting built)

-jerusalem acknowledged (which is causing massive turmoil in the middle east) muslims say they may lose mecca




-amnesty don

-88d chess

-go back to r_thedonald

-you're controlled by jared kushner

-I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white asss

-don't vote

-trump has betrayed us

-two parties, doesn't matter who you vote for

-trump is controlled by jews

-over the top calling everyone jews


-alt-right sliding

-trs eceleb shit

-calling everyone trssodomites

-every real movement is CIA/controlled opposition (without any proof)

-character assasination related to former (without any proof)

-character assasination by association (i.e. this person met that person once, therefore they are jews/subverted/untrustworthy

-dicky spencer eceleb shit/slide

-any eceleb aggressive slide


-shareblue/ mediamatters / american bridge21 / David Brock PAC former CTR





-various antifa

These attack vectors demand immediate ban and deletion. Save this and have it open while you mod. I suggest increasing site presence to 24hrs. Anons are possibly willing to fund increased manpower, work effort.

I also encourage everyone to go through the list and add something I might have missed.

So, anything that's bad with trump, makes you a shill for saying it.

Trump is both pro gun control and pro amnesty. The gun control is particularly bad because the age limits will make it harder for kids of pro gun parents to hold the same views as them since they might not be able to grow up around guns if this gets passed. Gun culture has done a lot to normalize guns in the USA and serves as an effective defense of the second amendment.

If his legislation passes we could see the support for the second amendment wither away as more kids grow up not understanding guns and the real reasons for owning them and the dems may see a surge in support to where they can enact full gun roundups in 20 years.

This is a complete betrayal of the base and Reagan did similar shit like mass gun control and pro amnesty.


Look at this genius who thinks Presidents make laws.

If you want to spew shill talking points about the Orange Drumpfenkike, simply go to LeftyPol. You will get all the upvotes your nigger heart craves there.

Ikampfy's goon mods sure are slipping.

This thread is an obvious false flag made by the same kike who made , to make it seem like the aut-kikes are poor little victims of an anti-Trump shilling campaign.

bump because it makes the kikes kvetch

I'm no fan of Trump, but this still seems like a shill thread.


attack vectors
-the zionald>>11295661

-gb 2 reddit
-zog emperor
-chabad lubavitch
-bibi netanyahu
-any meeting with israel politicians which is standard diplomacy
-bump stock ban
-kushner shills
-children are married to jews this somehow implies they control him
-daca (which Don is fucking ending)
-wall not built (which is getting built)
-jerusalem acknowledged (which is causing massive turmoil in the middle east) muslims say they may lose mecca
-amnesty don
-88d chess
-go back to r_thedonald
-you're controlled by jared kushner
-don't vote
-trump has betrayed us
-two parties, doesn't matter who you vote for
-trump is controlled by jews
-over the top calling everyone jews
-alt-right sliding
-trs eceleb shit
-calling everyone trssodomites
-every real movement is CIA/controlled opposition (without any proof)
-character assasination related to former (without any proof)
-character assasination by association (i.e. this person met that person once, therefore they are jews/subverted/untrustworthy
-dicky spencer eceleb shit/slide
-any eceleb aggressive slide

-shareblue/ mediamatters / american bridge21 / David Brock PAC former CTR
-various antifa

These attack vectors demand immediate ban and deletion. Save this and have it open while you mod. I suggest increasing site presence to 24hrs. Anons are possibly willing to fund increased manpower, work effort.
I also encourage everyone to go through the list and add something I might have missed.>>11295661

Go to >>>/evropean/



Kikes are sliding this thread by making 'fuck drumpf' threads all over hoping to get this one swept away with theirs.

These magapedes always seem to forget that Trump ran for president in 1999 on the Reform ticket because the Jews were terrified of Buchanan's message which was almost identical to the platform Trump ran on in 2016. Buchanan came out against the NWO, The Culture War (later called it Cultural Marxism), Gay-Marriage and Abortion.

Trump wrote articles blasting Buchanan for being a 'nazi' in several Jewish publications.(Archive isn't working)

Previously, William Luther Pierce talked about a Forward article in which the Jews openly hatch a plan to use gentile front men to attack Buchanan. Donald J Trump was specifically named. The transcript of the Radio program is here:
The ADV audio program is here:

Several interviews from 1999 are on Youtube showing Donald Trump attacking Buchanan for his 'nazi' sympathies and vowing to put a stop to him.

It's funny, they are so terrified they do this shit before the Americans wake up. chickenshit kikes kek
Run out of diapers? Need another payment?

Friendly reminder these cunts doing the /evropean/ crap are the same kike fucks that were pulling all the bullshit pole attention-whoring pole threads. These aren't any of ours and never will be.
Remember when user mention to watch for them picking up on keys words they going nuts with them? Look at the "roman" spelling of Europe. Including the V for the U. Another user just did that in normal context and now we're seeing it no-stop.
Keep your eyes out.