Literally /ourguy/. Silence everyone who says otherwise.
Oh I forgot:
You forgot muh airfield. Maybe update your list on your next IP Oliver
Literally /ourguy/? So you agree that, despite his temporary weakness in policy during the process of dealmaking, he is STILL the strongest president we've ever had?
Well good job shill. I thought you would have said something retarded. Like "ABANDON SHIP, TRUMP ISN'T HITLER, JUST KILL YOURSELF BECAUSE WESTERN CIVILIZATION IS OVER".
And don't forget that wall!!!
The Trump administration is considering citing the deaths of scores of Russian mercenaries in a Feb. 7 battle with U.S.-backed forces in Syria as evidence of the president’s tough stance toward the Kremlin, a person familiar with the matter said.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made an oblique reference to “an incident” on Tuesday, as she argued that President Donald Trump has been tougher on Russia than his predecessor Barack Obama. She was alluding to the Syria battle – an episode that threatens to deepen tensions with Moscow.
“He has done a number of things to put pressure on Russia and to be tough on Russia. Just last week, there was an incident that will be reported in the coming days, and another way that this president was tough on Russia,” Sanders said in a briefing for reporters.
Trump himself would like to publicly make the case that the battle shows his resolve to confront Moscow, said the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity. He faces greater pressure to act after the indictment of 13 Russians and a St. Petersburg “troll farm” on Feb. 16 for allegedly leading a coordinated effort to influence the 2016 election. In a weekend tweet storm, Trump claimed the indictment exonerated him, but never criticized Russia.
The U.S. has not previously publicly acknowledged that Russians were among the fighters killed in the Feb. 7 battle. Sanders’ characterization of the event as evidence that the president has been “tougher on Russian in the first year than Obama was in eight years combined” could antagonize the Kremlin. Sanders declined further comment on Wednesday.
Is the Russiaboo Right turning on Trump because he dislikes ivan?
You're a nigger have you ever heard of Jackson or Polk?
Even Holla Forums believes he's a great liberal.
>>>Holla Forums2407385
is he wrong tho?
reported for ironic slide thread.
You shills used to at least try. What happened Shlomo, did Soros fire the best of you?
Checked. Is who wrong?
speaking of Soros. Did you know the Rothschild family gave Soros his start? Rothschilds also create and control modern Israel. All Jews are bad.
wait never mind. sorry i literally just woke up.
Holy shit, these niggers have been at this all day. Wish I had the kind of free time.
No one will ever love you.
Don't forget when he offered China the full status quo on trade in exchange for a tougher stance on North Korea, even though North Korea is entirely irrelevant to the American people.
What do you expect from someone whose first experience after birth is literally having a kike eat and suck the tip of his dick apart
Fuck trump and fuck all these t_d useless pieces of shit
Faggot mods aside, that is not an argument.
That's a little unfair. Just imagine life without me. Bore~ing. afu~fu~fu~fu~
You faggots should really try putting your heads together one of these days and agree on what country l'm supposed to be from. There's only so many that you'll get it eventually. Maybe then l'll take your screeching seriously.
Trump hating welfare niggers only thread, everyone else get out.
Oh, so you admit to it. Great. Why leave up anti-trump spam, then?
Die weaboo scum!
So do we all just conveniently forget about him pardoning uber-kike illegal spic employer (((Sholom Rubashkin))) because he was Yahweh's chosen?
Has there ever been any doubt that you're a Turk?
Were you around when that news broke? The board went into full shut it down mode, anchoring and nuking thread after thread, banning users left and right. Weren't even trying to hide it.
Lol this is why your board is dying
I don’t see how that’s an excuse. Example: if I post lies about Hitler on Holla Forums, does that mean they get to stay up here if they’re repeated?
No shit.
It’s our board, not his.
Nice picture for ants, le 56 face trumpcuck.
Do you seriously interpret "Trump is kinda shit" as "ABANDON SHIP KILL YOURSELF WESTERN CIV IS OVER". You're projecting defeatism, but settling for Trump is the real defeatism. I'm waiting for JUST VOTE FOR HILLDAWG and I SEE YOU SHAREBLUE SHILL as the next strawmen. Here's how it should really go: 1: Always vote Republican, for obvious reasons, 2: Vote Trump if he's the best candidate in the Republican field, BUT 3: Don't be afraid to keep to the agenda, Trump works for us at the end of the day, and since we aren't in an election right now, this is the best time to set him right, and 4: He may not be Hitler, but we can try and make Hitler step by step, and preventing the Republican Party from cucking out is vital. Remember, how seeing all the cuckservatives get BTFO by candidate Trump was so great? Well, now we have to make sure Trump keeps that up, because he's President now. He won. So what is he going to do for us?
Well technically its Jared Kushner
Kek, of all of the things you've mentioned, how many of them actually came to fruition and how many of them were just meaningless lip service?
jesus look how fucking terrified these shills are.
Every other goy posting gas the kikes in the comments sections of your kike articles getting you pieces of shit nervous? I'd be nervous if I were you too.