Photo shows accused Florida gunman, his brother holding mom’s ashes


Every day I'm more and more inclined to believe Cruz didn't do it

bump ebin though >>>/reddit/



He seems too retarded to be capable of the planning required without the help of his handlers.

>the one missing personal link is immediately sent to a (((mental hospital))) before he can say anything

I continue to suspect that this kid had the money left to him by his dead adoptive mother taken by the thot his mother left it to, and that the kikes came to him and urged him to do this in exchange for something.


I found the pre-kike edit version.

I found a pic of her as well. The plot thickens….

Toll paid…

in these bleak times i bursted out laughing. god damn. he's like obama, 50% jewish.

remember. 3 minutes from walking into campus and up the to 2nd story. 4 minutes of shooting.

trump is trying to play it down by saying "hurr most school shootings last 3 minutes". BULLSHIT.

seriously. that picture looks like something out of the Onion

isnt it so amazing coincidence. I think sandy hook only took 5 minutes


Literally burnt coal.

I'm adopted
Y'all don't hear me bitching about shit
I lucked out , white parents THE BEST TWO PEOPLE on planet earth. I love my family more than life itself
This kid was fucked from the get go
I am uniquely qualified to interrogate him if the call ever came
Praise Kek


Why do you think nobody's outed the birth mom yet?

I will dig.
Lynda Cruz of Florida

it just gets better and better

Lynda Cruz is the adoptive mom.

But who is the birth mom?

kek’d & check’d