No, you are just repeating the deconstructivist nonsense of the jews, which declares that because something is historically, long ago made of different parts, it not new, distinct, totally different to the original parts.
Ethnics are a different thing than a race.
See that is a total skewed jewish argumentation; jews made on many occasion, pseudo-historical mix up which is not really backed up by how the events evolved. Spoiler: The Romans had very little impact.
Historically, in prehistoric times, before written records, Europe was inhabited by Proto-Europeans before the Indo-Germanics arrived. They created the megalith culture, still visible today, like Stonehenge. We don’t know too much about them, but it were relatively few people, in low population density Europe, were only recently northern Europe have become inhabitable after the ice ages. That makes their accomplishments even more impressive.
That were the people (((they))) try to sell us as niggers today, even if they are not related to negros in any way. (((They))) try to skew perception by black facing an (((reconstruction))), with the argument their genetic make up is not like modern Europenans. They were as much niggers as the Japanese are, lacking the same genetic marker for white skin. In contrast to the Japanese, they (some) were blue eyed. They first had to become modern Europeans, ten thousand years later, go figure! They originally did maybe come from the Levant, Golden Crescent or some other climatically more privileged places, but as Darwin observed, a population separate and isolated from its origin becomes quick a distinctive species.
We know other pre-Indo-Germanic, Proto-Europeans, like “Otzi” the glacier mummy, who certainly, evidently was no nigger either.
When the Indo-Germanics came to Europe, still in pre-historic times, the Proto-Europeans didn’t go extinct, but mixed up more or less with the newcommer, keep in mind that were still very low population numbers and pop densities, so space for everyone but loot of work to do. Indo-Germanics were not just the Germanics, but Celt and Greek and Latin as well.
Celts settled in much of central Europe, from the Balkans, the Alps, Italy, Spain, France, Germany and the British isles. They don’t replaced the earlier inhabitants in all of the places. The Iberians, maybe the Pics were maybe still close related to the non-Indo-Germanic Proto-Europeans. They coexisted and maybe cohabited to a degree for quite a long time, thousands of years until the times written records started.
The Basque people are maybe the last people who do speak a Proto-European language. Genetically and from the looks they are not distinct from other northern Spanish, like the Galicians. They are also genetically close related to other people living around the Bay of Biscay, like the Irish or Welsh. They are often of the Atlantide phenotype, pale, black haired people, think Catherine Zeta-Jones or Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan.
I suspect much of the “Celts” of the British Isles were as Celtic as the Brazilians are Romans, in a cultural, only slightly genetic way. There were for sure “pure Celts” as well, but the Romans destroyed Celtic culture everywhere they went in Europe. They for sure didn’t replace them genetically. The Romans were few in numbers and much of today's Italy was inhabited by Celts, who became “Romans” if they didn’t flee. With the import of many Celtic slaves, it were the Romans who became more “Celtic”.
With the end of the Roman Empire, the Germans replaced the Romans as the new rulers in Europe. In Britain too and they had a massive immigration of Germanic tribes to the now undefended Britain. How much genetic impact that had, I’m not sure, because I think that originally Celts and Germans were very close genetically, but very distinct culturally. I’ve come to this conclusion, because the Romans mixed up, could not make clear distinction who was Celts and who German just from looks, many times.
Anyway the “Indo-Germanic” genetic heritage increased significantly, also at place were before the Celts had not dwelled, in the North of Scotland, the northern islands. If that were Angles, Saxons or Vikings makes not much genetically difference. Since then, for thousand years, the genetic make-up of Britain hasn’t much changed until after the second war, the post-war (((regime))) decided to flood the island with nigger, pajeets and inbreed cousin-fuckers.