David Hogg #2

Old thread
This kid is a Grade a Crisis Actor. Go check out his YouTube channel. All the kids they picked to interview seem to be in other older videos together.


From this video you can see his channel. He also has posted a livestream he did with what looks like a goddamn glee club after the shooting. This whole thing needs digging. Halfchan banned me so I had to come here. This is fucked up goys. And (((They're))) about to take out 2nd over it. Lawmakers already talking about banning semiautos and assault weapons here in NEWENGLAND. Dig fellas

Other urls found in this thread:

search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=WILDWESTDOMAINS M160000055360&aggregateId=forl-m16000005536-3523551b-036b-4af4-8c0b-776d24ec9439&searchTerm=Wild West Domains&listNameOrder=WILDWESTDOMAINS M160000055360
m.facebook.com/graphsearch/str/chad bennett/keywords_search?tsid=0.5651800770554772&source=result

Kike free first post.


First Op here from Previous Bread, Come to think of it. The only injured person i saw was the one Trump went to visit. Can we get some autism going into the (((Injured)))? I'll call the hospital if we can get some names.

It's just like every school shooting!

Good thinking. These are some of the victims:

Please upload webms of interest in case they get taken down. Archive everything.

Gratis Senpai kek

What We Know

The two leaders of the movement are Hogg and Kasky.

Both have parents with some *interesting* backgrounds…

The movement is obviously getting help from the Lugenpresse. Kasky already has 97000+ followers on Twitter despite being on for less than a month.

What Now?

Step 1: Attempt redpilling. Use actual statistics on crime disproving their claims, to reply to their every post on Twitter. Remember to cite per-capita murder statistics and don't fall into the trap of allowing them to cherrypick the data by only citing "GUN murder" statistics. Occasionally drop some actual redpills as replies to their posts. KEEP CONSTANT PRESSURE. See if we can get them to simply leave the movement, or even better; get them to fash.

If that doesn't work, we continue with the activities in step 1, while continuing into step 2:

We Go to War

Gather any dirt we can find on the leaders and their parents, then go full-COINTELPRO on the movement: Disprove, Disrupt, Discredit, Disinfo, Discourage, Demotivate, Deny.

Sabotage the movement.

We also need an analysis on the number/percentage of fake followers on their Twitter accounts. If the numbers fall in our favor; spread it to the winds and make sure the info stays in focus on social media.

Keep in mind, if the movement falls out of focus, let t burn out. That is; don't keep attacking once everyone is forgetting about them, let them fade away into obscurity.

Thats because there is no town of Sandy Hook. That was the name of the school. The city was Newtown. You'd think people would know that by now. Do your friends say 'I know so-and-so, they live in Sandy Hook CT and they lost their kid'. That would be fuckery. Call them out. Say 'hey asshole, its Newtown not Sandy Hook, nice try though'

Alexa is a hero, whether she knows it or not.


>The Guttenberg family was already mired in tragedy. Her uncle, Dr. Michael Guttenberg, who was assigned to the World Trade Center site on 9-11 when terrorists attacked the United States and worked in the debris from the towers afterward, died of pancreatic cancer linked to airborne toxins at Ground Zero in October. [archive.is/CaZGD]
r/ing help saving thejc.com/news/world/thousands-attend-funerals-for-jewish-victims-of-florida-school-shooting-1.458910 pic related

Gratis Senpai but those are dead people. I'm looking for injured still alive

SAndy Hook is a Village within Newtown. A small town within a town. We have a few places like that here in CT

It's sloppy, possibly more than Vegas (whatever that was.) Wasserman-Schultz's district, stones throw from Mar-a-Lago. Le batman dyed red hair. Orphan with perfect MKULTRA credentials.

Absolutely Masonic. They may just do this to just have another rabbit hole.

Ugh, those digits

Getting people to suspend their disbelief in the face of one good cognitively dissonancing object fact, and that immovable point will pivot them out of their slumber sufficiently, by their own force.

Bees were highly regarded in Ancient Greece.

Moral outrage redirected to people - faking being survivors - grandstanding on the graves of children for petty politicking is the objective.

Same as liking Flynns lending credence to the kid-fiddling Italian Flatbread stuff.

> More than 1,000 mourners gathered at a Parkland, Florida synagogue for the funeral of Meadow Pollack, one of the 17 students and staff killed in Wednesday’s school shooting. [archive.is/AmDgv]

Are those names released? I couldn't find anything.

Their movement #MarchForOurLives has some big names behind them since all the instaagram accounts were made. The main account has offshoots that r in all different cities. Here's an example of some backers of the main account

Viable short term strategy for social media could be to paint the MSM as villainous for exploiting the children for ratings. Attacking Hoggs directly at this time results in backlash for "bullying a child". We could neutralize their weapon by making it seem immoral to use it. I agree with the long-term strategies you have suggested.

AND DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SAY THAT NOONE ACTUALLY DIED. THATS WHERE (((JONES))) FUCKED EVERYONE interested in digging into Newtown. DO NOT. Just try to find THE INJURED and see what their injuries were and if they actually had those injuries. Keep in mind Fema can make injuries look real good. Just DO NOT discredit this by accusing people of not dying. We're simply not there yet.

Anything on the Zeif family?

One person archive.is/Tg1gC

Agreed user. For now Attack media for Using kids/actors too soon to push (((Their))) Agenda…

I wonder how many more of his relative will make a funding page. I'm sure there's actually proof he was injured LOL, that's why they added the future counseling at the end



Sure he goes to that school? Or did he transfer?

Bump, mods take the old one down and put this one up!

Atleast Update the Facebooks if your gunna pretend you got shot. Fuck

The masons are Hellenistic apostates

Jesus Christ. I sent an Instagram Request, looks to me like one was just recently made aside from the one he had. Someone spoof a hot Venezuelan account and friend him. Make it HS age

fuck, I didn't word that right. I meant that they apostated from Hellenism. Hellenism is everywhere

how can hogg be a jewish plant?

jews hate hogs.

Anyone with over 20 posts in a thread is under suspicion. You know, like you.

That proves it's an op of some kind just as much as any video. Anyone can find their way here if they just investigate what is being censored long enough.

Well, we don't know that. I didn't even think this was a conspiracy when it first happened (I mean, this is a severely fucked-up country thanks to kikes). My tune at work changed in like a day after this shit started coming out. It's like literally every damn problem in the world is these fucking kikes. It's unbelievable–even to me.

I can respect perfectly well that the ridiculousness and cartoonish levels of evil are hard to comprehend to the normalfag outsider–aside from the fact that many of them do feel correctly that there is something very, very wrong.

The immediate demolition of the school (and fucking GUARDING it so no one can see anything) proves that it's a cover up, 100%.

Follow the censorship, you normalfaggots!

Not at all. Rural Whites tend to BTFO the shit so fast it makes my NatSoc head spin sometimes, just with the practical shit they ask.


No. Then you're just another opportunist pushing an agenda. Get people asking questions. Then they'll start looking for their own answers

they selfishly make gofundmes for themselves…we are talking about a wealthy retirement community in florida. in a jewsih school in a lonely district. its a total federal operation. the difference is more people are woke than in the 60s movements. god damnit.

God, I'm hoping a muzzie blows something up in California and kills a few hundred or something soon. It's so much more fun when the left if playing defense.

MANY of these GoFundMes are on behalf of the specific family. I'm searching all these people and coming up with VERY LITTLE. I'm coming up with ALOT of OTHER people speaking on their behalf. This is fucked. UP.


Look at this shit. These people hardly have any presence online

I wonder if David Hogg thinks he's trolling…Are they trolling the nation with this sick joke? it's not as sick as some of the things ive seen on the internet…is america that powerful? or are things really in the shitter?

Special Connection. She just can't leave his side anons. These Laman folks have family in Jamacia. No ones asking him anyquestions

Shot In the "lower leg". How nice.

No IVs, Police Dog. Now an officer with a special bond? Wtf

Healed fast where that bandage was.


Our buddy Ben Joined Facebook December 2017. hm. Seems like a common trend.

Wait a sec, are animals allowed at hospitals in Murica?

Good job

Are you talking about the black wire arcross his chest? That's a heart monitor i beleive…

Only for spic """"""victims)))))$)

Sometimes they allow Comfort Animals Or Service dogs. But it seems like that may be a police dog. Not sure. He's being guarded /Supervised tho

No, pointing out that he doesn't have an IV hooked up in the second pic; IV machine doesn't even looked to be set up. Yet that pic is from Feb 16; the second pic shows him hooked up, but it's from the 19th.


I see. Thanks, mate.


It's spam.

False alarm. This is from day of shooting. He's not missing now, he was missing. And since when does a hospital not provide details to immediate family?

They think fucking someone up the ass transmits "gnosis" without having to do the acedemic work.

Sure thing, Schlomo.

Off topic but BIGLY KEKS

And thanks for reminding me to change up my VPN outdial more often too.

He's gonna be ok user

Noticing your timestamp dubs
Funny as fuck


All of this has been covered; compiling the data points I've seen to simplify:

1. An aide to a Florida Representative did send an email to a member of the press that there were non-student crisis actors. That staffer was immediately fired and the representative dismissed the claim.

2. Laguna Beach Antifa account alleges he went to Redondo Shores HS and graduated 2015, with an alleged yearbook picture. In the top frame, another student is wearing an "Eagles" jersey - which is the mascot for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Note he did not attend Parkland HS since Parkland HS is not the High School involved in the shooting. This appears to be intentional plant to discredit any claims that he is a "crisis actor."

3. There are pictures posted on Reddit with him at Casa Playa in Redondo Beach, CA. Note his father used to work for FBI in LA. Could very well just be there on vacation (or might have moved?).

4. Video surfaces of him in California after having recorded an encounter with an unpleasant lifeguard. It appears this was just vacation with a friend. MSD HS in Florida posted an article regarding this encounter by a student over summer break (https:// eagleeye.news/feature/msd-senior-david-hogg-goes-viral-youtube/).

5. There appear to be a lot of ties to California (dating back to 2009 trips to Disneyland, his dad at LAX, and 2015 LAX runway photos.

6. Apparently, in the video interview that he conducted during the shooting, he stated the time was 9:32. The shooting, however, took place after 2pm (4 hours later). Could just be that he misspoke. (https:// gopreload.org/huge-video-evidence-must-watch-david-hogg-son-fbi-agent-caught-video-interviewing-student-shooting-4-hours-ahead-actual-shooting)

The three accounts I've seen that appear to be linked to him are:

d_m_h_photography, davidhobbs111, and davisgreen111

Regardless of how you look at it, people were murdered. If he is a "crisis actor", then he would need to be playing the long game for at least 2 years…and would have had to have known in advance and done nothing to stop it. That is an incredibly hard notion to swallow - although not an impossible one.

damn forgot vid. Her mother was this one that sperged on CNN. Name is mudslime, I wonder what connections this family has to CAIR or MB.

ok rabbi

Literally every single victim is jewish. This is the Jewish lobby coming after guns. Either that or they are trying to set a precedent against THE 1st AMENDMENT. Also on my local news tonight. In one single day THREE kids were arrested all in different towns for absolutely NOTHING, based on mere allegations…. could this be the endgame?

There's no proof of anyone being murdered btw.

link please

This. where are the death certificates? autopsy reports?

I like your organizational method of laying it out.
I don't know if this has been said here but if they
have alot of Followers, how many actual do'ers could that translate out to be. Perhaps a few thousand of people that would actually goto a rally. Perhaps 10K that would donate to their cause.

My guess is that they are gonna fade away fast because this whole event was meant to be lightning strike with a bill and it failed the smell test.

I agree with your post and agree. I will follow this order of battle.

A semite by any other name is still a semite. Also Israel is secret BFFs with several "enemy" mud countries.

don't spread it around until all the evidence is in archive.is/FcFZV

I won't even believe it until I see a body

This might be a weird long shot but look into Sean Waltman. Some of you might remember him from DX and the NWO. He's related to one of the victims and we might be able to find some crumbs from this relic of wrestling's attitude era.


Here's an ABC interview with the family.

Here’s my theory. Hogg is the real shooter. They had the drill in the morning and Hogg made his alibi video but slipped up on the time. Then Hogg shot up the school for some kind of Luciferian initiation. Anderson Cooper probably got his job the same way. My two cents.

this interview summarized up into one word
shit acting, they need a new career choice.

How can people fall for this? Geez…

Interesting, Dave McGowan said that that Dating TV show host was an assassin - went to the holiday location of the winners and did some extra curricula work. Perhaps they get them into the business when they're young.

My local news just addressed Hogg being a crisis actor. Additionally I took a video of the broadcast and got
More names of "Survivors". We can look into. They were all wearing the same Glee Club or Drama club maroon shirt with the laughnow cry later masks

Hogg=Shooter? That's sure to make us look dumb as hell. Stick with trying to prove it was a live simfire drill

Yeah, best to put that speculation aside for the moment.


That Hogg faggot has an extremely punchable smug face.

Share things like this, people will start asking their own questions

M8s, The Victims who were injured have VERY sketchy social media presence….. we should dig all we can into them. I friended a few but to no avail yet. Take a look at the way this GoFundMe is worded. Real weird dig into these people . You'll see weirdness. One victims Facebook shown here shows he doesn't even go to the school involved.

I lost four friends.
>Mr. Hogg, whose younger sister lost two friends in the shooting, called on politicians to act.



Here's Hoggs other bud. WHOA

The shirt was blurry but it said "Masquerade" then possibly "troop". Couldn't find the logo online but it might have been for a scout party, seems to be a thing in scout troops for some reason. We used to go hiking and learn survival skills, none of this costume party bullshit.

found this floating around gab



Saw this on his twitter good find. He's a fuckin activist. Go watch these CNN town halls. They're LYING!! RAID THE COMMENTS ANONS …

No one has pointed out the kid look like bateman JR yet
I wonder if this is a contributing factor to why so many normies dont buy this story on top of his very forced speech. He plug political points harder then many politicians.

They were classmates…

"Sen Kingston (R) "Do we Really think these students can plan a nationwide GUNCONTROL rally" (in a matter of 2 days nonetheless.)





What the fuck kind of drill was this?


Forgive my poor archival skills, I haven't been on a dig since the DNC email leak. I wish Torpedoes could post pics, but there's an image composite floating around halfchan, post related:


Cubic glows in the dark brighter than the FBI, they were involved in developing "persona management" software for CENTCOM. And here I was wondering why Project PM is down. Here you go anons, happy digging:


Fun fact: the patent in the second link is also conveniently MIA right now.

Semi Normie but open minded boss showed me the hog stuff. It's fair game for the crisis acting b.s..

What isn't fair game is marginalizing a false flag. False flags have real victims. Mass shootings don't have to be hoaxs…why bother to fake a mass shooting for people you want dead anyway. You think 15 lives is anything to the people who have forced you to pay for the slaughter of 100s of millions over the last 2 centuries?

This. Brand new profiles propped up by thousands of actual bots and activist agencies. Once again (((they))) are accusing everyone of what they are already doing, and doing on a much wider and more malicious scale. These kids are on some next level grooming.

This kid was planning national anti-gun rallies while hiding in a closet and recording interviews as someone stalked the halls of his school shooting his classmates. Why is that so hard to believe?
How dare anyone suggest that he's actually a 27 year old manlet meth head crisis actor? Sometimes people just happen to look nearly identical and have the same name. And have a parent who was in the FBI. And do beach interviews about boogie boards for the news.

Yep, thanks user, we're aware of Cubic. Here's the pic from cuckchan

user I'm on mobile.
Last post for now and I have to work. WATCH this kids hair and notice the crimescene tape blowing. His hair never moves not one bit. There's a green screen behind this little fuck.

Anyone who knows about Twitter knows in order for tweets to go viral and reach many you need 1. Someone famous to retweet, Or 2. You need too pay to promote your tweet. I don't by this shit more and more every video I watch. Ecspecially this Mexican and that black girl holy shit.

Anthony Borges Facebook says he's not even enrolled in that school. See

those kids looks like they're trying out for Twilight, not at a funeral.

Thanks, mate.

One specificially designed to provide cover for their operation.


Why the fuck are you calling me a goy?

It should be added, it's impossible to expose a scene that well, anyway, having the face so perfect. It can't even be done in photography. You'll never see a photo that looks like that. Basically, you're seeing super-duper-hdr. Ain't happening. Well, and probably not for another 5-10 years, and that's just in photography.


So how many Beatles albums do you think that dyke can name?

user, i specifically remember that rand paul post. i dont remember the name though. going to look into it.

none. no one listens to the fucking beatles.

was this supposed to be a shitshow or a forum. because all I saw was two retards, one of which was talking, and making up bullshit, while the limp wristed spic did nothing while being berated by him.

Summary: Everything's weird, and nothing adds up.

Shhhh goy, dont give too many details away …
start digging on any pre injurries too if any local couriers have stories on these “injured” kids
Swear to god if they wheel out another thalidomide baby under the guise of survivor who had legs amputated … im going fucking postal.

White Nationalism/Alt-Right is an anti-White Controlled Opposition psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.

White Nationalism/Alt-Right is an anti-White Controlled Opposition psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.

White Nationalism/Alt-Right is an anti-White Controlled Opposition psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.

White Nationalism/Alt-Right is an anti-White Controlled Opposition psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.

White Nationalism/Alt-Right is an anti-White Controlled Opposition psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.

White Nationalism/Alt-Right is an anti-White Controlled Opposition psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.

White Nationalism/Alt-Right is an anti-White Controlled Opposition psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.

Timothy Holmseth arrested in Broward County after posting this link…

Minnesota Court FBI Child Sex


Don't be stupid. It's the only way to save the White Man. They do not kill us because of the presence of nationalism, but because of our genes.

that's pretty blatant green screen


don't click on that anons. reported.

His plebbit gives 100% proof he lived in LA but moved to FL about +7 months ago, so he would only have been going to the school in Florida for his senior year, possibly his junior year


On his youtube it's like he's just going to LA for a vacation…

That smig snort back in forst mp4 is worthy of an award, perfect pitch, timing and application. This whole fucking thing reeks of filthy yid puppet work to me. Why are the drills so serious and so frequent, as if any able bodied, sound of mind individual would let the state educate their child if this is the sort of horrid shit they are subject to anyway …
Drills, agendas, how to be gay, how to be a rainbow unicorn, liberal mindset or die, vaccines are normal drugs are bad hmmk, gun control, i mean these poor kids look like theyve never wrestled in the mid, skun a knee or broke a bone, or even had a barney with a deserving party. Jees the shit I got up to as a kid … and the shit I still get up to now. This worlds going to hell in a handbasket if we dont stop it.

The black girl is pretty key aswell,
these faggots don't count on anyone going back and REALLY listening and watching for discrepancies, there's so many flaws. How the fuck do I get wounded twice and not have an injury/bandages where I say I've been wounded? Idk Lots of fakery here. I say intensedrill presented as an active shooter. And only a few were in the know. Maybe they had blood packs and bodies. Remember, students went OUTSIDE first because of fire alarm and then back in. Bodies could have been staged to look dead. Listen to the interviews from all different networks ecspecially CNn, youd think 6gorillion died again. These kids are Shoahin Us how there gunna take guns or speech or both. Fucknthese little commie kikes

And the fuckin parents are egging them on anons. They knowz fuckin kikes

Lol so these town hall meetings, when the fuck has there ever been these events after a shooting this whole thing is so fucking sketchy

Since when does kasky make Rubio look even smaller ?

Also Kasky and Hogg didn't show at Trumps listening session.

It's so real it looks fake anons..

its all one big fucking shitshow of a joke, like its meant for reality TV viewers or something. My grandmother doesn't even buy it. I don't even know what they are trying to do anymore at this point, but its a good laugh kinda watching them flail.

My bad, he moved to FL in his freshman year

As this kid starts taking and while he's talking, if you listen close with earbuds or headphones, you can hear he is in a studio. You can hear people fuckin talking and it ain't in Megs studio. Absolute green screen. WHY?

m.liveleak .com/view?i=734_1519233138

i suppose it's more believable that the kid took acid before the news came. seriously

These motherfuckers are going to start a YUGE problem they can't contain in this country… that's all I know.. I feel so fuckkn angry anons I have no clue. Gotta put this down for a bit and wage Cuck for a bit. I'll be back. Rewatch the interviews. Find flaws. They're everywhere ffs. Kek be with all of you.

idk how long its been since you been here last but there is no need to split links like that anymore just fyi

Not necessarily shills, could be a charity scam piggy backing off the tragedy. I'm not sure which is worse, faking injured kids to deceive the public or scamming cash from from fake injured kids.

One of the biggest WTFs in this whole thing is a guilty plea days after the crime. Cruz's lawyer has to be hand-picked.

what'd you expect?

Links are self-breaking now. Notice the italicized colon in your post? Saves everyone work. You can just copy and paste it to a new tab.
Also I notice Holla Forums is a lot less stressful on ancient toaster computers now, so good job whoever did that.

Uploading the smoking gun video again. Please take a few moments to watch as this really drives home how fake and gay David "Zogg" Hogg really is.

This was his first (((video))).

God how I wish this little faggot Kasky would try to punch me in the face.

Please tell me that was just an innocent typo.

sorry user, meant to ask the other guy. thanks for the info.

what did you expect to have happen with his plea?

Never thought I'd be rooting for this sweaty cuban.

Not guilty is the default for arraignment for any serious crime no matter if caught red-handed to stall proceedings for a plea deal. A guilty plea allows the press to pronounce Cruz guilty.

Emma Gonzalez


My jewdar is going off

Wait, tattoo

yeah, i get where you're coming from. i can see how a kid like that didn't care, i suppose the lawyer should push for low anyhow. idk. mkultra theories aside.

You may have inadvertently activated your poopdar as well.

kikes dont care many mutts has the star of david tattooed for easy recognition

This fucking timeline.

Hello, swirlboy.

Top kek.

Can confirm. I'm getting broken links and weird looking 404s all over. We're at war here Anons. Ffs. The day Rubio has to be /ourguy/ is never thought I'd see it. These kikes are out of control. We may see conflict soon. And I'm a nonviolent goy. Every Single thing that has been justified since 9/11 has been done so under false or faked pretenses. It almost feels like they keep getting sloppier purposely to bait the people they want into conflict. The REAL truthers numbers have declined due to people lettingbthe camels nose under the tent and cucking to this propaganda. It's sick. I feel sick anons. Our country is being decimated because of lies… From the kikes claiming to be altright, to the kikes in media and on the left.. We're the only Ones left who know what's what.

No, I mean they might not be the same person because lack of tat on HS Emma

Yes. I just did. you responded keeeek

But seriously, why are you a rapist?

holy shit the audacity of this faggot

It turns out it was a false flag, but nobody will believe us, even if we have proof. We have to get them in such a state that they accidentally out themselves.

Even FUCKIN MILO is calling these kikes out wtf. Anons, in Arizona Today, apparently an announcement was made at a certain school that asked kids to leave class to go out and protest gun violence, one kid argued and was told he'd be FAILED if he didn't go out… WHOA. (((JonesStein))) is picking this up heavy now.

We need to figure out how to do this. Brute force or elegantly. Raid Popular comment sections. Call into Radio shows etc idk. This is bad anons

Fair point. But look who is involved with this, and the recourses they have.

And look at the faggots spreading disinfo like the crackhead is david hogg thing

They're all soros led groups and spinoffs, they keep adding groups upon every new issue

One idea would be to start a petition and demand that Hogg be given a show. This could get a lot of support, and would be such a huge joke, if it turned out they gave him one.

save yourself the trouble anons, do as I do

I say demand full unapologetic disclosure of what transpired at that school. Maybe a mass protest before they tear it down. Massive amount of Patriots go down and demand entry.
>>problem is they'll keep it a (((crimescene))) until the day it's torn down.

This young insightful reporter of nerves of steel bravely fought the vile fruit of the vulpine gun lobby. He faced them down, though it was their own laws that nearly gunned him down. This selfless sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. His talent is also noteworthy. Consider how he carried himself, outclassing even the most seasoned of reporters of the most esteemed network in the world, CNN. Indeed, he has proven himself, and not a moment can go by that he is not given a show. The world needs this young man, a voice in the wilderness of violence and hate. A beacon in the hour of a Russia puppet government. Never has this world more sorely needed such talent and passion. If Russia can steal our elections, they can't steal our voice. Let journalism shine! Put David Hogg in an anchor's chair! DO IT NOW! DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN! And if you don't, CNN, how are you different from Fox News, which only pretends to give a voice to all sides? Don't do it because you'd be ashamed not to - do it because you know it's the right thing to do.>>11294587

sorry I put the link thing on the end bleh


hogg's half-brother and he, and his (step) mother's ashes. But where's the birth mom?

You triple nigger

no one believes that shit dude. It's just like that earlobe meme from months ago.

fuck off kike

Stop this meme Nig. Thanks in advance

Ohh fug that half Nig was illegally detained. Under the "baker" act. And he REALLY DINDU nuffin. This is FUCKED UP NIGGERS IM PISSED

I can point out several points with that picture that they are not the same person.


Don't bother. That's a kike. He knows he's lying. Kikes get their kicks out of pushing shitty lies, not good ones. It's a form of rape. Remember, 100% of kikes are rapists.

Either a kike or an ACTUAL Autist. The kind that's not good at anything kek

OYYVEYYY LOOMER IS going after the sheriff already fuck me… And ZIOWARS is coverning it. It's over. Pack it up. It's a conspiracy goy.

I like how at the end they try to hammer it home with some emotional bullshit using a crisis actor wearing gore makeup.

They are pushing this hard on 4chan right now, but they aren't even buying it over there.

The kikes over there on half are in full sperg damage control mode, this shit is catching like wildfire. (((they))) know we're unapologetic at this point. if these kikes want Gc so bad go to fuxkin israel. Ffs even teachers are armed over there

I won't link the video but it's easy enough to find a version of.
Her dad seemed to have a hard time remembering where she's buried, I know it's been awhile.

HE WAS "PISSED" Wasn't he??

Idk Blanderson, Low enuf to fuckin dig thru Russian trash outside a troll factory and harass a 90 year old Floridian lady. Kek



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I like how he obviously says "I went to" but corrects himself. its very easy to pick up also that this kid keeps reading off a teleprompter.

Can't you just shut up goyim? Go to sleep, let your girlfriends Bull peg ya tnite and let your 4 year old watch goy. Have some fun just stop, I'm sleepy. Go to bed and wake up a good goy.

Well this kid isnt very good at being subtle when reading his lines. The whole thing is fuckin fake.

Holy shit, theres some CIA/FBI agent LARPing on 4chan right now doing a AMA about the "shooting".




Haven't posted in 2 days there. Figures Kek


Yea I got banned for "Conspiracy Theories" a day or two after the shooting. 4pol is and always has been full on kiked. However, they have quite a few more eyes on stuff than we do, so it makes sense to keep an eye on what is going on over there.

We can meme this.
This is the perfect shit to rile up the blacks. They are so much more vocal, and already suspicious of the government. It only takes one god push.

The quality of this is laughable. The images look completely faked. The "student's" image in looks like a generic placeholder image of a man's silhouette. I would expect nothing more from CIANiggers to be honest.

This bullshit has to be waking normies up en masse. They can't be that stupid can they?

I'm seeing /polacks accusing of multiple threads popping up saying SDH student AMA. Maybe a last ditch disinfo to throw us off ?? Idk keep keen eyes on it don't let them over here lol they'll fuck this up. It's important one thread stays sane and consistent .


He wrote a eulogy for himself just in case he died in a school shooting? wtf am I reading?

He has a main residence in DixHill NY, (Upstate Ny) day 1 when we were digging someone found all his info and it looked like he had a main res in Upstate NY and rented an apt in Fla. yea plus all these injured kids have social media that was recently just created.

a bad actor



Fuck man, I'm listening to the last hour of today's ZIOWARS and he's claiming he been "researching" and there's a coverup. Great, noones gunna beleive anything now. Fuck man. "DEEP RESEARCH" (he means "I went on Holla Forums an found") Jesus Christ he's taking credit for all our work.

This is a massive big deal. They got people pushing for GC in the WHITEHOUSE, Under false pretenses?? This could start BIGLY problems in this country

My fuckin Tendies are tingling…

Heres a video in another thread:


There is a big problem with this kind of shit and I think a few people mentioned it
And some point bot's and other nigger agents will get to people wanting to leak stuff on 4/pol/ faster than the actual people
With how dead the Wikileaks is , 4 and 8 are the new way to drop leaks
It's in (((their))) interest to crate and attack own larps (with some good or poor looking proof) to scare away any and all real informants
On wand hand "we" don't want new traffic on the other , people should know that this is the place to post really important stuff


Kikes play both sides, imagine they're giving us this so we don't keeep harping the false flag narrative?

Posted on half chan AMA thread someone pull the barcode and get in contact with alleged OP this could be breaking 0_0

Yeah I know , I am up 16 hours now,ability to edit for niggers like me would be nice

Check'd and link to halfcuck thread pls

I've been up quite some time aswell. The implications are YUGE here.

nvm I scrolled up

Thread 404ed after (((mods))) banned OP for under 18 I archived before though

Keep in mind this could be (((THEM))) giving this to us to keep us away from digging into the actual happening…

The internet has been flooded with conflicting shit about this from day 1 minute 1 so don't lose track that's all

beed playing this nonstop since the first hogg thread started


What about my point , do you think (((They))) are catching up?Maybe the younger ones

I mean , at some point they have to learn right,they know how to lie in the media , using some naive patriots to run psyopses for them is easy
But then ,Knowing that doesn't change anything,anybody at this point should know to not take anything as pure truth not even Holla Forums

Perhaps you think you can scan the barcode with an app to see what info is in that kids ID?

Kid could be a gold mine of info if not then we continue down path as before

Exactly. Crises actors or not, (((They))) could be creating a conspiracy to hide another.


That's the first time I'm hearing of something that's Jewish and uncut.

what do you faggots want to know


Are you a kike?

no thankfully I haven't lived in this shit hole my whole life

Yea fucking right. You are glowing so bright.

I wanna know if you guys were in class and had no knowledge of anything happening, and you literally saw students and teachers be shot and killed.

And how are we faggots? We're trying to save our /rights from you faggots

I'm sure you've heard about the active shooter drill where an officer comes on campus and shoots blanks, as I stated on halfchan teachers were telling us it was a drill and to stay where we were.

we were told there would be one that month and the teachers were telling us that was it

dude these kids were "adopted" the sandy hook way. mom prob some breeder

Lets assume you aren't a CIA NIGGER, thats because it was a drill. Now you are going around spreading the bullshit just because someone lit some firecrackers in the hallway of your school. Let me guess, you didn't actually see a shooter and you didn't see any bodies. Fuck off kike.


what part of the building were u in.


who is Shanthi Viswanathan. I look her up and she not listed as working at the school but they say she is a "math teacher"

Either your here to sow disinfo and confusion or you genuinely have something groundbreaking. We shouldn't be asking anything. You should be telling us everything you know.

You CIAniggers really do glow

user is right, "what do you want to know?" sounds like an opportunity to feed a narrative

This kid was SO BAD at acting thatbit makes me question whether they wanted us to pick up on it

Doubt it

Either provide info, dox, pictures, etc… or get the fuck out.

Hey Victimanon, give us the goods boy-o

i feel the exact same way desu

rough timeline of events from your perspective
what section you were from, how convoluted, not convoluted was the evacuation process etc?

We know CNN covered this in a biased way. No doubt. Question is, WHY is the building being guarded and demolished? And was this a simfire drill complete with crisis actors acting as injured and dead.

Exactly. Here's everything that I know for sure. First, Hoggfag seemed way too articulate and smart for his age, and he wasn't in the class period before the shooting happened (12-1pm). Otherwise I do not know much about the other students.
Here's my account

I have many more friends accounts who were in classrooms where people were shot but I assume all of you will just call me a CIAfag

Also, How long after drill commenced was there a police presence in your estimation?

We're waiting.

Im going to assume that you are legit for now so tell us what you can MO CHARA give us the full rundown. Also can U get some pro gun students together and talk to fox news or something we could really use some counter actors to shill against this shit

can it be DoTR now?

First police car, 30s, almost like there was one waiting there. Really surprised that there were armored cars there within like 5 minutes.

show ID you pussy. if you're being truthful, what've you got to hide?

You speak our lingo a bit, but I'll take your word for it for now, but keeping in mind we live in an age now where faggots inject so much info/disinfo into these situations the truth ends up not mattering, I'm taking what I say with a grain. I wanna know how quickly police were there, and what time drill commenced

Show your face/name. This is the only way we can know you aren't a CIA NIGGER.

That nose angle certainly is unique.

FLanon doesnt have to dox himself if he can say he plans to talk to fox against the bs the (((MSM))) are pushing
Also is this true user?
Cnn staged the questions and handpicked all the kids?


Granted I don't buy it but, still, they both have that fucked up angle.

What part of the building were u in?

It wasnt a fire drill and we all knew because there was one earlier that day we thought some faggot just burned something in culinary again fire alarm must have happened around 3:20-3:25

Yes I had a friend there that wanted to ask about arming our teachers. He said every single student even those in the audience were hand picked.

You have an opportunity to be a George Washington or a Benedict Arnold, you obviously came here because you know something. If all you have is an account of what we have already heard there's no point.

He also said in an interview his "three sisters" were crying. I think you're right. It's a regular adopta-actor over there.

Always archive shit like this faggot.
Now i had to do it for you.


The one big thing that I can tell you is that teachers were trying to keep kids (at least where I was) on campus and telling us not to leave because it was a drill, otherwise I am going to start looking for these faggots like hogg and cancer girl in my yearbook

I tried to sabotage a CNN interview but I was rejected. Literally every kid I have seen interviewed is jewish.

did teachers seem panicked??

Exactly right. They have an opportunity to, literally, be a hero to the entire planet by sinking the corrupt ship. Yet we all know they won't do shit because they are controlled pussies not realizing that now they are burnt and the public sees them for what they are they are expendable to their leash holders. It's too bad really…. this is their chance… ah well….

NRA will interview you I promise walk into a gun store and ask if they can help you tell the real story NRA members there will be more than happy to help you get the truth out I promise
(((CNN))) wont win this one

Or were teachers buying time for cops/FBI to plant "bodies" for y'all to see onnur way out

halfchan thread up for 2 hours before getting canned. just happened.


No they all said its a fucking drill. I called my sister who is a freshman and was near the same area I was I told her people were saying it was a shooting, she told her friend and the teacher near her threatened to take her phone if she wouldn't stop "spreading rumors"

You need to go under-cover Project Veritas style and get Zogg Hogg to say something incriminating when he doesn't know hes being filmed.

i got b&

How accurate does this timeline sound to you?

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. ( archive.is/hkpKO )
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. ( archive.is/eU9Az )
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. ( archive.is/pJeMy#selection-2671.0-2671.178 )

Feb 14
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. ( youtube.com/watch?v=OFly5Ut5Jag )
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.( archive.is/O0jbm )
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. ( youtu.be/zlhMGWyT_uU )
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ( youtube.com/watch?v=_R39tNfv_fg )
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.( archive.is/GOlmf )
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. ( archive.is/8MfoN )

Feb 15
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is/uAhPt )
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.

Feb 16
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is/p6UIl )

Sounds like FBI and cops created chaos so there were conflicting reports of drill/nodrill. We're smoke grenades deployed? Or were hallways filled w/ smoke. What did u see on the way out

Were u featured in any reports that made tv? Or web clips?

Or teachers knew of simfire drill and students didn't

So if Hogg wasn't in his first period are you saying you had first period with him? If not, then how do you know his schedule and where he needs to be/not be?

One friend on 3rd floor said there was smoke coming under his door from the gun but I've shot an AR-15 and no way that much smoke comes from that thing. If I recall correctly from (((them))) it was said smoke grenades and a gas mask were involved.. and now all of a sudden not? My guess would be smoke grenades.

Who is the dead nigger in the video in this(>>11265827) post?

He wasn't in his 3rd period, I know a friend in his class.

This post

U know Holla Forums has a koi bias already it seems btw

Have you/had you seen him on campus before? If so, doing what? Going to class ever?

New thread on cuckchan about Kasky. Copypasting from archive.is/f20q7 it's still up. I think he deserves his own thread tbh.

He is the son of Jeffery Kasky and Natalie Wiess. Julian’s parents and his stepdad Kraig Weiss have expressed how very proud they are of their son on facebook and twitter –for the lie he is currently living.
On his fathers youtube you can find many videos with Julian's name in the title youtube.com/user/jeffkasky
facebook com/kraig.weiss.9
facebook com/juliankasky
facebook com/natalie.weiss.528

Yeah and Pieczenik or whatever named the Jew today too.

I noticed from day 1 a small plume ( more than normal for a gun of any kind) coming from top of door in snap vid.

Yes I have had a class with him before. Seemed very articulate and older than his age. He was always in with the teachers, leaving class when he wanted to go do who knows what.

People claim that was carmen who is in that video, otherwise I'm not sure.

Are you a CIA nigger?

No, I plan to try to get in touch with stefan and others this week, get some sort of pro gun support from a student out there

Find out more about Emma. She is coming out to be the leader of the Fantastic Parkland Four. Is she in the yearbook?

Why is Jaylen On INFOWARS sperging already and is the school doors always normally locked? Do visitors have to come check in at one central location normally?

Well if you had a class with him before that would mean you are in the grade unless your class was athletic teams which I highly doubt he has ever sniffed in his life. Point being, if he was in your class you could easily debunk the whole thing right now by posting proof he is not a student there like these others we have proven to be not what they claim. So…. what do you have for us?

Why pro gun support and not just expose them? The agenda shit will mean nothing if they are exposed. I am starting to sense glow from you…. give us something useful…..

Get your message out in support of 2A. Also, call out the Emma clique. user, I and probably many others here would not be smiling & laughing, taking selfies 3-4 days after my friends were gunned down. Get to the media and call them out on it.

Is there ON A NORMAL DAY, ONE CENTRAL PONIT of access into The part of the school the shooter entered?

Yea he should already know what to sperg.. there's a jaylen kid on INFOWARS already telling INFOWARS about the townhall and how it'll be scripted. And it was . Howd he know?

Might be his brother, not sure. boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/161447595

Carry on anons, (((they)) have both sides and all angles covered

At this point in one days time we have uncovered an ass load… just imagine a week…. a month….

No idea why anyone would still want to stand by the corrupt leash holders at this point because they are going to throw those involved under the bus big time once exposed so why not strike first and save your sack? Christ…. this isn't rocket science here…

I would love to scan the whole yearbook but it has close to 400 pages, I will try to do some searching but in the mean time this is all I have

which teachers are supporting the walk out protests?

That is the exact fucking photo that has been on the internet for three days…. literally the exact photo…

I read and heard from friends that a teacher named Ms. Lerner explicitly told students to participate and that guns should be banned

They know we investigate everything and we struck a nerve, this is damage control . They will build the narrative from here off of what we know An our questions

The real question is how many students are actually anti gun there??? 40% kike school so Im actually curious

there u go faggot

who seems to be managing Hogg and Emma?


This. Any names or groups you've heard?


and….. ? I repeat… we have seen this for days. Do you have anything worthwhile? I mean, fuck…. you claim you go to the school and you know this little?

They just seem way too tied in to CNN, even after hogg butchered his lines, I will seek information on that though


Also why the fuck are photos leaving off at around "G" followed by a page with a baseball field?

Good work user, keep it up. So out of curiosity how did you find half & infinity chan? Are some of the students talking about /us/? Kek.


I know. It's just amusing since they have no idea what the private pages have already dug up. It's going to be a fun week.

Give FLanon a break he will likley be very useful once we get the video on daily caller trending




Honestly the miednik chick has always been dumb in the head, but I have heard many accounts of students saying there was more than one shooter. My friend who was in the building adjacent told me he initially heard a hg then a rifle after and other people said they heard it at the same time. The bathrooms were locked on the first and third floor so students in those hallways had nowhere to run once doors were shut. But if you guys really don't want more I'll stop because of the larp fags.

I actually believe this is one of the turds but what I just can't understand is how they can see all this shit we already made public…. and not realize more is coming in a serious way… and not want to jump ship and make it right/admit it immediately. Ah well, fuck it, their loss.


He's being coached

You already wrote that…. you don't need to do so twice.

Keep answering FLanon, ignore the (((CNN))) shills. As you know, they are all in a panic.

Ok, if you can time stamp, I'm hooked.
Question 1: was this hoggs first year at this school?
Q2: Would you be fully willing to tell your side on television?
Q3: how many shots did you hear and for how long.


Nigger, I started the thread that started all this, flaming has brought NOTHING OF VALUE

Can you post proof + use a tripcode so we can ignore people pretending to be you?

dont listen to the spergs. if you have something to say please do so. we just want the truth about the event. we won't get it from CNN thats for damn sure

He's posted 2 time stamps. Scroll up lazy nigger.

In an hour they have produced jack and shit. Unless they produce something meaningful it's an obvious phishing expedition to try to find out what is known on the deeper chans.



Nigger was on INFOWARS already today saying CNN was going to script town hall DISENGAGE


last one

You claiming to be the same kid who declined the CNN agenda user? At this point, who really cares if you claim it considering the brave patriot is front page on several major releases.

no thats not me

ZIOWARS already had JAYLEN THE (AltStudent) on who CNN wouldn't talk to this is a phishing expo

Thanks FLanon.

Now, what did you personally hear and see. I know you gave an account above but give us ==LITERALLY EVERYTHING== you can possibly remember

user keep digging on Emma & her CNN clique. Also, has any non-liberal media reached out to you? Were you invited to the WH for Trump's meeting?


Right. So fuck this kid. What's the chance he knows to come to this thread (the thread that's made ALOT of headway ) and do a FUCKING AMA. REALLY NIGGERS?? HE SHOULD BE SPILLING. EVERYTHING

No only student government members were there who are coached by their liberal teacher

Were not asking anymore questions. YOU SPILL everything user. That's how it has to be. SOrry.

You know this young man?


Yes the rest is friend's accounts. One friend said as he was leaving third floor he saw powder and casings all over the floor, hinting at smoke grenades possibly

Whatever you think is useful, spill it, if your done, your done. Actually, I have a platform you can speak on . I'd like to interview you'. Do u accept?

Yes he is part of the JROTC program and a patriot

did police confiscate everyones cell phones?

So you know him then? As in personally?

No. They took everyone's backpacks though. People that left their phones on campus when they were fleeing have yet to get them back though. I'm surprised there arent more videos as there were 900 students in that building.

Now of him. I could contact him though.

So how much does the deep state pay you to spread disinfo / misinfo online?

soros pays well

Checked and kekd.

are they tearing the building down yet?

Bye Nigger. Thanks for telling us shit we knew already.

No the school is highly secured though, at least 5 cop cars there 24/7, no way to get near the building

wew lad.

You see I think that right there is the first direct thing you have written all night and this is your "help me break away from them" plea. However, we can't help unless you give us something legitimate and they will just toss you aside (likely off a cliff given how they tend to work). Now is the time to help yourself. Ah well, I'm exhausted and the AM crew can have you.

Obviously. We already know that, now u have clearly been here and on halfcuck, U, know the lingo, u read the thread. IF YOU DONT HAVE BREAKING INFO YOUR USELESS. WE ARE NOT ASKING ANYMORE QUESTIONS FOR YOU TO BUILD A NATRATIVE WE WANT TO HEAR LATER. SO SPILL ALL DETAILS AND A TIMELINE OR GO

They really do glow in the dark.

Wew is right. Do not ask anymore ?S. PLEASE. Let him spill or chill. We don't need him. He's offered ZERO this far

He came here like a Reddit AMA FFS

Let your nigger boss know we will be requesting foias for EVERYTHING. And we will find the truth kike

Kek. Are your other classmates aware how much we know and can dig? Holla Forums ever mentioned among conversations?

Don't know if this has been posted here. all apologies if it has been:
David Hogg Supercut - my.mixtape.moe/vfsajs.mp4

CNN Scripted Town Hall - my.mixtape.moe/krdhzy.mp4

If you have problems opening in your browser, try a different. Mine successful in Tor

Way to fail user

Why is your ID card wider at the left than the right and floating above the paper.
Shit larp tbh fam, and larping when there are glow in the darks attacking truth is stupid. Unless you are one.

Kek, obviously (((they))) knew to come phish here after getting banned on half.

They are doing this so they can come after 8ch, btw.
- this post talking abour crisis actors after the jewtube video went viral and had to be addressed by MSM.

I can't even put words to this, but they're hitting on all the sort of entry level talking points whenever there's a shooting. Points that the msm would have never gone near in the past like second shooters, crisis actors, and drills.

They're making fun of alex-jones tier "truthers" and trying to lump us in with them. They must have really fucked up in Vegas

I just want to know what they're feeding these niggers. The fluorescent glow is really something. Maybe it's bio-luminescent algae.

Nigger came here to see what we wanted to know so they can address it all later little by little FUCK

Even Alex is making a mockery of this already. I literally was justnlistening to that Jayden kid who claims CNN wouldn't interview him. They're covering all their bases.



most obvious shill i have ever seen.

Yea we should make this interaction public so it saves our ass… Otherwise we can each quite possibly be SHOAD for what we know

Stop talking to this CIA NIGGER.

Wat do anons. new b?


Time to Hillary my IPhone it looks like

Either get the # tranding or STFU and keep digging user

Schools have cameras; amirite tho?
Hogg is interviewing for a job at CNN; and the whole world is watching
Press briefing from none other than Scott Israel when? Debbie Wasserman Schultz when?

Notice how after this post the glow in the dark spook entered the thread?
they don't want their cover ups exposed

time to get some niggers uppity

Twitter purged like 200,000 conservative accounts yesterday. Not that many of us here still had functioning twitters, but there were a lot of threads on halfchan yesterday about getting b&.

Really agitates those artichokes.

For sure. Kike had me fooled for a sec. always gotta remember (((they))) can build off what we ask them.

Checked and they need to answer questions not us, The big kid may being detained may be the smoking gun , the derailment shill was quick to be a student after that question

Are google bombs still a thing? And … were people getting v&'d on halfch as well? Heard about the Twitter censorship, and there were some murmurings of threads getting shoah'd; but didn't hear of HeeRo v&ing


Follow the thread^
Make fucking sock puppet accounts
Darkweb sells em for like 10 for .99 on dream do I have to do all the heavy lifting here anons?

Not sureblotta slides n larps tho. This thread got pretty intense for a minute there tho kek

Running on 48 hours without sleep
AFAIK 4pol is still safe

kike mods on kikechan ban everything that starts to bother the narrative of things, nothing new. Its why we left in the first place

My IP is done for on twitter. I'm doing what I can on normie tho

Same user, u started in first bread eh?

get some sleep user. even if it is only a deep power nap.

goodies do get dropped there occasionally. as much as halfch has become godlike, there are still crumbs that acktshually get noticed here

Mullvad VPN 5$ for 1 month over 30+ IP's u can use also free proxies exist
make sock puppets link em to hootsuite and then tweet from all at once

We know for a fact now that CNN fake the fuck out of the townhall last night daily caller has it trending
Im on modafainl I have maybe 12 more before sleep becomes a must

I love you! nohomo tho. that is good info that comes just at the right time, too tho

Working on making a sockpuppet on instragram. Might be best to spam redpills on the (((hashtag))) (god that app is cancer) and ether make it off topic, pro-fun pills and things like . Any anons got redpills on guns?

This user is onto something, the soviets used psychiatry to silence dissent.
If this kid comes out and says "my brother dindu nuffin" the kikes will be able to say "well he's crazy so of course he believes conspiracy theories :^)"

It is, the AMA shill came in right after that and he hasn't posted since user called out his bullshit - after admitting he's on soros payroll.

People always get v& on cuckchan lad. The mods there are alphabet soup.


the digits are just confirming my suspicions as well.

Important because taxpayer $'s fund their trip out of Israel and into Sweden et. al. while these rats dictate immigration policies for the West

these kids don't get shot. They get V& to the hospital and do whatever. that kid looks like he is mental slow. one of the special kids. they did the same shit during Manchester

This is pretty much how I believe it played out. Unless there’s evidence shown to the contrary this Cruz kid was indeed a patsy. CIA private mercenaries left over from the failed Syrian rebel uprising could likely be the shooters. Or really any rogue mercenary group willing to kill for a fat paycheck. Not hard to believe at all in a Demonrat controlled county.

Is there a sizable group of students at the school who are still pro-fun? If so, would it be possible to create a counter movement with them to fight (((Hoggs)))? The butt hurt would be immeasurable if that shit happened.

he said she was shot NINE times on the 3rd floor. I got a feeling she dissapear to some basement back in Skippack, PA

You are talking to a CIA NIGGER user.

I know. If he doesn’t reply, he’s a CIA nigger 100%, if he does and it’s shady, 100% and if it’s anything else, I still wasted his time.


read his posts he admitted to being a soros shill

when they find out Hogg' ties (no pun tho) to AntiFa; it's yet another game changer. this entire push by (((them))) is going well to alert the Normans to the JQ. never let a crisis go to waste

I tried looking up the dad. I Find him on facebook, but no public records at all. I also find this other profile. I dont think the guy can even speak English judging from his facebook

Anons, I'd start a new bread so no one entertains that FLanon, for now I gotta sleep, I'll be fresh in a few hours. I'll be back around noon est Kek speed, Remember tre facebooks and online presence of injured are barely existant, and we need to meme a question of WHY the nigbro got SHOAD for no reason… he DID NOT pose a threat. I remember hearing it. I got my eye on all MSM outlets. Kek speed see you all soon. Carry on

This shit is a leftist fundraising campaign. They've raised tons already. Almost like (((They))) like to capitalize every time there's a (((natural))) or human tragedy lately…

Here's another little faggot to
Dig into. Scripted Af

Too bad no one pulled a Round 2 on that funeral.

Kikes (non-biological) father will keep all the shekels for himself, lol!

Details motherfucker
Name the teacher(s)

Never mind , don't bother


Wanna bet its a female incel? -D

Checked his arrest record, if any?

Pixelated pic. Not good.

A stuxnet-style attack that would be blamed on Russia/Iran/DPRK.

Real short search.


Boyfriends son!

Sav the vids, even the CNN ones, before they realize their mistake.

nah he's hanging out in a basement in arizona nice and safe.
he briefly forgot how big his family is and went on the run after getting kicked out of his dad's house and getting a public indecency charge for fapping in his van.

later, he connected with a family member who helped him pay his fines locally and is keeping him safe from glowies.

she is also preventing him from uploading things to the internet since cuckchan and mister metokur wanted to turn him into a lolcow.

>t. knower

Have you ever seen that little hog-milking faggot IRL?

Would be interesting to know how many kikes there are in that school. Remember that Cruz wrote he had a jewish mother and jews genetic predisposition to insanity.

Yes! Yes!

Quads confirm
Dangerous she/it kikel spic thing that should be put down

Female Elliot Rodger, meaning Round 2 (not necessarily with guns) really could happen…

how to get your YT channel shoah'd 101
'Parkland False Flag'
… talks about the (((mental health therapist))) for Nikolas Cruz. when this unravels, it leads to some heavy hitters within the J community, Mossad and Clowns In America

TYT is kvetching so hard about
the left is flipping out about calling these kids crisis actors… keep pushing it

A man approaches the Uber driver passenger side wearing a bullet proof vest, carrying an AR-15 and calmly throws a duffle bag full of brass into the back seat
inb4: the school security cameras will totally show him getting out of the car of an Uber driver, at a school with SRO's (retired LEO's) surrounding the place; locked down so tight that the flies need badges to get in


Getting really tired of seeing this bald headed beaner and her cut off sleeves everywhere. She need to have her dirt dug up and get discredited.


-t. ex-CIA anti-Trumper

I have a solution to both Vegas and Parkland High School:
Since all of the security personnel, security cameras, eyes watching everything that may appear out of the ordinary, we need a solution that is smarter than humans.
Instead of dilly-dallying with gun control, let's install OSI Systems detectors in every playground, school, outdoor concert, stadiums, casinos and workplaces.
We'll all have the same level of security as Israel where everything is always terrific.


Does anyone have the video(s) of the Uber driver who dropped him off or the Uber driver that picked him up at the school?

The kikes are bringing the full weight of their administrative state and media complex down on this issue. They know their day of reckoning is rapidly approaching. So, with this in mind, we need to go at this with everything we've got. Fire up them Twitters, tell all your normalfag aquaintences in meatspace. Give these Communists hell, boys!

I mean, of course this is how they handle it. The dumb faggots didn't even touch on the fact that none of the regulations that are in place did anything. A kid with a violent past, psychotic outbursts, came from a broken home, socially ostracized, on and off anti-psychotics. The profile they made for the shooter is a perfect match for just about every single other shooter. If the FBI actually did what it was supposed to do, the legally purchased firearm wouldn't be the problem. But that doesn't fit with the narrative so that little nugget is out the window. Can't really force through more regulations and restrictions when the ones in place didn't do anything because no one who was supposed to do their jobs did anything right. Turns out it's not guns that are broken, but the regulatory system which they want to make more powerful and more useless.

The Daily Show is pure propaganda and has been for a long, long time. What struck me as really odd about it was just how enamored they were with this strategy and how they were going out of their way to celebrate this tactic and using it to push all kinds of weird narratives. Like.. pushing down the voting age. That one is really important, because if they can get overly emotional 16 year olds voting in the 2020 election, they could use similar tactics to rile them up with controversy and false flag tragedies against Trump…. Yet again, the DNC is willing to corrupt the entire system, rig the fucking election, kill dozens of people, even start wars, as long as it keeps them in power. We're going to have to push hard on this in the near future, because if these faggots aren't hung in the public square for their treason in our lifetimes, there may be no hope for this country.

The other tactic here is
Which seems to be an attempt to insist that 16 year olds are more mature and intelligent than they actually are (hence lowering the voting age, because illegal immigrants and niggers aren't the DNC's pet voting bloc anymore) but also an attempt to raise the age for gun ownership.

So here's some shit to watch out for and prepare for

FBIniggers, Local LE (to include Sheriff (((Israel))), and the School ALL dropped the ball.

That faggot actually brought ammunition INTO school, which is why they banned him from having a backpack on campus. Meanwhile, any other school district in the post-Columbine era is busy expelling students for having fucking nail clippers!

At least we know they're running out of moves.

That's odd. Pics of stuff like that would be useful. Not an expert or anything, but if this was a hoax and they were using blanks, it could look like powder residue if there were a bunch of cartridges fired towards the floor. I really don't think there'd be visible gun shot residue (GSR) or stipling on the floor from 5.56 fired vertically from a standing position.

If there was a smoke grenade used, there'd likely be a distinct triangular or oval pattern where the material was ejected from the canister.

Also, what about security cameras (nobody seems to answer this question)? Does your school not have any? Only outside?

Not that it will do you much good, but that barcode was not censored enough. You can read all parts of the code, which will contain the student ID.

*horizontally o/———-→pewpewpew

Mizrahi jewish, probably Syrian.

Found this in the normie sphere

https:// www.yahoo.com/entertainment/florida-shooting-survivor-says-cnn-gave-him-scripted-134229171.html

Wouldnt you need access to whatever database it references?

thanks, mister.

archived it. archive.fo/rkD6B

Colton Haab told Miami’s local WPLG-TV that the network refused to allow him to raise his idea that schools consider employing U.S. military veterans as armed security guards and instead offered him canned questions.

"Colton wrote questions about school safety, suggested using veterans as armed school security guards but claims CNN wanted him to ask a scripted question instead so he decided not to go"

Yea there are two threads about it and its on the frontpage of Drudge.

Thats why I didnt make a thread. Its still pertinent to the conversation… in fact it doesnt deserve its own thread. A guy made claims CNN wanted him to read a script… CNN denied.

Its he said she said at this point and of course MSM will spin the fuck out of it and defend CNN or downright ignore it. In fact… im surprised that was even printed.

Look at all these f'uckin h'wite kids. Disgusting. Can we get some children of color up in here? Shiiiieeeeet.

The crisis actor accusation is disinformation to discredit the fact that he (and the rest of witnesses the jew media is pushing) were obviously coached. There's no way shipping in non-students would go unnoticed, and if the shooting itself was a false flag, they would have chosen a patsy that fits their narrative, not a kike/spic mongrel.



They already have. This was a hail mary pass to regain the narrative… and it was intercepted and Holla Forums rushed 80 yards for the TD.

Was wondering what happened to that faggot after he blew the whistle on the "pedos create fags, they aren't born" thing.

Bottom right will win every time.
Thirsty men immediately want to protect any female who has mastered the "distraught with open mouth reminiscent of a female toddler" technique.
Neoteny (child-like features held through to adulthood) controls men every time. Even works on Holla Forumsacks.

Hey, it's Rhett and Link, the Morrissey impersonators.

What is this and is there more of it ? Found it on twitter..


Why does the yearbook say "Aerie 2017" on it? And why did you cut that part out on your timestamp?

The video "David Hogg The Actor" was already posted here?

he should have gone along with it and then just asked his own question anyway

Who cares so long as it gets out? I was talking to an acquaintance yesterday and he was talking about these kids pushing gun control and he mentioned alex jones. Jones might be an opportunistic limited hangout faggot but his reach is massive. So long as the media narrative is derailed that's all that matters.

I think Alex Jones is doing good work. Easy to listen to. Entertaining.

I think he's just resting before round 2 starts.

Inconsistent birthmarks.


My immediate thought as well. The absolute power of Jewish screenwriting folks. From Marvel's latest capeshit to the fakest school shooting hoax you ever saw, Hebrew creativity once again rears its formidable proboscis and shows it's might.

I'm guessing this is a heeb shilling that the shooting really happened, but it's so hard to tell, it reads like he's mocking the idea that channers are all Russians. Just about impossible to ascertain sincerity anymore.

What was it like when they buttfuck mindraped you for mkultra. Did you gain super powers? Or did you just spaz out and become a queer?

Thanks for taking the time to post here. I'm glad you and your sis are ok. Sorry that youre surrounded by braindead liberals trying to make you drink the kool aid. But you seem like youre gonna do ok despite it.

Yes we will. They faked everything about this abortion called a "shooting". If you really are in a school you can't lose 17 people with loads more wounded and not personally know someone. Since literally no one died or was shot, you'd have to know that was the case. Thus the conclusion that you are a cianigger butt fuck mason kike slave sent here to LARP as though the shooting really happened.

Vegas all over again.

Nope, you're a kike/familiar, this was a full-on hoax, Jews gonna get gassed soon.

The website MarchForOurLives.com went online on (Feb 17)

1) whois.com/whois/marchforourlives.com


Because someone is using this hostname to register their websites.

And Guess what?
DomainControl.com = registered as of 12/08/2002

2) whois.com/whois/domaincontrol.com


Domain Control is owned by Wild West Domains, LLC. (A Reseller of GoDaddy Domains)

3) Look at customer complaints:

They getting away with FRAUD and one can do shit to them. Why?

Why is Wild West Domains, LLC so powerful?
Who owns it?
Who funded it?
Who is behind it?

Here is LLC info:
search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=WILDWESTDOMAINS M160000055360&aggregateId=forl-m16000005536-3523551b-036b-4af4-8c0b-776d24ec9439&searchTerm=Wild West Domains&listNameOrder=WILDWESTDOMAINS M160000055360

Get this:
Their Registered Agent is in FL for any lawsuits or actions against the LLC.
They must have some power in FL.

Registered Agent Name & Address CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY
TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301-2525

Yeah so apparently I just attended 3 funerals in the last week of people I didn't know? I know you guys want to LARP this way out of perspective but you should be focusing on the elements that can more easily expose this to be a false flag in other aspects than crisis actors. Like I said, teachers were telling students to stay on campus and that it was just a drill


Why does this shill always show up?

Aerie means nest or something, many schools with bird mascots use it on their yearbook and other things

Fucking kek tell me about the funerals. Tell me about the victims, who really died. Tell me about all the bullet holes scarring that bloody massacre site which we will surely get good pictures of. And the CCTV footage, I can't wait for the CCTV footage!

Nope, it didn't happen, no one died. This whole school is crawling with monarchs, victims of mkultra brainwashing based on physical, sexual and psychological trauma. You might not be a full-on victim but you're working within that same cult, the cancerous outgrowth of the Jewish religion, spread through the infiltration of Jews into governments and finance worldwide, and protected by a class of white traitors known as Freemasons.

You worship Satan and a smattering of other demon-like creatures. You rape children and sometimes kill and eat them, drinking their blood ritualistically. You wish the end times upon us all but not before you mongrelize the entire world so that you never again have to see another white face.

At least that's what you tell yourself in your inbred schizo little mind. In reality you're just a genetic mistake of a people. You can stage a the hoax shootings you want, drink all the goyim blood you can stomach, LARP as all the huwhite/patriotards/odinist/nahdzee characters you can think of, but the fact remains… You're a full of shit cave troll, you will never be white.

Fuck off, agent.

Found Julian's Twitter, everything he's posted links to nothing.


Yes I'm an agent of the anti Jewish anti freemason government police. We secretly work to rid the world of parasitic hebrews one shitpost at a time. My salary is 6 gorillion tax shekles per year and I live for anonymous internet abuse because I can't wait for the day when my agency and all other like it is cast out from power, as this is the goal of all shadowy, powerful agencies after all.

Seriously when I get my hands on you filthy hoaxing yids I'm gonna feed you to a pack of carnivores

Contact him and have him post here.

Can you find Cameron?

If you have a legitimate copy of the yearbook, stop simply posting the portraits of the students and take a picture where it shows the names of Hogg and the other girl actor in it. I've seen multiple pics of these kids, both here and other sources, and have yet to see their names actually in the yearbook.

This is a very powerful thing, even though it isn't proof of the crisis actor, it's by a third party who isn't involved, and pushes the fact that CNN is playing politics and ignoring/exploiting these kids hard (which is obvious, but can get a lot of normies against them). Lot of potential here


I'll reiterate, if that student is David Hogg, and if David Hogg has both attended the school and been in the yearbook in years prior, where in the book is the name David Hogg?

read the text under the picture

(((YouTube))) comment sections of all CNN town hall clips and mainvids I hammered with DailyCaller Link to T.H. Being scripted. Typical kikes called me Russian. TOP KEK,

I overlooked that, thank you for pointing it out

What does the "TELEVISION PRODUCTION" header in that earlier pic mean?

can you imagine the butthurtedness if Whites pulled a boner like 'Honur abull membah' Zuma did in S. Africa?

They are part of the school television production club. school has over 3300 students but somehow 3 of the famefag kids were in the same club? Seems odd to me

Kek. Check their Stocks.


Yes Holla Forums did… and SO BIGLY that we're Russians now. Kek

Here it is, pic related


That march was suggested Feb 15th or 16th by Kasky too , one doesn't organize a nation in one day. They had websites/Instagrams/other social media/hashtags ready to roll.

I just realized while looking at this, is that David Hogg conducting that interview?

I can try to find more details on this from people I know but this definitely happened, I'll do some digging.

Yes, and where was Hogg wild for the "listening session" or townhall?? They ditched their boy cuz we were on to him. Last I saw of him was CNN on Anderson saying "Muh crisis actor I am not"

HAVE we confirmed this is not a CIA Nigger all of a sudden??

Pretty much confirmed, that's a very distinct face and you can see the 'Hogg" underneath the blacked out text, that's definitely him

This is some glow in the dark shit

FLAnon admitted to Soros money last night, am inmissing somethjng. Have Anons from 3-4am mended relationship with this FLanon all of a sudden? Why are we still asking him questions?


THEY ARENT ACTORS, YOU RACIST BIGOTS! COLBERT SAID SO!!!!!! Someone on tv told me, I'm not going to listen anything lol!!!! Why do you even need guns, when you can play a nintendo switch with me, my wife, and her male friends!!!!


Look at this ALT centrist, fucking based!

Why do you keep saying WE? This isn't fucking Reddit you queer, ask your own questions, draw your own conclusions. I for one think this whole shooting is a hoax, not false flag, and that this FL user is one more angle they are trying to push, perhaps a late addition to the game because they want to try and salvage some kind of narrative.

What you're referring to is that last night FLAnon replied to a now-deleted post with 'soros pays well' as seen here

As far as I know he could be responding to a shill, just as much as he himself could be glow in the dark, posting here to fish for responses.


Yes, but he still hasn't provided anything other anons or myself haven't seen. And now he's back saying

He's obviously alluding to FF, and trying to lead the thread into a certain direction. THIS ISNT AN AMA like he tried to turn it into last night. DO NOT ENGAGE with him,

Turn off your caps lock and look at the posts. Whether FLAnon is glow in the dark or not, the pictures that he has posted shows that Hogg was in the school's Television Production club, along with other students who would later appear on the news speaking about the shooting. This is useful information, whether you're convinced FL is a fucking spook or not

No, you're the same sperg in the first thread that claimed that thread was his while not being the OP. neck yourself faggot

Remember; this nigger came in as soon as we mentioned the Black Brother of Nikolas being unlawfully detained against his will. WHERE are the anons from this morning. Or a few hours ago?

With 116 posts, you seem more likely to be pushing the narrative in a certain direction

SO Are we gona put out some vids about how the TV club kids were handpicked by CNN and then use to put out a narrative that was to their political gain through the use of scripted questions and staged events?
If we can get this trending it will be big

Faggot. What's that say in Pic Related

Gtfo kike. See

A different user took over from the first thread and baked this bread. Stop trying to derail you nigger faggot. Read thru the thread. Read carefully and look at the IDs. I have many posts because I've been here since day 1. MONDAY

You're not making a better case for yourself. If you're legitimately committed to unearthing more information about this incident and exposing what's actually going on, you should put more thought into your posts beyond "gtfo kike" and making hundreds of similar posts throughout the thread

No it isn't user, he did this last night, this attempt two, those photos were on Cuckchan. Don't fall for this. Flanon is phishing. We already discussed this

Time someone baked a /r/ thread to collate media.

You're entertaining me while I catch up on the thread, at least

We were on the track of unearthing why Cruzs brother was UNLAWfully detained, the thread got disrupted by flanon as soon as we touched on that

user, you need to take a break. The false flag will be here after you have taken a shower and gotten something to eat.

ARE there any Anons that were in here between 3-4 am Est this morning?

That's where your wrong kiddo.
We're not pushing a FF narrative, WE AGREED to stay away from that for now. So we are not discredited by saying no one died. Nice try kike. And no amount of newkikes will bring it that way. YET

Normalfags are already mostly aware, but sure broadcast away.
tried to archive but its being a bitch


she looks like a fucking ayy. No wonder she wants us to give up our guns. Then it will be easier for her family to invade Earth.

We went over this already about FLanon. Do not engage him. He was banned from half Cuck and immediately came here with nothing useful. This is not about a FF at the moment. Good way to discredit the whole thing

FLANON psted yearbook pics that werent in half chan thread if he has anything useful let him contribute. He said he was going to get friends together to push the CNN scripted everything angle so if he does that he is useful SO STFU

(125) everyone sees your spam we get it you want to be relevant redditfag

Would people be interested in me trying to get close to the building before it gets destroyed? take some video

Also See from earlier.

this is an apt summary I think

Yes, there's a door that looks like this >>PicRelated where is this door located?? Where on the building is this door located? N, S, E, Or W?

Now the FLORIDA Cuck is calling me the Reddit fag. HAHAHAHA wow, May want to see the original thread nigger.

What are the sheer fucking odds of two dudes having the same fucking first and last name while looking like fucking twins?
And the responses, this shit is just like Sandy Hook. "They don't even look alike". Motherfucker what fucking picture are you looking at? That is the same motherfucking dude, who is about 28 now.

The way you know its a false flag is that its always +1 or +2 kills more than the "biggest one in U.S. history". That way the media can sit around and say "BIGGEST SCHOOL SHOOTING IN US HISTORY".

Also, here is an article about Cruz: archive.is/xLAg1

Stop trying to drag this into a FF convo you faggot, you tried last night and your trying to discredit me now, it ain't gunna work.

East. That is where the supposed shooter entered and he shot into the class on the south side of the building in the middle of the hall first, I think it is room 1213. I don't know why he would have waited to get to the middle class to start shooting. If you look at the overhead of the school this is the door that leads into the parking lot

the orange door leads to the staircase the red door to the hallway

I understand how bad you all want to push a FF narrative at the moment, but that wasn't the true intention of this /thread or the last one. ANons agreed on that early on. And FLORIDA user, came in here and was trying to drag it that way. What's that tell you. We can go their LATER, It's too early for that, (((YOU))) animism would know that if you have read from the beginning…

Don't know why this hasn't been linked yet, but here's the jewtube channel for this dyke's web series youtube.com/channel/UCuxT3V2b4YAcLrpBeETa1ig

If your legit, go take a picture as close as you can of these two doors as they stand.

Nice find user.

I can't get within the campus yet but I'll take some soon as close as I can get. I also have drone access.. how illegal would it be for me to fly a drone into a crime scene?

Also, the purpose of this thread originally was to gather Intel on The wounded..

Hogg has a drone. Kek. user, nice try but no amount of reeeeing will bring this convo to FF talk, it would be helpful to get fresh Oc of that door #1 , and 2 help dig info about the WOUNDED. The people who were wounded have very shady online fingerprints, there is an extreme lack of data on social media when it comes to the wounded. You have proved you have very little knowledge of what went on considering you weren't even in the same building and were providing details via "friends" accounts of what happened. I'm not trying to be a dick but we already dealt with you once last night, and your obviously back for more. Kids Died for Now, this thread is not rushing to try an prove a FF. So please, go to the hospital where the wounded are and try to go see one of your friends that's (((wounded))) for now

More videos with her in it
youtube.com/watch?v=wzPJdDSARRE (from 19 days ago)
Also, request to have this be thread song(random song I found while searching)youtube.com/watch?v=uCKUuExRFuw

Also, their show's kickstarter
Looks like it's been done since 2015

she's obviously not emmanem

And I want to give all anons here a quick tl:dr.
I've been investigating every angle of this shooting from the second it broke across the news Wire, I created the first thread under the suspicion that David Hogg and Co. we're actors, since that thread was created there have been several attempts to try and derail from a few questions that NEED to be answered. One being the shooters brother being detained unlawfully for no reason at all. The false flag stuff can be looked at somewhere else, this isn't the /thread for that. That is a very good way to get everyone and all of our future questions about this discredited. Please, look into the social media of the injured. And find as many discrepancies in interviews, footage, testimony as you can. Thanks anons.


That'd require you to let go of your dick first, faggot.

Vh1 videos, wow

How exactly do you have drone access

Show's blue bird, insta, vimeo
Interesting, this Emma's blue bird doesn't exist anymore twitter.com/EmmaEatsPlants

Jesus Christ

This calls for the extra big Dan Schneider coincidence

Anyone consider FLANON could be a CIA nigger that acquired a copy of of the yearbook during the investigation from any one of the children and faculty they interviewed.

Equally likely FLANON could be with the )))MSM((( who have had more contact with these kids in the last few days than an Olympic gymnastics doctor.

I'm just saying, there are probably a lot of yearbooks out there. Kike shills are everywhere.

Sorry about the brackets. (((I don't have a yearbook, I promise)))

Also note: a few of us have been here since the first day these threads went up and we have had numerous attempts at anons dragging this toward a FF narrative. FL anonhasnt given us anything we haven't been able to find somewhere on the web besides some secondhand testimony. Stay the course anons. We're breaking the conditioning. This FF (if it is one) will prove itself.

I won't disagree with this but consider this - FLAnon's posts, comprimised or not, confirm that Hogg was enrolled at the school, was in the yearbook, and was part of the school's Television Production body, unless you want to go as far as to suggest that FLAnon's yearbook posts are doctored, in which case I don't know why CIAniggers would edit Hogg into the school only to put him in the TV Production group, which would only lend more to people questioning the media narrative.

Did anyone notice how Peter Want, ROTC hero in full dress uniform was still missing by midnight? Was he another one of those Special ED kids?

Many Social Media accounts of Injured have been created Dec 2017, and some have details that don't add up. The wounded shown in the beginning of the thread have a very shady online fingerprint, if any at all, parents, friends etc. One of the kids seems to have a "special connection" with what could be a police/comfort dog and an Officer shown here it's things like this that need to be dug into more.

Tim pool just posted this^

Don't underestimate CIA autism bro, they can match ours if they want, just look what happened whit the election wars.

user, all that info about Hogg is easily noted on his (((YouTube))) channel. Flanon confirmed only that Hogg went to the school and is indeed part of the production class by using a yearbook shilled at halfcuck and now here,.

I found this kids facebook profile through the above Mark Moll. Kid only had 1 picture & 3 friends. It's a long shot though

embed with hooktube faggot


This. Also note someone in government was recently fired for tweeting about these kids being crisis actors. After fired he tweeted "the truth shall set you free". Don Jr has even liked a tweet regarding this issue.

FFS, finally found Emma's insta but it's on private instagram.com/dilemmajane/

That's him user. See


Half truth presented here. Yes they were real students and in on a sick bit of theater they were brainwashed into believing was worth it because gunz r bad. False flag or hoax they would fit the narrative, and they are. They found the best profile they could frame and did so. Big deal he wasn't 100% Nordic. General populace sees white and is told white supremacist.

Main kid's dad is FBI. Everyone is Jewish. Sheriff Israel. They're in TV Production club. They're government class students. The school is already loaded with security. Cruz shows up in an uber blatantly strapped. Arrives and leaves no problem. Someone claims they're hearing gunfire while seeing Cruz chilling. There's an actual drill (you know, LIKE A STAGE) that people already know about happening that day so everyone is more compliant and less aware of crisis particulars. Remember scheduled drills you knew about in school??They simulated not giving a fuck that's about it. Parts of the building are evacuated, creating an unknown element that is then entirely vulnerable to manipulation. Anything questionable can be explained by a drill (idk i heard like shots, might have been fake ya know there was a drill idk i'm metro af i live in boca raton dude) anything fitting the narrative can be explained as the real deal.

I can't dig and meme (stagnated in my FL Studio/Soulseek/1.6 days) like yall but I want to say that your form of combat is admirable. Propaganda is usually a cold hegelian information war, but when happenings go hot you fags are ready for battle. Godspeed anons buy those throwaways

Search the injured. On all social media, if private, use a sock acct portraying a person of the opposite sex around the same age to try and dupe them into accepting. Make all info of the sockacct from A town nearby in FLA. so far I have not been able to gain access. To a couple accounts. Still waiting here's one.

may just be my tinfoil hat going off here.

I know, but what if they gave this kid a new last name & now he's living with the Borges. Now for some reason they needed him out and in the Hospital. Picture was from 2015 so who knows

More realistically, the problem is the shitlibs have figured out how to organize. These frigid cunts and their (((generous donors))) have realized that if they wait until something bad happens, and chimpout in front of the (((media))) all at once, the normies of this cucked nation will cave, for fear of being lynched.

Essentially they are trying to create another metoo using kids instead of women and failing miserably. #mybordersmychoice

Funny, he ha family who live in Jamaica.
I have found to be true that multiple claimed dead and wounded have either another residence up north or somewhere else.

Lindsey Jones looks like some sort of Handler or Groomer. Anyone familiar with Tam Luzzatto and pizza parties..her facebook is shooting off the alarm bells

Yes, they are grabbing more and more "activists" with every tragedy. To the point where (((conservatives))) are slicing up their own ARs and turning them in. (2 were shown on my local news here in CT) this is a MASSIVE propaganda campaign and the #MarchforourLives has been confirmed to be a spinoff of none other than the Women's March, which is a spinoff of #RESIST. and we know who's in charge of those:

Both of them have attached earlobes

Pedophilia connection confirmed yet again

That's why proving the media is exploiting this in such a horrible way is very important. It would make them look terrible. The libshits would lose their moral highground. (If they even had any to begin with)

user, please enlighten me as to how having attached earlobes is a pedo connection? You sound like a QBoomer . Kek

I've already explained it a million times during the Vegas threads.

Pedophilia and FalseFlags are not the goal at the moment. Discrediting the MSM further and trying to let this unravel into exposing itself as a FF is.

yea the minority kids. Parents don't speak English, second party always talking for them or family off in Texas like the ROTC kid Martin Duque

This. do not get distracted.

Ok, Turning this into Pedo connections and all that is rediculous at the moment. There are actual TANGIBLE things that can be found on social media proving these injured and dead kids don't exist. Let's get to the pedo stuff later. Maybe we can make a Caris thread or something

I'm tired, user. I really am. I am the one who said about Paddock "you will see - this left-handed, earlobe-attached man is a pedo." Of course I was right. And I am right right now.

Perhaps you should stop telling other people which subjects they should or shouldn't discuss, shill. You've been doing it obsessively for 2 threads. Knock it off.

Second parties are speaking for almost all go fundmes can confirm

lel I was first user to point out this guy, glad to see now you've made entire stickied threads about him

Did you guys also look into Dale Griggs?

Nigger, im trying to keep this shot from being derailed. and your doing a good job at the opposite. Congrats on your theory tho.

Dale Griggs? Dead or injured?

I have extreme high levels of autism. I have seen what bringing this shit into the "David semen Pedosphere" and AlexJones Falseflag sphere does to ACTUALLY evidence. I've been here since Monday night. The narrative is slowly unraveling. I'm watching it happen. There was 50% less coverage on MSM today already. (They Know we Know) just disprove these people exist. Or atleast disprove that anyone was injured. There's a black girl seen in the CNN debate last night who claimed to have been wounded TWICE and has no sign of being wounded where she says. This will expose itself

How is it derailment? Patsy Pedo Paddock had the attached lobes. Patsy Pedo Lanza, too. Timothy McVeigh? You bet. Ted Bundy? Victor Salva? Other, random pedos? Yep, yep, yep. I looked them up. I've been pointing this out since forever. The meme "lobe spacing" came about because of it. Yet Now it is "derailment."

Fine. When it turns out that pedophilia is connected to this, as in the Paddock/Lanza cases - you'll know where you first heard about it. Bye.

I'll be sure to remember you user. Kek

Veteran, still alive, uploads videos to youtube that get basically no views, used to be involved in intelligence, has a particular interest in this case, likely knows some things.


It's derailment of what's going on in here at the moment. Earlobes or no earlobes, we need to find out WHY these injured and dead people have shady online footprint. We can start a thread about pedos and earlobes later. Thank you tho user.
I also have a small platform for when we strike gold and I can reach many different people. THATS why I'm keeping this on track. And monitoring the threads. Plus I started the original thread. And I'm not letting niggers discredit this whole thing with fuckery. I want TANGIBLE shit that Normans can digest. I want more questions than answers user.

Tims video needs to get trending this will distract (((them))) while we dig
any anons who can sockpuppet promote it?

more like grade f- lmao


Can any Anons run this guys pic thru reverse google look up. He looks familiar.

the earlobe and the methhead derails are likely the same guy. Filter and move on.

you just think he looks familiar because he looks like a fat rick wilson

Hes shown one picture briefly. The video made a point to cut right to the page, then back to the front. If it was a hastily one fake job, like say pasting the new page in, or just holding it by hand, it would be hard to tell, nigh on impossible by the way he presented it. And this is the vibe i get from the whole exercise, something hastily done.

Dont over estimate them either. They could well have just chosen another schools AV club and said "yeah its Parkland".

If they try to drag towards a false flag narrative then IMO it is by dragging away from full on hoax. I have yet to see reason to believe someone has actually died, or that shots were fired at all.

oh great, now the schizos are going to say he's crisis actor Rick Wilson

ok so I check out Miguel Dugue. Only photo with his (((brother))) was the shitty photoshop. I try and archive the instagram but the page just blank

Kill yourself cianigger.

I trust the earlobe-user, actually; can recall him going on and on about muh pedo earlobes… he has a point though.

No he doesnt, it has no relation to our investigation. And i filtered you already once on another IP. Kill yourself CIA.

Look, it's a concrete, specific bet: "this guy (or the other guy) will turn out to be a pedo." And indeed, both Nikolas Cruz and David Hogg strike me as possible pedophiles. The profile fits. Why are you trying to prevent discussion of it, agent,

Like with Sandy Hook, for it to be a hoax the entire school would have pretty much had to be in on it, and if they invented the whole thing, the gunman would have actually been a "White supremacist" instead of a jewish spic.

I have attached earlobes and no pedophillic tendencies. Case closed. filtered

Didn't they capture the shooter alive? Is there a motive?

It's called physiognomy, and it's really out of the scope of normal investigations. Wouldn't hold up in a court of law or anything, so using it beyond 'intuitive indicators' for following leads when nothing else is available isn't advisable, imo.

Physiognomy (from the Gk. physis meaning "nature" and gnomon meaning "judge" or "interpreter") is the assessment of character or personality from a person's outer appearance, especially the face.


The other kid seen here has a Facebook and in the "about" section it shows that he goes to the wrong school. (Could have transferred)
His Instagram shows close to nothing. Also same for this kid seen here>>11293666 his Facebook has almost generic images for a profile pic and was created dec 2017. Both have family friends speaking for their gofunds

That's not how it works lol. Your IQ must be 125, hence the Dunning-Kruger and the (27).

The argument is not that everyone with attached earlobes is a pedophile. It's that pedophiles are being used for these operations; and there is indeed a quite strong correlation between dem 'lobes and the 'philia. Which is why these shooters all """happen""" to have attached earlobes… and be pedophiles.

Are you a kike? A White man does not ignore these visuo-spatial cues, user. Only an abstract-minded ashkenasal does. Take heed.

Yes - pedophile/psychopath physiognomy. Keep digging and you'll realize what's in front of you.

Yes they did. There is a video floating around from some nigger driving by that shows an officer bringing him to the ground, and another officer running up to him, also, the picture of him looking up to a camera is not a body cannot Pic because it's too high res. From the FB user vid there is no camera man but an officer could have taken the pic. Being that he was captured alive means they could use admissions from him in the future to solidify (((their))) narrative when it come to the precedents they are trying to set. Has any Anons dug up anything on black brother? What's his black brothers name?

Not necessarily, but Im not past most of them being in on it. Jewish school and all.
No, they have no problem casting jews as huwhites in their hoax productions. Even in matters of life and death importance, they cant help being nepotistic little pricks.

How can an adopted kid be a pedo? He's a kid? Brainlet.

The whole student body may not have known they were "in on it", teachers could have known about a realistic simfire drill (highs Dad works on shit like that) and teachers could have been keeping kids from leaving while cops created a realistic scenario for them to run by.

Are you saying that Nikolas Cruz cannot be a pedophile… because he's an "adopted kid?" Is that actually the argument that you are arguing, here?


Because (((you))) can easily create a thread for that discussion. This threads purpose was to find discrepancies in official reports, interviews, and social media.

I'm saying he's a goddamn KID! he's close to a pediatric age u nigger and it's been confirmed he got cucked by kids at school

Jonesberg is controlled opposition faggots

This thread's purpose is to discuss all the things we find relevant regarding the shooting. Muh pedo earlobes could be relevant.

The feminine manner in which you're trying to control the debate is really jewy. We will discuss whatever we think needs to be discussed - you're in no position to tell this board what to focus on, schlomo.

If a whole school full of teachers knew about a simmfire drill and then suddenly *bam* the whole country is talking about 17 dead kids, one of them would have spoken up about it. Meaning they were either entirely in the dark, or (more likely IMO) in on it.

Breaking Now. The ARMED school research officer stayed outside for over 4 minutes and has since been fired/resigned from his job.

Sheriff ISREAL just gave an update about this

About as normal as old man Steve Scalise taking a 7.62 through his hip and out the other side and walking on it without a limp six months later. (six months aint shit he should be dead/crippled for life).

1. If FF questions - Was Cruz the shooter or spooks? If Cruz, remember jewish stepdad involvement. Remember he is seen as white by the populace. Look for potential blackmail on Cruz, yes earlobe spacing guy matters in this particular. If spooks, remember how easy it would be to make Cruz a patsy.

If Hoax questions - how many people would have to be in on it? Could everyone thinking it was a drill confuse those out of the loop as to what was real and what was a drill? Would you need actors as the public image, or could you get enough liberal TV kids with FBI and Jewish connections to go along with it knowing the truth (whether that be FF or hoax)? Are the injured well known in the community? What is their online presence like?

That school s named after a liberal activist. Who was against draining the swamp. (The Everglades) they all could have had an understanding or have been briefed on the narrative. The kids are the ones they need to be silent.

Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent children, regardless of the age of the person attracted to the children. And Cruz is 19-year-old, anyway. WTF are you on about?


Royer Borges or Roger…hmm. I found this through that kids facebook friend Alexander BORJAS. I think there some funny business going on

Filter. Schlomo who has no clue I've been here since Monday with these anons digging into everything BUT earlobes. Eat a dick alex

Nice find user. Keep in mind many of these kikes are JROTC.

yea and the 3 that died all went missing for hours after the shooting….

I've been here since forever. I bet you feel really proud about having your 1 thread stickied; I've had more than 40 threads stickied by now, yet you don't see me bragging about it constantly, do you, fag?

You're going in the oven.

Yes, see this post from Jew news network>>11293691

The media loves their spica. You'd think they'd be polite enough to use his real name.

And during the CNN debate. Black girl (forget name) says on CNN interview and during debate (as she's wearing a low cut shirt) her chest was grazed.

Also the spic kid in Megan Kelly interview seen here
Is pure green screen

so I check out Roger Borges in Florida. I get one hit for a 45 year old Roger P. Borges living in Miami

The sheriff being accused of rape is a big deal. He didn't even have the balls to campaign for himself last elections for sheriff. He had officers beneath him go out and campaign for him. The girl who claims she was raped claimed she even had to get an abortion at 17x I'll find video

Supposed to be a kid right? I'm losing track of all these "victims". Should we dedicate a thread to the victims now. I started a /fsg/ thread we can move to and go thru each victims social media one by one?

Requesting the various vids of the kids who were interviewed claiming multiple shooters. There were several on youtube that are now gone and I hadn't time to download them for myself.

We can't let the evidence get shoah'd.

no im looking for the dad

what did youtube mean by this?



They meant "SHUT THIS DOWN"

I can't find anything

Might not be specifically related to your video, but it seems time to move to pewtube.com or, torrents, or something.

Youtube, like twitter, and probably all of google/alphabet soon, will be all commie all the time unless Jared Taylor wins his lawsuit.

Content that contradicts the commies narrative at the mainstream media scares them, so they're going to deplatform anyone who calls them out.

Content creators will have to take the temporary popularity hit that comes with transitioning from huge youtube.


Are you telling me my rumbling got him here
I guess the>>11294874>>11294878 wand hand worked kek


And, btw, Jared Taylors' lawsuit is on solid ground, and I think he'll win, barring any blatant and obvious corruption shenanigans.

This yid is the next Robbie Parker.

Holla Forums should run a Crisis Actor Awards around the time of the Oscars.

Also, if anyone caught the protest live from Tallahassee yesterday, there was another male student who seemed particularly well-versed, and he even stated that he was involved in theatre.

In AZ a teacher told a student she'd fail him if he didn't go outside with the rest of the kids and "Protest against Trump", the school made announcement to walk out.

probably CIA niggers. Look at it. It is Dylann Roof tier spookery

HOLY shit anons, this could be key… google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2018/02/21/photo-shows-accused-florida-gunman-his-brother-holding-moms-ashes/amp/



REALLY tickled my tendies


One brother in jail, one involuntary committed… Probablynto be deemed mentally incapable of inheriting all that cashola… Deschamps struck it rich

When did her an Paul Gold break up exactly? When did she move in to the trailer house?

Trailer park whore. I friended her on Fuckbook. See what happens. I want summa dat cash. She was stealing from this kid… holy shit, now she wants to be in charge of his moms will. What a piece of trailer trash

She's a (((Gold))) digger. I'm digging on her now anons… this keeps getting worse and worse.

2 things,
a)Is any kind of media even investigating or did they already drop all of the concerns
b)hooktube.com/0E_qrbutN4Q?t=15m Just listen to this for a minute and a half (second important part is 16:20)
Arrest everybody who shows sings of being fed up with bullshit(nobody just decides to shoot up a school out of nothing).Is everybody left of Holla Forums already lost,he doesn't even stops for a second to think that his logic might be used against anyone including him

If this happened in September, I might agree. However nine months is an eternity in politics. Skippy's military tribunal will be news by then.

Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed.

I think she knew he was set to get all kinds of money. She's taken 2gs from him before. She also let him have the AR aslong as it was "Locked" away, and she had the key …
She said he may have had a copy of key to safe.

YO is there any way to find scott peterson Broward Sheriff Deputy . He was the security at the school and he didn't do anything now he get fire. I think something fishy going on

You could call up talmud quoting Sheriff Israels office and ask for his contact info, they might have something available for the public, or you could leave your contact info and ask them to have him contact you. Not likely tho.


this guy sound like some fake security man. Probably part of the whole network

Something is going on. DESCHAMPS is not
The person Cruz was living with when he did the shooting… no one will name the people he was last staying with beside deschamps

Next article about "Family who took in poor Orphan " who bought a stock AR in cash, split up where he bought "the rest of his arsenal" seemingly on purpose, and waltzed over to this new families house who isn't named and is speaking thru a lawyer.

I think he was being kept at 8442 lakeview trail the entire time. That is the address on his arrest papers & that is where he was pinpointed as being in instagram photo from july 2017 + the cnn video

AUTISTS FIND THIS COMPOUND according to reports it's a "Sprawling compound" on Loxahatchee Road

The media is keeping the names of these people quiet. Try and find this place. There's a description of it location here in this article. It's a gated fuckin compound and media is silent in these people. They only speak they lawyer and haven't been named

James Snead lives at 7200 LOXAHATCHEE RD PARKLAND FL 33067

m.facebook.com/graphsearch/str/chad bennett/keywords_search?tsid=0.5651800770554772&source=result

also jame snead is ex military intelligence. oldest son in the air force. both parents have arrest records and bankruptcy stuff on their mylife profiles. Don't know details though

what in tarnations. No one normal live in that place


Anons,We are definitely not the only ones thinking this is some weird shit, so many transfers from place to place, muddy reporting, lots of money involved… when u get a chance scroll thru here


anyone considered this shooting was a warning to trump to toe the line… or a blood sacrifice by trump to prove himself further to his satanic kike puppet masters? no coincidence it was in florida

SamdyHook is a small town within a town. It's refereed to as a "Village" up here in CT.

No one cares at all about SH.. until shooting u

where you find the chad bennet connection?

Pls tell 33 me your not 33 the sperg 33 who made 33 this

Search Chad Bennet on FAceBook.
First result is chad bennet SandyHook
Second and 3rd are his accounts. I'm trying to find similarities between the Two. Down Florida he works at a Tru Value hardware. Sandy hook Chad work construction hmmmmm

Probably have 33 orange 33 ribbons 33 to warn Blumpf the Orange Hitler. Do you see Gutenbergs mouth as he berated Rubio? So exaggerated

17 dead 15 Hurt= 32 niggers fuck me

sandy hook guy looks like a big bro ex military

Florida guy looks like he films his girlfriend having sex with dogs.

I made a quick snead run down. it kinda shit but whatever

Yes he's a dif guy. Part of 81. Disregard him. Popped up because I live in Ct probably

Sneads and all social media for the ones closest involved need to be investigated thoroughly. I think we're down to this.
1) Sim Fire drill that teachers knew about and kids didn't.
2)FBI knew kid was whack, Didn't act , Sneads being Intel should have known, didn't act, and let him go for it. And Media is in all out war mode on the 2nd and Trump and that's why Trump said arm teachers.
Any other anons have theories/ideas

Whoa mrs Snead is a principal eh?

user , we both know that "whack" is decided by jews , don't fall for this logic

There were others that youtube deleted last night. One was the black quick talking girl and the other was teh blond girl with black roots, who said she was talking to cruz in the hallway during the actual shooting.

If any user knows what I'm talking about, thats important to archive.

that like some title. Not like a school principle

8442 lakeview trail still a mystery. Check out the car parked in the Snead house. could the (((Uber))) driver have been Kim Snead?
law enforcement (claim) they talk to uber, but they all liars.

Lynda describes the mother as a 'drug addict' so she doesnt have to identify her? This sounds exactly like all the baby stealing shit I've been hearing about on here.
Where was he adopted

Shit user good find. My mind is being boggled. This one is all fucked up. So much info out there, but at the same time NONE on the injured kids.

Keep digging anons we're getting there. I'm browsing other forums, friends, FB comments all that. And this Gold kike is shady aswell.


no one knows. Heck they dont even say where Lynda's husband worked. Just "he worked in advertising"

Advertising or PR is usually code for Gov. Kek
Go to Facebook, Type "Photos Liked By (insert victim name here)
Into the search query. And see what u get. I got this for Cameron Kasky. >>Pic Related
Photos will show up if the user ever liked a photo. Zachary Cruz has liked photos.

Full archive of HOGG's reddit account as of yesterday, I'm sure reddit's scrubbed his account by now.


Like this. Victim of wounds who JewNews reported missing
See if this is common among victims

So one kid gets forced into a mental institution allegedly because he couldn't handle their mothers death last year , and the second one happens to murder 17 people ~2 days later
Can the first kid get out of mental or is he (((hospitalized))) forever
Their caretaker happens to put in papers to get their inheritance day after the shooting
A woman knows many way to get someone angry ,annoyed.I am sometimes a step from killing my mother ,add some bullying in school ,some more manipulation ,Making someone a killer or at least and outcast is easier than it would seem
How did their mother die ,caretaker says "she was a drug addict" , I bet my money on assisted overdose
Murdering the mother , sending one kid to a mental institution and pushing the other to murder(did he say anything about how was the day to day life since the mother died?)
So we at least have a motive for a crime
and then either the crisis actors hop in to use the situation , or some sort of (((family friends))) suggested to the caretaker to do this in the first place
Does the inheritance money even exist before the shooting?
Did the caretaker tell the mother to start a life insurance ?
This all sound like an episode of fucking CSI-and "we" know (((they))) like it this way

LEGALLY they can hold him for 12 hours under baker act. A search for liked photos shows some activity. One photo Zachary likes is of Meadow Pollack. (deceased allegedly)

I never even knew about this! I check out zach cruz and he liked some Meadow Pollack pictures. He is friends with her and Alexa. Maybe even dating

son OF A BOG now I look stupid

And when was that 12 hours , is the black kid out ?

I read that entities were looking for
Mothers will all over and can't find it. The mother (deceased) also short sold her estate. The money was known about. There's a report of Deschamps taking 2gs of Nicks money.
Nikolas left the Deschamps, (the blonde who supposedly dates Chad Lee Bennet and went to live with the Sneads, and from there he shot the school up taking an uber

He should be out yes. We need to get a local on him asap. And keep eyes on what (((they're))) doing to him. Deschamps took the exact steps you would take to try and grab these kids money….Zack was turning 18 this week…… plot thickens

I tried looking up Rocxanne Deschamps in public record but she nowhere to be found. although I found mugshot she get arrested in 2011 for fraud

This whole "passing around" of these poor kids VERY confusing and the average idiot after seeing one report from whatever news they watch wouldn't pick up any of this. Many think Nikolas left from the blonde bitches house and he didn't…. this shit is CON_FUSING. And WE are gunna sort it out Kek willing

How would "we" get to the mothers real name and cause of death?

Exactly , I also think it would be easier to get people to investigate on that angle , with "us" and for "us"
Since 4 has more reach , maybe make a thread asking for his irl friends , we need a fucking user to stick to this kid ,I think he might get hurt

Yes someone mentioned she has theft in her record in a comment section. The NYT reported she's stolen Nicks money before

For sure. This Deschamps lady seems to know what she's doing. She's already filed petition for the estate of (I beleive) Nick and Zacks Foster Mom.


First thing we need to do is find out what facilities one can be committed too in the area where Deschamps lives. This shouldn't be hard. Also what user suggests here we need to get on quick. Both subjects. Find names and Find Location of Zack. ZACK IS KEY

ANONS here is something huge to note.
When THe Cruz brothers mother died from flu complications, Cruz called gold and Deschamps for a ride to the funeral. They were the only ones in attendance.
Deschamps needs to be watched. I have a theory about why Nick may have been depressed. Maybe he knew Deschamps was after the cash his foster mom and Dad left him. I'm reading a lot at websleuthsx. Lots of basic good info there. I'm looking for local places where Zack could be admitted. Deschamps is trying to get rid of these kids it seems. Just my theory

Not just yours

She was so frugal-had to google that word that she didn't want to spend the money,she wanted to save everything for the boys
So the mother knew she was going to die?
How do you die from the flue anyway:"The most common complication from the flu that can lead to death is a bacterial infection of the lungs, or bacterial pneumonia"
For me it's enough to take some vitamins and spend the day in bed to get rid of any flu .

So what kind of treatment did she refuse?
Even without the jews this shit is way to shady

We need a timeline of Cruz life.
Where was he born.
Where was he adopted through?
When did he end up becoming transient through multiple households?

Why is there no real information on a kid with this much legal inquiry over the years now about to inherit a million dollars?

that is very strange. Gold seems to know an awful lot. Also the house was sold in January when I check it out. The house was put up for sale like in 2016

Sold at $575,000 on 1/12/17
Listed at $550,000 on 8/30/16

I think the flu story is a lie. I think they murder her


Here's a template. Have fun.

But miraculously the kikes say he was filmed in a MAGA hat shooting a BBgun at a house that should have been sold

report said his adopted mother was 68, old people die from the flu.

Can confirm. It's bad and happens very quickly this year. That in itself is strange but whatever.

I've seen this speech pattern before 33

Anons, find all facilities that Zack could have potentially been admitted to in the Area of Deschamps trailer

They look the same to me. Not to mention the fact that (((they))) could be wearing make-up

yea. it is very weird. That address. the photo on his MAGA hat Instagram where he points the rifle out the window is from July, 2017. It puts him in that house. the police paper say he live there for 228 months